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Bay area will now be closed for the 4th of july weekend. The weekend that has raised a lot of concern. Reporter bars, dinein restaurants, and movie theaters will now also close again in 19 californian counties for at least three weeks. And today a daily death toll in the state like we havent seen since april. Do not take your guard down. Please do not believe those that somehow want to manipulate the reality. Over in florida, 10,000 new cases logged in miami dade in just the past week and Record Numbers now hospitalized in arizona i know well get through this. Reporter where the Vice President just touched down to meet with the republican governor. Im not sure what more we can do short of a total shutdown. Reporter record high hospitalizations also in texas. We moved out too fast before we had testing and tracing fully in place. While we opened in phases we went from one phase to the next phase to the next phase too quickly. We werent able to see the data. He is echoing dr. Anthony fauci one of the most respected voices on this virus but no longer respected by all. He doesnt know what he is talking about. We havent skipped over anything. The only thing im skipping over is listening to him. He has been wrong every time on every issue. I dont need his advice anymore. Reporter across the country the average number of new cases every day is near doubled in just the past two weeks. 37 states are seeing their case counts climb. 19 of them now pausing or rolling back reopening. New york city was due to open Indoor Dining monday. Not anymore. We start out Outdoor Dining on a vast scale a few weeks ago. It is going great. It is much safer. Were going to double down in that direction. Reporter and a new warning from the federal official in charge of testing now testing alone will not be enough. Testing is critical but we cannot test our way out of the current outbreaks. We must be disciplined about our own personal behavior especially around the july 4th holiday and especially among young adults. Reporter of course a vaccine would be the game changer. Some positive news from pfizer today about the one that they are working on but listen. Even if we get a vaccine by january as many people hope we will, it could then take many months after that to get it distributed and to get enough people vaccinated to make a difference. Jake . All right. Nick watt in los angeles, thank you so much. Joining us now cnn chief medical correspondent dr. Sanjay gupta. Take a look at the rapidly rising number of cases in california. California was one of the first states to lock down and still its dealing with record infections, more than 40 increase in hospitalizations. They have been aggressive from the beginning. Why is it not working for them . What is going wrong . First of all, the virus doesnt lie and the statistics dont lie. That is one thing were dealing with numbers here. Sometimes people come and call the numbers into question. They are what they are. And so then it is important to try and figure out why this might be. When youre dealing with a Large Population of people, that can be hard to figure out. People could be having large, private family gatherings with extended family and neighbors. That is one of the things Governor Newsom has been particularly worried about because those are harder to track. Then people go back to their own homes and this starts to spread. I think that is one of the concerns here. Also, you know, jake, you get an idea what explosive growth means. You hear the term a lot. It is like the old childhood thing. Give you a penny today, two pennies tomorrow, four pennies the next day. Would you rather have that or a Million Dollars at the end of the month . The answer is the pennies because it is worth 5 million the end of the month. My point is if you start to double every so often the numbers grow significantly and in a place like california, l. A. Specifically, thats what were seeing. The other thing weve talked about is that you and fauci have both noted that there is not one state that opened according to the White House Coronavirus task force plans. Not one of them waited until they had the 14 days in a row reduction, etcetera, etcetera. None of them have the kind of Contact Tracing that is needed and yet all of them and, yes, there was pressure from President Trump and from the Business Community and others, all of them opened early including california. Yeah. I mean, they did. The criteria were laid out. We reported on those criteria at the time, explained why the gating criteria existed. The first thing, you want to see this 14 day downward trend. The reason that exists is not just an arbitrary thing. If you get 14 days in a row of downward trend, first of all youll probably get to a really low number, number one. Number two, whatever it is you have a much better way of getting your arms around it to track and trace people. It is actually nearly an impock task to complete this part of the Public Health tool. Youve heard the republican Lieutenant Governor of texas, dan patrick saying he doesnt need to hear anything more from dr. Fauci. Fauci doesnt know what he is talking about. Obviously fauci knows quite a bit a lot more than Lieutenant Governor patrick. Texas is seeing a major surge in infections and hospitalizations. What do you think when you hear Lieutenant Governor patrick bashing Anthony Fauci . I dont know what specifically Lieutenant Governor is referring to. He came out and said, look. We followed every met every criteria. We can show this. The texas case count and keep in mind texas was slow to close down the state. We have another one that shows the case count in the weeks since they opened up on may first. Supposed to have a 14day downward trend. As i said earlier the data doesnt lie. They had one of their highest days the day before they opened. The concern is when you do that you could be basically creating momentum around new infections and it might spiral out of control. That is not the time to reopen. That is why the criteria exists. He says they followed every single criteria. This is the first criteria. 