Hollandes huge diplomatic initiative. After the paris attacks. To try to bring together various countries in a grand coalition to combat isis. Hes been to washington already. Hes met with Angela Merkel of germany. He met with David Cameron, the british Prime Minister. Now hes here in moscow sitting down for a working dinner as we speak with Vladimir Putin, the russian president. Of course, theyve both been affected by terrorism in the past several weeks. The french attacks everybody in paris. But also russian lost an airliner in sinai, you may remember, 224 People Killed when that was bombed by suspected isis terrorist Group Related terrorist group. So the two have got a shared interest in combatting this group. Its something Vladimir Putin said in the minutes before the dinner started. They met the cameras. They allowed a few photographs to be taken. Vladimir putin said some encouraging remarks, saying, look, we want to Work Together and unite against a common evil. So thats what the discussions are going to be about. Were expecting a joint press conference when their dinner breaks up and they finish having that working meeting in the hours ahead. But its complicated. Its complicated because theres a new problem in syria. Turkish warplane shooting that russian warplane out of the sky. And of course, you know, its made the whole situation a lot more complicated than it was a few days ago. We know putin has demanded an apology from turkey because of this. Turkeys president erdogan responded perhaps not in a way that Vladimir Putin would like to hear. This is an exclusive interview with our becky anderson. Lets listen. Theres a party that needs to f apologize, its not us. Those who violated our airspace are the ones that need to apologize. Our pilots and our armed forces, they simply fulfilled their duties, which consisted of responding to the violation of the rules of engagement. I think this is in essence. What are you hearing, matthew, about this dispute with turkey . Well, the russians are absolutely furious that this has taken place. Not just because theyve had one of their warplanes shot out of the sky by turkish f16s but they lost one of the pilots. He was shot dead as the rebels filmed themselves machine gunning him as he parachuted to the ground. Another marine, russian marine, was killed in the search and rescue operation that followed. So this has caused a massive political rupture here in russia. The russians are already talking about economic sanctions on turkey. The Prime Minister of russia, dmitry medvedev, has spoken to his Prime Minister, saying lets make a list of targets we can sanction, looking at gas supplies, food supplies. The tourists. That could end soon. So that is not an end to the crisis. Matthew chance in moscow, thank you so much. I want to turn to london. This is where Prime Minister David Cameron is asking his parliament to let britain get in the game against isis in syria. He is pressing for a vote on joining the air campaign over syria, along with the United States, france and russia, among others. British planes are already in the air over iraq. And here is part of camerons sometimes emotional push to parliament this morning. My first responsibility is Prime Minister and our first job in this house is to keep the british people safe. We have the assets to do that. We can significantly extend the capabilities of the International Coalition forces. That is one reason why members of the International Coalition, including president obama and president hollande, have made it clear to me that they want britain to stand with them in joining air strikes in syria, as well as iraq. These are our closest allies and they want our help. The most important answer to the question why us is i believe even more fundamental. And its this. We shouldnt be content with outsourcing our security to our allies. If we believe action can help protect us, than with our allies we should be part of that action, not standing aside from it. And from this moral point comes a fundamental question. If we wont act now when our friend and ally, france, has been struck in this way, then our allies in the world can be forgiven for asking, if not now, when . Hes wrong now to ignore the real threat, the isil plan, which is to escalate a regional war into a world war between christians and muslims. And wouldnt our action now repeat what we did in 2003 when we deepened the conflict, we deepened the divide between muslims and christians . That is their strategy. And wont this action now lead to more . The great threat is homegrown terrorism. Isnt his action likely to increase recruits to terrorists to jihadism here and elsewhere in the world . I know the honorable gentleman deeply wants to have the Peaceful World we all dream of. In that, we have something in common. What id say to him is, you know, isil has taken action against us already. They were behind the murder of people on the beach in tunisia. Theyre behind the plots in our country. They butchered our friends and allies and our citizens in paris. And in terms of this battle between muslims and christians, that is what we want to avoid. It is by working with muslim allies to stop this radicalization, stop this extremism and stop isil, that we prevent this clash from taking place. As for isis themselves, they butcher muslims in vast numbers. Thats why they have to be stopped. In the end, we cant subcontract that work out to everybody else. We should be part of it. Want to bring in phil black now. He is covering this from london. Phil, you sort of flash back to a couple years ago in 2013 when the parliament really gave David Cameron a stinging defeat as he sought to take some military action in syria, albeit against bashar al assad. Has the rise of isis changed things there in such a way that getting