Where israel what . Israel isnt supposed to defend itself . [both speaking at once] a 4,000yearold conflict. [bleeped] selfhating jew. [laughter] jon jon that was weird. [laughter] anyway, what i was saying was last thursday saw the start of a new ground offensive launched by israel. [both speaking at once] [bleeped] [laughter] jon um, holy [bleeped]. Look, obviously there are many strong opinions on this issue, but just merely mentioning israel or questioning in any way the effectiveness or humanity of israels policies is not the same thing as being prohamas. So youre against murdered children . Free gaza, free gaza [both speaking at once] zionist pig. [laughter] jon you now what, [bleeped] it. Why dont we just talk about something lighter like ukraine . Yeah. Im good with that. Jon all right. Well, here we go then. The world is still reeling from the mysterious missile attack over Eastern Ukraine, which last week took down a civilian Malaysia Airlines jet. What does the evidence say in three sa11 missile batteries recently entered ukraine from russia. A Missile Launch from a rebelheld area was detected by u. S. Intelligence. Rebel leaders talking about hiding those black boxes on instructions from moscow. Jon sources say fragments of the missile reeked of borscht and reports indicate within that missile there were several successively smaller festing missiles. Nesting missiles. [laughter] seems like a lot of evidence, but its all circumstantial. Are you going to convict on circumstantial evidence . One of the prorussian militant leaders tweeted proudly at the time that this plane was first shot down that his forces had taken down a Ukrainian Military transport. [laughter] jon okay. Thats a little stronger. Scientific evidence and a confession. The russian rebels being supplied by technology and knowhow from most couple of perhaps another equally plausible actle the west has not considered. They say, inside were mott live people but corpses. The plane was flown not by real pilots. It was on autopilot. In the necessary spot it was blown up without even using a surfacetoair missile. [audience reacts]. Jon so either poorly trained russian insurgents utilizing highlevel military tech from russia mistakenly blew up passenger plane. Or. Perhaps equally likely, the dutch, the worlds florists, load corpses opt a plane in amsterdam and ditched it directly over the rebelcontrolleddary of Eastern Ukraine to make them look bad for no [bleeped] reason whatsoever. The country that gave us the windmill, the pot brownie and a bed sheet oven powered by farthers now gives us the unprovoked flying zombie plane. That is so like the dutch. Even wikipedia has pronounced the russian rebels guilty. An Internet User within the russian government reportedly revised a wikipedia entry about Malaysia Airlines flight 17. The original entry said the plane was shot down by terrorists of the selfproclaimed dobetsk peoples republic. The revise entry written less than an hour after the original said the plane was shot down by ukrainian soldiers. Jon god the russians are good. Even if russian rebels had shot, technically greedo shot first. [laughter] got a few star wars nerds over to the right. [cheering and applause] everyone else. So despite all the evidence, putin says it wasnt him. We in the political litigation defense known as the shaggy defense. It wasnt me but we saw you move them yourself. It wasnt me jon but we heard you talking waibt the rebels it wasnt me jon we saw you kissing on the sofa it wasnt me jon all right. You win this round. Putin, did the lips match the song . I couldnt see it. Yes [laughter] all right. Clearly the stakes are high. Whoever shoulders the blame for this atrocity is going to be the target of global anger. Right now it looks like its russias fault because its russias fault. Of course, that doesnt mean russias going to admit it. You blame russia for the recent Current Events . We call your president a wuss unlike our true leader, vladimir putin. Jon you shut up, landa. I am so sick of her and rusev trash talking america. Maybe they meet jack swagger, but it was a countout, not a real pin. Hes the king of swing, but wait until summer slam because jack is [laughter] wrong room. [clears throat] well, watch out, putin, because america has something that no propaganda can defeat, the moral high ground. One Russian DeputyPrime Minister even sniped at the u. S. On twitter, the white house has found guilt before any investigation, just like Saddam Hussein and his weapons of mass destruction. [audience reacts]. Jon thats going to leave mark. You invade one country under a pretext thaw that you learn almost immediately was false and change that pretext and pretend like you never made the mistake in the first place and they never let you forget it. [laughter] you know, we dont need you, russia, or how dangerous you make Ukrainian Air space. There are other ways to get where we want to go. The airline rerouted a flight from kuala lumpur to london. It could not use the usual route over ukraine following the downing of flight 17. So the airline rerouted the flight over syria, that is another war zone, as you know. [audience reacting]. Jon yep. Thats where we are right now in the world. When the area above an ongoing civil war thats killed tens of thousands and involved the use of chemical weapons is known as the commuter lane. Well be right back. [cheering and applause] take the tmobile test drive. Try the Network Designed Data strong on the oneandonly iphone 5s free for 7 days. Sign up at tmobile. Com testdrive [cheering]ight. Last week we hosted. This week the kids invited us to their place. We got this delicious kfc meal and 2 extra sides for free. For free sorry i was late. I had a little trouble with the rope ladder. He fell twice. [music]aye by new world sound sweat. It says i was here. I worked here. It says i only have so much to give. Before i have to take. What i lose. I wanna get back. Sweat says, i earned