Im brianna keeler. Youre in the situation room. The parents of slain teen Michael Brown speak out to cnn and a stunning new look at a Police Officer threatening protesters. Here are the latest developments. Missouris governor orders the National Guard to start withdrawing from ferguson saying troops have successfully carried out their mission. That follows a fence menning visit by attorney general eric holder who met with browns parents. Holder today is vowing a fair and thorough federal investigation and browns parents tell Anderson Cooper that holders visit made a difference. Youll hear that just ahead. Put your gun down. And a new view of a Police Officer caught on video pointing his weapon at at peaceful protester protesters. Our other big story as isis steps up threats after the murder of an american. There are new concerns about possible attacks inside the United States. All of that ahead. Our correspondents and guests are standing by with full coverage and we begin with cnn National CorrespondentJason Carroll on the ground in ferguson. What are you learning, jason . Well, brianna, you look out on the streets, you see few police, even fewer protests are. A big change from what weve seen out here the past several days. One thing that has not changed and remains in this community and thats how many people here feel about the police. The police. New video of a deadly faceoff between police and a Young Africanamerican man in missouri just four miles away from ferguson. The officers say he had a knife and their lives were in danger. He got his gun out. Oh [ bleep ]. Oh [ bleep ]. Oh [ bleep ]. Oh [ bleep ] guns out. The video raising questions about the Police Response and whether deadly force was necessary. The st. Louis police chief defended the officers in an interview with cnn. He was asked why they didnt use a taser or stun gun instead. Youve got an individual armed with a knife moving towards you not listening to any verbal commands sasds shoot me now, kill me now. If that taser misses, that subject continues on and hurts an officer. Police tactics under enormous scrutiny after the shooting death of Michael Brown by ferguson Police OfficerDarren Wilson. As a grabbed jury begins sorting through conflicting accounts, a new witness has come forward casting doubt on claims by wilsons supporters that brown rushed at the officer and struggled to get his gun. Did you see him running toward the officer in any way . No, no, not after when he was running away, no, not at all. On his testimony alone this officer should be arrested. I mean, it was very clear what he saw that this kid was trying to give up, yet this officer continued to shoot him. On the streets of ferguson overnight, a show of support for officer wilson. But some of the demonstrators were whisked away by police after they were shouted down by browns supporters. Mike brown. Mike brown. In all, it was a calmer night in ferguson with only a handful of arrests just hours after a visit by attorney general eric holder who gave reinsurance to the community and to michael bouns parents. Our investigation will be fair. It will be thorough. And it will be independent. Just having the words come directly from his mouth face to face, he made me feel like one day, i will and im not saying today or yesterday, but one day theyll regain my trust. So again, brianna, overall fewer arrests last night. The true test will be how things turn out tonight. How things turn out again this weekend. Brianna . Jason carroll in ferguson, thank you. Missouris governor is ordering the National Guard to start pulling out of ferguson saying its mission has been accomplished but can residents there afford to breathe a sigh of relief . Lets turn to jake tamer also in ferguson. Do you get the sense, jake, if this is the right time or is this too soon . Its very difficult to ascertain. I was on the ground last thursday which was a nonviolent night, the night that the captain ron johnson of the Highway Patrol took over. It was a boisterous night but it was not a violent night. Then that was followed by friday, saturday, sunday, looting and violence. Its true at that time last couple nights here with the National Guard on the ground have been relatively peaceful especially last night. I dont note what difference the National Guard makes in that, what seems to me to have been most effective is the police to have been spread out throughout the area of ferguson. And not consolidated in one area in a manner that many protesters complained seemed threatening in their big consolidated show of fours. So i dont know what role the National Guard per se played in those decisions so its difficult to make that judgment but i certainly hope that the peacefulness continues as it has for two nights in a row now. Can you gauge, jake, if theres a change in the mood on the ground if maybe protesters feel like because they had the attorney general there, they feel like theyre well, its certainly true that the brown family, their legal representatives, local clergy, some individuals with whom i spoke at the canfield Green Apartments where Michael Brown was shot, they do feel reassured that the federal government, that president obama and attorney general eric holder are keeping an eye on whats going on because they have a lot of distrust for local authorities, the local prosecutor, even state authorities. But a lot of the problems with these protests have been by individuals not necessarily out because they care about Michael Brown. A lot of them have been individuals trying to provoke police for their own reasons. Obviously theres been a professionally criminal element when it comes to some of the looting weve seen. I dont know that they care where attorneyern general eric holder one way or the other. Even if the brown family does, maybe they do not. Jake tapper in ferguson, thank you so much. We want to talk about what is next for the troubled city. Lets get now to naacp board member john gaskin joining us from ferguson. One of the things that is being called for many people there in the area, john, they think that the local da should not be in charge of this case. The naacp is calling for a special prosecutor. There is a petition that has been signed, 70,000 signatures on it calling for the governor to replace bob mccullough, the da with a different prosecutor. It hasnt happened. Why do you think that is and whats your expectation . Well, recent what we dont want to happen is for people to play politics with someone that has unfortunately been killed. We have put some pressure on the governor. Weve reached out and like many other people, we havent gotten a response. During the state of an emergency, the governor has the authority to the appoint eight special prosecuting attorney. Bob mccullough has already stated that he would be more than willing to cooperate if the governor asked for that. And several people here on the ground in his office have also said they would be willing to cooperate. For him not to use that kind of power and simply satisfy many people that have called for it and put this community at ease and put many people that are concerned about this investigation at ease, i think it would be the right decision for him not to do it, certainly the voters certainly need to reevaluate his leadership. If he decides to stay put, as it appears he is, then whats next for you . Well, whats next here for us is to make sure that there is a transparent and expeditious investigation to continue to keep putting pressure on the Justice Department to stay on this job as i mentioned yesterday on your show, eric holders conversation was very encouraging. And at the naacp, we are 100 that eric holder is on the job but you asked whats next . On saturday, at 1 00, at the buzz west fall Shopping Center near that neighborhood, the naacp youth are leading a march. Weve got youth coming in from across the country to be here to make a stand that were tired of Police Brutality. And were tired of the way that Law Enforcement is treating africanamerican puerto rican men on the streets of our neighborhoods. John, police are saying that there was a struggle between Michael Brown and officer wilson. If that is the case, does that is weaken the case against the officer . I dont think so. For someone to have been shot nine times, lets not lose sight of that. There are several things that an officer at least what weve been told can do from their training to restrain a person they are fearful of. But to shoot someone nine times. What would you expect the officer to do . He could have easily have shot the young man in his leg, in his arm. But to shoot someone nine times . Is that brings many questions. Thats why america is outraged over had. You said nine. The autopsy says six, is that right . Excuse me. Six times. I apologize. I just wanted to be careful of that. And then real quick before i let you go, theres relative calm we saw last night. Do you think the attorney generals visit made a difference or do you think that a lot of protesters just decide they would keep their activities to the day and that didnt give kind of the criminal elements