I have not heard anything of substance. Im looking for more. I mean were talking about another four years. The questions are all about the economy. Im not up at the white house. I dont see rich people all the time but i see a lot of poor people. Microcosm of the issues were facing in america. You can find every one of the major issues that were involved in the Great Recession. Housing. When the whole mortgage debacle happened the banks werent lending any more money. Social security, medicare. Its a life saver for me. I want medicare preserved. Cut other things besides medicare. This is a state where a quarter of the population is over the age of 60. Thats the biggest proportion anywhere in the United States. So these people are concerned about every part of the economy. They want answers as to who is going to be best for them. Thats breaking my chops just thinking about them. I think the American People are going to pick it up and i actually think its going to be a landslide. Its going to be reaganesque. That little slice of people in florida who havent made their decisions, what are the things they need to hear from their candidates in order to make a decision and cast their ballot fors the president of the United States . Less than two weeks . Well, both candidates economic plans rely on big growth and this week, some of the biggest and strongest u. S. Companies said the growth that weve already got is tepid and slowing. Companies like caterpillar, generale electric, 3m, ford, all warning about conditions in europe and china, these are companies that are symbols of american stability, they are worried. So worried that some are laying off workers to cut costs. You remember that move. The problem here is that theres just less money coming into the United States. The candidates arent talking about the slowdown overseas or the storm that its fueling, but they claim that they can keep america competitive, create millions of jobs, and cut the deficit. Voters understand their big ideas and they like them, but undecided voters arent sure which guy can turn promises into economic reality. Ive got two of the best political minds in the country to break this down for us. Candy crowley our chief political correspondent, host of state of the union with Candy Crowley and mark preston, cnns political director. Candy, lets start with you. From the very first primary which you covered to the last hour of voting, the economy has been and will be issue number one. Is there anything either candidate can really say or do in the next few days to sway voters who are still not convinced . I dont know that even if they could, they have anything left to say or do to convince these voters. You know as well as i do, were going to get one more jobs report and were also going to get the report for how the economy, the gdp, how the economy did in the third quarter, so, you know, its possible that they will have some talking points around that but at this point in a campaign, they dont want to say anything new, ali. They dont want to move it. Right now the campaign is at the subterranean level. It is about getting out their vote es and they dont want to, you know, they dont want to say anything new that people have time to kind of, you know, throw targets throw arrows at the target. I think youre exactly right. Thats the frustration were hearing. Sure, mark, its a small number of undecided voters in a small number of states that are undecided. Tell us about who these undecideds are. In a tight race, a race thats this tight they could make the difference. It could be a get out the vote operation or some nuance in the campaign. Is this typical and how tight is it . Ali, lets even make it a little bit more complicated. Theres a subset of the undecided voters, the uncommitted voters. Theres probably about 1 , 2 , 3 of the nation that is undecided. Folks that havent made up their mind. Theres probably about 4 , 5 , 6 of the uncommitted voters, these are folks who might be leaning towards obama, might be leaning towards romney, but havent cemented it in. So what were going to see over the next two weeks or next 12 days, is they are going to make an effort to try to lock up their base, get their vote out, but also try to get these uncommitted voters to come their way. So, weve heard a lot in their messages. It has all come down to the economy. The last president ial debate this past week was about Foreign Policy but dominated by the discussion of the economy and thats what were going to hear from the candidates on the campaign trail. Candy, ultimately those, that small sliver that mark is talking about, wants answers as you suggest, they are not likely to get in the next week and a half or so. Inevitably, there are going to be unanswered questions. It wont matter for the loser what is the advantage to being nonspecific right now. Can they still can these candidates who are deadlocked, can they win this election without getting more specific . Well, somebody will without and neither one of them have been very specific as you well know. I do think, ali, that in terms of putting out a look, heres the bill im going to introduce, or heres the exact numbers in the budget, in general what happens with campaigns, at least for the presidency, it is less about feilling in those lines a it is about talking about a direction. I think for a couple reasons. First of all, mort lines you fill in, the bigger target it is. Second of all, voters are smart enough to know no matter what these guys are promising right now, they have to work with the congress. So people know that theyre going to say things that are not going to happen because they have to deal with congress. So they kind of want to set a general direction for two reasons. One, people get that theyre not going to get everything they want, and two, they just dont want to be that large of a target because people start