the longtime host of "american bandstand" and one of the founding icons of rock 'n' roll. also, a cnn exclusive. wolf interviews the secretary of state and defense. hillary clinton sends a tough new message directly at north korea's young leader and we'll very hear blunt talk on syria, iran and afghanistan. wolf blitzer is on assignment. i'm candy crowley and you're in "the situation room." -- captions by vitac -- we are following the breaking news this hour, the death of the longtime television personality dick clark. for decades he was the host of the iconic music show he created "american bandstand" and later he became to be a fixture on new years eve broadcasts. we'll go to cnn entertainment correspondent kareen wynter in hollywood. what are you hearing there? >> reporter: candy, not a lot of details we're getting in at this hour. we're trying to find out what happened with dick clark. there are reports that clark suffered a heart attack. we are still trying to confirm that, but it is no secret that he had medical issues over the years that impacted him and impacted his health and impacted his career in 2004. he suffered a massive stroke. dick clark was an entertainer we you will grew up with and each watching him now, while he's taken a step back from the spotlight because of his medical issues, he was still a part of the very popular annual new year's show, new year's rockin' eve. i remember watching him and it was an abbreviated appearance and it was now taken over by ryan seacrest. he wasn't communicating as a result of the stroke, but his nickname, interestingly enough, candy, was america's oldest living teenager. some interesting things about dick clark. he was a six-time daytime emmy award-winning television producer, so many projects behind his name. so many different people he's worked with over the decades. it wasn't just "new year's rockin' eve" that he was attached to, but also the golden globe awards and the $25,000 pyramid. remember the popular game show. i think it was back in the 1980s that we watched and "american bandstand." quite beloved and you see him there with ryan seacrest whom he had worked closely with over the years and such a tremendous loss not just for america and the entertainment community. people have grown up with dick clark and really appreciated his true talents over the years. dick clark dead at 82, candy. we're standing by if it was indeed a heart attack that he suffered. >> i'll let you get back to your reporting on this because we want to go to cnn's sandra endo. she has more on dick clark, 82 years old, and his remarkable career. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: he was known as the world's oldest teenager, dick clark began his career on the weekly dance party that would later be known as "american bandstand" in philadelphia in 1956. the show became a national and later an international sensation, after it was picked up by abc one year later. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> reporter: in spite of racial attitudes at the time, clark was a pioneer in promoting african-american artists like percy sledge, the silhouette, the supremes and gladys night and the pips. an appearance on "american bandstand" launched many a musical career and from jerry lee lewis to janet jackson, they all wanted dick clark to give their record a spin. >> if you look at the history of "american bandstand" it covers everything from popular music to the big band days when we started in 1952, perry como and eddie fisher and the four aces, through the rock 'n' roll period, country music, rhythm and blues, rap music, heavy metal. it is everything. >> reporter: music wasn't his only beat, clark proved to be a prolific businessman and television icon hosting the game show "the $25,000 pyramid," "tv's bloopers and practical jokes" and the annual rockin' eve" broadcast. he turned it into a multimillion dollar media empire. >> there will be surprises along the way. >>. >> reporter: he had a hand in life aid and farm aid. he was inducted into the rock 'n' roll hall of fame in 1993. >> that's a nice beat. see? you said the magic words. >> from the early days of rock to the present, dick clark had a way of bringing us the tunes that had a good beat and memories of saturday afternoon sock hops. i'm sandra endo reporting. >> let's bring back in kareen wynter out in california for us. kareen, i know you're looking to see what actually was the cause of death, but, in fact, those of us who watched dick clark over the past several years, since, i think, 2004, had noticed obviously that he had a pretty severe stroke. >> absolutely. that's what i was alluding to earlier, watching him in january. it seemed like his appearances on these annual shows "new year's rockin' eve" which ryan seacrest took over, you saw those a while ago, they were heavily produced and he tried to speak and tried to wish out to fans to wish them, of course, a happy new year and it's a picture we've grown up with, we connected with and people would ring in the new year, year after year with dick clark, and you can tell it was something he wanted to do, but it was always very difficult and understanding him as a result of that stroke. he was never quite truly the same, and he wanted to still be in the spotlight. this is a man who loved the business and loved what he did and wanted to still deliver to fans and there was a noticeable change after the stroke that he was never able to fully recover, candy. >> an incredible trooper. it did seem like he was america's oldest living teenager until that stroke and then you saw him begin to age. it just never seemed to change from the time he started on tv and then we began to see him sort of in the turn of the century and then the stroke. >> candy, you talk about the -- you talk about an entertainer who was so relatable and in that wonderful piece that was just produced, there were so many different genres of music, whether it was rap or pop, he knew the industry and connected with so many different artists. he wasn't just the face of entertainment and that's why people loved him and that's why people of all ages even tuned in to the annual new year's eve show, even though they knew dick clark, it wasn't the guy with the chip anymore and it's because he was someone who was comfortable and who people could relate to and quite frankly, loved. for that reason, i believe, heel be sorely missed. >> and someone that we've come to expect on new year's eve. >> we want to bring in cnn's anderson cooper. >> anderson, i know you were beginning to expect to see him -- but i know you have thoughts on dick clark. >> just a couple of things. one of the things i found remarkable about him is that as a child we all knew him as a tv host and a tv personality, but as i kind of grew up in the tv business and started looking more at the business, just him as a businessman, there are very few people i think who came of age in the time that he did in television who also owned and produced television content. you know, his production company, and i think his model of being a tv host and businessman is something like somebody like ryan seacrest has followed and even taken to a whole new level, but i think dick clark broke the mold in that sense of producing content, owning content and not just being a hired gun, somebody who would host a game show. he also had ownership stake in the game show, obviously, made a tremendous amount of money over the years and certainly key to that was just owning real estate in the world of television, and his, you know, being on new year's eve every year became a tradition for so many people and a tradition that has continued, even though as you pointed out, candy, just in the last couple of years he suffered a stroke and was not at the level that he had once been at, and i think it's very telling that he brought in ryan sea crest into the new year's eve franchise because ryan has taken up the mantle or at least the model of dick clark as an on-air person as well as someone who owns content and produces content. >> he was one of the tv moguls in one way. can you stand by for a second? i understand kareen wynter has new information. i'll be right back with you. if you're with me, what have you got? >> i'll just read this to you. this now coming in from the family saying that entertainment icon dick clark passed away this morning at the age of 82 following a massive heart attack. it was announced by his family. clark, 82, had entered st. john's hospital in santa monica last night. it was for an outpatient procedure, candy, and it also says here attempts to resuscitate were unsuccessful. he's survived by his wife carrie and three children, richard, dwayne and cindy. we are able to confirm dick clark passing away suffering a massive heart attack. >> a life well lived as you were pointing out, anderson. i wonder -- anderson, did you ever meet him? did you have occasion to get to know him? >> i think i met him once or twice, but i did not know him well in any way. i think we had sort of briefly met in some public event. i can't honestly remember when they were, but the interesting thing about dick clark si think everybody sort of feels like they knew him in one realm or another and there was something about the fact that he never seemed to change. i mean, it's -- there's a number of people who kind of have looked the same through the years, but dick clark looked the same decade after decade after decade. it was often the butt of jokes that he took part in, as well, but you look at those images of him from the '60s and '70s, everybody can identify dick clark. he's probably one of the most recognizable people that all of us of all ages have grown up and known from one realm or another, whether it was hosting a game show, hosting a music program or hosting new year's eve. there's something iconic of about new year's eve that we all take part in and having dick clark be a part of that evening. even as you said, in later years, when his health had been failing and he wasn't, you know, in full charge of that program anymore and he turned over the reins to ryan seacrest and others. he still had his hand in it and people still want to check in with dick clark on new year's eve because he was part of of that american tradition. >> he became a tradition in so many ways. it strikes me, anderson, that i think the people who last in entertainment and who last in television seem to be the ones that we think are the most like us. he has spanned almost three and a half generations of television watchers. my parents, me, my kids. >> right. >> and the generation coming up, and i think he really just did seem like somebody you might just run into in the coffee shop or next door. that was his particular talent. >> interestingly, too, for all his recognition and all his recognizableness, i don't think most people know very much about dick clark, and i think that was part of his appeal, in a way. that almost, he could be any man, anybody and you could kind of project on to him whatever you wanted and whatever you thought he might be. he never interjected himself one way or another to tell who it was and it wasn't about knowing every detail about dick clark's personal life. i don't think most people would like to know that he has three children or what kind of a job he lived. >> to be as recognized as he was and he was not a controversial figure in any way and he warrant taking stands on anything that was controversial. it wasn't his job and it wasn't how he saw his role. he was there to entertain