How did you meet . On line. For what french fries. Bobby lee would you go up on her . Anthony, this is your type, no . She looks like a cartoon of a whore. She took that well. She takes a lot of things well. Enough with the bread already. From comedy centrals world news headquarters in new york, this is the daily show with jon stewart. [daily show theme song playing] [cheers and applause] jon welcome to the daily show. [cheers and applause] im jon stewart. Oh, weve got a good one for you tonight. General billy mc stanley mcchrystal. Last night we talked fiscal cliff. In the wake of things that happened. Newtown a roara, portland, tucson its a 22 minute show so im not going to list everybody but finally everybody is ready to talk about gun violence. The patrol has been ready for quite some time now. Lets have that conversation people. Nothing is off the table. No bad idea. Its a safe space. Lets start the discussion on gun violence. Lets talk about the gun control. Gun control is not going to make any kid safer. We have to get the real problem, the real causes. Jon sorry, i just assumed that beginning a conversation about gun control meant starting with guns but you want to talk about the nongun cause of [ laughter ] gun violence. You know what . Its a conversation no bad ideas maybe theres other factors we should look at. Lets what other nonegun causes are we talking about here. We have violence surrounding us we think is okay. Violent video games with names like bullet storm, grand theft auto cano, film like american psycho, natural born killers. Jon natural born killer and american psycho. Holy has it been that long since weve had a conversation with gun control. Been that long that weve deflected the gun control argument with the corrupt hollywood media argument . That french guys had a point. [ laughter ] it may be an indirect influence but theres no question we glorify violence in our culture. If a massacre occurs in a schoolhouse and tv Network Heads have to scramble to see if its going to bump up against the primetime epid sic schedule thats a bleep problem. Is this terrible massacre going to effect our new show massacre fridays at 8 00. The hot lead to corps raper svu starring as for violent video games i guess they are out there. The dutch spend more on video games than we do and have less violence. To be fair their video games are the first person dike plugging drawma. [ laughter ] we have to talk about the culture and see if its adding to the soup. But lets look at all of our culture, hollywoods influence on that but are there other media influences that should be examined. Are interest terror cells in your neighborhood . The new black Panther Party outside a polling place. The sharia mosques. Four years into tyranny winning. If you live in the east, may i recommend get the help out of east. Its armageddon. Your religion will come under al tackth if obama is reelected, this country is over [ laughter ] jon im not sure what happened. I thought i i blacked out in the middle of that and woke up with an ak whatever this is. Im sure ill get letters about what this really is. Which is plastic is what it really is. [ laughter ] it brings us back to the more direct issue of guns. Gun control doesnt work. Jon or not. [ laughter ] i keep forgetting what else . We have a Mental Health system in this country completely and totally collapsed. Jon okay, okay. Again, 100 . Thank you, wayne lapeeer far bringing this up. The mentally ill live on the streets and are in prison. Its up to us to help them find proactive care. This is what we have to address. We have no National Database of these lunatics. Jon or that. Or that. [ laughter ] i was going to say compassionate total care of Mental Illness or lunatic database. Although isnt that what the internet is . Isnt that a National Database. What would be the criteria for the lunatic database . What would you say to get on it . Americans dont want to be added to that pile of dead people that have been left defenseless by the u. N. Policies. [ laughter ] jon lapierre with two rs or one . I dont want to cull a conversation britt starts. Mental health cares that be on table but that leads to other problems, crimes, gun, violence. We dont have a crime problem, or a gun problem, or even a violence problem. What we have a sin problem. [ laughter ] [ laughter ] jon is this about me masturbating . Is in a is that what this is about . Look, i didnt know that that was considered a national issue. [ laughter ] look, we can dance around the issue all we want. We can blame movies or the video games or the mentally ill or god and we have to put its a complex problem and all solutions have to bone the table but its time we talk about guns. I dont want to do this. I dont want to do this gun control discussion right now. Theres a day, a place and a time for all that. Jon its today, right