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They end the National Nightmare the coronavirus pandemic . The president is saying the virus are go away and this is more about the news media than the pandemic. You turn on television, code, covid, covid, covid, a plane goes down, 500 people dead, they dont talk about it. Code, covid, covid. On november 5th you wont hear about it anymore. So covid, covid, please dont go and vote, covid. The Inconvenient Truth is the virus is not going away. In fact, the pandemic is getting worse in the United States. The Johns Hopkins University Reported 83,757 new cases of the coronavirus in the u. S. Just yesterday. This is the highest number of new confirmed cases reported in a single day since the pandemic began early this year. 94 3 americans, by the way, died on friday from covid 19. Youll the rallies in the world will not make this pandemic go away. Some of them actually, given whats going on at these rallies, could make it a whole lot worse. President trump is minutes away from taking the stage in walk shaw, wisconsin. Feeling the rath of the new surge, whats the latest . It certainly is. Yesterday we saw across the United States a Record Number of new cases. That was also reflected here in wisconsin which saw a Record Number of new cases yesterday, up more than 4500 cases. This is a state thats averaging nearly 4,000 cases a day. About 1200 people in wisconsin are currently hospitalized with coronavirus. About a month ago that number was only at about 300, so really an exponential rise in coronavirus cases. Despite that, the president is holding another rally in the state. We are here last week when he had a rally and now the president rallying, thousands of people here. There are slightly more Wearing Masks that weve seen previously but still a majority of the people are not Wearing Masks. Thats because the president of the United States continues to downplay the importance of mask wearing, he continues to downplay the pandemic and lie about the surge in cases were seeing. Listen to the president earlier today on how he compares the Coronavirus Crisis. Youre not going to hear on news. Cnn all they talk about, covid, covid, covid. If a plane goes down with 500 people, they dont talk about it. Because theyre trying to scare everybody. You have to lead your life. You have to get out. Be vigilant. Be careful. Socially distance. Yeah, get too close, put the mask on. Put it on. Lots of different things. The last three and a half years reporter when you hear the president compare the crisis to a plane crash with 500 people dying, not only would we obviously cover that but right now were in a situation where nearly two 500person planes are crashing every single day in the United States. If you use the president s metrics, 500 people in a plane crash, we have lost 449 planes since the beginning of this Coronavirus Crisis here in the United States. And yet despite that, wolf, here the president continues to downplay this pandemic, including right here in the state of wisconsin, which as we said, is experiencing a surge in cases and is a crucial Battle Ground state. The president won this by fewer than 23,000 votes in 2016 and hes looking to cap dhur state once again as part of his path to 270 Electoral College votes. Sadly we are talking about death. There have been so many deaths. Right now more than 224,000 mem americans have lost their lives. Thank you. Barack obama stuffing for joe biden in florida taking direct aim at President Trump during a drivein campaign rally. Were following the Biden Campaign for us. To put it simply, president obama did not mince any words at all. What did we hear from the former president of the u. S. With ten days to go . Reporter president obama asking them to deliver florida for joe biden in november. The former president also saying that if biden wins florida, the election is essentially over. While the former president vouched for his former Vice President , he also took aim at President Trump. Criticizing his hamming of the coronavirus pandemic. Also slamming the president s behavior, saying its not normal for a president to behave that way in office. President obama also took aim over that 0 minutes interview President Trump earlier this week. He asked what was your priority in the second term. Ive run for president , miami, so i want you to know, its a good idea to have an answer to this question. Its a good idea if youre running for reelection to say heres what i want to accomplish. What did trump say . He got mad and walked out of the interview. He thought the questions were too tough. Too tough miami, listen. If he cant answer a tough question about what would you like to do in your second term, then its our job to make sure he doesnt get a second term. Reporter president obama was trying to appeal to hispanic voters in the miami area, pushing back on President Trump and republicans attempts to paint joe biden as a socialist. The former president called that garbage and said that biden is not a secret socialist at all. One of the really key messages