14 day downward trend. These are the two weeks leading up to when they opened. Not a 14day downward trend. Nope. A new study in the american Journal Association finds the number of deaths from coronavirus could be 28 higher than the official count closing in on 130,000. How do they even determine that . Well, they go back and actually start to look at death certificates and look at something known as excess deaths. I dont mean to sound too grim here but this is how that work is done. What they found is about 120 or so 120,000 or so excess deaths during this time period when the study was done. They also recognized there wasnt a lot of testing as you know initially and still isnt. It is hard to confirm people who have died of coronavirus but also people were dying from things that werent traditional sort of respiratory issues. You remember, jake, people had strokes, pulmonary emblichls, heart attacks. Then you go back and look at the data you start to realize many of those deaths may have been attributable to covid. The number of deaths per day has declined precipitously in the u. S. Over the last several weeks. That is something we havent been covering much because the number of cases is going up. We keep hearing young people are making aup significant portion of new cases in the u. S. Is that why you think the death rate has dropped and are you expecting the death rate to go back up given the explosion of new cases . Yeah. I think there are two things. One is what you mentioned. I was spending time with my experts today on this very issue. As you start to do surveillance testing out in the community and testing people who are asymptomatic, these younger people, you are likely to see more infections but fewer deaths. That is good. I think over all if you look at the numbers on the right side of the screen that would suggest a 5 fatality rate. We know it is lower than that. We know theres a lot more people out there who have the infection, who have not been officially counted. The other thing and this is an optimistic thing is we have gotten better about treating patients. It was all about ventilators first. This isnt a typical respiratory illness. Ventilators in some cases proved to be harmful. We have a few therapeutics now which could be potentially beneficial. Unfortunately, jake, i think it is the second point youre making which i think deaths is a lagging indicator. There will be more deaths with infection because people will start to spread this to other vulnerable people. That is what weve seen in countries around the world and in this country just a couple months ago. It usually comes, increase in cases, increase in hospitalizations, then increase in deaths. We are somewhere between one and two now. Dr. Sanjay gupta, thank you so much for your time today. A former marine and current congressman says that trump has been displaying treasonous behavior, slamming the president s handling of intelligence on russian bounties. Congressman seth molten democrat of massachusetts will join us next. Vladimir putin could stay in power for 15 years. How President Trump might be making it easier for putin to tighten his grip on power. Instead of trying to decide should i invest in stocks or not . Meaning, are stocks going to rise or not . , lets instead stop looking at the investments, which we cant control, and lets now look at our goals, which we can control. In other words, we only want to take as much risk as is necessary to achieve our goals. We need to protect the money thats there. And that says you should be investing in. record scratching how abowhat a shame. Wilson . So soon after retiring. I hear his wife needed help with the funeral expenses. Thats ridiculous he had social security. When my brother died, his wife received a check from social security, all right for 255 the funeral costs were well over 8,000. How on earth did she pay for it . Fortunately, my brother bought additional Life Insurance before he retired. Whew i bet that cost a pretty penny, huh . Not with Colonial Penn. Coverage options start at just 9. 95 a month. Less than 35 cents a day. I have it myself. We both do. Both of you . Neither of us had to answer any Health Questions or take a physical exam. In fact, no one our age can be turned down. For any health reason. Your rates go up every year, right . No, not at all. Friends keep telling friends about guaranteed acceptance whole Life Insurance from Colonial Penn Life Insurance company. With this coverage, your premium never increases for any reason, and your benefit wont decrease simply because you grow older. Options start at just 9. 