kind of picking it apart and saying oh, you know, this is what he means and what its going to mean to you. They dont want to do that at this point. And yes, its they whatever thus. You make a very good point. People who are undecided about romney are telling me they would like to see how he gets to some of these things because hes put some ideas forward about tax cuts and job creation. Those who are undecided or leaning toward obama are saying they want to know how he gets this done if he has the same makeup of congress the second time around. He spent so much time saying congress has been the impediment. These candidates are spending millions of dollars on this home stretch. Were seeing it here in central florida. Its remarkable. Were going to North Carolina next, and then virginia and finally ohio. Right now, youve done the math a million ways, what matters the most . Which matters the most . Youre in florida right now and right now it is leaning also slightly towards mitt romney. That is a good sign for mitt romney. Youre heading up to North Carolina, right now we have flipped that to mitt romneys call just this past week it was a tossup state well, decided to turn it into a mitt romney win or at least thats what we think right now. It boils down to two very important states, virginia, very important state for mitt romney. He has to win it. But more importantly, he has to win ohio. Candy, good to see you. Mark thanks very much. We will be talking to you both in the course of the next few days. The country will be hearing a lot from both of you. Coming up, were going to give both sides a chance to defend their economic plans. Four more years, four more years. Four more years. All right. Were going to give president obama his chance first. He says he needs four more years to finish the job. Thats four more years possibly with a Dysfunctional Congress at home and economic turmoil abroad. Why will the next four years be different from the last four . Thats next. [ male announcer ] its lightweight construction makes it nimble. Its road gripping performance makes it a cadillac. Introducing the allnew cadillac xts. Available with advanced allwheel drive. [ engine revving ] its bringing the future forward. Im watching natalies ballet recital and im pulling photos right from the video. 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He wants to reform the tax code and get 4 trillion in deficit reduction over the next ten years and create an Infrastructure Fund to attract private inskresment. The fund that would give loans based on need and economic benefit. That was part of his jobs act. The president also says he would increase Domestic Production of natural gas and reduce americas dependence on foreign oil. All of it is ambitious but some voters are asking whats going to change in a second term. Robert rice is a professor of Public Policy at the university of california berkeley and former labor secretary, not an official surrogate for the obama campaign. Bob, good to see you again. Hi, ali. The president is going to face opposition from congress. Just like he has for the last two years. He does not have the power to fix the situation in europe. He doesnt have the power to fix slow growth and all sorts of problems with china. Whats the best reason to think that a second term is going to go better than the first for president obama . Well, there are two possible ways it could go better. Number one, if congress were different. This is not just a president ial election, ali. This is also an election with regard to at least a third of the senate and all of congress and the president might have a more cooperative congress. Number two, if the president is reelected, that is normally considered to be a mandate to get done many of the things that a president up for reelection wants to get done. This case, for example, raising taxes on the rich. Most of the polls show that a large majority of americans think thats a good idea. Politicians read the polls. If the president s reelected that will be an agenda item that many politicians, even republicans, say well, i made the pledge to grover norquist, but the public wants it and the president was reelected, thats part of the mandate. There may be other things like that. Number three, there will be circumstantial changes. For example, something has got to be done on the budget deficit. There is going to be some sort of a grand bargain. The president is going to use every power he has and many republicans know that, again, a grand bargain has to be struck on the budget deficit. We cant be stuck where we were. All of these things, plus external events like say a more of a recession in europe, are going to drive change. Well, the president s advisers have repeated a claim, they dont say it much, that mitt romney made that he can create 12 million jobs in four years. Theyve offered no evidence as to how they do that but to achieve that goal, job growth would need to be 50 higher than it is right now. Under normal circumstances now under current circumstances, wed get about 8 million jobs over four years. This means creating an average of 250,000 jobs each month instead of the number that the economy is adding now. Whats the secret plan there, bob . You were the labor secretary. Is there a secret plan to create jobs that doesnt depend on growth that may not materialize. Its iffy growth will get to the 4 we need to get to create 12 million jobs in the next four years. You need to have a very strong recovery. We dont have a strong recovery yet to get to those kind of job numbers. I think the white house assumes and i wouldnt be surprised if the romney exam camp didnt also assume the economy will Gain Momentum over the next four years and those job numbers are not out of the question. Remember under bill clinton, i was proud to be his labor secretary, 22 million net new jobs were created over