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Li keqiang comrades, now i declare the opening of the conference in celebration of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Liberation army. [applause] li kequiang please stand up, everyone. We will sing the National Anthem together. Nationalchinese anthem] li kequiang please be seated. Today, the Central Committee, of the cpc, the central council, commission is holding this conference in commemoration and the celebration of the united anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Liberation army, to review the glorious history of the army under the leadership of the communist party of china. And to look into the beautiful future of the cause of a strong military. Together, a strong force to realize the chinese dream of a strong military. In this conference, we have the general, chairman of the peoples republic of china, and a chairman of the Central Military commission to president xi jinping. And other members of the Standing Committee of the politburo of the peoples Central Committee. And present we also have the leading figures of the party of the nation and we also have members of the Central Military representatives of the veterans, family members, the retirees of the military, the retired militia. And representatives of a military heroes models supporting people and representatives of the demobilized officers of modern corps. Also figures of the central government, the different agencies of the beijing municipality, and representatives of different agencies of the central government, the military, and social organizations. Also, representatives of different democratic delegations, the social organizations of our military, the armed forces, the military officers and soldiers. Now i would like to give the floor to mr. G jean ping, the secretary general of the Central Committee and the chairman of mr. Xi jinping the secretarygeneral of the Central Committee and chairman commission of china. [applause] pres. Xi jinping dear comrades and friends, today, we are gathered at this very big gathering in celebration of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the peoples republic of the of the Peoples Liberation army. The glorious history of the chinese army under the communist party of china. And to look forward into the future of the Modernization Development of the National Defense, and to mobilize the whole military and nation to continue to struggle. Together, we are a strong force. We will strengthen the military together to realize to endeavornd persistently for the realization of thechinese dream chinese nations. Of the chinese nation. Amrades and friends, i have goal. China had semicolonial status, as a society. The people were in domestic strife and aggression. National independence and a liberation of the people, and to overthrow [indiscernible] to overthrow the imperialism the chinesesm, people have been fighting ferociously under the leadership of the communist party. However, when the great revolution was like a raging fire, the counter revolution created a revolution in the people and raised a butchers knife against the communists and the revolutionary people. Land, for a period, was covered in bloodshed. The Chinese Communist party was in serious danger, to be chased away and killed. The Chinese Revolution was in a very crucial moment. In this kind of lesson, our party realized that without an armed force, we could not fight against armed counterrevolutionaries. And we could not pick up the leadership of the Chinese Revolution. We could not change the victory and we could not change the fate of the Chinese People in the chinese nation. 19 27. F all, it was 1927. Inhot started it in me the city of nanchang, started our partys armed resistance against the counterrevolutionaries. This is a big event in the history of the cpc. It is also a great event in the history of the Chinese Revolution. It is also a great event in the history of the development of the chinese nation. The first gunshots in the nanchang sea was just like lightning cracking in the sky. For the Chinese People to see hope of revolution in adversity, they saw an uprising force. The nanchang uprising, together with the autumn harvest uprising, and many other local armed uprisings, marked the beginning of the cpc independently to leave the revolutionary war and establish a peoples army. It started a new epoch in the Chinese Revolution. Since then, the peoples army, under the leadership of the cpc, have been devoting themselves to the historical cause of the liberation of the Chinese People and happiness of the Chinese People. And to the rejuvenation of the Chinese People. Since then, they have bonded their fate with the Chinese People and the chinese nation. Since nine decades ago, the peoples army has overcome obstacles of different kinds. They have made great sacrifices and they have one one victory after another and achieved historical feats for the party and for the people. One of the historical feats, the heroic peoples army in the 22 armed struggle, with its fortitude, its bravery, its strategies and tactics. It overcame different kinds of obstacles and it has beaten ferocious enemies of different kinds and it is achieved victories in the revolutionary war, the war against the Japanese Aggression, and the war of the liberation. It helped start a foundation for the new china, where the china of the people is of the masters. They helped change the situation where the chinese nation was featured by the weakness. One of the historical feats is the historical peoples army actively devoted itself to the socialist revolution and development. Protect the mother and it the motherland won the victory in the war to aggression and aid korea. And, it has one wars many times to show the might of the nation and the military. Bordersafeguarded the over the land and on the sea, and it protected the newly established peoples republic and it helped her to form the status of china as a big power safeguard become a for