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and d.c., is this rick santorum's last stand? can he convince republicans that the race isn't already over? i'm wolf blitzer. you're "in the situation room." -- captions by vitac -- >> let's begin with the breaking news. tornado emergencies right now in the dallas-ft. worth area. look at these pictures that have been coming in. this was the scene in the dallas-ft. worth area just a little while ago as the sky turns dark. we see a massive funnel cloud draw closer and then this monster tornado descends on a truck park, picks up giant trailers as if they were little toys and sends them flying. look at this. flying through the air. that's just one of the twisters on the ground today. let's go straight to our meteorologist chad myers. >> chad, for viewers who are just tuning in, update them on what has happened over the past hour or so. >> what has happened as two tornadoes, one going up 35w and one going up 35e. you have to understand, from san antonio to austin there's one interstate called interstate 35. north of dallas, there's one interstate going to oklahoma, but right at dfw, part of the interstate goes to ft. worth and part of the interstate goes through dallas and they split. two tornadoes simultaneously, one going up 35e and one going up 35w were making damage on the ground. right now we still have one storm here to the south of dallas proper, probably headed toward mesquite with a tornado warning on it. so this isn't even over for the dallas wort worth area. you called it like toys, i was watching this live, wolf and it felt like i was watching my son throw a train around. that's what it felt like. these are thousands of pounds, 5,000, 10,000 pound trailers, not the tractor part, but the trailers being throne into the sky and that's what it looked like, that organized parking lot, completely disorganized as this tornado did move right up the 35e. that was the dallas storm, but simultaneously there was another storm on the west side of the city in ft. worth. here are those pictures again. picking up the white trailers for a while and then you see it hitting the building and taking the panels off the building and in the air you see debris. this is the debris. this is the stuff that can hurt you while you don't want to be outside when there's a tornado on the ground and then all of a sudden the tornado got to where the trailers were parked and they were picked up and thrown into the sky at least a couple of hundred feet. those are 80-foot trailers, 80 feet long and at least double their length in the sky, wolf. >> you look at those pictures of those trailers and as you say, those are huge trailers flying in the sky landing a few hundred feet away. you can only imagine if it lands on a house or on the store the destruction. we have no injury report yet, death or injuries along those lines. we expect to get those first reports shortly, but have you seen trailers flying around that recently, chaed? >> i've never seen it before. in my life time forecasting, i worked in oklahoma city and heard a school bus, no children in it and picked up being thrown one mile. it was hard to imagine it was possible. it wasn't even an f-4 tornado, but the suction, the sheer massive power that this had picking up these empty trailers is the same power that the tornado will have moving a mobile home. it's widely safe if you're in a mobile home and the sirens are going off, you need to go to a shelter if you can, if you have time because although mobile homes are tied down, those straps simply cannot hold 140 or 1 150-mile-per-hour wind gusts and that's what can happen that tornadoes can roll mobile homes just as you saw them roll and toss these tractor trailers. >> we'll beec spooing, chad, you and me shortly to the dallas county sheriff about what's going on, but these trailers that you can see now the destruction. we've seen massive destruction in residential areas as well. some homes, vifrtually unscathe and others totally destroyed. >> that's how the national weather service will determine the size of this tornado. not by it picking up a large, although empty container and throwing it in the sky. the weather service will go out and see what a real stick-built home with nails and screws, what happened to that home, what happened to the roof, af-2, f-3 taking the roof completely off the home and an f-4 taking the walls off, where an f-5, only leaving literally the slap that the home is built on. we haven't seen anything like that where only the slap is left or only a few walls are left, but when you see the roof gone on some of the homs and even the second floor being taken away on some of the homes you're looking at at least 135 or 1 145-mile-per-hour tornado as it rolled through the residential areas just to the east there of 35e in dallas county. i know for a fact, wolf there is much more damage than what we can show you yet in tarrant county over just to the south of arlington, texas. the storm was bigger. it was on the ground longer, and it moved through more populated areas. we just haven't got a helicopter over there. the weather is simply too bad over there to fly. there's still a tornado warning in effect from just north of arlington, so certainly you wouldn't want to put a helicopter pilot or reporter in danger to get it over there, but i will tell you, as we look at this later tonight when the weather calms down and certainly by tomorrow the images will be more catastrophic. >> and there are those that reports that passengers at dallas-ft. worth, international airport they were told to go into shelters there and they put a ground halt on all of them right now. what do we know about the situation at dallas-ft. worth airport? >> think about any airport, usa. what does the airport jetway look like? it's completely out of glass. they want people to see the airplanes and all of a sudden they can see the airplane take off. that's what an airport looks like and here's a live shot from the airport right now, so when we had that two-inch hail marker on the radar heading trite dfw and also a tornado warning for the airport, everybody needed to get away from the glass. they needed to go into the interior hallways away from what you consider the jetway itself or the walkway to the planes. so everybody had to scramble away from the glass into small corridors and the hallways and you want to get away from the glass and they had their people away from the glass. they kept everyone sif. >> how much warning time for the folks in the dallas-ft. worth area which say very populated area is there, chad? >> well, the people inially burn c-l-e-b-u-r-n-e south and into johnson county, they didn't get a lot of warning. they tornado was on the ground rather quickly, one, two, or three minutes right after the warning was issued, but that warning was issued all of the way up to i-35w into arlington. so the people had at least 30 to 45 minutes. the people to the east also had quite a bit of time because the storm went to the west. these were like two simultaneous ice skaters spinning at the same time going south to north, rolling right through two cities that sit side by side. so the one to the west issued first happened first. the one to the east got a little more warning on it because the weather must have said wow! wait, that storm is already on the ground. we're not going to wait for the east storm to get on the ground and they probably had 20 minutes warning and 20 minutes' notice and i've heard of some cities having to turn the sirens on twice because they had so much warning. people say it must be over because i don't hear the sirens anymore. you have to remember there's no such thing anymore as an all-clear. no one blows the sirens for all clear. a second siren, the second time you hear that siren does not mean you can come out. that means something is still happening, wolf? >> you know what's amazing to me, chad, and you understand this so you can explain this. some home, the roofs are intact and they seem to be okay, but right next door the home is completely destroyed. is that the result of structural differences in those two homes or is it something else? >> it's being hit by the vortex itself been being hit by the tornado where the house just to the right of that house that's almost gone is completely still there. it's why some of those trailers, somebody's tractor trailers are still sitting where they are. the wind speed inside the vortex will be 150 miles per hour inside the tornado itself yet only about 50 yards away, the winds may only be 70. 70 compared to 150 is a drastic difference. it doesn't seem it. it only seems twice as much, but with wind speed and wind force, when you double the wind speed you more than quadruple the force on the home. so the 70-mile-per-hour mark was under the shingles where it was under the 150-mile-per-hour part of the storm may only be 50 to 100 feet away. >> i would like you to stay with me, chad, because ed lavandera, our man on the scene is in his car and driving along. ed, tell us where you are. these are live pictures you are feeding to us right now. i understand the audio is not great, but give us an update. >> reporter: hi, wolf. we're on the southern edge of downtown dallas driving toward the areas that were hardest hit in the southern edge of town earlier today. i just came out of a massive wall of rain that was falling and that seems to have broken up and what we see now is kind of those clouds -- i like to describe them as mangled fingers dropping out of the sky and you are just waiting to see if any of these clouds start taking shape, start spinning and rotating like tornadoes and that's what we're watching closely. we know there are more storm cells that continue to move through the area and we're watching this as closely as we can, but right now we're headed toward the town of lancaster which took a hard hit just a few hours ago with one of the first waves of the storms that came through the area today. i don't know if you can make out through the rain on the glass, but you can see the clouds that are dark up against the lighter shade of clouds in the edge of those storms that really appear to be the most disconcerting as you see them dropping from the sky line trying to wait and see if there's any kind of formation there or any rotation or power to develop these clouds and these storm cells in the tornados and that's what i'm watching closely right now. >> chad will come into this conversation in a moment. does it look like the severe weather -- this horrible weather and these tornadoes are moving away from the dallas area or toward the dallas area? >> i think chad will have a bigger picture idea of what is going on, but my sense is the jeent storm cell is moving from west to east, but within the storm there are storms moving north-northeast and it's those individual cells that are what we're trying to watch closely and they're little spots all over the dallas-ft. worth area, and depending where you are, things will dictate just how serious the situation will be, but here on the southern edge you can really sense that the sky has grown much more ominous and much darker as we start getting closer to it once again. >> let me bring chad into this conversation. chad, i'm sure you're as concerned as am i and the viewers, is ed lavandera driving through the bad weather in the dallas area in any trouble? >> he's not in immediate trouble, but the answer to your question is it moving away or toward dallas? the answer is yes. there was one cell that was rotating earlier that i actually warned ed about. it is moving away from dallas-ft. worth right there, but there's also more weather still to the west of dallas where fort worth is almost in the clear and it will move back into his location, but there's no rotation on this yet. another thing that has happened today, wolf, we've had reports of hail to the size of tennis balls. that will destroy your car and if you're going 