and on the business side of it. >> sure. he wasn't one of those people who said, well, yea, he sang and we heard him on occasion old lang seine. and his talent was hosting. he was an entertainer who said look at these folks, i've got this great new song i want you to hear. ? he also made it seem very easy. it is very easy to say, the people you can make the joke all of the time about people who are well known on television, what do they actually do? they're not a reporter. they're not a singer, they're just a host and what is that? it's a hard skill set to put your finger on, but it is a skill set and it is something dif can ult and he would make it seem like he was just a guy with the microphone talking to you and interviewing people and moving things along and it always seemed to move slowly with dick clark. that takes a lot of rehearsal and it is a skill set and there were few people like him that were able to -- not only do that as a presence on tv like he could, but also to know that behind the scenes he had his hands involved in everything and in fact, in some cases own the program that he was on. most people would see him as just the guy with the microphone directing things and he owned it and was making an awful lot of money from it and did that decade after decade after decade. >> dick clark is the one my father recognized and my son recognized which is remarkable. you're absolutely right. he did the toughest job in television for more than 40 years which is to let people, you know, turn on the tv and let them into your living room and say, and it was never really about dick clark. it was about these contestants on the pyramid. >> absolutely. >> or this new year's eve celebration. >> which is why so many people liked him. who was dick clark? he was the guy -- he seemed like a friendly guy and seemed like a nice guy, you recognized him and you have a history with him and you don't know much about him. he's just one of those guys that you know and you like and you welcome him into your home? >> where do you think he stands with tv's early age, golden age, et cetera, et cetera, he basic le remains an icon, does he not? >> the term broadcaster comes behind. regis fill, still is going strong, but who has a good skill set and a likable presence. there were -- in the so-called golden age of television, there were a number of people who were accomplished broadcasters and it's a smaller and smaller number. people are known as your reality tv star or journalist or reporter. there are few people that span the spectrum of skills that somebody like dick clark had he could be comfortable in a music setting. he could be comfortable in a game show setting or in a newsy setting when he was on the air about it and an entertainment setting and there's very few people like that who kind of span that skill set. >> anderson, stand by a second. we want to bring in jack cafferty because, jack, i am told that you had met dick clark and might have some thoughts. >> i'm probably the only guy at cnn who's close to his age, but i did a newscast here in new york called "live at 5" and he was not a frequent guest, but he was on several times and i got to know him a little bit. he was the quint essential television performer in the sense he was non-threatening. he was very cool, extremely smooth. in all of the years watching "american bandstand." you never saw him flustered. you never saw him nervous. you never saw him ducking a curveball, but more importantly and one of the points that needs to be made about him is that show "american bandstand" changed the landscape of music and to a lesser degree even race relations. you have to remember in the mid-50s, this was a very racially divided country, and the racism was a lot more obvious and more pronounced than it is now. black artists like little richard and chuck barry and fats domino couldn't get their music played on white radio stations. they called it race music and they wouldn't play it unless, of course, you slipped them a couple of bucks under the table. so it was very hard for a lot of these performers to get exposure to the white audience and the white kids were the ones that could afford to go out and buy the records. when people like chuck barry appeared on "american bandstand." you remember the old tag line, it was a good beat and easy to dance to. it was all about the music and it didn't matter what color or gender or what social position. it was about the music. and these were breakthrough performances in terms of exposure to the white audience for people that otherwise might have struggled to a great degree in obscurity in the music business. so a lot of the white rock 'n' roll artists, elvis, jerry lee lewis took their music from black artists and black performers. you listen to some of the early records that were recorded by presley and jerry lee lewis, too, in particular, it was all music that was written by chuck barry and produced by little richard and who recorded hound dog, but it was all of the white people took this music and made money with it and got it played on the radio station. dick clark gave exposure, white exposure to these black artists and in that way he affected a very profound change to the music landscape and the opportunities are available to black recording artists. >> jack, i have one more question for you and anderson, but i want to reset for my audience. dick clark, american bandstand, host of the pyramid game show, "new year's rockin' eve" has died today of what we are told was a massive stroke after some sort of outpatient procedure yesterday. he was 82 years old. jack, this is a man who has been in television since late '50s. what do you think the key thing that accounts for his staying power? >> well, he was good at what he did. anderson talked a little about that. he had a set of skills like johnny carson had. he was just -- he was beyond cool. he was very smooth, and he looked young and tv is -- what was the book? "the camera never blinks." he was television worthy for a whole lot longer than most of of us ever are, and he was never threatening and likable. you couldn't say, i don't like him or he's snotty and sarcastic. he was vanilla ice cream and a lo loaf of white bread. plus he was smart. he was a smart businessman. he knew how to market himself. he knew how to market his programs and how to merchandise the content that he owned. he was the whole package and revolutionary. he was the first ones to come along that had all of that going for him. he got a lot of attention and he knew how to stay in the spotlight and make it a career that lasted a very long time. he was a nice guy. i remember when he would come on "live at 5." he was a nice guy. he never came on with attitude and never had an entourage. he was just dick clark and the same guy you saw on "american bandstand" in 1954. >> anderson, the same question to you with this twist. is the tank right now broken. you mentioned ryan seacrest a couple of times, and do you think is there ever going to be another dick clark? >> i don't think that's true. i think he has actually -- i think he raised the bar in television and kind of gave a lot of people who followed him an example of what was possible. i think he opened a lot of doors and made it possible to own content, you know to be more than just a hired gun working on a game show or working on a music program. it's a difficult thing to do in the television business to break through and own content and have a stake in what you're doing, but he really kind of made that possible, and i think a lot of people have followed in his mold, and i think ryan seacrest is the best example of that and has really taken it to an extraordinary level, and i think ryan has, you know, the work ethic that dick clark had. dick clark was a very tireless worker and ryan seacrest is one of the hardest working guys in the television business, and has his fingers in a lot of different aspects of the business, and i think that's possible now in a way almost that it wasn't possible before. you can now work for, you know, have programs on different networks. you can branch out in a way that i think was more difficult than when dick clark was doing it because back then it was more you had a relationship with one network and it was very hard to try to have multiple relationships which i think is something that is possible now. i don't think it's that there is not going to be anybody else like him. i think there will be and there will continue to be, and i think as the internet certainly grows that is going to grow as well. people will have the empires like dick clark had, but as a multi-talented broadcaster. we see only a few people like him who are in the business. it's not an easy thing to do. he made it look easy and he made it look effortless. it was anything, but effortless and that's a testament to his skill. it's one thing to be able to do all of the things he did. it's another thing to be able to do them and make it look like you're just talking because he was doing a whole lot more than just talking. >> that, he was. anderson cooper and jack cafferty, two of my best buds here helping me through the breaking story this hour. dick clark died of a massive heart attack at the age of 82, entertainer, businessman extraordinaire. again, dick clark dead at the age of 82. we'll be right back. fiona here was just telling me that ford dealers sell a new tire like...every five seconds, how's that possible? well, we purchase 3 million a year. you just sold one right now didn't you? that's correct. major brands. 11 major brands. oop,there goes another one. well we'll beat anybody's advertised price. and you just did it right there, what's that called? the low price tire guarantee. wait for it, there goes another one. get a $100 rebate, plus the low price tire guarantee during the big tire event. look at that. it's happening right there every five seconds. your not going to run out are you? no. ifif y youou'r're e lolookokinio geget t totogegethther, yoyou u cacameme t to o ththe. bebecacaususe e heherere a at, wewe'r're e ononlyly a abob. fifindndining g yoyou u ththe e isis a allll w we e do. wewelclcomome e toto h hot. can i help you? yeah, can i get a full-sized car? for full-sized cars, please listen to the following menu. for convertibles, press star one. i didn't catch that. to speak to a representative, please say representative now. representative. goodbye! you don't like automated customer service, and neither do we. that's why, unlike other cards, no matter when you call chase sapphire preferred, you immediately get a person not a prompt. chase sapphire preferred. a card of a different color. (phone ringing) chase sapphire preferred, this is julie in springfield. ♪ ♪ wow... ♪ [ female announcer ] sometimes, all you need is the smooth, creamy taste of werther's original caramel to remind you that you're someone very special. ♪ werther's original caramels. ♪ when we got married. i had three kids. and she became the full time mother of three. it was soccer, and ballet, and cheerleading, and baseball. those years were crazy. so, as we go into this next phase, you know, a big part of it for us is that there isn't anything on the schedule. we are following the breaking news this hour. the death of television icon dick clark at age 82. that is times square where so many people saw dick clark. it seems like every new year's eve of my growing up he was the host of "rockin' new year's eve" and even did it into this century, even after a stroke in 2004, just the guy you expected