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Israeli. Ill ask the Prime Minister where all of this is heading. And an insanity defense . A new look at the virginia suspect Jesse Matthew. Could his lawyer seek a psychiatric ruling . Im wolf blitzer. Youre in the situation room. Lets get right to the breaking news. Isis has released a video that is gruesome. It shows off the bodies of the victims. The video emerges as u. S. Troops deploy on the front lines in iraq and ends with a warning. The warning being, you will never defeat us. Isis may have a new ally, an egyptian Jihadist Group now says it has pledged loyalty to isis. An al qaeda offshoot poses a threat to the embassy in yemen. A leading voice on counterterrorism congressman peter king is standing by along with our correspondents, analysts and newsmakers. The fate of the top isis leader is still unclear. He was reportedly wounded in an air strike and isis may have just suffered a battlefield defeat as Iraqi Forces Capture the city in iraq. Thats not stopping the group from making new threats. Lets begin with pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr. Barbara . Wolf, the iraqi forces have now made their move in a town which a very critical gain and there is the isis video. A hardfought victory for iraq in its battle against isis. Iraqi television reporting that the key town has been taken from the terror group. The city, some 150 miles home to the Biggest Oil Refinery in the country. But isis is continuing to sell its battlefield prowess. Isis shows a helicopter being shot down in iraq and recounts the history of fighting in kobani. Some battlefield video even shot with what appears to be helmetmounted cameras. The 21minute video includes graphic scenes we cannot show of isis killings. Its hightech propaganda. The u. S. Believes isis is trying to protect an image of inevitable victory over the west. It comes as the first 50 u. S. Troops moved into anbar province. They are spoiling for a fight with the United States because if they can deal us a blow, they think that might break our resolve. Reporter isis appears to be gaining support from one of egypts most dangerous militant groups which has shot down Egyptian Military helicopters in the past. Now, the egyptian militants prejipre pledging obedience to isis. They have aligned themselves with isis. Isis is winning, at least in the eyes of young radicals all over the middle east. Reporter the u. S. Watching for signs that isis is moving into egypt. We dont have an assessment of that at this point in time. Reporter now, what about the fate of Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, the selfproclaimed leader of isis, the u. S. Says they still cannot confirm reports that he may have been injured or killed in an air strike. They believe that he was at least injured. Barbara starr, thank you. Lets get an update from arwa damon on the ground near the turkish syrian border. Arwa, what is going on . Reporter well, wolf, the battle is continuing on multiple fronts. Of course, you have kobani not too far away from where we are. That has been the scene for over two months of intense battles between isis and the Kurdish Fighting force. And you also have this ongoing uncertainty about the fate of al baghdadi, the u. S. Unable still at this stage to confirm whether he was injured. He was not necessarily the intended target of strikes launched over the weekend but we have the iraqi institutions and interior and defense both saying that he was killed although saying that he was killed in a different location. All that being said and done, even if al baghdadi was kilimanjarokilled or injured, isis would be able to continue to survive and thrive even as the top leadership has been taken out. What we are seeing increaselyin in syria, because of the ongoing air strikes, were beginning to see defection because theres a growing perception that the Coalition Air strikes are not necessarily just trying to take out isis but that they are going after some of these other rebel groups. This potentially could create yet another rift in the already very fractured syrian battlefield. Wolf . It continues nonstop. Thanks very much, arwa, for that report. Lets go in depth right now. Joining us, republican congressman peter king of new york. Hes a key member of the House Homeland Security committee and intelligence committee. Thanks very much for joining us. A few quick questions and then i want to move on. Based on everything that you know, is this isis leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi killed or injured . We are still trying to confirm that. I do not believe what the Iraqi Government is saying. We do not have the intelligence on the ground that we should ever since the president ordered withdraw of our troops. Its difficult to get the intel that we need. I expect to get it soon. We are trying to reach out to other sources. At this point we dont know if they are dead or alive. Ive been told that they take everything that this new Iraqi Government tells them with a huge, huge grain of salt. Is that right . Thats certainly the way i would look at it, yeah. They have not been reliable. You see conflicting reports about that. You see an example of the Prime Minister being at the u. N. In new york and saying that there was a threat against new york city subway system, which was totally untrue. If baghdadi were to go, would that really, in the long term in this war against isis, make much of a difference because a whole bunch of others were ready to step up . There are others who are lined up to take his place. There are his deputies. But i think in the short term it would be a very sharp and almost devastating attack against them or loss for them because hes so charismatic. I agree, in weeks or months, they would be back at full strength. If he turns out to be dead or seriously wounded, we can take advantage of that to move more rapidly at a time when they could be in a state of confusion or a state of again, not knowing where to turn. Also, the other factor, they are putting out these videos and its to show that they cant be stop. We can show that they can kill his leader. I think that would help us as far as stopping their recruiting and as far as building up morale against isis. On the other hand, congressman, ive been told by u. S. Analysts that one of their top goals for recruiting for propaganda for morale or whatever is to kill an american or americans, military personnel in iraq as quickly as possible. I assume thats a huge, huge concern right now, especially as the first 50 u. S. Troops are moving into the el anbar province, 80 of which is ruled by isis right now. Theres no doubt, they want to kill American Military and threaten to go after American Military family members and weve seen here in the United States and canada attacks on Police Officers and military. Isis is really through their own soldier or social media encouraging their followers to attack the military and police and family members. We have to certainly be on our guard both in iraq, syria, and really in europe and throughout the world and right here in the United States. Americans should get ready for u. S. Troops coming home in body bags as this war escalates . Well, listen, nobody wants to see any american killed in any war but the fact is that that is something that we may have to face and i think that the president would be better advised to take stronger action rather than doing it in bits and pieces and not telling the American People that hes not going to be using Ground Troops. And so, to me, if the president has to have a more consistent and clear strategy. He cant just say, were not going to use Ground Troops when the fact is that we know that air strikes is not enough, especially against an army of 30,000 members and which has a land mass larger than the entire country of great britain. You agree with senator john mccain that what he described as the slow pace that the u. S. Is taking against this war against isis reminds him of the escalation that occurred during vietnam and the vietnam war veteran . Nobody is bet every qualitied to speak on that than john mccain and i believe again, everyone gets a different lesson from vietnam but the one that i have and certainly john