70 miles per hour that will destroy your windshield and send glass shards anywhere. not just wind and not just tornadoes, but large hail is possible tonight, as well. >> ed, we're looking at these live pictures that you're feeding us from your vehicle and you're driving in the dallas area right now. there's traffic on the streets. how fast are you going right now? i'm driving south on enter state 35 so it's 35e. i'm driving south out of downtown dallas. it's east of the storm that chad was talking about. we'll try to move the camera to give people a better sense of what we're looking at and you can sense how much more dark and ominous the clouds look on this other side. >> those clouds look awful. >> when we were talking to brooke we were trying to get to the edge of it. d, it's chad. can you hear me? are you south i-20? >> are you south of i-20 or north of i-20? >> reporter: north of i-20. >> wolf, here you go. this is exactly where ed is. here's on the south side of dallas and ed is literally right here. right here on i-35 where a storm has moved off to his east. this was rotating and still has that purple box. that's a tornado warning on that box and that would be for mesquite, even, as well and the next storm coming at him is to the west. this storm here is essentially less severe than the one that just missed him, wolf. >> those clouds -- look at those cloud, chad. that looks ominous to me and these are live pictures. i just want our viewers to understand and appreciate that these are coming from ed lavandera's vehicle. he's driving in the dallas area right now. it breaks up once in a while, but those clouds look pretty awesome and devastating, chad. >> they do. >> i can't get to my dive down radar at this time, but i would wall them more of a wind threat coming in with this next cell. so the winds will probably gust at any of these locations to 50 and 60 meals per hour crossways, cross the qaa are from right to left and trying to blow the car into the median and that storm still to the west, though, is now going into and is now into an area that we call used up. you have to understand there's only so much potential energy in the atmosphere at one spot and just because the storm just went through there about ten minutes ago, a lot of that heat and energy is gone. when you get a thunderstorm it gets cool and that's what's happened where eddie is now. the temperatures have gone down significantly and therefore, reduces the threat of the next storm that comes in as long as it's not an hour or two, because sometimes it can become sunny again and you're back into 80-degree air. i don't think eddie is in 80-degree air anymore and the storm to his west does not have the potential at the one that just used up the air did. >> and this emergency, this crisis in the dallas-ft. worth area continues. if you're watching us right now don't think it's over by any means. ed lavandera is standing by. chad is with us. we'll stay on top of the breaking news. we're not going anywhere. we expect more tornado pictures, new information coming in this hour. it's a real weather disaster that's unfolding right now in the dallas-ft. worth area. a major, populated center. also, other news we're following including the race for the white house. it is heating up dramatically today as president obama for the first time goes directly after mitt romney by name. wow... 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>> so the gloves are clearly off right now. we've entered a new phase in the president's bid for re-election, dan, is that fair? ? i think that's fair although it's not official yet by the president singling out mitt romney by name and he's talked about other republicans and mitt romney himself so this clearly represents a new mark in his campaign, wolf. >> dan lothian is at the white house. let's dig deeper with our chief political analyst gloria borger. as soon as the president was speaking today in washington, speaker boehner said the from h president has resorted to distortions and partisan potshots. >> each side is doubling down. what we're seeing as an election, wolf that is shaping up in which each side believes that by drawing a neon line they can win. i mean, taka i listen to what president obama said today about this. >> i can't remember a time when the choice between competing visions of our future has been so unambiguously clear. it's clear, wolf. the white house wants to make this a choice election, but i'm beginning to think that the republicans have decided that that's fine with them, too. you want to make it a choice, because what mitt romney believes is by emphasizing conservative principles he did get enough voters to vote for him and clearly the white house has made a decision, we're going to attack those conservative principles because in the end, the people who voted for us and independent voters are going to be with us. so a real line in the sand here, wolf. >> congressman paul ryan from wisconsin and a new romney supporter wasted no time in going after the president. listen to this. >> so we'll hear another big government populism speech from the president today. i have no doubt about it and in these kinds of speeches what he'll do is he'll characterize those people who do not agree with where he's taking america as if we're, watching saturday norn morning. >> paul ryan is villain in that cartoon? hoo he has become the poster child from the white house's perspective. he's become the post are child for conservatism when it comes to the deficit. his budget plan, wolf, wants to revamp medicare and the democrats basically believe that that is bad for republicans and it is going to be very good politics for them, and it is essentially become the republican platform because the ryan budget was voted on unanimously by house republicans and eventually not right at first, but eventually republican presidential can ats rallied around it like mitt romney, so be sure it's going to be the centerpiece of the democratic campaign saying paul ryan and his cohorts want to take away and change your medicare. >> maryland and d.c. close at 8:00 p.m. tonight. wisconsin, 9:00 p.m. you'll be with us throughout the night and we'll have more on this, but there's breaking news we're following out of the dallas-ft. worth area. i want to get back to those tornadoes ripping apart major chunks of a very populated section of texas right now. chad myers is joining us once again, our severe weather expert. chad, we're getting new information on what's going on at the dallas-ft. worth airport. tell us. >> yeah, exactly. there was hail and we had a ground stoppage meaning no planes can take off and land in that area and no planes can take off from other airports and we had 22 planes still in the air, circling and trying to land dfw and now just so i get the latest information here, a brand new tornado warning was just issued for mesquite, texas, this is a brand new one off to the east like mesquite metro airport and that's the storm to the south of sunnyvalley. there's mesquite and the storm will possibly be on the ground right near mesquite metro airport and across the northeast as it tracks across the i-20 from i-80 and u.s. 80 right through here and this is i-30 to the north of this. more weather still to the west of dallas. dallas-ft. worth airport out here, and ever time there's another cell that heads to the dallas-metro airport everything comes to a stop, wolf. >> let me read to you and to our viewers the statement that the dallas-ft. worth airport just released. i want to go through it line by line and you can help clarify? dallas-ft. worth international airport experienced a severe weather storm including reports of pea-sized hail at the airport causing flight delays and cancellations at 1:30 p.m. tuesday afternoon. that would be central time. dfw customer service teams sheltered passengers prior to the arrival of the storm as a precaution. severe thunderstorm activity in the area prompted the airport to activate its irregular plan, the statement goes on to say at this hour the dfw staff is inspecting the area for any possible damage and debris, but we have no reports of any issues that the time. it concludes by saying this -- while the severe weather threat is passing, there are still several cells that will pass through the airport within the next hour. dfw advises pass thinkers to take all appropriate precautions and to check flight information prior to coming to the airport. that's the latest we have from there. i think we have the dallas-ft. worth sheriff on the line, chad, but give us your assessment of the severe weather statement from dfw international airport? >> there's still more weather coming. it's not over yet in an hour they'll be able to make the all clear, but there will be thousands of people that don't make connections or don't make flights today, simply because you cannot land in the weather that we had. you cannot land in what the potential downdrafts of these storms and the updrafts of these storms or the winds that will come out of different directions as planes are preparing to land, all of a sudden, the wind changes direction and the plane is not lined up with the runway. they are letting the concessioners stay home. they will stay all night long to make sure that these people who have to stay the night will be taken care of. they will certainly, with a lot of people sleeping at the airport tonight, they will get the cots and blankets out tonight. they will do many things to make these people as comfortable as can be because sleeping in an airport chair or on the floor is never all that comfortable, but they are out of danger at this point. there is still more weather to come in and every time a storm and not rotating right now there, but any time a storm comes in there's a potential for one to two-inch hail and a one to two-inch hailstorm could do a lot of damage to the airplanes and still break out some of those windows. that's what the airport's lined with. wall to wall, floor to ceiling windows because you want to see the airplanes. >> chad, i want you to join me in this next conversation, the sheriff of the county, lupe valdez. ive go us the latest information you're getting. >> it appears we have a series of tornadoes. it's more than one that has touched down and, of course, we've got boots out on the ground and they're all being looking at pretty severe areas that have been hit. where is the most damage as far as you can tell, sheriff, right now? >> it appears to be just south of the dallas area, about 15, 10 miles out of the dallas area which is the lancaster area, and i understand wilmer which is also south of dallas has also been hit. our officers are moving to several locations right now. >> sheriff, are you saying this is by no means over with in thisiary? the crisis continues? >> it appears there's more bad weather coming upon us, so we want to make sure that we don't send our officers out into the middle of -- of a tornado or anything before we go out there. so we're monitoring that so that as we send our officers we're not sending them directly into the eye of the storm. >> that's smart. >> chad myers, meteorologist -- chad myers wants to ask you a question. sorry for interrupting. did you want to finish your thought? >> yeah. there's an awful lot of weather still headed your way. i know that's what you finished with, making sure your crews are not in danger and there's enough weather to believe that the crews and the people outside are still in danger. people at home need to stay inside and let the officials and the authorities do their job. are you seeing people going out and be gawkers at this point in time or is everybody kind of cooperating? >> we're trying to keep people in. i know in our county courthouse we have over -- we have about 800 people gathered around and we're asking them to stay put. we've also held our shift from detention, our jail which held them and asked them to stay put until we're sure