95 a month. To find out more, call now. male announcer call now and youll also get this free beneficiary planner and this free prescription savings card. In our politics today, President Trump making an absurd allegation on twitter. Saying its all a hoax made up by the media he says. Not true. The president also called street paintings of the words black lives matter a, quote, symbol of hate. The president also suggested the only way to save the heritage of the United States is to reelect him in november. You may recall the words of trumps first secretary of defense, marine general jim mattis, quote, donald trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American People, does not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us. Unquote. Reporter as the u. S. Reports record highs of new coronavirus cases, President Trump repeated his claim that the pandemic will soon disappear. I think that at some point that is going to sort of just disappear i hope. You still believe so. I do, i do. At some point. I think well have a vaccine, soon, too. Lately trump has ignored grim assessments from his own Health Officials and focused on stoking cultural battles. After new york slashed the Police Budget by a billion dollars trump rebuked the citys plan to paint black lives matter on fifth avenue, calling it a symbol of hate that would denigrate the luxury street and further antagonize new yorks finest. The citys mayor confirmed its partially a message to the president. Were going to make it really clear to the president. It is going to be right outside his door step. We want the president to hear it because he has never shown respect for those three words. Reporter the last Task Force Trump created focused on coronavirus but today the department of Homeland Security formed another on protecting monuments, memorials, and statutes as trump has vowed they wont be removed on his watch. Trump is even positioning himself for a fight with congress over the matter threatening to veto a defense spending act because it includes a provision to rename military bases named for confederate leaders. Though the bill includes raising soldiers pay the press secretary has said trump is serious about his threat. The president will not be signing legislation that renames americas forts. Reporter trumps political advisers fear he is distracted from the Health Crisis facing the country as he continued to insist today the reports of russians offering to pay the taliban to kill u. S. Soldiers are fake news. I agree with the intelligence people. I think frankly many of the intelligence people didnt think it was something that even happened. Reporter but he didnt explain why his National Security adviser drew up plans in case they werent. Here at the white house when we had this raw intelligence we started an interagency process to look at options so that if the intelligence turned out to be verified, if it could be corroborated, then wed have options to go to the president with to address the russian situation. Reporter lawmakers have been calling for more information about what the intelligence agencies know and some of them will get it tomorrow when it is going to be the highest level briefing yet on whats been going on. That is going to be for the gang of eight, the congressional leaders from both parties, and the heads of the intelligence committees, and given by some of the Intelligence Officers theyve been asking to hear from. The cia director, the director of the National Security agency, and the president s director of National Intelligence will also be there tomorrow during this briefing about 11 30 on capitol hill. All right. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Joining us now democratic congressman seth molten of massachusetts who served in iraq as a platoon leader with the u. S. Marines. Congressman, thanks so much for joining us. You said today the way President Trump has handled the entire controversy is, quote, treasonous. Obviously treason is one of the worst crimes anyone can commit against their country. How is this treasonous . Its aiding and abetting our enemy. Russia is our enemy. The taliban is an enemy of the United States. What the president has done with his complicit silence, with his undebatable dereliction of duty in refusing to take action to protect our troops is absolutely aiding our enemy. So you also said that American Kids are dead because of the president s inaction. As i understand it, intelligence is still investigating whether or not these bounties can be pinpointed on any specific attack though there is an april, 2019 attack that killed three marines they are looking at. Are you confident placing that level of blame on intelligence that is not yet verified . Im confident with everything we know. Jake, intelligence is never a hundred percent. Okay . We didnt have a hundred percent certainty that oebls was in that compound in pakistan when president obama made the command decision to take him out. As i as a platoon commander received a report my platoon might get ambushed, perhaps would get blown up by a mine, and i failed to say, well, we should take mine resistant vehicles, perhaps i said it is not a hundred percent so were just going to go out on foot, and my platoon got blown up, i wouldnt be on twitter defending myself. I would be in prison because that is the basic level of command responsibility expected of the most Junior Officers in our military. And so for trump to deny that as commanderinchief is the ultimate dereliction of duty. I have a lot of friends in the military, nothing like you of course who served but one of the first reactions i got was from a mom whose son has served in afghanistan and she was just so distressed that President Trumps well, a, at the news although russians meaning us ill is not exactly new, but at President Trumps reaction, which was most about passing the buck. I didnt get briefed. I dont know anything about it. We still have yet to hear anything. He is attacking the New York Times and not attacking at all putin or the gru which allegedly did this. I mean, thank god trump reads the New York Times because he doesnt seem to read his intelligence briefings. Thank god the New York Times made this story public so our troops would know because the commanderinchief and his team refused to take action. We also heard mike pompeo trying to say oh, this