Monster. I dont know how theyre going to feel when they see me for the first time. He has no way of knowing the anguish that ive felt for ten years. Because ive been wanting to Say Something for a long time, and this is something that needs to be done. I will know if hes if hes really remorseful or not. If hes not then we got problems. Ive spent half my life working with the criminal justice system. And ive seen lives devastated by violence. We like to imagine that after the verdict the story is over, the victim and the offender are never meant to meet again. But for some the only way to move forward is to come face to face with the person who shattered their lives. So im on my way to indianapolis, indiana. They used to call it the cross roads of america because they got so many interstates zipping through here. People are always coming, theyre always going to a place like this. Indianapolis attracts a lot of people from around the world, including a guy named Mario Gonzalez tello, a peruvian immigrant who came here to pursue the American Dream and doing really well and then he lost his life. In 2008, mario was fatally shot trying to help someone in need. He was trying to interrupt a robbery in progress. Im on my way to meet with two of the sons of mr. Gonzalez. They actually want to meet the guy who killed their father. And i want to talk with them about that. I really want to know why they decided to take that kind of a step at this point ten years later. Hey. Hey, hows it going . Nice to meet you. Hey. Appreciate you guys making time for me. All right. So you guys are brothers . Yeah. Who is the younger one . Hes the youngest. Youre the baby . Im the youngest. Youngest of four. Youngest of four . Hes the oldest of four. Wow, okay. We were taught to be strong willed good people, help your neighbor, always open doors type of people. Growing up as an immigrants son, i think i had the only spanish name in martinsville, indiana. Kind of a little hillbilly town, you know . My mom was hillbilly, my dad was peruvian, so my mother and my father divorced when i was very young. We were lucky in that sense that even though we were from a broken family i was still able to have a Good Relationship with my father and my mother was a tremendous, tremendous person. What kind of a man was your father . He came from peru in the early 60s. My father came to america with 7 in his pocket. And he didnt even speak english. He got an education here. Ended up speaking seven different languages. He was still working when he passed away. He was 72 years old. I asked him, i said, why dont you go ahead and retire, enjoy life a little bit . He goes, if i do that, im going to rust. I dont want to do that. If i rust, i rust. Thats what he said. Thats the only thing thats keeping me young and beautiful. Those are his words. He was passionate about singing and he loved opera and every now and then ill roll out of bed and im like, oh, that little tune is in my head, that tune that dad would sing to us. Ended up getting a degree in math and a degree in opera. I asked him one time, i said, where did you get all this information . He says, im going to tell you a secret. I go, okay. They keep it concealed in books. He was a character. How did you even find out that you lost him . Ill never forget that monday. I was at my house. I had my son carter with me. It was very early in the morning and somebodys knocking on the door and i look out the window. Im like, whats a Police Officer doing here . He just said, look, your dad was shot. And hes no longer with us. Is it harder to hear that your father was murdered or is it harder to explain to your 8yearold son . I had to do both of those things that day. What happened the night that your father was murdered . This particular night he went to one of his friends restaurants, a mediterranean restaurant. He was eating. They were closing. They went to close the doors. He went out to his vehicle. Then he saw that this kid was robbing this lady. And dad being who dad was, got out of his car. My dad had a snub nosed handgun. The assailant turned and shot dad. He was shot in an artery near his liver. Which is a death shot. I go back to that same spot every year. At that same little parking spot where dad had parked. It took a lot of a lot of pictures, didnt he . Theres dads revolver. Yeah, this definitely reopens a lot of wounds. My sisters had this box for ten years, and shes had it almost like kind of like a little shrine to dad. Hey, ellie. Hey, aldo. Sorry i missed your call. We got done looking through the box. How did it go . Its hard looking at that stuff. I know it. Its hard because i want to hang on to those. Right. But i dont want to actually open them. I just want to keep them the way they are. You open up whatever you want. I just personally couldnt do it. The police chief said that night that my father was a hero because he saved that ladys life. He was a hero. Hes a hero to me. Youre going now to sit down and talk with dominique, the guy who killed your father. What are you each individually hoping to understand in this situation . I want to see that hes remorseful. I want to see him changed. You know, we all have to answer for everything that weve done, and at the end of the day, were going to one of two places, you know . Theres things that dominique knows that we dont know. What was he thinking . What happened . You know, what did dad say . Was he trying to initiate in a gang . Theres questions that i have that