to see when you turned on the television at midnight on new year's eve to watch the ball drop. i want to bring in -- we have another picture here and that's hollywood. of course, another place where, frankly, dick clark earned this well-deserved reputation of a man who was spanned -- more than three generations of tv watchers. he was the host of "pyramid." he did a number of things in hollywood. so two cities that were just key to the life and the times of dick clark. i want to bring in our "showbiz tonight" host a.j. hammer. he joins us. a.j., we were talking you and i, how everybody will look at this and have a different reaction to it because we all in some ways across a lot of generations grew up with dick clark. >> rarely, candy, am i sitting here working, we're in production and see news cross as i'm working and i get emotional and i had to take a moment and stop when this news crossed. dick clark, as anderson was talking about before the break, was just such a pioneer and for all intents and purposes for me has everything to do with why i do what i do for a living. he really was the first person to carve that path of radio personality, radio disk jockey, all about the music turned television personality. that was the path that i chose and dick, without my knowing it, was getting started at 15 years old was the person that i was emulating and aspiring to be like, and for me, when i had the opportunity back in the 1990s. i was working for vh-1 and dick released a book and he came on my show, candy and i was at that time accustomed to talking to every big superstar in the music world who would come and sit down with me and we'd have a lively chat about their music and the world, except when dick clark came in, and i knew he was coming in, i was nervous. i never would get nervous before an interview ask nd my idol was coming in and he sat down and something after his presence after a couple of seconds put me right at ease and he pulled me into my office and closed the door and said some very complimentary things to me is something that i've carried with me through to this day and that has kept me going through to this day which is i guess when this news broke i had this intense personal reaction, and i think i'm not alone. i think everybody who does what i do is feeling that way, but of course, it's also the people that he connected with and the ease with which he connected them, which is on "american bandstand" or on "bloopers and practical jokes." dick had this way of communicating whether it was in an interview situation with a massive star and think about the pyramid show, candy. on "pyramid" you had stars alongside everyday people. everybody was treated the same and he did it so smoothly and as anderson said, so effortlessly, and it was something, i think, any broadcaster aspired to including myself. so just a tough, tough thing, but i guess i smile knowing that he really impacted so many lives and entertained so many people for such a long time. >> a.j. thank you for taking time. i know you've got to run, but i appreciate your thoughts. i want to bring in congressman david dreier. i know someone who represented your southern california as long as you have surely must have known dick clark. >> well, candy, this is a very great shock to me, and just as i was listening to a.j. and it's great to hear what an inspiration dick was for so many people, but for me he became a very close personal friend. i just had dinner with him about ten days ago with dick and his wife carrie. one important myth that needs to be shattered is it's true that in 2004 suffered a serious stroke, but that man has been fighting so hard to recover, and in fact, at dinner the other night he reminded me that he is the world's oldest teenager, and he said that to me just a couple of weeks ago and so this guy, i mean, "american bandstand" was an appropriate name for a show that was known all over the world. he was a patriotic american and as a.j. talked about the advice and counsel he got from dick clark. dick used to give me a lot of advice on television. he used to always tell me to straighten my necktie because he said i had a crooked necktie, but he had this great sense of humor. we were -- we were at dinner the other night laughing so hard, and so i want to say that dick clark, even though he suffered a stroke, candy, he was very, very healthy up until the last week or so, and i've also got to say that dick clark is somebody who very much wanted to encourage young people, and he also was able to really blaze the trail in dealing with race relations in this country, and he and i had a number of discussions about that. he really -- he was the one that brought african-americans on to the forefront, on to the scene. he introduced them into the music world through his programs, and i think that that was just great, and i -- he gave me a lot of great advice, and i'll miss his advice and counsel. he was a great guy. >> i can hear how much you will miss him in his voice. just hang on a second because i want to read you something. it's amazing how many people you've had on, yourself, and a.j. and this statement from ryan seacrest in which he said i am deeply saddened by the loss of my dear friend dick clark. he has truly been one of the greatest influences in my life and it seems to be the theme that is coming through this day is how many people's lives he seemed to have influenced in major ways including yours. >> i was sitting with him when ryan seacrest called him right after they were together for new year's eve and you know, there were a lot of people, a lot of things were written and dick debated whether or not he should ton continue to go on for the new year's eve programs. over the last couple of years he told me you know, i'm not going do it again this year. what happened is it was mixed, candy, because some people said why should dick clark having suffered his stroke continue to appear on television, but then he would get deluged by people who were stroke victims and other people who had infirmities and they were such admirers of his fighting spirit because he really didn't have that, and so he anguished over whether or not to continue doing it and at the end of the day, of course, he loved it, but at the same time he knew that his continued diligence was providing inspiration to a lot of people who were going through difficult, facing infirmities themselves. >> there was something that i thought was very brave about it and very happy about it. he always seemed happy when they would come to him. sometimes his wife would appear in these new year's eve times when he did cameo thing, but he was also happy doing it. >> i will share with you and clean it up. one of the lines that was used because his wonderful wife carrie would kiss him at midnight, right? one time she kissed him and he whispered to her and everyone said oh, well, was -- did dick whisper oh, carrie, i love you. i can't live without you? you're the most important thing in my life? he said no, he whispered get out of the shot. i work alone. his sense of humor has continued and i got lots and lots and lots of other great jokes that i can share up until two weeks ago when we had dinner of dick clark and that's why he was amazing. he was so -- he was always committed to paying his taxes. he always told me he wanted to make sure he paid his taxes and every penny of his taxes. he was a proud taxpayer because he believed in the united states of america, and the other thing i think that goes without saying is people have seen it, he was an amazingly sharp businessman. he suffered a stroke, his mind was so intact. i mean, i can tell you there are things that he immediately pointed out to me on more than a few occasions. so i just want to say the reason -- in fact, i said last week, dick has had this stroke. i said dick will live to be 100 years old. i said, he went through therapy. he was constantly working to get better and get better, so i just want to say that this guy was an amazing fighter, and i'm going to miss him a lot. >> i can hear that in your voice. congressman david dreier, thank you so much for your reflections this afternoon. we will have more coming up after this. hey dad. see how the carrots i grow make that new stouffer's steam meal so tasty. actually, the milk from my farm makes it so creamy, right dad. ah, but my carrots have that crunch. it's my milk in the rich sauce coating the chicken and the pasta. boys! don't you think stouffer's steam perfect bag should get some credit? my carrots. my milk. my carrots. my milk. 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>> i'm not going to get into the labeling, wolf, because what i'm doing now is trying to see whether or not he is going to get the implement kofi annan's plan and i don't think it's useful to do anything other than focus on the six points of the plan. right now it doesn't appear, one again that he is going to follow through on what he has pledged to the international community he will do. we are still working to see about getting monitors in to be able to have an independent source of information coming after the security council. i will be going to paris tomorrow afternoon to meet with like-minded nations in an ad hoc meeting to take stock of where we are, but it was significant that the security council endorsed kofi annan's six-point plan and the syrian government said they would abide by it. >> are these crimes against humanity? >> i think what we want to do is begin an accountability project to gather evidence. we really don't want to be labeling what we see which are clearly disproportionate use of force, human rights abuses, absolutely merciless shelling with weaponry into unarmed civilian areas and even shelling across borders in turkey and lebanon last week. we're interested in stopping the behavior, but at the same time we do want to see evidence collected so that there could be in the future accountability for these actions. >> it sounds like the answer is yes. you do believe these are crimes -- >> don't put words in my mouth. we're not making those kinds of charges or claims. our goal right now is if the assad regime were to say, okay, we agree. we're going to do everything that kofi annan asks us to do, that will be our focus, not some future maybe unlikely outcome in terms of of criminal accountability. what i'm interested in is let's stop the violence and let's start the political transition. >> senator mccain says the u.s. should take the military lead in arming the rebels and maybe going over a no-fly zone. here's the question, we're at nato headquarters and is nato impotent in syria right now? >> i don't think so. nato has shown that it can -- >> in libya, it did, but in syria -- >> they did a great job and it shows when the international community comes together and decides to take action that we can take action that achieves the result. >> the argument is that -- >> in this situation the international community, wolf, has not made that decision. >> if it does will nato take action? >> if the international community makes the decision that we'll have to take further steps we'll be prepared to do that. >> no-fly zone and arming the rebels and that will be discussed as part of whatever plan is required in order to achieve the mission. >> any chance china and russia will go forward to allow such a red losing to go forward with the u.n. security council? >> well, right now that's a long shot. there doesn't seem to be any willingness on their part to go further than where we are right now, but