mccain has because he was there, when you escalate, you give the enemy a chance to escalate their defenses. When you tell them what you are going to do, you give the enemy the opportunity to plan. I will tell isis whatever we have to do, use whatever weapons we have. Whether we do or not, thats up to the commander in chief. We have more to discuss, congressman. I want to you stand by. A quick break. Well turn to iran. What is iran up to and iraq and more. Right after this. E than the dri. Its more than the car. For lotus f1 team, the Competitive Edge is the cloud. Powered by microsoft dynamics, azure, and office 365, the team can gain Real Time Insights and instantly share information around the globe. When every millisecond counts, staying competitive begins with the cloud. This is the microsoft cloud. What youre doing now, janice. Blogging. Your blog is just pictures of you in the mirror. Its called a fashion blog, todd. Well, ive been helping people save money with progressives discounts. Flo, can you get janice a job . [ laughs ] you shouldve stuck to softball i was so much better at softball than janice, dad. Wheres your wife, todd . Vacation. Discounts like homeowners, multipolicy i got a discount on this ham. Ive got the meat sweats. 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After it happened, after the brutal attack, commissioner bratten came out and said it was a terrorist attack and people didnt understand the jihadist influence on him. So subsequent the attack in washington, the nypd prepared an Intelligence Report that they sent to Police Departments all over the country to show how these websites are driving people to attack police and all officers should be on guard and this is not just somebody who had racial issues or black panther issues or white supremacist issues. He had become severely influenced by jihadists, almost obsessed with islamic jihad. Over 300 visits to websites that called for attacks on civilians, attacks on the United States. And thats where isis is far more advanced than the ordinary Al Qaeda Group in that they are reaching out to people on the fringes of society that you wont ordinary narrowly know about. Again, what happened to the Police Officer, officer healy, who was just out of the Police Academy several months, his father is a detective, it was tragic. Fortunately, it looks like the injuries hes definitely going to survive and theres not going to be a longterm injury but a brutal attack to his head with an ax. Thats what this showed, more than 300 visits to the websites in the weeks leading up to the attack. They still call him a lone wolf. Theres no evidence yet, unless you have some that you want to share with us, that he conspired with other individuals to engage in this hatchet attack. No, he didnt. Thats why isis is more dangerous because they are not reaching out to people per se. These are followers and supporters. They are reaching out to them. They are going behind those that they have direct contact with and instead putting out these statements on their websites and are appealing basically a call for jihad and the fringes of society are picking up on them, as we saw in canada. I want to get back to what you and i discussed a moment ago before the commercial break, that a top goal, if not the top goal of isis right now for the recruitment, for their morale, propaganda purpose is to start killing u. S. Troops in iraq. Elaborate what youve heard about that because i know there is a serious concern. Originally there were 2, 300, 400, 500 troops and now its going up to 3,000. A lot of these young men and women potentially could be in major harms way. Absolutely, wolf. Theres no such thing as an adviser in a combat zone. Youre in the line of fire or you certainly can be in a line of fire. So certainly they have to be on their guard at all times about being attacked whether its on base, off base it wouldnt be off base but whether or not they are in combat or down time. They have to be on alert all the time. And also, troops even in germany, troops stationed here in the u. S. , anyone wearing an american uniform has to be on their guard. I know that a number of Police Departments in the city, i mean in our country, yourged not to wear their uniforms when they are not on duty and overseas and in our court they are targets of isis. Peter king, thats very much for joining us. Wolf, thank you very much. As always, thank you. Coming up, breaking news of another middle east group flexing its muscles and even claiming that it is trying to kill the United States ambassador. And later, israel responds to attacks by socalled armed terrorists armed with knives or driving full speed into pedestrians. Stay with us. Youre in the situation room. 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That group in the Arabian Peninsula is taking advantage of the fighting in yemen. It claims to have already targeted americas ambassador to yemen. The u. S. Intelligence says they dont have evidence of that. Still, they are gaining strength and neither the Yemeni Government or anyone else has the strength to stop it them. Pitched street battles, suicide bomb attacks, no one in complete control. This is the chaos engulfing yemen. Cnn has learned u. S. Officials have grown so concerned over instability in recent days that the military is updating plans to evacuate personnel from americas embassy in the capital, marines and helicopters at the ready off the coast. It is worrisome to a friend of u. S. Ambassador matthew tooler. I would say hes in a great deal of danger because you have all of these factions fighting around the country and a couple of them would like to take out the embassy and him. Reporter the terror group claims it recently planted explosives at the home of yemens president while the ambassador was visiting. The group says the bombs were found moments before detonation. A yemeni official says there were no explosives that they know of found at the house. Still, u. S. Officials are worried about another benghazi. Sunni has been battling against a shia rebel group who wants to seize power. Now we have stabilized the situation and its a big problem for us. Frankly, right now, no one is. No one is in charge . What does that mean for stability and u. S. Interests there . It means yemen as a country, very mountainous, very tribal, rarely has a government had authority all over the country. Reporter now that they have pushed into sunni strong holds, aqap has taken hold. Sectarian tensions and they grow in strength and aqap wants to attack the u. S. Homeland and theyve made clear that its a priority. Aqap has successfully gotten bombs on planes with the underwear bomb plot in 2009. The bombs planted in cartridges the following year. The chief bomb maker Ibrahim Al Asiri are still at large. Presumably in yemen. For more on the chaos enveloping another area of the United States, lets bring back our pe pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr and peter bergen. How much danger is the ambassador to yemen matthew tooler in . I think al qaeda is not the only scare group that is going to target americans. So, in general, on the ground, yemen is not really safe right now but i dont think that the ambassador should leave yet. Not yet . Not yet. At the moment right now there is stability. What kind of preparations are under way for a responsible yemen and ambassador and all of the other diplomats and marines who happen to be there. This starts with the state. They are not at that point where they needy v evacuation but wit the deteriorating situation, if everybody waits too long, they may not be able to get them out quickly and safely if the airport continues to have fighting in that area, the first option is closed. The first option is, go to the airport, get on a commercial aircraft and fly out of the country. That may not be possible. So at that point you turn to other options if the state department wants to close it down and that means marine, helicopters, getting people out of the embassy, perhaps flying them directly to an offshore navy ship, driving them somewhere else. That happened in libya. But yemen is going to be very tough if it gets to that point. The pentagon likes to say, if you wait too long, we may not be able to help. And