Oaf context to promote the president s response to the pandemic. Also this hour, were seeing more evidence the crisis is worsening here in the u. S. 31 states are now trending in the wrong direction. The death toll in the u. S. Just topped 215,000 with nearly 7. 8 million cases. The u. S. Is reporting the highest average daily case rate in nearly two months. Lets go to jim acosta. Hes at the trump rally in florida where theres a huge crowd. The president s bout with covid19 seems to have little, little, if any, impact on the safety of these rallies. That crowd, i dont see any social distancing at all. Must not take absolutely right, wolf. I can tell you u just in the last several minutes, did receive from the white house physician, a new statement on the president s health. It says the president has tested negative for coronavirus on consecutive days, but the it was using a testing machine that is a more Rapid Testing machine and in some cases, less reliable. So well have to keep tracking that. But as you said, were at this rally in florida just outside of orlando, where as you can see, this crowd behind me, many people here not Wearing Masks, not social distancing. Potentially setting up the kind of superspreader event that got the president sick in the first place. Eve after putting his own health on the line by catching the coronavirus, President Trump is tempting fate with a go for broke campaign strategy, with plans for more big rallies bringing the potential for superspreader events across the u. S. And there are signs Top White House officials havent learned a thing as mark meadows refused to wear a mask around reporters on capitol hill despite being exposed to the president. Let me pull this away then that way, i can take this off. Im more than ten feet away. Well, im not going to talk zpl insi inside the hearing for the pim for Supreme Court, mike lee was speaking without a mask after he tested positive for covid19 less than two weeks ago. The president believes now that hes had the virus, hes immune from it. Looks like im immune for maybe a long time. Maybe a short time. It could be a lifetime. The president plans to hold rallies in big battleground states. Florida, pennsylvania, iowa and north carolina. White house Officials Say there wont be a manl change in safety protocols at the events. We want the same poll isies weve had in place. Over the weekend, the president staged a Campaign Style rally on the White House South Lawn where some werent Wearing Masks. Were going to vote these people into oblivion. Vote them into oblivion. Democrat joe biden is blaming the president for that. His reckless personal conduct since his diagnosis has been unconscionable. The president is pointing to dr. Fauching in a new ad, claiming hes praising mr. Trump. President trump tackled the virus head on, as leaders should. I cant imagine that anybody could be doing more. That prompted fauci to say hes not offering mr. Trump his support. I think its unfortunate and disappointing. To take a completely out of context statement and put it in, which is obviously a Political Campaign ad, i thought was really very disappointing. A former Senior Administration official who worked on the White House Covid Task force told cnn the west wing has been muzzling fauci, add aing there were conversations about not let fauci talk on tv. The white house is failing as the u. S. Is averaging roughly 50,000 cases every day. The highest average since mid august. Yet the president has been telling the public the u. S. Is rounding the turn on the virus. The vaccines are coming. Were rounding the turn. You see whats happening. You see the numbers are plunging. You see how good were doing. And the president will be holding more of these possible superspreader alleys in the come coming rallies in the coming days. He goes to pennsylvania tomorrow, but is heading off to iowa, north carolina, two states that should be in the bag for the president right now. But back to the crowd here. You can see there are thousands here not Wearing Masks x not social distancing, even after the president of the United States got the coronavirus, hasnt changed the behavior for him or supporters. Not just the president , but the first lady and so many of the president s top aides. They also got the coronavirus. Hard to believe whats going on. Thank you very much, jim acosta. Be careful there. Well get back to you. Lets get to more on all these Disturbing Trends unfold ng the pandemic. Brian todd is putting all of this together. We heard from dr. Fauci while ago. We spoke with jake tapper and sounded very concerned. He is worried, wolf. Worried about the projections ahead for fall and winter, but hes also hitting home a point that americans have the ability to bring some dire projections down. Tonight, a new warning from americas top voice on the coronavirus pandemic. As new cases nationally are up 40 from a month ago. We should be doubling down and implementing the Public Health measures weve been talking about for so long, which are keeping a distance, no crowds, Wearing