this is a fast-changing situation, and you know, countries have a lot of relationshi relationships. we know there are relationships with syria. there are also relationships with turkey. there are relationships with the gulf. there are relationships with european countries all of whom are very worried about what will happen if syria or both, descends into civil war or causes a regional conflict so i don't think we're even -- i don't think we're half way through this story yet, wolf. we'll see a lot happen over the next few weeks and it truly is up to the assad regime. they're the ones who hold it in their power to end the violence and begin the political -- >> how much time do they have? >> well, they're running out of time because they've made so many promises which they've never kept. so their credibility een with the countries that support them -- >> like russia and china are beginning to fray. >> mitt romney says the obama's administration's in his words, incompetence, embolden the regime and undermine the security of the united states and its allies. do you want to respond to the presumptive presidential nominee? >> not necessarily. >> i think it's pretty clear that this administration took a firm stand with -- we made clear they should not do it. we condemned that action even though it was not successful and it was a failure. the fact is it was provocative and we have made it very clear to them that they should not take any additional, provocative actions. i think that was a clear, strong message that not only our country, but the world sent to north korea and that's the way, frankly, that the united states ought to behave. >> they do an underground nuclear test, what would you do? >> it would be a provocation and it would worsen our relationship. >> what would you do? >> i'm not going to get into how we would respond to that, but we are prepared. >> still 30,000 u.s. troops along the demilitarized zone. a million north korean troops and almost a million, korean troops be troops. this is a very dangerous part of the world. >> we're within an inch of war and you have to be very careful about what we say and what we do. >> does that keep you up at night more than any other issue? >> unfortunately, these days there's hell of a lot that keeps me awake, but that's one of the ones at the top of the list. >> what are the others? >> obviously, iran, syria, the turmoil in the middle east. the whole issue of cyber war. the whole issue of weapons of mass destruction, rising powers, all of those things are threats that the united states faces in today's world. >> you have a lot of issues over there. >> what do you think of this new young leader of north korea kim jung un. >> we're waiting to see if he's the kind of leader that north korean people need. if he follows in the footsteps of his father we don't expect much other than the kind of provocative behavior and the deep failure of the political and economic elite to take care of their own people, but he, you know, he is someone who has lived outside of north korea apparently, from what we know. we believe that he may have some hope that the conditions in north korea can change, but again, we'll watch and wait. he gave a speech the other day that was analyzed as being some of the old same old stuff and, you know, some possible, new approach, but it's too early. >> when i was in pyongyang, in 2010 i was amazed that i could watch cnn in my hotel room. they watch cnn very closely. if you had a chance to speak to kim jung unwhat would you say to him? >> as a young man with your future ahead of you, be the leader that can move north korea, into the 21stie century. educate your people, allow the talents of the north korean people to be realized. move away from a failed economic system that has kept so many of your people in starvation. be the kind of leader who will be remembered for the millenia as the person who moved north korea on a path of reform, and you have the opportunity to do that. >> are you ready to meet with him? >> well, under circumstances that don't exist today, the united states, as you know, was willing to try to reach out to him which we did. we had several high-level meetings. we agreed to provide some food aid in return for their ending some of their uranium enrichment and missile development, and then they do what has been already termed by leon and the rest of the world as a provocative action. it's hard for us to tell right now, is this the way it will be with this new leader or does he feel like he has to earn his own credibility in order to have a new path for north korea. too soon to tell. >> the story of these military personnel in cartagena is a shocking story. i can only imagine when you heard about the prostitutes and secret service agents and u.s. military personnel, i can only imagine, mr. secretary what went through your mind, but tell us what went through your mind. >> well, i don't usually use those words in public, but it was -- it was very disturbing, and the reason it was disturbing is that whether it takes place in colombia or any other country or in the united states we expect that our people behave according to the highest standards of conduct. that obviously, didn't happen here, and as a result we're investigating the matter, and as a result of that investigation we'll hold these people accountable. >> diplomatic fallout from this incident? it's unfortunate, obviously. >> i don't think so much diplomatic fallout as the unfortunate fact that it certainly ate up a lot of the coverage of the summit which was a meaningful get together. it only happens once every three years, an opportunity to show case colombia. think about how much colombia has changed and the united states, with our plan colombia support has really been at the forefront of helping colombia emerge as a real dynamo in the region. as leon said, there will be investigations both in the military and the secret service. i've had secret service protection for more than 20 years, and i've only seen the very best, the professionalism, the dedication of the men and women who have been around me and my family. -- captions by vitac -- dick clark, entertainer and host has died at the age of 82. he is, remembered as a pioneer in the world of broadcasting and is the forever young-looking host of two tv classic, "american bandstand" and "new year's rockin' eve." clark died this morning of a massive heart attack. he suffered a stroke in 2004. here's cnn's sandra endo with more. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> reporter: he was known as the world's oldest teenager. dick clark began his career on the weekly dance party that would later be known as "american bandstand" in philadelphia in 1956. the show became a national and later, an international sensation after it was picked up by abc one year later. ♪ ♪ let's do the twist ♪ >> reporter: in spite of racial attitudes at the time, clark was a pioneer in promoting african-american artists like percy sledge, the silhouettes, the supremes and gladys night and the pips. an appearance on "american bandstand" launched many a musical career and from jerry lee lewis to janet jackson, they all wanted dick clark to give their record a spin. >> if you look at the history of "american bandstand" it covers everything from popular music to the big band days when we started in 1952, it was perry como and eddie fisher and the four aces and so forth, through the rock 'n' roll period, country music, rhythm and blues, rap music, heavy metal. it is everything. >> reporter: music wasn't his only beat, clark proved to be a prolific businessman and television icon, hosting the game show "the $25,000 pyramid," "tv's bloopers and practical jokes" and the annual "new year's rockin' eve" broadcast. he turned it into a multimillion empire. >> there will be surprises along the way. >> reporter: clark also had a hand in the fund-raiser live aid and farm aid. he was inducted into the rock 'n' roll hall of fame in 1993. >> it had a nice beat. see? you said the magic words. >> reporter: from the days of early rock to the present, dick clark had a wi of bringing us the tunes that had a good beat and memories of saturday afternoon sock hops. i'm sandra endo reporting. >> we want to go back out to california now, and our entertainment reporter kareen wynter. kareen, have we heard from the family? >> reporter: well, they put out a statement a short time ago, i'll read that to you, candy, also, just a plethora of tweets from those in the entertainment industry. as from the family's statement it reads, entertainment icon dick clark passed away this morning after a massive heart attack. clash, 82, had entered st. john's hospital, a hospital in santa monica, california, he went in last night for an outpatient procedure, but attempts to resuscitate him were unsuccessful. he's survived by his wife carrie and his three children. you know, another icon in the industry, not yet to the status of -- or the height of dick clark, ryan seacrest, put out a statement and as you know, he worked very, very closely with dick clark over the years with dick clark's "new years rockin' eve bash." he writes, i am truly saddened. he has been one of the greatest influences in my life and i was graced early on in my career with his generous advice and counsel. when i joined the show in 2006 it was a dream come true to work with him, over the last six years he described dick clark as smart, funny, charming and always a true gentleman and that's how the world remembers this amazingly talented entertainer. dick clark. cannedy? >> kareen, thanks so much. i know you're busy doing some phoning so we'll let you go. we want to bring in our cnn senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen. as i'm reading some of this stuff coming in, not only did dick clark have a stroke. we learned that he also had diabetes and he was 82. what interests me a little bit about this statement is the fact that he had some sort of outpatient surgery last night, unspecified and then had a massive heart attack this morning. for someone with those -- working with those complications, i and imagine that any kind of outpatient procedure might come with risks. >> right. absolutely, candy. that caught my eye as well and you have to wonder was there a relationship between that procedure and the heart attack? you know, that's really difficult to know. you would only know if you were in that inner circle. certainly dick clark had health problems. he went on "larry king live" in 2004 and revealed for the first time that he had been diagnosed with diabetes ten years before and actually what he had to say was present, and i want to listen to that. let's take a listen to what he had to say on "larry king live" in 2004. >> larry, two-thirds of people with diabetes don't realize the seriousness that it can cause their heart. they don't realize they can have a stroke and drop dead of a heart attack, so you've got to get this thing under control. the other portion is two-thirds of the people with diabetes die from heart disease so that two-thirds number is -- >> so months after saying that on "larry king live" dick clark did have a stroke and of course, we know today he had a heart attack and he was talking about the relationship between diabetes, strokes and heart disease. as he said, two-thirds of people with diabetes die from heart disease and that appears to be what happened to him. candy? >> i was looking at some of these pictures. i tell you, so many times you looked at him and he seemed to be the picture of