Transcripts For CNNW The Lead With Jake Tapper 20201027

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Ill see you in michigan and we will have fun. Reporter before trump left washington he watched as his predecessor and bidens top surrogate president barack obama dinged that the media is covering the pandemic too much. What is his Closing Argument . That people are too focused on covid. He said this at one of his rallies. Covid, covid, covid, covid, he is complaining. He is jealous of covids media coverage. Reporter former president obama is not the only one on the campaign trail. First lady is stumping for her husband and a appearing on trail in pennsylvania for the First Time Since 2019. Hello, pennsylvania reporter Vice President pence is refusing to quarantine after several of his aides tested positive and instead holding Campaign Events in the carolinas. President trump is continuing to set Unrealistic Expectations by insisting a winner must be known on Election Night as state officials have warned the pandemic has dramatically changed the way people are voting. It would be very, very proper and very nice if a winner were declared on november 3rd instead of counting ballots for two weeks, which is totally inappropriate and i dont believe that that is by our laws. I dont believe that. So we will see what happens. Reporter so, jake, the president calling inappropriate. Election Officials Say the vote counting could take longer this year because of the pandemic. He believes the white house would approve a big stimulus package after the election predicting that republicans are going to win back seats in the house even though, the gop is actually widely expected to lose seats in the house after next tuesday. I dont know one republican that thinks they are going to pick up seats in the house. Not one. But thanks so much. Joe biden appeared in georgia this afternoon and heavily focused how he would try to unify the country and get the pandemic under control. Arlette, why has the biden team decided this is the most effective message . Joe biden is essentially starting right where he began. Biden has had a consistent message from the start of this campaign framing this as a battle for the soul of the nation and one where the character of the country is at stake. Biden once again portraying himself as an appealer. His campaign believes this is a message that resonates particularly in this moment as the country is facing division and multiple crisis. You heard joe biden that is the home to president Franklin Roosevelts personal retreat. Biden trying to state of the country right now and what fdr dealt with while he was in office. You heard the former Vice President evoke the words of pope francis and kind of lean into a religious message as well talking about how this is a time to heal. Take a listen to a bit more of what he said. I believe this election is about who we are as a nation. What we believe and maybe, most importantly, who we want to be. Its about our essence. Its about what makes us americans. Its that fundamental. A run to unite this nation and to heal this nation. Ive said that from the beginning. Its badly necessary. Reporter biden will be here soon in atlanta for a drive. We are one week out from the election and he is visiting the state of georgia, a state of democratic president ial candidate has not won since 1992 and they are trying to keep all paths to the election open. Abby phillip is joining us and Ron Brownstein from the atlantic. Joe biden quoted pope francis today. In which the pope talked about earlier this month he criticized the media and politicians and a lot of criticisms. One of the things the pope said is politicians need to ask themselves why am i here . What is my aim . Joe biden quoted the pope, attributing to the pope these comments. The Trump Campaign snipped out just why am i here . What is my aim . To create this fake impression that biden didnt know where he was or whatever. Ive literally never seen such a willingly purposefully Dishonest Campaign in my life than the one the Trump Campaign is running right now. Its pretty out of bounds that you would sort of misinterpret or willfully misinterpret the pope to malalign someone else. Interestingly enough, jake, i do wonder about all of these attacks from the Trump Campaign about bidens mental acuity and wonder whether that contributes at all to the president s steep slide with seniors. It cant be a politically helpful thing for this campaign to constantly accuse biden of not being with it, accuse him of not up to the job just because of his age. I think that is one of the many ways this has gone out of bounds but i think its also been one of those political strategies that they didnt perhaps think through because by the time we get to this point in the campaign, the bar had been set so low for biden that he has cleared it multiple times and its become easy for him to do that. All of building, just really out of bounds. It shows a legal of desperation in these final days. Im no expert on catholicism but im sure its frowned on to smear a politician using the popes word. Ron, when you look at