that the weather has passed over since we don't want them to become part of the problem as we continue on, trying to help the people that are already out there. so everyone we run into we're asking them to please stay put and find shelter as close as they can and not be going about. >> for dallas county, it is not over, wolf. >> american airlines has just announced that all of its flights out of the dallas-ft. worth area, it's a major hub for american airlines, has been canceled, at least for today through the night, and that, obviously shouldn't come as a s surprise to you. >> i am aware that we're trying to keep track of everything that's going and as you can imagine in a city this big, there is a lot of stuff going on. we have set up several command centers to try and keep abreast of the issues that are happening, and i can assure you they're happening by the minute. we're trying to not only help to put out information of the latest weather that we have or anything that we have. >> how worried are you, and i know most people, almost everyone get together and they work cooperatively to work with a crisis or tragedy like this. how worried are you that bad people will try to take advantage and steal things. are you worried about that at all, sheriff? >> actually, we got message that some of it has already started and we've deployed several of our folks to that area which was badly hit and, of course, some people that will always take advantage and that's why we are here. we are there to try and save whatever people may have lost. so we are aware of that and we're trying to jump ahead, but we're trying to be as many places as possible. >> do you have any initial reports of casualties, sheriff? >> not serious. not so far. we are still assessing. we are having all kinds of information come in and we're still assessing the situation. so we won't really know until we can actually go into this area. for a while we were going house by house until we were aware of some other storms coming behind us until we stopped it to get our officers out of the way, but we did start a house-by-house situation. >> do you have any advice or suggestions in the dallas area what they should and should not be doing? >> i think you've already mentioned that. they need to stay sheltered. they need to stay in an area until someone comes and helps them out. we have our hands full. there's already a lot of situations where we'll need to help. we'll need everyone to stay in a safe location until all of this is over. >> are you satisfied with the system, the warning that came in. did you have enough time to prepare for this or were these tornadoes just developed out of the blue? >> there's never such thing as enough. we jumped into emergency mode very quickly and our officers did a wonderful job of just getting out there immediately and trying to assess the situation, but as you are well aware, it still continues so we're still getting the warnings and we're still trying to get the warnings out. >> chad, do you have another question for the sheriff? >> i don't, wolf. i just want you to know, sheriff, that we are hoping for the best for you because now there are another line of storms coming through, but wolf, we'll get with tarrant county here in the next hour. tarrant county was really, really damaged badly by a different tornado, a much larger one than what we had in dallas county. right now in 30 minutes, shiv , sheriff, you'll be in the clear. give dallas county 30 minutes and everything will get better from here. >> don't go too far away, sheriff. i'll let you go, but did you see the pictures of the huge trailers being thrown around in the skies and blown away. we're getting some new information that we'll share with our viewers, but have you seen those images, sheriff? >> actually, i didn't see those, but i've seen several. i'm seeing some of the pictures that you all sent and the local station have had, but we do have officers out there. so i'm sure some of them are getting video of stuff that is going on, and we're looking at some of those pictures now, but we're more concerned in getting throughout and trying to get help to all these folks. >> good luck and we're counting on you, sheriff. you and your team are doing the best you can. we wish everyone in the dallas county area and ft. worth area, lupe valdez joining us on the phone and we'll stay in close touch with you, sheriff, as well. brian todd is getting new information on the trailers and the truck company involved. we'll share that with you. we'll take a quick break and stay on top of the breaking news right after this. all right, let's decide what to do about medicare and social security... security. that's what matters to me... me? i've been paying in all these years... years washington's been talking at us, but they never really listen...'s not just some line item on a budget; it's what i'll have to live on... i live on branson street, and i have something to say... 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what are you seeing? >> hi, wolf. we are just east and that is north on the storm that you guys were talking about. we are trying to reposition ourselves to get in front of it safely, of course, but we should be in front of it the next 20 to 25 minutes and we followed quite a few storms out of arlington, texas, earlier today which brought us into mckinney. it seems the storms crossed the boundary and kind of died out. we are in the process of repositioning ourselves and getting ready to intercept the next storm. >> what exactly are you bracing for? more tornadoes in the area or just severe weather? >> you know, wolf, we really feel like the conditions are still favorable for tornadoes whether they be strong or not, it's still up in the air, but conditions are still extremely right for some kind of storm to throw out some kind of tornado. >> and so you will get as close as you possibly can, and show us the pictures subsequently of what you're seeing. it's a pretty dangerous profession you have. how worried are you about this? >> you know, it's a calculated race and i've been doing this for ten years and you learn how storms behave. you learn to get in the area of what you want to see and the shot you have to get for media and other people and you know exactly where you are and how to get out of it. >> i know you take precautions. what you have you seen so far? paint the little picture for us. what has happened in the past hour or so? >> it seems like the storms got into the dallas-ft. worth metroplex and took off pretty well and it seems there was a boundary that the storm crossed over and it just rained itself out with the tornadic characteristic. it still has the opportunity to throw down a tornado. >> so basically, is this something extraordinarily unusual for your area over there in dallas-ft. worth or is this something that you guys have learned to live with over the years? >> i've lived here all my life and it's april in the southern plains and this is the time of year that you prepare for this and storm preparedness for people that don't do it need to start in february or march and not when the tornado comes up. >> so you'll be bracing for more of this as we go along and how close did you say you are to the front, shall we say, where the severe weather, maybe even tornadoes are approaching? >> we're about ten miles from texas, and that will put us between 10 to 15 miles away from that storm and we're trying to get out in front of it and find a safe route to get to that position to see what's going on. >> we'll stay in close touch with you over the next few hours and we'll see what happens. we wish, obviously, everyone our best. chad, chris, hold on for a second because chad myers is with us, as well. our severe weather expert,ed cha, do you have a question for chris? >> are you trying to go through the hail cord to get to the east side of this cell? >> reporter: absolutely not. that's a cardinal rule that i won't do because what happens you get the southern end of the storm where the tornado is and you come out of this big rain shaft and that thing could be right in front of you. >> absolutely. >> my plan is to get a little further east and then drop down or even come in behind it so i know exactly what's going on and where i am. >> that's the safest way around this thing. clearly, wolf, what he's trying to do is get ahead of the system, ahead of the cell taking pictures and getting in the way. roads don't go straight sometimes. you have to do what you can do, but this is a professional chaser with professional equipment in the car. a noaa weather radio and a pickup truck does not make youa chaser. stay home. this has been be come an h-p system, a high precipitation system and an awful lot of rain and some of the tornadoes would be wrapped in rain and you wouldn't know you were in the rain or near the tornado until it was right in front of you, wolf? >> very quickly, chad. explain to our viewers once again why they no longer give an all clear after a series of tornadoes goes through an area like this. >> well, the issue is and they used to. when i lived in nebraska there was an all-clear, but an all-clear sounds anall lot like another siren and they go around and they warn you if you're outside and this is an area of debate among meteorologists all across severe weather country. do you really try to put enough warning sirens in to wake someone up in their home or do you just put enough sirens in to tell them to go inside if they're outside? and that's where a noaa weather radio will do both. a noaa weather radio will alert you or wake you up if this weather is happening at night or in a place where you're not right in front of your tv or a siren. there can't be sirens every one mile. it's impossible to think that that could possibly happen nor could there be all of them fired off at the sam time. what the chasers do is help to the weather service, they help the weather service to determine whether a significant amount of rotation that we see on the radar is enough to put a tornado on the ground. storms rotate all of the time, but there's a threshold where the weather service says that is enough. enough is enough, that's enough rotation and we're putting out a warning for this county. everybody must take shelter. >> we are showing our viewers that just came in courtesy of our affiliate wfa,a. you can see what's going on. you can see the roofs are completely torn away and you can see inside the homes and the destruction there. just to think a couple of hours ago people were living in those homes and look at what's happened to the homes right there. it's shocking and devastating. >> wolf? >> go ahead, chad. >> there will be more damage than we've seen yet. there will be an exponential amount of damage in tarrant county. we know there are gas lines leaking and homes completely missing. there was a significantly bigger tornado that we have not seen aerials of yet because it has not been safe for the helicopters to fly there yet. so i want everybody to stay with us. we'll get these tarrant county pictures on as soon as we can. it was a much larger and more dangerous and possibly more deadly storm than what we're showing you right now. this is dallas county, fort worth and dallas are in different counties. fort worth was in tarrant county and the storm that moved to arlington did more damage and that is significant. we're talking about a tenfold amount of damage just to the west with the storm that was on the ground, much longer and much larger. >> that is heart ibreaking news. the worst is yet to come. chad, don't go too far away. i want to thank the storm chaser for joining us. brian todd is standing by and he's got new information on those trailers that were simply flying through the skies. much more of the breaking news coverage right after this. 