involved to combat isis, this is something that British Public opinion, that the mps would go along with . Yes, possibly, but you have that movement on one hand competing with a longstanding deep suspicion of Foreign Military intervention that goes back to the iraq war as well. You heard cameron there being asked a very passionate question about repeating the mistakes of 2003. Thats a reference to iraq. Thats what David Cameron is trying to overcome. Its why hes stating his case in a very sober deliberate cautious way. Very different to the way tony cameron made the case for war back in 2003. Stressing that the same mistakes wont be repeated. Stressing this would be a legal action. Thats why hes making this case but he said hell only bring it to parliament to vote if he believes he has the numbers. If he believes he has enough support in parliament to pass this, to get that approval, it could happen as early as next week. Well, he certainly doesnt want another defeat. We will stay tuned as you follow this with us. Thanks so much, phil. I want to talk more now about the impact that the british decision could have on the fight against isis in syria. Joining me now from new york is david rhode. A Senior Global Affairs analyst. From california, cnn military analyst, retired colonel rick francona. David, i want to start with you. David cameron is talking about the cover that would provide if britain were to join the fight with the u. S. Against syria. What is he proposing . What would the Immediate Impact be for the coalition . I think it would be helpful if britain participated, but its not vital. I dont think theres a military solution, a pure military solution to whats happening here. And so the one thing it would produce is unity. I think as isil watches the tensions between russia and turkey this week, as they watch this sort of intense debate in britain, as obama and the u. S. Hesitates in sending in ground troops, i think that helps isil. I think the division and the lack of clarity among the western allies helps them. I think its incumbent upon cameron and others about how this is different than simply invading iraq. Im not sure theyve made that case yet. What do you think about that, colonel francona . What does he need to do to make that case . Do you see him bringing this to a vote where hes confident that hes going to get support . Well, i hope that he gets support. As david said, the problem isnt whether the british participate in syria or not. Militari militarily, it wont make a difference. What we dont have is clarity of purpose here. Were working at odds are the other people involvemillion syria. Thats the russians, the iranians and the iraqis, all supporting bashar al assad. We are all in the fight against isis but we want to remove assad from power. Nothings going to happen against isis because we cant get the russians, the americans, the french, british, everybody on the same sheet of music. So im hoping we can get that resolved. And then the british of course are always welcome to provide their support in syria. But the british support in other ways. Its just not their military support. They have a lot of intelligence capabilities we need. I want to talk about this dispute going on right now between russia and turkey. Vladimir putin, hes waiting for an apology from turkey for this shooting down of a russian jet. Turkey says this was an incursion into their airspace. They gave multiple warnings. And there eith, theyre saying russia who needs to apologize. How does this complicate these talks about what a political transition in syria could be . It deeply complicated them. I agree with frank. What you want to do is use military force to pressure isil and shrink the territory they have and you want to move forward on some sort of diplomatic solution in syria. No one is articulating a clear purpose here, a clear longterm strategy. The old sort of iraq views where all military forces, some on the left and liberals, and on the right, you know, the u. S. , theres an argument you just bomb them and that will solve the problem. It has to be a combination of force and diplomacy. The dispute between russia and turkey really worries me because both, you know, turkish leader erdogan is a nationalist. He wants an apology. Putin has made his name in russia as a nationalist. Hes demanding an apology. So the two personalities worry me. They need to back down. This dispute between turkey and russia just helps isil. And i just worry for political reasons, each leader will up the receiptic in russia and turkey and will continue to have this division and distraction. Colonel, if you see that, if you see this rhetoric increased, you know, if, god forbid, you see Something Else happen that really ratchets this up, which we realize is possible after the shooting down of this russian plane, what does that mean, where would it take this conflict . As the colonel said it only plays into the hand of isil, isis. When youve got disharmony between the people that are supposed to be fighting isis, it only serves their purposes. They have both got to realize we have a bigger problem here and thats isis. Its not that border. If you look at what happened, the russians have made too many provocations and thats why the turks responded as they did. This was a very minor incursion and it drew a major reaction. This is a reaction to numerous provocations over the last several months. Its not just in turkey. Putin has been pressing nato on all of its boarders. Putin needs to back down a little bit. And the turks need to be a little less sensitive about that border. Because were all in the same fight here. No one seems to get that message. All right, colonel, david, thanks so much to both of you. Happy thanksgiving. We appreciate your time on this holiday to talk about this important topic. All right, gentlemen, thanks so much. A mosque in brussels evacuated after suspicious powder is found in envelopes. Plus, airports on high alert amid concerns extremist also may have infiltrated the ranks of employ ooepsyees there, what u. Security officials are doing about that. Tmobile has a deal that blows away black friday. Get a 4g lte tablet on us, when you get a data plan for no money down, and no monthly payments. Dont wait. Get a tablet on us only at tmobile. Type 2 diabetes doesnt care who you are. Man woman or where youre from. City country were just everyday people fighting high blood sugar. I am everyday people. Farxiga may help in that fight every day. Along with diet and exercise, farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. 