Transcripts For CNNW The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20120222

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we're in mesa, arizona, tonight's cnn arizona republican presidential debate. it's been about a among since they last faced off and since then even more upheaval. rick santorum is now the surging candidates and the one for mitt romney to beat tonight. both men we are campaigning down to the wire and may have given each other press ammunition. he's here with us, going through the details. what's the latest? >> for the top two candidates, the devil is in the debails. two potential flash points. tonight mitt romney's new tax plan and rick santorum's faith-based brand of politics. he made what could be a risky move, a plan that could come under fire. >> i'm going to lower rates across the board for all americans by 20%. it will last -- setting the top bracket for the wealthier earners at 28%, and cut the corporate tax rate to 25%, lower than the 28% proposed by the president, but higher than his gop rivals. romney would offset some of those cuts by limiting popular deductions for the wealthy on mortgages and charitable contributions. a potential turnoff for some conservatives. >> for high-income folks we're going to cut back on that, so we make sure the top 1% keeps pays the current share or move. >> reporter: and his use of the term 1% may be impossible to resist for rick santorum, who welcomed his rival's new tax plan. >> welcome to the party, governor. it's great to have you along. >> reporter: santorum would like to change the subject. when we caught up with the rising gop contender, he offered no apologies. >> senator, any chance to respond to this headline that was splashed across the drudge report about the speech you made in florida? >> you know, if a personi'm a person the faith. i believe in good and evil. i think -- if wow or another you're a person of faye is a disqualifier for president, we'll have a very small pool of candidates who can run for president. if they want to dig up old speeches talking to a religious group, they can go ahead and do so, but i'm going to stay on message. >> reporter: santorum told cnn that his campaign has raised $6 million this month and understood what could like ahead if he somehow beads michigan. it's the talk of washington, the possibility of aer broked convention. >> obviously if there's not enough delegates, we'll have to deal with that, but it's a long, long way to go. we feel good about where we are headed right now. >> reporter: all of this new attention for rick santorum has overshadowed newt gingrich who likes santorum on this ash wednesday. newt gingrich did not go to services, but rick santorum did, gingrich did say he is giving up desserts for lent, though republicans know the debate stage is often his sweet spot. >> like a lot of us, he could stand to lose a few pounds as we all. >> reporter: especially after all this time on the road. >> we all could stand to lose -- >> i'm not saying just you or newt gingrich. all of us could stand to lose a few pounds. tonight's setting will be different. i've done three, everyone stands up on the stage. today will be different. >> today will be different and our viewers are probably familiar with el did debate forum. i think at one point we had eight candidates. tonight the four candidates will be seated. it's congressman paul, senator santorum, governor romney and speaker gingrich. i'm in a table across from them. some people say you lose some of the energy, the passion, though i think there was a bloomberg news debate where they got feisty, but did that change the tone and tenor of the debate? we'll see. >> i remember four years ago you did the debate when there were two left with hillary clinton and barack obama. everyone was seated for that one. it got a little exciting. questions from the audience? the twitter university? >> that part will be familiar to our viewers. i will moderate, steer the discussion, but yes, we'll take some discussion from the hall tonight, and send questions from twitter, go to facebook, or the old-fashioned way, straight to our website. this is one of the things we like to do, not only involve the audience, and it's important, because mish gan and arizona vote on tuesday, but this is the last debate on the books, could be the last of the primary cycle, but we are certainly it's the final state before 14 states. and then ten states on super tuesday. a lot at stage here. >> i think it's fair to say, at least if you believe the national polls, he's now the front-runner. >> that's right, and it is in miss interest to go after him tonight. one thing we have seen in arizona, a new maris poll that might show that romney might be okay here. if romney should somehow lose michigan to santorum, it will create this whole conversation, he cannot win the state where he grew up, he can't win states in the midwest, santorum can, and this goes to the conversation we had last night of the possibility of a brokered convention. >> are you still tweaking questions, or is that done? >> i heard you talking earlier about how we do this. we have what we call the cone of silence, a staff-only room, small group of us, and we always look around what happened today, what did the candidates is a? the new tax plan, santorum's responsible, and you look at your questions and say we need to tweak them a bit. we also look at those questions online, twitter, facebook, eight was through the debate, try to keep it as fresh as we can. >> we'll be watches. guys, good luck tonight. >> be sure to join john later tonight as he moderates the presidential debate. it begins 8:00 p.m. eastern, only here on cnn. it will go out live around the world. and opposition group in syria says at least 60 people have died across the country, and almost 9,000 since the government's crackdown began. this is the scene in the city of homs today where two western, where two journalists were included, one of the them was a marie colvin. >> marie, you have covered a lot of conflicts over a long time. how does this compare? >> this is the worst, anderson, for many reasons. the last once -- i think the last time we talked i was in miss rata. partly it's personal safety, there's nowhere to run. the syrian army is holding the perimeter, and it's far more ordnance being poured into the city, and no way of predicting where it's going to land. plus a lot of snipers on the high buildings surrounding the neighborhood. you can sort of figure out where the sniper is, but you can't figure out where a shell is going to land. just the terror of the people and, you know, the helplesses in of these families hiding, where all they can do is hope it doesn't hit them. that's very, very difficult to watch. >> joining us is ivan watson. let's start with marie colvin, a very courageous, wonderful journalist. i interviewed her on a knew occasions as well, but tell us a bit about this remarkable woman. >> reporter: you know, i remember being in southern lebanon with her. she was the next room over during the israel/hezbollah war. this was a fiercely committed journalist, who i had seen in hot spots around the world again and again, who i looked up to, what was kind of a legend, an institution. the fact that this small community has lost her and anthony shahdid in less than a week, that comes as a big blow for what i've called before a shrinking tribe, but even more than that, the death of so many journalists in such a short period, also the french reporter remmi ochlik, an award-winning photographer, just highlights the conflict that's been going on, and i think marie colvin would have wanted to draw attention to the baby she winced dying in homs last night, and focus on that rather than on her own death, wolf. >> you know, ivan, another person that died yet was the syrian blogger rami el syed. you spoke with him recently. >> that's right. this government he was calling for a way to evacuation women and children, and trying to draw national attention to the horrific situation. then we learned last night that he is yet another victim of this indiscriminate syrian artillery bottom partment, i'm going to warn viewers, the video that was filmed of loved ones gathered around his corpse, it's disturbing to watch. this man had helped put out many other videos prior to that, documents atrocities in syria. he managed to get live images of day after day of the syrian bombardment of homs, and it's people like him who had been documenting the human rights abuses, syrian activists putting their lives on the line and smuggling video out over enter net over the course of this 11-month crackdown that's claimed by conservative estimates more than 7,000 lives. these are very brave people and they are paying for their activist work with their lives, wolf. >> ivan watson on the scene for us, also a courageous journalist, thanks very much. cnn's arwa damon t. many will call, was in syria only the other day. we'll speak with her in our next hour, and my interview with marie colvin last year only months ago when she was covered the revolution in libya. we spoke about how dangerous that was and whether she feared for her life. we'll also go inside president obama's blueprint, how he plans a huge rate cut without adding to the deficit. plus the president's faith under attack. much more. donna brazing and eric erickson are standing by live. people with a machine. what ? 