Masks, washing hands, doing things outside as opposed to inside in order to get those numbers down. Were entering into the cool months of the fall and ultimately, the cold months of the winter. And thats just a recipe of a real problem. There are new worries that florida could return to previous crisis levels. Some top experts say the Florida Governor wasnt tough enough regarding distancing and mask wearing rules and opened too many places back up too soon. Florida is right for another large outbreak. What theyve done is opened up everything as if nothing had ever happened there and you and i could be talking probably in eight to ten weeks and i will likely bet that florida will be a house on fire. Florida now joins more than 30 american states with new coronavirus cases trending upward. Many hot spots in the upper midwest and plain states. Rural areas are hospitals are overwhelmed. One Public Health director in north dakota told cnn today they have less than 20 hospital beds available in the entire state. We have some hospitals in very rural areas that are having difficulty meeting the demand and having to send patients to different areas across the state of north dakota and even had to send out of state at some point to sioux falls and also billings, montana. In new york, positivity rates in hot spot neighborhoods in brooklyn, queens and suburban counties outside new york city continue to be way above the rest of the state. And Officials Say Law Enforcement will step up measures to enforce shutdown and distancing rules in those communities. Not all of the news is bad. A Brown University survey of more than 200,000 students in 47 states shows that at least early in the school year, schools do not appear to be the superspreaders they were feared to be. With infection rates among students and staff often lower than they were in the broader communities. A lot of schools are doing masking. Some distancing. Some, smaller pods. But growing concerns over Mental Health impacts. A new article published today warns quote, a second wave of devastation is imminent. A Mental Health crisis with increased deaths from suicide and drug overdoses. This is not just about isolation. This is about people losing their jobs, feeling socially and economically insecure and that is what is driving many of these Mental Health issues and Substance Use issues. All of which is taxing americas resources and finances according to an article published today. The estimated cost of the coronavirus pandemic in the United States is more than 16 trillion. The authors of that report say this is the greatest threat to the u. S. Economy since the great depression. Wolf. Its awful, indeed. Thank you very much. Were joined now by dr. E mmanu, a former Obama White House policy adviser. Now the vice provost of global initiatives a at the university of pennsylvania. Just cowrote a new study comparing covid19 deaths here in the United States to 18 other countries. Thank you so much for joining us. It to get to that in a moment, but we just got this letter from the president s doctor saying the president tested negative on consecutive days with an antigen and is not infectious to others. Does this put you at ease or do you have more questions based on the letter . Well, having multiple rapid tests is actually good. As i think your reporter said. The rapid tests are not as precise, but its technically sensitive at the pcr test, but having multiple ones does increase your confidence that the result is a tree result. The impact is more than just the president. The impact is modeling behavior and the president himself is not modeling Good Behavior and hes creating crowds without masks, without social distancing, yelling and screaming. Know if someone in there is positi positive. The kind of situation to create superspreading events ch we know that this coronavirus, 80 of cases are from these kind of superspreading events. So this is very worrisome from that perspective. Thousands of people who gathered in sanford, florida. Its a huge crowd for this rally tonight. Very little you know, theres no social distance iing at all. Thousands of people are there and not everyone of course wearing a mask. These rallies, they were taking place before the president s illness. It almost looked like, looks like campaigning as usual prepandemic. Look at the crowd. Very few people as i said Wearing Masks. Very little if any, social distancing. From your perspective theyre yelling, screaming. So how risky is this . Very risky. This is the top end of risk. When we did a risk index, you know, having fans go to Football Games and outdoor sporting events was actually in the highest risk category and this is basically equivalent to that. And we should not, we should not be doing this. Very, president goes out and doesnt even wear a mask. He boarded air force one to make the flight to florida. The president clearly not wearing a mask. He could set an important example to his supporters if he wore a mask, but he simply refuses to do so. On avrng average, the county is reporting almost 50,000 new