Transcripts For COM The Colbert Report 20131205

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It is disgusting. Well now the nance any state buzz killers of the fda wants to take away another foodstuff because it contains neither food or stuff. You go to restaurants the fda plans to ban trans fat from the food i have. It is a ingredient in a lot of our favorite foods. Microwave popcorn, cookies, cakes, frozen pizza, and much more. The only person who stands up for trance fats, if it is so bad for you, why are they in food and i suspect the answer is they are delicious. Well that may sound likes an idiotic thing to say but let me be the only person standing up for tucker carlson, if he says stu, if he is so stupid, why is he on fox news . [ cheers and applause ] folks, he is not the only person standing up for trans fats. They are coming after your doughnuts, they are coming after the trans fat in your doughnuts. Yes, they are coming after our doughnuts, for petes sakes they have already taken away the holes and why . On the flimsy excuse that trance fats are proven to cause Heart Disease the number one killer of adults in america, of the adults in america so obviously they are safe for children. Folks, you can have my trance fats, you can have my trance fats when you scrape them out of my cold dead heart, of course we wont notice it is gone just because trance fats dont have any particular taste. No particular taste . That is americas favorite flavor. You try long john silvers breaded strips, the closest i can get is strip. The best argument against the governments attack on our gentleman dezero crisco values comes from the Heritage Foundation in a recent article entitled fdas proposed trans fat ban an attack on freedom. They write, quote, a person doesnt eat a corn chip with trans fat and then die, the dose makes the poison, even if they eat so much trans fat they in fact do have Greater Health risks this is their personal and informed choice. Yes, those who eat trance fats are making an informed choice. Just ask the average joe filling his cart with frozen cinnamon buns he will tell you he has a hankering for adding a hydrogen at familiar to a fatty acid reducing the number of double bonds to the makes a malleable mixture of fat that cannot be metabolizing causing damage to the tissues. [ cheers and applause ] at least that is what i think he is saying. His mouth was fuddle of unchewed bun. I hope the National Heritage gets it right if you dont drop dead after eating a chip it shouldnt be regulated like if you dont immediately die from ingest ago small amount of fiberglass it is time to put it in all of our snacks. I mean, they already sprinkle it on hostess snowballs. Next up, folks i have been a fan of mcdonalds, the they aree king of burgers, well, folks, i am excited because recently we got a behind the look scenes of one of mcdonalds treasured meat witches. They say ignorance is bliss, right, joe. And that may apply to the Mcdonalds Mcrib sandwich. A photo of, was taken by a mcdonalds employee of a oh, goll, sweet jesus. It went viral. Is there no shame . Mcdonalds says the patty is formed in the shape of traditional ribs, they flash freeze the meat before sending it out to the restaurants. That is gross. Stephen or maybe you are the one that is gross, mika, there is nothing wrong with a mcrib just because it appears to be made out of sickly et. I have always been a Firm Believer that the best food raises more questions than it answers. If anything, this photo makes me want this thing even more. Because it only adds to the Great American mystery that is the mcrib. The elusive mcrib has appeared and disappeared on mcmenus with little warning like a meat brigadoon. Mcrib hunters never know what bribs brings it out of hiding, is it a surplus of slaughterhouse floor scrapings, and its contents have always been cloaked in mystery, the mcdonalds site lists 70 ingredients none of which are rib, though it does include azodicarbonamide, a flour bleaching agent used in yoga mats. So even a mcrib technically counts as exercise. [ applause ] and this photo might just explain mcdonalds new slogan, think with your mouth. Because if you think with your brain, i am not sure if you would eat it. We will be right back. [ cheers and applause ] avo this holiday tech the halls and ring in the savings with a free 50 online visa when you buy a phone get great deals on the best phones at radioshack [ cheers and applause ] welcome back, everybody. Nation, you know i like to stay on the cutting edge of technology, every time they announce a new tech device i am the first one to receive a alert on my beeper. That is telling me right now to check the old fax machine. Whats that . I get 1,000 free aol minutes . I can finay finish down lowing that picture of teri hatcher force. Folks, that is why i was so excited to learn about an amazing new product from double robotics. When you need to be in the office but cant be there, how about having a robot stand in your place . Thats the idea with double, double is the ipad camera as your remote eye, double is