health. i don't know how long he'd been suffering from diabetes, but that's a serious disease to carry through the years. >> he said he was diagnosed in 1994 so that would have made him approximately in his mid-60s. so he had type 2 diabetes for a few decade says before he unfortunately, passed away. type 2 diabetes is all too common and he was trying to make a public health point, we can add to the list, public advocate because he was trying to tell people get type 2 diabetes under control because it does lead to heart attacks. >> elizabeth cohen. joining us on the phone, allen osmond. the oldest of the famous osmond brothers. thank you so much for joining us. i am struck by the number of people we have spoken to that have -- and this is normal when someone dies to say nice thing, but these are glowing things and the word mentor and influence comes up so often. is it the same with you? >> absolutely. >> not only me, my brothers, but donnie and marie and dick clark and his sweet wife were a very important part of our lives. he knew the industry better than anybody. he not only gave the awards out. he helped people that you just talked about and was most gracious and he had the booking agency and the jackson 5 for a number of years. i know hem as a gracious man and as someone that i have fond memories of. he helped our career tremendo tremendously. >> it sounds like he did that for a lot of young artists. what do you think overall is his music legacy? >> well, he knew the music. he controlled the industry and he awarded those that were successful and he helped make them successful. we've been to his home and knew him as a wonderful man. we had laughs together. we'd strat jiz together and he would tell us what he thought and, boy, you didn't do anything except what dick clark said to do. so we're glad that we were a part of his life and that he was a part of ours. >> he did have a magic formula of some sort. can you remember the first time you met him were you in awe or did he set you immediately at ease? >> oh, of course, everyone wanted to meet dick clark. he was just very open to everybody. he knew he was at the top of the industry and he'd call a favor and anyone would say yes. that's the way he was and we tried to be the same back to him, but just an honor to know him as a friend. >> it was as if he was a friend. personally, it seems as though we did see on tv what he was really like. is that true? >> oh, yes. he and his sweet wife. we'd go and we were at his house one day and also his office and on the phone constantly, he'd call and give us advice. we'd be on tour and we'd just always check in and he was just always at work and yet had a very peaceful and happy way about him. >> what do you think accounts for his longevity on television? it's not necessarily a medium that is kind to people over the years and yet he had more than 40 years on tv. what was it about him? >> caller: well, i don't know. he had an intuition. he had a gift. i would say dick clark was gifted. he had a way of seeing through from one point to the next and how to get there, and that's not only in the industry of music and tv, but also in the touring industry of which we worked with him for quite a few years. so i just honor him as a very bright and a very loving and kind man that had a gift. >> alan osmond, oldest brother of the osmond brothers. thanks for joining us this afternoon. >> caller: you bet. thank you. >> also on the phone, tony orlando of tony orlando and don. so much of my childhood seems to be hitting me in the face here today. mr. orlando, thank you for joining us. your reflections, please, on the man that i am learning was perhaps as kind in private as he appeared to be on tv. >> caller: well, he was, candy. my childhood began with him. i was 16 years old the first time i ever did "american bandstand." i am now 68. 51 years ago i met this man, march 15, 1961, the day my first record was released "paradise," and i think carol king was the writer and dick had me on the show as a 16-year-old newcomer. i think dick clark, without a question -- i think only god is responsible for making more stars than dick clark. i really do. i think he really was the manufacturer of the music business as we know it today. he was the pied piper. he was the guy who created careers, but like alan mentioned he was a mentor and cared about you as a person, candy. he would definitely, without question, call you. if you did "the tonight show" with johnny carson or were on letterman he'd be the first one to call you. his wife carrie who i know is really sad today and she has been a dedicated wife and she's been an amazing friend to all of us, my heart goes out to her. my prayers go out to her, but candy, this is an american icon in the truest sense of the world where he is the fabric of the music business. he is the guy who weaves the tapestry that we know of as the music industry whether it be tony orlando as a 60-year-old kid or chubby checker doing the twist or the beatles or the rolling stones. you had to go through the world and the universe of dick clark in order to be part of the record business, and of course, as a man -- my gosh, i don't think i've ever met anyone in the industry who is exactly off stage as he was on stage. he was humble. he was a genius, he was kind. he was caring and he was all those things that you hoped someone like that would be, and you know what, candy? right to the very last day of his last breath, just recently along with another osmond, marie osmond on the daytime emmys we both did a tribute to him two years ago, and i watched dick cry as we made the tribute to him, and i don't think too many people got a chance to see dick cry because he was one of those stoic personalities who always had a driving force to complete it, but he showed that he -- when that audience stood and we finished our tribute to him and to see him shed his tears on national television is a moment i will never forget. i will miss him. i know the country misses him, and i'm glad to see, candy, that you're hearing it in glowing report about what a wonderful, incredibly talented and what a genuine human being dick clark is and was. >> tony orlando. tony orlando and don. thank you so much for your remembrances today. we appreciate it. >> caller: it was an honor. thank you. once again, dick clark, icon, entertainer, host, star of so many shows of his own and so many others. you are looking now at hollywood's walk of fame. that, of course, is dick clark's star. we'll be right back. 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[whoosh, clang] you need lifelock, the only identity theft protection company that now monitors bank accounts for takeover fraud. lifelock: relentlessly protecting your identity. call 1-800-lifelock or go to today. we are following today's big news. the death of dick clark. we'll go out to dick cannon and the walk of the stars. >> reporter: candy, right below me is dick clark's star and they've started to put flowers on it and we expect more to arrive and a dedication soon by the hollywood chamber of commerce. we are in the heart of hollywood and some tourists are here. philip marsh, if you hang out long enough you'll meet people who worked for dick clark, and when you washinged in the wardrobe business you worked on a project. >> i did. almost 20 years on a tv move they he executive produced that depicted the unfortunate relationship between elvis and the colonel. j what were your impressions and emotionally how are you tied to dick clark? >> emotionally i'm tied to him because he was in my house every weekend from the time i was a tiny, tiny child. he, you know, i was thinking that he really bridged the generations because, as i just said to her, you know, when my parents weren't quite sure yet about the beatles and they weren't sure about the stones, they were sure about dick clark and he enabled the older generation to move on with what was happening in music. so he's been with me since i can remember. to work with him, he was a kind and wonderful man. i only ever saw him upset once, and it was when he was giving his opening remarks for the screening because he felt so tied to elvis and was really upset on how elvis' life had gone. >> reporter: let me bring in beth because you attended some of dick clark's arc ward shows in the hollywood area. what was it like to get to see him at work? >> he was amazing. absolutely amazing. professional, direct, one of the best behind the scenes that i could ever expect. >> and you also have a familiar tie to dick clark. generations of you watched dick clark. >> absolutely. that was how we introduced my parents, my brother and sister and i to the music we listened to and they were accepting because he hit it right on the head. they trusted dick clark and that's what i do with my niece now in this day and age. >> reporter: i thank you so much for taking time out. just some of the impressions of dick clark from here in hollywood right next to his star on the walk of fame. back to you now, candy. >> thanks so much. paul vercammen on the walk of fame. i want to play you something, so many people talked about dick clark with remembrances and we wanted to bring you something. this was from 2004 at the emmys when dick clark got the lifetime achievement award. >> i don't have time to thank every person that has helped me along the way. i want to thank a thing "american bandstand" because i grew up with it and most of you did. some -- you know, it's hard to explain how a silly little dance show with the guy playing records and kids dancing could have long-lasting significance. i don't want to get long or hef bethis, but think about what happened there. for almost 40 years kids got together in a social atmosphere, they got to know one another. they exchanged cultures, and they didn't hurt each other and there wasn't any violence. and we could all learn a little something from that show. it was a good one. i must thank all of the network sponsors and the cable people and the people that helped me live a lifetime dream. i want to thank my mother and father, because a lot of it happened to me in my life, a lot of it good and a lot of it not so good and they taught me how to get through it. i have three wonderful children, zack, duane and cindy of whom i am very proud and a woman who works with me every day and helps me live out that dream and i hope the good lord is with me i will continue to do so. thank you, carrie. thank you all very much. thank you, academy. >> dick clark, and if i'm not mistaken, that was gladys knight look his side giving him that lifetime achievement award at the emmys in 2004. dick clark died today at the age of 82 of a massive heart attack. we want to bring in our jack cafferty. jack, i have been inundated not just with the tweets, but with the people we've had on the air about what a kind, warm, generous, interested in other people, you know, career this man had. it's almost too good to be true in so many way, but he appears to have been the real deal. >> well, he was a classy guy and i was watching that clip. pick up the tabloids and the rags that report on the show business community today, and class isn't the word that you would apply to the folks that you find in the pages of those things. he was the roll deal. i interviewed him a number of times in new york on a local program i hosted called "live at 5." he would call when he was going to be in town to promote "rockin' new year's eve" or whatever he was doing and he'd come on the show and he had the ability to make you feel