a chance to come to the gathering in the evening . I think theres a combination of both because that call has been put out by captain johnson and local authorities here to protest during the day. But i think the other thing is as you all mentioned during your reporting is that a lot of people here on the ground are very confident in eric holder. A lot of people were very welcoming of his message and what he had to say and were very are confident that hes going to do his job and make sure that no stone doesnt go unturned. The other thing that were looking at here is hes focused in on this. Its a top priority for the Justice Department. When you i want to ask you before i let you go, this new video of this its a Police Officer from the st. Ann Police Department who confronted protesters. I mean, there was a lot of cursing, but he pointed his semiautomatic weapon at them and really didnt really end his sort of provocative behavior until another officer kind of got him under control. Youre looking at that video. Some people have said, no, this was a one off thing. Do you think that this is i guess evidence of a bigger issue of a cultural issue with police in the area . Absolutely. As ive said on your show so many times, the Ferguson Police department isnt the only municipal Police Department within st. Louis county that has an issue in terms of Police Brutality and how theyre dealing with people on the ground here. Thats no surprise to me. I saw a little bit of that, not quite that severe when i was on the ground just a few nights ago. I was spoken to in an irrational way when i was there by an officer. Im not surprised by that video at all. John gaskin, thanks so much for being with us. We appreciate it. Thank you. Next, Michael Browns parents speak out to cnn. Youll be hearing what they have to say. Ill also talk with a lawyer for the brown family. Plus, stunning new video of a Fatal Police Shooting very close to ferguson. We will break it down with cnn Law Enforcement analyst tom fuentes. He got his gun out. Oh, [ bleep ]. Big day . Ah, the usual. Moved some new cars. Hauled a bunch of steel. Kept the supermarket shelves stocked. Made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. Whats up for the next shift . Ah, nothing much. Just keeping the lights on. laugh nice. Doing the big things that move an economy. See you tomorrow, mac. See you tomorrow, sam. Just another day at norfolk southern. So nice, so niiice sweet, sweet st. Thomas nice so nice, so niiice st. Croix, full of pure vibes so nice, so niiice st. John, a real paradise so nice, so niiice proud to be from the Virgin Islands and the whole place nice to experience your Virgin Islands nice, book one of our summer packages today. Were following the breaking news in ferguson, missouri, where newly released video of a second Police Shooting is stirring anger and mistrust. Watch as a 23yearold africanamerican who allegedly just shoplifted from a Convenience Store paces on sidewalk. Apparently he is holding a knife. St. Louis police arriving there at the scene and within 20 seconds, they open fire and kill him. Drop the knife. Oh, sleep. They got their guns out. How can they just kill this man . Cnn Law Enforcement analyst tom fuentes is here to walk us through it all. We paused the video. We are not going to show the conclusion of the video. There are about 20 seconds before he dies. Or before he is shot fightally. Tom, as youre looking at this, this is the first frame of the police car pulling up and this is the man seeing the police for the first time. From your perspective, tell us how this plays out. First of all, hes waiting for the police. He has stolen these, set them on ot sidewalk, hes pacing. I cant take this anymore hes shouting. Hes waiting. And here it comes. Police car moves up onto the sidewalk here off the street. He backs out from the position here backing to this spot. Hes assessing whats going on had his right hand is in the pocket of had his hoodie. After that, now you see hes going forward. From this point on, he never retreats. When the hand came out of the pocket, theres a knife that the officers see but we cant see from our angle. He goes forward, jumps on the retaining wall flanking to the left of the officers. Theyre still looking as the him. From here, hes a pretty Long Distance from the first officer. When he makes the turn, he begins walking toward them and never stops. As he gets closer and closer, they finally open fire. And when he finally which were not going to see, but when hes finally down on the sidewalk shot, he is at about where this officers feet are. His body straddles that line in the sidewalk. So this officer. Hes very close. This officer backed up. When his body on the ground, i would estimate knowing the measurements now you can draw where you think where the body was. The body is from here to here. Okay. And the distance from the officers feet gets to be about here. Distance from here to here i believe is 4 1 2 feet. So when hes down here, hes less than half of that. Hes prol two feet from the foot of the officer and hes never his Forward Motion even when hes shot is forward of them. He falls forward. So the question is, was the level of force appropriate . I believe so. Police officers are taught that when a person with a knife gets to about 21 feet, probably about this distance here, any closer youre in mortal danger because if that person just lungs full speed, you barely have enough time to stop him. Much has been made of the number of shots of these officers. When youre a Police Officer in that situation and youre focused on the subject, you dont hear anything else going on. Can i challenge you on that just a little bit . Because obviously, is he moving towards them. But i watched the unedited video. He does fall forward. There is this continued motion forward as you say. But by my count, there are the an least four shots that were fired and its hard to tell from exactly which officer both four shots fired affidavit he is well on, either on the ground or well on the way. What you also see in that video is that hes not dead. Hes still moving around. His arms are moving. He still has the ability to stick his hands in the pocket, or in his waistband or come up with another gun or knife or something else. The mere fact that hes shot, while hes laying here, hes moving around. Theyre still yelling at him 0 stop. Basically to give up. Theyre trying to handcuff him because those hands pose a danger if they pull another weapon out. Each of these officers separately shooting, you wouldnt know that your partner is shooting right next to you. That would be zoned out. You would be concentrating on your shots and not realize. If you had five officers shooting five shots each, you would have 30 shots. They wouldnt be aware the other shots are going on simultaneously. That would be very difficult to know under those terms. Theyre acting as if theyre is. Their mind would be so focused at that moment, as long as hes coming forward and he never stops coming forward, as long as hes moving even op ground, hes still a threat to the two officers doing the shooting. Some have said why not use pepper spray or a taser, some nonlethal weapon. What do you say to that . The amount of time the Police Officers have to react to this and get out, they dont have the array of equipment and can pull it out an look. Its not really you know, 100 reliable. Its difficult to im a tazzer. You shoot the barbs. Maybe you miss or hit him. With 21 feet, we ought to be setting out a floor chart and reenact it. Ill show you with a knife how quickly i can plunge that knife into you and how quickly if youre a Police Officer officer not be thinking about i could use a tease taser, a rope, an animal catcher. You have very little time. The whole encounter said is about 20 seconds. From this point when he starts going toward the officers and from the time they see that knife, its a smarter time span. I want to ask you because this makes me think of the Michael Brown shooting and just not that you can compare them in a way, but the fact that the Michael Brown shooting, there is no video. So many different accounts. Even here in this instance, there is video. We can see what happens. Yet, there still is no convergence. So what does that say about whether there ever will be when it comes to the killing of Michael Brown . In terms of Michael Brown, there will never be a consensus, even when the Police Release the still shots of Michael Brown in the Convenience Store committing the violent act against the store clerk, immediately individuals interviewed said the police photo shopped it. No matter what is shown, no matter what evidence, there will be a group of people who never believe it. That will happen in a situation like this. There will be people that doubt it. You know, and i could only say having been a uniformed Police Officer, made felony arrests an people with weapons like that, its a whole different thing when you have that person coming at you with a knife and its a very dangerous situation. Thank you so much for your input. It really helps to understand what happened here. Tom fuentes. Coming up, michael bouns parents speak out to cnn. You will hear what they have to say. And could isis have sleeper cells in the u. S. . As we learn more about the brutal murder of an american, there are new concerns about the groups ability to strike in this country. Youre in the situation room. Wewere trying ourls. Best to be role models. We dont jump at the sound of the opening bell, because were trying to make the school bell. Corner booth beats Corner Office any day. We make the most out of our time. And our money. The chevrolet malibu. J. D. Powers highest ranked midsize car in initial quality. The car for the richest guys on earth. 