i want dominique to answer that only he knows. Last time you saw dominique was in court ten years ago. Whats that experience, to be in a courtroom with the guy who killed your father . My whole goal of sitting on that stand was to look him in the eye and ask him, who do you think you are . I think he only looked up once at me. Kind of caught my eye and kept looking down at his hands. He never really wanted to see me as a human. He never wanted to see mario as a human and it bothered me. I just find it amazing how people just dont care. I believe this case should have been a death penalty, but its not. The kid shot and killed my father. New for summer. Here for summer. Arriving. This summer. Its bud light lemon tea. New for summer. New for summer. In every trip, theres room for more than just the business you came for. Lets make the most of what weve been given whether thats getting a taste of where you are. Lets get to living. Or bringing some of that flavor back home. Thats room for possibility. Lets get to living this is something bigger. G. That is big. Not as big as that. Big. Bigger. Big. Bigger. This is big. And thats bigger. Another wireless ad. Great. 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Dominique was 16 years old when he took this mans life. He got an 80year sentence, so hes essentially going to spend his entire adult life behind bars. The last time dominique saw mario and aldo was ten years ago when they were in court, so i really want to hear why hes willing to meet with them now and talk with them. Young man. How are you doing . How are you doing, brother . How are you doing . Its good to see you. Good to see you. So this is your gym . You do sports and stuff in here . Yeah, volleyball, basketball. Most of the time basketball. You are probably into named for basketball, dominique. Yeah, my dad game me a name. One of his favorite players. What i want to understand is your upbringing. How did you grow up . I grow ew up on the west sidf town. The neighborhood was kind of rough. I seen a lot of crime going on, like robberies and drug selling, fights and all types of unnecessary stuff. When you were a little kid, were you that little feisty bad kid, that quiet nerdy kid . What kind of kid were you . I stayed in trouble. Doing Something Like the kid throwing rocks at cars and stuff like that, just mischief. I liked being outside. I was adventurous. Just having fun. Just being a kid. I love sports. I think that was my first thing i really loved doing. But when i got in high school, i became a letterman in some football, baseball, i played golf. I wanted scholarships. I wanted to go to college. Education is very important in our family. They big on that. And my mom hold me to a higher standard. I had a Good Relationship with her. My dad was kind of tough on me cause hes like me, you maintain the grades, you can play sports. My grades was always good. I always maintained a b average. My family always see me in school doing normal stuff, going to classes, going to rotc, doing stuff and having fun, but when nobody around, im a whole another person. Nobody figured theis. Nobody. Nobody. What were you doing . I was just like stealing stuff out of the stores and everything. Going to school, selling them. What was the money for . Like jordans. Im a shoe man. Sneaker head. I was a sneaker head. I loved shoes so much. I got to keep up these shoes. Why didnt you just ask your mom for the money . I seen my mom go through a struggling a lot of times. And it hurt me. I hate to see my mom cry. When she couldnt do what she wanted to do for her kids. My mom made a lot of sacrifices. How is she going to pay this bill . How is she going to make sure we eat . So i took it upon myself. Buy groceries. I told my mom, i bought grocery. How did you get the money . I lied to her. I saved it. You know, i saved it. Oh, you saved it . All right. Im proud of you. Im like, yeah. But at the same time im consistently lying to her about what i was doing. I didnt never tell nobody what i was doing. Robbery cases and stuff like that and on the news they get away and dont get caught. Watching movies. But at the end of the day, this aint movies. This is real life. Probably when i was like 15, i broke into somebodys house and took some valuable stuff. Once i tried it and didnt get caught, i just kept going with it. How did the gun get involved in your life . I bought a gun when i was 15. I felt like i feel protected. I never told my family about the gun. I always hid the gun in my room. I would carry it if i went into an environment that i knew was dangerous and i had to protect myself. So you got this gun. What happened that night . I mean, how did that situation go down, the situation that got you here . June 30th of 2008, i was sitting at home. Im just kind of seeing how much money i was short of getting this car i wanted. So i walked out of the house. Its dark outside. And i got this gun on me. I seen the lady coming out of the restaurant. So i run across the street, across 38th street. Into a parking lot. I ran up on this woman. The only thing i asked her was for the money. And she was telling me no. I was like, listen, im not here to kill you or nothing like that, just give me the money. And she was like no. So i pulled my gun out on her. As soon as she turned around about to give me the money, i heard somebody say hey. And i turned around, i see this man over from a distance point a gun at me. And my mind just went into a straight of