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>> let's get back to the breaking news we're following out of texas. a tornado outbreak in the dallas-ft. worth area. cnn's brian todd is also monitoring the latest for us. brian, we saw some of those trailers simply flying through the skies and the aftermath of those tornadoes. what are you seeing? what's going on right now? i understand you're getting new information. >> we are, wolf, new information regarding the spot where you saw the horrific video in the early stages of this. that is the schneider national trucking company on lbj freeway just outside of dallas. you saw the video there. that happened at about 2:30 p.m. eastern time and 1:30 p.m. local time in the dallas area. those flashes that you see are transformers, power lines being cut and then you see the tractor trailers being tossed up like matchsticks. that is the schneider national trucking company and their branch near dallas and there's a picture near one of their tractor trailers just hoisted into the air and one of these things got tossed for hundreds of yards and she's a spokeswoman for schneider national trucking and based in wisconsin and she was able to give us an assessment of what they know at the moment about the facility near dallas. take a listen. >> we are currently assessing the status of these associates who were on location of the at the time of the tornado. at this time there are no reported injuries. certainly in a situation like this that could change and we hope that it doesn't. there is no damage to the building, but significant damage to the equipment that was on location in our yard area in the dallas-ft. worth area. >> in addition, she gave us some information about that facility. she said 65 people work there full time. there are about 300 truckers who come in and out of that facility on a daily basis, wolf, and she was not clear on how many of them were transiting in and out of that yard there. it was middle of the day so it could have been busy and we're not sure yet. at one important point she told me they didn't yet have a full accounting of where all of the people are, but she says they're working furiously to get that accounting. again, 65 full-time employees at schneider trucking facility in dallas and 300 trucks come in and out of there every day. they have 354 trailers on the premises -- excuse me, 264 tractors on the premises and 204 trailers and significant damage and we saw the footage there from wpaa after that occurred. that occurred at 2:40 p.m. eastern time, 1:40 p.m. local time in dallas and just some of the horrific images of those tractor trailers being hoisted into the air from janet br bronkowski. while they're saying no injuries for the moment they're still assessing a positive sign. you can take from this, wolf, no damage that she said to their building and they're excavating that yard to see where the trucks got hoisted and to see if there's anyone around in that wreckage. >> it seems that the tractors were separated from the tractors. the trailers were the once being hoisted and flown around. did she say -- i assume those tractors were empty of goods. do we know for sure, brian? >> she doesn't know for sure. again, they're still assessing who was around and who wasn't at the time that this hit. >> remember, she's operating from her offices in wisconsin. they have people on the ground surveying this damage and reporting back to her. so she's getting information fairly incrementally as the rest of us are, and of course, you saw the video as i did and some of those were hurled hundreds of yards from their original point so it may take a while to figure out where those got taken to and how much damage is on the where they are and this may take a while as far as where this particular trucking company was concerned. no reports of injuries at this facility. that could very well change, wolf. >> chad myers told us in all of the years he's been covering hurricanes and tornadoes he hasn't seen these kinds of pictures of these trailers being thrown around the way they are and he used to work out of oklahoma where there are a lot of tornadoes, as we all know. did the spokeswoman for this trucking company say this was extraordinarily unusual? >> she did, and she was still trying to kind of giving me a sense that they were getting their heads around this. obviously, they just don't see this kind of thing with their facility there in that dallas area, too, too much, and maybe not this early in the area. maybe some tornadoes come through that general area, but they have not seen anything like this. what was extraordinary is we were seeing this happening in real time. we were watching this from thea aerial camera as it was happening. we have seen similar things in joplin, missouri, last year even when the earthquake and tsunami hit in japan of large trucks being moved hundreds of yards from those events and you didn't see it in roll time happening, in those cases. you saw it after the fact. >> i know you're continuing to do some reporting and we'll get back in touch with you. thank. >> sure. -- captions by vitac -- huge breaking news out of texas, dallas-ft. worth. the images are breath taking and hard to believe. several tornadoes, yes, several tornadoes touched down in texas and widespread damage to homes and buildings across the dallas-ft. worth area in a string of vicious tornadoes terrorizing the region. all flights at the dallas-ft. worth international airport have been grounded. passengers have been moved into shelters. right now the national weather service is urging everyone in the area to take cover. stay inside. there are now reports of yet another tornado just developing. cnn meteorologist chad myers is at the cnn severe weather center. this new tornado, what do you know, sdmad. >> it was near mcclendon and moving to rice city. all of those towns are east of dallas county right along u.s.-80 and making its way on to the i-30 corridor. that's what we're seeing now and we are still seeing that dallas and ft. worth are being cleared of these warnings and being cleared of the thunderstorms as they move on off to the east. they're being pushed away and pushed to the east along with all of the severe weather. so that's the cell right there. from the mcclendon-chisholm storm. we suspect it still is, the rotation is still there. so if you are east now of dallas county, you still have something more to worry about. this isn't over for you. there are still the eastern sections of dallas and points farther south that may still have some weather to work with all of the way down to waco, texas. >> this is by no means over by any means. very quickly before we speak to a spokeswoman for american airlines, very quickly, give our viewers who are watching who are anywhere in the area, potentially in the area of severe weather some advice. >> the advice is to stay inside especially as it is going to get dark. there will be limbs and there will be pieces of roof and there will be tile and there will be things with nails sticking out that you may not see as you walk around. you may think that you're doing somebody a service, but that's what the authorities are for. that's what the volunteers are for and if you just get out there with tennis shoes and flip-flops on and start walking around and try to help people you may put yourself in more danger and they may have to rescue you rather than strong rescue the people that are actually injured. you may put yourself in harm's way. you may put yourself in the help's way, as well. stay inside and don't go out there and gawk with this. figure it out tomorrow. >> potentially life-saving advice from chad. chad, i will talk now to andrea hughley joining us on the phone. she's the spokesperson for american airlines. thanks very much. i take it you've canceled all of american airlines flights in and out of dallas international airport? >> we have, for the evening. the airport is open, and we are trying to bring back some of the diversions that are in the outlying cities at this point in time. >> what does that mean, andrea? bring back the diversions? >> we have approximately 29 flights that needed to land in cities like abilene, texarkana because of the bad weather here in dfw, so at this point in time we are working diligently to bring those flights back to dallas. >> so, in other words, if a plane couldn't land at dfw it landed some place else. you're not trying to bring that plane and the passengers back to dallas-ft. worth international airport, is that right? >> no. we are trying to bring them -- we are trying to get them to their destination which is dallas-ft. worth airport. >> even if they landed some place else, but you say the airport is open, but all flights that are supposed to leave dallas-ft. worth, you've canceled that at least for today. >> that is correct. there may be a few flights that we are able to get out, unfortunately, because of the hail we are needing to do hail inspecs to our aircraft that were on the ground at the time. >> chad, do you have a question for andrea from american airlines? >> well, i'm just wondering, and i have been diverted before. the people that were clearly just going to transfer in dallas and go somewhere else, what will be done for them tonight? >> well, we are working to reaccommodate those customers if there is another flight and there may be a few that leave this evening, we will try to reaccommodate as many of those as we can. if not, we will look to reaccommodate them tomorrow. so it is unfortunate that we aren't able to have flights take off, but of course, the safety of our customers is our priority. >> can you tell me what a hail inspection looks like, what does it entail? >> well, a hail inspection requires that a mechanic look over everything on the aircraft, top to bottom. so depending on the size of the aircraft this will determine how long a hail inspection takes, but they look over the aircraft from head to tail to look to see and if there are any dents or any damage. >> wolf? >> andrea, flights that were scheduled to land at fort worth international airport, a huge planes, jumbo jets, if you will, they can't land at dfw right now. so where are they going? are they going to houston? are they going some place else? where do they land american airlines flights in a situation like this? >> well, fortunately, the airport is open and we are working to get those flights that needed to land in other cities back in, but we -- flights that are international flight, we look for cities that actually have customs, houston is a good example. >> so the flights coming in from south america, you wouldn't have it land in houston right now rather than going to dallas, fort worth where it's still dangerous. now that the airport is open we are able to accommodate that aircra aircraft, but if for some reason the airport were to close and that flight is inbound, we would look for an airport with customs and those types of facilities. >> so it is open to incoming planes and not outgoing planes is that what you're saying? >> the airport is open saying it can receive inbound and outbound aircraft, however because of the number of flights that were held either at the gates or held in another city because of the bad weather, what we try to do is to cut down on that traffic so we did bring in, those flights that needed to lend in an abilene or texarkana. we give those first priority so we can try to get them to dfw or on to another destination city. >> good luck. i know a lot of passengers, not only american airlines, but other airlines are worried about making kecks, but they want to be first and foremost safe and i know you're doing your best under difficult circumstances. andrewa hughley is for american airlines. chad, these pictures are so heartbreaking to see. on the right side, you see a home completely destroyed and the roof simply ripped off and to the left you see a little less damage, you see bad damage, and nowhere near the damage like the home on the right side of the screen and this is courtry of our affiliate and explain once again to our viewers