the dignity of the chinese nation. One of the historical feats is it devoted itself to reform and opening up and it helped in theicing the reform and development and the stability of china. It also emphasized the defense duties in hong kong and macau. It effectively helped to cope with different threats against security. s the fights against separatists, activities of different kinds, actively engaged in International Military exchanges and cooperation and peacekeeping of the united nations. It safeguarded the political system under the leadership of the communist party. It helped to protect the sovereignty, security, and National Development of china. It also helped to protect the major strategic opportunities for the Chinese Peoples development, and has become a major force in safeguarding regional and world peace. The peoples army, under the leadership of the party, has been helping with the development of the country and theas been growing and heritage emphasizes innovation. In development, it has been modernizing itself. Its modernization and stabilization have been proved continuously. It is a deterrent and combative power has been strengthened. Singlegrown from a military service in two different services. From muskets to strong power. Since nine decades ago, our nation and country has been growing up. We have scored historical changes. And we have realized a leap forward in dignity and wealth and strong power. This is a victory of the communist party of china. It is a victory of the Chinese People. It is also a victory for the Chinese Military. In this glorious and solemn moment, we will deeply those leading figures who founded the peoples and, including mao zedong others. The military. S in we will deeply commemorate those who founded the peoples army. This includes many revolutionary and military experts, who will be inscribed in chinese history. In this glorious and solemn moment, we think dearly and deeply about those who devoted their lives to the liberation cause and the development cause of chinese socialism and they will be always remembered. Hereby, on behalf of the Central Committee of the cpc, this counsel for the military commission, i would like to extend my congratulations to the officers and soldiers of the peoples republic army, the armed police, and the military people doing their duties and leadership. I would also like to extend my greetings to the retirees and veterans who have served to the Chinese Revolution, the chinese construction, and the reform, who have made major contributions. I would also like to extend my greetings to the demobilized veterans and to the disabled service people, and to the family members of mothers who have made contributions. I would also like to express my gratitude to the scientists, engineers, technicians, who have served the National Defense industries. I would also like to pay my to to people whoects have shown their care and support to the Peoples Liberation army. [applause] comrades and friends, in the past nine decades, there have been longterm practices. The peoples army has been making progress under the leadership of the communist party of china. And they have formed a whole set of principles to govern the military. We have formed strategies and tactics. We have formed special, glorious traditions. Excellent the trick of our army to go from victory to victory. This is the blood of the peoples army, which we will never forget. The peoples army goes from victory to victory. It shows the power of the cpc. Comrade mao zedong pointed out the principle is to command the military, not the military commanding the party. The absolute leadership of the party of the military is a basic principle started in the nanchang uprising and in the reformation. It matured. There is a difference between the military army of china and the old militaries of china. Millions of the soldiers and officers have always shown their loyalty to the party. And they have been fighting, they have been overcoming difficulties under the leadership of the party. And, they have become an elite the capability to fight and to win. History of the army, the officers and shoulders often say, so long as we follow the party we will win victory. It has he come a feature of the solidified the strong bond between the peoples army and the people. It also has formed the strong tol of the military army fight for the party and for the people. History shows us that the command should always command the military. It is fundamental. Party ins we have the the peoples army will have a greater election and we will have the might to move forward. The peoples army will always abide by the role of the absolute leadership of the party. They will take this is the soul of the military and they will take it by the root which they will never abandon. Situation they take the party banner as its own banner. They take the partys direction as their direction and they take the parties will power as their willpower. Bringoples army can victory after victory. It is because it has its idealism. Sole it is the political soul of the communist they of china and it is spirit of the peoples army. We canicult situations, fight and overcome difficulties. Why . It is because we have idealism, marxism, communism, as a strong faith. To the war march against Japanese Aggression, to of liberation, in the sovereignty and territorial integrity, and withnal Disaster Relief the protection of peoples lives and property, the military has always shown devotion. It has also shown devotion to the Economic Development of china and in peacekeeping of the world. Like a beacon over us guiding the military army. History shows us we incorporate that with the marxist theory. We have lofty idealism. It gives us strong power to make devotions. The fortitude is in the spirit of the peoples army. And it is a torch burning in the hearts of the officers and soldiers. The peoples army is unswerved in this idealism. In any situation, they like to fight for the idealism. The peoples army can fight from