eight years. So 12 million do you remember the job growth, though . You were averaging over 4 job growth during that period. Yes. And the economy is larger and more people. Im not saying were going to do it. I think the 12 million is very optimistic. It is possible with a recovery, with a strong recovery, policies specific policies, i dont think theres a magic bullet, i dont think either governor romney or the president has any particular secret up his sleeve that is going to generate a lot of new jobs suddenly. Right. And its a tough one because it becomes a wash. They both made the same promise. The issue is what kind of jobs theyre going to be. Thats been a criticism of president obama. He has made up for all the jobs that have been lost on his watch, but as often happens, the recovery has created jobs that are not as lucrative as the ones before. The president s plan now that hes unveiled focuses on manufacturing jobs. He says he wants to add a million new manufacturing jobs over the next few years. Now, the u. S. Has added nearly half a Million Manufacturing jobs in the last 32 months, but over the last few months, weve started losing them again. Its lost 38,000 manufacturing jobs. Give me the thinking behind this, bob. This is where im talking to people and they say i need the distinction between goals and ambitions and dreams, versus how this happens. Why does the president believe he can actually create a Million Manufacturing jobs and whats the follow on effect of doing so . Heres the economic argument, ali. A lot of Manufacturing Companies that sent jobs abroad over the last 10 or 15 years, they are bringing them back because transportation costs actually are becoming a larger and larger part of the cost structure. Its much easier to be close to your customers and if your customers in the United States, if we have a good recovery, those customers want to have manufacturing jobs here because that means cheaper manufacturing goods altogether. Secondly, you see durable orders are up 10 . We just got that data. That suggests that there are going to be more manufacturing jobs here in the United States. The big part of that is natural gas. Those pipelines and all of the natural gas facilities in the United States as those natural gas sort of deposits are explored and developed, were going to see a lot of jobs. Bob, good to see you as always. Youre sitting in my studio and im somewhere else. Im actually taking over for you here, ali. I hope you dont mind. Please. I imagine ill tune in. It should be good. Bob reich, former labor secretary of the United States. Coming up were going to dig into governor romneys plan and give his side a chance to clear some things up. Thats next on your money. [music] see life in the best light. Transitions® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light. So you see everything the way its meant to be seen. Experience life well lit, ask for transitions adaptive lenses. 100 new. 100 mmm. Wow, that is mmm. Its so mmm you might not believe its a hundred calories. New yoplait greek 100. It is so good. Im riding the cnn election express this week on our battleground bus tour. Undecided voters ive been talking to here in florida want details. We just went through the president s economic plan. Now its governor romneys turn. He has a fivepoint plan for the economy and he says hell create a whopping 12 million jobs in four years. I have said before, i will say it again, thats a ridiculous pledge and ill wear a dress for a week if it happens. Why . Because our anemic Economic Growth cannot support a huge surge in job creation. Not without something very substantial changing and nobody predicts that to happen. Heres the five points that president romney that president ial candidate romney is focusing on. First, energy independence. He says this will create millions of jobs in areas like oil, gas and manufacturing. Second, trade. Romney will open new markets and create a level Playing Field by pressure countries like china. Three, hell improve education, retrain workers and help the unemployed. These will likely be state run initiatives, however. Four, etch slash spending to cut the deficit and shrink the deficit. Five, hell had help Small Businesses that includes repealing obama care and cutting taxes. Lets give romney the benefits of any doubt here and say he gets all these plans going in his first year in office. By that point if the country is on track to create 12 million jobs in four years, the labor market should be adding an average of 250,000 jobs a month. The economy just adds 114,000 positions last month by the way to give you some context. Vin weber will tell us how he gets this done. Hes a policy adviser to the Romney Campaign and former congressman. Im bringing you the questions people are asking me out here. Sure. Undecided voters, they dont disagree with the goal. They dont disagree with the idea that we want a stronger economy. But ive hit governor romney hard on his jobs claim. Give me specifics as to how we get bigtime jobs, 12 million jobs in four years, when we have well be lucky to get 3 Economic Growth next year . Ali, first of all let me put the 12 million number in context. I dont want you to have to make good on your pledge, but 12 million jobs me either. 