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Of van in a van. My thing. This time, i take my van to utah. I get a chance to talk to some native americans. So pro trump, some anti. They get into it. Youre going to get some original per spspectives, but first, lets talk. Look, it is really easy to get overwhelmed every day by this torrent of tweets and crazy news, but i want to talk about serious stuff. Even in this flood of insanity, there are some events and some trends that do matter. Its bad enough that americans seem to be losing our sense of a shared national identity. Thats bad enough. But a deeper level, im starting fear that were losing our shared sense of humanity. Both with people around the world and even for each other. For example, in puerto rico, a new harvard study came out. It says that more than 4600, 4,600 american citizens lost their lives in the aftermath of hurricane maria. Thats about as many people thats died in 9 11, in Hurricane Katrina combined. Its an ongoing emergency. People still dying. Yet no reaction. No reaction. And then there was last months tragedy in the holy land. Whether you blame hamas or israel, dozens of protesters, human beings, lost their lives. And you dont have to pick a side to know this. Everybody on all sides should be horrified. We should still be in a moment of soul searching, trying to make sure it never happens again, but again, no reaction. Then theres a heartbreak on our own border. American imgrmigration official are separating parents from their children. Even mothers who follow the proper procedure. A process that can take months, are being kept apart from their own children. Now President Trump wants to spin this and blame obama. Blame the democrats. Its true. Under certain circumstances, separating families did happen before. But its being used much more aggressively now with 100 no tolerance policy. And trumps chief of staff just shrugged it off, snatching babies away from mothers is a tough deterrent to would be immigrants. Hold on a second. Zwrous send a political message . When did it become okay in america to tra traumatize children and terrify mothers . You know, republicans are supposed to be b a prolife, profamily party. Surely profamily republicans and democrats could Work Together to stop this. But so far, again, very little reaction. Very little outrage. This really bothers me. You know, americans dont have trouble getting outraged. Were outraged every day. All the time, about little stuff. We focus on energy on the transgressions of the big personalities. Donald trump, Roseanne Barr, samantha bee, but not the tragedies of every day people. Lets not get exhausted by the trivial that we got no energy left to deal with the truly tragic. Lets not get so divided over all these policy differences that we forget were dealing with real people who love their lives, their kids and need to do a better job looking out for one another. So in these dark times, we need some hope. We need some light. We need folks whon how to make us laugh and think. Nobody does that better than my next guest, please welcome from the big bang theory, jim parsons in the house. Hello. Hello. Welcome. Thank you very much. Hello. You look like hop a long cassidy. I have a boot. Did you kick too much butt . No, ive been, i dont know what ive been doing. Ive lost my balance on stage, curtain call. Went down, twisted my ankle. Tore a tendon and cracked the foot. Honestly. But im back. You know. Miracle of modern medicine. Were glad youre back. Thank you. Youve come through worst stuff. You were born in texas. That wasnt worse. I love texas. I love the red states, too. But being a gay kid, when you were growing up, did you ever imagine that the top paid actor on television would be a gay guy, you . Neither of those tacfacts, n. I didnt think in those terms in so many ways. It was more about just get itin by in life and figuring out who i was and how i could live happiest and one thing led to another that both my own life gone a certain way and the world and the country has gone a certain way that has allowed the moment were in now to exist. But its a tricky thing, isnt it . Is two steps forward, one step back. I dont think listening to the beginning stuff you were talking about and dont even have to listen to just that. Just wake up in the morning and turn on the tv. Its a very interesting time and feels like were in a real testing ground. I dont know if its rebalancing. I hate to use that term, but it does feel like theres been a lot of progress in a lot of ways. And were currently sit ng a time where i dont know if its the last gasp of outrage about certain things or if theres a kind of not so fast thing. I cant tell whats going on. But yet you have been trying to reach out. That podcast series. Yeah. It was jim parsons too stupid for politics. That was interesting. Yeah. What did you learn doing that and also, you started listening to right wing radio, left wing radio, trying to make sense of this. What did you learn . One of the things i wanted to do was try and get past the whirlwind of its ironic that the World Politics is is in there. Because the political language. There are so many things with all the arguments we have and everything are based on real structures. Real