wasnt verified. He knows better than that. We ought to be asking what did mike pompeo know . What did the secretary of defenses per know, what did Vice President pence know . And yet refused to take action to protect our troops because every mother or father with a son or daughter on the front lines today has to be concerned that people at the highest level of our chain of command are not doing everything they can to protect our troops. It reminds me when i was in iraq, george w. Bush was my commanderinchief. Okay . I didnt vote for him twice. I disagreed with his war even though i was fighting in it. But i never imagined that george w. Bush would refuse to take action on intelligence that he had in the oval office to keep me and my marines safe. This is truly a new low for the president. I want to get your reaction to a claim President Trump just made during comments he made at fox business. Take a listen. From what i hear, and i hear it pretty good, the intelligence people didnt even many of them didnt believe it happened at all. I think its a hoax. I think it is a hoax by the newspapers and the democrats. Your response, sir . It is just absurd. Doesnt matter how many people believe it or not. Doesnt matter if it is a hundred percent verified. You are the commanderinchief. Youre responsible for the lives of young americans. You do everything in your power to keep them safe and this president did nothing. Why . Because he is more concerned about his liability with russia. He is more concerned about his political future than the lives of our american troops. Our american heroes. Not draft dodgers like him but the people volunteering to put their lives on the line for our country, our constitution, and our values. I think every american including every republican still out there trying to deflect or defend the president here needs to think about what that means on this 4th of july. Democratic congressman and marine veteran seth moulton, thank you so much for your time. Really appreciate it. Thanks, jake. Coming up he just wrote a book about america and race and he has now recovered from coronavirus. Comedian d. L. Huguely joins me next. Stay with us. Its time for the lowest prices of the season on the sleep number 360 smart bed. Can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. And now, the queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is only 1,299, save 400. Only for a limited time. 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His book is titled surrender white people our unconditional terms for peace. Okay. I surrender, d. L. Thanks for joining us. What do you make of the president s attacks on black lives matter and protesters and his threats to protect the monuments and statutes of confederate leaders. How do you see it all . Well, i see it as quintessentially american. Weve always had that kind of dichotomy. Even the people like donald trump is saying basically black lives matters is a symbol of hate while signing an executive order a week ago that protected symbols of hate. Who is responsible for more deaths, black lives matter or Andrew Jackson . So it is not even but that is what were dealing with. That same man talked about how he was appalled at what happened to george floyd in minneapolis but he fights for the monuments of men who did far worse to black people like what is our idea of what is important to us . We have built the only predicate for some of these statues, how brutal this he were to black people the last statue we built to a guy that didnt brutalize black people was rocky and he beat the hell out of apollo creed so i guess he qualifies. Were obsessed with these kinds of things. So your book is hilarious and suggests white people sign a peace treaty with black americans and you make a case for no more bronze statutes of anyone. You write, quote, lets make statutes out of something easy to get rid of. Statutes should be temporary like your emotions. We should note moments ago in what was once the capital of the confederacy the mayor of richmond, virginia is using Emergency Powers to order the removal of confederate statutes in his city. Tell us what you think this moment is for the American People in terms of reckoning with these confederate leaders . There really is a lot of change going on. Absolutely. I think obviously we were all locked down together, the whole world was. We were forced to see things that probably made us, you know, wince and be more introspective. I really think that there is a moment. I dont know how fragile it is, where people are at least willing to listen to the conversations about race. We talk about who we are, there is a statute right now in new york to a man who was the father of modern gynecology. What he did was he performed surgery on enslaved black women with no anesthesia and because the belief was that black people didnt feel pain. That idea still permeates the medical profession right now when were not treated medically properly because they believe we actually cant feel pain, so that is not just a vestige of the past but a connection to what we are going through right now and the way that you America Needs to rid itself of the idea that one group is supreme and the other group is inferior and weve built an entire structure around that and it needs to be disassembled which you can do by buying the book and signing on the peace treaty at the end and meeting me at the theater. That would be great. I have to ask you, you only learned you had coronavirus after you fainted on that stage at a show in nashville. How are you doing . Im doing wonderful, man. You know, it also i had no idea i had it and had i not fainted i wouldnt have known. I was asymptomatic and subsequently