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i'll bet some would disagree. santorum is leading the republican field in several national polls, tied with mitt rom in in his home state of michigan. we'll see if his thoughts tonight on satan come back to bite hem. i'll bet they do. here's the question. rick santorum said satan is attacking america. is he right? go post a comment on my blog or go to the post on "the situation room's" facebook page. wolf? all right. jack, thanks very much, as i blogged today, i think you have a problem if you're a presidential candidate and you have to defend your views on satan. but that's another issue. check out my blog. lisa sylvester is monitoring other top stories right now as well, including divers found even more victims today inside the partially sunken italian cruise ship. what's the latest? >> that's right. eight more bodies have been pulled from the wreckage of the costa concordia, including the body of a 5-year-old girl. officials say they were found in a submerged part of the ship known as bridge 4. the death toll now stands at 25 with seven people still missing. meanwhile, prosecutors are investigating seven employees including the head of the crisis unit, who was on the phone with the ship's captain the night it struck rocks. a gunshot fired in -- el paso please believe the woman's leg was grazed by a bullet between a gunfight between juarez police and a -- 46,000 honda odysseys are being recalled because their power tailgate could suddenly drop on someone standing underneath. the problem lies in faulty gas-filled struts that hold the tailgate open. the automaker says two minor injuries have been reported. wolf? thanks, lisa. he was part of the democratic casual list in the midterm elections, but former senator russ feingold is still speaking out. he's going to join us live to talk about those issues, his new book and president obama's reelection campaign. he's now an obama campaign cochairman. plus the role of religion, especially when it comes to president obama. certainly has become a hot-button issue in the republican presidential race. we're going to talk about that in our "strategy session" and a lot more. 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[ doug ] we're the mclennan family from spruce head, maine, and we sea food differently. he lost his bid in 2010, but russ feingold has just been named the national cochairman for president obama's reelection campaign. he's also written a brand-new book about u.s. policy. the book is titled "while america sleeps." senat senator feingold joins us now. what's the most foreign thing you recommend we do, this wake-up call? give us a sentence or two, what we need to know in order to be ready in this post-9/11 world. >> good to be talking with you again. we've all got this wake-up call in 2001. we were taken by surprise. we made a vow as a people, i thought, to make sure that we wouldn't be surprised again, but i don't think we're paying serious attention to the various situations around the world, presence of al qaeda operatives in north africa, somalia, nigeria, even china's influence in africa. it seems like we pulled away and basically have gone back into domestic feuding instead of making sure we are active and concerned about what was happening in the rest of the world. >> what should the u.s. be doing right now as far as syria is concerned? because it's a disaster. >> that's a great example. in the book i point out we have this tend yaensz to invade one country at a time, whether it's iraq or afghanistan. we sort of have this attitude that you either have to invade it or stay there forever or do nothing. i think what p.m. many p did with regard to libya shows you don't have to do that. you can see there's a tipping point. with regard to syria, obviously it's more complex. you don't have to talk about american troops on the ground. there's other levers. whether it be getting china and russia to come around in the united states, a willings in of the arab need, this guy has to be removed from office, but you don't have to do it in an unending invasion. there are other way toss do it. we have to make that happen. >> do you regret, senator, being the only uss senator to vote against the p.a.t.r.i.o.t. act right after 9/11. >> absolutely not. that was probably one of the best things i have ever done. it was a difficult thing. i read the bill. that was unique. i thought maybe as the late bob novak said, it contained an old wish list of the fbi, like going after people's library records, who had done absolutely nothing wrong. i point out in the book there's such a thing as sneak-and-peek versions. they weren't even used for terrorist situations, so it was a power grab, an example of what i talk about in the book, which is the use of al qaeda and the fear to manipulate our domestic politics. you will see that tonight in the debate, where you'll see these rep candidates trying to use phrases, attacking the president for allegedly apologizing for america, as a replacement for having a real policy. the in my view president obama is doing an excellent job on the national front and if he's reelected, as i expect, i think he could be a great president from the point of view of our international policies. >> you're a national cochairman for the campaign, but that doesn't stop you from disagrees with the president, even big critical, including i'll read a line from your book. i'm concerned about the tone of the statements coming from this administration, for they seem unnecessarily triumphant, likely to send out the wrong message to the rest of the world and especially to americans. what are you referring to? >> i have a good fortune of knowing the president. one of the things i like is he's not afraid to have allies and friends who don't always agree with him. i think he's done brilliantly, but i've heard statements from some white house officials that we think al qaeda is pretty much on its last leg. that's not my understanding. whether it's al shabab or the maghreb in north africa. the great thing about the president is he has a broad vision, he isn't trying to score political points. he's trying to do what's right to protect the american people. you'll bet i'll mention my disagreements, but i certainly agree with him, and i'm awfully pleased he's the president of the united states. do you agree that all options should be on the table? >> i do. its think it's not read to lead with the talk, or any option of that kind. but you know, we have a right to self-defense. if it came to that, so be it, but i think again, just like syria, there are many other levers that can be worked. if the sanctions go higher, the pressure is greater. iran is not like iraq under saddam hussein, where one guy completely ran the show. there are different power pockets, different pressure points. the people of iran don't necessarily have negative views about america if we don't play into the hands of americanism, so i think there are many ways we can stop them from doing the nuclear weapons, but we cannot allow them to have them. i do agree with the president strongly on that point. >> the book is entitled "while america sleeps, a wake-up call for the post-9/11 era." it's a powerful and very important book. senator feingold, thanks so much for writing it. >> thanks so much, wolf. let's tend the conversation in our "strategy session." joining us donna brazile and eric erickson, the editor in chief of thanks very much for continuing this conversation. a quick thought on russ feingold. he disagrees with the president, but is now a national cochairman. >> one of the good things about the democratic party is we don't have to agree 100% to have good membership in the party. he's a strong leader and will be a very good spokesperson. >> sounded sort of like ron paul. he opposed it in the house of representatives as well. >> i think the patriot act long term doesn't have a long time to live as more and more americans realize. i'm a supporter of the p.a.t.r.i.o.t. act, but i think it needs to be reworked. >> all of the candidates have really been taking stuff about the president's religion. let me play a clip and then we'll discuss. >> this is what the president's agenda -- it's not about you, it's not about you. it's not about your quality of life. it's not about your jobs. it's about some phony ideal, some