this. Gatorade. Created to help replace what you sweat out. Jon welcome back. What is that . What you got there . Boom. In the wake of the ukraine plane crash, one thing is certain. Barack obama isnt going do anything. He stopped president ing like a year and a half ago. Now he just sits around in his underwear eating cheese doodles, growing his fingernails out and watching the same episode of the golden girls over and other again. Its true. I should look at these in rehearsal. And apparently hes white and has the same body that we use for a bit we do with steve carell like 12 years ago. Anyway, my point is this what are we going to do about russia . What we need do is we have to match strength against strength. We need to show russia that we will match their military buildup and well help ukraine match that so they can defend themselves. Jon smart. We send their guys weapons and then russia sends their guys more weapons so we send more weapons, yadda, yadda, yadda, world peace. Okay. One of you idiots has to have a better idea. I think we should talk about canceling the world cup. Why should countries be going in the world cup to moscow . Jon nice. So now you want to take on the one group more corrupt and thuggish than russia. Yeah, okay, thats real smart. So those are all actions. [cheering and applause] but actions are not going to do anything. Because theres one thing that speaks louder than actions. What is the administration not yet prepared to do that you think must be done . One, he didnt call putin the thug that he is. Jon yes sticks and stones may break his bone, but names, is that how i seem to people . Laughter they think im thuggish . Ive wrestled alligators and bears, but none of them ever hurt me like words. You know what, he was. All right. So the question is this whats the right mold for a president in this situation. And the answer be we saw how reagan responded to the soviets back then. Jon yes, reagan. St. Ronny dealt with a very similar situation. In 1983 when the soviet union shot down a korean passenger plane off the coast of japan. Ill never forget how he responded. How did he respond . Reagan was at the ranch in california. He immediately came back. Rushed home from Santa Barbara vacation. He immediately came home and immediately be briefed, immediately get moving forward and condemn the soviet union in the strongest terms possible. Jon immediately, plane crashes, they go toe1 tell reagn and theyreni like, what hes already gone. The sense of after shave and jellybeans the only thing; how did he spring into action so fast . Nobody knows, but we know what happened next, reagan took all of russias missile, twirled them up single handedly and threw them into the sun. Wait a minute. Im sorry. That last part wasnt reagan. It was superman. Theres no difference. The point is reagan acted without delay. I was covering Ronald Reagan at that time. He was in Santa Barbara at his ranch when this happened. And quite frankly, he didnt want to leave. His advisers realized how terrible this looked and eventually persuaded him he had to fly back to washington and had to make the speech to the nation, but it did take him four days. [laughter] jon [clears throat] yes, reagans response to that catastrophe was u remarkable, it was enough to make us forget what actually happened. [laughter] which is that reagan grudgingly cut short his 25day vacation after being caught on camera riding a horse. You know what, dont take my word for it. Lets read from his actual diary about the incident. [clears throat] [as Ronald Reagan] friday, september 2nd, the soviets shot down an airliner with 53 americans, including congressman larry mcdone nasmed we realized we couldnt wait to leave as scheduled. We left on friday. It was heartbreaking i had really looked forward to those last three days. Punctuation reagan. Yes. Reagan was in deep mourning for losing the final 12 of his vacation. In fact, in 1988, when the u. S. Accidentally shot down an iranian airliner, also under reagans watch, reagan refused to end that vacation early. And by the way, america was so torn up about shooting down that plane that the commander of the ship who did it later received a medal for his service. I brief it was called the silver oh, ew, oh. Well be right back. Give not what they dont. 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Get the new lg g3 with a quad hd display and 13 megapixel camera for 99. 99 good afternoon. Chase sapphire. This is stacy from springfield. Direct access to a live advisor so you can get answers fast, and get back to the beach. Chase sapphire preferred. So you can. [ male announcer ] when youre ready to turn up your night. Turn to bud light platinum, the next generation of smooth. Brewed with topshelf ingredients for a bold, slightly sweet finish. Turn up your night, and make it platinum. [cheering and applause] jon welcome back. My guest tonight is Senior Correspondent for al jazeera english, please welcome to the program sue turton. Thank you for joining us. Pleasure to be here. Jon so obviously we have seen over these past few years the dangers of being a journalist in these very difficult regions of the world, but you are here specifically. There are three journalists from al jazeera who are being imprisoned. Theyre held right now in egypt. Yep. Whats going on with that . These guys were arrested back on the to theth of december. At the time there was real crackdown going on of all the media covering what was going on the egypt. I remember there was a coup last year when the Muslim Brotherhood, Mohammad Morrissey was the president. He was removed from power. Jon i am familiar. The military took over. They basically want to shut down any defense against the government. So our guys were still operating in egypt quietly, but we were still operating there. They came through the hotel door. They called us the marriott shell and they arrested the three guys in the marriott cell. Jon they called you marriott