institutions. Real laws. And theyre not quite as necessarily, dont have to be as emotional and heated, to figure out what they are and whats going on. But it seemed like the way in to talking about things is very rarely from that base of what it really is. And instead from the megaphones and yelling. Right. On both sides, to be fair. This is deep stuff and important stuff and stuff our world is built on. I want to talk about this new film. This is a film so timely and cutting edge. Were probably going to get in a lot of trouble. Maybe. Well see. A kid called ed well see. A kid called eed like jake. A kid with gender identity issues. I want to show a clip and lets talk about it. He asked once we were having dinner and he asked why boys cant wear skirts. Because girls can wear pants. What did you tell him . We told him the truth, i guess, which is there is no good reason, really. But then i mentioned that in scotland, men wear kilts. Kind of like skirts. We googled kilts, looked at pictures. He wasnt very impressed. So you didnt tell him there are men who do wear dresses in our culture . What was it about this, this film that made you want to do it . There were a couple of th things. Even just that scene, way those characters talk to each other is very organic and real sounding. And the conversation has a believable, interesting way about it. As an actor, i want to be a part of those scenes and engage in that conversation. Impossible to separate from that though is the topic at hand and what this really is, its a little ironic that jake is in the title because jakes not in the play at all. And hes not seen too much in the movie because, which has gotten, some people dont like that about it and its fine. Its a choice we make, which was the choice was to focus on these main adults in his life. His teacher, octavia plays. His parents that me and claire dans play. Focus on them and what they think theyre seeing and how theyre all trying to come from a good place, but it doesnt matter. Its still to be human and fail and struggle with an issue you dont fully understand. You do have to make choices as an adult supervisor of a child in your care. Any way, its not clean and pretty. What would you say to a parent, givern what youve learned and studied. I think a lot of people in their head, say, im pro all these rights. Im pro lgbtq and if it comes into their own lives,its a different reaction. People realize they dont know what to do. They have all kind of biases and fears that jump up and dont know what to do. What would you say to a parent who says im for it on paper, but scared of it in my house. With saying i have no answers at all erpersonally, the one thg i learned from doing the film, the reason for the fearful reactions about things you think youre okay with until its your own child, the reason you feel that way i believe is because of the universality of it, you feel protective of the one you love and worry for them. For their safety. You worry for their life. You want them to be happy. And when you realize that a loft maybe a reaction you may be having is not one that on paper, you would have thought you would have had, understand first its coming from for the most part and most case, from a good place. You want to protect the one you love. Thats generous. So many of the conversations that claire danes character and i have in this movie, not only did we realize that person after person in a relationship, especially if they have children, ive had the same conversation, not about the same thing, but the language is the same. The argument is the same. The blame game between the parents. This is your fault. This is your fault. She goes on this rampage about if you had only taken him to the park and had thrown a ball in his action. Which is like insane on its face, but thats what you do when youre in a closed relationship like that. Again, you are concerned for the one you love. This isnt the first time youve taken on a role that pushes the envelope. You did the normal heart, about aids. Boys in the band, which goes back to gay life in the 60s. Why do you keep on taking these roles . You could play any role you wanted to. I think two main things and the personal one for me is, which may sound like thats it . But it really is what i find entertaining. And what i find, what interests me. What scripts, what parts come along that show a journey that im like, i dont think i fully understand that. I connect to something in it, but id really like to explore this. The second thing is talking about following your heart. The projects find you. And the people who are putting them together, like everything were talking about was brought to me. You kind of put the boat in the water. This takes you to some of the best places and i want to talk to you about more of it. When we get back, we got a lot more to talk b about, including the perilous flight of medians in the trump era. Next. Coppertone sport. Proven to protect street skaters and freestylers. Stops up to 97 uv. Lasts through heat. Through sweat. Coppertone. Proven to protect. Bipolar i disorder can make you feel unstoppable. But mania, such as unusual changes in your mood, activity or energy levels, can leave you on shaky ground. 