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Defense secretary chuck hagel says is threat from isis is now greater than al qaeda. The new warning comes just days after isis beheaded an american in a horrific video. Cnn pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr was in the room with hagel as well as general martin dempsey, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. Tell us about this . Both men were asked about, what is exactly the threat that isis poses to us . What is the threat they pose to americans . Thousands of miles away from iraq or syria where there are strongholds currently are. Alarming words from defense secretary chuck hagel. Have a listen to what he had to say. This is beyond anything that weve seen. We must prepare for everything. And the only way you do that is you take a cold steely hard look at it and get ready. And get ready. Get ready for what . You know, he was asked, could they stage a 9 11 type attack. The concern that u. S. Officials have of course, is that american who have gone to syria or iraq to fight with isis have passports they can possibly get back into the country. We know u. S. Law enforcement already keeping their eye on several americans. There have been some arrests they believe have isis affiliations or isis type loyalties. The question, of course, is could they really carry off this type of attack. Right now, the question perhaps for the pentagon more centrally is what are they going to do about isis in iraq and syria before they grab more territory, more power across the middle east. U. S. Air strikes in iraq certainly going to continue. The door remains open to the possibility of presenting an option to president obama for expanded air strikes inside syria. Officials say its just an idea but now, of course, we have had that failed hostage rescue raid inside syria. So now that door is open to u. S. Military action inside syria if it came to that. Let me just tell you, we asked both men, both leaders why they decided that it was okay to publicize that very classified hostage rescue raid. This is not the kind of thing either of them ever talks about. They say the white house decided to do it and they approved of the idea because the news media several news Media Outlets were about to write stories about it. They decided to make that very secret mission public. Barbara, i want to keep you up with us here as i bring in someone with some firsthand experience of really what it takes to plan and carry out a mission like that that we saw in the end, this is pardon me, former Navy Seal John Mcguire. John, in the end, this was not successful but in a way i know that it was successful because the special forces were able to get out without their being really any casualties aside from i think one injury. Right . Thats correct. Its hard for Many Americans to understand. So maybe oversimplify it with football. We make a play and sometimes that doesnt work. We get a second down. I think it is a win in that everybody came back and is okay. Explain what goes into a rescue operation involving isis. This is a brutal group. We have seen that play out horrifically just yesterday. Explain how long it takes really to kind of plan this and carry this out. There are people still on earthing that think evil doesnt exist. Isis is doing a good job proving them wrong. The only thing for evil to prevail is for good men to sit around and do nothing. It takes a whole lot. Men and women in the military and in other services all over the world coming together, teamwork, leadership, communication, everyone connected. And barbara, i know you must have many questions for our guest john. Yeah, i wanted to ask about the danger involved in a mission like this. Look, we know that knave seals, Army Delta Force, air force people very well trained and have extraordinary bravery walking into these missions. Lets get down to what its really all about. These guys walked right into it, not entirely sure what they were going to face and got into a fire fight and what from were hearing it was a pretty nasty one. The kind of training that that you get to do this sort of thing, youre prepared for everything. But reality, are you really are ever prepared for a full on fire fight . I think thats why were so stringent on the training. I think about army brothers, air force brotherses and our military. You know, we realize some something are more important than fear. I tell you what, if we dont have the men and women to step up and serve, were going to be in trouble. Its going to take men and women who can be step up, realize some things are more important than fear to get rid of this evil. Otherwise, this evil will continue to grow. One of the things i wanted to. Go ahead. I wanted to ask, one of the things were hearing is four u. S. Commandos, isis fighters are something quite different. In other words, they are so ideaologically driven. They know they may be overmatched by the u. S. Military but dont actually care. They dont scatter. They dont make a run for it. They stand and fight and are quite willing to die for what they allege to believe in. This becomes a bit of a different enemy for you to fight. You cant scare them off apparently. Thats the reason our training is so important. Its not for everyone. But the cool thing is or the good thing our teams seemed trained. Theyre the best in the world. It is certainly dangerous. Thats the risk you take to protect northerns and our interests. When youre looking at operating inside of syria, does that pose unique risks compared to other places where operations are being carried out in the region . Into to be honest, i thisty i speak for anyone who bes in the military. I see no positive reason why americans know we were. Syria. I think every american wants to know how we do it and how ewe do it, especially our enemy. If we let them know, it is puts us in harms way. It upsets me. We have the best people out there looking for americans. Whether you make a little bit of money or millions, every american is important. Weve proven that with osama bin laden. Americans just need to know we have amazing men and women willing to risk their lives for freedom. We do not know need to know that we went. Syria because i think it puts peoples lives in harms way. You think it could lead to someone dying, a member of the special forces dying because of certainly isis knew about this, but you think other enemies knowing this, it puts their lives at risk . I think so. In a basketball game or i an Football Game you do not want the opponent having your playbook. Less they know the better. Is it theyll be ready to respond . Thats right. You operate on surprise . Well the military in general, all warfare is based on deception, even in sports. I keep going back to sports to make it six for all americans. Football and basketball, if people know what youre going to do, they can plan for it. John mcguire, thank you so much. Barbara, thanks for joining us, as well. We have much more breaking News Coverage on threat from isis. Could this notorious terror group be planting sleeper cells in the u. S. . And were going back to ferguson for the latest developments as police begin to pull back on the streets and the National Guard withdraws. When a pro at any 2014 pga tour event sinks a holeinone, quicken loans will pay your mortgage for an entire year. That is how its done. Truly amazing get in the holeinone sweepstakes. Enter today at pgatour. Com quickenloans and you could have your mortgage paid for an entire year. Where the reward was that what if tnew car smelledit card and the freedom of the open road . A card that gave you that im 16 and just got my first car feeling. Presenting the buypower card from capital one. 