cases a day, although the president said over the weekend this virus is disappearing. Dr. Fauci warns its a recipe for real problems, especially in the coming months as we approach winter. Is the will power there to double down after all these months and get this done . I think the will power is there, but its got to be led and we have to actually galvanize people and the president s not doing that. You have to model the right behavior. You have to get other leaders, whether its sports or entertainment or business or academia to model this and create a social norm. We showed we compared to italy. Right after april and may when there was all of this you know, overwhelming of the system. Italy actually did the right thing and they were able to bring the number of cases down. If we had followed it will i and been able to bring the number of cases down, wed have 90,000 fewer deaths after that first wave compared to italy. We know how to do it. Its not like italy has some vaccine or magic treatment that we dont have. Its that they are better at putting in place these Public Health measures and we know what they are. Right . Everyone knows what they are. And thats the problem. Were having tens of thousands of people die because were not willing to do that. And we should be shocked and ashamed of ourselves as a country for that. And as the doctor said to me last hour, only in the United States is wearing a mask a political statement. Everywhere else, its essential to save lives. You just published an important study. Looking at the death rate in the United States compared to 18 other county trus. Teris. If you compare us to the best countries like australia, i mean, we have you know, most of the 200,000 deaths we have should be alive. If you compare ourselves to italy or canada, we have tens of thousands of excess deaths after the first wave. After that big one where all the systems were sort of turned upside down and we didnt know how to cope. But beginning in may, if you compare the United States to italy, we have 90,000 extra deaths. Thats 90,000 americans who should be alive if we were just as good at fighting this pandemic as italy. And similarly if you look at us compared to france, or the nether la netherlands, we should have 100,000 people alive. And if you compare us to canada, 117,000 americans would still be alive. We have been doing a very bad job and other european or canadian countries have been doing a much better job at doing these Public Health measures and again, they dont have some magic bullet. They dont have a treatment or Something Else that we dont have. What they have is the resolve to do those basic Public Health measures. Stay outdoors. Stay socially distanced. War a face mask. Do hand hygiene and keep to small crowds. Its not that hard, but we need, well only do it as a country if we have the leadership. Its only going to get worse as the weather gets colder. Dr. Emanuel, thanks for everything youre doing. Thanks for joining us. Thank you, wolf. Just ahead, the president is about to resume his crowded campaign rally, but are americans buying his effort to seem like thicks are back thing to normal . And joe bidens campaign is going on the offensive tonight in states President Trump hoped to win. Well be right back. Inically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. Memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. Try our new gummies for 30 days and see the difference. Hi, my name is sam davis and im going to tell you about exciting plans available to anyone with medicare. Many plans provide broad coverage and still may save you money on monthly premiums and Prescription Drugs. With original medicare youre covered for hospital stays and Doctor Office visits, but you have to meet a deductible for each and then, youre still responsible for 20 percent of the cost. Next, lets look at a Medicare Supplement plan. 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Available over the counter for mild ashtma. Primatene mist. Breathe easy again. Right now, President Trump is on his way to a packed rally in florida. Thousands are already there. Were not seeing much in the way of coronavirus safety, unfortunately. Despite the president s own recent infection and the infection of so many of his top aides including others around the president. The first lady, for example. Lets bring in our cnn White House Correspondent, john harwood, and our come tmentator the author of a new book by vanishing country. Thanks for joining us. John, you can see the president boarding air force one at joint base andrews a little while ago and hes the only one there. Its raining. But you can see hes not wearing a mask as hes headed to his campaign rally. What do you make of the president s attempts now to make it look like everything is back to normal despite the fact hes still recovering from coronavirus and nearly you know, 1,000 americans a day, are still dying. Wolf, i think he needs it emotionally and psychologically. Think about the relentless bad news that he has been receiving over the last several months. Poor