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I feel like anybody who does anything like even like were doing now, i dont feel any more or less worried for anybody else or ourselves than you and i sitting here right now. It crosses my mind every time i do an interview or speak in public or anything. Its hard to speak your mind. Now i dont do comedy in the traditional sense like a samantha or whatever, so im not trying to make jokes on my own. I deliver other peoples. I can blame them. You know. But no. It is tricky and were, you touched on this in the opening monologue. Were easily offended right now. And frequently about things that ultimately probably not that important. In the big scheme of things. What do you think about a Roseanne Barr and what she said . Do you think she went too far . Should shefb giffin a Second Chance . How do you make sense of that . I only felt about it on an emotional scale. So i guess thats what ill say. Which was how and why . That was really my only reaction. Whether the reaction, i was surprised it was canceled immediately but, really to the face of it, reading that tweet, reading it several times. I dont follow her or anything, but i was like how did that, how did you type that . I did have one thought though, which was that its okay to say certain things as an elected official right now that is not necessarily okay to say as an intertarian. I find that fascinating in other words, the president of the United States might be able to say stuff working. Thats not even a judgment. I think thats a fact. If your job is put into place through the vote of the citizens like literal, not just votes of ad dollars and thipngs like tha, you can still get by. In this case, they cut ties, abc did, with something that was going to be a cash cow for them in a next however long. Also for your friends. Youve got friends on your show on that show. How do you feel about that . Awful. I didnt see it, but i think shonda rhymes brought up, its so sad. Thats true anytime a show is cancel canceled. Im close to laurie and johnny, i dont know what his plans were, but i dont knknow a lot e on there. Sara gilbert. The crew you see and know. So many people employed like that. Taken down by a tweet. I saw your instagram feed. Should laurie have her on show . Always. Shes one of the american treasures of ak. Shes an incredibly grounded and truthful and wonderful dramatic act rress and one of the funnie people. Maybe they spin it off. Spin off, create something new for her. Whatever the hell you want to do, b but keep using her. Youre a good red state guy from texas. Im from tennessee. Do Roseanne Barr supporters have a point . Not about the crazy tweets. But about the idea that red staters dont have a big enough space in the sitcom culture. Is that something you think about that bothers you . Working in the industry, do get the sense we are surrounded at the creative level by more of the left leaning mind set and heart set than we are the right. Were completely devoid of a conservative viewpoint and people in hollywood. I think and maybe you feel this way, too. I have always felt the i have so many conservative traits about me. I am such a family first type of guy. Perhaps i have a more expansive view of family, but as far as its importance and the work it takes and the necessity of having pillars in your life around you and support, i dont, i dont see that as a left or right type of thing because in my heart, i know what i need. Its the same damn thing that other people need. What do you wish our coastal friends better understood about the heartland . If you gave them more shows, it would be more bigotry and mean stuff. What do people miss . Oh my goodness. The ones i know and love are very warm people. Who make it their mission to take care of their neighbor. And maybe they belong to a church and take care of their community through that. I grew up in a family who was very churchgoing. Still very churchgoing. One of the things you did that was very traditional was you got married. Even as recently as 2012, barack obama was hesitant to say he was for marriage equality. Five years later, 2017, youre married and its no big deal. Like nobody cares at all. In fact, the big deal, which really took me by surprise, was how this goes to me be a traditionalist or just a human, i dont know, how meaningful the day was. We did it because it was meaningful, but to go through the wedding, to be there in front of all of your loved ones and your family, it really gave such mean ting, it gave such meaning to it where people can bear witness to it. It meant so much more to me than i was prepared for. Especially dwrgrowing up where wasnt a possibility. It wasnt a dream. It feels so traditional to me. Feels so much like mom and dad. But its not. Obviously. I cant tell you how much you mean to the country. Oh, my goodness. Thank you. Seriously. Youre somebody who, youre recognized all across the country. Every time you have a chance to do something, you do something brave, provocative, helpful to all of us. I cant tell you how much it means to me. Oh thank you for having me. Listen, thank you for being here. A kid like jake is in select theatres right now. Its on demand everywhere friday june 8th. Check it out. Zblncht up next, you may have heard i