cell, as though you were in the marriott sleeper cell. Yes, the marriott hotel. Jon you always have to stay at the days inn. Now we know. Jon thats your problem. So theyve been in prison ever since. This is 2005 days today. Jon let me get their names. I think its important. Peter greste, australian. Bar muhammad is egyptian and muhammad fatmy is half canadian and half egyptian. One of these gentlemen is in the hospital . Yes, muhammad had a dislocated shoulder and it became broken while he was being transferred. Jon people can slip and fall. They can slip. Jon sure. They were put in maximum security terrorist prison called the scorpion unit because. Jon who is naming things in egypt these days, our c. I. A. . [laughter] 200 days. Now, theres a big deal made that people have appealed to cici, the pharaoh there. [laughter] he says he cant do anything because the judiciary is a separate entity from. Its not under his auspices. He was making the point its an independent judicial system. We were all hoping that was the case. We had 12 sessions of trial, which i was on trial as well because ive been tried in absentia. A number of us, even though we werent in the country, were also accused of helping terrorists, the Muslim Brotherhood. Jon these guys are merely reporting some negative things just objectively that the regime would find objectionable. Well, were we reporting negative things . We dont know. They didnt show anything in court that had anything to do with our reporting. There was a horse galloping in a yard that they pulled from the hard drive that they showed in court. There was footage from Different Countries that some of our journalists had done, but nothing to do with egypt. Jon my favorite part of the trial was when the prosecutor said, i have more hard evidence that they are terrorists, but i cannot show it because we dont have the right dvd player. [laughter] i mean, that was the whole case. We were expecting the prosecution to come up with some amazing evidence, but it never happened. But even still, we were found guilty, and ive been sentenced to ten years in jail in absentia. The guys in prison have between seven and ten years in jail, and theyre going to appeal, but were looking at the same judicial system that put them there. Jon what is underlying this . Because something is going on. What is it that is underlying their imprisonment . Its clearly not what theyre saying it is. What do you think it is . Theres no love lost between qatar, which is where al jazeera is based, and egypt at the moment. There is a little tussle going on in that whole region. There was, though, when morrissey was in power, they were allied with qatar. Indeed. Theres no secret that qatar did fund the Muslim Brotherhood and that the president , when he was elected, after the revolution in 2011, president morrissey was the guy they put in power. People said, we want this guy. Now things have changed in the last two years. So qatar was very much backing them, and now, of course, theyre out, and the new guys are in. Qatars out. Jon the saudis are in. The saudis are backing cici. Can the saudis then put some pressure . Does international pressure, do International Norms mean anything anymore . Because it seems the further we go into these conflict, there is no accountability for behaviors of government. The only thing we can do is pray that it does make davis. Jon that doesnt really fill me with any kind of hope. No, i know. Jon in that situation, dont even know which god youre praying to to get them out. I pray to them all. Jon all right. Is there anywhere to appeal . Who has sway in this . The American Administration has got sway because the egyptians and the americans have been good friends for a long times. Strategically its important that america is friends with egypt. Jon you think we could get them out . Youre adorable. [laughter] no way. No . Jon we dont have. Thats been the entire thing. America always believes we can control all these outcomes, but i think the game has slowly switched a little bit. Can people do anything . Would that matter . I think theres a couple things. Weve had this twitter campaign, this free campaign. People can take a selfies of themselves with tape over their mouths and have a conscience about where you go on holiday. So many times when im in egypt. Jon vote with your dollars. Your tourism dollars. I hear american accepts out in egypt. Maybe this isnt the type to look at the pyramids. Jon wrawn when you see american accepts do you see bermuda shorts and very large flowery shirts . That be us. I wish you all the best. I truly hope that these three journalists, that sanity prevails, that these guys will be released back to their families sooner rather than later. Keep up the good fight. Sue turton, ladies and gentlemen, well be right back. [cheering and applause] so, youre saying we cant use these innertubes in the pool . Sorry, sir. Its hotel policy. Is it really hotel policy . Im afraid so, sir. Do it. How about now . Woohoo i deserve this. You deserve to be fired. Full flavors, full shapes. 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Now, with a new easy to swallow coating. Thats our show. Join us tomorrow night at 11 00. Here it is. Your moment of zen. Allegation here by the selfappointed Prime Minister is that ukraine had access to these russian weapons, as well. Can you shoot that down . Excuse the pun, as a theory . Orey Comedy Central captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org stephen tonight i unriche my anger on amazon except i chose Free Shipping so i actually unleashed it in 3 to 5 business days. laughter then a doping scandal in the world of sports. The winner of the ken den derby tested positive for horse. An my guest nancy pelosi has a new plan to save the middle class. Oh perfect, i think he watches my show. The worlds second richest man says we should have a three day workweek. Now you know why hes only the second richest man. laughter hi