where trump and bide ren are campain today. Georgia, democrats have not won since 1992 and trump is campaigning in states he won in 2016 including wisconsin and michigan. He won them narrowly and why he is president because of those two and pennsylvania. What does that tell you about how each Campaign Sees the race rightly now . It tells you everything. The Biden Campaign feels they are on the offense and trump on the defense. Biden has to pursue this within limits. Democrats certainly are scarred by the memory of Hillary Clinton focusing all of that fire power on florida and North Carolina in 2016 and neglecting michigan and wisconsin. Biden hasnt done that. To the extent he is campaigning at all in public he has spent a lot of time in the midsized blue collar cities in the rust belt that were so critical in trump winning but the fact that he is in georgia, a state democrats have won only once since carter and with bill clinton in the threeway race in 92 is indicative of a much large phenomenon and same thing in texas we are seeing. Evolution of kind of the revolt against trump in the suburbs has extended beyond the places where you would have expected it, the coasts and northern states into the sun belt. Look at gwinnett and cobb, the big counties outside of atlanta, barack obama lost them by about 60,000 votes and Hillary Clinton narrowly won them in 2016 by about 26,000 votes. Stacey abrams pushed that margin up. Its same path in texas for biden and arizona where a poll out today has him waning in maricopa which is phoenix and no biden talked about needed to rebuild the blue wall across the rust belt and wisconsin and michigan and pennsylvania. Lets be honest. We know that polls are not always right. Maybe pollsters have corrected the mistakes they made four years ago but they are not fact. They are projections and snapshots. Today, one week out from election day biden is in georgia. If biden doesnt win, say, pennsylvania, we are going look back on today and say why wasnt he in pennsylvania rather than georgia . That is always the risk of going beyond your core strategy states. But that being said, biden has spent more time in pennsylvania than in any other state in the general election because they know how central it is to his prospects. The risk that we all face in a week, potentially, is is not knowing what we dont know. If there is somehow a hidden elect tore r electorate. They are trying to pull voters who may not have participated in past cycles out of the woodwork. The question is how many of them are there . Will they show up to vote and is it enough to counterbalance what biden might be able to do in the urban centers . These are unknown questions but the polls say what they say. The Trump Campaign strategy is all about these rallies being the magnets for these new voters and we will have to see if that strategy works. During a pandemic might also be serving to turn people off because they know how unsafe and unhealthy it is. Ron, president obama take a listen to him campaigning for biden today in florida. Here is part of his argument. We have gotten so numb to what is bizarre behavior. We have a president right now who lies multiple times a day. Sometimes its almost too easy to make fun of it, but its serious. There are consequences to his actions. If he was just on Jerry Springer, youd say, well but this is the most powerful office on earth. Im not sure Jerry Springer still has a show bso that i be dated reference. Do you think that is effective for voters still trying to make up their minds . I think it has been more consequential to use president obamas words than people expected. President trump has been suggesting in the last couple of days if he loses it was the coronavirus. In fact, the polling averages you know are not very different now than they were a year ago. And the reason why he was struggling even a year ago was because an unprecedented number of people who said they were satisfied with the economy, even satisfied the way he is handling the economy, nonetheless say they had disapproved him overall and planning to vote for joe biden and that was a year ago before the coronavirus hit and that is based on his character and volatility and the way he talks about race and women. And as the person back in 2009 who coined the blue wall, im still waiting for my royal its from politicians, evoke it, that put biden democrats in the game as early as 2018. They won the governorship in michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin with big improvements among College Educated whites and erosion of blue collar white women moved by the behavior they had seen the previous for years. Yes, i think a cause from the outside. I dont know how much it matters to the remaining undecided but arent many of them left. As abby said this is really at this particular time can trump produce a different electorate than pollsters are expecting because everybody else is voting in big numbers. Young people, incredible numbers. Houston is past its election day total probably in the next 24 hours. All right. Ron and abby, thank you. Appreciate it. The pandemic, sadly, continues to