Great year for gay marriage. Florida becomes the 36th state to recognize samesex marriage. A federal judge overturns south dakotas constitutional amendment banning samesex marriage. Larry nice, south dakota. Man well, the guys on Mount Rushmore can finally make it official. laughter yup. That teddy is a bear. Thats for sure, right . laughter absolutely. Okay, but you know what . To be honest, i thought samesex marriage was already legal in i apologize. You know, ive been so involved with my blackittyblackblack stuff. I just have been lacking my gayittygaygay. Sorry. I havent been paying attention to the l. G. B. T. Struggle. My bad okay. All right so where is it legal now exactly . Lets see. Okay so were missing only texas, louisiana, those ones over there. laughter northultucky, i think so. All right, ive been slacking on my geography, too. Sorry. Anyway, also, gay marriage is now legal in 36 states. cheers and applause wow. That is pretty good. Whoo man i am really happy for you, gay people but i gotta say, thats a little fast, man. I mean no, no, im not hating. Im not hating, but maybe im just a little jealous, you know. Because black people spent hundreds of years fighting under every single civil right. For example, weve only just gotten to the whole please dont shoot us, thing. I know you guys have had it really hard too, but come on. You got your first gay marriage state in 2004 and 11 years later, youre pretty much done. All right, all right. Good job gay people. Cross off, cross off gay on my stuff to worry about list. What do we have next . No black emoji. What did i mean . laughter okay, am i against black emoji . Or am i sad that there arent black emojis . Whatever. Either way, man, im going to dedicate the rest of my show to black emoji, all right . All right tv, tell me whats going on. We continue to follow the developing story of samesex marriage here in south carolina. Some i cans around the state allowing gay and lesbian couples to apply for marriage licenses. Other counties are saying no. State representative sally kohn has been consistent on her stance against samesex marriage and three bills filed this week prove shes not back down even after gay marriage in oklahoma was declared legal last year. Larry wow. Black emoji surprised face followed by black emoji frowny face. If they existed, i wouldnt have had to just say that. laughter all right, i guess were not done with gay stuff. Let me see if i understand this. Individual state politicians are taking it upon themselveses to subvert the new gay marriage laws . Thats some sneaky bleep , man. When where where else is this happening . A texas representative has filed a bill to prevent samesex licenses. It would end the salaries of employees who give a license to marry. Glil thats some typical diabolical. The only thing that could make this more texas is if a guy who came up with it a clicheed cowboy with a black hat. We have that right to a traditional marriage. We have that right to traditional values. Larry, of course, you are. laughter sorry, but when southerners start waxing nostalgic about bringing back traditional values im slow to get on that train oh lets say boat. Obviously, texas is going to be a doing a little gay marriage blocking. What about more progressive states like alabama . Alabama chief Justice Roy Moore sent a letter to Governor Robert Bentley saying judges can defy a ruling that found the states ban on gay marriage unusual. He will uphold the ban whether or not the Circuit Court of appeals agrees. Larry seriously, south, why even pass laws . Im judge roy moore, i dont listen to any other judge. No judge judy, no judge reinhold. Heres the good news, Gay Marriage Movement, g. M. M. , its just a matter of time. For example, it didnt get more racist than alabama governor george wallace. I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever. Larry i mean this guy who couldnt have been more against integration eventually realized he was on the wrong side of history. One time i believed in segregation. That was wrong. We shouldnt segregate american citizens from one another. Larry you know what phrase didnt exist yeah, go ahead, if you want to applause. applause . Larry absolutely. You know what phrase didnt exist in 1963 . Reformed racist alabama governor. Okay . Now, look, i know the struggle struggle the struggle for black civil viets quite the same as the struggle for gay civil rights but i think we can agree in both struggles there has plenty of sinister bleep from the other side to keep the tide from rolling forward but the tide is rolling forward and ultimately those tactics never work. Roll tide. Well be right back. cheers and applause before earning enough cash back from bank of america to help pay for her kids ice time. Before earning 1 cash back everywhere, every time. And 2 back at the grocery store. Even before she got 3 back on gas all with no hoops to jump through. Katie used her bankamericard cash rewards credit card to stay warm and toasty during the heat of competition. Thats the comfort of rewarding connections. Apply online or at a bank of america near you. After people find a dentist through us, they often say i wish id done this sooner. Dont let that be you. You know your teeth are important. So dont put it off any longer. Call 1800dentist today. Flo hey, big guy. I heard you lost a close one today. Look, jamie, maybe we werent the lowest rate this time. But when you show people their progressive direct rate and our competitors rates you cant win them all. The important part is, you helped them save. Thanks, flo. Okay, lets go get you an ice cream cone, champ. With sprinkles . Sprinkles are for winners. I understand. There was one distinct day when i got out of the shower and i looked up. I was like woah my hair is thinning it came as kind of a shock. But using rogaine® foam actually worked. My hair looks thicker, fuller, and im feeling much better because of it. Mens rogaine® has definitely made a difference. cheers and applause . Larry thank you very much. Were back talking about gay marriage. Joining me on the panel tonight, his wedding will be featured in the special lance loves Michael Lance bass wedding, lance bass, everybody. Cnn political commentator, and