why one home may survive in better shape than the house right next d'or. >> first of all, what i see is this was not a wide tornado. this was not an ef-4, 170, 180-mile per hour tornado where certainly more than one home would be damage severely and you probably have a 120 or 130 mile-an-hour storm where it damaged the roof to the house on the right. and the left part of the tornado damaged the house on the left at least a little bit, but the middle of the tornado went right through the house that we see in the middle that literally lost an entire section of the roof and lost part of the second story. so that's where the randomness of this tornado as it went through it was right the line of the tornado went right over that middle house and only had small damage on the left and on the right. the middle -- it had 120 mile per hour wind and had no chance of staying up, but the left and the right home may have only had 80 or 90-mile-per-hour winds because it's not in the middle. it's not the ice skater where she pulls her arms in that gets hit with the big wind in the middle because she's going so fast. on the outside, it's the ice skater with her arms out and she's going slower and the winds on the outside of the tornado are not what they are on the inside so the damage is more left to right and right through the middle of that hole and then it skips, wolf, it didn't even hit a home on the other side of the street. >> it's really amazing because the folks in this neighborhood must be saying to themselves, why am i lucky? why am i not lucky. my neighbor across the street seeps to have roof, and enormous destructi destruction. if people were in these homes and the safest place to be, down deep as possible and hopefully in a bathtub, in a bathroom, is that right? >> certainly. the best place to be from top to bottom, one would be shorm shelter, a real made storm shelter, below your garage or below your home and blasted into the rock that these homes sit on. these homes are not sitting on basements because the rock below that won't allow it. you literally have things dynamite to make a basement in dallas, austin or san antonio or oklahoma city, for that matter, and tornadoal low sitting on a bunch of rock so you don't have to dig out the dirt type of basements that you have in the northeast. so you want to get low as you can be. get down and cover up. >> get down if you're in an apartment building, make sure you know the person who was on the first floor. the third floor may not be there after the tornado. it may be completely gone where the first floor is certainly just fine. this tornado and let's go from zero to five because nobody understands this fujita scale or this ef scale. ef-0 and not very much damage and a few sihingles are gone an maybe a board or two on the top of the roof gone as well and things blown around kind of like this. ef-3, now all of a sudden, you've lost boards on the roof. it looks like this. you've lost the entire roofing sxekz and all of a sudden ef-4, you've lost walls and there are one or two walls in the middle of your home. if you're still there you want to be inside one of those two walls. typically, that's a closet or a bathroom and an ef-5, and sometimes we call those unsurvivable. there's nothing left except the slab. if you are in that home you're pushed away. luckily, there is only one ef-5 on average every few years even though we've had quite a few in the past couple of years. that certainly was not the norm, wolf. >> certainly not. chad, stand by for a moment. we have someone who survived this tornado. jonathan cooke is on the phone right now. i take it you were caught in the middle of a tornado in the dallas-ft. worth area. you took shelter in a bank. walk us through where you were and what happened. >> well, i was in the bank meeting with my loan officer and she had two windows in her office and we saw lightning strike what looked to be just across the street and just a second after it struck we heard really loud thunder and it happened with another lightning strike followed by loud thunder and i said we have to look out the window and see what's going on. >> i said i've got to go so i ran out the front and i got my truck and took my truck across the street to the racetrack gas station where people were taking shelter. a friend of mine had his window busted out. and the guy pulled up from the national weather service and had a two-way radio that was reporting tornadoes touching down about an eighth of a mile from where we were. as soon as he pulled a girl said look up and there were two funnel clouds that touched down about an eighth of a mile up from us and debris was flying and we were trying to decide where to go, and about that time she said look behind us and a third tornado formed behind us, but hadn't touched down, and about three minutes after that the sirens started sounding and a guy came over our siren there in south fort worth area and said tornado warning take cover, all of tarrant and johnson county and we were looking dead in the eye of two funnel clouds that had touched down all about an eighth of a mile from us. >> but, jonathan -- jonathan, you're okay now, right? >> yes. we're in a safe place. the tornadoes have gone now through arlington and it's slightly raining here now, but as soon as i got back in my truck after the tornadoes picked up i could only drive an eighth of a mile before the police had i-35w down to one lane where it had touched down about an eighth of a mile from us and overturned vehicles on the highway. it was a bad situation this morning. >> jonathan, i understand this is not the first time you were caught in a tornado, is it? >> it was this time last year that the same situation happened, but it never touched down. it was very close us to us and today was far worse than this time last year. it was once in one area and two of them touched down at the same time. we were among many people at the gas station scared for our lives. >> thank god you're okay and the other folks who were with you are okay, but we are showing our viewers these horrendous pictures of homes simply destroyed by these tornados that shook dallas and fort worth, the entire area, as you point out. jonathan cooke, thanks very much. our own ed lavandera is in lancaster, texas, just south of dallas. what are you seeing there now, ed? >> reporter: we're bringing you this shot from the laptop computer and we're here with glen, and we're in the town of lancaster south of dallas. this window that we see behind us -- you were in this room. >> i was in this room right h e here. when the tornado came on 50 i looked out the window to see the storm, and it was a tornado. [ no audio ] . >> it looks like we've lost our connection with ed. we'll try to get back. he's on the scene where one family's possessions and their home is simply devastated. we'll check back with ed once we can reconnect and look at these pictures and look at these awful, awful pictures of this home and this residential area that shook the dallas-ft. worth area. we'll stay on top of this story and we'll go back there live. chad myers is with us. ed lavandera is on the scene and brian todd is working his sources as well. much more on the breaking news right after this. nature valley trail mix bars are made with real ingredients you can see. like whole roasted nuts, chewy granola, and real fruit. nature valley trail mix bars. 100% natural. 100% delicious. 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>> there's a tornado south of cattle mills and it's kind of an unpopulated area and that's what's happening now and all of this weather that was here at about 1:00, here 2:00 and here at 3:00 has moved out to the east in the i-30 corridor and that is about ten miles south of there is still rotating and there is a confirmed tornado on the ground with it and just not hitting any towns and if you are east of dallas, you are not out of the woods yet because this entire line of weather is still headed your way. when storms line up, they typically don't rotate and they simply make a squall line or wind damage. when you have a storm that's all by itself it will begin to rotate. it won't be fighting other storms that are along the line. that storm, that spin, the rotation gets going and then all of a sudden if it's called the super cell, then all of a sudden you get weather like this and you get the tornado to fall out of the sky and today we had two side by side super cells about 30 miles apart. the one that went through dallas county went right through the area that ed lavandera traveled through. it went from spinks airport up into arlington with significant damage. we know from six flags, we know from the football stadium and other places that there's not that much significant damage in arlington, and just to the south of there they're calling it devastation with gas leaks in homes where parts of the homes are completely gone. we have not been able to fly to that part of the weather cell because we have not been able to get there because weather has been in the way. these helicopters don't want to fly through severe weather. they don't want to fly through a hailstorm, for sure. so now that we're starting to clear out weather there in tarrant county, then we're goinging to start to be able to see how bad that weather is, how bad that damage is and public information officers are telling us one after the other it's bad. it's bad. we have everybody on the way and even arlington now has declared a state of emergency for their town there especially on the southwestern part of the town where most of that damage occurred. but this damage that you see here, wolf, we're talking about a 110, 112-mile-per-hour storm. some structures are made of aluminum and some structures don't have doors and so if you get a barn or farm building where the doors aren't closed an 80-mile-per-hour wind can get in there and blow it apart from the outside in, and so we are still seeing and we're getting more and more live video in and we will see it as it comes when we get to tarrant county we may have jaws dropping as to how bad some of the damage is out there, and for the people here, this is bad enough, wolf. >> awful. as you say, in the pictures that we're about to get are even more devastating. bad news is only going to begin as we assess what's going on. chad, stand by. we're watching the breaking news situation in the dallas-ft. worth area. more information as it comes in and also in "the situation room." we have a look at a chilling online post that has the fbi and nypd on alert right now. oil sands projects, like kearl, and the keystone pipeline will provide secure and reliable energy to the united states. over the coming years, projects like these could create more than half a million jobs in the us alone. from the canadian border, through the mid west, to the gulf coast. benefiting hundreds of thousands of families throughout the country. this is just what our economy needs right now. holding down the fort while you're out catching a movie. [ growls ] lucky for me, your friends showed up with this awesome bone. hey! you guys are great. and if you got your home insurance where you got your cut rate car insurance, it might not replace all this. [ electricity crackling ] [ gasping ] so get allstate. you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. [ dennis ] dollar for dollar, nobody protects you from mayhem like allstate. >> we are getting this new video coming in. look at this tornado and look at the funnel as it's coming in and hitting these areas. you see these tractor trailers? some of these trailers simply lifted out of the skies and thrown several hundred feet as a result of these tornado, but these pictures just coming in to us and we'll have more of these pictures, more of the news, the breaking news and the devastation out of the dallas-ft. worth area. and as chad myers has been reporting, the worst is yet to be seen. we are getting new information