handling of the coronavirus. Racial justice protests in american cities. Bad debate performance. Bad polls. Hes going in reverse direction against joe biden. He knows hes losing. And i think when he was couped up first in walter reed then the white house, hes watch iing television all the time. And the coverage is bad. Its even bad on fox as he complains on twitter. And i think he wants to go out and bask in the adulation of the people who go to these rallies and hes heedless of the Health Consequences for himself as well as for his supporters. But i think, i think this is about his psyche right now. How do you see it . Well, i see it as feeding into a very narsistic president. We know him to be that. And i think that the tragedy is that when he leaves florida today, we know hes going to leave in his wake illness. We know that individuals who go to this rally, theres a high likelihood that medical experts will tell you, this is one of the most Dangerous Things you can do during a pandemic. The president doesnt care about that. And i think what were seeing here is not a democratic republican talking point. This is an overwhelmingly american ideal that people should wear masks. People should social distance. And you know, its, this is a new Trump Republican Party that all of a sudden wants to make social distancing and masks a issue. A lot of these individuals who are at this rally tonight are Senior Citizens or theyre young people who will go back home to Senior Citizens. Its just completely selfish. I think the example thats being set, the clear dichotomy between joe biden and donald trump could not be chelearer. The white house chief of staff clearly isnt taking this as seriously as he should. Well play the exchange he had with reporters on capitol hill today. Let me do this. Pull this away. Yep, pull away. And then that way i can take this off. Its hot. Well im more than ten feet away. Im not going to talk through the mask. What do you think of that . Because mark meadows, he spent a lot of time with the president when he was at the Walter Reed Medical Center in bet es da, maryland. Spent a lot of time since then, but the reporters got nervous when he wanted to talk to them without wearing a mask then he just left. It was ridiculous, woclf. One of the people pressing him to keep that mask on was our colleague, kristen wilson, produce you ar on capitol hill. This shows you that the caliber of white house staff is a reflection of the caliber of leadership that were getting from the president of the United States. Mark meadows ought to know better than to behave so irresponsib irresponsibly, to do such a poor job of modeling the correct behavior. Even if he has a president who is out of touch with reality and not tracking in any way, what he ought to be doing to lead the country. Mark meadows ought to know better, but he chose to do that. Maybe hes trying to please the president. Maybe he is so sealed up in this nonreality bubble that so many republicans are sealed up in that they dont even recognize the true importance of Public Health measures, the fact that tony fauci and deborah birx and the members of the task force who have said wearing, the cdc, people who said that Wearing Masks is the best step people can take to prevent the spread of disease, even though meadows has been exposed to a huge number of people who have tested positive, its incredibly disappointing and a reflection of the cal we aiber of this whi house right now. It is. Thank you. Just ahead, the democrats strategy as confirmation hearings begin for the president s u. S. Supreme Court Nominee and well also break down the new statement by the president s physician confirming for the first time that the president now has tested negative for the coronavirus. Our nation has never had a more dangerous and corrupt president than trump. Hes harming our basic values, giving rise to hate, and hes selling out america to big corporations. Im working to protect immigrants, women, communities of color, and lgbtq people. And im making corporations like pg e and Insurance Companies play by our rules. We need experienced leadership to wipe away trumps stain on america for good. Confirmation hearings for the president s supreme Court Nominee kicked off today. Senate republicans pushing ahead big time with their goal of trying to confirm Amy Coney Barrett despite the democrats strong objections. Phil matingly is covering the hearings for us. Phil, after the first day, do republicans seem to be on track right now with their timetable . Yeah, wolf, if theres one thing and there may be only one thing that democrats and republicans agree on, its that at this moment, Amy Coney Barrett, should everything go according to plan, be confirmed. And how they operated today and the first day of the hearing, the really introductory r part of the hearing, the Opening Statement frs the 22 members, you saw democrats focused extremely hard on issues. On the types of things that Amy Coney Barrett may vote on in the future if she does end up in the Supreme Court or on the Supreme