phony theology, oh, not a theology based on the bible, a different theology. >> that's why the obama war against religion is profoundly un-american and a fundamental violation of our constitution. >> fortunately -- they have fought against religion. >> what do you make of this criticism of the president and his religion? >> i find it appalling. i also find it retro. they're going to the old playbook we saw in the 1980s where you try to divide christians or nonchristians or even people of christian faith. we have differences as americans. i would hope they would stop trying to preach to the choir and look at the congregation. we are made of different religions and faiths, but you know what? this is about getting red meat from an audience -- well, really more than that. >> some leaders issued a tame critical of all these remarks. the cynical attempts to use faith as a weapon of political division are bad for our country, especially harmful to the christian witness. we can disagree about what it means to be a christian engaged in politics, but christians shouldn't bear false witness. >> the southern baptist convention has almost as many members represented in that network. i would -- when the president issued his contraceptive man dade to the catholic church. i think they're playing politics as much as they accuse the other side. >> he did come up with a compromise, but some catholic leaders say it's fine. it's a semantic compromise. >> i don't think you'll reach compromise with the bishops. they get their orders from the pope, and the pope gets his order from the bible and the doctrines. i think what some of those other snooze, it's important we get beyond just criticizing people based on their religious faith and figure out how to bring the country together. that's what the american people want. they want to talk about what actually president obama is doing for the -- >> you did write yesterday that some of these views that santorum, for example, are expressing could come back to haunt or hurt him. what did you mean? >> there's a problem both have this cycle, the president on the contraceptive issue, that it's good to have a principle, and you may support the principle, sometimes the principle can be a political liability. i think that rick santorum, speaking up as loudly as he is, for, it becomes a political liability for independent voters in the general election. many people, myself included agree with what he's say, but thinks about -- >> they may help with a lot of conservatives out there. though the down side is electability. they say to themselves maybe in a general election after moderate republicans, democrats, suburban women or whatever, it could hurt the electability. i think their main goal is trying to defeat president obama in his reelection campaign. >> wolf, again it's like being in a church, and you're preaching to the choir. the congregation, it's diversity. they're from all parts of the world. they have different parts of this religious faith, a tenet. what the republicans are doing is just preaching to the choir. women are offended by some of them. many women see this as an assault on their rights, reproductive right, having full access, including birth control. so i would hope they will step back from that pulpit tonight and really understand there's a larger congregation perhaps they need to talk to. >> at the same time it is a republican primary, of course they're preaching to the choir right now. a lot of women problem are predisposed to vote against the republicans anyway, and they're trying to rally more the blue collar catholic voters who see what's happening with the catholic church. >> and women are the majority of voters. at the end of the day they want to vote for somebody who will respect their rights. >> so you're saying tonight, the debate they should really focus in on what will get them points among republicans and not is it worry about the general election. >> they have a long primarily fight. they need to play to the base. >> congregation is much larger than a choir. >> thank very much. duelling tax plans, mitt romney and the president of the united states, they have brand-new proposals that are just coming out right now, details of where they agree, where they disagree, guess what? they disagree on a lot. caffeine that you inhale. the controversy over what's being called breathable in. energy president obama is out with his long-awaited plan to overhaul the tax code. our chief white house correspondent jessica yellin is joining us with details. what is the president proposes? >> wolf, the president's teams laid out a seer -- by wading into the republican debate, only the president himself wasn't present to do it. >> construction site while his plan was unveiled. he left his press secretary to face the cameras. >> he believes this is an area where an opportunity exists. an opportunity to disprove the conventional wisdom that nothing can get done in an election year between while house -- >> treasury secretary geithner revealed the details off-camera. highlights? the current 35% would drop to 28%, but administration has been touting -- the plan would add new taxes for companies that make moan overseas, they say as a way to encourage businesses to invest here in the u.s. it would simplify the tax code, so filing taxes wouldn't be such a burden. this would be a bigger deduction for start upand health insurance costs. the administration says the plan would not add to the deficit. in a statement the president called this a framework that lowers the corporate tax rates and broadens the tax base in order to increase competitiveness. >> wolf, house republicans have been mild in their criticism of this plan. in general, their largest criticism centers on small businesses. they say it will increase taxes on small businesses, and the new tax increase on companies that have foreign profits. in addition, some republicans say it should be done along with reform of the individual tax rate. that means when the push tax cuts expire after the presidential election. wolf? >> jessica, why does is it single out manufacturers for a tax deduction? >> reporter: excellent question. the administration consistently says that when you help out manufacturing, that has a ripple effects on growing the rest of the economy, but you also have to wonder, wolf, if the administration doesn't have in mind some of those unemployed blue collar workers in swing states that the president has to woo in order to win reelection. >> yeah, he earn can't do any of this on his own. he needs congress to approve all of this. what's the next step. is congress likely to even take it un? >> reporter: secretary geithner says he plans to meet next week with house republicans who are leading on the tax issue and senate democrats. all sides say they're open to start working on it, whether or not something this monumental can get done in an election year, that's anyone's guess, wolf. >> jessica, thank you. so that's the president's proposal. you now know the details, but he's not the only one releasing a tax plan. we'll break down how mitt romney wants to clang how you pay talkses. and erin burnett is standing by live. we'll go through the romney tax plan. ♪ ( whirring and crackling sounds ) man: assembly lines that fix themselves. the most innovative companies are doing things they never could before, by building on the cisco intelligent network. but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today. policy shift today from mitt romney, only hours before our debate in arizona. he had said he would keep the current tax rates for now, but change the tax structure in the future. well, guess what? the future is right now. let's bring in cnn's erin burnett. she's been working the story for us. first of all, this new structure that the romney campaign, that the romney campaign is about to unveil. >> i think he's felt a lot of pressure. "wall street journal," which obviously the republican nominees want their endorsement on economic plans, gave a very lukewarm comment on mitt romney's -- 59-point more than 100 pages plan, so i think he felt the pressure he's going to accelerate there. you get to cut to 28%. 