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Ask your doctor if farxiga is right for you and visit farxiga. Com to learn how you can get it for free. Brussels authorities today dropped their Terror Threat level from 4 to 3 but not before they had a scare on their hands. A suspicious powder found at the grand mosque but then tests showed the powder was just flour. World leaders will gather in paris on monday for the start on talks about climate change. Cnns Martin Savidge is with us now from paris. Martin, are authorities there confident that they can really safely protect these leaders . They are very much so. At least publicly. You can bet behind the scenes, there are some Security Officials that are going to have some very sleepless nights until this is all over and done with. Youll have 147 leaders here, including the president of the United States, the president of china, Vladimir Putin from russia. Thats just some of the dignitaries that are going to be gathered here. Some 11,000 Police Officers have been dedicated to the security of this gathering. About 3,000 will secure the venue. Another 8,000 are put on whats called border security. So clearly theres an indication of just how much is being brought to bear. In other ways, theyve had to scale things back. There was a huge Public Participation part of this conference. The big demonstrations, Authorities Say they just cannot put enough police focusing on those demonstrations while p prying trying tro protect the heads of state. The other thing they fear is these heads of state are going to be more focused on talking about terror than talking about environment and the money they spent to try to reduce Carbon Emissions will go towards protecting their borders. Were now hearing from members of the california rock band eagles death metal. That was the band performing at the paris bataclan concert hall when militants attacked nearly three weeks ago. The attackers burst in and opened fire, killing 89 people. People started dropping to the ground, injuries, death, you know, and then also running. Theres nowhere to go so they basically ran into me. Towards me. And jumped down below my console. I was Still Standing up. I can see the gunman. He looked right at me. He shot at me. He missed. He hit my console. And buttons went flying everywhere. Like the console caught a shot. Thats when i went instantly down to the ground. We all just huddled. I think he thought i probably got hit because i went down so quickly and everybody else around was injured. Theres blood all over. He stayed there and continued to shoot and shoot and slaughter and just scream at the top of his lungs allah akbar and thats when i instantly knew what was going on. Chilling description there. Thats an interview from vice. The bataclan killings were the single largest loss of life in paris during the attacks on november 13th. Just ahead, the paris attacks and the russian plane crash in egypt showed isis ability to strike without warning. Well be looking at how authorities are working overtime to keep people safe through the holidays neck. I use whats already inside me to reach my goals. So i liked when my doctor told me i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating whats within me. With onceweekly trulicity. Trulicity is not insulin. It helps activate my body to do what its supposed to do release its own insulin. Trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. I take it once a week, and it works 24 7. It comes in an easytouse pen and i may even lose a little weight. Trulicity is a onceweekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. It should be used along with diet and exercise. 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This has actually resulted in some longer wait times at security checkpoints this big travel weekend. What are the measures . What additional measures do you know tsa is putting in place . If youre the average airline passenger, you going to notice any of this . The first thing you are going to notice is that show of force youve been talking about, not only at airports but at train and bus stations. Heavy weaponry, bomb sniffing dogs. The flying public is seeing tsas conducting random checks for explosives and theyre also doing additional checking at the gate. So yes, there are things that are happening right before boarding, you may also be checked. Even if you have precheck, you could be asked to remove your shoes. The key her is unpredictability. That is seen as the deterrent. It will obviously take a lot longer to get through the security checkpoint so theyre telling flyers they should arrive two hours before departure. Sunday will be the busiest travel day yet. Thats when everyone will be returning from the holidays. And what on the bigger scale, just looking more broadly, what else is the government doing to protect the homeland . Besides what youre seeing at bus stations, youre also see things behind the scenes. Saying they are closely monitoring dozens of people who they think pose the highest threat