that you heard from obama here today in anyway is urging their supporters to get out and make plans to vote early. More than five million votes have been cast here in the state of florida alone so far with just ten kay days to go until the election. The Biden Campaign focussing on turnouts in the critical Battle Ground states. K just ten days to go. Wolf. Hes still got it. If President Trump doesnt carry florida, its almost certainly going to be the end of his presidency. Hes not going to get reelected. Florida, florida, florida, so important. Thank you. Joining us, cnn contributor an epidemiologist and former Detroit Health commissioner. Also a former disease detective with the cdc. As much as the president wants to focus on his reelection bid, he cant escape the fact that its maying out against the backdrop of a deadly pandemic, a pandemic thats only getting worse, well over 83,000 new confirmed cases just reported yesterday by the Johns Hopkins university as the highest number here in this country since the pandemic began. I want both of you to take a look at a moment from the press conference with the illinois director of Public Health. Watch this. We lost an additional 31 lives for a total of 9,418 deaths. These are people who started with us in 2020 and wont be with us at the thanksgiving table. To date we are reporting 3,874 new cases for a total of 364,033 confirmed cases since the start of this pandemic. Excuse me, please. Doctor getting very emotional. Totally understandable. Doctor, you were detroits health commissioner. When you see that, when you hear the pain in her voice, whats your reaction . Health professionals have been working round the clock to try and lasso this pandemic down and all theyre seeing is a spike right now as we head into the winter months. That is so disheart oening. Anytime anybody in your community suffers, you feel it. When youre quoting numbers in the thousands and tens of thousands, youre going to feel it more. Its a stark contrast to what were seeing out of this president. 449 jumbo jet crashes in the context of this pandemic somehow is overblown. That contrast should teach you something and tell you something about the failure of simple humanity and empathy at the top. That has left state commissionerings and City Health Commissioners trying to shuffle to make up for the failed federal leadership. I feel deeply for her. I understand exactly where shes coming from and i think americans do, too. Listen to this. And im desperate to find a message that will work. Im looking for someone to tell me what the message is so we can do what it takes to turn this around. The virus is pitting one group against one another. We need to fight against the virus. We cant do that. We have some tools to do that. We dont have a cure yet. We dont have a vaccine yet but we have a mask and were asking people to use that. I dont know what else we can say. Doctor, whats the bottom line here . What will make people realize how serious all this is. Clearly that message will not be coming from the president. Clearly, it wont, wolf. In fact, what weve gotten is so much disinformation and misinformation, i hope that the emotion in her words and the humanity in her message is what resonates with people. That for a Public Health leader that we can trust. Shes talking about in real terms, we dont have a cure. Thats honest. But we do have things that work, things as simple as a mask. Weve talked over the last seven months about the university of washington studies that show if 90 to 95 of americans were to do that simple thing of wearing a mask and wearing it diligently, wed save tens of thousands of lives. Thats whats at stake here. Were approaching a death toll in america of a quarter of a Million People that weve lost to this virus. There are projections that show a terrible scenario that by the end of february next year, we could have lost half a million americans to this pandemic. More than the death toll from the second world war. It comes down to something quite simple. Physical distancing, hand hygiene, mask wearing, which im sure people are tired of hearing but it is what can protected us. We have some Public Officials who are pedalling misinformation. Youre so right. Doctor, 34 estatstates are repo a rise. Weve been reporting more than 83,000 new confirmed cases across the United States, the highest number yet since the beginning of the pandemic. What would you say to someone watching right now in one of those states where cases are spiking, what should they be doing to stay safe, to keep their loved ones safe, to keep their friends safe right now . This is a scary time. But fortunately, there are things we can do. This is a function of the choices that we make. Number one, weve got as the doctor said, weve got to be wearing our masks. Most important Public Health intervention we can do. Masks are annoying. After a certain point on the day you get tired. If it means protecting yourself, it means protecting your community and taking this on. I think its worth it. Look, i know that right now were headed