shock. And i took my gun out and shot him. And once i shot him, he just he just dropped. I turned around and she was screaming and she gave me the money and i took off running. I just i hope he didnt die. Thats the first thing in my mind, i hope he didnt die. And the following morning i seen it on the news. It was just like my heart just dropped. I dont know, it was like my mind wasnt there no more. A week or two later i committed a robbery and they pulled me over. I still had that gun in the backpack that i committed a murder with. But they somehow figured it out . Yeah, they put two and two together because of the gun. I guess they did an autopsy and found the ballistics through that gun, it matched the bullet the man was killed with. They said my fingerprints was on it still, so i pled guilty to a felony murder and robbery. So you turned around and theres a guy there and you did not have a gun, what would you have done . Get down on the ground. My intention was not to kill nobody. Do you think that dominique would have shot at your dad if your dad hadnt had the gun . This story is not about the gun, the storys about somebody who was willing to get out of his car to put their life in danger to save their friend. On the news theyre saying hes a hero, hes a good samaritan. How does that land with you . At that time i thought he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. He pulled a gun out. I didnt pull a gun on him. I was scared for my own life. When you see a gun pointed at you, your first reaction is to shoot back. That situation, it could possibly be me or him. You dont know who is going to shoot first. I know that if dad was not carrying a gun that night the outcome would have been the same. Wow. We did it. We built the Fastest Network for the latest iphones. And the iphone xr, with a retina display that makes everything look incredible. Its like the perfect couple you know, the ones who look great in every picture. Like the ones who always make me feel like a before photo. Zoey and chris. Hey guys hey. Zoey and chris . How fun is that . At t has the fastestnetwork for the latest iphones. Get the mind blowing iphone xr on us when you buy the latest iphone. At t. More for your thing. Thats our thing. With licensed agents available 24 7. Its not just easy. Its havingawalrusingoal easy roooaaaar its a walrus ridiculous yes nice save, big guy good job duncan way to go [chanting] its not just easy. Its geico easy. Oh, duncan. 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Its just another way were working to make your life simple, easy, awesome. Go to xfinity. Com moving to get started. Its got to be redone, man. Working with my brother, we do restoration and roofs, gutters, siding, home additions. I dont know how theyre attached. Let me bring my ladder over there. He and i have a really Good Relationship now. Its nothing like what it was growing up. So what are we doing . Snacking. Waiting for the food to cook. Oh, okay. What you got there, baby . This macaroni salad you made was really good. We didnt do a lot together growing up. He and my dad, they went against the grain amongst each other quite a few times. It bothers my brother because theres a lot of things that he wishes that he could say to my father. In 2008, before the incident with dad, he had gone through a triple bypass surgery. And i had been taking care of him, and it was rough. We fought a lot. It escalated to a point where i was just done, and so i drove him home and i never thought id speak another word to him again. Thats how mad i was at my father, but there came a point, thank god it happened, we talked. I told dad, im sorry. He said, i already forgave you. So i learned forgiveness from my father. The right thing to do by way of my father is to forgive dominique. As hard as it is and as terrible of a thing that hes done, were all monsters in our own way. Well, were not all going around robbing people, were not all going around shooting people. True. But dont you think forgiveness needs to be earned . No. No. How can he earn it . Forgiveness isnt something you wake up one morning and you decide to forgive somebody for wronging you and its done. Forgiveness is waking up every morning and choosing to forgive again. Look, my brothers different than i am. He looks at things different. We still disagree on a lot of things, but thats okay. I mean, thats what americas all about, right . We dont have to all get along. In a case like this case, do you sometimes wish there had been Capital Punishment . You know what . If he could really turn his life around and change anothers way of thinking im glad hes alive. If hes not remorseful, i think probably Capital Punishment would have probably been the best thing. Its hard for me to forgive somebody if they dont care. Whats the impact on your family, you being locked up . It impacted them a lot because i had a Bright Future ahead of me. I got arrested, everybody was devastated. It hurt me a lot to see the agony in my moms face, my sisters face, my brothers face, my auntie, my uncles, just friends, stuff like that. My dad, he was furious. He couldnt even speak to me. He taught me a lot to try to do it the honest way, a living as much as possible and how to survive in this world, and it hurt i know it hurt him a lot for what i did. I feel like i let them down. I feel like a failure and it hurt me. These ten years ive been incarcerated, my family has got me through. Hello. I call my mom once a week every week, and