soar out of control hitting new grim records across the country. Why deborah birx is calling out one state is next. President s niece mary trump will join me live and what she warns could have, quote, serious consequences for the safety of the American People. Stay with us. My name is henry. Working within amazon transportation services, i really saw the challenge of climate change. We want to be sustainable, but when you have a truck covering over 300 miles, or you have flights going hundreds of miles, its a bit more challenging. We are letting the data guide us to the best solution. Its inspiring to try to solve a problem that no one else has solved. Thats super exciting. Walmarts turning black friday into deals for days. Starting wednesday november 4th score deals like an 88 42 inch onn. Roku tv and get them at our new deals pickup. Lets end the year saving bigger. Youre all i need inflammation in your eye might be to blame. Ck, looks like a great day for achy, burning eyes overthecounter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. 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Today, we are translating decades of experience into strategies for the road ahead. We are morgan stanley. Now every bath fitter bathbath fis installed quickly, into strategies for the road ahead. Safely, and beautifully, with a lifetime warranty. Go from old to new. From worn to wow. The beautiful bath youve always wanted, done right, installed by one expert technician, all in one day. Weve been creating moments like these for 35 years, and were here to help you get started. Book your free virtual or inhome Design Consultation today. In our national lead, the United States is sadly in a bad place in the coronavirus pandemic with cases, hospitalizations and deaths all headed in the wrong direction. Just this afternoon, a member of the White House Coronavirus task force directly contradicted President Trump. Admiral said cases are rising across the u. S. And its not just because of more testing as the president has fallsly claimed over and over as cnns nick watt reports. Reporter north dakota leads the nation with an alarming rate of new infections. Why . This is the least use of masks that we have seen in retail establishments of anyplace we have been. Reporter in skoockouth dako stunning 40 of tests coming back positive. Anything over 5 is a worry. We are in the middle of a major covid storm. Every indicator, every metric that we have is trending in the wrong direction. But we are not seeing behaviors change. Reporter this country is now averaging nearly 70,000 new infections every day and highest ever nine months in but the president and some americans appear to be giving up. If we too some aggressive targeted steps right now, we could potentially forestall the worse of it but not do that and i think we are at the cusp of what is exponential spread in parts of the country. Reporter average case counts are rising. There seems to be a covid storm on the rise and we have to get prepared. Reporter eleven states reporting record numbers in the hospital. Desperate measures in el paso, texas. We just got a surge that im not sure exactly where its coming from but we got four tents pressurized set up for overflow at hospitals. Reporter this is a potential issue. One type of antibody immu drog fastest in the asymptomatic and over 75. Meanwhile, cases in kids are reportedly up 14 in just two weeks. Severe disease is rare, can happen and kids can spread the virus so many staying home, however, hard, missing friends. I honestly dont know know what they look like any more. Like, i have forgotten. Reporter now according to a new poll, more than 60 of americans think that the federal government it making our recovery from covid worse. And we just heard from the mayor of el paso. Big spike there. He is not sure where its coming from but he has an idea. He says that with that stimulus stuck in washington, people are testing positive but still showing up to work because they really need that paycheck. Jake . Nick watt, thank you very much. Joining me is chief medical correspondent dr. Sanjay gupta. More states are have more cases this month and after cases come hospitalizations and after hospitalizations come deaths. Right now, all u. S. Regions are showing a steep incline. What worries you most about these trends . Well, there is two primary things. Having looked at these numbers for so many months, i mean, you look for the numbers that are the most consistent and true reflection of what is really happening here. Certainly the cases do that in part but its not july the number of cases that are growing. Its the pace at which they are growing now. We have had close to 500,000 people diagnosed with this infection within the last week. Okay . Just to give you some idea there. That means the pace at which is happening is starting to grow and means we are starting to worry we may be going into exponential growth. We are talking about hospitalizations. We know the demographics of people getting affected is younger 46 under the age of 50 so they are thankfully less likely to get sick and be hospitalized but still