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Amid the new warnings, theres also a growing fear that isis may be infiltrating the u. S. And western europe using western passports. Bryan todd has been investigating that side of the story for us. This is down right scary. It is. Tonight the threat information is chilling from u. S. Intelligence officials. They are telling us they have indications isis has cells in europe that could attack u. S. Interests. Analysts say its possible the group could develop cells inside the u. S. One says they already have. Its in line with the threat made by that one isis militant who killed james foley. Moments before beheading james foley, his executioner, an isis terrorist warns of more attacks on americans. Any attempt by you, obama, to deny the muslims their rights of living in safety under the islamic caliphate result in the blood shed of your people. Tonight, new indications that isis cos harm more americans and others in the west. A u. S. Intelligence official tells cnn they have indications of isis cells in europe which could attack u. S. Embassies and other american interests. The official says its not clear if those terrorists were ordered by isis or if they went on their own. An isis fighter threatened the west telling reuters we have also penetrated them with those who look like them. Does isis have sells in america . Former cia officer bob baer believes they do. I have been told with no uncertainty there there are isis esleeper cells in this country. But two u. S. Officials tell cnn they have no indication of isis cells inside america right now. Still they are very concerned that isis fighters with western passports could travel to the u. S. And launch attacks. Officials believe a handful of americans have fought with isis in iraq and syria and cnns peter bergen says others have tried to help the group. Youve got three americans indicted for joining isis within the last year including a woman which is quite unusual. Luckily they were arrested before they could leave the country. Clearly isis is sort of, if youre interested in this ideology, thats the most exciting to thing to go and join right now. Tracking americans in isis is getting more difficult especially in syria and iraq. A senior u. S. Intelligence official tells us the footprint for american human intelligence in that area is not extensive. Analysts say the isis leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi has extra motivation to send nighters to the u. S. The head of isis is a narcissistic psychopath. He wants to be bigger than osama bin laden. And one of the ways he will measure that is how effective and how big the terrorist activities he can carry out in the west are compared to what bin laden was able to do. Analysts say al baghdadi is taking a page from bin ladens propaganda book and say he gets shock value. He knows how chilling it is for werners to hear someone with a western accent speaking to the camera and carrying out a horrifying barbaric act like the killing of james foley. That video was right out of osama bin ladens playbook. It was horrible. The big concern theres this concern about a number of isis fighters who have american passports. Isnt the bigger concern the number who have european pass powers . Absolutely it is. Were told a handful of americans are in isis right now. The number of europeans dwarfs them. Intelligence information analysts coming together with this information. More than 400 british citizens alone in isis. That sends a chill through everybody in europe. Now that we know they have cells, this is now ratcheted up. We br i think in former Navy Seal John Mcguire as well as counterterrorism analyst phillip mudd, formerly of the cia and the fbi. To you, phil. How realistic is thissing that isis has sleeper cells in the u. S. . We heard from governor rick perry in texas that you know, he actually said its a real possibility. Thats a quote, that isis has crossed into the u. S. Over the southern border. I think we after 13, 14 years of war and my 25 years of following these guy, we have to take a deep breath. The reason is this. I doubt theres a formal cell here. I dont know. What i witnessed in years of watching these guys is clus terz of youth who were not formaldehyde mali organized who might be inspiring each other and who would come together over the course of time, baby over going to paintball, for example, and say hey, weve seen what al baghdadi did. Maybe we should build a backpack bomb. I think its likely there are kids like that in formal clusters. Formal cells like the kind you see in hollywood, i would be more convinced that. More that would be inspired by it. A question to you, john. As the perspective of a navy seal, do you see and do you remember fellow seals and former seals see isis as worse than other enemies that youve dealt with . Is there something ha makes these bad guys the badr guys. Theyre not trained to the level we are but theyre certainly a threat. At one point they said they were 5,000 strong, then 10,000, i heard somewhere 0,000 strong. I would take them seriously either way. John, how do you prepare when youre going into a raid against a group like isis, how do you prepare for it. What are you telling each other about how theyre preparing . That was a long fire fight. How do you go in and what mentality do you have when youre going up against those guys. We cant talk too much about what we would do. Its a team, as the a brotherhood. I guess i care more about the guy to my right, letting them down than my own life. Thats the way they think. Because we think that way, we get through crazy situations. You know the isis guys think that way, too. They dont have much regard for their own lives in these situations. Thats one of the reasons why its very important we have the best people and best training and best equipment. Worstening in the world is to hear about our men and women not being supplied. Coming up, Michael Browns parents speak out to cnn. You will hear what they have to say, also talk with a lawyer for the brown family. Later an officer points his semiautomatic rifle in the face of protesters. We have new details on his suspension. Youre going to kill him. Big day . Ah, the usual. Moved some new cars. Hauled a bunch of steel. Kept the supermarket shelves stocked. Made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. Whats up for the next shift . Ah, nothing much. Just keeping the lights on. laugh nice. Doing the big things that move an economy. See you tomorrow, mac. See you tomorrow, sam. Just another day at norfolk southern. So nice, so niiice sweet, sweet st. Thomas nice so nice, so niiice st. 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Do you have confidence up until yesterday i didnt. You didnt . But just hearing the words come directly from his mouth face to face, he made me feel like one day i will and im not saying today or yesterday, but one day i theyll regain my trust. You can see Anderson Coopers full interview with Michael Browns parents tonight on ac 360. Thats tonight at 8 00 eastern right here on cnn. Coming up, were going back to ferguson live. So what were looking for is a way to plus our Accounting Firms mobile plan. And minus our expenses. Perfect timing. Were offering our bestever pricing on mobile plans for business. Run the numbers on that. Well, unlimited talk and text, and ten gigs of data for the five of you would be. Oneseventyfive a month. Good calculating kyle. Good job kyle. You just made partner. Our bestever pricing on mobile share value plans for business. Now with a 100 bill credit for every business line you add. Relish. 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Ask your doctor if crestor could help you. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Happening now, a the situation room special report. Deadly fire, new video raises more questions about Police Tactics in missouri. Will this shooting cause an outcry like weve seen in ferguson . [ gunfire ] also this hour, police pull back after nearly two weeks of tension and violence in ferguson. The governor giving new marching orders to the National Guard. And inside a failed rescue. Dramatic new rescues about attempts to save the american journalist who was beheaded by isis. The pentagons top spokesman is standing by. We want to welcome our viewers in the states and around the world. Wolf blitzer is off tonight. Im brianna keilar. This is beyond anything that weve seen. So we must prepare for everything. And the only way you do that is you take a cold steely hard look at it and get ready. Breaking news this hour, a chilling new warning from the pentagon chief about the threat to the United States and the world from isis, amid growing concerns that the terror group may have sleeper cells inside the u. S. Well have more on that ahead. First, breaking news out of ferguson, missouri. National guard troops deployed to are now on orders to withdraw. Just hours after eric holders visit to ferguson, the attorney general is promising that the investigation into the Police Shooting of 18yearold Michael Brown will be fair and independent. Michael browns mother tells cnn holder made her feel reassure. The words come directly from his mouth, face to face, he made me feel like one day i will, and im not saying today or yesterday, but one day i will theyll regain my trust. We have correspondents and news makers standing by as we cover the breaking news out of ferguson and around the world. First to cnns jake tapper. He is going to be joining me throughout the hour. Jake . Reporter brianna, the federal and state investigations of Michael Browns death are just now beginning, really. Theres new scrutiny of a different deadly faceoff between police here in missouri and a Young African american man. Theres new video of that shooting and its only adding to concerns