daily beast columnist, sally kohn. Thank you. Comedian jessica kirson. cheers and applause and pastor of the New Horizon Church in new york reverend michael faulkner. Scheerp cheers and applause lets get started. I was saying they feel that the Gay Marriage Movement is one of those inevitable time things. Thats what it feels like to me. I hope youre right. Larry it feels like thats where its going. Even though something feels inevitable, people are like roe v. Wade people thought that was a decide issue but at any moment people for that feel like it can be overturned. Do you think it has legs . The good thing about the long arc of history bending towards justice, most people who opposed justice stood in the way, have come to be clearly on the wrong side of history. Larry reverend, youre against gay marriage right . Absolutely. Larry do you feel like youre on the wrong side. During the super bowl, when the seahawks lost and started punching the patriots, that seems like the antiGay Marriage Movement. The when he who has decided all things is the judge. God is the ultimate judge and the arbiter. Thats my belief system. So right and wrong sides of history will be determined by god at that time when all things are judged. So hate me, but thats where im at. Larry lance, you grew up in a religious house. Im southern baptist. So i get it. I understand the conversation. Larry what is your relationship with the religious part of it . I still believe in a god, and i have my particular walk with the god that i believe in. It doesnt really follow what i grew up with. Its changed. Its evolved for sure. Ive seen the craziness with religion what it can do. But, yeah, i have my only special connection with the god they believe in. I dont understand with the marriage thing why does my religion have to why do we get to say that we own . Aernlg i dont understand that at all. Like, marriage is for everyone. cheers and applause but traditionally the word marriage has always had a religion connotation. Not always, not always. Its interesting instead of transactional meaning too. Marriage is a property of women. Right. We dont still believe in that. But this is why im married to a woman because i own her. laughter applause . How you define your relationship and if shes okay with that she knows that. If shes okay with that, good for you. What i dont understand also why cant religious buddhist, baptist jewish, whatever why cant you all redefine your marriage and just give everyone the equality of marriage. Wait, in this country we dont legislator what religious beliefs should be. We dont. We dont. We cant. Or within i mean but isnt the whole antiGay Marriage Movement really based on religion . Its not based on any secular position. Its based completely on religion. But remember, our religious positions are how we formed most of our civil law, have been formed out of a religious tradition, the judadeo christian traditions have formed most of our civil law. The separation of church and state. It is separated, the church and the state, but in terms of the laws and how those laws were formed you had to have some belief system that said there had to be a rule of law. But there are many laws made based on religion slavery is one of them. There are many examples in the bible that was an Economic System it was justified it was justified it was justified by some whacky let me ask you this what is wrong with progress . What is wrong with progress . Nothing. Larry what is wrong with the world moving forward . cheers and applause why does the world always have to go back for something to be right. Cant moving forward be right. I am moving forward. I am not about regretion or move backward. However, as we move forward we have soaccept the differences. We have to accept my position is based on my religious beliefs, and i understand there has to be an intersection with civil law and what i believe is okay for a civil society. And i love differences. I love thatue know, thats whats great about being human beings. You can have so many differences and i love that, but when you start voting against my personal life and you dont even know me thats where it should end. Its simple. Were you up for election. Did somebody vote was there a vote my right to marry my husband in my home state of mississippi. The religious people voted against that. And in fact enacted some crazy laws to stop in fact the whole prop 8 movement under the influence california, using religion but used our secular laws to impose a religious tradition. And secular laws enacting gay marriage are creating carveouts to say, if youre an institution of faith you get to have exempt yons fine. But there are some folks on the religious right who are saying also businesses, private Businesses Incorporated as businesses should be able to choose to discriminate, should not have to make the gay wedding cake. Larry the gay wedding cake, i love that. If i had a gay bar and a devout cleric muslim came into my bar i would serve him a drink. Larry what is a gay wedding cake . I would sam they didnt want to make it because they couldnt. They wouldnt have the talent. It would have to be amazing gli dont know if i want a hate cake. I think it is insane. I think if you have a public business you cant decide who youre going to make a cake for and who youre not. Larry what if it was an extreme what if isis rolled into your bakery. They have. They have. Larry they have . Yes. Larry we have a little beheading this weekend. We want a cake to celebrate. That was my impression. Wait, before we get letters, i am not comparing gay marriage to isis. Oh, my god. Why did the nightly show show go off the air so soon . Larry compared gay marriage to isis. Well be back and continue more of this talk. cheers and applause to unlock the possibilities of tomorrow. Lift tab. Behold the beauty of balance. Crisp flakes of fiberrich bran. Answered by the perfect quantity of sun sweetened raisins. And with the sublime addition of icecold milk, the day begins. Sunll come out, tomorrow tomorrow is waiting. Own it, with kelloggs® raisin bran see you at breakfast™. And delight in temptingly tart and sweet new kelloggs® raisin bran with cranberries. We love. Love. Love. Chocolaty, creamy. With