see hospitalizations go up which means each if those people are not necessarily getting sick, they are spreading it to more vulnerable populations. So the pace of the growth and the hospitalizations i think are two things to pay closest attention to. You and i have covered not just the botched response by the Trump Administration but the things they have done correctly in terms of trying to improve the number of ventilators and the speed of therapeutics are proved and not all bad but we have to acknowledge that but according to a new poll that nick referenced think the government is making the recovery from the coronavirus worse. How could this lack of faith in the federal government make things even worse Going Forward . I think it boils down to a lack of trust at this point. The basic things here in terms of Public Health practices that have worked in other parts of the world testing, tracing, mask wearing, you know, preventing people from clustering together indoors have had a remarkable impact. As we talked about yesterday, jake, they were the same number of people diagnosed in new zealand the entire country, 5 Million People in that country, as were diagnosed in the white house, one of the most secure houses in the world within a 24hour period. Its remarkable and i think it leads to the lack of trust overall. If we abided by those basic practices we would be in a different spot. This is a quick fix society in which we live and we are seeing the manifestation of that. We want the quick pill, the quick diet, the quick fix, operation, whatever it may be. In this case the embodiment of that has become the vaccine. Everyone is just waiting for the vaccine. The vaccine will be very important but its not going to flip a switch and its not going to come within the next several months still. So we have to do those things and i think this lack of trust has led to the idea that many people feel we dont need to. I think also the fact the president has set such a horrible example when it comes to mask wearing and social distancing. Literally people who caught the coronavirus at his rallies. That is not a supposition. That is fact from the Health Department in minnesota, from what happened at the rose garden event in washington. Obviously we dont know for sure how the late herman cain got coronavirus but the timing works out he got it in tulsa. I think that is probably one of the reasons people in the public think that because hes out there literally discouraging mask wearing. Yeah. No question about it, jake. I could put more dat behind those rallies because we have been investigating this quite a bit. You brought up tulsa. Hospitalizations tripled four to five weeks after that rally, okay . If you do the timetable in terms of how long between exposure to getting tested, getting dying nokes diagnosed and how long somebody is hospitalized is four to five weeks and four to five weeks after that rally, hospitalizations tripled in tulsa. He went to arizona. They were at 3,000 per day hospitalizations after that. He went to wisconsin. Hospitalizations went up 20 in that right time course after these rallies. I think there is no question its hard to draw the Clear Association because there is so many new cases. You would need an entire industry in this country to Contact Trace people and you have to look at the events and what happens in the aftermath. No question. Even if they started doing more mask wearing last night, i believe i saw some of the images from the white house, that is good. But the idea still that people are clustered together, they are there for long periods of time is a real problem and we are seeing the manifestations. Let me show this video of the virus when someone has a mask on what that looks like. It does a great job of containing the virus overall. I dont know if we have the video. What youll notice is that there it is. Some virus can get out around the mask and as a result, if youre close to somebody for a period of time, they could still become infected so mask wearing is great and makes a huge difference. Separate yourself out makes a bigger difference. You layer these things one on top of the other, you see how you can significantly break the cycle of spread. Mask wearing with distancing with testing and Contact Tracing is the way out of this. Dr. Sanjay gupta, thank you very much. Appreciate it. Supreme court issues a controversial ruling involving a state that could be one of the election tipping points. What could mean for your vote and trumps chances. Stay with us. Smart tech is everywhere. Smart fridge. Smart car. Smart doorbell. Door bell hello but fitbit makes you smart about your health. This isnt some phone on your wrist. Its a way to help manage stress. Keep your heart strong. And detect potential signs of illness. Its more than a smartwatch. Its a smarter way to transform your health. I feel good i knew that i would, now i feel good get a dozen double crunch shrimp for one dollar with any steak entree. Only at applebees. On the sleep number numbers 360 smart bed. Ale with any steak entree. Can it help with snoring . Ive never heard snoring. Exactly. No problem. And done. And now, save 1,000 on the sleep number 360 special Edition Smart bed, now 1,799. Only for a limited time. Its moving day. And are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. It only takes about a minute. Wait, a minute . 