the pentagon likes to get in early so theres a little tension there because they dont want to put u. S. Troops at risk, obviously. Nobody wants to go in under fire to get americans out. They want to go in before it gets to that point. But wolf, yemen is different. If the embassy shuts down, that is the u. S. Window into al qaeda. And if that window is closed, counterterrorism will be much tougher to do. In the end, i suspect they are going to have to do that, peter bergen, just like they did in libya. I suspect yemen could be the next country to force a complete evacuation of americans. Its possible but, bear in mind, the embassy in yemen has been a target of al qaeda for over a decade. We saw a major attack in 2008 and a rocket attack in september. This is a very hardened embassy. It sets back a long way from the street. It is set up in such a way that unless there was some major, major attack, it can continue to work. So the last thing you want to see happen is an attack on the u. S. Embassy and americans being taken hostage sort of like what happened in tehran back in 1979. Sure. That would be terrible. Thats what the u. S. Is trying to prevent. If you look at the situation, the situation in yemen, if, in fact, the u. S. Had to pull out and all americans are ut out, w would that say about the socalled war on terror in the region . Aqap is fighting with the hookie rebels and i think they feel like they have to take side. Some people are being recruited to al qaeda and the arain bee general peninsula and i think thats what is going to be for some time. Barbara, of course, thanks to you and peter. New violence between israeli and the palestinians. This is a new uprising. And the virginia kidnapping suspect goes before a judge this week. Will his lawyers try to go for an insanity defense . Cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow, it opens your nose up to 38 more. So you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do, sleep. Add breathe right to your Cold Medicine shut your mouth and sleep right. Breathe right. And look for the calming scent of new breathe right lavender, in the sleep aisle. 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With a solid fiscal foundation, we can create more jobs, invest more in innovation and infrastructure, and make america more competitive, giving our kids a better future. A bipartisan solution to our longterm debt means more growth today, more opportunity tomorrow. And the time to start is now. Violence in the west bank. A palestinian has been killed in a clash with an israeli troop. Lets go live to jerusalem. Nic robertson is standing by with the latest. What is the latest, nic . Reporter wolf, a 21yearold palestinian man, according to friends and family, was on the roof of his house taking part in an anniversary celebration, they said, of the tenth anniversary of the death of yassar arafat. What we have heard is that this young man pointed a homemade gun at the soldiers there. They fired a shot. He was fatally wounded and was taken to the hospital byes h hi family. This highlights the situation here. Benjamin netanyahu says he has put more troops in the west bank and is considering tougher measures for those who throw rocks to the point of even fines for their family members as well, wolf. A very, very dangerous situation. Nic, lets turn the corner to iran. The Prime Minister of iran was also responding to a tweet from irans Supreme Leader calling for israels alienation. What did Prime Minister netanyahu say . He called the regime here barbaric and wolflike. Extreme language. The Prime Minister responded with strong words of his home. The Iranian Regime tweeting about the annihilation of israel. These are just words and statements thrown out in the air, which is harmful enough. The regime in irans rhetoric is also backed by murderous action. Reporter and also the Prime Minister here had a very strong message as well about the upcoming talks with iran to deal with it is nuclear capability. His point was that the world has a choice here and the option cannot be to leave iran in a position where it can acquire nuclear weapons, today or in the future and then at the same time lifting sanctions off iran. So a real concern from israel about how those talks are going to go in the future. Nic robertson in israel for us, thanks very much. Nic is on the scene there as he always is. The Prime Minister speaking to jewish leaders here in washington via sat tellite. Joining us is mark regev. Hes the spokesman for benjamin netanyahu. The relationship between the u. S. And israel is strong and the personal relationship between your Prime Minister and president obama seems to be rather strained right now. How would you describe it . Well, obviously we are close allies, close friends. My Prime Minister said that the United States does not have a better friend in the world than the state of israel and the state of israel does not have a b better friend in the world than the United States of america. But that doesnt mean that we cant agree on every issue and we dont. We talk about it as openly and frankly as friends should. And the quote the other day, the Jeffrey Goldberg article in the atlantic, some unnamed obama official leveled against the Prime Minister of israel. Whats been your reaction to that . The relationship, the relationship between israel and the United States is so strong based on common values and shared interests. The relationship between the people of our two countries is so solid that i dont think any badmouthing by some unnamed official is going to hurt that relationship. What about this pretty tough criticism that the administration is leveling the white house, the state department involving israels settlement policies in East Jerusalem and the west bank . Well, here we say clearly in israel that jerusalem is not a settlement. And what were talking about is planning for construction in neighborhoods inside the city of jerusalem. And, you know, wolf, and youve covered this closer than almost anyone, the jewish neighborhoods of jerusalem stay inside any possible peace agreement. Theres no question of that. Even the palestinians themselves have publicly recognized that. So we would ask, if youre building in a neighborhood that is going to stay part of israel anyway, why is there such a problem for peace . Well, the Obama Administration thinks its a huge problem if you listen to the statement, the reaction coming out of the state department and the white house and i assume you disagree with the u. S. When it comes to that criticism. Jerusalem is our capital. Jerusalem has been the capital of the jewish people for some 3,000 years and obviously we have a special attachment to the city and the idea that we cant build in our capital is something that we simply do not accept. Weve seen in recent days these car attacks against israelis. Weve seen these stabbings of israelis. Now we see a palestinian was killed and theres talk, at least in the israeli media, of some israelis engaging in revenge attacks against palestinians. Youre there in jerusalem. Whats your sense of a potential escalation leading to violence . We have seen violence, and thats unfortunate. Were trying to calm things down with a Greater Police presence and dealing effectively with ring leaders of the violence. But basically we want to return calm, return peace and quiet as soon as possible and thats our goal. All of this is stemmed from islamic extremists who have been talking about some imaginary threat to the islamic holy site, especially the mosques. Now, this is a fabrication. Its simply not true. Israel is not going to change the status quo. We protect all of the faiths. But the islamic extremists have been spreading these unfounded rumors and its been causing tension and problems. And a real concern has been that unfortunately, mainstream palestinian leadership has been echoing some of these irrational claims. I think the israeli leadership should be doing a stronger job in helping us calm things down. Mark regev, thanks for joining us. My pleasure, sir. Lets hope it does calm down over there. The main suspect in the kidnapping of the university of virginia student prepares to go to court and theres talk about a possible insanity defense. And a rare public appearance of the parents of Michael Brown. This time on the world stage. Youre going to hear what they are saying about the Police Officer who shot and killed their son. E on Car Insurance. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know certain cartoon characters should never have an energy drink . Action blahbechtblah blublublubblah geico®. Introducing the birds of america collection. Fifty stunning, handpainted plates, commemorating the state birds of our proud nation. Blahbechtblah blublublubblah geico®. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. I have 40,ney do you have in your pocket right now . 21. Could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . I dont think so. Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. They take us to worlds full of heroes and titans. For respawn, building the best Interactive Entertainment begins with the cloud. This is titanfall, the first multiplayer game built and run on microsoft azure. Empowering gamers around the world to interact in ways they never thought possible. This cloud turns data into excitement. This is the microsoft cloud. The kidnapping of Hannah Graham is meeting with attorneys. It sparked a lot of discussion about whether his legal team will try to go for an insanity defense. Lets get the latest. What do you think . Lots of speculation there about whether Jesse Matthews legal team will try to argue an insanity defense. Is that something we should anticipate . What is your sense . All i can say is good luck with that. There is a lot of chatter online and social media he speculating about whether or not we will see an insanity defense. We could hear as early as 48 when we hear some motions in that status hearing whether or not they maybe taking this serious when i the defense. But i can tell you, every source that i have talked to had a is close to this case thinks that is not at all likely. Jesse matthew has given no indication of being insane. He was most recently training at the university of virginia hospital. His last job was a patient care tech anything, a pct. Thats the guy that sets up Emergency Rooms for procedures. You hook up the wrong tube to the wrong machine, youre going to kill somebody. He is not a bright guy, he is not a smart guy. Everybody i talked to had a knows him said he seems low and a bit dimwitted. That does not make him insane. What happened on the night of september 24th, 2005, in fairfax, that was not the work of an insane man. That was the actions of a criminal sexual predator. And according to the witness, the victim, and according to the dna that was found beneath her fingernail, that criminal sexual predator is a man named Jesse Matthew had a as we speak is behind bars in charlottesville. How difficult is it to successfully argue an insanity defense in a case lake there . Very difficult. I completely agree everything he just said about that. He would have a very difficult time arguing again, the work that hes done, the things that hes done over the years and the deliberate nature of them. He wont be able to mount a successful effort. The other speculation as you know, maybe there can be some sort of plea deal to avoid the death sentence and maybe even cop a play, get life, Something Like that. In fairfax, this is something people need to understand. Jesse matthew is charged with three felonies. Abduction, rape and attempted capital murder. That victim miraculously and thankfully, she survived. He did not kill her. So this is not a capital case. He could not get the death nenlt fairfax. Does that remain a possibility with Hannah Graham . Absolutely. The charges with which hes faced if, if he is found guilty on all three charges, the sentence would be 35 years to life. I think what well see is the defense try to negotiate as close to that 35 years as possible. Then what happens if they do negotiation like that . He cops a plea. There could be other charges down the road or do those go away for the other two cases . Thats the important thing to keep in mind. That depending on what plea he takes, he becomes a convicted sex offender, then that makes it easier in the prosecution of the future cases that may come up. There are so many other investigations underway at one stage or another. I think they will all be held in abeyance until the conclusion of the fairfax case. Those cases will be enhanced by the fact that he becomes a convicted sex offender. I think the prosecutors will be well aware of that. So he may argue for a few years one way or another but these other cases are looming over his head right now as well. What a story this is. All right. So youre getting ready for friday when he shows up via video. He wont be there in fairfax. It will be via video, right . I believe so, wolf. Ive heard nothing from may sources that he will be moved to fairfax for the status hearing on 48 morning. Thats expected to be a rather quick hearing. He will go in front of the camera at the jail hear in charlottesville. Hell appear before judge dennis smith on the video. There will be a series of motions. Theyre likely to fick judge that will actually oversee the trial. And theyre committed to moving this thing forward quickly. Well see that trial start sooner rather than later. And fairfax is outside washington, d. C. In suburban northern virginia. Thank you very much. Coming up, as ferguson braces for possible violence, the parents of the slain teenager making brown, theyre in switzerland where they appeared before a United Nations panel on torture. And a Major Development in the 5yearold mystery, a suspect finally facing arraignment for the deaths of a california family. And he was no stranger to the victims. 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Will the thousands of Russian Troops massed on the board join the fight . Shot down. A new isis propaganda film. Has isis just suffered a major defeat at the hands of iraqi forces . Missouris governor says he is ready to order the National Guard to ferguson. Will violence erupt after the grand jury releases its report on the Police Shooting death of Michael Brown . And family murdered. Exclusive interviews about a shocking crime, including with the man suspected of killing the family of four and the father of one of the victims. We want to welcome our viewers in the United States and around the world. Im wolf blitzer. Youre in the situation room. Were following breaking news. The collapsing cease fire between ukraine and prorussian separatists in the eastern part of the country. There is new fear this long simmering battle is about to explode do a deadly new violence. Were following the new isis threat with the slick new propaganda video with scenes of horrific violence and troubling battlefield images. Were covering these stories and much more with our correspondents and our guests around the world. Our chief National Security force jim sciutto begins our coverage with more on the crisis in ukraine. Reporter the crisis in ukraine is escalating to far beyond eastern europe. On the map were showing the number incidents where Russian Forces have come into close contact with forces. Let start with north america. Just last month, a russian aircraft came within 50 mails of the coast of california. The closest flate to california since the cold war. Up hear, by alaska and canada, there have been animal russ encounters here. Russian bombers testing the limits of american air space with increasing frequency. Let go to europe. Nato allies. Naux incidents. There was one where a Russian Military aircraft, it was not playing the with a transponder, came dangerously close to a commercial aircraft. It had to swerve at the last minute. A near disaster. You had a case where Russian Forces came across the border into estonia. Captured a soldier there, took him back. He is still in russian custody. Another one that captured imagination, sounds lying right out of a tom clancy novel. The swedish navy searching for weeks for what they believed to be a hidden russian sub. All of this happening, all of these encounters happening as the situation on the ground in ukraine is getting even worse. Will this is the sound of a cease fire crumbling. Pro western Ukrainian Forces locked in battle. With russia backed separatists inside ukraine. The