was at the white house. Yes, at the Trump White House helping the Trump Administration look out for people behind bars. The good thing is im not the only person trying to reach across to the other side to do some good stuff. Up next, we got a democratic congressman, a cosponsor of a Justice Reform bill and as we go to break, theres been so much talk about the tasteless rhetoric by roseanne and samantha bee this week, i wanted to hear from you. Heres what you had to say about it. Of course they should both be fired. Could anyone no matter who you are walk into your place of employment and say what sam bee and Roseanne Barr said to another person . Racism and insults are two different things. I would hope people could tell the difference. Disrupting business and taking on a life of its own. Its multicloud complexity creating friction. And slowing innovation. With softwaredefined solutions, like hpe onesphere, you can tame the it monster. Hewlett packard enterprise. Clouds, apps, and insights faster. Welcome to holiday inn thank you wait, i have something for you every stay is a special stay at holiday inn. Save up to 15 when you book early at hollidayinn. Com save up to 15 when you book early im a small business, but i have. Big dreams. And big plans. So how do i make the efforts of 8 employees. Feel like 50 . How can i share new plans virtually . How can i download an efile . Virtual tours . Zipfile . Really big files . In seconds, not minutes. Just like that. Like everything. The answer is simple. Ill do what ive always done. Dream more, dream faster, and above all. Now, ill dream gig. Now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. Sometimes, washington, d. C. Reminds me of the real housewives. Serious. Got basically two clicks. Never get along. Lot of cattiness. Bunch of drama takes over. But shockingly, last month, we saw one bright spot in congress. Republicans and democrats in the house worked together and passed a Prison Reform bill. With overwhelming bipartisan support. It would ban the shackling of women in prison giving birth. It lets incarcerated people earn their way home sooner and people would be elbe jibl to come home right away. I went to the Trump White House and tried to push for action and got serious backlash. Not from conservatives. But from progressives. So even though we prevailed, got me thinking, is bipartisanship really just dead in the truera . Joining me to talk is one of f the cosponsors, ha chemojekeemes is in the house. So glad to have you. First of all, i wanted to hear from you. Why in the era of division and dysfunction and crazyness would you walk out into the killing fields to try to get a bill done for prisoners . They aint got no lobbyists, man. They cant help you. Cant vote. Why take this risk for people behind bars . Thats the reason. Its great tb with you, van. To go all in on this issue. To focus on the left behind individuals who are incarcerate d without hope, without opportunity, a Second Chance at getting a start in life. Once they are able to leave the federal pen tinch itentiary. When when the war on drugs started, there were less than 50,000. Today, there are 2. 2 million. Disproportionally black and latino. Its a stain on our democracy. You decided were going to reach out, try to get the bill done. Whats the best thing b about the bill. Im going to hit you with the criticisms. The most important thing is that it would authorize a quarter of a billion dollars over a five year period of time to create the type of reentry programming, access to education, geds, community college, mental health, counseling, Substance Abuse treatment. The types of things that have been proven to reduce resit viz m, save taxpayer dollars and really provide the hope and opportunity that should exist in the United States of america for everyone. Why do you think republicans and a Jared Kushner would be supportive of a bill that good. The reality is that criminal Justice Reform is something that democrats and republicans have been b discussing longer than it was a thought donald trump would be the president of the United States of america. We welcome their support, but it was important for news the house to begin to make progress on this issue. You talk about it beautifully, but liberals and progressives came after you, hammer, tong. You had naacp. Aclu. Cory booker, camekamala harris,e New York Times. Eric holder said the bill threatens to derail momentum for sentencing reform. The bill is attempting half measure, but lawmakers should resist. What do you say to those who say that all sounds great b, but all youre talk iing about is helpi the people in prison do bert and get out. But weve got to stop people from going in the first place. Weve got to change the sentences. What do you say to those people . Thats correct in terms of criminal Justice Reform. Front end sentencing is necessary. Reducing minimums. So we dont see these out of control sentences. Prison reform has been a part oof that equation and my view was when we attempted to negotiate a bill that the Obama Administration supported in the last congress, there was some of our friends, allies, advocate, who were of the view that that o Obama Administration criminal Justice Reform bill didnt go far enough and said lets