what businesses who want to have a physical presence in the office. Its like youre actually right here thats right. A mobile robot that gives telecommuters a life like presence at the office, as long as that office does not include stairs. Now, sure, before the double came along you could skype with your coworkers, but that robs you of the most fun part of the workday the valuable time you spend walking from room to room. Even Office Affairs are easier with a double, now you can stay at home while still getting it on with your assistant vanessa in the broom closet or skyping janet from accounts and making a threeway. But dont forget to use surge protection. The only problem i see yes, people love janice. People love janet. The only problem i see with the double is that that if everybody starts telecommuting to the office there will be no one left to pick up all the overturned robots. Iif youre as committed to productivity as i am, youll bring the double with you to work, first of all you can use the car pool lane, and best of all the double saves money by eliminating expensive staff like by unpaid intern, jay the intern, speaking of which i can go for a nice warm cup of coffee. Jay, get on out here. Come on, jay. [ cheers and applause ]. Yes, stephen . Dont talk to me, jay. Talk to me. Here we go. All right. [ cheers and applause ] stephen jay, come on, talk to me. There you go. Stop. There. Stop there. There you go. There you go. There you go. There you go. There we are. Jay, i have something very important to tell you. Yes . Stephen talk to the stick okay. Stephen youre fired. But who will bring you your coffee . Stephen give it to the stick thank you. Now, adios, you parasite, come on, get out of here. Okay. Now that that ugly business is over, time to enjoy my piping hot cup of joe. All right. Lets do this thing. Here we go. Yep. There we go. Down and in. [ cheers and applause ] stephen jay jay . We will be right back. Jay, are you there . [ cheers anuse ]lause ] pd c r welcome back, everybody. My guest tonight, good news. The prostate is perfectly normal. Please welcome ed stone. [ cheers and applause ] thanks so much for coming on. Mr. Stone, dr. Stone, just ed . Ed is fine. All right, ed. Listen, you were you are professor at cal tech and you were former director of the nasa jet propulsion laboratory. Now, explain why gpl is so important, why is that so important . Gpl is designs spacecraft that go to the planets and also does earth observations and astrophysics and well. Stephen and you are the guys controlling it once it gets on the planet or gets around the planet or Something Like that . Thats right. Stephen and astronauts they get all the ticker tape parades and i love them and i want to be one, but you guys are the guys who are humping it day and night, year after year to learn things about our solar neighborhood, right . Thats right. Stephen do you ever get angry at those guys . No, we are having too much fun. Stephen how did you get into doing this . Actually, i was a graduate student in the, when the spaceage began so i was there at the beginning and i have been doing these things now for over 50 years. Stephen now, we have a little, a video right here, this is the voyager spacecraft being launched, what year are we talking about here . We launched two spacecraft in 1977 and that was a very special year, once every 176 years you can launch a spacecraft that can fly by all four of the giant outer planets, jupiter, saturn, uranus and neptune, 1977 so thats what we did. Stephen the moon is in the seventh house and mars is aligned thats right. Stephen the dawning of the age of aquarius. Yes, yes. Stephen all right. So those voyagers original mission . Its original mission was actually a mission to saturn because in that time spacecraft didnt last long so a fouryear mission, everything after that was sort of a bonus so after we finished saturn we went on to uranus and after that we went to neptune and now we are finally reached interstellar space. Stephen some of the photos it was able to bring back, tell me we are talking about 1980, 81 . That is 1979 when we flew by jupiter and the great red spot, all of the storms you can see in the jovial atmosphere. Stephen the first closeup shot we ever got. Thats right. Stephen and lets cycle through these. And then saturn, 1980 and 1981 with the wonderful ring system and looking at i it its satellites and one of the moons called titan which has an atmosphere like earths. Stephen now, jim, one of the things i really like, a great shot of the rings is that we were the first ones, we were the first ones on earth, the first country to do this thing, right . Right. Stephen we kind of licked every planet, all right . It is like licking the doughnuts on a tray, we own them now, right . We own them. The solar seasonal is kind of americas isnt it . You got it, thats right. Stephen so how many years now has it been up there . 36 years. Stephen 36 years . 