12 million jobs is really just getting us back to what should be the normal growth rate of the economy. Its actually the number of jobs that the Obama Administration predicted last february. Now, were way short of that and we will remain short of it as long as this president is pursuing these policies. But governor romney isnt putting out there anything other than what happens if we restore basic health to the american economy. Its achievable. Couple major things. First of all, the tax reform proposal that the governor has put on the table is absolutely essential and every independent economist that has looked at it says it will create a lot of new jobs. You bring down the rates, broaden the base, bringing down the rates and broadening the base encourages productive investment as opposed to tax driven investment. Its what reagan did. I was there when the congress did it. It can help create a tremendous amount of jobs. Were all aware in this country we have this tremendous potential in the energy sector. Some of it has been materiali materialized. Over the objections and resistance of the federal government. The government will do a number of things like building the pipeline, allowing much more drilling and exploration on federal lands. We can accelerate this huge shift in the Energy Economy of the world that were seeing is making predictions that the United States and north america could become the saudi arabia of oil in the near future. So this is achievable. We have to have a change in policy and a change in president s. Okay. So one of the key legs of that stool is taxes as you said. Right. Governor romney saying hell cut everybodys marginal tax rate across the board by 20 . Thats an estimated 5 trillion in cuts but he says his plan is revenue neutral and will protect the middle class from tax increases. Heres the question about the revenue neutrality, again youre referring to your time under president reagan and i was talking to bob rice, referring to his time under president clinton. The job growth under both of those president s, the big area times of job growth where we created more than 12 million jobs over four years happened with Economic Growth greater than 4 , something nobody predicts. So what do you predict Economic Growth to be at in order to achieve 20 tax decreases across the board and not add to the deficit . Well, first of all, we did achieve growth rates higher than that in recovering from the 1982 recession. We should have achieved some high burst of growth following the Great Recession that never happened under this president , we believe, because of the fiscal drag of his spending, borrowing, taxing and regulatory policies. If we have the right policies in place, we should get a spurt of growth as we have in every past recession that gets us up to fairly high levels for a while before we level off to a growth of 3 plus, which is very realistic for this economy. Theres into reason were not going to grow at 10 like the chinese have been, but theres no reason why after weve achieved some spurt of growth to make up for the lost ground of the last four years, we cant set until at 3 plus and that will get us to this goal. You have to have the right policies, less regulation, lower taxes and less spending, instead of the direction weve been going under this president and will continue to go. Er you nor me want to see me in a dress. I dont. And president obama has made the same 12 million jobs performance over four years. Three times in history that has happened. Im still not sure we get there with 3. One of the other things ive heard a lot on the road is the fear of one of these candidates messing things up. Weve got head winds from europe and china, we saw this week that its already affecting our economy here from some of our earnings reports from some of americas bigger companies. Theres not that much that any president can do about that. About europe and china. How do you prove to viewers that mitt romney wont mess that up, given Everything Else thats going on . Well, first of all, i think youre basically right. What goes on in china and in europe, its not entirely out of our influence. We can have a Global Leadership role if we have a little bit Stronger Economic leadership. But ill grant the fact that what happens over there affects us. It doesnt have to necessarily have an entirely negative affect. If we can reassure investors around the world that this country, be this economy, is the safest haven in the world, they will send capital here in response to weakness in europe and china. Weve seen some of that happen in the bond markets. As people say, they say disparagingly, were sort of the cleanest dirty shirt in the laundry bag. If you actually get regulatory tax and spending policies right, as governor romney has pledged to do, we can become an even more attractive place. We dont want europe to go downhill. We want them to get growing. We want china to keep growing. If they encounter bumps in the road the best strategy for us is to make this economy the safe haven for investors around the world. Governor romneys strategy will help accomplish that. All right. Vin, maybe you should come on the bus with me, because im getting a lot of questions about these kind of things. Thanks for coming on and giving us these answers. The most immediate threat of this economic storm that neither candidate is talking about, im going to tell you about on the other side. Voters tell me they want details but they arent getting any on the fiscal cliff. Going over it could mean steep job losses in these battleground states that im driving through. And the possibility, the very real possibility, of another recession. From investing for the first time. To investing with knowledge. The potential of Td Ameritrade unlocked. Nyse euronext. Unlocking the worlds potential. To a world of superconnected intelligence. The potential of freescale unlocked. Nyse euronext. Unlocking the worlds potential. This is the first leg of our world challenge with the cadillac ats. This is actually starting to feel real now. [ ross ] this is the Perfect Place to test the atss advanced aerodynamics. [ derek ] weve got crosswinds, tailwinds, headwinds. Aerodynamics is all about keeping the car planted on the road. 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One Phillips Colon Health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. Approved [ female announcer ] live the regular life. Phillips. But what about your wrinkles . Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair visibly reduces fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. Why wait if you dont have to. Neutrogena®. Welcome back to your money. Coming to you from the battleground state of florida. Im on the road for an 1800 mile trek on that bus from florida to ohio. Talking with undecided voters with a little more than a week left until the election and what theyre telling me they like what each candidate has to say about the future, but they want to know which one of them can really get it done . With more than 3 million florida residents over the age of 65, Senior Citizens are a big part of the conversation here. Heres what a few of them told us over cards. People who play cards, are always alert. Not always. Social security and. Yes. And medicare. And medicare. I dont think really because our children and our doesnt affect us. No. Worry about our children. Cant all talk at one time. We want to know its there for the future generations, not only ours. I think that obama i think republicans try to get you into. I think we should give someone else a chance. The last four years have not been good. He didnt do what he promised. Hes going to do better. We gave him four years. Im a democrat, but i dont think he did his job. The house and the senate for two years and jobs was not part of it. And weve never been in debt like we are now. All right. So you heard it, social security, medicare, jobs, the debt. Their concerns run the gamut but something immediate coming just after the first of the year that will affect the personal financial situation of virtually every american and voters are hearing virtually nothing about it from either president obama or mitt romney. This is the fiscal cliff. The 7 trillion worth of tax increases and spending cuts that begin on january 1st. I have been warning you about this part of the economic storm for months now, unless congress and the president act, your taxes will go up, millions of jobs could be lost and the Congressional Budget Office says the u. S. Economy will likely be plunged into recession. Yet, it is something neither president ial candidate has adequately addressed. Lets bring in my friend christine romans, host of your bottom line. Time is running out to fix it. Its a cliche but its true. It actually came up in the last debate, the socalled sequester, thats the part of the fiscal cliff that mandates sharp automatic spending cuts. The president brushed it aside. It will not happen. It will not happen, he said. Awfully confident, dont you think . That raised questions immediately, are there secret talks going on with congress to try to avoid the fiscal cliff . How else can be the president be so sure it will not happen, he said, but the president s campaign quashed that speculation. He can be sure because when the people vote on november 6th and the president is reelected a strong message will be sent that the American People want a balanced approach to solving this problem. There are plenty of people on both sides who want to get that done and will get that done. So no meaningful talks with congress, no effort to make any real progress, just a wait until after the election and it will be all fine. Not encouraging for the millions of americans whose jobs are on the line if we fall off the fiscal cliff. Here are the numbers. If congress doesnt act, 109 billion in automatic spending cuts take effect next year. 55 billion in defense alone. A study funded by the Aerospace Industry association finds more than 2 million jobs will be lost by the end of next year, more than a million in defense and nearly as many nondefenserelated jobs. Only 16 of these are federal workers. The majority of the pink slips will be in the private sector. Now voters in key battleground states are going to feel most of this, ali. In florida where you are, that same study found about 80,000 total jobs lost. In virginia where youre headed next week, more than 207,000 jobs lost. Of course its home to numerous defense contractors and military bases, including the pentagon. Then take a look at california and texas. Not swing states but both, both of those states would be hit hard if the sequester happens. But ali, spending cuts are just part of the fiscal cliff. There are also monster tax increases that will take effect and as the bush tax cuts expire, the amt tax expires, i could go on and on, payroll tax holiday, Nonpartisan Tax Policy Center say american households face on average 3500 in higher taxes next year. Middle income earners would see an increase of two grand. The wealthiest will pay more than 1,000 a month in taxes next year and yet no indication that either candidate has a plan to avert the fiscal cliff. Ali, who has more leverage . The president or congress . Its a big problem. Its a very big problem. We have the same frustration. Weve been asking these questions for months. I am fascinated it doesnt come up more and i think Candy Crowley is right, its not going to come up in the next few days before the election. Christine, thanks very much for that. Well keep trying. That brings me to my next guest, norm onstein at the American Enterprise institute and coa author of the book even worse than it looks. The candidates are not talking about the fiscal cliff. No matter who wins there will have to be some resolution with congress. Whats your sense of how this plays out . Of course, remember that barack obama did in the debates say there will not be a sequester, which caused a little scrambling on had his campaigns part. But the fact is, there hasnt been much discussion of this, but as soon as the election is over, we shift into full governing mode with the reality if they do not reach a deal, president and congress, before the end of the year, all the bush tax cuts expire, all the extenders expire. The payroll tax cut expires and we get these acrosstheboard cuts and then