on some of the areas we don't have pictures or video of those areas yet, but we are collecting it right now. we will share these video images right now as soon as they come in. you can see some of the destruction and a new tornado hit the ground just a little while ago and we'll stay on top of the story and we'll move on to other news we're watching as well. it looks almost, almost like a movie preview except it's a threat targeting new york and the coming attraction, look at this, is al qaeda. cnn's mary snow is on the streets of new york. she's joining us with the latest on a chilling online posting that's capturing the attention of the new york police department and the fbi. mary, what do we know? >> reporter: wolf, the n.y.p.d. says it picked up on this image monday on a website that it monitors on a regular basis. officials say there's no specific threat tied to it and therefore it has aren't trigger good increased security and whether this is anything more than a graphic on a website is not clear. at first glance it could be mistaken for a movie ad, al qaeda coming soon again in new york. the message is on a website known to the new york city police department who say it's used by terrorists and jihadists. officials say they have no evidence that it's tied to any specific threat to new york, but the website is being analyzed by the fbi and the nypd. >> is this significant at all? >> well, this is a major forum. it's been in existence for a while. we believe it's used for inspiration and used fb operational messages and it exists in several different languages and it's been a concern of ours for a while. >> new york police commissioner ray kelly says analysts believe it's connected to an egyptian national based on the language used. kelly says he was struck by the level of the sophistication of the graphic and the expensive software used to create it, but whether there's a credible threat, cnn terrorism analyst peter bergen is skeptical. >> this is a real piece of propaganda. it doesn't mean it's associated with any real plot. that is not clear at all and my guess is there's nothing really to this. if it was a real attack about to happen on new york my guess is al qaeda wouldn't have to advertise it on their website. >> this isn't the first time messages have appeared on jihad i sites and federal authorities and the police department say any threat must be taken seriously. >> it's sort of in your face and we've seen this before, but, you know, it is a direct confrontation, trying to get our attention and believe me, they have our attention. >> the posting didn't seem to phase new yorkers who have become accustom to terrorism threats. >> it's propaganda. they want people to get uptight. >> it is what it is. you have to live your life and you can't be worried. go about your everyday business. >> reporter: the police commissioner describes the internet as the new afghanistan. that it's used for radicalization and training and that's why he says these sites are so closely monitored. wolf? >> mary snow in new york for us. thank you. let's discuss what's going on deeper and a potential terror threat. our national security contributor with former bush homeland security adviser fran townsend. al qaeda coming soon again in new york. you were the homeland security adviser to president obabush. what goes through your mind with this posting on a jihadi website. >> when you see something you monitor the sites and you have to run it to see if there are leads connected to it. we've seen this sort of thing before. i remember the "inspire" magazine which was an internet publication by a colleague of anwar al awlaki's. >> who was also killed. >> exactly. and it made references at one point to chicago. well, that was run down and there was no immediate threat. they're right to run it down, and we can't presume that this is tied to any anything in the immediate threat and anything more than propaganda. >> what it does do potentially is inspires and it is seen as a major threat to so-called lone wolf out there. >> that's right. the most difficult thing to uncover and to preempt before an individual takes action, and so the interesting thing, wolf, right now is we've seen all of these jihadist-type websites that are typically monitored have gone down. it's not clear what the cause of that is. when you look at who's got the capability. that's the sort of capability you associate with the government actor, but it's not clear and for this to come out now you can see why the law enforcement community wants to pay particular attention to it and understand whether or not it is threat related and none of the sources i've spoken to believe it is. >> so these key al qaeda-related internet sites, jihadi websites have gone dark for a week or so? >> since the end of march. either someone forced them to go dark or they decided to stop what they were doing. >> there's no indication that they decided. it was sort of a rolling outage, if you will. one went down and a couple of days later two more went down. >> this looks like from some country or organization taking these jihadi websites down. >> all of a sudden little by little you're creeping along and taking more of these websites down and there are a number of countries that have that capability and non-state okt are actors that have the capability to do that, and it will be interested to see. since they were killed there's been no "inspire" magazine and that makes the law enforcement community in the u.s. very happy, but there's been a concern that someone would try to re-publish or take up that mantle and this may be an effort to stop somebody from doing that. >> fran townsend, thanks very much. >> i want to get back to the breaking news right now to the dallas-ft. worth area, a series of tornadoes pummeling major parts of the community. you are looking at live pictures coming in courtesy of our affiliate wfaa. that was earlier, the funnel you see moving toward those trailer trucks. the lieutenant governor of texas is joining us right now. thanks very much. do you have any reports of casualties yet? we see the physical property damage is pretty destructive. >> wolf, no. the pictures that you're seeing and that i'm seeing are just -- just horrific, but we've got reports of a number of injuries, but no reports of fatalities at the present time. >> thank god for that. >> absolutely. absolutely, but local news has reported that five tornadoes have gone through the -- through the dallas area. we've got, of course, the whole storm system is in dallas and fort worth and it's affecting dallas county, tarrant county and ellis county. most of the damage to date has been done in southwest dallas county including a lot of hail damage. we've got an unconfirmed report that a nursing home has been damaged. we don't know if there are any injuries. and we've got a let of flooding, but the most important thing, and i know you've been pressing it -- you've been stressing this in the past is with such severe weather and such power in the tornados that, ladies and gentlemen, if you're, if the national weather service or local officials urge you to take shelter, please go down on your ground floor inside a hallway, don't have any exposure to glass and to the windows and please, please be safe. there's plenty of time to go outside and look at damage. right now is not the time to do it. >> even if you go outside now, governor, as you well know with the power lines down, a lot of glass, a let of nails out there, it's pretty dangerous even if you think the tornadoes and the severe weather have passed, it's still pretty dangerous to simply walk around in your neighborhood. >> that's exactly right, wolf. and we do have -- we have activated the state of texas emergency management center. we are monitoring this, unfortunately, wolf, we've had a lot of experience over the years and with hurricanes, tornadoes and floods. so, ladies and gentlemen, we have the highway department standing by for debris cleaning as soon as it's safe for them to move in. so please, stay right where you are, stay safe and pay attention to the national weather service and cnn and other stations. >> is it premature, lieutenant governor, to ask for fema or any federal assistance into this emergency that is taking place in the dallas-ft. worth area or is that something you'll decide down the road? >> we'll decide that as soon as we can get. it may not be premature and we'll decide that as quickly as we can take crews out and take a look at the damage that has been done. we know that there's been -- there's been quite a few individual truck stops and the 18 wheeler that we all saw and different homes which have been destroyed, but we have to get a check on this before we turn in any application. >> and you, of course, know better than i do, lieutenant governor. the tornado season is only just beginning. i assume you're bracing, unfortunately, for more of these kinds of disasters. >> we always hope for the best and prepare for the worst. in other words, we think we got -- last summer we'd gone through the hurricane season after going through a rough time in 2005 and 2008 with hurricanes rita and with hurricane ike came through which was devastating for us, but we're -- but we're in the tornado season so please, ladies and gentlemen, pay attention and if there are any warnings from either the tv stations or the national weather service go inside room, ground floor and be safe, please. >> lieutenant governor, good luck to you and good luck to the folks in texas. we are praying for you and with you. appreciate it very much. >> thank you, wolf. thank you. >> lieutenant governor david duehearst of texas. this was someone'sed about room, but there's no roof on top of that house right there. you can only imagine the family and what it must be going through watching this devastation and this was one of the tornado, the funnel that simply came into this trailer, this truck, trailer area and some of these trucks, these trailers were simply blown up into the sky and hurled hundreds of feet. we will take a quick break and continue the breaking news coverage on the other side. ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? 