of attempting a copycattype attack in the United States. Additionally, they say there are over 100 joint Terrorism Task force investigations into isis sim pa tithers. Those cases are currently open and they say those investigations were taken up a notch immediately after the paris attacks. What the fbi is trying to do is prioritize. Who do they think most likely could or would carry out these attacks, versus whos just consuming that terror propaganda. Tom, i suppose we should get some comfort from the president coming out and saying theres no credible threat against isis but paris Authorities Say they didnt have any active intelligence before the attacks there. I think this is part of the reason why a lot of people are concerned. What do you make of this . If you look at paris and some of these attacks in europe over the last few years, they dont have good intelligence. They dont have good outreach programs in the communities where these terrorists gather and form these cells. So in france and in brussels, you had three cells of 6 to 8 people each form to do these attacks. The first one carried out the attack. The second one was neutralized when they killed them all in the apartment. And the third one potentially is still on the loose which is why they have the threat level so high in brussels. In the u. S. , weve had calls also where the fbi and the police have much better outreach, much better cooperation than the muslim communities and so when an individual tries to recruit two, three, five more people to help do an attack and many of the cases, more than 70 arrests over the last few years, thats when the authorities find out. Somebody calls the police, calls the fbi and say, look, we have somebody in our neighborhood trying to form a group to do an attack and theyre neutralized. Now, the threat really remains the 1 or 2 people who dont include others. And therefore they have Operational Security like the Boston Marathon bombers two brothers. When you have that kind of low numb number, one or two or three people that could do an attack, now the authorities are trying to read their mind. Were, they want to, yes, theyve talked about it, yes, theyre on social media, but when are they going to make the conversion and go operational and carry out an attack. As you look at the Holiday Season what do you think the biggest threat is facing americans and what can be done about it if anything . I think everything thats being done is being done at the moment. Thats to step up security at places terrorists normally want to strike, which is aviation. Keep them off an airplane. Keep them out of the airplane if possible. You know, be able to deal with them if they get on trains or buses or other conveyances. That parts being done. As i said, if one or two people sudden lip decide and they have the weapons to do it, that theyre going to go out and do something, thats almost impossible to stop. Its going to remain impossible for the long run. All right, tom, renee, thank you, guys, so much, for joining us on this holiday. Happy thanksgiving to both of you. Coming up, well give you a closer look at the anger in russia over that plane shootout and why russia is going to such lengths to punish turkey. A penguin loaded a toy car onto a racetrack. 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Were expecting them to hold a joint News Conference any minute now that we will bring to you. This is all part of a diplomatic marathon by president hollande in his effort to drum up support for an antiisis coalition. The russianings have said they want the syrian president to remain in power. This is an area of contention, especially for the United States. The french president is doing this following the terror attacks two weeks ago in paris that killed 130 people. Meantime, the rhetoric between russia and turkey is ramping up. Turkeys president says his country will not apologize for the downing of a russian warplane that he says violated its airspace. In an exclusive interview, Cnns Becky Anderson asked president erdogan to respond to this accusation. Translator there is no deliberate effort from our side to bring the relationship to a standstill. I think these are emotional attitudes to the issue. I dont think its the right thing to say. We have never had this kind of an intention to bring the relationship to this kind of a point. They do keep coming. Putin has accused you of effectively stabbing him in the back i think is the line he used. And as being, turkey as being an accomplice of terror. This is pretty fiery stuff, isnt it . Translator yes, mr. Putin is saying that we are cooperating with daish, that we are accomplices. I think that will be a huge mistake. Now, russia is reporting successes in its air campaign in syria. In his daily briefing, the spokesman for Russias Defense Ministry announced the military action resulted in killing all terrorists in the area where the russian fighter jet pilot was rescued. Jill dougherty joining us from moscow where she has served many years as cnns bureau chief. Shes now a researcher for the International Center of defense and security. Jill, thank you for being with us on this holiday. I want to begin with this latest news about russias air campaign. Is there any way to verify what russias defense officials are saying . Well, a lot of what theyre saying, lets say in the technical sense, probably is correct. I mean, theyre looking at the ground, et cetera. But i think where you get the difficulty is who exactly are they hitting, and thats where russia would maintain theyre hitting isis, and the western countries would say theyre hitting opposition, moderate opposition, as they say. And never the twain shall meet, because russia continues to say, look, the moderate opposition is the people who you saw dancing next to the dead