like he knew you even though he didn't and how many people did dick clark meet over the years? that's the way i think he made viewers of his television products, particularly the bandstand show, he made kids feel like he absolutely got them. he was pure class on the air, smooth, very cool. kind of like johnny carson, and i was looking at a clip from the ed mcmahon, dick clark, the bloopers show they did and there was that johnny carson-ed mcmahon take on that show. he, i think, is probably going to be remembered and rightfully show for changing the landscape of the music business. this country in 1954 when "american bandstand" started in philadelphia was a very segregated place. go back and research the early careers of people like muddy waters or ray charles or chuck berry. they played segregated clubs. if they did concerts, the audience was segregated, white kids on one side, black kids on the other and it was kept out of the press and below the radar, but it was very much there. dick clark was colorblind. "american bandstand" was colorblind any when you look at the black and white pictures of the kids dancing, there were black kids, white kids and hispanic kids and they couldn't get it in very many other ways. in the mid-'50s the white radio stations wouldn't play what they called race music, the black artists, chuck berry, fats domino, ray charles. they wouldn't play the records so those artists couldn't get exposed to the white audience which was the audience that had the money to buy the records to make them successful. dick clark put these people on his show right along with the white recording artists and he got them exposed to a wider, more broadly, more diverse audience and created a change in the opportunities for black recording artists across the spectrum of rock 'n' roll, rhythm and blues and even country music to become successful where the social climate of this country was holding him back. so i think if you'll remember him for one thing -- he was a shrewd businessman and a great, natural television talent, but he did something that mattered and most of us in this business don't. >> absolutely. and, you know, it is amazing to see those pictures to realize that look so normal to us now except for the clothing they have on and to realize what a bean ear, beyond the doubt, the power of music and dance to bring people together. thank you so much. we want to make one correction. that clip we showed you of dick clark receiving the emmy lifetime achievement award with was in 1994, not 2004 which was ten years off there, but he still looked great. we'll be right back. ♪ [ male announcer ] aggressive styling. a more fuel-efficient turbocharged engine. and a completely redesigned interior. ♪ the 2012 c-class with over 2,000 refinements. it's amazing...inside and out. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. i'm michael bazinet, president of creative digital imaging of bangor, maine. we have customers all over the united states. we rely on the postal service for everything that we do. the eastern maine processing facility is vital to our operation and our success. if we lose this processing facility we could lose clientele because of increased mailing times. we would have to consider layoffs as a result of that. closure of this plant will affect all of us. ♪ the teacher that comes to mind for me is my high school math teacher, dr. gilmore. i mean he could teach. he was there for us, even if we needed him in college. you could call him, you had his phone number. he was just focused on making sure we were gonna be successful. he would never give up on any of us. some breaking news for you at this hour. the u.s. secret service is reportedly set to make some announcement about agent resignations following that prostitution scandal in colombia in advance of the president's trip there. this is according to a source with knowledge of the investigation. we are told that the resignations could come as early as this evening, that some of the agents involved will resign and others will not. so again, we are expecting the u.s. secret service perhaps to announce as early as this evening the resignations of at least some of those agents involved in the prostitution scandal in colombia. we, of course, are on top of that as well as today's other breaking news and that is the death of dick clark at the age of 82. he died of a massive heart attack in california. the twitterverse is alive with memories of him as so many people are calling in to cnn, talking about their very fond memories of dick clark. we want to show you the light hearted side of this man. this comes from a 30-year anniversary special of "american bandstand," it first aired back in 1982. >> that's what you call an impressive medley. now tonight you'll be hearing a wonderful medley of hits and wonderful performance, and unfortunately not from dick clark, i don't have a medley of one hit, but a medley of a lot of misses and mine contains different numbers and the first one is my clouded crystal ball. >> what do you think of girls in bikinis. do you endorse it? >> i like it. >> well, but it will be interesting. i honestly don't think american girls will go for this stuff. >> then there's really good old, everyday mistakes. >> and now we'll roll along once again with it should be -- jerry lee -- no. danny and the juniors. >> we have so much to remind you about, the monkees today on bandstand -- there's a slip. the beatles today on "bandstand." for the first time we have two of the top ten songs tonight. you've heard johnny b. goode. not yet. i gave it away! >> how about manual dexterity? >> take a look at the very nice machine provided by the ross electronics people of chicago. they give us three of these a show. oops, what do i have here? you can run it on batteries, too, and take the top off and i'll show you the top and maybe i can get this microphone under my arm or i can't do anything. >> a little am/fm portable radio and phone graph, it all goes together here. i probably put the cover on too soon. let me put it on. >> how about oral dexterity? >> that's right. you're right -- the nice start to the new year. >> -- we had a big final in new york city and it was -- >> is there a difference between the people -- >> i knew i'd run out of words. >> a man very much at ease in front of the camera. he did make it look awfully easy. i want to bring in our donna brazile and talk about some of this, but first i want to play a couple of things. this is, first of all, dick clark and chubby checker. take a listen. >> all over the place, hottest dance sensation in the last four years. the thing called the twist. ladies and gentlemen, here's chubby checker. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ come on baby, let's do the twist ♪ ♪ come on, baby, let's do the twist ♪ ♪ take me by my little hand ♪ and go like this ♪ yea, twist ♪ baby, twist ♪ >> donna, i hope when my time comes that you will do a little dance. >> no greater tribute there. >> there's been so many people talking about what dick clark did to help break down racial barriers. what are your thoughts on that? >> you know, dick clark was instrumental in bringing so many motown acts and other acts to the national stage. we knew about aretha. we knew about ray charles and we knew about chubby checker and chuck berry and you can tell my age, as well, but dick clark had them on saturday morning and right after cartoons. this was back in the day when we had black and white tv sets and it was part of the fun. we would clear the floor to take the rug and we would get out there and dance because he really introduced the country to many of these remarkable singers and artists that the world did not know simply because they were black, and so he deserved a lot of praise and credit, and i'm sure if you get a chance to hear from men like barry gordy and motown and others they would tell you his story, long before "soul train," and don cornelius. i can remember my dances from "american bandstand." i can do them all still. >> this was an interview dick clark did with some folks i think you'll recognize. >> would you be kind enough to introduce me to your brothers starting with the gentleman on the end, with -- is it a bass or guitar? >> guitar. okay, first, we have -- >> can we get you on the mic? >> tito jackson. >> who is the man over here? >> marlon. >> and the next man? >> and jackie. >> hello, jack. >> jermaine. >> hi. >> let me ask you a question. i'm not going to steal it. i feel very naked without a microphone. i've been holding one of these things. two men in the back are not your brothers, but they're related. >> we have ronny on the organ and johnny on the drums. >> hey, mike, can i have the mike back just for a second? you feel comfortable? >> how long have you been singing? >> three years. >> you went to snatch it out of my hand. was it 9 or 10? >> it's very difficult. what's with the ohs and the ahhs. there are a few girls that want to take you home with them. how many brothers and sisters do you have? >> i have three sisters and six brothers. >> how come there are no girls in this act? >> well, whatthe girls are kind shy. >> michael jackson. the young michael jackson. >> music history there. that was back when he was sing "i want you back" and "mama's pearls." the jackson 5 was another act that we saw not only as a television show and "american bandstand" and later "soul train." he had a remarkable way of figuring out who was hot and on friday we would get the 45s out and the next day dick clark would put those songs on and we would learn a new dance. dick clark used to say on saturday, it's not just the music. this is not the direct quote, but it's the beat and you can hear the music and he just made you want to dance. nowadays, you know -- >> some of it you can dance to and some of it you can't. let me ask you, when you sat in your living room as a young girl and watched "american bandstand" upon, was it such a big a that moment that blacks and whites were dancing together and that singers and entertainers were coming on and entertained by a white host, was it a big thing or did it seem natural? >> i grew up in the segregated south, and this was really a very important moment to see black stars appear on "american bandstand" and young, white teenagers and young black teenagers dancing together and people were still trying to figure out they had to sit in the back of the bus and all of a sudden they were dancing together and holding hands. it wasn't about color and it was about the beat and that's what dick clark helped us to understand. >> which is why i love music. >> that's why i still love to dance. beyonce, watch out. >> donna brazile, thank you so much. we appreciate it. >> we want to bring you in on another breaking news story, the secret service and the prostitution scandal in colombia. it's fran townsend, our national security contributor who is joining me from new york. what can you tell us? >> i am told by a source with first hand knowledge of the investigation that the secret service is preparing an announcement that they intend to release this evening talking about some personnel action against some of the agents who were involved. i believe some of them they will announce are resigning. others, obviously, are not prepared to do that now and are awaiting personnel action. >> so -- so as i hear you, some of the secret service people will resign in order to avoid the investigation. others will stay on while the investigation is ongoing. this is not the result of the investigation? >> that's