35 to 28 in the middle from 25 to 20, and at the bottom, from 10 to 8, so everybody would get a tax cut. he keeps the corporate tax rate at 25%, which he had already put out before, but talking to experts today on both sides and they say the problem is it doesn't pay for itself. maybe we'll get more on the pays for it problem, but at first blush, experts are saying it doesn't quite get there. >> you've been speaking to folks at treasury, not only about what romney has been but the president's new initiative. >> that's right. they said our bottom line is we want to high engineers and want to fire tax engineers. they want to get rid of this bloated system that we all know exists of lawyers, accountants and lobbyists. but they really want this to be seen as we're throwing this out there, because we want to negotiate it. we don't think we can afford to have the tax rate go below 28%, but we're willing to consider it. this crucial, about that companies make overseas, they want to talk it, but they didn't -- they want to negotiate it, so they're trying to say this is the first salvo, and we want to get something done. >> romney's going to release his plan in detroit, ford field, a big plan coming up, fairer, simpler, we hear those words all the time. we'll see if he can deliver. you have more tonight? >> wolf is coming "outfront" tonight. a veteran journalist is killed tonight. we're going to hear from those who heard marie colvin and cnn's own arwa damon. plus rick santorum and satan. jack cafferty is next with your e-mail. oh will you grab us some yoplait? sure. what flavor? mm, one of each. lemon burst, hm, cherry orchard, blackberry harvest... my daughter's grabbing some yoplait. pina colada, orange creme. i can't imagine where she is... strawberry cheesecake. 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[ engine sputtering ] [ male announcer ] engine light on? come to meineke now for a free code scan read and you'll money. my choice. my meineke. . it's about the size of a stick of lipstick, is this caffeine spray really safe? our correspondent lizzie o'leary is joining us. what's the latest on the controversy over this canister, as we say? >> the little tombs are sold online, the fda is now reviewing them. they're taking a look at -- that no government agency ever had to look at. >> aero-shot's appeal is not exactly subtle. a spritz of lime-flavored powdered caffeine, the buzz of coffee in the canisters the size of a chapstick. >> i would be down to use it. >> to ingest calf fee that directly, i just think that's a bit excess i have been. >> take a look at what you might see in a convenience store. a red bull 80 milligrams, 20-ounce pepsi about 60. one of these 100 milligrams. an average adult, the doctor says, would have to consume 20 to do serious health damage, but a small teenage girl, maybe 3 or 4. >> i think there's a 100% chance this will be abused as a party drug. >> you do? >> absolutely. absolutely. >> reporter: here's the key. like the popular five-hour energy drink, aeroshot is sold as a dietary supplement. i asked the inventor how he knows it's safe. >> there's an active ingredients with a very long record of safety and safety testing, and nothing more than that, actually. >> reporter: but that doesn't mean the government tested it. when a new drug is created, the manufacturer must prove to the fda that it's safe in order to sell it. with dietary supplements like aeroshot, companies do their own tests. there's no government approval process. >> manufacturers are free basically to sell almost any product them and almost any claims they want about dietary supplements. the law really should be tighter in order to protect consumers. >> reporter: indeed, wolf, the way the law is constructed, for the fda to take it off the market, this el would have to prove that it's unsafe. the last time they did that was in 2004, with ephedra after a. >> if you're talking about an average adult, a faster heart rate, maybe hypertension. one of the questions, though, because this is injected into the mouth, spritzed in, if you have someone who has asthma, it gets into that you are lungs that may also have serious medical effect. and there's the question of mixing it with alcohol, and which as the doctor said, this is used as a club drug. >> good information. thank you, lizzie. the streets of syria are flooded with protesters. this hour you'll here from marie colvin's grieving mother. a new tool used by terrorists, radios turned into killing machines. we'll show you how. mitt romney is struggling in michigan right now, the state of his birth. we're taking you to the town where he grew up. you might be surprised to see what we found. president obama gives all of us another little song. he's singing once again, but this time with music legends as his backups. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer reporting in mesa, arizona, you're in "the situation room." the relentless assault on syrian cities claimed dozens of lives include two well-known journalists in homs, the explosions came every few seconds. listen. at least 20 people died there. among them the legendary marie colvin and remi ochlik, they died in an apparent strike. the rubble seen here is the aftermath of that attack. only last night she told our own anderson cooper that the syrian regime is ruthlessly targeting civilians. of civilian house, we're talking about -- the top floor of the building i'm in has been hit. it's a complete and utter lie that they are only going after terrorists. there are rocket shells, anti-aircraft being fired in parallel line into the city. she lost an eye a decade ago while on assignment. remi ochlik had been everywhere, won an award last year covering the conflict in libya. they held up this sign, and they called on arab leaders not to forget their embattled city. >> reporter: it hit us, it hit our house. there's something burning. the media house has been hit. nothing they swear will shut them down. we survey the damage. it right here, it just speaks for itself. it's not the first time this how has been hit. this floor has been completely trache. there's nothing compared to what they have been through before, but this was one an ordinary home, an ordinary familiar lived here, we don't know what their stories, there's bits and pieces left behind. they are most in their 20s. many of thoses in faye of great danger they go on the to shoot videos. others post to facebook and other social media sites. one of the biggest accomplishments was getting up a live stream so that they could show the world exactly what was happening in real time. they believe this really aggravated the syrian government. this is one of the live cameras they had set up outside. they're telling us it was shot by a sniper's bullet that went in right there, and then came out the other end. they still managed to get the images. >> and arwa damon is joining us now. a very, very sad torrie. earp just there all few days ago. tell us about your experiences with marie? >> reporter: she's the skinned of journalists, she bodies the essence. she had 24 fierce passion for the story, a determination to she had light on various atrocities, no matter the cost. sell left with us. they believe -- she then saved behind and went back into baba ahmed, she believed that deeply what the regime was doing had to be uncovered. this is a woman who has been to every war southeast. still she was talking about how this was one of the worst things she had ever witnessed. it go to show you how indiscriminate the shelling is. our industry has lost another voice determined to tell the story. >> beyond being caught in a crossfire is there any evidence that the authorities are actually targeting western journalists like yourself? >> not necessarily, but that particular location, the media house, as we call it, where marie and the french photographer remi were killed, that has been a target by the syrian government the activists for quite some sometime had a live stream being broadcast, and they believe the syrian government is determined to try to do whatever it can to stop those youtube videos from coming out, to stop activists in areas under siege from speaking. so they do believe they themselves are in the cross hairs of the syrian government. >> arwa damon, one of our own courageous journalists, and as i always say, please be careful. >> reporter: thank you. later this hour, you'll hear directly from marie colvin's family about what drove her to put her life on the line. plus you'll also hear my interview with marie when she was in libya only a few months ago. she told me about her fears covering wars. all of that is coming up later this hour. as the slaughter in syria grinds on, the united states is reluctant to get involve, at least militarily, as it did in other conflicts, including libya, but one frightening prospect may force washington's hand. our pentagon correspondent barbara starr has been looking into it for us. what if it all gets even work in syria. the white house is still pinning hopes on a diplomatic solution. >> in terms of a military acts to a secure part of the country that's not currently a policy we are pursuing. one worry, iran and russia, both still support al assad's regime, and no one is sure who the opposition is. >> until we're clearer about who they are and what they are, i think it would be premature to talk about arming them. >> reporter: then there's concern about al qaeda's presence. >> another disturbing phenomenon we have seen recently apparently is the presence one night matter scenario they are considering, what to do if the