looming a debt ceiling vote. The odds of something happening, though, in november, december are slim. Well, weve seen ceos recently start putting the pressure on congress and the president to reach a deal. Its been a bit of a shift here, norm, because for a long time people were saying it wasnt going to happen. Now this involvement from the Business Community, is that a game changer . Because members of congress rely on their donations. It could be a game changer because, of course, the fact is that when we have the debt limit debacle last year, the Business Community was largely absent without leave. Now youve got a much more Aggressive Movement. The problem, ali, is its an Aggressive Movement in the senate where youve got 40 senators, a bipartisan group, across the spectrum, working on a solution. Its not going to be the full monty of simpsonbowles but that template with some promises and some explicit things to cut the spending, but not with the crazy acrosstheboard cuts and to extend some of the tax cuts, but not all of them, and i think youve got the possibility of 70 votes in the senate. The house of representatives, though, is going to be more polarized after the election, and its not clear where that goes. Frankly, if obama loses the republicans in congress are going to say, hey, why should we even do anything now, or negotiate with a lame duck president , lets wait until january if weve got all the reigns of power and do our mother of all reconciliation bills. Its only if obama wins, that we will see this Movement Forward in november december. But the critical question is, can john boehner bring a bill to the house floor that will probably need more democratic votes than republican votes . Im sorry that its not being discussed more on the campaign trail, but i think that elected officials or those that are running get how serious this is and i hope it works itself out. Good to see you, norm. Ben bernanke has been the steady hand on the wheel of a ship thats been tossed around wild economic seas over the last few years. His days may be numbered as the head of the fed. Thats going to have a major consequence for you and your money and ill tell you why, right after the break. 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Take a good look, folks. The steady captain of the Federal Reserve faces an uncertain future tied to this president ial election. If romney is elected he has said he would replace ben bernanke as fed chair when his term expires in january of 2014. If obama is elected its uncertain whether bernanke would want to stay for a third term. What cant be denied is what ben bernanke and the fed has had on the economy and the markets over the last four years. Some critics say ben bernanke should have seen the financial crisis before it hit us. Thats a conversation for another time. No matter what you do for a living Ben Bernankes policies have affected you and your money. Bernankes fed has pumped more than 2s trillion worth of stimulus through the economy through various programs through the recession. Unemployment has been trending lower since the stimulus programs started in 2008 and bernankes fed has been focused on bringing it down. Inflation, another one of the feds chief concerns has been relatively tame if you take out food and Energy Prices over the last four years, although hard to take out food and Energy Prices. There are concerns about inflation going down the road, though, given the low lending rates that the fed has fostered. That may be bernankes successors problem. Lets look at stocks. The s p 500, the broadest measure of the stock market, thats not the per view of the fed but it is up 10 since president bush appointed bernanke as fed chairman back in 2006. Theoretically, the Federal Reserve is independent of the president and the executive branch of government, but president s do appoint the chairman of the fed, so it matters to you and your money who sits in that seat. Alan blinder is a professor of economics at princeton university, a former Federal Reserve vice chairman. Thank you for joining us, sir. Good to see you. Lets talk about Ben Bernankes fed. My pleasure. Has it had more of an influence on our economy has this fed has more of an influence on our markets and the economy than the feds mission would dictate that it has . Well, thats a hard question to answer. You know, because the feds mission is to promote maximum employment and stable prices. As you just said, the price level the inflation rate has been very stable over the bernanke era as it was in the later part of the greenspan era. The fed has been working overtime so to speak, both figuratively and literally, on its employment mandate and it still is. Its been whats clear is very active by historical standards, absolutely. When you say activist, you know, some people call it mission creep, others say its doing that because it has the effectiveness, able to do it where congress doesnt do it. Whats your sense on should congress be doing more of the work that the fed is trying to achieve . Congress should be doing more of the work the fed is trying to achieve. Look, the reason the fed has been pulling so many different levers over the last several years, is that its normal weapon, the shortterm interest rates, the federal funds rate, hit virtually zero all the way back in december of 2008. At that point, the bernanke fed could have said, well, we give up, were closing up shop, thats all we can do. I think that would have been a huge mistake. Or it could try to look for other things it could do, such as these various quantitative easings and other things that the fed has put into effect. Thats the course it took. I think thats the right course. It doesnt mean it got every little detail right always, but it was basically the right course. And frankly, the job might have been a little easier or might have been a lot easier if congress was more cooperative. I dont mean cooperative with the fed, i mean more cooperative with the president in getting things done, such as, for example, the jobs act that the president proposed a year ago and other things like that, rather than letting this thing go and basically leaving it to ben bernanke. Alan, a pleasure talking to you. Thanks very much for giving us a bit of a conversation and a primer on what the fed is supposed to do and what its been doing in the last few years. Alan blinder. Well, president obama and governor romney treated china like a pinata in the last president ial debate. They didnt address a part of the planet that represents a far bigger problem. Well tell you what it is right after this break. [ male announcer ] this is joe woods first day of work. And his new boss told him two things cook what you love, and save your money. 