Court, where as republicans were focused on just defending the nominee and making clear she is imminently qualified. This nominee has signalled she believes the Affordable Care act must go and that the president , precedent, protecting the acd doesnt matter. Many measure judge barretts credentials are impeccable. And wolf, you saw some version of that going back and forth between democrats and republicans throughout the day and expect to see it when the question and answer portion begins starting tomorrow and continuing on to wednesday. Democrats want to make this about the Affordable Care act. Obviously, the Supreme Court will take up a case to strike down the act just a few kays after the election. A case Amy Coney Barrett would be seated to rule on if she is confirmed to rule before that time, and democrats want to make this case, not to try and persuade american, they know the 51 votes necessary are already there, but to make the case to the American People at a key moment in time in an election, on a key issue the democrats believe cycle over cycle over the last couple of elections, they have won out on. The issue of health care. Thanks very much. Were joined now by chief legal analyst, the former federal pr, jeffrey toobin. I know you watched the hearings closely earlier in the day. Youve been reviewing judge barretts record, including her work with an add miration for t late justice, Antonin Scalia. What kind of justice would barrett be if confirmed . What struck me today is that judge barrett didnt just embrace Justice Scalia as a friend and mentor, she said i am going to be the same kind of justice. And so what does that mean . Well, Antonin Scalia thought roe versus wade was incorrectly decided and should be overturned. He thought the constitution should be interpreted as the framers understood it. No protections for lgbt people. No protections for women. Thats how the framers thought of it and its a very different approach than Ruth Bader Ginsburg had, but this is the approach that judge barrett endorsed without a provocation today. In her open statement today, started answering the senators questions tomorrow morning, but she reaffirmed her stance that the court should leave it to legislators to make the law if confirmed. How will that stance inform her Decision Making when the Affordable Care act, for example, comes before the Supreme Court whos supposed to hear arguments a week before the election . That was really kind of fascinating because you have all the republicans saying you know, keep the courts of policymaking. Leave that to congress. Well, Congress Pass ed the Affordable Care act. It is the law of the land passed by the democratically elected branches of dpogovernment, but democrats have asked the unelected judges to strix it down and theyre their asking the court to do that again the week after the election. So it will be interesting to see if judge barrett engages on that question. Because it is a pretty contradictory position. Its only about three weeks to go until election day. Barretts confirmation hearing is plague out as voters are already cast iing their ballotsy the millions here in the u. S. Look at these images. Hundreds of voters lining up to make their voices heard as judge barrett appeared today. So, how extraordinary is it, jeffrey, to see those things happening almost simultaneously . Never happened. Never happened before in american history, that we have had a Supreme Court confirmation so close to the election. And the democrats i think recognizing that judge barrett is on a glide path to confirmation, they are using this hearing to talk about health care. They are saying this vote is a proxy for whether the Affordable Care act survives. They think thats a political winner as several of these senators, especially several of these republicans, face the voters in a few days. Thats what theyre focusing on is the election in november. Not this vote in the senate because they know, barring some widely unexpected development, theyre going to lose and judge barrett is going to win. What do you expect to see tomorrow morning whening the se questions . One thing im sure were not going to see is any attack on her religion. You saw senator holly of missouri making it out like shes been attacked on her religion and the senators are going after her. No democrat mepgsed that. What i expect will be a lot of pressure on her to explain her views about the Affordable Care act because thats the case the democrats are all focused on. I expect like most or all supreme Court Nominees, since robert bork in 1987, she will not engage with the senators much at all about her actual judicial philosophy and it will be very frustrating for the democrats who try to draw u her out. Thank you very much. Just ahead, the president s doctor just confirmed for the first time that mr. Trump has tesed negative for the virus on several days. Plus, california authorities are investigating several fake and possibly illegal mail in ballot drop boxes set up in the state. Well have much more coming up. Hope is the light in all of us that cannot be extinguished. 