everybody in my radio broadcast, all of them have tested positive. My son has. So i was a typhoon oid mary. The point is i didnt know i had it. I was doing harm without being aware. I was asymptomatic. I think people are that way about race, too. Just because theyre not actively doing anything doesnt mean harm isnt being done in their behest. Harm is being done. Just being benign is not enough to say youre not involved. You can be benign and still just like this disease things can happen in terms of racially, too. Look at you spinning a beautiful metaphor. The book is surrender white people and the comedian is d. L. Huguely. Thank you so much. Always a pleasure, my friend. Thank you. Coming up with this small gesture georgias republican governor just broke with President Trump and he is not the only republican doing so. That is next. Because the tempurbreeze transfers heat away from your body. So you feel cool. Night after night. During the tempurpedic summer of sleep, save 500 on all tempurbreeze mattresses. 9. 95 . No way. . Urpedic summer of sleep, 9. 95 . Thats impossible. 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Its our way of saying thank you just for calling. So call now. In our health lead President Trump continues to refuse to wear a mask in public but moments ago he said he is not against masks. In fact, he said he likes the way he looks in them. Im all for masks. I think masks are good. If i were in a group of people and i was close you would wear one . I would oh, i have. I mean, people have seen me wearing one. I sort of like the way i looked. The president has been in groups of people with no masks to be found such as at his rally in tulsa where several Trump Campaign staffers and secret Service Agents ended up testing positive for the novel coronavirus. Or in literally any rose garden appearance he has made since the pandemic began, leaving other republican officials to set an example. Cnns Dianne Gallagher joins us now. Georgias republican Governor Brian Kemp is on a wear a mask tour around georgia but he has not mandated them . Reporter no. According to the governor just this morning it doesnt look likely he will. Governor kemp before getting on the plane to go to six different cities in two days for the sole purpose of encouraging georgia citizens to wear masks says right now it is something maybe he would consider but he hasnt been able or had the time to look at the legal issues that might come with that. Really he thinks that the people in georgia and the businesses here, theyll just use their good judgment. They dont need to be mandated. He complained about how masks can become political. The whole mask issue right now in my opinion is being over politicized and that is not what we should be doing. We dont have time for politics right now. The state of georgia set a record for Coronavirus Infections just last week, jake. Tomorrow as he wraps up the tour of the different cities in georgia, he is going to be joined by the Surgeon General jerome adams who of course has also been a proponent of mask wearing. We should point out the people politicizing Wearing Masks are led by President Trump. Although there are a number of republicans not just Governor Kemp who are trying to fill the void and emphasize the importance of Wearing Masks. Reporter yeah. Jake, look. It appears the president s comments today, maybe he is falling in line with some of the republicans he is finally joining the mask party. Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell said there should be no stigma associated with Wearing Masks saying we should wear them to protect ourselves and others. Minority leader Kevin Mccarthy also saying to wear masks. Marco rubio saying just wear the damn mask. Weve heard quite a bit from republicans over the past week or so, something we werent hearing before hand. Were seeing before hand from republicans. But much of this comes as red states are experiencing this growth in Coronavirus Infections. Like were seeing here in georgia. And so, look. Brian kemp has said he wants people to wear masks. He is not going to mandate it. There are some cities though including savannah, georgia, one he is not going to be visiting, that have passed regulations within their own city limits to go ahead and mandate mask wearing, something were seeing in many states that havent done it o overall. The cities are doing so instead. All right. Dianne gallagher in atlanta, georgia, thank you so much. Children so far seem to be less severely affected as a general assumption by coronavirus than adults but that does not mean children are not spreading the virus. An alarming new study, next. If youre a veteran homeowner, heres a smart way to save money. Use your va benefit to refinance your home loan at todays near record low rates. One call to newday can save you 3000 a year. Newdays va streamline refi requires no income verification, no home appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. Its the quickest and easiest refi newdays ever offered. Your va home loan benefits never expire. So call newday now. An herbal stress reliever ashwagandha, that helps you turn the stressed life. Into your best life. Stress less and live more. With stressballs. In our health lead, children may be able to spread the deadly coronavirus just as easily as adults. That is according to swiss researchers who looked at 23 children who tested positive for the virus, ranging in age from seven days to 16 years. Joining us now, the director of the Harvard Global health institute. Doctor, good to have you on again. Researchers found no reason to discount kids as covid carriers but this is a pretty small sample size and they also say the children still