about Police Tactics in the state and frankly across america. Since the shooting death of Michael Brown 12 days ago, as well as the Police Shooting of another African American man in st. Louis on tuesday, there has been a new focus on when police are supposed to use deadly force when they believe theyre facing a deadly threat. The general rule of thumb everywhere in the country is keep firing until the threat is stopped. Blp p shooting people down like dogs in the street. Reporter new video released Late Wednesday showed the final moments for a 25yearold man who the police chief says was behaving erratically and holding a knife. Kajieme powell is seen here. A 911 call from the star said he stole small items. He got drinks and do nuts. Minutes later, another call to 911. A young man in khaki pants and blue hooded shirt. This time describing a weapon. He had a knife in his hands. He then stepped towards Police Holding a knife and the police shot and killed him. Reporter the whole deadly confrontation takes fewer than 20 seconds. Powell tells the Police Officers to shoot him, to kill him. Then he makes his way up here to the parking lot where he makes his way directory towards the Police Officers. Is at approximately the spot where he is shot and he lands and stumbles down on to the ground and lies dead here. The question is just how far was he from the Police Officers, what kind of threat did he pose to them. And this is where our amateur sleuthing falls short. We do not know where exactly powell was standing when he was shot and we conot know the exact location of the officers. But just to give you an idea of distances here, we believe he was shot somewhere around here and this tape measurer is 16 feet long. 16 feet may seem far, but for police, even that distance may not be enough, not enough to feel safe. There is no hard and fast rule, but some officers use 21 feet as a rule of thumb. If someone with a weapon is within that distance, they the get the officers before the police can top stop them. You can be 10, 15, up to 20 feet away and close within just a second or two. Thats all the time an officer has to react. Reporter the deaths of brown and powell have had members of the public asking why dont the officers shoot to wound aiming for the legs . The officer has to shoot at what hes most likely to hit and thats going to be the center of the person, the center mass of the person and unfortunately working up into the persons head. Reporter you may not like these protocols, they might seem wrong to you, but this is what many officers are taught. The question, of course, do these regulations, among other factors, lead to further distrust between some communities and the police . They wonder why these young men run from them. Because theyre scared. Scared of what might happen. Reporter officers of course are fearful too citing fbi statistics that 27 Police Officers wrs killed in the line of duty last year. People go out there with the mindset that police are out there hunting down civilians or killing unarmed men because its somehow something they do or enjoy. Thats just a sick thought. But its an inaccurate thought. Reporter earlier i asked the police chief for st. Louis why did he initially say that mr. Powell had his knife in the air . He said that was because the initial first testimonies from witnesses, not the officers, said that the man had the life in the air. But the officers never said that. We have a lot of questions for him and a lot more coming up. We will await that. Jack tapper in ferg sop, missouri. Joining us now, an attorney for the brown family. Anthony gray with us now. Na thank you so much for being with us. Thank you for having me. Definitely. Today follow as big day yesterday with attorney general eric holder came to foergson, met with the brown family. How important was that for them to have that meeting and sit face a to face and talk to the foreign general . Well, i think leslie said it better than i could. It seemed to have had a very soothing effect on her. It came across to her as being genuine and reassuring. And at this hour, while shes trying to bury her child, i think it came at a very appropriate time. There is a federal criminal civil rights investigation that is under way right now. Are you expecting that there will be charges coming from that investigation when it comes to officer wilson . Well, you know, i fully expect for there to be charges based on what the witnesses have consistently said across the board. I dont know how any investigation can discount all of the consistent key eyewitness testimony that has been given regarding the incidents of that saturday afternoon. So me personally, i expect to see charges to be brought in this case. Did you feel like you got that did the family feel like they got that sense coming from the attorney general . Well, i dont know if they got the sense that charges will be filed. I do feel that they got the sense that whatever is done in this investigation, they have some hope that it would be fair, that it would be thorough and that it would be transparent. Im pretty sure that they would live with the results even if they dont like them. Some legal experts have said there may not be federal charges against the officer but what you might see happen is a broader look from the Justice Department at the Ferguson Police department and really sort of setting up benchmarks that the department would need to hit, a sense that obviously theres a cultural problem there in the Police Department. I imagine the family agrees that that should be done. But would that be enough for them . I dont know if anything would be enough, other than resurrecting their child back from the grave. I do think its a positive step in the right direction. Obviously theres an environment there that fostered the kind of reaction and conduct that officer wilson took on that day. And it seems to be way more systemic than just one incident on a saturday afternoon. So i welcome a probe into the Ferguson Police department that could probably get to the root of that. Yesterday Michael Browns mom, leslie, went for the first time to see her sons body. Tell us how important it was for her to do that and how emotional it must have been. Well the emotional part i can only liken it to this. Just imagine if it was your own child. Whatever feelings you would have about your own child, you can transfer those to ms. Mcspaden and multiply times ten. It bring her one step close tore closure and for all of those reasons it was helpful. Thanks so much for being with us. Really appreciate it. Thank you so much for having me. And lets head back now to ferguson, missouri where jake tapper is. Jake . Reporter thanks brianna. Calls for a special prosecutor to investigation Michael Browns death are gaining momentum. Protesters deliver a petition today with 70,000 signatures demanding that the local prosecutor, Robert Mccullough be removed from the case. Chrissics claim hes too close to police. They question whether he would be fair. Lets talk about this discussion with Missouri State senator, democrat, he joins us now. State senator, thanks so much for being here. First, lets get your reaction to the shooting video of Kajieme Powell in st. Louis. Does it raise any questions for you . Absolutely. I had several of my constituents call me and tell me about the shooting when it happened. And then i started getting pictures of the area in which this person was shot. And then last night pi saw the video. And i was quite appalled by that video when i saw that after the gentlemen was shot so many times, the Police Officers literally put handcuffs on a person who had been shot multiple times. I was really concerned about that and hopefully the investigation will show that, you know, that was uncalled for. I know that those officers are on unpaid leave, which is definitely for that community a good thing as opposed to the officer in ferguson who is still on paid leave. Reporter i was down at the area of the tuesday shooting today. I heard concerns from local businesses that there were going to be recriminations against them, that hooters, that criminals, that angry protesters were going to take it out on their stores, take it out on them personally even, because this young man with a knife who was behave erratically, that they, you know, some people from that area, including a local woman, i believe, called the police. That must be a horrible feeling to think, here is this disturbance, im calling the police. Forget the shooting for one second. They fear being held responsible for elements of the community. Heres what i will tell you. In july and august i was campaigning in that area for a local candidate. That area abuts my district, my senate district. And the people in that community are extremely close. You have several generations of folks. I think it is a legitimate concern of those Business Owners to be targeted because of the ferguson experience. But what i will tell you is theres a lot of calm in that community yesterday, as opposed to what has been happening in ferguson. And i realize, and i think they realize, that