into the holidays. There are a lot of folks who want to too it together. If you can, make sure theres fewer people there and youre socially distanced and maybe this time its worth not going. The last thing ill say is this weve got a choice about what kind of future we want. Weve got a choice about what the next couple of months look like. I live in a state where the numbers are setting record, but weve got a choice. Im asking everybody to do what they can to protect themselves, their family members, and the people in their community. We can do this. We are americans. When we come together theres nothing we cant take on. This is a choice we have to make. I believe we can make the right decision. Dr. Fauci and dr. Francis collins say theyre sadly not going to be spending time with their family out of concern. You got to be safe. You got to be very, very careful. Right now as so many other families across the country are sadly going to avoid the traditional dinners at the end of november. Thanks to both of you for what youre doing. We really appreciate it. Thank you wolf. A new report tonight suggests the president is ditching some senators fighting for reelection. His bleak assessment of the gops prospects for keeping a majority in the u. S. Senate. 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Very tough, the president said, at a fundraiser thursday at the national marriott. According to an attendee there are a couple of senators i cant really get involved in, i just cant do it. You lose your soul if you do. I cant help some of them. I dont want to help some of them, close quote. Joining us is political senior commentator david axlerod. David, thanks for joining us. Do you think the president is looking solely at political math or is this about loyalty to him . Well, i think everything is always about loyalty to him, so i think thats certainly an element of it, because you see, several senators have been distancing themselves from him. Susan collins, obviously, in maine who refused to endorse him. Martha mcsally refused to answer a question as to whether she was proud of her support for him. And even john cornyn who is part of the leadership in the senate and has a closer than expected race in texas has now gup begun criticize the president s handling of the coronavirus. That disturbs the president. Theres no doubt about it. So its a little bit of a case of youre breaking with me . No. Im breaking up with you. Theres an element of that. So i think theres another reason for it which is that if the president s sending a signal to these donors, dont expect to have a senate as a hedge against biden. If what youre thinking is that if biden gets elected its not a tragedy because youve got a republican senate, youre not going to have a republican senate. So you better make sure that i get reflekt electricity elecre. Very interesting indeed. As you know, Senate Republicans will likely confirm the president s third u. S. Supreme court pick on monday. Theres no deal on an economic stimulus package for so many suffering americans and there likely wont be before the election. Do you believe thats adding to the president s pessimism about control of the senate . I dont know but im sure hes irritated with the senate. Republican senators have indicated they do not want to vote on a stimulus before the election. This has been the position of senator mcconnell and even though the president likes to blame nancy pelosi for the stalled state of negotiations, it has been the republicans in the senate who have be balking at any kind of large stimulus, and im sure hes frustrated about it because it probably would help the president if he signed a stimulus package before the election and the senate is standing in his way. Joe biden spent at least part of the day campaigning in pennsylvania, a state that the president won back in 2016. Biden is up seven points in the cnn poll of polls. There you see the numbers. 5144. Is it smart for him to spend Precious Campaign there when this so many other Battle Ground states in play right now . How much reliability are the polls showing given the example of what occurred four years ago . Yeah, yeah. Well, look, i think that the thee states that are most critical to him here are pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin. Those are the states that really delivered the presidency to donald trump by very narrow margins four years ago. Theyre states of particular strength for biden. He is a native of pennsylvania. He has always done well in these Northern Industrial states. And so i think its smart to buckle down there. One of the mistakes Hillary Clinton made in twaktz not to campaign in some of these states, wisconsin, most notably, and so i dont think biden wants to make the same mistakes but is using his surrogates in an impressive way. President obama was in florida today. Obama is important to biden. Florida is a state where all the ballots will be counted on Election Night. They count their absentee ballots in real time. Pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan. Were not