i call to talk to my brother and sister. Did you get my message . I sent you a message, too . I love when i get pictures from them, cards, letters. I like looking at my pictures and stuff sometimes because it reminds me of my family. My family did a lot for me. They did the best they could. I knew right from wrong because thats how i was raised, but at that time i had an attitude. You were in court when aldo was talking. Yeah. Whats that like . Aldo, he goes up and he speaks. Im sitting there like nonchalant like, man, just get this over with, but when he spoke, hes like why . What made you want to kill my father . And he even said you a coward. As he was talking, he was crying, and i just he said he forgive me. I hope that you get your life together and walked off the stand. Mario, he comes up. Were just staring at each other, me and him. When he finally says something, he said i hope youre going to be a better person. When i finally got here, i sat in the cell by myself. I sat there and thought about my life. I cried. I balled up and cried. What did it mean to you when you found out that they wanted to actually sit down and have a conversation with you man to man . Its been ten years since everything thats happened. I went from being 16 to 26. I went through a lot of growth. Im not the same person i was when i was 16 years old. I want to show them the man i became. How do you think theyre going to be feeling . To be honest with you, from what i seen in the courtroom, aldo had a forgiving heart, but mario, his feelings are very mixed to me. How are you guys feeling right now . Im feeling pretty anxious about it, honestly. What are you worried about or what are you anxious about . My anxiety is with how hes going to respond to what we say to him. Mario, how do you feel about it . I think i the pressures on him. Im not nervous. It takes a lot to make me nervous. Im pretty callused right now, so ill just take it as it goes. What do you want to see come out of this . If i told you i was ready to forgive, id be lying. Im not going to go there and sing kumbaya and be hugging trees and stuff like that, thats not me. Hes my father, you know . I cant force somebody to be something i want them to be. What about you, aldo, why is this so important to you . I think something good can happen from this terrible event. I cant do anything about the incident. What i can do is hope and pray that dominique can do something. Yeah, hope and change only gets you so far. Its an evil world. What else are your questions you have for him . Theres a lot of small details about the shooting itself that i wanted to know. What did dad say . Did dad pass away quickly . Personally, i dont want to know that. I dont want to know, oh, he was there gasping for breath and it took him five minutes to die and he was looking up at i dont want to know any of that. I do. Absolutely do. Thats the last thing that dad did on earth. I want to know what it was. Well, i know what the last thing my dad done on earth, he died helping somebody. Well, they were asking me, not you. Well, i understand that. And im kind of getting upset so im going to take a break for a second. What are you feeling right now . Seems often times that people want what they want and theyre not interested in allowing what other people may need. Weve got one shot, one chance to have answers, and i dont want ten years from now to wonder, to keep wondering. He is so [ bleep ] dismissive. Id rather be doing this by myself instead of that bullshit. I know. Discover new San Pellegrino essenza. A twist of mediterranean flavors, with the gentle bubbles of San Pellegrino. Add a twist of flavor. San pellegrino essenza. Tastefully italian. 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I have a little cousin that i look at like my little brother. He looked up to me a lot. He still do. I mean, i love him and i just try to tell him to stay on the right path because one bad choice can alter your whole life. What do you think this will mean to him . Its going to mean a lot to him. I hope he can see the man i am today. Im just nervous. Im just im nervous all around the board. Everyone i worked with has thought about backing out of this at some point. Im not backing out of anything. Once i commit, im all in for it, and this is something that needs to be done. Yeah. Appreciate getting a little bit of time with you. Sure. I know youre working hard getting ready. This whole thing actually started in indiana, this whole idea of dialogues and Restorative Justice. Yeah, the epicenter in the late 70s was elk heart, indiana. Howard zaire, a lot of people refer to as the grandfather of Restorative Justice who brought these ideas. What is Restorative Justice . I think Restorative Justice empowers the people who are most affected by crime to come together and heal in ways that we didnt know before. It can reduce posttraumatic stress symptoms. I think its an approach to justice thats focused on repair and accountability, not just on punishment. Dont you think that somebody who does something horrific like this, shooting somebody over money, needs to be punished . Its one thing to sit in front of a judge or sit in front of a prosecutor, go to prison, get arrested, its one thing to go through that type of accountability, formal part. I think its an entirely different thing to come to terms with what youve done, to take ownership of that and to see the pain youve caused to other people. To me this is true accountability. This