regime falls and syria's stockpile is looted. estimates in a worst-case scenario, it could take more than 75,000 troops to secure the sites. the world war one and the more modern gases. >> they range from al qaeda to hezbollah getting their hands on the weapons. that would really alter their capabilities substantially. now, wolf, we obvious here about military plans, options, including very large numbers of u.s. troops to operate in a contingency. look, a lot of the times those large number don't really happen, but the question is what to do about the chemical weapons. the hope by the pit military is that they don't and there will be a diplomatic solution. wolf? >> i'm sure there are a lot of contingency planning under way at the pentagon. thank you. a war over iran's nuclear program may better more likely now that the islamic republic has formally blocked the watchdog team from inspecting a key site. in a sober statement, the agency says its inspectors left iran without being ability to visit an important military base. that base is suspected of being a testing ground for explosives capable of detonating nuclear weapons. meantime, we're learning more about weapons iran may be using in what's being described as a shadow war already being waged over a nuclear program. our brian todd has examined photos of bombs used in an alleged plot to target israelis in thailand. brian? >> wolf, we got these pictures, they are chilling images that our experts say are designed to kill everyone inside. in one picture, a device sits near a shoe, the aftermath of a bomb that mistakenly went off. in another, blood is spattered near a device. pictures newly obtained show bombs. we got the photos from thai police. one of the three people being detained lost his legs in a blast. >> is this a sophisticated device? >> all signs point to no. this device is relatively cheap to acquire appeared make. one expert says they are designed for only what he calls the frag, the fragmentation expect. each dice will kill everyone v everyone inside, but could not take down a billing. that's the in addition yay system. >> that's right. essentially what you have here is a military hand grenade fuse, you can see the safety pin right there. here's a better shot of it essentially once that's pulled, it's armed, and then this right here is the grenade spoon. the blasts didn't kill anything, but thai police have suggested that israeli diplomats ma -- thai officials have drawn a tentative link between devices used the day before in india and georgia, which targeted israelis. they bear a remarkable similar to bombs used to kill iran's nuclear scientists. the three people being held in the thailand plot all have iranian passports. iran has denied the accusation. wolf? >> brian, have they caught everyone allegedly involved in the tie listen plot? >> they have not yet. arrest warrants have been issued for five suspects, three of them are in custody and charged, while two remain at large. thai authorities are gathering evidence to seek an arrest wasn't for a sixth suspect. they're still hunting for them. >> brian, thank very much. mitt romney tows his michigan roots, but who knows him there? plus more follow-up from my exclusive interview with the ousted arizona sheriff paul babeu. you'll see why he's calling for an investigation into his own conduct. and now he's singing a brand-new tune. the president of the united states sings the blues. that's coming up as well. [ male announcer ] this was how my day began. a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪ jack cafferty is here with koich koich. >> unemployment could be headed back up to 9% again, not what president obama wants to here. gallup reports the unemployment rate shoot at 9%, up from 8.3%. gallup's month lit report is a preliminary estimate. and they put under employment at 19%, up significantly from a month ago. while the obama administration was quick to trumpet a lower unemployment rate in january, others were already warning about a gloomy jobless picture. congressional budget office last fall predicted unemployment would remain close to 9% until the end of this year, now they say unemployment will stay above 8% well into 2014. there are other sinds the economy is not out of the woods. gas prices are headed higher. get this. in florida, drivers already paying right at $6 a gallon in some places. job cuts could place a further damper on the economy, and lastly, while manufacturing revs up, remember this, it only takes one shot to set the economy back. last year we had a lot of them -- the arab spring revolution, japan's earthquake, europe's debt crisis. can you say iran? here's the question -- can president obama win reelection if unemployment goes back up to 9%? post a comment on my blog or go to our post on "the situation room's" facebook page. >> that would be quite a struggle, no doubt about that. thank you. here in arizona, it's certainly been a life-changing week for the sheriff paul babeu. he resigned from mitt romney's campaign after an ex-boyfriend alleged that he threatened to deport him if he revealed their relationship. babeu is also running as a republican for congress. he denies the allegations against him. he told me exclusively he's the victim of a political plot to destroy his reputation. miguel marquez has been working on this story from day one. smev paul babeu tweeting pictures from the campaign trail, trying to get back to norm -- one ordered by the pin county attorney, and now the state's top lawman as well. >> the initial scope i have agreed to is to determine whether or not paul babeu abused power by threatening to deport someone for personal reasons, and also whether or not this person illegally or improperly hacked into paul babeu's website. now, because i've been politically aligned with paul babeu, i'm recusing myself from the investigation. >> babeu claims his ex-boyfriend hacked his account. babeu says he's ready to prove his innocence and let the voters decide as he told wolf blitzer in an exclusive interview. >> how will the constituents in this congressional district respond to all of this? >> wolf, we're going to put that in their hands. i was the first republican ever elected in my county since 1875. i defeated an incumbent in a landslide election. this was a whisper campaign before. people would put out stuff, even my political opponents, sending packages to the news media. all the media has been hands out of of this stuff, because it shouldn't matter. i should be judged on merit, on my performance, and results. >> reporter: but the sheriff's problems are multiplying, his republican opponent for congress has blasted babeu for misusing public funds. now for a guy trying to run for congress, he is facing serious problems. he can't even publicize his events at this point for fear the media will show up. wolf, i've never heard of that from a congressman. >> that's a problem. he says these investigations will look to see whether jose also did something wrong. >> they are looking into his as well. that may be the biggest problem of all, because there's a lot of evidence that jose has not released, i can tell you that would be damaging to his career as well. >> we'll watch together with you, miguel, thank you very much. we're here in mesa, arizona, the site of tonight's cnn republican presidential debate. which candidate has the more to gain. more importantly, who has the most to lose? we'll preview this critical debate. that's coming up. and marie colvin was one of the great war journalists. her mother talks about her daughter's legendary passion for reporting. multi-point inspectio. every time a vehicle comes into a ford dealership you'll be presented with one of these. we check the belts, hoses... brakes. tires and the pressures... battery, all your fluids... exhaust system, transmission... we inspect your air filter... it gets done,it gets done quickly and it gets done correctly. the works. oil change, tire rotation and more: $29.95 or less after rebate - at your ford dealer. you're a doctor... you're a car doctor. maybe a car doctor... ♪ home was an airport lounge and an ipad ♪ ♪ made sure his credit score did not go bad ♪ ♪ with a free-credit-score-dot-com ♪ ♪ app that he had ♪ downloaded it in the himalayas ♪ ♪ while meditating like a true playa ♪ ♪ now when he's surfing down in chile'a ♪ ♪ he can see when his score is in danger ♪ ♪ if you're a mobile type on the go ♪ ♪ i suggest you take a tip from my bro ♪ ♪ and download the app that lets you know ♪ ♪ at free-credit-score-dot-com now let's go. ♪ vo: offer applies with enrollment in™. in about 2 1/2 hours, the candidates will take the stage here in mesa, arizona for the republican presidential debate. it's been four weeks since the last dizzy bait. since thin rick santorum has certainly surfed into a close battle. tonight is the last face-off before next week's arizona and michigan