body of a russian aviator. That is almost exactly a quote i heard at the Foreign Ministry today. Theyre saying show us your moderate opposition. These are the guys, you know, that we think are shooting people who are helicoptering, im sorry, taking a parachute to the ground. So theres a complete lack of agreement on who these people are that they are hitting. And when you hear that, that description, and you think of how russians are responding to this, perhaps its no surprise that people are very angry there, jill. Tell us, how pervasive is the anger over there . Do you know, i think its really shock and anger because just back up a week or two, turkey and russia had a very important relationship, especially the economic relationship. Its a huge relationship, 44 billion in trade and services that turkey, between the two countries. You can go out to a food store any place around here, youll find turkish food, turkish buildings. Theres a lot of construction. The russians are building atomic reactors in turkey. So its a very big relationship. And when they shot down that plane, russia immediately, in shock and anger, decided they were going to do whatever they could. So the Prime Minister, medvedev, has been putting together a list, and they have two days to come up with the final list of how they can retaliate. It will not be having a military fight. Although they have stop military cooperation with turkey. But it will certainly be economic and it will be certainly diplomatic. Okay so more economic measures, diplomatic measures, the military. I wonder about this. Russia has been saying the u. S. Should have known in advance that turkey was going to do this. And obviously this makes you wonder if this is going to create even more tension between russia and the u. S. Whats your read on this from where you are in moscow . You know, i actually asked the question, brianna, over at the briefing at the Foreign Ministry. What russia is saying the United States is the head of this coalition that is taking military action in syria. Against isis. And turkey, as part of that coalition, should be lets say following directions and orders and informing the United States of what it is doing. And so if they decided, duritur decided, to shoot down a plane, then the United States should have known about it. Now, did the United States know in advance . So far, we dont have any indication of that. But that is what russias doing. You could say yes, theyre making indirect accusations against the United States, but theyre also scoring points, you could say, against nato and the coalition. And saying, look, if one party is doing something and the other party doesnt known, then your coalition is in trouble or maybe youre incompetent or maybe you actually want to drive us out of syria. And that is what some of the officials are saying. The answer russia is saying to that is were not leaving, were going to follow through on this mission, and were going to go after the terrorists. Its a very tense situation i would have to say between turkey and russia right now. Yes, certainly is. Jill dougherty, thank you for your insight. Always great to see you. Coming up, president obama and the war against isis. Well look at the more emotional tone he took this week. 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It cannot be tolerated. It must be destroyed. And we must do it together. We love the french. Sometimes we americans are too shy to say so, but were not feeling shy today. This was not only a strike against one of the worlds great cities, it was an attack against the world itself. The madness that slaughtered the innocent from nine jegeria to s to lebanon to iraq. It is a scourge that threatens all of us. I want to bring in the White House Correspondent for bloomberg news. This is something that struck so many people. The difference in tone between right after the attacks and then what we saw in this press conference. You follow the president every day. Do you see an adjustment here . Should we read a lot into this . Absolutely. At the very least, its a recognition by president obama that other people arent seeing whatever emotion or strength of force that hes feeling internally. So much of his political personality has always been about keeping it cool under pressure and, you know, not showing flashes of anger. But when Something Like this happens, the American People want to see flashes of anger, surges of power, determination to do something, recognition of peoples emotional pain. He doesnt wear that on his sleeve. Its not comfortable for him to do that publicly. But he understands that he needs to. We begin to see those public demonstrations on tuesday and then the day before thanksgiving, him come out with the sort of special appearance after meeting with his national Security Officials just to let people know, i know youre worried about travel on the holiday. Everythings okay. Theres no imminent threat. This is a real recognition from him that people not only want to hear his emotion but want him to say, i understand youre scared, and im taking it seriously. How much pressure is the white house under to have this change of rhetoric and even a change in strategy . Right, it really is two different things. Hes made pretty clear privately and to some degree publicly that hes not planning on changing his strategy right now. He still doesnt want to commit u. S. Ground troops as many of the republican president ial candidates have been recommending. He still is in favor of nofly zone. He still wants to have this kind of dual strategy where hes calling for the syrian president , assad, to go, even as hes fighting isis, so he doesnt want to change any of those. It is more of a rhetorical shift. I think hes hoping by making that rhetorical shift, he can show people that the