36 years. Fouryear mission, 36 years . Yes. We took it stepbystep. This is humanitys longest, greatest journey adventure. Stephen now something shall not we recently found out on august 20 get of 2012 the data has been crunched over the last year and you scferd something that happened on august 5th, 2012. The sun creates a huge bubble around itself, the atmosphere expands outward at a million Miles Per Hour and we finally left the bubble on august 25th of last year and now there is, we are in space between the stars. Stephen so humanity is in interstellar space now. Humanity is in interstellar space for the first time. Stephen how did you know. Because we measured what was out there and measured it was different than we had been seeing for the firth 30, for the first 35 years. What is out there . Because as far as i know nothing is out there. Well, almost nothing. There are some atoms, some ions out there that have come from the explosion of other massive stars, super novas and that fills the space between stars. So now we are out of the solar system. Yes, while we are out of the bubble we still arent beyond the come mets, the come mets are part of the solar system as well and are in interstellar space where voyager is now. Stephen the so the fact that human at this is outside of the bubble, we left our neighborhood, is that significant . It sounds i believe press receive. How come there arent, again, parades because this is significant like columbus discovering america . Are we going to get off a day off and a mattress sale . We should. Stephen we should. We should, right. It really is a first step for our human journey beyond earth and beyond the planets and into stellar space and these two spacecraft now will be in orbit around the sun of our galaxy for billions of years. Stephen really . Yes. Stephen what are they running on by th by the way. Natural decay zero, it is a very long lived power source and run for probably about another ten years. Stephen so it will be dead by 20 2020 five. Stephen to 25 and after thats is a flying junk heap . It is our flying ambassador. [ cheers and applause ] stephen what is a silent ambassador. It carries a message from earth saying this is the place that sent this object, so that stephen is that what this is . That is what that is. Behind that cover, thats a cover to protect the record that is behind it. An oldfashioned 16 and twothirds double sided longplaying record which is carries a picture, like an image, a story of the earth,. Stephen so we are hoping that the aliens are hipsters who enjoy vinyl . [ cheers and applause ] stephen well, congratulations. Thank you. Stephen to you and to everyone at gpl, humanity is now in interstellar space. Ed stone. We will be right back. Stephen ladies and gentlemen, nasa we bestow a major honor of ed stone. Please welcome Galactic Commander stephen tiberius colbert stephen look at me. Im Sandra Bullock all right. Thats enough. Thats enough. Thats it. Okay. Mr. Stone, ed, please rise. Please rise. It is now my honor to present nasas distinguished Public Service medal to edward c. Stone for a lifetime of extraordinary Scientific Achievement and outstanding leadership of Space Science missions, and for his exemplary sharing of the exciting results with the public. Ed. [ cheers and applause ] stephen a grateful nation thanthanks you. Thank you. Stephen ed stone, everybody. Good night good night, moon. Captioning sponsored by Comedy Central captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org from Comedy Central ealz world news headquarters in new york, this is the daily show with jon stewart. Welcome to the daily show. Thank you for join us tonight. My name is jon stewart. From the film p Dallas Buyers Club this is a good movie you have to check it out. Jared leto is here. Unbelievable. Listen to this, were currently in what i feel like is the most wonderful time of the year. [laughter] why not . [laughter] festive trees go up, carolers break out in song. Starbucks switches out the vat of Pumpkin Spice additives for the vat of peppermint additives. Its a time to cherish what we have because we could lose it. How majorities are become are notes at the pool. How sharia law is changing everything. Jon its changing everything and probably not for the better. While i dont know what sharia law is i know its muslimy. And if fox is talking about it its going to destroy the nation. A ymca in st. Paul is starting a swim group for muslim girls but special considerations have to be made to keep with religious beliefs. Jon oh, my god special considerations. Everything has changed. [ laughter ] wait, what has changed . During the one hour class is pool is shut down, mens locker room is locked and female lifeguards are brought in. Jon oh, my god everything has changed. Dogs walk babies, dancing makes you sad. Tears come out of your ears and snot comes out of your butt which is not how it is now, i can tell that you. [ laughter ] actually though it seems like the only thing that has changed because of sharia law is one ymca pools schedule white board. It seems like the only thing. I could see how that that could be traumatic. First they came for our tuesday

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