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Thats the fast test opposed to the reliable, longer test. Is that right . That is exactly right. The its a much more rapid test and it is much less accurate. It received an emergency use authorization from the fda to diagnose disease in symptommatic people. In no way, shape or form is this test intended to determine infectiousness. In fact, its clearance by the fda specifically says it should not be used for this purpose. This letter says to me that the president s physician is cherry picking tests and cherry picking results to try to provide the answer that they want to see. Rather than what is actually going on. Its disturbing they wouldnt do that other test, which is much more reliable. Takes maybe two or tle days to get the result, but thats the Gold Standard, right . Thats exactly right. The second kind of test is the moll eck lar test, the pcr, the big swab up the nose that any of us who have gotten tested have become familiar with. There are quicker versions of it, where we can get accurate results back in a few hours. Thats what the cdc recommends. If you are going to test to determine to stop isolation, they recommend two negative pcr tests more than 24 hours apart. Its really simple to follow the cdcs rules and again, the president s physician doesnt seem to be following those rules. Why wouldnt they do a pcr test . Thats the better test. Pick a swab, put anytime the nose, you get the results back. Thats my suspicious that he did get the pcr test, but it showed he was still positive, so they dont want to talk about that. The really bad thing is that dr. Conley has refused for a week now to meet with report eers to answer their questions. He reloss these short little statements, but hes not meeting with reporters. Its been a whole week and the American Public and im sure you agree, they have questions. They deserve answers. I 100 agree. Certainly, theres patient doctor privilege. Theres hippa. Hes not obliged to tell anything that President Trump doesnt want him to share. However, i would argue hes our president. We, as the American Public, have a right to know whats going on with him and this evasiveness creates a lot of distrust and questions among the medical community, but again, among the voei in voting public who deserve to know if our president is healthy or not. The letter said the president tested negative on consecutive days, but doesnt say which days theyre talking about. Thats significant, right . That is significant. Again, the cdcs recommendations say that someone should have a negative pcr test, that Gold Standard swab up the nose test, two days in a row. Not telling us which days this, that the president tested negative on, it could have been three days ago then he had two positive tests then another negative test, which wouldnt count. But again, the fact that hes reporting the antigen tests just makes me shrug my shoulder anyhow because its not a test i would ever use for this purpose. Thats why weed like him to come before us and answer questions. The American Public has a right to know. Doctor, thank you so much for joining us. Just ahead, were seeing more long lines as states open r for early voting. Millions of folks have already voted. Look at these long lines in georgia just today. Well be right back. Some things are good to know. Like where to find the cheapest gas in town and which supermarket gives you the most bang for your buck. Something else thats good to know . If you have medicare and medicaid, you may be able to get more Healthcare Benefits through a humana Medicare Advantage plan. Call the number on your screen now and speak to a licensed humana sales agent to see if you qualify. Learn about plans that could give you more Healthcare Benefits than you have today. 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Vote yes on 15. Tonight new voting concerns as americans cast early ballots across the country. Long lines and a Technical Glitch on the first day of voting in one state and accusations of ballot tampering in another. Our senior White House Correspondent pamela brown has been digging into all of this for us. Pamela, similar problems apparently are popping up nationwide. They are. And wolf, millions of americans have already cast their ballots in this election, and one of the methods that theyre using right now is getting a lot of attention. Roughly 8 million americans have already cast their ballots. Some standing in line for hours. I thought maybe one hour most i would never even have came out to be honest if i knew it would be five hours. Reporter while others are putting them in drop boxes like these. But the seemingly simple process has turned quite complicated throughout the country. Its insane. I just i cant imagine in what world you would think that that would be acceptable. Reporter this california woman alerted local officials after finding an unofficial ballot drop box at a nearby church. In a Facebook Post the churchs pastor told followers the church had a voting drop