right, candy. the investigation is ongoing. again, the source said to me that there are agent, secret service personnel on the ground doing interviews and looking to interview the prostitutes who are involved, the hotel workers and reviewing the records that would have been kept by the hotel by the overnight guests and the investigation is very much ongoing. i think it's fair to say as with any investigation, one person is looking to see if they can't get some of the agents and those involved to cooperate and provide additional information and insight into the investigation, but clearly, some of the agents who were involved who were implicated in this incident are choosing to resign and the secret service is preparing that announcement for this evening. >> fran, while i have you here, just to check in with you about all of the allegations as we know them now, it occurs to me that a lot of people talked about the image of the united states when the president is traveling to other countries, but if there were this many people involved, that they seemed unaware that there might be someone willing to be in the back of the room that could be part of a spy network. that's what shocked me more than anything. >> candy, i agree with you completely. the agents are trained to have individuals around them and to approach them when they're seeking that confirmation. we should remind our viewers that the way that this work, the agent is on the ground and there's a control room set up in a hotel, usually on the same hallway, that's 24 hours a day where weapons are classified or secured documents that need to be secured and that's guarded 24 hours. so there's very little other than the agent himself and there's close personal effects in that room. this violates all sort of the security protocol and it's a vulnerability that these agents should have been aware of. >> as far as you know or as far as we can surmise from knowing what the procedures are, it would not have been the president's schedule or any of what we used to call the bible which is what they hand out, he arrives here and does this, he does that. none of that would have been in an agent's room. >> no, that's correct. and everything we've heard so far that had not been distributed yet that makes sense. the president was not yet on the ground and he wouldn't have done that, you wouldn't have handed out the line by line manual that far in advance. >> just repeat what fran townsend has told us we do expect tonight that the secret service will have some announcements of resignations of some, but not all of the agents involved in this scandal. fran townsend, thank you so very much for your time on that, and so obviously, cnn will continue to follow that story as well as the ongoing story of the death of dick clark. we'll be right back. 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[ male announcer ] [ yawning sound ] and now it powers our latest innovation in more efficient cooling and heating. introducing the world's only solar-powered home energy system, which can cut your heating and cooling bills in half. call now to get up to 1,375 dollars in rebates. or zero percent financing for 18 months. plus download our free lennox mobile app with an energy-savings calculator to show how much you'll save... with lennox. innovation never felt so good. and now here he is, the star of our show, dick clark! ♪ ♪ ♪ >> thank you. thank you, you have the most magnificent eyes i've seen in a long time. nice job. >> for those of you just joining us, that, of course, is entertainer dick clark who died of a massive heart attack at the age of 82. social media is blowing up over the news of this death. our lisa sylvester is taking a closer look. what are you finding? >> hi there, candy. we all know the power of of social media and at 3:40 p.m. eastern time, this was just moments after word got out that dick clark had passed it became the number one trending topic on twitter and it remained there. in fact, it still is in the top five topics that are trending along with "american bandstand" and "new year's eve rockin' eve." ryan seacrest tweeted i am deeply saddened by the loss of my dear friend dick clark. he has truly been one of the greatest influences in my life. we've got one of these other ones. sinbad, saying okay, people, he we just lost dick clark. he gave me one of my first jobs in hollywood. i will always be grateful. going to miss you, brother clark. russell simmons -- we missed the russell simmons there. danny bonaduce, we all remember him as the man who beat me in the push-up contest. he was 74. we have a number of politicians who were tweeting about this upon toic and not surprising there, speaker john boehner, condolences to the family of dick clark. we join them in the mourning of his passing and we will never forget his achievements in entertainment and music. and you can go on to twitter and a lot more interesting ones, candy. >> lisa sylvester, thank you very much. we'll have more after the break. [ male announcer ] this was how my day began. a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪ has been because of the teachers and the education that i had. they're just part of who i am. she convinced me that there was no limit to what we could learn. i don't think i'd be here today had i not had a wonderful science teacher. a teacher can make a huge difference in a child's life. he would never give up on any of us. thank you dr. newfield. you had a big impact on me. we are covering breaking news today. the death of an entertainment legend, dick clark. clark was a fixture in tv screens for decades as the host of "american bandstand" and "new years's rockin eve." he was also was a producer behind the scenes and a businessman. >> dick clark was a great friend of mine. he lived in one of my buildings for many years in new york. he was just a real icon. so sad to harear. we're here for the olympics today, and dick clark was such a powerful person and such a great representative, and this was the place it really took place. >> did you ever stay home on a new year's eve and watch him? do you have any memories of that or "american bandstand?" >> i would watch both. dick clark was the one. >> the rocking the world. there aren't many like that left. >> no. he was a unique guy. again, a really quality person. i knew him very well because he lived in my buildings. he just is a spectacular man. >> our brian todd is looking into clark's businesses. just unkrcredible. anderson was the first to say this guy wasn't the one that came on the screen, he owned the shows. >> the titlest of america's oldest teenager, also the best known and recognizable chairman and ceos. dick clark became without question one of the most powerful figures in the entertainment industry for his business holdings alone. much of that involved shows produced and owned by dick clark productions. he's been so well known for so long for the show "dark clark's new year's rockin' eve" in recent years it was with ryan seacrest. clark started hosting the new year's eve celebrations from times square, get this, 1972, replacing guy lombardo. he recrated the american music awards. his company still produces that. it produces the academy of country music awards and the golden globe awards, though the company has been in some legal battles recently for control of that program. but there are some other entertainment shows out there. very popular, you might not associate with dick clark productions but here they are. the show "so you think you can dance." the dance-off show on fox. the show "deadly sins" on investigation discovery. and dick clark productions is partnering to produce jim rome's new talk shore on cbs sports network and his entertainment series on showtime. also outside tv clark had a stake in a chain of music-themed restaurants. the american bandstand grill. in 2006 he opened dick clark's american bandstand theater in branson, missouri. a short time later, a theater and restaurant in branson called dick clark's american bandstand music complex. of course that brings you back to the origins of all this, american bandstand. he started hosting that in the 1950s. it lasted more than 30 years, making it one of the longest running music and variety programs in tv history, candy. amazing you see those old stock footage shots of him as a young, young guy. it started from there in philadelphia. it moves west in the 1960s. then his business empire just takes off from there, unbelievable. >> it is. let me tell you, there's one thing i've learned over the past two hours with so many people calling in and talking about him, big names in the music industry and joe busineshow bus. they said he was such a nice guy, such a great guy. he mentored and did all of these great things. what kind of a businessman was he? it's hard to stay nice if you have that much at stake. >> it is. apparently he ran a very tight ship. people who did business with him and knew him, executives, said he ran a very tight ship. she scheduled like 12-minute meetings. he would time it. he would schedule meetings at 17 minutes after the hour. one executive said he's not the guy that will sit there two hours and ruminate over a cup of coffee. he ran a very tight ship. that was probably one of the reasons for his business success. >> 12-minute meetings. the 2012 battle for the white house is going to the dogs. that's just ahead. bet you think you're pretty quick? yeah, i guess it is pretty quick. jesse?!? jesse? jesse?! much obliged. suddenly, everything else seems old-fashioned. ultrabook. inspired by intel. this reduced sodium soup says it may help lower cholesterol, how does it work? you just have to eat it as part of your heart healthy diet. step 1. eat the soup. all those veggies and beans, that's what may help lower your cholesterol and -- well that's easy [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. sadly, no. oh. but i did pick up your dry cleaning and had your shoes shined. well, i made you a reservation at the sushi place around the corner. well, in that case, i better get back to these invoices... which i'll do right after making your favorite pancakes. you know what? 