fireworks werent as loud as president obama met russian president putin in beijing but there are shorten counters, only just 20 minutes in all, seem to signal the u. S. And russia still sharply divided over ukraine. Nato supreme allied commander was more direct, calling out moscow for violating the norms of western civilization. Nations will respect International Borders. Nations will respect the sovereignty of their neighbors. And so the cease fire is in name only at this point. Reporter today pentagon officials tell cnn that russia has massed some 8,000 troops on the Ukrainian Border and has stepped up shipments of heavy weapons to separatists in recent days. Moscow is again sending in a convoy it sclam humanitarian but u. S. And ukrainian officials complain went through no independent inspection. Now, even the Obama Administration is admitting that so far, the u. S. Led sanctions are not deterring russia. On ukraine, we continue to be deeply troubled by russias activities. Reporter one sign of the lack of progress is the still lingering crash site of Malaysian Airlines flight 17 today. Rescue workers removed more human remains, nearly four months after the jet crashed. Shot down urgs officials believe, by separatist missiles supplied by russia. This is the map of ukraine showing the areas under rug control or russian backed separatist control. Youll remember over hear, this is crimea taken over by russia several months ago. When we look to Eastern Ukraine, zooming in on this area here along the russian border, this is how much of Eastern Ukraine now controlled by prorussian separatists and this border here with independent ukraine, basically a battle line where you have open battles and it is along here, very close to the Ukrainian Border where we have the 8,000 Russian Troops, and going in now, heavy artillery pieces increasingly over the last several days. Jim sciutto. Thanks very much. The escalating crisis come as both president obama and the russian president Vladimir Putin are in beijing for the Asia Pacific Economic cooperation summit. Jim acosta is traveling with the president. Whats the latest over there in beijing . Reporter wolf, president obama came hear to beijing to meet with the chinese president xi and other economic leader in the region. The president is finding that russian president Vladimir Putin is becoming a big distraction because of the crisis in ukraine. Deputy National Security adviser ben rhodes in a briefing with reporters here in the Chinese Capital said so far, it appears that those sanctions are having an effect on the russian economy. They are hurting the rubble ruble. But ben rhodes concede that had they have yet to change putins behavior. The sanctions have yet to sufficiently affect russias calculus as it relates to ukraine. Thats why we continue to imsxoes thats why we continue to be very clear about where we need to see better russian action. Reporter one other consequence of those sanctions by the u. S. And other world powers on russia is that Vladimir Putin here in china has been seeking energy deals with chinese president examine. That takers to be one ramification of the tightening of the economic nasa on moscow. At the same time putin has shown his own knack for overreach. He trade to put a shawl over the shoulders of chinas first lady here at an apec dinner the other night. The first lady almost immediately removed that shawl and the incident created such an uproar, it was later removed from Chinese State media. Amazing diplomatic protocol could have been vial id a sensitive issue like that. What are you hearing about the state of u. S. China, the bilateral discussions underway where you are in beijing right now . Reporter white house aides are portraying those to be in good shape. The president and chinese president xi met for five hours last night, two hours longer than expected in beijing. They talked about a range of issues, the economy, security issues, climate and so on. And get. This is something weve been looking for all week long. Whether or not president obama and president xi would hole a News Conference. The chinese have been balking at that idea and the white house announce that had president obama and president xi will be taking questions from reportes. The white house says it is a diplomatic coup if they can pull it off. Is it not a done deal yet . That there will be a joint News Conference . Reporter well, what i mean by that, we dont know how many questions theyll take. One question for u. S. Reports and one question for the china either state media or will we see more than that . If we see more questions, then president xi has a decent chance of being pressed on these human rights questions. Thats something the white house would like to see. All right. Jim acosta in beijing. Thank you. Lets get more on the breaking news. Joining us, the u. S. Ambassador to the organization for security and cooperation in europe. Ambassador, thanks very much for joining us. Lets get right to the news of the day. The intense fighting going on between these prorussian rebels, the ukrainian military, has the level have fighting returned to that pre cease fire level . Reporter i dont know if it is fair to say it has returned to the pre cease fire level we saw the end of august when we saw the insertion of Russian Forces and really large scale land battles. Certainly it has intensified in the last few days and that is really worrying. The deescalation of the crisis re9 protocol which russia signed up to and ukraine signed up to. That requires russians to get their weapon out, get their fighters out, to return the International Border to ukrainian control and to allow for monitoring of that border and release all the hostages theyve taken. Hundred of people are being kept hostage literally in dungeons in the separatist controlled territories and sell are being held in moscow. So the recipe is clear. All it takes is for people to implement it. That is the message being sent to the russians. If they continue to flagrantly violate it. Are you concerned this could be the end of the cease fire . Reporter obviously, the intensifying fighting is of deep concern. At the same time, the framework thats laid outdoes lay out 12 steps which remain the recipe for the deescalation. It is not that we dont know what it is. Russia needs to do its part. What are you hearing about the situation in crimea that russia basically annexed . Sources are saying the program in crimea is taking place, that those who dont claim russian citizenship are being told they are foreigners, he they wont be privy to health care, to banking opportunities. What are you hearing about whats going on in crimea . Reporter whats going on in crimea, what we are hearing is that it is a very dire situation. Human rights are being rolled back as they are in rumpbl more importantly, the indigenous muslim people who live in crimea are being systematically repressed. These a group of people who you may remember were deported by stalin in the 40s, who had just returned at the fall of the soviet union. And now again theyre seeing soviet style repression aimed at them. It is a dire situation. People who are being denied rights to property, fired from jobs because they refuse to take on forced russian citizenship. It is a very, very serious situation and the world needs to stay focused on it. You heard in the report from jim sciutto that now four months later, after that malaysian plane was shot down over ukraine, there are still getting remains, theyre finding remains of that crash, at that crash scene. Whats going on over there . This is beginning to sound, not only awful but horrendous. Reporter it is horrendous. Youll remember the osc special monitoring condition was able to get to the crash site fairly quickly after the plane was shot down and they had some access. It was terrible at first. They were chased away with shots fired in the air by a bunch of drunken hordes. That has been not reliable over recent months and investigators have not been able to do their work. And those seeking to recover human remains and the belongings of loved ones, the pain of all those families is a pain pen durs as they dont get closure on this terrible, terrible event. Had a is to blame for that . I think all evidence that has come to light. There was another report that came out this week by a crowd source report that pieced together social media to show that the overwhelming evidence, that the buk missile was tran federal. Stand by. We have more to discuss, including this relationship, or sort of relationship taken with president of the United States and president of russia. Whats going on. train horn vo wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. Norfolk southern. One line, infinite possibilities. Feet. Tiptoeing. 