a Little Something extra. Mmm deliciousness. Cookies or almonds. Yumminess. Hersheys is mine, yours, our chocolate. Its the most exciting thing to happen to taxes since the boston tea party. Now you can file your taxes on turbotax for absolutely nothing. Intuit turbotax. Its amazing what youre capable of. cheers and applause . Larry okay its time to get real on a personal level. Lets keep it 100. There it is. You guys know how it works. Im gog ask each of you a question. You have to keep it 100 real in qur answer. If you do, the audience claps. If not they will let you know. Rev, were going to start with you. Oh great isnt that wonderful. Larry trust me rev, you dont want to go last. Okay, all right, all right. Larry before you get a little snarky. Another so you youre a christian. Im christian too. Im catholic. I like to say im a recovering catholic. Now if there was irrefutable evidence im not talking da vinci code stuff, im talking irrefutable evidence that jesus was gay, would that change your mind on gay marriage . If he spent a lot of time with 12 dudes. There were no women at that last supper. Okay. Larry would it change your mind irrefutable evidence . There is no such thing as irrefutable evidence when it comes to jesus. Larry all right, all right, if god spoke to you and said take this on faith, michael. My son is gay. What do you say . If god said that if the god that i serve if the god that you serve said now, are you cool with gay marriage, and he said it just like that. If god were to say that he would have to rewrite the book that he wrote okay. Larry i dont think thats an answer. You reallimented to go into space, right . Yes. Larry you have trained with the russian cosmonauts. Im a cosmonaut. Larry but it was documented you were too poor. You werent space rich. Not too many people are. Its not a knock. So you have an offer to do this corporate event. If you do it theyll pay your way to space but the sponsor is chick filet. They just want you to have an awesome gay space adventure. Do you do it . Knowing that back on earth people arent going to be cool with it . Im about to be 100 right now. Yes, id do it, because the first out gay in space is way bigger than hate chicken. cheers and applause ill take their money. Larry jessica, your turn. Hate ching. Theres a pivotal vote on the gay rights bill. Were assuming youre a very political person, keeping up with this. I hate politics, but go on. Larry this is perfect for you, then. The deciding vote is ted cruz. You see him making sweet right wing love to a dude the night before, okay. You see that. Youre the witness. Its sweet . Larry its sweet, okay. Now, number one, you can out him or, 2 you can blackmail him into voting for the gay rights bill by threatening to out him if he doesnt vote for it. Which one do you do . Blackmail. Larry blackmail. Keep it 100. That might have been too easy for you. Im scared. Im very scared. Larry things are getting so bizarre. Sally, another one. The Supreme Court is going to rule on gay marriage this year, right. And we all know those justices are on the bench for life, right . And with all that in mind youre stand buying a quarry with antonin scalia. Its the middle of the night, youve both been drinking no one is around. The man is like 78. Hes had a full life, right . But who knows whats going to happen in 2016. Maybe republican gets in office theyre going to choose i totally thought you were gog ask about sex. Larry no no, no, this might if you push him over the edge, then the democrat president can appoint another another justice. What do you do . The nightly show. Larry wilmore just asked would you commit murder . Larry do you snuff him or not . How bad do you want this bill passed . Uh i do not commit murder. laughter because, incidentally, i would never do anything immoral in the service of a moral movement. Larry she kept just it 100. Well be right back. cheers and applause there was one distinct day when i got out of the shower and i looked up. I was like woah my hair is thinning it came as kind of a shock. But using rogaine® foam actually worked. My hair looks thicker, fuller, and im feeling much better because of it. Mens rogaine® has definitely made a difference. Flo hey, big guy. I heard you lost a close one today. Look, jamie, maybe we werent the lowest rate this time. But when you show people their progressive direct rate and our competitors rates you cant win them all. The important part is, you helped them save. Thanks, flo. Okay, lets go get you an ice cream cone, champ. With sprinkles . Sprinkles are for winners. I understand. For just 4 you can get an everyday value slam, all you can eat pancakes our new biscuits smothered in sausage gravy, or the new cookies n cream mega sundae. You know, im more than a cook. Im everyones best friend. 4 dishes for 4 dollars each. Dennys. Welcome to americas diner. cheers and applause larry okay. Thats all the time we have. I want to thank our panel. Lance bass, sally kohn, jessica kirson, and reverend michael faulkner. As always thanks for helping me keep it 100. Each panel answer aid tough question, and i hold myself to the same standard. Remember, i dont get a chance to see this question until right now. Tonights question comes from doctormathochist. Give me the question. Your best friend has cancer and Terrible Health insurance sound like a funny question so far. Would you gay marry him to get hoim your plan . Dont have to because the brothers rich. laughter applause all right yeah got out of that one. Im actually not rich. Tomorrow, weve got a special show. This is a special show tomorrow for black history month. Were talking about black fatherhood. Its a real important issue. Tweet your question with the hashtag keep it 100. Good night, everybody. Its hawt guys, what happened . Apparently, they found him unconscious on a park bench. Oh, my god, is he okay . We dont know, we just got here. Nurse hes ready for visitors now. Hes in 1023. Hi. Oh, welcome, my old friends. Welcome. Pierce, what happened . We were all so worried. It was the pills. They just took me over. I saw awful, horrible things. Demons, aliens, critters 3 something called bruce willis surrogates

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