wait until Hillary Clinton is president. Ah. How did that work out. My view was when youve got tens of thousands of individuals who we know will be helped in a meaningful way, why not take a first step toward dealing with overcriminalization in america. Thats what the house did in a bipartisan way. Wow, thats good. You got 70 of the democrats in the house to vote with you. The entire democratic leadership to vote with you yet trump and the republican support as well. You may be the only person in the country that you can actually say youfr been able to bring these two forces together. Is there a downside and a danger though . Is that a donald trump might then later on say see, look, i did something good on Prison Reform and that becomes another reason why you should vote for me. Is this a dangerous move . My view is that for too long, the criminal justice issue has been used as a political weapon against vulnerable individuals, communities, black and latino communities, low income folks of every single race and so if theres a chance to actually bring democrats and republicans together, ive got to shout out any my good friend, doug collins, the lead republican on the bill. We took the position that if you can take criminal Justice Reform out of the political space, so that were working on it together, then democrats and republicans will be all about the merits of the issue moving forward as opposed to using crime and punishment as a political weapon against each other. Listen got a lot of now, last question. We are in the most important Midterm Election maybe in american history. Its really going to be b a referendum in some ways on the donald trump presidency. I hear democrats talking about tweets and porn stars and everything else. Are you concerned that the Democratic Party may be praying for a blue wave but not putting in the blue work to get the blue wave . Are we of danger here . The chaos, the crisis, confusion, dra mat, dysfunction, gets the attention of a will the of folks inside and outside of the beltway, but all of us as House Democrats in particular, were committed to the notion that focusing on good paying jobs, strong economic growth, how to make sure we bring prosperity to every day american, better jobs, wages and future and better deal is what weve been about. Every single democratic whos been successful in special election in special election in the north, the south, the east and the west, have been successful because theyve talked about pocketbook issues. Theres always a temperature documentati temptation to deal with the latest outrage, but if we stay focused, were going to take the house back in november. Well see. He predicted it. Thank you so much for being here. Got to come back at some point. After the break, when we come back, i am back in my van. This time, headed to southeast utah. Talking to a group of native americans about trumps effort to wipe out obamas legacy on tribal lands and their reaction to President Trumps now infamous pocahontas slur. Youll get that when we get back. Its all about the double iis with xiidra. The only eye drop. Approved for the signs. And symptoms of dry eye. Because dry eye can mean. More than. Just dryness. Xiidra may provide lasting relief. Starting in two weeks. One drop in each eye, twice a day. Dont use if you are allergic to xiidra. Common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. Dont touch container tip to your eye. Or any surface. After using xiidra, wait 15 minutes. Before reinserting contacts. Chat with your eye doctor. About xiidra. Leo, i knoh im late. My wallet card lock from capital one. Instantly lock your credit card. In case it goes. Arrivederci. Mona that smile. Technology this convenient. Could make history. Whats in your wallet . Red lobsters lobster shrimp hesummerfest is back h. Get all the lobster and shrimp you crave, together in so many new ways. Theres new cedar plank seafood bake. Tender Maine Lobster and shrimp, cedar roasted to perfection. Or new caribbean lobster and shrimp. Sweet pineapple salsa on grilled rock lobster, paired with jumbo coconut shrimp. And wait. Theres lobster shrimp overboard its a Seafood Party on a plate. So hurry in. cause lobster shrimp summerfest wont last. Whether you are talk iing about the Paris Climate Accord or iran deal, it seems like President Trumps main agenda is just to overturn president obamas agenda and that is especially true when it comes to native American Land rights. President obama tried to protect about 1. 