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Hard to see the president winning reelection without the ten wisconsin electoral votes. 1. 8 million ballots sent out and 85 are back in. Today is the last day they are saying to mail them so they have a good shot. You see a lot of people here on the south side of milwaukee lined up around this library to vote in person and some are dropping off ballots. If we use the handy wisconsin shaped mitten here. These in the lower part of the state have gotten bluer. Here is another example of voter shifting there. Republicans with wondering can they pick up extra 20,000 votes or so . This state went 23,000 out of 3 million four years ago. Democrats think they have more than enough numbers out of the north side of chicago as black pastors get the souls to the polls and think they have more votes for jo biden out of the farm country where a lot of families have gone bankrupt the past several years. Justice Brett Kavanaugh gave an argue for rejecting late arriving ballots that possibly foreshadows how the court might handle any postlegal fights. He seemed to echo President Trumps rhetoric in some way. Tell us more. He is making it about Election Night results which is not a law anywhere. He wrote that these states want to avoid suspicions of unproprietary that can assure that ab jent see ballots flew in after election day and potentially flip the results of the election. Justice elena kagan wrote there are no results to flip until all of the valid votes are counted. In many states that happens in the days after they are certified. She wrote intoing is more suspicious or or improper in refuse to go tally votes once the clock strikes midnight on election day. Here on election day its 8 00 p. M. On election day so about 172 hours to get those ballots in. We have seen house races in california in 2018 and then the election of senator kirsten and mccalle kacal mcsally was up day. The predictions are by us and the ya impmedia. Thank you. At any moment we are expecting to hear from the District Attorney in philadelphia after the shooting death of a black man that stirred violent protests in philadelphia last night. Monday afternoon, police got a call about a man waving a knife. Cell phone video captured what happens next. I want to give you a warning if youre watching, what youre about to see may be disturbing to some of our viewers. So any way here it is. Watch my wound. You [ bleep ] crazy. Gun gun put the gun down move, move, move geez. Oh, oh watch my wound. 27yearold Walter Wallace a was the man shot by police. The witness who took the individual said the Mother Told Police that he had Mental Health issues. Two officers involved in the shooting have been assigned to desk duty. According to kyw the head of the police union is waiting for everyone to wait for the investigation and not vilify the Police Department. What are we about to hear from the District Attorney who is about to speak . Reporter we are expecting to hear where its investigation stands right now. This just happened but we know larry krausener has been in office since 2018 and ran on Justice Reform so this case is a priority for his office. This is a separate investigation from what the Police Department is doing. They have their own personal investigation going on. We got an update on the details because everybody is ankgry why did it resorts for fires shots at the scene. Even at the familys house relatives were screaming where was the deescalation . Why werent tasers used . You showed your viewers that video. Each if he didnt lunge at police why this did they fire shots . They say its still under investigation but she told us two officers who are on desk duty were not carrying tasers and each fired seven shots but it doesnt really answer the question as to why shots were fired in the first place. There is just a ton of anger in the killing of this 27yearold man who we learned from family members was an aspiring rap artist and the anger poured on the streets of philadelphia overnight. A number looting incidents and number of arrests. 30 arrests in all. There were officers injured. One has a broken leg after being hit by a pickup truck. I can tell you, jake, everyone is preparing for a very rough night tonight as well. We have seen businesses boarding up and closing down early and a call from the Police Department to get help just in case things get out of hand as this community is really suffering with this one, asking so many questions that cant be answered at this point. Thank you. President trumps niece will join us live. Why mary trump this Mental Health professionals should be allowed to openly discuss what she is calling the president s obvious, quote, impairment. That is next. Woman i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Now, theres skyrizi. 