victory to victory. It shows the power of reform and innovation. The peoples armys history of development is a history of reform and innovation. In the agrarian land, the war against Japanese Aggression. From the added troops in the simpler administration, since the war against Japanese Aggression to the five forces joining the war of liberation and numerous adjustments in the simpler administration reformation. The army has been performing in wars, in development, and they have become stronger. The 16 characters in the red army period, and the success of the war in the war against Japanese Aggression in the smallscale ambush, the war against u. S. Aggression, to the adjustments since the founding of the peoples republic of china, the peoples army has always been winning wars. It is always upheld rules and principles. It has written glorious chapters in the World History in the military. History shows us resolution, reformation, reform, innovation, and progress with the times is a broad role for the military to continue to have a role. The peoples armys power is from innovation. And the militarys victory is from reform and innovation. Only by continuous reform and innovation can the military enjoy development and dynamics. They can continue to weigh the options. The peoples army will always be brave in reforms. In any time, it will not be rigid, and it will not stop in reform. The peoples army can win one victory after another. It has shown the power of a fighting spirit. It is brave enough to fight. It is not afraid of difficulties. It is not afraid of death. The history of the peoples army showed many stories of this kind. The five martyrs on the mountain. All these men showed this kind of fortitude. Against a ferocious enemy, we emphasize these beliefs. For revolutionary soldiers, we do not believe that there are tasks that we cannot accomplish. There is no difficulties we cannot overcome. There is no enemy we cannot win victory over. We take death as going back home. We believe in bravery. In this way, we have won the belief, the faith of the party. We have won the praise of the people. We have won the respect of the world. History shows that war is not historymaterials, shows that war is not only about its heroes, it is about the spirit. Without strong willpower, the quality to make a sacrifice, we cannot win wars only by armaments. From day one, the armies have integrated awareness and strict discipline. The will, command, and action, the army has fulfilled many missions. This is because of the discipline built on the highlevel political awareness. The army never infringes on peoples interests. They speak to the pulse and are willing to die a glorious death. The army has always been a unified combat force. History tells us that this allows us to be invincible. The strength of the army relies not only in the numbers but in discipline. Without strict discipline, our army wont move forward. The army should build an iron will with iron discipline, and under no circumstances must be army obey the commands of the party and march forward with a unified pace. From victory to victory, the peoples army has demonstrated strength in military civility. The peoples army has always shared the same destiny with the people. They fight for the people. They will be pra soldiers. If they keep people in their hearts, they will be remembered by people. As a popular song goes, the last ball will ride, and the last piece of cloth will be sent to the soldiers. These men will be sent to join the army. The sun vividly embodies the unity between the army and people. History tells us that when fully supported by people, the peoples army are invincible. As long as we stand on the side of the people, we can win their full and sincere support, and build a wall of iron and steel. When going forward, the peoples army should remember the fundamental principle of serving the people, heart and soul. Under any circumstances shall we remain the peoples army. Comrades and friends, we shall always remember the glory and splendor of the army. This has been created with blood, sweat. The experience of the army has been gained through unrelenting efforts. The Historic Development of the army has been driven by loyalty and the responsibility which will always motivate us to move forward. Since the party congress, we have focused on fulfilling the goal, and the chinese dream of liberating the late chinese nation. We put forth the goal of building a powerful army, under the parties command, with combat readiness fine work style. We must keep up with the times. And innovate military strength. We have convened the political work conference, and we have put forward a new party. We should deeply perform the reform the National Defense and army, and we should taking overall command, including Different Military types. We have reshaped the army, and have taken historical steps to build a military system with chinese characteristics. The army has become a brandnew force in structure and temperament. We have promoted the fundamental changes of the army. We will promote military skills in combat. Readiness to defend sovereignty and maritime interests. We should focus on new concepts in combat, and driven by innovation, we will focus on the construction of military systems to build the army into a highquality, highefficiency peoples army. In the five years of hard work, the peoples army has achieved the restructuring of political ecology, organizational bonds, strength, and work style. The peoples army is starting a ready to start a new journey and take a firm step in building an army with chinese characteristics. [applause] pres. Xi friends, comrades, history has always moved forward. In todays world, we have seen that the International Situation is taking on unprecedented changes. China is witnessing the thescale development firstworld government of the construction of socialism with chinese characteristics. To fulfill the dream of rejuvenating the transformation, we have laid a Good Foundation and have