primaries. the super tuesday extravaganza, the week after ten contests, but if romney can't win in his boyhood home state of michigan, will he be in real trouble? our senior correspondent joe johns is in detroit. he's standing by right now with more. joe? >> wolf, mitt romney is trying to connect where these live. at this stay it's hard to see just how you can lower those expectations. >> thank you. >> deadlocked with rick santorum, mitt romney has pegged his campaign on claim to favorite son status. >> i was blorn and raised here. the trees are the right height. >> reporter: tree height aside, romney needs a win, because common sense says he's supposed to have home field advantage, eye specially since his dad was a powerhouse in the state. >> we were for george romney years ago. so it's a natural fit for us. >> bloomfield hills, michigan, about 40 miles outside of detroit. his dad was chairman and ceo of, and later elected governor of the state. that was 50 years ago. at city hall there's a ballot box for early voting, but we were not able to find anybody who actually knows mitt romney. >> he's been out in massachusetts or someplace -- or maine? >> massachusetts. >> yes, so he hasn't been around here for a while. >> reporter: frankly some say he's been gone too long to get much traction. we saw in 2008 that -- and we're seeing that again in 2012 with rick santorum, so i think it is too late for him to claim home state at that time tuesday. though the bailout was much more important. plus polls show a lot more conservatives have responded warmly to rick santorum's appeal, which raises a question will a loss in michigan would throw the entire race for the republican nomination into a tailspin. >> if mitt romney loses to michigan primary, that's potentially a very big deal. you could ey his see his campaign deflating, taking on water. you could easily see the prospects of a brokered convention in tampa. what could probably happen after that, assuming romney does lose michigan, he probably will not do very well on super tuesday, either. >> reporter: now, a lot of republicans think a brokered convention would be a very bad idea, was a nominee chosen at such a convention might have a real 45rd time competing against the obama reelection machine. wolf? >> all right. joe, thanks very much. good report. as we counseled down to tonight's debate here in arizona, i'm joined by gloria borger. "time" magazine michael sher. it features people from arizona and why latinos will pick the next president? michael wrote the cover story. sudden say the republican candidates need to change their approach to latinos if here going to get a man elected to the white house. explain, michael, what you came up with. about 25% will be with republicans, the question is that last 25%. if a vast majority goes for the democratic like it did last time, like in the mid 90s, there's a good chance obama will be able to deal with some of his troubles in florida. and there's a past to the presidency here for him. and it is is real concern for the republicans. polls show that it's turned off latino voters, as socially -- want to vote for a republican party, they're turned off by some of the rhetoric. >> i think this is the first debate where mitt romney may not necessarily be the front-runner. what does mitt romney need to do tonight? >> first of all, to michael's point, i think he'll continue to be tough on immigration. the other thing is i think he has to look presidential. he was quite presidential. he's not as good when he sort of gets in the gutter. so i would say if up to continue attack him, do it on the issues, do it on the earmark question, do not gel personal. >> i don't see mitt romney or for that matter qualify candidates worries about a general election strategy right now. they just want republicans on board. >> that's right. if you call around to some of the elders, there's a lot of concern about this, because they fear the general election opportunities are being sacrificed to win states like iowa where there is a nativist pull. you started to see mitt romney pivot away i'm not expecting to hear that tonight in arizona. his's got to -- he's playing for his base. we were out there last week when romney came through mesa for a rally. right flow, where there's enormous population, they're just not playing. >> santorum, he's been saying some krofrial chins. i suspect mitt romney will not go after him tonight. >> somebody will ask about it, whether it's cnn or another candidate, but i do not believe that mitt romney would be the right candidate to go after rick santorum because he's to the left. i mean, rick santorum he knows exactly what he's doing. he's trying to establish himself as the cultural conservative to differentiate himself from newt gingrich and tell republicans i'm the person who represents your values. this is purposeful, but mitt romney is not the candidate to take him on on those issues. >> gloria, thank you roche. and michael, thank you. please be sure to join john king as he moderates the cnn arizona republican presidential debate tonight 8:00 p.m. eastern, 5:00 pacific, only on cnn. almost 50 people are dead and more than 600 injured in a horrific train crash. where and how it happened, that's coming up. plus, the protests over the koran burns by the u.s. military concerned deadly today. what hamid karzai says he plans to do about it. all energy development comes with some risk, but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today. hey, it's sandra -- from accounting. peter. i can see that you're busy... but you were gonna help us crunch the numbers for accounts receivable today. i mean i know that this is important. well, both are important. let's be clear. they are but this is important too. 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[ male announcer ] michelin knows it's better for xerox to help manage their finance processing. so they can focus on keeping the world moving. with xerox, you're ready for real business. lisa, a really horrific accident at a train station in argentina. what happened? >> yeah. this is horrific, wolf. authorities say a commuter train may have lost its brakes better barreling into a platform. efficient say 49 people were killed, more than 600 people were injured. the impact crushed the first two cars into each other and trapped dozens of passengers. authorities call it one of the worth crashes in the country's history. afghan president karzai says he'll launch an investigation into the deaths of five people during protests. military leaders says the holy books were accidentally burned at bagram airfield. the u.s. embassy suspended all travel and warning all americans to avoid the area. . telling one of the most significant stories in history, the national museum of african-american history and culture is expected to open in 2015. president obama spoke about the significance of the location for the museum, a place he says played a central role in the lives of african-americans. and that is one big rock, mate. an australian mine has uncovered a more than 12 carat rough pink diamond, the largest ever in the country, the article kyle pink jubilee, as it's called, will be policy i could and could catch over a million dollars. amazing. pink diamonds are so valuable, they are often reserved for royalty or museums. that is gorgeous. i just have to tell you, wolf, a picture of that, that is one gorgeous rock. 12.76 carats. wolf? >> wow. is it try diamonds are a girl's best friends? >> i would say it must be nice. that is certainly one big rock if you have to carry it on your hand, but i would say diamonds are a girl's best friend, sure. >> lisa, we'll get back to you on that and more. also a sad day in the world of journalism today as two reporters are killed by relentless shells in syria. one of them was the great war correspondent ma recolvin. i spoke to her during a rather violent time in libya last year. my interview with marie and a lot more coming up. online dating services can get kind of expensive. so to save-money, i found a new way to get my profile out there. check me out. everybody says i've got a friendly disposition and they love my spinach dip. 5 foot ten. still doing a little exploring... on it. my sign is sagittarius, i'm into spanish cheese, my hairline is receding but i'm getting a weave. 