is facing the harm that youve caused to another person. This isnt facing the state of indiana. This is facing mario and aldo. Think about it, though, how do you think youre going to feel when he first walks in . Sometimes i feel, like, disgust, disgusted at it all. I dont expect i thought id be all right, but, man, i know when i see him im going to get mad. Its not real until they sit down in that circle tomorrow. It is not an easy thing to do. This is why so many offenders i work with think about backing out of this process. They know how hard its going to be, to face what theyve actually done to the people theyve actually hurt. He has no way of knowing the anguish that ive felt for ten years. That my kids wont know my father the way i knew my father. I think mario and aldo perceive me as a monster. Im nervous. Its been ten years. I dont know how theyre going to feel when they see me for the first time. What i would give to hear my father sing again. Dominique has no way of knowing that. I want him to know. If someone was really sorry, they wouldnt have went the next week and did the same thing over until they got caught. That upsets me. Thats what makes me mad. Im not the same person that i was when i was 16 years old. I know what i did was wrong, but if he didnt have that gun, nobody would have died. Nobody. Is bud light orange coming back this summer . And never leaving . And brewed with real orange peels . The answer is yes. Yes. And yes. And yes. Wow. We did it. We built the Fastest Network for the latest iphones. And the iphone xr, with a retina display that makes everything look incredible. Its like the perfect couple you know, the ones who look great in every picture. Like the ones who always make me feel like a before photo. Zoey and chris. Hey guys hey. Zoey and chris . How fun is that . At t has the fastestnetwork for the latest iphones. Get the mind blowing iphone xr on us when you buy the latest iphone. At t. More for your thing. Thats our thing. This is something bigger. G. That is big. Not as big as that. Big. Bigger. Big. Bigger. This is big. And thats bigger. And i dont add trup the years. S. But what i do count on. Is boost® delicious boost® high protein nutritional drink has 20 grams of protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals. Boost® high protein. Be up for life. Whos already won three cars, two motorcycles, a boat, and an r. V. I would not want to pay that insurance bill. [ ding ] oh, i have progressive, so i just bundled everything with my home insurance. Saved me a ton of money. Love you, gary you dont have to buzz in. Its not a question, gary. On march 1, 1810 [ ding ] frederic chopin. Collapsing in 226 [ ding ] the colossus of rhodes. [ sighs ] Louise Dustmann [ ding ] brahms lullaby, or wiegenlied. When will it end . [ ding ] not today, ron. New for summer. Here for summer. Arriving. This summer. Its bud light lemon tea. New for summer. New for summer. Welcome, everybody. I want to start by introducing who is here. This is dominique. Mario, aldo and stephanie, aldos girlfriend. This meeting well focus on an incident which happened june 30th, 2008. We want to explore in what way people have been affected and hopefully work toward healing. Dominique, i must say to you that you do not have to participate in this meeting. Youre free to leave at any time, as is everyone else. Does everybody understand that . Okay. Can you talk about when you heard the news, what was your reaction . I was at home with my son, got a phone call telling me dads no longer with us. And what was hard about it was that i had to tell my son. It was bad enough that im trying to process everything, but now i got to figure out what to say to my boy. When i told him something bads happened, grandpas grandpas dead, and i remember him getting up, coming over and hugging me, trying to take care of me. Sometimes i feel haunted by some of those moments that i shouldnt have had, shouldnt have had it. Whats been the hardest thing for you, mario . I feel i probably say the hardest thing is the effect on other people. Everybody, my nieces, nephew, my sister, my other brother, his friends, you know, i lost my father but, you know, the world lost the greatest guy i knew. I mean, the only thing that really gets me through it was just, you know, my faith in god. Dominique, is there anything youd like to say at this time . I just want to tell yall thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak. It was never my intentions that night, if whatsoever to kill your father. I was just scared because i seen the gun pointed at me. I dont know, i just panicked. In a state of shock because i didnt know if he could shot me. He didnt have to say anything. He could have just did it. He said, hey, and i was scared. And im deeply sorry for that. What is it that he said . He said hey . Thats what he said . Did he say anything else . He just said hey, and all i seen was him standing with a gun pointed at me. How many shots did you fire . I shot i shot him if i remember, i shot him once. I know i know how many shots he got hit with, but did you fire all of your shots . I cant remember. You dont remember . No, sir. When you got the firearm, howd you where did you get it . I bought it off somebody off the street. I wasnt planning on using it. Was there any gang . No, i was never in no part of a gang. None of that whatsoever. Agang h gang had nothing to h it . No, sir. It was just you . It was just me. I knew you guys would have questions. Thats