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Mary trump says, quote, psychiatrists know what is wrong with my uncle and its time they tell voters. Mary trump joins us now. She is the author of too much never enough and how far my family created the most worlds most dangerous man. Youve been outspoken for your uncle months now. What do you say to medical professionals who believe that discussing the president s Mental Fitness could add to a Mental Illness stigma discussing it the way you do . I would say that not discussing it adds to the Mental Health illness stigma. You know, by pretending that Mental Illness is somehow out of bounds is to suggest that there is something shameful about it and that is not the case. Also in the context of our leaders, what could be more important to the american electorate than the psychological wellbeing than the people in charge . I chastised laura trump two sundays ago for diagnosing joe bidens skills. She is not a medical professional or a psychologist or psychiatrist at all. Do you worry at all about weaponizing these kinds of diagnos diagnoses . If the cat is out of the bag i dont think its tough to find a psychiatrist who would diagnose anybody with anything, to be frank. Yeah. I just want to clarify something. That the original goldwater rule which was written in 1967 did state a psychiatrist should not diagnose public figures as you just said. And, by the way, that is technical impossible. Diagnosis is a very lengthy precise procedure which requires the collection of data through testing. So that makes perfect sense. You cannot diagnose people who are not your patients. They expanded the rule in 2017, however, past the point of coherence by suggesting that Mental Health professionals cant even comment upon observable behavior. So what happens then is we people are left to speculate about peoples Mental Health issues without any guidance at all from professionals. You take issue with the American Psychiatric association directly. You write in the washington post, quote. Explain what you mean. If we see somebody behaving in a rational selfdestructive ways and say nothing, then that is to suggest that there is nothing wrong with such behavior even if we know there is. Just to use an example, when donald left Walter Reed Hospital to put himself in a sealed car with secret Service Agents to go wave at people, he was ill. So he was endangering his own health but also endangering the health of the men forced to be in that car with him. This is not rational behavior and if its not commented upon from a psychological point of view, then people are left to think that its just, you know, its just selfserving or its selfish or idio sin accurat idiosyncratic. We had somebody who described president s emotional at the debate what he was doing with the constant interruptions. In addition to being a trained professional you also know him. Would you agree that that would describe his behavior at the debate . Yes, it was insultive and i am sure that most people watching it experienced it that way. So, you know, it was something that should not have been allowed to happen and it also allowed donald to change the subject once again from substance to, you know, just optics. What do you want how would you diagnose the president if you were reluctant to do so because of the goldwater rule . Im not reluctant to do so from the goldwater rule. First of all, im a psychologist and not a psychiatrist. Diagnosis is a technical process which would require subjecting a patient for an intake and various test batteries and that is not so its technical not possible to diagnose him. All we can do is evaluate his behavior in the text of symptomatology and i think that is entirely within our rights as Mental Health professionals and, in fact, we owe it to the American People to do so and give them a context in which to understand donalds very pathological behaviors. One of the things i find so curious about his Closing Argument, his closing display he is having these rallies in the middle of the pandemic. They are not requiring people to wear masks. There is no distancing. People are gathered together. We have already seen people get infected at his rallies. It is a matter of fact in tulsa, in minnesota, in washington, d. C. At that rose garden event. How would you describe that in terms of your expertise . I would suggest that this is just a continuation of donalds need to pretend he has handled this crisis well all along when, in fact, its quite the opposite. He cannot admit that he made a mistake so he will not course correct and he will double and conveyed rupe quadruple down on points that need to be seen as willful at this point. Herman cain died because of getting the covid virus at one of donalds rallies. Who knows how many other people fell ill and died because of it. I dont understand why he is not subjected to the same rules laid down by the cdc as other american citizens are. Its incredibly dangerous and, at this point, he needs to be held responsible for every single infection and death resulting from his incredibly reckless behavior. As a point of fact, we dont know where herman cain contracted the virus but the time line certainly