3 million acres of land in southern utah including native american barrel grounds. He did by creating the Bears Ears National monument, but trump downsized the monument by 85 . And opened the land up to private drilling and mining. Now some native american groups are sue iing the administration. But others are siding with trump. They say obamas executive order was another example of the federal government controlling their lives and land. So i got back in my van. Headed to utah and talks to native americans about bears ears, racism and how our government is treating this lands original owners. Take a look. All right. Here we are. Ground zero for one of the bigs fights of the trump era. Native american rights Donald Trumps agenda. When barack obama was president , he tried to protect about 2 million acres out here. Called it the bear ears monument. Trump came in, said no way. Shrunk it by 85 . He wants to make room for more economic development. Drilling, mining. This showdown has divided native americans against each other. Some are pro trump. Some against trump. We got to try to get to the bottom of it. Hello there. Hello, van. Nice to meet you. Very, very good. All right. Hello. Get in this van. It is warm. Up, man . Get in there out of the that heat, man. So, who here is pro monument . I am. You are. Yep. Who is anti monument . I am. I think most native american hearts and the federal government is that promises have been made and promises have been broken. Its almost in my mind, its like an abuse victim going back to its abusers when we hand more regulations and more land to the federal government, the very people who began the abuse in the first place. Essential part is thinking about the protection of the land, the plants, the animals, ourancestors. Bure rayals are here. The people still using these places as sacred sites. Altars. You talk to donald trump, he says more mine iing, more drill, more privatization. Do you think that that is good for native American Community . To have more mining, more dri drilling . I think the misconception is that if its not a monument, then suddenly, its going to become a mining mechanica. That was the biggest fear tactic useded. Its not a fear tactic. Just look around you. This place is decimated. There are springs that are dried up. There are places that sheep used to eat and graze. There are places that people used to raise their families. They have added things. Change d things. They have so much red tape and so many safety things. And implement ed since that tim, but its not the same generation. The its not the same era. Its that mining and drilling is now safe for native americans. They dont need to worry about the health impacts. I think how its done now is different, absolutely. I think that in 20 years make the claims of technology being better and equipment, whatever, but they always steal something. Always contaminate. That kind of poisoning, people dont understand this, will last for general races. I see a lot of beauty, a lot of poverty and pain. What do you think is the right answer . Its hard to say that i have trust in the United States government and it doesnt matter what administration it is. Oil is being taken out. You know, this location should be looking like dubai. Our town should not be looking the way it looks. No clinic. No fire stations. Theres nowhere for our people to come back to have jobs and hold them where families can say, you know what, we can build a better future. Whos fault is that. For me, i feel that all of these wells that are built, some is taking the money from us. Weve never had a stake in the distributed. The historical trauma weve felt through a lot of this manifest destiny to take claims to indian land is still being seen today. That intergenerational trauma is still hanging out today. The u. S. Government still continues to politicize our history and rights to our land. Do you think that donald trump is a better friend to native americans than barack obama was . Talking to you. Yes. When he says stuff like referring to Elizabeth Warren as p pocahontas, does that mother you . What bothered me is that she would claim to be a native american and not be one. Thats not okay. With me. Do i think that everybody should be able to speak articulately and speak fluidly like they have a speech writer in their pocket . Absolutely not. I can appreciate the rawness and authenticity of someone who fails with words sometimes like any human would. I experience race ism a lot. Even hearing you said that word, that portrayal of that Disney Princess equates to the mascot. That a lot of these mascots have a history of racism tied to it. That image of being a savage, civilized, being in poverty. Donald trump really has a hard time when he says some of those words. I think that stereotypes like redskins. That just really serves to dehumanize native people. It object fies them. You can shoot them. Break them. Put tailings next to their school. They actually carry a lot of historical waugt and trauma carried out through today. Thats one of the reasons why for myself, i think trump is inherently anti indian because he doesnt actually care enough to know about us. Hes documented as saying very offensive racist things about the northeast indians in the region hes from in new york. Despite all your differences and the things you dont agree on, the one thing you agree on is this is a special place, a beautiful place and you want to see it protected. I think both of those guests with me have the same feeling. And it is something that is taught and born and our native american blood that its the birds, the plants, the trees. It is the love and the respect for mother nature. That we know where we came from. And that shes a part of us. Just drove through the area where my grandmother used to raise her sheep. These are places and people who mattered in our community. Like they still talk about them like it was yesterday. And you have to remember that this country is really young. Its just a baby. Its still making all the mistakes that a baby would. It doesnt know what its doing. This is a temporary time that were going to survive. We survived everything before. Well survive this. You know, well survive trump. Im honored to be here. Your froot will never be better than your root and if youre disrespecting the root of anything, you cannot expect that positive fruit and until america gets right by how were dealing with native americans, were not going b to be right. Look, awesome. Now, going forward, couldnt there be a hidden explanation connecting a series of racist incidents happening across the country . Ill show you what i found when we get back. Accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. Flonase. Whats Critical Thinking like . 