sure were going to get a verdict from them for several days. Floridas important, and Barack Obamas important to him, where minority voters may make the difference, so it seems to me the Biden Campaign are being very strategic about how theyre dividing up their big guns here. You agree very quickly that if President Trump loses florida, its over for him, right . Over. No republican has won in 96 years without carrying the state of florida. All right, thank you very, very much. Youve seen the trump boat parades, the caravans. We go inside one of these unofficial trump events. Were going to find out who takes part and where their passionate support for the president actually comes from. Youll warm front to see this. A. Quitting feels so big. So try making it smaller, and youll be surprised at how easily starting small can lead to something big. Start stopping with nicorette. How to ensure your vote counts. Because of covid19 president ial election, starting small can lead to something big. Polling locations. 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Unofficial trump events like this have been happening all over the country. Car care advance and boat parades. While trumps working class supporters have gotten lots of attention, in 2016, a third of his voters made a hundred thousand dollars a year. The people on the left that really think were deplorable think were deplorable. If hanging out with families, bringing your kids out and having a good time is deplorable, i guess well take it. I went riding with eric nelson whos been riding buggies since he was 14. Eric took two hours to come to the rally. Hopefully you heard her scream. Thats what the mics for. He helps us keep the money we make and let us work as hard as we want and not give our money away. People like nancy pelosi can, you know, get her fundings through this giving money who arent willing to work fore i. I worked all my life. I worked to put myself through college so i can get a job so i can enjoy a event like this. He really is for your hard working people. Do i think hes racist . No. I think hes racist against lazy people. The rally was mostly men. Thats not surprising. Men are more likely to support trump than women. What they said they like about trump is hes just like them. Hes one of us on steroids because he runs a Great Big Business and makes a lot more money than we do. We can be crass. We didnt hire him as a president. We hired him as a business american because our country was starting to tank. Being a moral leader . I dont think so. He says things to upset people and we dont care. They dont fully understand whats going on. Cnn, winchester bay, oregon. Thank you very much for that report. The president of the United States, hes been out there campaigning today, including in ohio, a truly pivotal state that voted for him in 2016. In the state, no president since 1960 has won. Well have an in depth look when we return. That will change me. Yes. Start your someday today with twenty to forty percent off all bridal. 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Dove body washs new formula works with your skin. For lasting care. So your skin. Can keep telling stories. Beautifully. New dove body wash proven lasting care for the skin you live in. Ohio is one of three states that pruch actually campaigned in today, holding another rally with few masks, little social distancing, even though ohio posted a record high of new coronavirus cases for the Third Straight day, with polls showing ohio a toss up right now, how will it play out in the coming days . John king is at the magic wall and breaks it down for us. No republican has won the white house without winning ohio. Its absolutely essential to the president s comeback strategy. What can we learn from the 2016 map . One of the most interesting things we saw, the polls close early here. In southern ohio, the small counties, one of the first things we saw in 2016 was the source of President Trumps white working rural support. Look at this southern ohio border. 70 here. 6 here. 76 there. That was the first sign that President Trump was overperforming even mitt romney, running it up in ohio. Is the trump base solid or are some defecting to joe biden . For democrats, the most partner part, turn voters out in the city. Is africanamerican turnout high this cleveland . Can joe biden get a higher margin in Cuyahoga County than Hillary Clinton did . Including here pretty big margin in lake county. These are the suburbs to the northeast of cleveland. Can joe biden turn this blue or at least make it more competitive . If he wants to win in ohio, lake county outside of cleveland will tell you more. Starr county. Former Vice President biden went here after the first president ial debate. Why, you might ask, right . Look at the margins in 2016. Which would he go to a population donald trump won by such a lopsided margin . This is one of the pivot counties. Heres the 2012 race. It was barack obama. 