could work out that he got it there. We just dont know it for a fact. Mary trump, thank you so much. We appreciate your time today. Seven days until election day and President Trump and joe biden are pulling out their Closing Arguments to the publicly and ill discuss with a political adviser about that next. Stay with us. Now is the time for a new bath from bath fitter. Every bath fitter bath is installed quickly, safely, and beautifully, with a lifetime warranty. Go from old to new. From worn to wow. The beautiful bath youve always wanted, done right, installed by one expert technician, all in one day. Weve been creating moments like these for 35 years, and were here to help you get started. Book your free virtual or inhome Design Consultation today. Joe biden today is trying to make his Closing Argument today in georgia where a democratic president ial candidate has not won since 1992 and playing off the theme of healing the nation. President trump is holding giant rallies hoping to excite and rally his base. And that we are almost to the end of the coronavirus pandemic. Joining me now, is david axelrod. How do you design a Closing Argument for a candidate, especially in such a contentious race . Yeah. Well, look. I think that you want to design a closing message that is constantly with the message youve been delivering throughout. Bidens message has been pretty consistent. The unity message. The message of prizing science over fiction and so on. He is pitching himself as the n antithesis of trump. Trump is trying to make it about biden and talks how good things are before and after the virus and describes high taxes and mobs that people will buy if they change horses now. The thing he doesnt do is acknowledge what we are facing right now which is the crisis and he is betting that he can do that, that his supporters will be willing to forgive that and blame it on the chinese and say he is doing the best he can and move on. Its a big bet. That is where hes at. Like that old joke how is the play otherwise, mrs. Lincoln, right . We are going through this crisis but he is intent on trying to downplay it and navigate around it. If you were advising trump, what would you suggest to him . How only seven days left so he couldnt really whatever is going to happen is going to happen. If you were advising him what would you say should have been his closing message . I think punching the economy much harder. He still has some credibility on that in polling and talking about what he had built and he is the guy who can rebuild the economy when we come out of this. I think most republicans would have like him to do that but the problem he cannot stay on message and he is indulging himself in these rallies, you know, with all kinds of side issues and insend comments of somebody who is bugging him that day. Trump is being trump and trump may defeat trump. The conservative media, their focusing so much on joe bidens son hunter. I wonder. Ted cruz told of axios he doesnt think that moves one voter. I think if the joe biden issue is important to you youre already voting for trump. Yeah. You saw the debate. The trump spent five to six minutes trying to explain it and is sounded like it is, a right wing thing. We are in the middle of a pandemic, we have economic problems and i dont think that this is what is going to grip them. It does not relate to their lives. This is not 2016 and President Trump has not made the adjustment. At this point in 2012, the obama reelection, the poll average had mitt romney up narrowly and that, obviously, did not happen. Do you have any predictions as to what is happening in a week . Well, look. I think that the National Polling is pretty accurate. We won but we won by four points. They werent that off. Four years ago they were within a point and all of the data you see points to a Biden Victory and i dont see anything i know it makes people nervous who support jo booie biden when i s this but i think he has control of the race because of donald trump himself and how he is conducting himself in this campaign. David axaxelrod, thank you. More than 226,000 americans have been killed by coronavirus. We would like to take a moment to remember just one of them. Miguel cortez died at 62 years old. Those who knew him described him as a free spirit who cherished every moment he spent with his family and seemed to always have a smile on his face. He leaves behind his beloved sister and niece and nephew. May his memorial and that of every victim of this horrible virus be a blessing. Our coverage on cnn continues right now. Announcer this is cnn breaking news welcome to our viewers in the United States and around the world. Im wolf blitzer in the situation room. Breaking news. One week to go until lex day, both candidates are battling down to the wire to clench the 270 electoral votes needed to win the white house. Right now, President Trump on his way to the critical battleground state of wisconsin as he plays defense in three key states he won in 2016. At the same time, joe biden is trying to expand the Democratic Electoral map

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