it was important for the mayor to come out and bring calm. I think that they tempered everything down as much as possible so that they would not have a ferguson part ii. Reporter i want to ask you a question about someone youre not a huge fan of. The governor has decided to order the withdrawal, slow and deliberate, but the withdrawal of the missouri National Guard. There have been two nights of relative peace. Was that the right decision in. Absolutely. If from the very beginning, this community thought they were being intimidated by police. Rightfully so. We were talking about st. Louis county. As i say this we point out that theyre actually packing up behind us. This hum vie is actually leaving. I dont know if theyre taking their trip tick with them. Go on. Im sorry. This community from the very beginning was intimidated and harassed by st. Louis county Police Officers. And i think by having multiLaw Enforcement agencies on the ground, its a really unfortunate situation. Reporter you dont think thats been good to have lots of different Law Enforcement . No, not for this community. Reporter but you thought it was good when the Missouri State patrol came in and captain ron johnson, right . Absolutely i did. At the beginning we had three Law Enforcement agents, st. Louis county, ferguson and Highway Patrol even on the first three days when we were being tear gassed, and i was victim of two of those instances. Fortunately the governor said hey, you got to take a step back, st. Louis county and we want to have some of our Highway Patrol here on the ground. I will tell you two things changed in this community for the better. One, we do have captain johnson and the community loves him, as ive mentioned before. And number two, we had eric holder. As i was on the ground this morning protesting with my constituents, they were very happy. They were telling me stories about he was down to earth and how they confide in him to do the right thing. Theyre appreciative that he was on the ground talking to them, different from the governor who has not been at ground zero. Eric holder was courageous enough to be with the peaceful people that ive been with for a long time now. Reporter it is entirely possible that the grand jury will not hand down any sort of verdict against officer Darren Wilson. That they will find it to be a clean shooting. What happens then . What do the people of ferguson do . Were at ground one again. And i hope that doesnt happen. But were going to have to prepare our Community Reporter packing up the water. You see the National Guard leaving as we speak. Im sorry. Keep going. We have to prepare ourselves for that. Its always been one of the options thats out there. And i just hope that this Community Stays peaceful. I was in mcdonalds for lunch today and i was talking to one of my constituents who said, listen, if you think ferguson was bad a week aeg, be prepare for the entire city to have looting. Thats what a constituent said today. If looting happens across the city and the region, theres no control. In ferguson you have control and hopefully that wont happen. But what this Community Wants is real transparency. All of the evidence that needs to come before the jury needs to come before them. And we just have to hope for the best. Reporter all right. Senator, thank you so much. As we see, the National Guard leaving, bringing their water with them. Brianna, back to you. All right, jake. Thank you so much. Youre seeing it happen right there in ferguson. Still ahead gunned down. Stand down video you have not seen before of a Police Officer threatening protesters in ferguson with a rifle. A semi automatic weapon. We have more fuel for our discussion of Police Officers who may be crossing dangerous lines. An ominous new warnings from the u. S. Military about the threat in isis after the beheading of an american. The top pentagon spokesman will join us just ahead. [ woman ] tc summer collection is here. [ male announcer ] during the cadillac summers best event, lease this 2014 ats for around 299 a month. Hurry in this exceptional offer ends soon. Hurry in this exceptional offer ends soon. Moderate to severe is tough, but ive managed. I got to be pretty good at managing my symptoms, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. When i finally told my doctor, he said my crohns was not under control. He said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. And that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. 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Ask your doctor about breo for copd. First prescription free at mybreo. Com welcome back to cnn. Im jake tap near ferguson, missouri. I want to bring in my colleague don lemon now. He just spoke with the democrat governor of missouri, jay nixon a short while ago. Don, what did he tell you . Reporter well we are at the state police headquarters. Very emphatic about a number of things, jake. What he said is, this is not a complete withdrawal of the National Guard from missouri. Hes calling it a gradual drawdown. He said the situation appears to be Getting Better so gradually the National Guard will be removing themselves from missouri, not removing them all immediately. And also he said we are still under a state of emergency. Missouri is still under a state of missouri. He wanted to make that straight. But also we talked about whether or not the attorney general eric holder visiting here yesterday, meeting with him, that that had anything to do with this decision about the National Guard and heres what the governor said. Listen. It was 100 my decision. Were the state of missouri. Ive declared a state of emergency. While i listen to folks, make no mistake those are decisions that i am responsible. While ill listen to folks advice about them, im making them. Reporter thats one of the times he got the most animated during the interview. And also when i said, did the white house know about your decision to bring in the National Guard. He said listen, again, that was 100 my decision. I dont call the white house at 3 00 in the morning to get decisions on what i should do in any state. Its a wideranging interview well have tonight at 10 00 p. M. Eastern on cnn tonight with the governor of missouri, jay nixon. Don thanks so much. Were getting a new look at a Police Officer in ferguson, missouri, who is suspended for threatening and cursing at protesters as we pointed a rifle straight at them. Take a look at the new video of the incident obtained by cnn. My hands are up, bro. My hands are up. Hands up. Raised anpoint raised and pointed. [ bleep ]. Youre going to kill him. Hes threatening to kill me . Whats your name, sir. I want to talk more now about that and more with cnn Law Enforcement and lest tom fuentes as well as hln legal analyst, joey jackson. How does this change the case . Unfortunately you have a situation where tensions are all right heightened, you have people at the boiling point. You have people expressing their views as is their constitutional right to do so. And you would certainly expect that everybody behaves accordingly, certainly protesters doing their part to act in accord are dance with the law. So when f you see Law Enforcement whos trained for stressful situations, and i get the fact that theyre out there and understand that they are very tense situations. But you dont want it to be exacerbated. You dont want fuel to be flame to the fire. Its already combustible. So when you see this happening rightfully and appropriately this officer has abrntly been disciplined or apparently at this point hes not on the street which is where he does not belong. Yeah, i believe he is suspended at this point. Tom, youre watching this. From a Law Enforcement perspective, how dangerous is it to have someone, an officer with that weapon losing his cool . Very dangerous. I believe completely it was inappropriate. He was acting out of line. The Police Commanders quickly recognized it, relieved him of duty, got him off of the street. Had other officers usher him away. What he does was not appropriate. Will his career recover from that . I think his career as a peace keeper and crowd control is going to be greatly hindered by that type of behavior and loss of control and cool. I dont know what department hes from. You have kind of an allstar team of police that are out there. It was the st. Ann Police Department that spoke to how many jurisdictions there were working there. We dont know what kind of training they get or what he was prepared to do when he got out there. Unfortunately when an incident goes for a long time, you do have a problem rotating people in and out whether its commanders or the line officers on the street. And unfortunately weve had cases where it can be too much for too long, too high of a stress and an individual might break bad, as this officer did. Joey, massachusetts governor, he is speaking out about the shooting in ferg sob of Michael Brown. He served in the clinton Justice Department in the civil rights division. Heres what he said. Im sick of it. Im sick of, im sick of unarmed black men being shot by police. Im sick of the lawlessness on the streets. I think everybody is tired of when are we going to get through with this kind of, this kind of thing. What do you make of that, joey, about what hes saying . You know what happens, brianna . It speak to the larger issue here. Yes, were now focused on missouri and rightfully we should be because utds a perceived injustice. Of course a grand jury will evaluate that evidence to determine whether there was an injustice and a crime. If so it will move forward. But this is not only isolated to ferguson. Sit a discussion that is being held in a broader area like throughout the country. And i think what the governor is speaking to is the frustration and the issue whenever you see anyone thats shot dead it becomes problematic. When you see another African American male that is, it becomes very concerning by Law Enforcement. Joey, thanks so much, tom thank you to you. Just ahead, inside the failed attempt to rescue hostages held by isis terrorists. Including the american journalist who was behaded. And the top pentagon spokesman, standing by to talk to us live. Save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. D Everybody Knows that. Well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker . I look around this room and i see nothing but untapped potential. You have potential. You have. Oh boy. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. That would be my daughter hi dad. Shes a dietitian. And back when i wasnt eating right, she got me drinking boost. Its got a great taste, and it helps give me the nutrition i was missing. Helping me stay more like me. [ female announcer ] boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. All with a delicious taste. 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Just days after the group revealed its brutal execution of american hostage jim foley, hagel says theyre sophisticated and wellfunded as any group weve seen. This comes as were getting new details about the unsuccessful commando raid to rescue isis hostages. Barbara starr has been looking into that. What can you tell us . Chuck hagel acknowledged it straight up. The pentagon revealed the secret raid because they believe the news media was about to report it anyhow. It was july 4th weekend abdaring night time raid in northern syria. A strong hold of isis. U. S. Special forces were sent into danger because the intelligence showed the target was a likely location where the hostages were being held, a senior u. S. Official tells cnn. But it was not certain. The intelligence failed. Intelligence doesnt come wrapped in a package with a bow. It is a mosaic of many pictures, of many factors. The mission was unpresence dented. In a wags where wu youre going into a country which is fraught with danger, which is potentially going into a danger thats controlled by a nefarious and horrific force like isis, the risk levels go up considerably. It began undercover of darkness, several dozen elite commandos from units like Army Delta Force and the Navy Seal Team 6 landed in special equipped radar evading helicopters. They quickly made their way to a building where they were told james foley and other american hostages were being held. No one was there. A firefight broke out with nearby militants. Several of those militants were killed. The u. S. Team got back to their helicopters and left. The operation, including the helicopters, similar to the raid that killed osama bin laden. Fighter jets patrolled overhead, syrian radars were jammed. Team members moved to block mear by access roads. The entire mission lasted about two hours. Now questions about whether the lives of the other hostages are at risk from the administrations revelations. Its the responsibility of our government and our leaders to do all we can to take action when we believe there might be a good possibility, a good chance to make a rescue effort successful. One former navy seal says, you cannot underestimate the risk now posed by going public. Its highly unusual because it compromises our capability to do this again and to do it successfully. It makes it that much harder. U. S. Officials say a number of options about what to do, how to deal with isis are now under review. That could include expanded air strikes in iraq and maybe even air strikes across the border in syria now that there has been the First Military mission inside this country. But these officials also emphasize all of this is just options, ideas, no decisions have been made. Brianna. Thank you so much. Lets take a closer look now at the isis threat. Joining me now, the Pentagon Press secretary. The first question vi for you, how much greater is the threat from isis now and what is the possibility of an attack on u. S. Soil by isis . The threat that isil poses not just to iraq but to the region grows, i would say, week by week. I think secretary hagel was clear about that. They have aspirations to attack western targets. Theyve taken hostages and theyve murdered one of them right on camera. They do have aspirations to broaden their reach and scope. Its an apocalyptic vision that this group has. We would be imprudent if we werent thinking about that. Capabilities different than aim. Theyre wellresourced and wellled. They have a lot of money and safe haven. They have a lot of money. They have safe haven not just everybody is focused on the safe haven allegedly in syria. They have safe naichb iraq as well. Its one that were working very closely with iraqi force to help defeat. Isil, isis, were referring to the same thing same group. At the pentagon we refer to them as isil. You hear secretary hagel saying get ready. Is he preparing americans for further involvement in iraq than were already seeing . We have limited air strikes right now. Will there be more . Is that what this is about, preparing the public that the u. S. Will go further . Yok he was trying to speculate about future operations in iraq necessarily. Those operations continue. Were going to continue to conduct air strikes there in keeping with the mission weve been assigned. I think what he was trying to refer to was to make sure that people understand that that the threat by this group grows and gets bigger week by week. And i think we need to be mindful of that. Will there be other operations . Is there a possibility of other special operation to try to rescue not only Steve Sotloff but other american hostages who are being held by isis . I certainly wouldnt talk about specific operations that may or may not come in the future. But again, as secretary hagel made clear, we have the obligation to make the attempt when we can. We have the obligation to protect and rescue american citizens that are being held hostage. Thats a responsibility that we in the military take very seriously. Why did u. S. Officials put details out about this failed raid . Because we just heard here in this the situation room on our show from a former navy seal who said he sure wishes they hadnt and we know that there with a number of folks, special ops forces who are down right ticked off that that information is out there. They think i puts their lives at risk. Were not happy about it either. I wish we didnt have to talk about it the all. The operation happened in mid summer and there wasnt any discussion about it. It wasnt something we wanted to door or something we revealed unanimously. This was something we felt we had to do because several Media Outlets started to get the information and was going to publish any way. What we did was try to provide context to the stories and try to ask for their forbearance is not revealing so much information. Some of the stories were responsible in that regard. Others had more detail than were comfortable with. Were not happy with it either. Talk a the public pressure. There was a lot of criticism from bheem were close to foley. They said that the u. S. Knew where he was and the u. S. Didnt get him. Was there pressure from the public wondering why isnt the u. S. Doing more that led to this disclosure or was it, just as you say, because other information was going to come out . It was because we knew there were several Media Outlets that had the information and going to publish. All we did was put context to that knowing they were going to do it anyway. Thats what forced us to do it. The nonpartisan Government Authority office said today that the pentagon broke the law in antideficiency act is the law they stated, by exchanging those five taliban detainees were sergeant bo bergdahl. They said that congress wasnt informed accurately. What happened . I think secretary hagel testified to congress on this very matter not long ago. And he admitted that we probably could have done a better job keeping congress informed. Absolutely. But rebelieve it was lawfully done and lawfully conducted and this was a judgment shared with the Justice Department. Do you not trust congress if you share information with them . Privately you heard hear a lot of Officials Say if you tell congress, its as good as public a lot of times. Did that play a part in it . Not at all. We trust congress. We respect their oversight. We respect that. Secretary hagel was a senator. There wasnt an issue of trust. This was, as we testified to earlier and as we talked publicly, this was an issue of timing and concern about sergeant bergdahls life open having to move quickly. A lot of topics you covered with us today. Thank you so much. Now just ahead, were looking closer at the shocking isis video searching for clues about the groups strategy. And stand by for the latest on the situation in ferguson, missouri. Imagine the luxury. Of not being here. The power you want with the fuel economy you dream of. Performance with a conscience. This is volvo innovating for you. Then you dont know aarp. E trip when you think aarp, get inspired with aarp travel. Plan and book your trip online and get hot travel tips from the pros. Find more real possibilities at aarp. Org possibilities. Hi michael looking good trying to keep up with you i told my producer karen that i take metamucil because it helps me feel fuller between meals. Its just one small change that can help lead to good things. 