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[ siren ] >> we are following the breaking news. you are looking at new pictures just coming in. you see those tornado clouds in the rear there as it begins -- this is video from earlier that came in. we are just getting it, though, right now. you hear the sirens, the alert systems going off. this tornado situation in the dallas-ft. worth area is by no means over. chad myers is joining me right now. chad, what is the current situation as far as tornadoes in northern -- in north texas, are concerned? >> the people in north texas, specially northeast texas, still are under the gun, and i say that only because there are still storms that are not along the line. the line will maybe make a small tornado, but more likely we call this a squall line. it will make wind damage, there may be some hail with it, but there are still cells out ahead of the line there, there, there and they're all by themselves. we call them super cells. they don't have to fight the other cells to rotate. think about when you were a kid and i had this great game called battling tops. if you took a top and pulled on the string and you let it go in by itself it could spin for five minutes because it was by itself and it wasn't hitting any of the other tops and you get three other guys and you pull the string and you have four tops in there banging on each other and all of a sudden they don't run very long because they're affecting each other's spin and that's what happens along the line. the storms affect each other's spin. when they're out by themselves they're the battling tops out there, able to spin for a long time and when you spin for a long time you can get enough energy and enough momentum to put down a tornado and they're called super cells and out ahead of the line and they're the most dangerous type of weather. now we have wfaa and our affiliate here flying into different neighborhoods. neighborhoods we haven't seen yet. neighborhoods into tarrant county and we have a lot of parts of the east and sections into dallas county and our affiliates are from dallas and then it was very difficult to get the helicopters into the western sections of the viewing area there because simply there were storms in the way that couldn't fly through the hail and couldn't fly through someone's big line of weather all of the way from the airport and all of the way down now and almost to waco, texas, so we are picking up this video and the videos that come in and we'll keep finding the worst and worst video. we see areas where 50, 60 homes are flattened and there are gas leaks in some and there are states of disaster and emergencies in some of these towns and this will be a long night for those in the dallas fort othermetroplex. two super cells rotated side by side about 50 miles apart. that means they weren't really battling. they were far enough apart to battle only each other or battle themselves and one went right up i-35 e and one went right up i-35w and those are two different interstates that go parallel north to south through dallas-ft. worth and we had two separate areas with two tornados on the ground at the same time through the dfw area. wolf? >> a scary situation that's going to be getting dark in that area fairly soon. so folks really have to be careful when they go outside because power lines could be up, nails, construction, debris and it's still a dangerous situation as you can see from these pictures that are coming to us right now. don't go too far away. beale go back to the breaking news and there are other news we're following right now, as well. first exit polls are justing in in to "the situation room" from today's big contest. let's go straight to our own tom foreman. he's breaking down the numbers and we know there are primaries today in wisconsin, maryland and the district of columbia. tom, what are we learning? >> what we are learning as we often do, there's a lot of dissension in the ranks about this, and the one rick santorum wanted and the ma roone, of course, is mitt romney and let's take a look at wisconsin. that's the big prize everyone is interested in today. 42 delegates out there and milwaukee with 18% of the population and much of the state is agricultural and rural. so wolf, let's take a look at this. the number one issue as it's been in many, many places, the economy. 58% of the voters saying that's the thing that most concerns them right now. let's look a little closer at that. what do they think of it? starting to recover, 28%, staying about the same, 28% getting worse, 43% of the people out there think the economy is actually getting worse. that's interesting, wolf, because their unemployment rate is actually substantially better than the rest of the country and their income is about average. so that reflects sort of what we've heard from a lot of republicans around the country in different votes and what will that mean to the candidates? we won't get into specifics yet, but we do know that by and large, mitt romney has done better with the higher earnings and rick santorum has done better with the lower earners and if we look under $30,000 a year, we can tell you this much, there, rick santorum, 44% to 34% from mitt romney and as we move to the higher categories here, 100,000 to 200,000, once again, mitt romney, 55% to rick santorum's 30%. what we'll be watching tonight, wolf is how the rest of these categories play out all across the state of wisconsin and what that will mean on whether or not mitt romney gets closer to sealing up the deal. tom will be with us throughout the night as we cover these primaries, and cnn's coverage of today's primaries will begin at 7:00 p.m. eastern with erin burnett out front followed by "ac 360" and piers morgan" at 9:00 p.m. eastern. we'll take a quick break. a lot more news coming up right after this. step 1. eat the soup. all those veggies and beans, that's what may help lower your cholesterol and -- well that's easy [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. ♪ ♪ one, two, three, four ♪ you say ♪ flip it over and replay ♪ we'll make everything okay ♪ walk together the right way ♪ do, do, do, do but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today. we've been following the breaking news out of the dallas/ft. worth area. you see the home, the roof simply blown away. the destruction intense. so far, we have no indications of any fatalities but there are casualties according to the lieutenant governor of texas. brian todd is joining us right now. he's got a closer look at some of the other horrifying images coming in from the texas tornadoes. what else are you seeing? >> we have been paying attention to the horrific images of the tractor trailers being tossed up in the air, but they're substantial tractors and trailers. this was from the schneider trucking company. we'll roll you some of the pictures we saw coming in. we got the first images in at about 2:30 eastern time. a tractor trailer being hoisted there in the air, thrown several hundred yards. just back in touch a few moments ago with the people at the trucking company. no up dates they can give me from the earlier one they gave last hour regarding injuries and people missing. they do not have a full accounting right now of everyone who is missing from their facility or who may be hurt. they do not have reports of injuries at this time, but they stress that's very early in the assessment period, but that could change. we'll take you again to some sounld we got from our phone interview with janet vonkowski from schneider trucking, the facility hit so hard in the pictures. >> we're currently assessing the status of the employees on location at the time of the tornado. at this time there, are no reported injuries. in a situation like this, it could change. we have initial reports there was no damage to the building but significant damage to the equipment that was on location in our yard area in the dall dallas/ft. worth area. i got an update on what kind of equipment this is and how big it is to give you a sense of what was tossed around there. what we're told is that a tractor weighed 20,000 pounds. an empty trail eer weighs 14,00 pounds. full, it weighs about 46,000. even if the trailers you saw were empty, that's 14,000 pounds tossed up in the air. those trailers are 53 feet in length. that's just -- it's stunning, wolf, when you see how the things were tossed up in the air, the weight and length of an empty trailer, 14,000 pounds at the very least, you're talking about tossed in the air like it was nothing, thrown several hundred yards by these tornadoes. and again, a quick update from schneider. they do not have any reports of injuries but early in the assessment period. >> and she didn't know exactly how many of the trailers were flown up into the air and landed a few hundhead feet away. we have seen the pictures that are so dramatic. >> they don't have specific flbs. and they have to track some of these hundreds of yards away and see exactly where they went. so they're probably do that right now. they did not have a number on exactly how many got damaged. i think you could probably put it, well, at least from what we saw in the video, 10 to 12, 15. a minimal figure. but they're still trying to assess that. and again, 14,000 pounds each is what you're seeing flying through the air at the least because that's what the trailers weigh empty. >> thanks. we're going to stay on top of the breaking news story. there's other news we're following as well. sarah palin hosting, yus, hoging the "today" show with lamestream media. generating lots of media. dana bash is all over the story. how did the former governor doing? >> pretty well, wolf. it was a side of sarah palin we almost never get to see. there was no direct mention of the real reason the "today" show flew her from alaska in ordered to compete with katie couric who is filling in at "good morning america" this week. she started with a humorous illusion to the interview katie conducted that didn't go so well for palin. >> it's a pleasure to welcome the former alaska gsker sarah palin to our program this morning. oh, man, she's doing our homework. >> right out of the gate, self deprecating humor. >> that's my dressing room, apparently now her dressing room. she's taking notes, getting ready for upcoming segments. >> matt lauer tlaut it was funny. >> i didn't give you permission to be in there. >> sarah palin's first assignment in this much hyped stint was to be a guest. she talked about mitt romney as if they poured sour milk in her coffee. >> anything is possible. but the numbers are what the numbers are. >> and the gop vp pick. >> it doesn't matter if the personal has national level experience. they're going to be clobbered by the lamestream media who doesn't like the conservative message. >> without a hintd of irony. she took part in the longest running morning show and whacked the mainstream media. >> you are going to stick around and join us for our 8:00 hour, which technically makes you part of the lamestream media. >> how much more mainstream media could you get than this? as guest post, she took part in three segments. in today's professionals, she slammed today's "game change." >> didn't see because i don't waste my time. >> and she defended jessica simpson's pregnancy weight gape. >> how would you felt if someone had criticized you for gaining too much weight. >> >> i would have wanted to punch her in the neck. the hollywood image is full of itty-bitty people. >> in the next segment, she gushed over one of those itty-bitty hollywood people, tori spelling, now pregnant with her fourth child. >> i have to catch up to you. >> how do you do it for five? >> you're a good inspiration. acco accomplishing so much. you're living vibrantly. >> the only segment she co hosting, and she went rogue was when ann curry tried to go to commercial break. >> there's a fine line between wanting to be your child's friend, the cool mom or dad, and being their parent. >> i hate to interrupt you. >> kids want those boundaries. >> i have to stop us. thank you, janet and haley. and you did a great job. sarah palin joining us. >> so palin showed her personality and seemed to do no harm politically, but the arbiter of that is how she'll do in the ratings. this is a competition with katie couric who is guesting on "good morning america" and it was palin herself who set it up as a head to head battle with couric. she said yesterday, game on. >> didn't say game on. said game on, right? she's ready for a little competition with katie couric. we did learn overnight, dana, correct me if i'm wrong, nbc was not formally paying her to guest host the "today" show, but they weren't giving her a fee. >> right, when you asked nee the question, i was able to get through to nbc and they said they were not paying her to be on this morning in any way, shape, or form. >> did we get any indication she's going to be coming back or maybe nbc is going to wait until they see the ratings, tomorrow, how they did today, then we'll see if there's a new cohost of the "today" show? >> that's what i was going to say. i was told by a spokesman at abc that they have asked for accelerated ratings, and we expect to see them 1:00 tomorrow. that's probawh