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This week more than 8,000 Starbucks Stores actually closed up shop so that employees could take racial bias training after two black men were arrested in a Philadelphia Store for, well, actually no good reason at all. That was one of several incidents of bias that have been caught on tape just recently. At yale, my alma mater, a white graduate student called the cops to report a black woman napping in a dorm common area. Turns out the black woman was also a student who had fallen asleep after a long night of studying. In rialto, california, a woman called police on a group of three black friends who were checking out their airbnb. The woman told the cops she thought the women were suspicious because they didnt wave at her. In oakland a woman called police on a black family because they were barbecuing in the park and were using the wrong grill. Look, theres no question, this is a troubling trend. But sadly, these types of interactions are not new. We just live in a day and age when everybodys got a camera phone and they can record this type of stuff. So does that mean all these white people calling the cops on minorities are a bunch of intentionally hateful bigots . Maybe some of them are, but not all of them. Something else is at play implicit bias. What is implicit bias . Everybody has it. Were talking subconscious impressions of the world around you. If i say peanut butter, you dont think ketchup. You automatically think jelly. The same with salt and pepper. Green eggs and ham. Do you like green eggs and ham . All of these associations are shaped by everything from your upbringing and experiences to images in the media. Watching tv and film characters based on racial and ethnic stereotypes shaped our instant associations about people. Those unconscious judgments that start off early and build up over time can have real consequences on everything from your success in getting a job, your interactions with the police, your ability to find housing. Now, lets talk about two professions that everybody agrees are full of wellintentioned people, doctors and teachers. Studies find doctors are half as likely to prescribe pain medication to black patients as white patients with the same reported of pain. Studies show unconscious stereotypes may be causing doctors to underestimate the level of pain felt by their black patients. Black students are three times more likely to be suspended or expelled than their white peers. Kids in a classroom were watched to identify problem behavior. Each video featured a black girl and boy, and a white black girl and boy. The catch, there was no bad behavior in any video. Yet 42 of teachers identified the black boy as a child who was the most challenging. Researchers found teachers eye movements actually followed the black boy in the video the most study. Another study shows that having a stereotypically black name makes people imagine someone bigger and more violent. To be sure, there are some people who are just flat out Old Fashioned racists. They dont like people of enclose are and they want to exclude us or cause us harm. But even if you dont fall into that category, please dont be so quick to exonerate yourself. Because it turns out the racial bias functions kind of like malwa malware, like a computer virus in our brain that causes a subtle glitch when the input is a darkskinned face. You may not be racist, but your brain probably is. And the first step is admitting that all of us may have picked up a bad virus or too along the way. We can do something about that. Im van jones with the van jones show. Thank you for watching. Peace and love for one another. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. 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Dream more, dream faster, and above all. Now, ill dream gig. Now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. Announcer this is cnn breaking news. You are live in the cnn newsroom. Im ana cabrera in new york. President trump through his lawyers arguing theres no way he obstructed justice. One of the reasons, in short, because he is the president , period. The New York Times obtained this confidential letter written by the president s legal team and hand delivered to special counsel Robert Muellers office back in january. It is 20 pages long. It makes quite a few claims, among them that the president cant possibly obstruct the russia investigation because he is in charge of

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