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Call Liberty Mutual for a free quote today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Were monitoring the situation in ferguson, missouri. But fist this breaking news story. Defense secretary chuck hagel says the threat from isis is now greater than al qaeda. The warning coming after the terror Group Released a brutal video showing the death of james foley. Weve been exam membershiping that video about clues. What did you find . There are a lot of lose in there and we know so much more about the circumstances of james foleys mrd and that video than we did 24 hours ago. That is a measure of how energetically they r were scrutinizing this tape. We now know the u. S. Tried to rescue foley and other american hostages this summer. They wanted 123 million in ransom for foley and we know much more about his executioner on the video in part because of that mans voice. Any attempt by you, 0 be maam, to deny the muslims their right of living in safety will result in the bloodshed of your people. The masked man does not speak arabic wu english and analysts say he sounds as if hes from the south side of london. Analysts are trying to match that voice with other nonrecording of isis terrorists like this one in 2013. Where are you . When they are slaughtering our children and our fathers. But the voice may also be a warning, a call to arms for sleeper cells in western nations. This kind of video, that energizing these kind of people and it may inspire some to carry out copy cat type of strikes in europe. I think theres doing to be real concern in the days and weeks ahead. The terrain and weather appears similar to what is found in most of the stark desert in syria. That may not help much now but it could prove useful. The clothing worn by foley mirrors the orange fabric of prisoners held at guantanamo bay. Thats sending out a message, tit for tat. Saying this video was clearly aimed at white house saying if the air strikes dont stop, another journalist will be killed, Steve Sotloff. He was doing as good as he could, according to the consensus. But his fate is now highly uncertain. So what we have right now is a race against time to see if isis can be weakened further by air strikes and to see if Intelligence Forces can figure out more about where sotloff is being held and ultimately to see if those who killed james foley can be brought to jus sis. Tom foreman, thank you so much. Lets turn now to the vice chairman of the senator intelligence committee, republican Zaxby Chambliss of georgia. I know you were listening to our interview with the spokesman for the pentagon. I know you paid very close attention to what we heard today from secretary hagel. How are you reacting to the administration talking about what the threats are from isis and do you agree with the assessment . Well, im a little disappointed that secretary hagel would say the u. S. Better get ready for isis. I mean, come on. Weve known for weeks that isis wants to attack the United States. Now theyre doing it, bay and, you know, weve made a real evident to slow down isis in the last week, but frankly that should have been done weeks ago. These are the meanest, nastiest folks in the world today. And we have an obligation to protect our people on the ground in iraq and we should have been taking out them weeks and weeks ago with air strike. More importantly brianna, i subscribe to the theory that my friend general jack keen has said, but the president should show leadership here. He should convene all the leaders to the neighboring countries in iraq including iraq and get those folks together and say, look, well provide the air cover, well provide the weaponry. These folks are going to be a menace to your country unless we reid your country of these people. You put the troops on the ground to take them out and well provide the support to you. That would be real leadership on the part of the president here. What more needs to be done . How much more involved does the u. S. Need to become in targeting isis and isol as you and the congress is referring to it. I think the public is obviously not in support of american boots on the ground. And i think this can be handled without that but i think very clearly the air strikes are having a very positive impact from the standpoint of taking out the leadership of isis as well as taking out a lot of their equipment. We need to step up our game on taking out weapon ry equipment s well as isil personnel. Abu bakar was on our radar screen for years now. He was too extreme for al qaeda. That just tells you how extremist he is. So i think its incumbent on the leadership at the pentagon as well as the leadership of the administration to really come forward and get outside of the mosul, tikrit, baghdad corridor. Go where isis is in other parts where theyre trying to establish this caliphate. And lets take it to them in a very strong way and make sure they understand you dont do to an american what you did to mr. Foley. Were coming after you. You better not do it again. If you do it again, were just going to be stronger in opposition to you. Senator, if you were to get more involved than that, you would expect that congress would have to vote on that. Do you think that congress would even go ahead and authorize that . Is that even possible that its a reality heading in the direction youre talking about, widening the strikes just beyond the targeted air strikes were seeing . The president has the authority under the constitution to defend americans. And we have americans on the ground in iraq who are threatened by isil. You can probably take as much action as he thought necessary to protect those americans who are on the ground, but i will tell you also i would look forward to a debate in the United States senate over this issue. This is not going to stop in baghdad if we dont stop isil now. This will continue on to american soil eventually. The time to stop it is now. The place to stop it is on the ground in iraq. The Obama Administration released information about what was really ultimately a failed operation to try to retrieve jim foley and other hostages. Do you thing that information should have been released . Well, i got a phone call the day the mission was going down, explaining to me what was going to happen. And got a call the next day telling me that when they got on the ground, that the hostages were not there. They obviously had been there. I dont consider this an intelligence failure because gathering intelligence inside of syria today is very, very difficult. They did a good job of figuring out that the hostages were there at some point in time. But this was a covert action. I simply dont understand why the white house is even acknowledging covert actions. We carry out covert actions from time to time in secret because theyre very sensitive, theyre very Dangerous Missions and theyre missions that these brave men and women have to undertake from time to time and the more we put their life on the line, the more dangerous it becomes and the less likely were going to have success. Weve heard that tonight. Senator chambliss, thank you so much. Lets head now to ferguson, missouri, where jake tapper is. Jake . Reporter thanks, brianna. Just ahead here in ferguson, missouri, the National Guard is starting to withdraw. Will that make a difference tonight . Dsl myth 1. It can help your business save money. False. 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Outfront next, breaking news, new details about the injuries officer Darren Wilson sustained the day he fatally shot Michael Brown. Is this a gail chanme changer . Why Police Departments around the nation are using weapons meant for the battlefield. And the ransom isis demanded for the release of james foley. The man who communicated with his captors joins us tonight. Lets go outfront. Good evening, everyone. Im erin burnett. Outfront tonight the breaking news. We have new information about officer Darren Wilsons injuries the day he shot and killed mike brown. A source with detailed knowl