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Didnt realize they did photoshop here. Hey, good call on those mugs. Cant let em see what youre drinking. You know, im glad were both running a nice, clean race. No need to get nasty. Heres your honk if you had an affair with taylor yard sign. Looks good. [ male announcer ] fedex office. Now save 50 on banners. President obama and mitt romney battled for 90 minutes over Foreign Policy this week in the final debate and spent a good deal of time bashing china. They called it a currency manipulator, a job stealer, an intellectual property thief. Obama defended his toughness, but what about europe . It was barely mentioned in the debate, and it economic problems get scant attention on the campaign trail. Thrt National Fund is expected to grow next year. Its a very important trading partner for the u. S. And the rest of the world. Joining me now is richard quest. Richard, the question is, whats the bigger threat to the Global Economy right now . Slower growth in china or europe . Let me go first, 60 seconds right now. Well, for all the saber rattling, the president ial candidates have been doing about china, you might think were back in the 20th century worrying about communism and the cold war. Please, people. China has been taking jobs out of the u. S. And other countries because of cheap labor, and yes, the u. N. Has been kept at low levels versus other major currencies, but make no mistake, the rest of the world wants china to grow and keep growing. They need china to grow. When the Chinese Government announced its growth slows to 4. 7 in the last quarter, the slowest pace in three years, that got peoples attention, but 7 growth is on fire when you compare china to europe. We need to adjust our expectations. You better strap on a helmet. Europe is in recession. A massive debt crisis that could take other countries, including the u. S. , into a deep spiral. Listen to what Companies Like caterpillar and ford are saying. Theyre cutting sales forecasts because of european uncertainty and laying off workers in the european plant. That mr. President or governor romney should be getting your attention. Europe matters more than china right now. Defend your continent. Ali velshi told us nothing that we didnt already know. Well done, ali velshi. The fact why the candidates arent talking about china or europe is simple. They cant do anything about it. Europe is a trading block big if not bigger than the United States. The United States is shout all about it, but theres they can really do about the european sovereign debt crisis other than worry about it. China, however, is a longterm running saw. You have got a change of government this year. You have got an economy that is slowing but is not going to crash. You have a rising middle class. You have a more important economy in the longer term because its growing faster. That is why immediately you need to worry about europe. Longer term, its china that is the big worrying saw. As for ali velshi, maybe he needs to remember which side is which. Richard, you made sense for the first time in a long time. Good to see you, my friend. Richard quest is in atlanta. And i will be seeing you at the end of this bus tour. You will. The slowdowns in europe and china are felt in the United States. The u. S. Has lost 38,000 manufacturing jobs in the last two months. Next week, your money is headed to a battleground state where manufacturing is a key component of the economy. Ill tell you where that is after the break. Americans are always ready to work hard for a better future. Since Ameriprise Financial was founded back in 1894, theyve been committed to putting clients first. Helping generations through tough times. Good times. Never taking a bailout. There when you need them. Helping millions of americans over the centuries. The strength of a Global Financial leader. The heart of a onetoone relationship. 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Voters who havent voted yet are apparently evenly split. John is with me. Hes qualified for this because he hailed from ohio. My mother and my grandmother still lives there. What are you looking for . What conversation are we going to have with those people in ohio . Its amazing again its coming done to ohio and every vote counts. The swing states are the Southern Area around cincinnati, the area around youngstown, and up into toledo. The whole economic profile of ohio is tied up in the political profile. Its been the manufacturing backbone of the country and its gotten gutted in the past three decades. Steel, general manufacturing, and then autos. Thats right. Thats one of the reasons the auto bailout is a big reason in ohio and why its a benefit to president obama. Im looking forward to riding to ohio with you. Were either going to be great friends or never want to see each other again. Your money is going to be live from toledo next saturday at 1 00 p. M. Eastern. Hello, everyone. 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