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No hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. Were fighting between Government Forces and pro russia separatists. Now escalating. Telling cnn about 8,000 Russian Troops are now massed along the russian Ukrainian Border. Were back with the ambassador for security and cooperation in europe. We heard today from the white house that president obama spent about 15, 20 minutes toll with russian president putin. They talk about iran, syria, ukraine, this relationship does not seem to be pretty good right now. And i wonder how you would describe putin and his role in all of this from your perspective. Reporter well, obviously without commenting on the conversations between the president and president putin, i can say obviously, it is not so much the relationship as russian behavior that is so difficult right now. Russian actions have attempted to undermine the basic ral that has underwritten European Security since world war ii. One country doesnt tray to take another countrys territory under force. And the russian governments action, driven by the kremlin, driven by president putin tow last nine months has been a destructive force. What weve been doing, weve been reaching out frequently, often, weve been adding costs through form of hispanics have been devised with our European Partners but weve been consistently reaching out and saying there is another choice. There is a path to deescalation. We did that last spring in geneva. We laid out some phelps is would meet the needs of deescalating. Russia failed to implement those. More recently, this protocol on september 5. Ukraine and russia agreed to 12 steps, to implement 12 steps to deescalate the crisis. It is terrible that this is entirely manmade. We have enough problems in the world to deal with that just happen. This is a manmade tragedy and it is doubly tragic that russia has so often chosen to take the wrong course and chosen not to deescalate. Second kerry had a long meeting with Prime Minister lavrov this week. Vice President Biden had a phone call yesterday with president poroshenko. The message is clear. The best framework for a peaceful resolution is to implement the protocol which russia agreed to two weeks ago. Get russian weapons going the other way, back into russia to release the hostages and to secure the International Border with osc monitoring. Is it fair to say these sanctions against russia, that the u. S. And others have put together, as far as putin is concerned, as he pretty tough guy. Dont seem to be making much of an impact. Reporter i think it is fair sty russias actions have not ceased their course. But it is having an impact. Wave sustain ruble go down dramatically. The oil prices are having an effect on russia. Russias economy is not diverse fade. It is not a twunl century economy and it is feeling the pain and that pain will be felt by the russian people. President putin needs tad the right thing by the russian people. To get out of ukraine and to work on resolving the Serious Problems that he has at home which include rampant corruption, an undiverse fade economy, and repression and human rights violations. Thats the business that president path should be attending to. Thank you very much for joining us. Reporter thank you, wolf. Other breaking news were following. This time the war on isis. Iraqi Security Forces claim theyve retaken the city in iraq from the terrorists. It is where the Largest Oil Refinery is. Were getting a a look at a new propaganda film, showing the downing of an iraqi helicopter. Let get more with Counter Terrorism analyst, phil mudd. Our Global Affairs analyst, james reese and our cnn military analyst, retired lieutenant general, thank you very much for joining us. General, what does this new video tell us about isiss capabilities . It is similar to so many videos that jim and i have taken. It is the typical combination of mass slaughter, killings, violation of laws and war and it is interspersed with a very hightech video of high speed equipment faring, and it is much better than anything weve seen al qaeda produce. Because it is more hightech. But it is typical of the kinds of propaganda films that are geared toward raising the testosterone level of would be jihadists. Do these videos give us any insight, any gags whether the u. S. Led military strategy is having a direct impact, supposedly the goal is to degrade and destroy isis . Well, wolf, as you know, we started this thing almost two months ago. The propaganda was playing the. I think this counters some of the coalitions successes, try push more of that propaganda out there to show what their abilities are. Theyre showing this piece with the kurdish soldiers theyve captured. Nothing down in iraq though which is very interesting for us. As we look from an analytical perspective. More back on the syrian side. Which shows me, what were doing in iraq is pushing them back and keeping them at a stalemate. Hears something thats worrisome now. There are reports that isis is in some sort of merger talks with the al nusra, theyre brokering these talk. If all these groups were to get zbet work as one, that would represent a major new threat. I think we have to divide this war into two parts. The first is the war on the ground in iraq and syria. Weve worried about khorasan. Whats the strength of khorasan . Focus on the operatives. Whats the strength of isis . Access to thousands of europeans in maybe 200 north americans. Im afraid they come together with the action he is to the United States and the access isis may have to people who can get back to north america. That represents a huge new develop many. Come, i spoke in the last hour with peter king, i heard earlier there is now a greater concern that what isis wants to do is start killing american soldiers, american troops in trook get them to come home in body bags. Neth would have a terrific impact. This represents a serious threat. Especially as the troops go into anbar, a really dangerous area. Well, you know, the american troops are very, very good, the best in the world. As we go through this, the chances go higher and higher that were going to lose an american soldier in this up too of combat operation that theyre in in an advise and assist role. Thats going to happen. Thats the reality. Isis looks at, they use this as propaganda. What makes the u. S. After the elections start pushing back. I dont see it. I think that would make us more determined from the u. S. Side and more determined to get iraqis going. Get the coalition going. As general austin said many times, it would get us going, get the political aspects going. General, they may be defined as advisers. 3,000 now and maybe that number will go up. 3,000 u. S. Military advisers. But they potentially are in danger. Soldiers are always in danger when they enter a combat zone. We see the soldiers going in to the air base now are setting up a pre Deployment Site survey. Theyre looking to establish Training Ground for the new idea of the iraqi National Guard in the various provinces. So i think youll see the great majority of the military personnel going in, being trainers with some element being advisers at the brigade and the division level. Certainly theyre all going to be subjected to potential dangers. I think as jim said, well be in relatively good shape and soldiers are prepared for those dangers. Very quickly, your thoughts . Look, well have a soldier taken. My concern is not that well have a soldier killed on the field of battle. My concern is that isis will capture somebody and conduct the same kind of hostage videos weve seen that civilians. The American People after 13 years of war, im not sure theyre ready for that. Well stay on top of this story. Just ahead, well shift gears. New details now, plans to keep the he is in a ferguson, missouri. How far is the governor of missouri willing to go to prevent new violence . Plus, defense secretary chuck hagel reveals his plan to help thousands of veterans. Huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know genies can be really literal . No. What is your wish . No. Ok. A million bucks oh no. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. A wakeup call. But its not happening out there. Its happening in here. [ sirens wailing ] inside of you. Even if youre treating your Crohns Disease or ulcerative colitis, an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. 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This message of appreciation to our nations veterans is brought to you by paralyzed veterans of america and unitedhealth group. Predators. Missouris governor said he is ready toer to National Guard into ferguson when the grand jury reported the Michael Brown shooting is released. Officials are breaking for a possible violent reaction if the grand jury decides not to indict darren wilson, the white Police Officer who shot the unarmed teenager. In a shocking twist, browns parents are halfway around the world right now. Theyre in switzerland where they testified before the United Nations committee against torture, saying they want the world to know whats going on in ferguson. Cnn is joining us from geneva, switzerland. I know you had a chance to speak to Michael Browns parents. What did they tell you . Reporter well, wolf, it was an incredibly emotional day. Making browns mother actually broke down during her testimony before the u. N. Committee. I interviewed the parents following that and they reminded me that last sunday marked three months since the death of their son. They explained to me why it is so important for them to be here in geneva. We need the world to know whats going on in ferguson. We need just as many answers and we need actions and we have to bring it to the u. N. So they can expose it to the rest of the world, whats going on in small town ferguson. Reporter they will, they also told me that they hope that the grand jury will indict darren wilson, the Police Officer responsible for the shooting death of their son. If that does not happen, Michael Brown senior saying he plans to take to the streets to protest. Albeit peacefully. And that is in part what this is about. A team of legal experts has submitted a brief to their behalf to the United Nations outlining a range of issues from Police Brutality to racial profiling. It looks at the circumstancesed surrounding Michael Browns death as well as the Police Response to the protests that followed it. The parents telling me, the goal is to take this tragedy and create change. Erin mclaughlin in geneva, switzerland. Thank you. Lets get to more now. The community activist, our senior legal analyst, and don lemon who has covered the violence in ferguson. John, lets start with you. The governor of your state, jay nixon, he said earlier in his words, violence will not be tolerated in the wake of the grand jury announcement, whether or not they indict the officer darren wilson. What was your reaction to what the governor had to say today in. It appears that he learned from the first goaround what the unrest in ferguson and his, i guess, lack of action from his office along with the other elected officials in the area. He obviously is trying to be proactive. And get on things early and make a stance early regarding the protest and violence along with what he was doing in local Law Enforcement to try to deescalate violence before it starts. Many believe that he sent a statement. Others feel as though this is beginning of trying to really brace the the community or whats ahead. It is quate obvious they are taking this very serious by bringing the National Guard in again for this. Has the relationship between Law Enforcement in ferguson and the community as a whole actually improved since august . Well, thats a very good question. Really, in the last, really, the last three weeks, Law Enforcement, the chief of police, and captain ron johnson, i know what st. Louiss police department, sam dotson have been meeting with various groups, with Community Leaders to try to share with them some of the things that theyre going to be doing to tray to keep the peace, allow protesters to protest Law Enforcemently and allow grievances to be heard. I think that obviously is a step in the right direction. To bridge that gap taken with the void of communication, taken with leadership and the community. But you have this high level of distrust between community. People in the community, especially people of Law Enforcement. It is still there. It is better. Yes. I spend time in ferguson. An entire day with captain ron johnson. Things arent perfect in ferguson. I think john is right. The simple answer to your question, are things better, yes. Theyre starting to get better. And so it wont be perfect. The momentum is moving in the right direction. What did you think of the suggestion that he would call in the National Guard in missouri if a protest grows too large or unruly, saying he wont tolerate violence at all. Yeah. I saw that as i was getting ready for work. I had to sit on the bed and watch it and i applaud him for doing. That it would have been great if he had done that in the beginning. Violence that initially happened cannot happen again. The rights of the protesters, that cannot be violated again. So i think he is moving. He is moving in the right direction. He is saying the right things. I spoke to captain johnson them spent millions on overtime for officers over the last couple of months to train those officers. To have them out on the streets. To have them going into the community. Thats what theyre doing now. So we should all, as i have been saying, be calm and try to figure out, you know, sit here and figure out what to do once the announcement has happened. Instead of trying to get ahead of ourselves, will there be protests or what have you. I think theyre moving in the right direction. Michael browns parents told cnn, theyre in geneva. That they have not been in touch with authorities there in ferguson. They dont believe they will get any advance word on what the grand jury is going to announce. Is there any protocol when a grand jury is going to indict or not indict, that they give a heads up to the parents of the victim . They have no legal right to any advance information. Many Police Departments, many prosecutors try to go out of their way to be slit solicitous, to be accommodating, to give the victims family a sense of whats happening. Certainly they are not entitled and they should not get advance word of what the grand jury would do. That would be a real violation of grand jury secrecy. A sympathetic ear. What does that mean . There will be indictment or not . Theyre not going to tell them that in advance. Many prosecutors office, people whose whole job is to be victim advocates. To coordinate with them about where are you going to be on the night that this is decided . There are many ways you can coordinate, you can work victim families without giving specific results. I want to play something that captain ron johnson, the captain of the Missouri State Highway Patrol said today. Listen to this. August 9, ferguson missouri was unknown to most of the world. But the challenges faced were known to communities Lake Ferguson throughout our nation. 