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,School Bus ,Oklahoma City ,Mobile Home ,Power ,It Wasn T ,Suction ,4 ,Systems ,Mobile Homes ,Straps ,Shelter ,140 ,Sheriff ,Dallas County ,Tractor Trailers ,What S Going On ,Beec Spooing ,You And Me ,Wind Gusts ,1 150 Mile Per Hour ,1 150 ,Homes ,Areas ,Vifrtually Unscathe ,Size ,Weather Service ,Container ,Others ,Home ,Roof ,Nails ,Screws ,F 4 ,Af 2 ,3 ,2 ,Some ,Slap ,We Haven T ,Walls ,Anything ,Left ,Homs ,F 5 ,5 ,Least ,Floor ,Fact ,1 145 ,135 ,Mcclendon Chisholm Storm ,South ,Tarrant County ,North Texas ,Arlington ,Haven T ,Helicopter ,Weather ,Reporter ,Danger ,Helicopter Pilot ,Effect ,Passengers ,Images ,International Airport ,Catastrophic ,Mesquite Metro Airport ,Wall ,Situation ,Worth Airport ,Shelters ,Ground Halt ,Susa ,People ,Glass ,Airplanes ,Airplane ,Shot ,Airport Jetway ,Everybody ,Radar Heading ,Marker ,Hallways ,Planes ,Walkway ,Corridors ,Jetway ,Area ,Folks ,Everyone ,Inially Burn C L E B U R N South ,Sif ,Lot ,Warning ,Johnson County ,Three ,Way ,West ,Bit ,Ice Skaters ,I 35w Into Arlington ,30 ,45 ,Cities ,Side By ,Wait ,Notice ,20 ,Thing ,Clear ,No One ,Second Siren ,Something ,Siren ,Roofs ,Hit ,Result ,Vortex ,Something Else ,Differences ,Wind Speed ,Somebody ,150 ,Winds ,It Doesn T ,Difference ,Wind Force ,50 ,70 ,Shingles ,Mark ,Force ,150 Mile Per Hour ,Ed Lavandera ,Car ,Feeding ,100 ,Edge ,Audio ,Update ,Clouds ,Kind ,Town ,The Rain ,Fingers ,Storm Cells ,Many ,Shape ,Storms ,Waves ,Lancaster ,Rain ,Disconcerting ,Shade ,Rotation ,Sky Line ,Tornados ,Formation ,Worth Area ,Conversation ,Picture ,Sense ,Idea ,Jeent Storm Cell ,Things ,Cells ,Spots ,Cell ,Question ,Answer ,Trouble ,Driving ,Location ,West Of Dallas ,Hail ,Windshield ,Tennis Balls ,Shards ,Anywhere ,Vehicle ,Traffic ,Streets ,South On Enter State ,Camera ,Side ,I 20 ,D ,Box ,South Side ,Cloud ,Devastating ,Locations ,Radar ,Wind Threat ,Dive ,Crossways ,60 ,Cross The Qaa ,Energy ,Thunderstorm ,Heat ,Atmosphere ,Ten ,Threat ,Think Eddie ,Temperatures ,Potential ,Top ,Crisis ,Means ,Tornado Pictures ,Disaster ,Center ,Major ,Mitt Romney ,Time ,Race ,Name ,Announcer ,Taste ,Caramel ,Werther S Original ,Someone ,Relief ,Breath ,Tums Freshers ,Freshens ,Fast ,Werther S Original Caramels ,Pack ,Tums ,Tum ,Look ,Set ,Place ,Trailer ,Skies ,Chad Myers Is Standing By ,Toy ,Voting ,Fight ,Nomination ,Attention ,Front Runner ,Gop ,Ryan Budget ,Words ,That S Right ,Tough Speech ,Personal ,Endorsements ,More ,Opponents ,Distance ,Combat ,Blows ,Historically ,Saturday Night Live ,Lbj ,Lincoln ,Fdr ,Speech ,Years Washington ,Campaigning ,Luncheon ,Associated Press ,Ryan Budget Plan ,Hopeful ,Support ,Plan ,Day One ,Presidency ,Version ,Didn T ,Former ,Town Hall Last Night ,Massachusetts ,Election ,Message ,Paul Ryan ,Budget ,Senate ,Fas ,Sounds ,Vice President ,Energy Policy ,Campaign ,Television Ad ,Criticism ,Rebuttal ,Big Oil ,Call ,President ,Paul Ryan Whose Budget Proposal ,Shots ,Thinly Vailed Social Darwinism ,Republican National Committee ,Problem ,Speeches ,Leadership ,Change ,Distortions ,Phase ,Quote ,Hope ,Mask ,Fear ,Gloves ,Campaign On ,Bid ,Dan Lothian ,Gloria Borger ,Dig ,Let ,Potshots ,H ,Speaker Boehner ,Choice ,Neon Line ,Visions ,Future ,Taka ,Principles ,Decision ,The End ,Line ,New Romney ,Sand ,Supporter ,Kinds ,Government ,America ,Populism ,Doubt ,Poster Child ,Villain ,Cartoon ,Saturday Norn ,Hoo ,Post ,Budget Plan ,Perspective ,Conservatism ,Child ,Medicare ,Deficit ,Politics ,Platform ,House Republicans ,Centerpiece ,Cohorts ,Cats ,Breaking News ,Chunks ,9 ,00 ,8 ,Information ,Section ,Expert ,Land ,Airports ,Ground Stoppage ,Land Dfw ,Circling ,22 ,Brand ,Sunnyvalley ,Northeast ,I 30 ,I 80 ,Statement ,Airport Everything ,Stop ,Worth International Airport ,Hit Line ,Cancellations ,Flight Delays ,1 ,Customer Service ,Precaution ,Arrival ,Tuesday Afternoon ,Thunderstorm Activity ,Staff ,Issues ,Airport ,Passing ,Latest ,Precautions ,Pass Thinkers ,Flight Information ,Assessment ,Don T ,Dfw International Airport ,Connections ,Flights ,Wind ,Downdrafts ,Directions ,Updrafts ,Plane ,Stay Home ,Night ,Concessioners ,Direction ,Care Of ,Runway ,Point ,Cots ,Blankets ,Airport Chair ,Sleeping ,Windows ,County ,Wall To ,Ceiling ,Lupe Valdez ,Course ,Series ,Boots ,Being ,Five ,15 ,10 ,Officers ,Wilmer ,Thisiary ,Smart ,Meteorologist ,The Eye Of Storm ,Crews ,Thought ,Job ,Officials ,Authorities ,Gawkers ,County Courthouse ,800 ,Jail ,Shift ,Detention ,American Airlines ,Hub ,Everything ,Track ,Obviously Shouldn T ,Big ,Happening ,Abreast ,Command Centers ,Tragedy ,Advantage ,Several ,Save ,Places ,Casualties ,Advice ,Suggestions ,Situations ,Hands ,System ,Out Of The Blue ,Warnings ,Best ,I Don T ,Shiv ,Don T Go ,Video ,Station ,Help ,Luck ,Team ,Phone ,Brian Todd ,Truck Company ,Right ,Break ,Security ,Social Security ,Listen ,Aarp ,Line Item ,Branson Street ,Behind Closed Doors ,Bonuses ,Say ,Starters ,Didn T Cost Me Anything ,Plus At Scottrade ,April 16th ,Dollar Cash Bonus ,One Hundred Dollar ,One Hundred ,16 ,Investments ,Investors ,Iras ,Music ,Scottrade Locations ,Scottrade ,Five Hundred ,Mom ,Spain ,Pediatricians ,Fever ,Children S Tylenol ,Atin The Dallas Ft ,Oura ,Kids ,School ,Schools ,Jason ,High School ,Larry ,Circulation ,Chance ,Vantage Point ,Youio ,Chris Hare ,Relay Anything ,Orth Storm Chaser ,Affiliate Kdfw ,Hi ,Front ,Guys ,25 ,Boundary ,Repositioning ,Process ,Into Mckinney ,Conditions ,Profession ,Media ,Worth Metroplex ,Tornadic ,Opportunity ,Characteristic ,All My Life ,Preparedness ,Southern Plains ,Route ,Hold On ,Position ,Second ,Ed Cha ,Hail Cord ,Cardinal Rule ,Little ,End ,Big Rain Shaft ,The System ,Roads Don T Go ,Equipment ,Pickup Truck ,Chaser ,Noaa Weather Radio ,Youa Chaser ,Precipitation System ,Issue ,Sounds Anall ,Nebraska ,Country ,Meteorologists ,Debate ,Both ,Sam Time ,Chasers ,Tv ,Amount ,Threshold ,Courtesy ,Wfa ,Gas Lines ,Safe ,Pictures On ,Larger ,Helicopters ,Aerials ,Counties ,Worst ,Heart Ibreaking ,Breaking News Coverage ,Storm Chaser ,200 ,Interest ,Ideas ,Continents ,Ones ,Cable ,Marshall Plan ,World ,Cash ,Strength ,Atm ,Panama Canal ,Europe ,Matter ,Leaders ,Achievement ,Ambition ,Privilege ,The Xt Gre Idea Cod Be Yrs ,House ,Home Protector Plus ,Structure ,Costs ,Liberty Mutual Insurance ,Four ,Check ,App ,Match ,Value ,Exact ,Mobile Device ,Liberty Mutual Home Gallery ,Life ,Advance ,Belongings ,Office ,Policy ,Responsibility ,Cnn ,Tornado Outbreak ,Aftermath ,Spot ,Schneider National Trucking Company ,Stages ,Lbj Freeway ,Power Lines ,Branch ,Transformers ,Cut ,Matchsticks ,Facility ,Hundreds ,Spokeswoman ,Schneider National Trucking ,Status ,Associates ,Addition ,Truckers ,Basis ,Transiting ,300 ,65 ,Accounting ,Trucks ,Premises ,Employees ,Schneider Trucking Facility In Dallas ,264 ,354 ,Tractors ,Eastern Time ,Footage ,Wpaa ,204 ,40 ,Janet Br Bronkowski ,Sign ,Anyone ,Wreckage ,Goods ,Sure ,Brian ,Offices ,Wasn T ,Rest ,Trucking Company ,Hurricanes ,Hasn T ,Know ,Heads ,Thea Aerial Camera ,Events ,Cases ,Tsunami ,Earthquake ,Joplin ,Japan ,Missouri ,Reporting ,Breath Taking ,Touch ,String ,Buildings ,Region ,Yes ,Cover ,Stay Inside ,Sdmad ,Weather Center ,Mcclendon ,Towns ,Corridor ,Rice City ,Thunderstorms ,Sections ,Points ,Isn T Over ,No ,Waco ,Pieces ,Limbs ,Tile ,Somebody A Service ,Flip Flops On ,Walking ,Tennis Shoes ,Volunteers ,In Harm S Way ,Rescue ,Andrea Hughley ,Don T Go Out There ,Spokesperson ,Gawk ,Figure It Out ,Thanks ,Evening ,Diversions ,Andrea ,Texarkana ,Abilene ,29 ,Place Else ,Plane Couldn T Land ,Destination ,Else ,Leave Dallas Ft ,Aircra Aircraft ,Hail Inspecs ,Few ,Flight ,Customers ,Somewhere ,Hail Inspection ,Priority ,Safety ,Mechanic ,Bottom ,Hail Inspection Takes ,Fort Worth International Airport ,Head ,Tail ,Jumbo Jets ,Dents ,Houston ,Customs ,It Land ,Example ,South America ,Facilities ,Types ,Reason ,Number ,At The Gates ,Airlines ,Making Kecks ,Circumstances ,Andrewa Hughley ,Affiliate ,Courtry ,Screen ,Nowhere ,Ef 4 ,House Right Next D Or ,170 ,120 ,180 ,130 ,Middle ,Story ,Randomness ,Ice Skater ,Staying Up ,90 ,Outside ,Arms ,Neighborhood ,Whole ,The Street ,Street ,Neighbor ,Destructi Destruction ,Bathroom ,Bathtub ,Shorm Shelter ,Rock ,Basements ,Won T ,Homes Sit On ,Real Made Storm Shelter ,Garage ,Dirt Type ,Tornadoal ,Bunch ,Austin ,Basement In Dallas ,Person ,Apartment Building ,Nobody ,Fujita Scale ,Ef Scale ,Ef 0 ,Zero ,0 ,Board ,Boards ,Sihingles ,Ef 3 ,Roofing Sxekz ,Nothing ,Closet ,Ef 5 ,Unsurvivable ,Norm ,Slab ,Jonathan Cooke ,Bank ,Stand By For A Moment ,Loan Officer ,Lightning Strike ,Bank Meeting ,Window ,Thunder ,Truck ,Friend ,Racetrack Gas Station ,Eighth ,Mile ,Guy ,Two Way Radio ,Girl ,Funnel Clouds ,Tornado Warning ,Hadn T ,Eye ,Police ,Vehicles ,Highway ,Gas Station ,God ,Lives ,Okay ,Laptop Computer ,Lancaster South Of Dallas ,Glen ,Room ,Family ,Connection ,Possessions ,Bars ,Sources ,Ingredients ,Fruit ,Nuts ,Nature Valley Trail Mix ,Chewy Granola ,Nature Valley Trail ,Age ,Curveballs ,Viagra ,Doctor ,Blood Pressure ,Heart ,Nitrates ,Drop ,Chest Pain ,Erectile Dysfunction ,Men ,Sex ,20 Million ,Action ,Injury ,Headache ,Side Effects ,Hearing ,Decrease ,Flushing ,Upset Stomach ,Erection ,Loss ,Transitions ,Lenses ,Outdoors ,Experience Life ,Prizes ,Better ,Visit Seemoresights Com ,Sightseeing Dream Vacation ,Transitions Lenses ,Sightseeing ,Sponsor ,Affiliate Wfaa ,Tornado Area ,Tornado South ,Tornado System ,Search And Rescue ,Cattle Mills ,Out Of The Woods ,Squall Line ,Spin ,Line Up ,Super Cell ,Sudden ,Flags ,Football Stadium ,Six ,Parts ,Weather Cell ,Gas ,It Devastation ,Hailstorm ,Goinging ,Most ,State Of Emergency ,Structures ,Doors ,Aluminum ,112 ,110 ,112 Mile Per Hour ,Farm Building ,In ,Barn ,Enough ,Jaws Dropping ,Awful ,Bad News ,Nypd ,Projects ,Fbi ,Oil Sands Projects ,On Alert ,Kearl ,Keystone Pipeline ,Families ,Economy ,Jobs ,Mid West ,Gulf Coast ,Canadian Border ,A Million ,Movie ,Home Insurance ,Friends ,Bone ,Mayhem ,Dollar ,Allstate ,Cut Rate ,Gasping ,Money ,Car Insurance ,Electricity Crackling ,Dennis ,Funnel ,Devastation ,Don T Have Pictures ,Video Images ,New York ,Al Qaeda ,Attraction ,Posting ,Mary Snow ,Website ,Graphic ,Image ,Trigger ,Terrorists ,Sad ,Glance ,Evidence ,Jihadists ,Forum ,Concern ,Messages ,Inspiration ,Languages ,Existence ,Fb ,Ray Kelly ,Language ,Level ,Egyptian ,Software ,Sophistication ,Analysts ,Propaganda ,Guess ,Piece ,Peter Bergen ,Plot ,Terrorism ,Sites ,Isn T The First Time ,Wouldn T ,Jihad ,Police Department ,My Guess ,Attack ,Sort ,Confrontation ,Before ,Terrorism Threats ,Accustom ,Business ,Training ,Internet ,Terror Threat ,What S Going On Deeper ,Radicalization ,Snow ,Afghanistan ,Fran Townsend ,Homeland Security Adviser ,Contributor ,Bush Homeland Security Adviser ,Obabush ,Mind ,Jihadi ,Inspire ,Magazine ,Anwar Al Awlaki S ,Internet Publication ,Colleague ,References ,Chicago ,Capability ,Websites ,Cause ,Law Enforcement Community ,Factor ,None ,Indication ,Internet Sites ,March ,Looks ,Organization ,Outage ,Countries ,Non State ,Okt ,Actors ,Mantle ,Effort ,Community ,Lieutenant Governor ,Trailer Trucks ,Property Damage ,Fatalities ,Hail Damage ,Storm System ,Ellis County ,Southwest Dallas County ,Nursing Home ,Report ,Flooding ,Ground Floor ,Hallway ,Ladies And Gentlemen ,Exposure ,Governor ,Estate ,Emergency Management Center ,Floods ,Debris Cleaning ,Experience ,Highway Department Standing ,Assistance ,Stations ,Pay ,Fema ,Road ,Truck Stops ,Saw ,18 ,Tornado Season ,Disasters ,Application ,Hurricane Season ,Rita ,Hurricane Ike ,2008 ,2005 ,Tv Stations ,National Weather Service ,David Duehearst ,Someone Sed ,Trailer Area ,Fish Stories ,Oman ,My Turn ,Oooh ,All Of Us ,Band ,Everyone Else ,Paris ,Tdd ,Plans ,Market ,Talk ,Recommendations ,Charles Schwab ,2550 ,1 800 345 2550 ,345 ,401 ,Chuck Tdd ,Rollover Details ,21 ,Michael Bazinet ,Service ,Imaging ,Eastern Maine Processing Facility ,Operation ,Success ,Maine ,Bangor ,Times ,Plant ,Processing Facility ,Closure ,Clientele ,Layoffs ,Cheating ,Innovation ,Bills ,Home Energy System ,Cooling ,Half ,Savings ,Rebates ,Financing ,Calculator ,Lennox ,1375 Dollars ,1375 ,Rear ,Tornado Clouds ,Tornado Situation ,Wind Damage ,Northeast Texas ,Gun ,Kid ,Game ,Battling Tops ,Mother , ,Super Cells ,Momentum ,Neighborhoods ,Affiliates ,Type ,Viewing Area ,42 ,28 ,58 ,43 ,0000 ,30000 ,44 ,34 ,100000 ,200000 ,55 ,360 ,7 ,20000 ,46000 ,1400 ,14000 ,53 ,12 ,Crew ,Semitrailers ,Brooke ,

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