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American ,Attitudes ,Spite ,The Silhouette ,Gladys Night And The Pips ,Percy Sledge ,Everything ,History ,Many ,Popular Music ,Record ,Jerry Lee Lewis ,Wanted ,Spin ,Janet Jackson ,Country Music ,Rap Music ,Big Band ,Aces ,The Rock N Roll Period ,Rhythm And Blues ,Heavy Metal ,Eddie Fisher ,Perry Como ,Four ,1952 ,Businessman ,Beat ,Music Wasn T ,Television Icon ,Tv S Bloopers And Practical Jokes ,Way ,Hand ,Surprises ,Life Aid ,The Rock N Roll Hall Of Fame ,Farm Aid ,Dollar Media Empire ,Tunes ,Memories ,Rock ,Magic Words ,Saturday Afternoon Sock Hops ,1993 ,Fact ,Sandra Endo Reporting ,Cause ,Kareen Wynter Out In California ,Appearances ,Course ,Fans ,Shows ,Dover ,Something ,Picture ,Anybody ,Business ,Change ,Same ,On Tv ,Trooper ,Piece ,Genres ,Artists ,Entertainment ,Industry ,Face ,Wages ,It Wasn T The Guy ,Trap ,New Year S Eve ,Pop ,Someone ,Reason ,Loved ,Chip ,Heel ,Thoughts ,Anderson Cooper ,Couple ,Age ,Tv Host ,Tv Business ,Tv Personality ,Child ,Quint Essential Television ,Somebody ,Model ,Television Content ,Production Company ,Content ,Sense ,Level ,Mold ,Ownership Stake ,Hired Gun ,World ,Money ,Being On New Year S Eve ,Real Estate ,Amount ,Tradition ,Person ,Franchise ,Mantle ,Sea Crest ,Information ,Second ,One Way ,Tv Moguls ,Kareen Wynter ,Family ,Entertainment Icon ,Entered St ,Outpatient Procedure ,John ,Wife ,Children ,Last Night ,Hospital ,Little Richard ,Santa Monica ,Three ,Life ,Cindy ,Dwayne ,Thing ,Occasion ,Event ,Briefly ,Everybody ,Kind ,Number ,Another ,Realm ,Have ,Feels ,Jokes ,Butt ,Well ,Images ,60s And 70s ,70 ,60 ,Wall ,Music Program ,Wasn T Mobile ,Evening ,Program ,Others ,Charge ,Dick Clark On New Year S Eve ,Reins ,Ones ,Most ,Ways ,Parents ,Generations ,Generation ,Television Watchers ,Coming Up ,Coffee Shop ,Recognition ,Talent ,Recognizableness ,Part ,Project ,Appeal ,Wasn ,Personal Life ,Detail ,Job ,Anything ,He Wasn T One ,Stands ,Side ,Figure ,Role ,Yea ,Old Lang Seine ,Folks ,Look ,Joke ,Song ,Skill Set ,Singer ,Finger ,Guy ,Microphone ,Ult ,Dif ,Rehearsal ,Presence ,Scenes ,Cases ,Microphone Directing Things ,Father ,Son ,40 ,Living Room ,Contestants ,Say ,Celebration ,Guys ,Home ,Icon ,Golden Age ,Et Cetera ,He Basic Le ,Broadcaster ,Term ,Regis Fill ,Broadcasters ,Golden Age Of Television ,Skills ,Reality Tv Star ,Spectrum ,Music Setting ,Journalist ,Hair ,Newsy Setting ,Game Show Setting ,Entertainment Setting ,Kind Of Span ,Newscast ,Jack Cafferty ,Stand By A Second ,New York ,Times ,Performer ,Live At 5 ,Guest ,Bit ,5 ,Points ,Curveball ,Him Flustered ,Country ,Race Relations ,Degree ,Racism ,Landscape ,Mid 50s ,50 ,Fats Domino Couldn T ,Chuck Barry ,Freddy Cannon ,Exposure ,Audience ,Performers ,It Race Music ,Radio Stations ,Table ,Bucks ,Didn T ,Records ,Color ,Tag Line ,Music Business ,Terms ,Breakthrough ,White Rock N Roll Artists ,Position ,Gender ,Obscurity ,Particular ,Presley ,Elvis ,Radio Station ,Hound Dog ,Opportunities ,Music Landscape ,Question ,The Pyramid Game Show ,Sort ,Accounts ,Staying Power ,Little ,Set ,Johnny Carson ,Book ,Camera Never Blinks ,Sarcastic ,Vanilla Ice Cream ,You Couldn T Say ,Programs ,White Bread ,The ,Merchandise ,Loaf ,Attention ,Package ,Revolutionary ,Dick Cannon ,Twist ,Attitude ,Entourage ,1954 Anderson ,1954 ,Tank ,Example ,Doors ,Bar ,Television Business ,Hired Gun Working On A Game Show ,It ,Stake ,Doing ,Work Ethic ,Worker ,Fingers ,Aspects ,Networks ,Relationship ,Relationships ,Network ,Internet ,Empires ,Effortless ,Skill ,Testament ,Story ,Two ,Buds ,Businessman Extraordinaire ,Oop ,Dealers ,Tire ,Brands ,Ford ,Fiona ,11 ,3 Million ,Five ,Rebate ,Tire Event ,Price Tire ,Price Tire Guarantee ,Price ,100 ,00 ,To O Ththe ,Lolookokinio Geget T Totogegethther ,Wewe R ,Yoyou U Cacameme ,Ifif Y Youou R ,Ononlyly A Abob ,Bebecacaususe E Heherere ,Representative ,Car ,Press ,Cars ,Menu ,Star One ,Convertibles ,Ththe E ,Wewelclcomome E ,Fifindndining G Yoyou ,Isis ,Allll W ,Toto H Hot ,Customer Service ,Goodbye ,Prompt ,Cards ,Card ,Chase Sapphire Preferred ,Phone Ringing ,Springfield ,Announcer ,Taste ,Caramel ,Werther S Original ,Mother ,Ballet ,Baseball ,Soccer ,Cheerleading ,Werther S Original Caramels ,Isn T ,Schedule ,Phase ,Times Square ,Television ,Ball Drop ,Where ,Place ,Hollywood ,Reputation ,Frankly ,Tv Watchers ,Cities ,Showbiz Tonight ,Reaction ,Hammer ,Host A J ,A J ,Production ,News Cross ,Path ,Break ,Intents ,Living ,Radio Personality ,Purposes ,Dick ,Radio Disk Jockey ,15 ,The Tonight Show ,Opportunity ,Vh 1 ,1990 ,1 ,Superstar ,Chat ,In ,Interview ,Office ,Release ,Door ,Ask Nd My Idol ,Bloopers ,Stars ,Star ,Lives ,Tough ,David Dreier ,Southern California ,Inspiration Dick ,Shock ,Carrie ,Dinner ,Myth ,Friend ,Ten ,Teenager ,Night ,Fighting ,Advice ,Counsel ,American ,All Over The World ,Humor ,Crooked Necktie ,Dealing ,Trail ,Discussions ,Scene ,Forefront ,Voice ,Statement ,Influences ,Theme ,Ton ,Infirmities ,Admirers ,Victims ,Fighting Spirit ,Diligence ,Inspiration ,Cameo Thing ,Lines ,Doing It ,In My Life ,Everyone ,I Love You ,Dick Whisper Oh ,Shot ,Lots ,Taxes ,Penny ,Mind ,Saying ,Taxpayer ,Occasions ,Fighter ,Therapy ,Carrots ,Reflections ,Dad ,Milk ,Steam ,Credit ,Farm ,Crunch ,Chicken ,Pasta ,Sauce ,Boys ,Stouffer S ,Steam Meal ,Don T You Think Stouffer ,Farmers ,Steam Perfect ,Steam Meals ,Food ,Goodness ,The Farm ,Nestle ,Chevy Cruze Eco ,Highway ,Huh ,Ec Onomical ,To Mato ,Cruze E Co ,Pa Tato ,Po Tato ,Ta Mato ,E Ither ,Ec O ,42 ,Dealer ,Lessees ,Car Door ,Chevy Cruze Ls ,Chevy ,Epa ,159 ,36 ,2012 ,59 ,Counters ,Speed ,Arrival ,Paperwork ,Zap ,Retirement Planning ,Space ,Pull ,Earth ,On December 21st Polar Shifts ,Sun Rises On December 22nd ,21 ,22 ,December 21st ,December 22nd ,Plan ,Account ,Investment Consultants ,Td Ameritrade ,Mayans ,401 ,600 ,Earth Wind And Fire ,Inner Have Verdeen ,Special ,Counting ,Specials ,Johnny Mathis ,Natalie Cole ,41 ,Television Show ,Guests ,Best ,Boundaries ,Each Other ,Parallel ,Don Cornelius ,Soul Train ,Call ,To B Television ,Hug ,Caliber ,Contact ,Him ,Legacy ,Jukebox ,Maurice ,Classic Hit ,September ,Brother Maurice ,America To Great Rock N Roll ,Rock N Roll ,Legacy To Rock N Roll ,Undoubtedly ,The Music Scene Today ,Genre ,Work ,Radio ,Radio Shows ,Blueprint ,Idol ,Entrepreneurs ,Entertainers ,Written Statement ,Hosts ,Influence ,Entertainment Industry ,Media ,Competition ,Gene ,Member ,Verdine White ,System ,Estate ,Secretaries ,Parts ,Bills ,Cheating ,Comfort ,Half ,Humidity ,Temperature ,Financing ,Rebates ,Calculator ,Savings ,App ,18 ,1375 ,Zero ,1375 Dollars ,Innovation ,Lennox ,Nato ,Leon Panetta ,Headquarters ,He Sat Down Today ,Topics ,Orange ,Brussels ,Threats ,Bashar Al Assad ,Madam Secretary ,War Criminal ,Election ,Drawdown ,Opinion ,Aing Afl ,Labeling ,Wolf ,Kofi Annan ,Community ,Source ,Monitors ,Stock ,Security Council ,Ad Hoc Meeting ,Nations ,Paris ,Evidence ,Government ,Accountability Project ,Crimes Against Humanity ,Force ,Human Rights Abuses ,Use ,Behavior ,Weaponry ,Turkey ,Areas ,Borders ,Shelling ,Lebanon ,Actions ,Business Don T ,Crimes ,Kinds ,Accountability ,Charges ,Answer ,Goal ,Mouth ,Claims ,Assad Regime ,Focus ,Outcome ,Violence ,Lead ,Rebels ,No Fly Zone ,Criminal Accountability ,Transition ,Senator Mccain ,Nato Headquarters ,Libya ,Action ,Situation ,Decision ,Argument ,Order ,Doesn T ,Mission ,Red ,Closing ,Russia ,China ,Countries ,Willingness ,Relationshi ,Both ,Conflict ,Gulf ,Civil War ,Power ,Credibility ,Promises ,Administration ,Security ,Obama ,Regime ,Fray ,Allies ,Incompetence ,Mitt Romney ,Stand ,Nominee ,Failure ,Clear ,Provocation ,Underground Nuclear Test ,Troops ,Demilitarized Zone ,A Million ,30000 ,War ,Korean ,Top ,Issue ,List ,Shell ,Turmoil ,Cyber War ,Middle East ,Powers ,Weapons Of Mass Destruction ,Kim Jung Un ,Footsteps ,Care ,Elite ,Conditions ,Hope ,Some ,Stuff ,Speech ,Approach ,Pyongyang ,Chance ,Kim Jung Unwhat ,Hotel Room ,2010 ,Future ,Starvation ,Millenia ,Path Of Reform ,Circumstances ,Meetings ,Don T Exist Today ,Food Aid ,Ending ,Rest ,Uranium Enrichment ,Missile Development ,Military Personnel ,Agents ,Secret Service ,Prostitutes ,Mr ,Secretary ,Cartagena ,Colombia ,Public ,Investigation ,Standards ,Conduct ,Fallout ,Incident ,Get ,Coverage ,Summit ,Plan Colombia Support ,Forefront Of Helping Colombia Emerge ,Case Colombia ,Investigations ,Region ,Military ,Protection ,Professionalism ,Dynamo ,20 ,Men ,Dedication ,Women ,Broadcasting ,Tv Classic ,More ,Endo ,Twist Reporter ,Sensation ,Silhouettes ,Hosting ,Empire ,Live Aid ,Fund Raiser ,Wi ,Tweets ,Plethora ,Clash ,John S Hospital ,Status ,Height ,Attempts ,New Years Rockin ,Eve Bash ,Dream Come True ,2006 ,Gentleman ,Smart ,Funny ,Elizabeth Cohen ,Phoning ,Cannedy ,Diabetes ,Unspecified ,Complications ,Risks ,Eye ,Procedure ,Larry King Live ,Health Problems ,Inner Circle ,Time ,Listen ,Heart ,Seriousness ,Two Thirds ,Larry ,Heart Disease ,Portion ,Strokes ,Pictures ,Suffering ,Type 2 Diabetes ,Disease ,Mid 60s ,1994 ,2 ,Public Health Point ,Phone ,Allen Osmond ,Heart Attacks ,Advocate ,Oldest ,Osmond Brothers ,Brothers ,Word ,Mentor ,Donnie And Marie ,Booking Agency ,Awards Out ,Jackson 5 ,Career Tremendo ,Memories Of ,Music Legacy ,Laughs ,Strat Jiz ,Boy ,Magic Formula ,Awe ,Back ,Honor ,Anyone ,Favor ,Tv ,House ,One Day ,Tour ,Medium ,Longevity ,Caller ,Gift ,Touring Industry ,Point ,Don T Know ,Intuition ,Alan Osmond ,Childhood ,Tony Orlando ,Thanks ,Orlando ,Learning ,Oman ,Paradise ,1961 ,March 15 1961 ,16 ,51 ,68 ,Writer ,Newcomer ,Carol King ,God ,Careers ,Manufacturer ,Pied Piper ,On Letterman ,All Of Us ,My Heart ,Fabric ,Prayers ,Chubby Checker ,Music Industry ,The Beatles ,Tapestry ,The Rolling Stones ,Gosh ,Universe ,Stage ,Genius ,Tribute ,Breath ,Dick Cry ,Marie Osmond ,Personalities ,Driving Force ,Hearing It ,Tears ,Remembrances ,Human Being ,Hollywood S Walk Of Fame ,Horn Honks ,Numbers ,Accounting ,Sandra ,Gonna ,Peter ,Michelin ,Finance Processing ,Help ,Receivables ,Locomotives ,Xerox ,Building Locomotives ,Technology ,Welds ,Device ,Bones ,Signature ,Bead ,Jahmil ,Rob ,Tracks ,Scott ,Train Whistle Blows ,Freight ,Charlie ,Bell Clanging ,Bank Account ,Computer ,Identity Thief ,Nothing ,Identity Theft Protection Company ,Bank Accounts ,Lifelock ,Clang ,Identity ,Takeover Fraud ,Go To Lifelock Com Today ,800 ,1 800 Lifelock ,Big News ,Flowers ,Walk Of The Stars ,Tourists ,Chamber Of Commerce ,Philip Marsh ,Impressions ,Wardrobe Business ,Colonel ,Tv Move ,Beatles ,Stones ,Opening ,Remarks ,Screening ,Area ,Arc Ward ,One Of The Best ,Professional ,Direct ,Tie ,Sister ,Brother ,Head ,Niece ,Time Out ,Paul Vercammen ,Lifetime Achievement Award ,Dance ,Kids ,Dancing ,Guy Playing Records ,Significance ,Atmosphere ,Hef Bethis ,Cultures ,Sponsors ,Cable ,Lifetime Dream ,Woman ,Duane ,Zack ,Dream ,Lord ,Academy ,Gladys Knight ,Emmys ,Clip ,Tabloids ,Deal ,Show Business Community Today ,And Class Isn T The Word ,Rags ,Roll Deal ,Town ,Pages ,Whatever ,Ability ,Bandstand Show ,On The Air ,Television Products ,Class ,Viewers ,Ed Mcmahon ,Ray Charles ,Muddy Waters ,Black Kids ,Concerts ,Radar ,Clubs ,Black And White ,Colorblind ,Mid 50s The White ,Race Music ,Wouldn T ,Fats Domino ,Recording ,Artists Couldn T Get ,Wider ,Spectrum Of Rock N Roll ,Television Talent ,Climate ,Clothing ,Doubt ,Bean Ear ,Correction ,Engine ,Styling ,Interior ,C Class ,Amazing Inside And Out ,Refinements ,2000 ,Financial Services ,Mercedes Benz ,Michael Bazinet ,Service ,Imaging ,Customers ,Maine ,Bangor ,Processing Facility ,Success ,Operation ,Clientele ,Layoffs ,Eastern Maine Processing Facility ,High School Math Teacher ,Plant ,Teacher ,Closure ,Gilmore ,Phone Number ,College ,Announcement ,Agent Resignations ,Resignations ,Prostitution Scandal ,Knowledge ,Advance ,Trip ,Twitterverse ,Calling ,It First ,30 ,Medley Of One Hit ,Performance ,I Don T ,Hits ,1982 ,Girls ,Medley ,Misses ,Bikinis ,Crystal Ball ,Gold ,Mistakes ,Bandstand ,Slip ,Danny And The Juniors ,The Monkees ,Songs ,Dexterity ,Johnny B Goode ,Batteries ,Machine ,Chicago ,Cross ,Cover ,Arm ,Phone Graph ,Final ,Start ,Difference ,Camera ,Front ,Donna Brazile ,Baby ,All Over The Place ,Dance Sensation ,Ladies And Gentlemen ,Twist Donna ,Twist Baby ,Barriers ,Facts ,Motown ,Aretha ,Singers ,Floor ,Drug ,Cartoons ,Tv Sets ,Fun ,Black ,Praise ,Barry Gordy ,Dances ,Guitar ,Bass ,The End ,Tito Jackson ,Jackie ,Mic ,Okay ,Marlon ,Hello ,Jermaine ,Organ ,Drums ,Mike ,Ahhs ,Ohs ,9 ,10 ,Sisters ,Music History ,I Want You Back ,Michael Jackson ,Mama S Pearls ,45 ,Quote ,Whites ,Girl ,Blacks ,Big A ,Segregated South ,Young ,Teenagers ,Bus ,Young Black Teenagers ,Holding Hands ,Beyonce ,Fran Townsend ,Breaking News Story ,Hand Knowledge ,Personnel Action ,Personnel ,Ground ,Interviews ,Hotel ,Hotel Workers ,Insight ,Allegations ,Image ,Room ,Spy Network ,Individuals ,24 ,3 ,74 ,1972 ,1960 ,1950 ,12 ,17 ,June 15th ,Understatement ,Senses ,Wasn T ,Decisions ,

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