unlimited confidence. Meanwhile, we must be fully clear that the road ahead we will never be smooth. We will encounter a lot of challenges, major resistance and contradiction. We will continue to engage in the great struggle with new, historical features. We are keenly aware that china has stepped out of suffering. The Chinese People have been liberated, because we have had a weak peoples army. We still want to achieve the view of renewing the chinese nation, but the Chinese People what to have a better future, we must quicken the pace of building the peoples army into a worldclass army. Forget our own purposes and wishes. And continue to march forward, to build a strong army with chinese characteristics. We should forge ahead with strengthening our army. In order to strengthen the army, we must stick to the leadership principal of the partys absolute leadership of the army, to ensure that the army always follows the party. The Party Leadership is the guarantee for the armys creativity, combat capabilities, and organization. The absolute leadership of the party over the army is the best feature of socialism with chinese characteristics. It is the absolute, and an important political development. Our army will remain the army of the party and the people. The army should enhance this. The political awareness, and formally maintain the authority of the citizens Central Committee and move forward and implement the partys absolute leadership of the party. For this important principle, we must be clear with resolute actions. There should not be any doubt, hesitation. We want to promote our army. We have to stick to the principle of developing parties. Integrating the marxist military theories with the modern chinese army practice. The development of the peoples army depends on the guidance of advanced military theories. We put forward new concepts. These are the guidelines in the military theories for guiding the party in the new era. The president should implement the military theories of the party, to integrate these features with the new Guiding Principles of the party. So that we can make continuous achievements in our cause of building a powerful army. The process of exploring the truth will be neverending. Theoretical innovation will be neverending. The army is an innovative undertaking, we have to adapt to new situations and new challenges. We have to make innovations in our practices and theories. We have to improve our ideas in building this army. We should let marxist military theories shine in our practices of building a strong army. We have to focus on combat awareness and build an army which can fight and win. In peace, we should not forget the rules and risks. We uphold peace and maintain security. And deter wars. We have many options, but the military means the military will always be the bottom line. The peoples army is an army with strong world capabilities. We should focus on world readiness, and we should work hard towards this goal. We must ensure that when the people and the army lead, the army can fight all over the world and achieve success. The army should study the military guidelines and research in modern theories and practices. We should understand the modern rules of the wars. We should carry out live drills according to the needs of the war. We should solve the problems in world combat. We should improve our capacities in military training. Since the people cherish the peace, we never invade other countries. We are confident that we can fix defeat all the aggressors. We will never allow anyone, any political parties, at any time to separate any piece of land from china. [applause] pres. Xi jinping we should expect to influence on chinas sovereignty, security, and the development of its interests. The peoples army should formally maintain the leadership of the cpc and formally maintain chinas sovereignty and the word of peace. The world of peace. [applause] pres. Xi jinping in order to build a strong army, we must stick to the principles of building the army through political awareness, reform and, science and technology, and the rule of law. We should improve National Defense. We should assume the modernization. We should implement with political confidence the Important Role of the political work. We should build an army with capabilities, with high morality, and iron discipline. We should always remember the nature of the peoples army. The peoples army needs to see even the military reform and National Defense. We should solve the institutional barriers, structural contradictions, and policy issues, restricting the developments of the National Defense and the building of the army. We should be improving the Chinese Military system and build a new military force. We should fulfill the mission of the chinese nation. We should implement the strategy of building an army with science and technology, we should stick to independent innovation. We should aim at the state of the arts. The technologies of the world. We should deepen our reform, and also, we should contribute the armys power to improving the combat capabilities. We should strengthen the Chinese Military system. With chinese characteristics, and fundamental change of the way of managing the army. We should continue to promote the militarycivilian integration, and build the National System which integrate the military and civilian power. Our party has long been exploring fulfillment in Development Economies and coordinating the National Defense. This is an important decision from the perspective of National Development and security. We should respond to this threats, and also to improve chinas strategic advantages, which would strengthen the point of design, and which would also promote institutional and mechanism reform. We should also build a new passion of integrating different elements, skills. We should have coordinated and balanced development of Economic Development and National Defense construction. Our National Defense is the defense for all of the people. It is our common