why i took this opportunity because i would have questions, like what really happened that night . You know, when Something Like this happens to a person, i mean it just callouss you. Im not going to lie to you. Im on a roller coaster. Some days im mad. Some days im sad. A lot of times my emotions are up and down. Its important that youre a different man than you were ten years ago. Its important to me. Otherwise, dad is gone, and youre gone, and my family is left broken. I really hope you understand what you did was wrong. Weve transformed this home to show the keurig kcafe brewer makes any house a coffee house. Just pop that in for a coffee or brew a shot and froth milk for a latte or cappuccino. Easy peasy. Now shes a barista its so frothy. A little piece of heaven. Thank you. But hows the coffee . And your mother told me all her life that i should fix it. Now it reminds me of her. Im just glad i never fixed it. Listen, you dont need to go anywhere dad. Meet christine, shes going to help you around the house. The best home to be in is your own. From personal care and memory care, to help around the house, home instead offers personalized Inhome Services for your loved ones. Home instead senior care. To us, its personal. Home instead senior care. Cancer is the ugliest disease mankind has ever faced. We got the idea that if we took two dimensional patient imaging and put it in holographic displays, we could dissect around the tumor so we can safely remove it. When we first started, we felt like this might just not be possible but verizon 5g ultra wideband will give us the ability to do this. When the murder happened, it was just a blur to me. Everything was a blur. I wasnt in the right mindset. And the quote when i got sentenced, it stuck with me tough. When you got on the stand, you said, you was a coward. You did a cowardly act. You said, i forgive you for that. I took that with me. When, mario, you got on the stand, and you had told me, i hope youll go in there and change and be a better person and help someone, and that stuck with me. When i got here, i wrote yall words down on a piece of paper and kept them with me. And to this day, i still have that piece of paper. I kept it the whole ten years since ive been here. Every year, i dont miss a beat. I look at it and read it and apply it to me, doing what you ask of me. So what are you doing now . Im working. I just recently completed my apprenticeship. Apprenticeship in what . Electrical, mechanical engineer assembler. Its a good trade for me to have to go into the outside world. Tell me about some of the certificates you got. Well, i completed my ged when i got here. I did the plus program. Its basically a faithbased program on life skills, but it taught me a lot in that program. You grow as a person. I took my freedom for granted and it bothers me each and every day that im in here, but it made me a better person. Along the way, i still have problems. We all got problems, but my problems, i learned how to work with them. Ive been learning more to be held accountable for all my actions. What we want is for dads memory not to just fade away. I want you to have hope. Youre with people who are in dark spots. You can be the light for them, and now dads memory lives through you. Its not just over when he died on that parking lot. Every year on june 30th, i take that moment at that time and pray for your family. People lost their friend, mentor, or brother, whoever he may be to those. Im very remorseful, and im deeply sorry about this whole situation because it was never my intentions to kill anybody. I was just being selfish and greedy. I wanted something that i should have worked hard for, and i had a chance to. I could sit here and hate you all day long, okay . One, it takes way too much energy. I dont want to invest that much energy and hate. We got enough hate in the world right now, man. I mean we need we need to stop. We hate what happened. I dont want you to think we hate you. And im proud of what youre starting to do. Thank you. Thank you. Im glad that youre taking the opportunity to be a better person. I feel in my heart that you are remorsef remorseful, and we all make mistakes. Hope heals everything. You get to write the last chapter for my dad. Dominick, is there anything yu youd like to say at this time . This is a blessing. This is gods work, and im so, so deeply sorry for what happened to mr. Gonzalez. I know i cant bring him back or anything whatsoever, but i can hold his memory to my heart for the rest of my life. Thank you all for your contributions. Dominick, is it cool to shake your hand . Thank you all. I appreciate it. Thank you so much. Thank you for this opportunity. Thank you, sir. Just remember, god loves you, man. He does, okay . Yes, sir. All right. Theres no way to prepare for Something Like this. You got two brothers with different perspectives. Youve got dominique super nervous on the front end. Dominique sat down. There was an x ray into his soul, and he was composed. He was remorseful. And that gave tremendous relief to both brothers. I feel a lot better. I do. It strengthens me to know that there is good. Im glad this happened. So you want to sing kumbaya or what . If i could remember the words. Dominique is going to have Something Else to write down on that piece of paper he keeps in his room, which is hope heals everything. If he can stick with that, hes going to keep moving forward

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