94 days later, it has become a conversation throughout the world. So regardless of what the grand jury decides, we should expect that the gofrgs the events that trans pairpired the will continue for a long time. Absolutely. It will continue. This is something we need to talk about. We need to have cooler heads. When fweng there is going to be an indictment or not, then we can dissect what happens and where this conversation goes next. Until then, we should just be calm and see what happens. This conversation started not only in ferguson, not only in america but around the world as you see the family of Michael Brown across the world talking about issues that have to do with violence and brutality. We dont know yet when that announcement is going to be made. Pure speculation. Give me a final thought before i end this. I think it will come after the 15. The prosecutor said mid to late november. I would say the 15th or near that date for sure. Probably following it. So sure. Thanks very much. Of course, always appreciate having you in the situation room as well. Just ahead, an exclusive interview with the defense secretary as reveal his plan to help thousands of veterans. Plus on this veterans day, honoring all the men and women who have served. Save your coffee from the artificial stuff. Switch to truvia. Great tasting, zerocalorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. Helps you find a whole range of coverages. No one else gives you options like that. [voice echoing] no one at all no one at all no one. Wake up [gasp] oh you okay, buddy . I just had a dream that progressive had this thing called. The name your price tool. It isnt a dream, is it . Nope. 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For vietnam vet chuck hagel, that war is always with him. This is obviously something that means a lot to you. You see it every day when you come in. It came in the mail out of nowhere. Reporter a photo sent to him by a soldier with hagels unit during the 1968 tet offensive. We were going in, it was the largest in the world. As we were approaching it, these explosions started going off because the vc had gotten in there the night before. The reason that picture has struck me always is because it represents, i think, in one picture, the awesome power of war. Reporter now the secretary of defense is using the power of his office to help some of the most troubled veterans from the war he fought in. Hagel has ordered that Vietnam Veterans with less than honorable discharges may now have posttraumatic stress from that war be considered a crick factor in their discharge. That could open the door to Vietnam Veterans who never qualified for disability pay because of their discharge status, finally getting compensated. In our generation, there was the term, the crazy vietnam vet. Everyone knew that term. Guys shooting up gas stations and robbing stores. Reporter steve peck, a former marine, has worked Homeless Veterans since he came home from vietnam. We have been recognizing that more and more of the veterans who are still homeless, who are really cut out of society, have other than honorable discharges. And we want to get them off the street. Why would we leave them out there . Reporter joe hunt was drafted and sent to vietnam at the age of 19. I had nightmares when i came home. And pretty much blocked it out of my mind. Reporter he is glad the government is trying to do more. I think its great. We were drafted. We were forced to go. Reporter for hagel, it is about doing the right thing by Vietnam Veterans who came home with little recognition of their struggles. There was no reflection of experiences and what a veteran of a war carries with him or her. They deserve another chance. It is the right thing to do and i am so privileged that i have an opportunity to be part of that. Reporter so if you ask chuck hagel, did he come home with posttraumatic stress, he will tell you what every veteran knows. War changes he shall. I think we should all thank the defense secretary for doing this. It has taken a long time but someone like myself who grew up with the vietnam war, this is something everyone has to appreciate. Im really glad the secretary of defense is taking this initiative for those vets right now. It may be late but it is not too late. It will then men and women. Thanks very much, barbara, for that report. I really appreciate it on. This veterans day, we salute all the men and women who have served and are serving in the United States military. Every single generation of veterans throughout our history has been the best that this country has had to offer. It is as true today as it was 200 years ago, when a generation of warriors held the ramparts at ft. Mchenry, as the dawns early light broke through, scott key asked a question, does that star spangled banner yet wave. The war reminds us to honor those who protect our country and the scars for those that return home, are visible and invisible. Taking care of our people are something we must honor. Does that star spangled banner yet wave, over the hand of the free and the home of the brave, the answer is yes. American warriors never bend, never break and never, ever, ever yield. [ applause ] entertainment begins with the cloud. This is titanfall, the first multiplayer game built and run on microsoft azure. Empowering gamers around the world to interact in ways they never thought possible. This cloud turns data into excitement. This is the microsoft cloud. In the country. We operate just like a city, and that takes a lot of energy. We use natural gas throughout the airport for heating the entire terminal, generating electricity onsite, and fueling hundreds of vehicles. Were very focused on reducing our environmental impact. And natural gas is a big part of that commitment. A secure retirement. A new home. Earning your diploma. Providing for your family. Real associates, using walmarts benefits to build better lives for their families. Opportunity. Thats the real walmart. Were awaiting Major Developments in a nearly fiveyearold mystery. Tomorrow a suspect will be arraigned in the deaths of Joseph Mcstay and his wife and two young sons. They disappeared in february of 2010. Their remains were discovered a year ago in the Mojave Desert and now their friend has been charged with the killings. We are talking tonight about the special tonight, buried seeks, who murdered the mcstay family. Randy, you interviewed this man. Where does he say he was the family disappeared, the final day. We spent two hours with him before he was arrested, back in january of this year. He said he was at home. He had seen Joseph Mcstay at lunch and they talked business and that night he was at home when he was watching tv with his girlfriend when Joseph Mcstay called him on his cell phone and he didnt answer because he was too tired. And they say he was at home. One person did this. Could that one person have killed the whole family and buried them, and then dropped the truck 250 miles south of the border. And he was writing a book about the case. If he did do this, that seems strange. He said he was writing a book and in the research phase. But Patrick Mcstay, his father, was writing a book. And they were in touch. And patrick told us when chase was working on the book he called patrick and wanted to know what patrick would write in his book and suggest he read him some of the parts and looking back patrick may think that chase was looking to find out what Patrick Mcstay knew about the investigation and what had happened. And randy, your documentary here tonight at 9 00 p. M. On cnn, features the interview of the father of Joseph Mcstay. What did he tell you . We spoke to Patrick Mcstay after the person has been arrested and he said, regarding the motive, he thinks it had to do with money. He said his son Joseph Mcstay was working on a 9 million tool to make water falls and that is what he did for a living and he said chase merits work was getting slopping and he was looking him to cut him out of the deal and he thinks money was involved. And watch tonight, 9 00 p. M. Eastern for randys report, buried secrets who murdered the mcstay family. And you can tweet me at wolf blitzer. And tweet me at cnn sit room. And join us tomorrow here at the situation room. You can watch us live or dvr so you dont miss a moment. Set that dvr. Youll be happy about that. Thats it for me. Thank you very much for watching. Im wolf blitzer in the situation room. Erin Burnett Outfront starts right now. Outfront tonight, breaking news. A new tape of militants pledging allegiance to isis. How far has it spread. And the missouri governor is ready to call the National Guard with the grand jury decision days away, police are getting ready with riot gear. And a man charged with murder after his wife fell off a mountain and now there are questions about his first wifes death. Now there are questions. Accident or murder . Lets go outfront. Good evening. Im erin burnett

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