now. Its absolutely the time to talk about gun control and nothing is sorry. [cheers and applause] we need take a commercial break. Guess well talk about guns when mcmc bk,x b [cheers and applause] jon welcome back to the show. I apologize for my voice. A little cold. Weve learned in our conversation about the countrys stagering number of gun related deaths but its based on a surprising amount of none nongun factors. God, immediate why and crazy people. Thats a busy graphic. Can be streamline that and represent all three stittencecies . There you go. [ laughter ] im going to say this conversation is taking place between parties governor faith and that all of us on any side of the debate are antimassacre. If common sense firearm regulations might cut the number of these killings, why not try . We have many, many laws pertaining to guns already. We have laws banning murder but we still have murders. Drunk driving do we go to the Ford Motor Company and tell them stop making automobiles because people get drunk and kill people in cars . Jon so we do charge bartenders who serve drunks, and launch public awarance campaigns and have tougher drunk driving laws because it might just bring drunk driving rates down by i dont know two thirds in a few decades. Like magazine sizes smaller magazines for guns. Make them have to reload more. Can i do that pretty quick. Jon you are fast fingers graham the foremost gun enthusiast slash speed or gamy champion . The world. How he uses his gun hands to make such delegate paper art. Why its a mystery. [ laughter ] all right. Magazine restrictions wont help. How about we keep all the guns except weapons designed purely to go after enemy soldiers. Weve had a so called assault weapons ban for ten years. Studies said it made no difference. It was ill conceive and it didnt work properly. Joe you know what they say, if at first you dont succeed bleep it. [ laughter ] were not looking for magic, flying solving projectile. Were looking for a series of steps from different areas that could improve the situation as opposed to what we have now which is legislation riders that prevent the atf from checking inventories and bills making it harder wont get do not buy list and laws for people god forbid mcdonalds doesnt tell you how hot their hot steamy coffee is. That happens when you are taking the money train to mcpunitive damage town. An epidemic of gun violence. Our hands are tied. We cant do everything. We are a nation of over reactors to everything. We have stepbystep child proofed this entire country. 20 years ago a guy through a rock over an overpass and hit a car windshield and now every overpass is blocked. Theres a net over the goalpost. We cant do anything about this . Make guns less sexy so they wouldnt be so cool. The next jason borne movie stars woody allen. Not really a gun person. Not so much the killing but the loogd and the cleaning. Its a lot of work. [ laughter ] or even better Creative Sound editing to take away the cool gun factor. [sirens] see. Those silly sound effects completely stopped by desire to get caught in a bloody threeway mexican standoff. We would love to your ideas. There are no bad ideas. I refuse to play the game of you is assault weapon. Its a hammer. An article cl came out this week of a massive number killed well hammers. [ laughter ] jon okay. If you want to regulate hammers, we could try that. Would it be possible to regulate bags of hammers or anyone as dumb as that . [ laughter ] but aside from hammer control which, by the way, was a great mc hammer album, do you have any other idea treers ideas for reducing gun violence . The only thing that stops a bad guy with is a gun s, is a good guy with a gun. Jon so a School Principal with a gun is going to stop a guy with a bullet proof vest and a gun. I dont think principal belden is as bad ass as we think. Its weird to me that gun enthusiasts wont even entertain the idea let me restate that some wont entertain some moves to rein in this violence. What is really going on here . We have constitutional freedom the right to keep and bear arms in this country. Jon yeah, yeah for a well regulated militia. Not a personal arsenal free for all. Theres all sorts of things you cant have already. Tanks, f16 fighter jets, surface to air anything. People had muskets then. So, okay, you can have all the muss cetz you want. You can even muskets you want. You can have assault muskets for all i care. Jazz it with a bayonet. Go bleep nuts. Why is it that were unable to make the most basic steps towards putting together a complex plan of action to slow this spread. What is really going on here . I think you, like a lot of people, joshua, are worried the federal government is coming after our guns. Jon now were getting somewhere. Its about how close some people in this country feel they are living to a tyrants rule. Its something weve seen