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[ engine revs ] the all-new 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back. see your lexus dealer. let's get back to this hour's big story. two very courageous journalist says killed in homs, one of them the french photographer remi ochlik, the other the american reporter marie colvin, who wrote for the times of london. our mary snow is joining us with more. >> her mother says she suspected marie was in syria, because she hadn't heard from her in two weeks. she saw the report last night, a report that shows the reality of what is happening. >> just hours after she was killed, her mother did what she says her daughter would have wanted. she opened her home to reporters, instead of being in grief. >> she died -- she said she needed one more day to finish the story and she would come out today. >> reporter: that store for the sunday times of london was about civilians being killed in homs. injure hours before her death, she told anderson cooper about watches a 2 years old boy die of a shrapnel wound. she wanted this world to see this conflict up close, just as she did. >> i think it's stronger for an audience, you know, for someone who is not here, for an audience for which the conflict, any conflict is very far away. but that's the reality. these are 28,000 civilians, men, women and children, hiding, being shelled, defenseless. >> reporter: she called colvin syria's claims that it's only targeting is a like. exposing the truth is what drop her, family members say. she wore an eye patch since losing an eye in 2001. marie's mother said she never asked whether it was worth the risk. >> i neff said that. it would have been the most useless conversation you ever could have had with my daughter. from the time she was a little child, she was committed to doing things that was important. she says a a teenager she took part in civil rights protests, studied abroad and talked her way into letting yale file an application when she missed the enrollment deadline. >> i'm going to miss her so much. i just hope we can bring her home one more time. it doesn't look good. >> rosemary is worried about retrieving her daughter's body. the french foreign ministry is demanding that syria allows the bodies to be retrieved. wolf? >> what a sad, sad story, mary. thanks very much. marie colvin was certainly the best of our generation. i spoke to her last spring at a time of rather bitter intense fighting between moammar gadhafi's army and the libyan rebels. we know a lot of journalists have been detained, some killed. you're one of thed give us a flavor of what it's like to try to cover this war in miss rata. >> well, i think one of my worst moments was last night. i was in an ambulance, and one of the the missiles landed so close, the ambulance leapt into the air. i later found i was seeing casualties brought in, and there was my ambulance drive who dropped me on the 15 minutes earlier. he was lying on the ground injured. i can't describe the injuries. >> would you say this is the most dangerous environment you've covered over the years? i've watched and seen your reporting over the years. how would you rate what's going on in misrata right now? >> i think -- well, i wouldn't say -- chechnya was pretty bad, but it's a dangerous environment, largely because it's so unpredictable. it's changed building by building the entire time -- and when i say front, we're talking about, you know, rebels who two months ago hadn't even seen a gun, so they're unpredictable. remember, you know, as much as libya is kind of the heart of darkness to a lot of us americans, libyans haven't actually ever been in a war, so they don't know what they're doing, and they're fighting. sad day for all of us. we'll always remember marie colvin as a very courageous journalist. ♪ [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. republican presidential candidate newt gingrich has certainly made it no secret he's a devout catholic. so it's no surprise that he plans to give up something for lent. but what will he and calista definitely not give up? >> what are you giving up for lent? have you decided? >> i am going to give up desserts. all desserts for all of lent. >> ask her what she's giving up. >> good morning. >> what are you giving up? >> i'm giving up my opinion. >> that doesn't count. >> okay. >> no, i love mcdonald's. >> newt gingrich is here in arizona. he's certainly hoping for a good showing in tonight's debate. remember, john king moderates 8:00 p.m. eastern on cnn. let's go to jack with the cafferty file. the question this hour is can president obama win re-election. if unemployment goes back up to 9%, gallup said it went back to 9% in mid february. according to the polling. becky in las vegas "sure he can win as long as he's running against a republican." david writes "not a chance." leonard writes "only an iranian nuclear threat can stop president obama from being re-elected". julia in north carolina" president obama will be re-elected by the republicans. the president's still trying to correct the mess they made prior to his first day in the white house." rick in detroit, "it's possible president obama could survive 9% unemployment but very unlikely. it would probably take a major blunder by the gop opponent for obama to win with the economy slumping again. the economy is what put the president into the white house, and the economy also led to the 2010 mid-term slaughter of the democratic party." david in las vegas writes "if unemployment goes up, if europe's financial world collapses, if gas is $5 a gal, if if if. why would he want to be re-elected?" merrill writes "in a normal election year i would say no. but with the current field of republicans he may carry all 50 states. i'm beginning to wonder if the gop are trying to throat elections." you want to read more go to my blog cnn/cafferty file or to the situation room pace on facebook. president obama sings the blues. a glimpse of surprise performers with huge music legends over at the white house. uhh! [ alyson ] just keep walking... ♪ oh, come on! ♪ ugh, again! [ sniffs ] that's what i'm talkin' about. [ female announcer ] up to 100% flake-free, flirty hair. new head & shoulders green apple. ...we inspected his brakes for free. free is good. free is very good. my money. my choice. my meineke. seems president obama likes to sing in public. he unexpectedly took the stage at a celebration of blues music at the white house last night. watch this. >> thank you, everybody. have a wonderful evening. thank you so much. give it up for our all stars. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you so much. amazing evening. thank you. god bless you all. >> i heard you singing al green. so you started something. you got to give it up now. >> you can do it! ♪ come on, baby don't you want to go ♪ ♪ down to my place sweet home chicago ♪ come on, baby don't you want to go? come on baby don't you want to go ♪ ♪ back to my sweet home place, sweet home chicago ♪ >> he's good. how could

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2013 , Blind Spot Monitor , Heads Up Display , Night View , Engine Revving , Tires Screech , Lobster , Lobstering , Lobstergirl , All My Life , Laura , Sweet , Shrimp , Lobster Entrees , Trio , Red Lobster , Lobster Lover S Dream Or New Maine , Doug , Succulent Meat , 12 , Family , Spruce Head , Sea Food , Maine , Cochairman , Bid , 2010 , Policy , While America Sleeps , Senat , Order , Wake Up Call , Sentence , We Wouldn T , Vow , Surprise , 2001 , 9 11 , Al Qaeda , Presence , Situations , North Africa , Operatives , Influence , China S , Somalia , Nigeria , Rest , Feuding , Nothing , Example , Yaensz , Disaster , P , Attitude , Iraq , Afghanistan , Levers , Regard , Troops , Ground , Tipping Point , Guy , Office , Russia , Invasion , Need , Willings , Patriot Act , Uss , Bill , Wish List , Fbi , Bob Novak , Terrorist Situations , Versions , People S Library Records , Fear , Domestic Politics , Power Grab , Rep , View , Job , Replacement , Phrases , National Front , Satan Doesn T , 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, Side , Members , Contraceptive , Network , Catholic Church , Compromise , Pope , Borders , Bishops , Doctrines , Snooze , Principle , Liability , Election , Voters , Electability , Goal , Parts , Being , Church , Diversity , Rights , Assault , Doing , Tenet , Primary , Women Problem , Birth Control , Access , Pulpit , Majority , Blue Collar , Somebody , Base , Tax Plans , Caffeine , Proposals , Controversy , Breathable In , Tax Code , Jessica Yellin , Teams , Seer , Plan , Wasn T , Construction Site , Area , Opportunity , Cameras , Wisdom , Press Secretary , Treasury Secretary , Secretary Geithner , Camera , Companies , Taxes , Highlights , 35 , Businesses , Wouldn T , Health Insurance Costs , Deduction , Overseas , Burden , Filing , Statement , Framework , Tax , Tax Base , House Republicans , Competitiveness , General , Tax Increase , Addition , Tax Cuts , Profits , Reform , Economy , Manufacturers , Manufacturing , Tax Deduction , Effects , Swing States , Reelection , Blue Collar Workers , Wonder , Tax Issue , Fun , The Next Step , Something , Sides , Guess , Whether , Anyone , Senate , Proposal , Talkses , Erin Burnett Is Standing , Assembly Lines , Whirring And Crackling Sounds , Technologies , Environment , Natural Gas , Producers , Intelligent Network , Cisco , Recycling Systems , Emissions , Air Quality , Footprint , Wildlife , Conservation , Power , Domestic , Tax Rates , Tax Structure , Guess What , Policy Shift , Story , Erin Burnett , Structure , Wall Street Journal , Plans , Nominees , Endorsement , 59 , Bottom , Everybody , Experts , Tax Cut , 10 , Pay , Blush , Bottom Line , It Problem , Initiative , System , Lawyers , Engineers , Tax Engineers , Accountants , Know , Lobbyists , Tax Rate Go , Crucial , Detroit , Salvo , Coming Up , Ford Field , Wolf , Words , Outfront , E Mail , Yoplait , Arwa Damon , Flavor , Peach , Mm , Daughter , Grocery Store , Strawberry Cheesecake , Lemon Burst , Cherry Orchard , Blackberry Harvest , Hm , Orange Creme , Pina Colada , Flavors , Home , Home Protector Plus , Costs , Possessions , Liberty Mutual Insurance , Somewhere , Check , Value , Exact , Match , Incident , Corner , Responsibility , Writing , Massachusetts , Cafferty File , Front , Rick Writing , Crooked Congress , Special Interest Groups , Corporations , Weight , League , Clue , Sway , Politician , Channel , Superiority , Extremism , Try , All Over The World , North Carolina , Fabric , Catholics , Principles , Work Ethic , Welfare Party , Dictatorship , Barbara Starr , Make , Crazy , Name , Preacher , Uncle Pauly , Phone Call , Nuts , Jeff , Froot Loops , Nightmare Scenario , Watch , Horror , Jack , Chapstick , It Safe , Burst , Engine Sputtering , Engine , Code Scan , Meineke , Choice , My Meineke , Say My Money , Lizzie O Leary , Size , Caffeine Spray , Canister , Lipstick , Stick , Tombs , Look , Fda , Appeal , Government Agency , Spritz , Canisters , Buzz , Coffee , Aero Shot , Calf Fee , Convenience Store , Excess , Red Bull , 80 , Doctor , Adult , Health Damage , Party Drug , 3 , Inventor , Key , Energy Drink , Dietary Supplement , Five , Safe , Manufacturer , Record , Safety Testing , Ingredients , Drug , Supplements , Tests , Government Approval Process , Product , Law , Consumers , Market , Unsafe , Ephedra , 2004 , Asthma , Lungs , Heart Rate , Hypertension , Lizzie , Information , Club Drug , Effect , Alcohol , Mother , Streets , Terrorists , Protesters , Radios , Tool , Town , Killing Machines , Birth , Legends , Music , Backups , Around The World , In Mesa , Song , Dozens , Explosions , Cities , Remi Ochlik , Aftermath , Rubble , Strike , Regime , Hit , Civilians , Building , Floor , Civilian House , Lie , Rocket Shells , Eye , Everywhere , Assignment , Sign , House , Media House , Damage , Time , We Don T , Bits , Pieces , Faye Of Great Danger , Many , Thoses , Sites , Others , Social Media , Accomplishments , Stream , End , Sad Torrie , Marie , Experiences , Earp , She S The Skinned Of Journalists , Determination , Essence , 24 , Cost , Atrocities , War Southeast , Baba Ahmed , Shelling , Evidence , Authorities , Voice , Industry , Crossfire , Location , Killed , Target , Areas , Broadcast , Coming Out , Chairs , Speaking , Siege , Slaughter , Wars , Correspondent , Prospect , Hand , Pentagon , Solution , Military , Terms , Worry , Support Al Assad , Concern , Opposition , No One , Phenomenon , Matter , Scenario , Stockpile , Regime Falls , 75000 , Weapons , Hands , World War One , Gases , Capabilities , Times , Contingency , Numbers , Number , Contingency Planning , War Over Iran S Nuclear Program , Hope By The Pit , The Agency , Site , Islamic Republic , Watchdog Team , Military Base , Testing Ground , Explosives , Inspectors , Ability , Plot , Pictures , Bombs , Brian Todd , Photos , Shadow War , Program , Thailand , Israelis , Picture , Device , Shoe , Another , Blood , Bomb , Show Bombs , Spattered , Thai Police , Signs , Blast , Legs , Expert , Billing , Frag , Dice , Fragmentation , Everyone V Inside , Military Hand Grenade Fuse , Safety Pin , Shot , Grenade Spoon , Anything , Blasts , Devices , Thai , Link , Diplomats , Scientists , Similar , Georgia , India , Suspects , Passports , Accusation , Tie , Arrest Warrants , Custody , Suspect , Arrest , This , Tows , Blasted Babeu , Michigan Roots , Investigation , Blues , Conduct , Tune , Band , Little Bird , Fish Stories , My Turn , Oooh , Paris , Everyone Else , All Of Us , Mind , Unemployment , Sagain , Koich , 9 , Gallup , Unemployment Rate Shoot , Month Lit Report , Estimate , 8 3 , Employment , 19 , Unemployment Rate , Congressional Budget Office , Out Of The Woods , Gas Prices , Sinds , 2014 , Damper , Places , Drivers , Manufacturing Revs Up , Job Cuts , , 6 , Europe S , Japan , Win Reelection , Struggle , Doubt , Ex Boyfriend , Allegations , Relationship , Reputation , Campaign Trail , Day One , Tweeting Pictures , Miguel Marquez , Smev , Spin , Lawman , Scope , County Attorney , Account , Innocence , Constituents , County , District , 1875 , Landslide Election , Whisper Campaign , Opponents , News Media , Incumbent , Packages , Shouldn T , Media , Problems , Opponent , Performance , Results , Merit , Misusing Public Funds , Events , Congressman , Investigations , Jose , Career , Most , Talks , The Great War , Legendary Passion For Reporting , Multi Point Inspectio , Tires , Brakes , Pressures , These , Dealership , Vehicle , Battery , Hoses , Fluids , Air Filter , Belts , Exhaust System , Ford , Transmission , Car Doctor , Dealer , Works , Oil Change , Tire Rotation , 9 95 , 29 95 , Airport Lounge , Ipad , App , Score , Credit Score , Danger , Surfing , Dot Com , True Playa , Himalayas , Enrollment , Dot Com Now Let S Go , Tip , Bro , Type , Offer , Vo , Freecreditscore Comtm , 2 1 , Face Off , Battle , Bait , Joe Johns , Contests , Romney Can T , Boyhood Home State Of Michigan , Primaries , Trouble , Super Tuesday Extravaganza , Stay , Expectations , Favorite Son Status , Claim , Trees , Blorn , Common Sense , Height , Tree Height Aside , Home Field Advantage , Dad , Powerhouse , George Romney , Fit , Bloomfield Hills , Chairman , Ceo , Ballot Box , Voting , City Hall , Of , 40 , 50 , Hasn T , Anybody , Someplace , Yes , Home State , Traction , 2012 , Bailout , Nomination , Tailspin , Loss , Deal , Prospects , Water , Campaign Deflating , Tampa , Nominee , Idea , Report , Obama Reelection Machine , 45 , Latinos , Michael Sher , Cover Story , Gloria Borger , Approach , Obama , Democratic , Mid 90s , 90 , Presidency , Troubles , Rhetoric , Immigration , Gutter , Earmark Question , Strategy , Opportunities , Elders , Nativist , Pull , Iowa , Pivot , Flow , Population , Krofrial Chins , The Left , Conservative , You Roche , Values , Purposeful , John King , Pacific , 600 , Protests , Hamid Karzai , Risk , Energy Development , Train Crash , Koran Burns , Accounting , Both , Sandra , Peter , Gonna , Michelin , Business , Help , Finance Processing , Receivables , Xerox , Train Station , Commuter Train , Barreling , Platform , Argentina , 49 , Passengers , Crashes , Cars , Impact , Deaths , Military Leaders , Embassy , Bagram Airfield , Travel , Culture , Museum Of African American History , Place , Carat Rough Pink Diamond , Big Rock , Significance , African Americans , Museum , Mate , Australian , 2015 President , 2015 , Diamonds , Kyle Pink Jubilee , Amazing , A Million Dollars , Museums , Gorgeous Rock , Royalty , 12 76 , Diamonds Are A Girl S Best Friend , Reporters , Journalism , War Correspondent , Shells , Ma Recolvin , Money , Profile , Disposition , Dating , Spinach , Weave , Hairline , Exploring , Cheese , Ronald , Sagittarius , Spanish , Falsetto Chorus , Geico , Gs , Tires Squeal , Fifteen , Communication Technology , Automobile , Engine Revs , Lexus Enform , Mary Snow , London , She Hadn T , Reality , Report Last Night , Grief , Store , Sunday Times Of London , Shrapnel Wound , Boy , 2 , Colvin Syria , Claims , Women And Children , Defenseless , 28000 , Targeting , Like , Truth , Eye Patch , Family Members , I Neff , Teenager , Application , Child , Yale , It Doesn T , Rosemary , Sad , Sad Story , Mary , Foreign Ministry , Rebels , Best , Generation , Army , Fighting , Moammar Gadhafi , Thed , Ambulance , In , Hair , Missiles , Casualties , Ambulance Drive , 15 , Wouldn T Say , Reporting , Chechnya , Misrata , Gun , Libyans Haven T , Us Americans , Heart Of Darkness , Choices , Beverage Companies , Communities , Neighbors , Orange , Calorie Labels , Portion Sizes , Beverages , Drinks , Low , Schools , Secret , Devout Catholic , Calista , Opinion , Mcdonald S , Showing , Doesn T Count , Polling , Let S Go , Re Election , Eastern On Cnn , Not A Chance , Becky In , Threat , Las Vegas , Leonard , David In Las Vegas , Mess , Rick In , Julia , Blunder , Gas , Collapses , Gal , Merrill , Blog Cnn , Throat Elections , Music Legends , Surprise Performers , Situation Room Pace , Glimpse , Uhh , Ugh , Walking , Alyson , Flirty Hair , Head Shoulders , Green Apple , Public , Celebration Of Blues Music , Evening , Stars , Cheers , Applause , God , Al Green , Sweet Home Chicago , Trajectory , Aually Change , Veteran , Disease , Sanjay , Warfare , High Stakes , Brooke , My Sweet Home ,

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