2008, barack obama. Then flipped to donald trump on 2016. On Election Night watch southern ohio, watch dark county. It is red maybe trump has a comeback in ohio. If it is blue, joe biden is on his way to the white house. Thank you very much for this. Im joined by the former governor of ohio, john kasich, whos endorsed joe biden. Thanks for joining us. I wants to play a clip of the president. He just landed in milwaukee, wisconsin, hes going to be giving a speech later tonight in wisconsin, and he was asked by a reporter if he felt that the republicans would be able to hold the majority in the u. S. Senate . Listen to this. Do you think you hold the senate in the election . I hope to hold the senate. We do. I think from a president ial stand, we standpoint, were doing very well. The crowd here is enthusiastic. I hope we do. I think were going to take back the house pause people are tired of nancy pelosi. I think well take back the house. Governor kasich, what do you think . First of all, theres no way, woman, that the republicans are going to take back the house. Secondly, and look, im doing this as just giving you my analysis. This is not any might have endorsed biden but thats not what im doing here tone. Hes also not going to win wisconsin, minnesota, or michigan. In ohio, its amazing that it is as close as it is. If it wasnt, he wouldnt have been in circleville today, a little town south of columbus. Think about ohio, wolf, as a hockey stick. The western part of the state, along with the southern part of the state and you heard a lot of this from john king. In the southern part of the state they have to have a very big turn out for trump to win. Because the reason down in the southern part of the state is there arent as many people town there. Western side of the state will give him good numbers but his challenge is the rest of the state. You know, the middle and here in columbus, in central ohio. I think john hit on a very important point. That is in cleveland, the africanamerican turnout, will the africanamerican voters come out . Its almost in some respects not the same, not quite the same as philadelphia. Philadelphia kind of runs the state of pennsylvania in a lot of respects and its about the automatic turnout. Thats why you saw barack obama appearing there at a speech. He also delivered his speech for the convention in film. When you look at cleveland is the africanamerican turnout going to be there. Its all in ohio going to be about turnout. Frankly, its shocking that its this close and were a few days away. The isnt visiting states that he shouldnt have to visit. They should be in his column and theyre actually not. Ohio, as you know better than most right now is in the middle of one of the countrys worst covid spikes. Will that be a deciding factor in the final ten days . All of his campaign speeches, hes continuing, its hard to believe, to downplay this deadly pandemic. Well, wolf, you know the virus itself has our seniors very, very concerned, and when he he has rallies like this and they dont wear masks and he tries to downplay it, it doesnt help him with our seniors. It doesnt help when he attacks biden as too old because the seniors dont like to be thought of in that way. We saw this in the 2008 election, the suburbs. He didnt do well in the suburbs. Theres a fear that theres going to be a snom canny coming, so thats the suburbs. But beyond the suburbs, theres great concern that hes losing that support as well. So you have the western side of the state thats going to give him strong support, the southern part of the start thats going to give him strong support. The question is do the rest of the state do the these poem vote in great numbers and what happens in the rest of the state . Id call it too close to call. I was saying that i thought donald trump would win. I kind of think he still will. I wouldnt bet any money on that. I think its possible that joe biden could win ohio. He still attracts huge crowds at these rallies. Even though theyre dangerous and wearing no masks and theres no social distancing but the crowds are large and enthusiastic, as they were four years ago. It turned out that they were indicative of very narrow wins in several key Battle Ground states. I think, wolf, you have to be very, very careful when you look at crowds. I remember being with mitt romney down in the western part of the state. The crowd was enormous. The enthusiasm, through the roof. I remember leaving that night and thinking, you know what . I think hes going to win. Well, he didnt. Its very difficult to judge where we are. Youve got to look at the polling and the polling from legitimate polesters and right now theyre saying right now in this state its too close to call. So yeah, i will say this. His supporters, and you had a piece on just a couple of minutes ago, his supporters are strong and loud. The question is how many of them are there at the end of the day. We will find out in ten days, indeed. Very close in ohio right now. Governor kasich, really appreciate it. Thank you for joining us. Ill see you soon again, wolf. Thank you. Thank you. Tomorrow on the original series first ladies we look at eleanor roosevelt. By the