cause to promote National Defense and the modernization of the army. The cpc chinese committee, the state government, and all levels should strengthen the National Defense and fully support National Defense and the reforming military arms. Also, we should create other conditions, improvise improving important parts of the army. We should stick to the principle of serving the people. The army should always remain a force trusted by the people, supported by the people, and loved by the people. This army wants to win the war. They have to rely on the people. The foot of the peoples army is in the people. The great force of the peoples war comes from the great force of the people. The full army needs to put the people in their hearts. And so we remember that we are fighting for the people. This is our sacred responsibility. We should formally protect peoples lives, and also ensure that they lead a happy life. We should bring forward the fine traditions of globally uniting the people, and we will always be the defender. The army should actively participate in local socialist construction. We should respond to disaster and other emergencies and create benefits for the people. The unity between the army of the people is one of our political advantages. We should put forth this glorious tradition of support between the people and the army. Friends and comrades, we have always tried to promote world peace and development and maintain world peace. The chinese army has always been a strong force in maintaining world peace. As always, the Chinese Military and army will conduct International Military missions to respond together to changes International Security challenges, and also fulfill our responsibilities and obligations corresponding to chinas national interests. We will contribute actively to the building of the Common Community of destiny. Friends and comrades, 90 years of relentless efforts has proved that our cause is glorious, our future is bright. The party, the army, and the nation, and the people must unite as one and move forward. In our glorious practice of building chinese socialism and communities, we must continue to write a new, glorious chapter of building a new army and we should create new glories and achievements in the New Historical era. [applause] just now, the secretary xi gave an important speech. He looked back on the glorious road of the peoples army from small to big, from weak to strong, from victory to victory. We extolled the peoples army great achievements in liberating the chinese army. We talked about the achievements the secrets of the army success. We also mentioned the course of building a powerful army. Ad build an army into worldclass army, we have to understand our basic climate. And implementrn building a powerful army, we lets look closely around the cpc central theory. We will continue down the road of helping the army with the chinese characteristics. We will work to achieve the chinese dream. Lets all stand up. Please play the anthem of the pra army. Thank you. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] journals washington live every day with policy issues that impact you. Morning, this discussion on efforts to stabilize very support will Health Care Insurance markets with aei Health Care Scholar and Sabrina Corlette project director at Georgetown Universitys Center on Health Insurance reforms. Then a recently elected National Commander of the disabled American Veterans talks about health care and employment issues affecting veterans. Cspans washington journal live beginning at seven a. M. Eastern this morning 7 a. M. Eastern this morning. Join the discussion. Our profile of Administration Officials continues with transportation secretary elaine chao. Here is a quick look. Know, you are able in a podcast with politico, you say are prepare so much more than my male colleagues. Prepare so much today. It has been a very busy day. I want to do well. Your listeners are so kind to tune in. I want to do a good job for your listeners. I wanted to feel it was worth their time to tune in and listen. I feel that way about everything i do. People are giving me their time, their attention. I have a responsibility to do a good job to justify their trust in me. Every job ive had, i have been so grateful to people who have trusted me, even though they may not have known me, they have given me a job. I want to do my best for them. Prepare your own learning curve, whether the head of the united way or labor or peace corps, now transportation . I view preparation as a matter of being thoughtful and considerate. And i dont like it when people come and theyre unprepared. Because the time that you spend with the principle is so precious, if you come and see the secretary, you want her full attention. You want her to know what you are talking about rather than youre having to explain. This is x. This is a, this is b, this is c. Hopefully, if the principle is well prepared, the discussion meaningful,r, more more productive and it will be a good use of the visitors time as well. So, that is what i always think. I remember when i was on the outside and i would be so disappointed if the person i was seeing did not know who i was, my background. An example,so as when i go any, there are some people who want to see me. They have been waiting there 15 minutes, maybe half an hour, maybe 45 minutes. I always make a point to know who they are, what their names are, at least whether what theyre doing there. I think they deserve that. That is the respect i can show them when i visit them. So, i try to be prepared out of respect for the person i am meeting with. We will have more from that interview friday at 8 p. M. Eastern on cspan. Yesterday, the president spoke to a group of Small Business leaders at the white house. He was joined by his daughter a trump. Sor uivivank here is a look. [applause] President Trump thank you very much. A great honor to be here. At this magnificent house known t

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