box but it wasnt a legal one. It was up for like four days before i even saw it, before it started to gain traction. So im really worried that someone put their ballot in there. Reporter in a sermon at the church the pastor denied tampering with any ballots. Obviously, we have a situation here with the ballot box and folks are saying things that were tampering with it and things of that nature. And of course were not tampering with anything. Reporter meanwhile, californias secretary of state tells cnn operating unofficial ballot drop boxes, especially those misrepresenting to be official drop boxes, is not just misleading to voters, its a violation of state law. The box has been removed. The Facebook Post also gone. As the Los Angeles County Registrars Office investigates. Its an attack on democracy. Its not okay. Reporter and while the president urged supporters on a recent prayer call to get out and vote for him. The poll booths, and i can tell you, we see it, we see it now, theyre going to be swamped. Get out and vote and make sure your vote counts. Reporter and pennsylvania, a trumpappointed federal judge rejected an argument by the rnc and Trump Campaign that drop boxes were unconstitutional. While in texas a federal Appeals Court ruled in favor of republican governor greg abbotts directive for one location per county for ballot drop boxes. After a lower Court Reversed abbotts decision last week. And in georgia early voting started today at one location with a little hiccup. Delays of an hour due tie Technical Glitch that caused voters cards to be rejected. And in california, wolf, there were several counties where these fake drop boxes popped up. Now the d. A. Is investigating and it turns out the state Republican Party bought these fake drop boxes in at least one county but the spokesman will not say how many they bought, where they put them. The gop, however, is denying any wrongdoing. Wolf . Well watch all of this very closely together with you, pamela. Thank you very, very much. And well have much more news right after this. Ict the future but a resilient business can be ready for it. A Digital Foundation from vmware helps you redefine whats possible. Now. From the hospital shifting to remote patient care in just 48 hours. To the university moving hundreds of apps quickly to the cloud. Or the City Government Going Digital to keep Critical Services running. You are creating the future on the fly. And we are helping you do it. Vmware. Realize whats possible. And a majority of americans. Say the vote for the next Supreme Court justice should wait till after the election. But instead of letting our voices be heard, trump and mcconnell are rushing it through and taking a short cut to the highest court in the land. Theres a pandemic devastating every corner of the country, but theyre just rushing to play politics with the court. Its a lifetime appointment, tell senators to do it right. Demand justice is responsible for the content of this advertising. At morgan stanley, a global collective of thought leaders offers investors a broader view. We see companies protecting the bottom line by putting people first. We see a bright future, still hungry for the ingenuity of those ready for the next challenge. Today, we are translating decades of experience into strategies for the road ahead. We are morgan stanley. Finally, in our nightly tribute to coronavirus victims, we honor two brothers who died within 12 days of one another. Ralph gisbondi of new york was 68 years old. A First Responder on 9 11, he went on to work as a Flight Attendant and he enjoyed traveling the world. Were told he was very close with his family, wife ann, their two daughters, their grandchildren, and his brother nicholas. Nicholas gismondi of new jersey was 65. He was in the hospital when he learned his older brother ralph had died. Nicholas also was known as a family man, as well as an active volunteer, an exceptional baseball and basketball player. Affectionately called papi, he leaves behind wife mary jane, three sons, and two grandchildren. May they rest in peace. And may their memories be a blessing. Thanks very much for watching. Im wolf blitzer in the situation room. You can follow me on twitter and instagram wolfblitzer. You can always tweet the show cnnsitroom. Erin Burnett Outfront starts right now. Outfront next, breaking news, the president holds his first rally since his battle with coronavirus in florida. Right now speaking to a mostly maskless crowd Standing Shoulder to shoulder, as you see. Has the white house learned anything from its own hot zone outbreak . Plus dr. Anthony fauci with a warning to the white house tonight. Dont use me in another campaign ad. And a fourstar general, lifelong republican, p. O. W. For seven years, says he has never spoken out about politics before until now. Lets go out front. And good evening. Im erin burnett. Outfront tonight, President Trump returning to the campaign trail tonight. The First Time Since getting coronavirus and being hospitalized f

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