time that easy noer roosevelt reached the white house she was at the fore front of trying to ease the suffering caused by the Great Depression and the leader for a campaign of civil rights. That made her a target. Watch this. The ku klux klan eventually put a price on her head. 25,000 if you could kill eleanor roosevelt. This was criticism on steroids. We ask every sit zen to immediately report any information regarding espionage the most powerful opponent is the head of the fbi. The first entry into her fbi file by j. Edgar hoover, who hated her guts, is her support for civil rights. That for him is the most unamerican. The file is about 3500 pages long. It could fill a whole file cabinet top to bottom. The earliest document in it is from 1924. Every word on behalf of justice for black people was considered communist. Be sure to tune in for the first ladies. That airs tomorrow night 10 00 p. M. Eastern right here on cnn. Russia initially said it has already developed a vaccine for the coronavirus but now it seems russia is lagging behind western vaccine makers. We have new information. Well share it when you when we return. To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. [grunting noise] ill take that. Woohoo 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. Ensure max protein. With nutrients to support immune health. At university of phoenix, relevant Life Experience and eligible transfer credits can help you earn your degree faster and for less. See how much you can save at phoenix. Edu. Heres to the duers. 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So you can easily find the best, most affordable plan for you. Visit walgreens. Com medicare to get started. Walgreens. We make medicare easy. As countries around the world race to develop and effective coronavirus vaccine, cnn is learning that russia, despite appearing to be first, might be behind vaccine makers. Here is more. Hi, wolf. When they certified the vaccine in the summer of this year, without going through a phase three trial for safety, they were trying to show that russia was ahead of the International Competition as far as vaccine making was concerned. Now the cushions have entered the trials and the data shows they are behind the veteran wac seen makers, and still only available to a tiny fraction. As russia dealing with a major spike, despite having two vaccines for emergency use, the head of the institute in charge of the development of the most prominent vaccine says it could take up to a year for the majority of russians to get shots. The plans for the next year should reach about 5 million doses per month. That will allow 70 of the population to be vaccined within 9, 10, 12 months. Russia certified the vaccine with great fanfare in august after testing it to a few dozen people. It hailed perfect for putin. But in current large stage three trial, they are lagging behind candidates. The makers telling cnn only about 6,000 participants have so far received the two doses necessary to achieve complete immunization to collect data. Compared to 30,000 in western trials. Despite the fact that russia has made a deal to produce the vaccine under license. The head of the fund which is bankrolling claiming moscows vaccine is sue peer yal becaupe technology. We choose something that is already existing, and opinion people in the west fail to think about this. But the sputnik vaccines say its for people 18 to 60, and leaving out older field and people with health conditions. The head of the institute told cnn the vaccine has not been tested in older people but he believes the elderly and people with preexisting conditions can still take it. With many diseases, its not just that its carried out. Its prescribeded to vaccinate people. Old people, people with diseases you need to vaccinate. Russia says they will vaccinate medical workers. And a move that one expert called dangerously risky. There is it a reason they call it russian roulette. This is exactly it. Reporter one russian who is not taking the vaccine is the president , vladimir putin. They tell cnn, he is thinking about it. And friday, we asked the kremlin whether or not putin had taken the vaccine and they confirmed he has not. A Spokesman Says once the president takes the vaccine, he imselfwill inform the public. Wolf . Interesting indeed. Thanks. Fred, thank you. The president of the United States out on the campaign trail today once again down playing, yes, down playing the severity of the coronavirus pandemic, despite a new record of daily cases of the coronavirus in this country. More than 83,000 confirmed cases on friday. That is a record. We are live on the campaign trail. And now your copilot. Still a father. But now a friend. Still an electric car. Just more electrifying. Still a night out. But everything fits in. Still hard work. Just a little easier. Still a legend. Just more legendary. Chevrolet. Making lifes journey, just better. fisherman vo ce how do i register to vote . Ential election. Making lifes journey, hmm . Hmm . 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