happen time and time again in history with stalin. Happened in cambodia and of course the third reich, coming. No one saul that. Stalin took the guns, fidel castro took the guns. Im here to tell you 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms [ laughter ] jon oh bleep . No one is taking away all the guns. But now i get it. Now i see what is happening. This is what it is. Their paranoid fear of a possible distoppic future prevents us from addressing our actual dystopic presence. We cant discuss the gun deaths happening in reality every year because a few of us must remain vigilant against the rise of[ch] jon welcome back. My guest tonight a refired four star general whose new people youre is called my share of the task. Please welcome to the program general stanley mcchrystal. [ applause ] sir, you served for many years in our armed forces heretically on many battlefields but i dont want to minimize the fact that im doing the show tonight with a cold. [ laughter ] so ill let the audience decide who the real hero is tonight. How are you . Very well, jon. Thanks for asking. Jon thanks for being here. My share of task details your career in the militarism i want to talk quickly. You said this morning, with your talking about gun control and the issue at hand now. You obviously are in the military. What is the general, do you think, military position on that . They are in favor of a, i guess, Second Amendment but perhaps not with the kind of tech logical advances weve made. Is that it . I cant speak for all military but if youve been on the battlefield you carey a gun that fires at 5. 56 round per second. It hits humans it does terrible damage. Its supposed to. Thats what soldiers should carry. I dont want them on the streets or in the schools. I dont think that most people are prepared to carry those. I think we have to have a serious look at why we even would consider having guns like that. Jon you were heading up afghanistan. You worked with these guys, an Impressive Group of people. The thing i hear the most from the guys over there were two things the task of complex and impossible and they werent quite sure how clear it was, and two, they would lick to finish it. Is like to finish it. Is that the ultimate contradiction and paradox that goes on in the military in these missions . It is. A lot of American People ask what are we doing over there . What are soldiers and sailors and marines doing . On any given day theres a special operations raid in the middle of the night. It goes against a difficult target. I went on many of those and watched great special operators do heroic things. Also on the same day soldiers patrolled an area where they dont have wood for trelises so we build mud roy walls. You created this terrain six feet tall, three feet wiesmed you can see 18 inches either side and 50 feet to the front. Its Like Fighting in a maze. Soldiers doing that yet the same time theres a case where a young marine Lance Corporal near ferah out in southwestern afghanistan is with a small patrol and an afghan farmer comes up and says i would like permission to dig a ditch across this road to move water. He didnt want to be mistaken for an ied placer. The young marine looked at it a while and helped the farmer dig. You have three very Different Things happening each in that persons perspective and probably all the right things. They are trying to give afghanistan a chance. Because the thing about afghanistan is its a country that has been tornd, turned upside down, shredded and mutilated for about 34 years. In a country where the Life Expectancy is about 44, there arent a lot of people who remember normal. Jon right. American Service Members are by nature problem solvers. They want to help things get better. Thats what i saw. I saw this wonderful desire to reach in and fix it. Its frustrating. Frightening, frustrating. Jon they are also, lets face facts the main idea of fighting forces is fighting. We place upon them this complex tax rebuilding csm we really have a plcy that at its foundation is we go into a country attack it, conquer it in the manner that the superior technology and our fighting forces, and then stay there and knit it back together . Isnt that asking too much from these guys . I dont think so. They do what has to be done. You only fight to achieve an end. If you think about world war ii. Everybody likes world war ii because it seems neat and clean and we won and it was over. I wasnt that way in reality. Essentially Counter Insurgency was performed for a decade. The Marshall Plan was nothing more than helping europe regrow so that it would be protected against the growth of extremism and things. In reality, soldiers are natural people to help bind things back together. You fight when you have to but you solve the problem wherever you can. Jon can you stick around for a little bit . Well go to