plan that he has put forward and is implementing is actually doing something. Whereas his critics are saying, you know, your plan is not doing enough. Up until now, hes been saying things like its a slow and steady thing. Nothing happens overnight. He understands now he needs to talk about it in a different way and to say this is what were doing. When you use words like barbaric and destroy, it conveys what his policy is doing. Margaret, as you covered this president over the years, he was elected really on getting out of iraq. Thats right. Try iing to wind down these wars that his predecessor had started. And now hes facing this threat from isis in the middle east. And hes under some pressure to perhaps do more. You said the strategy may not change, but certainly the president is feeling that pressure. Is there and i know probably publicly the white house doesnt talk about this. But how much of a concern is there that this could affect his legacy, or is this also an issue of this could affect 2016 in a way that swings things for a republican candidate which ultimately could dismantle his legacy . Yeah. I mean, sort of the literary aspects of politics its impossible to miss the irony. This young senator with very little National Security experience got elected, promising to get the u. S. Out of iraq. Thats what helped him to win the primary against Hillary Clinton and then to win the election against george w. Bushs legacy. And now here we are, hes being dragged sort of back into the arena, being blamed for moving out of iraq too quickly, as having sort of helped to Gain Momentum to the rise of isis. Its tremendously frustrating for him. As long as Hillary Clinton continues on the path that she is, she is not going to get doveish on this. Its a fairly hawkish perspective for the democratic party. Theyre certainly hoping they can make National Security an issue again, the republicans. For president obama, its a legacy in terms of not only what people say of him but was he able to change the dynamic of Foreign Policy as he wanted to do . Margaret, great story this week. Thanks for chatting with us on thanksgiving. Happy thanksgiving. Hope you and your family have a good one. Thank you. Still ahead the New York Times is fighting back at donald trump for mocking one of its reporters. What he said that has so many people upset. Does this really matter to his supporters . Thats next. Moderate to severe Crohns Disease is tough, but ive managed. Except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. And when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe Crohns Disease. And that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. 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Now the poor guy youve got to see this. Guy. I dont know what i said. I dont remember. Maybe thats what i said. This is 14 years ago. They didnt do a retraction. The New York Times was obviously flabbergasted by this. A spokesperson telling cnn, we find it outrageous he would ridicule the appearance of one of our reporters and not known for backing down, trump has been firing back through his twitter account. Lets get more now from cnns athena jones. What is going on here and what is donald trump saying, athena . Hes not backing down. He has not been known to apologize. What he is doing is doubling down, attacking now the New York Times for defending that reporter. Ill read you just a couple of tweets weve seen him post. Here is one. Since the people at the New York Times had made all bad decisions over the last decade, why do people care what they write . Incompetent here is another. Failing New York Times should be focused on good reporting and the papers financial survival and not with constant hits on donald trump but look, the bottom line here, brianna, almost every day, every speech he makes, trump says something or does something that raises peoples eyebrows. But this, in many ways, takes the cake. Its very unusual to see a politician take to a stage and mock a reporter who has a disability. This reporter has a condition that causes his limbs to contort. You can see in the video trump sort of acting that out. But as you know, we have been calling him the teflon don. Nothing he says or does seems to hurt him in the polls. Ive seen a series of tweets from his supporters, to me, all day saying that what he did wasnt inappropriate and that were taking it too far. Brianna . Its interesting. Some people would say if another candidate did this. Its held to a different standard, perhaps, by his supporters. Certainly not following the usual politicians playbook. He has created a whole new playbook, forged a whole new path of his own and ordinary rules dont seem to apply to him. He has not been a politician. And the way he speaks his mind, thats one of the things that his supporters say they like about him. Well see if it changes, but it doesnt look like its changing so far. It really doesnt. Thats a good assessment. Athena jones, thank you so much. That is it for me. Ill be back here for our viewers. Amanpour is next. Very happy thanksgiving to you and your family. Newsroom with Brooke Baldwin starts right now. And happy thanksgiving to you. Im Brooke Baldwin here in new york. Thanks for being with me here on this thursday. Lets begin with news just in, involving the biggest parade in America Today between hello kitty and spiderman, you probably miss this had on television this morning. Tune in right now. In custody for flying a drone alongside those balloons. So, lets look at some pictures here just in to us. You will see the drone is that little white speck in that frame there. Here you go. Weve circled it for you. As you know, security on the highest alert after the terror attacks in paris. Renee marsh will beoi

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