do not seem to be a major driver of transmission so how much stock do you put into this particular study . Thanks for having me on. Those are exactly right. It is a small study. The good news is kids generally dont get sick. We dont have a ton of evidence about how much they spread. I think this study is one more piece of evidence that kids do spread the virus and it just makes it that much more compelling that we really think hard about how to open up schools safely this fall. What does it mean . Obviously if kids can spread it and in some rare but still factual occurrences get sick from it, some have died from it, what should we be doing given the fact the American Academy of pediatrics and dr. Fauci and others are saying we need to reopen schools in the fall . How do we do that . The single biggest determinate of whether well be able to open and keep schools open is how much virus there is in the community. When i look at large parts of the country right now and think if that is the level of virus we have going into september, were not going to be able to keep schools open. We have to get aggressive about bringing the virus levels down and accept that kids will do a little bit of transmission and hopefully very few will actually end up getting sick themselves. But the level of virus in this country is going to make it very difficult unless we get aggressive about bringing it down. What would some of the risks associated with reopening schools be, beyond the spread of the virus . Children do appear to be less affected by the virus, so i guess in some ways it means just a bigger threat to the community as well as teachers and parents and grandparents. Exactly right. Imagine right now, in phoenix, schools were opening. What would happen is kids would show up. They might be infected themselves with mild symptoms. They would spread it to others. Maybe a little less efficiently than adults but still spread it. Theyd spread it to their teach earns staff and theyd go home and spread it to their parents and grandparents. They would become another source and given all the kids are getting together indoors i think wed see large outbreaks in schools and it would become untenable to keep schools open. That is why you have to keep the virus in the community low because if we can do that we can open schools. I like everybody else desperately want to open schools this fall. We have to get aggressive about virus levels in the community. But schools arent open right now and in most places i dont think camps are either. We dont have these, you know, little super carriers running all over the country, all over the community, then bringing it back home. And yet we are seeing this huge spike in cases all over the country. Most states are having an increase. What do we need to do to get a handle on this other than just pausing the reopening plans . What should governors be doing right now . I think this is about the time governors have to look themselves in the mirror and look at Senior Leadership and say how much do we care about opening schools this fall . If the answer is they care a lot the prescription is straight forward. You cant have bars and gyms open. Im not sure you can have restaurants open. Youve got to have mandatory mask wearing. Youve got to push on surveillance, testing, tracing, all the stuff weve been talking about. If you do all of that throughout the summer there is a pretty good chance most states can bring their outbreaks much, much lower levels and then open up schools safely. You still have to do stuff like social distancing and tracing and surveillance in schools but those will be the icing on the cake. The cake is just not having the size of outbreaks we have right now in these communities across america. Is anyone doing it the way you think it should be done . I dont know of any state or commonwealth that is able to do the Contact Tracing you and i have been talking about for months. The Contact Tracing is still moving slowly and i think there is more and more pressure and i think states are starting to ramp up but ive been talking to governors about pauses, about whether they want to roll back. When they understand the choices in stark terms, schools this fall or bars now, those are your choices, i think more and more governors even in places that arent having large outbreaks, are realizing that maybe we can avoid bars in the summer and fall if that gives us a better shot at getting schools open this fall. Doctor, thank you so much for your expertise. We appreciate it. A Top Trump Administration official shedding light on the relationship between President Trump and Vladimir Putin saying putin is a chess grand master and trump is just playing checkers. Stay with us. So soon after retiring. I hear his wife needed help with the funeral expenses. Thats ridiculous he had social security. When my brother died, xxx in our world lead today President Trump dismissing the russian bounty intelligence story as a hoax meant to damage him and republicans. The president often touts his relationship with his russian counterpart Vladimir Putin though a new cnn reporting details how putin a top soviet spy master often gets the better of trump, quote, putin just outplays him said a high level Administration Official comparing the russian leader to a chess grand master and trump to an occasional player of checkers unquote. Cnns Matthew Chance reports for us now trump may also be helping putin consolidate power for years to come. Reporter with putin tightening his grip on the kremlin he could point to the u. S. President as one reason for his enduring appeal. Or elect him for another ten years she says. Voting for constitutional changes that could keep putin in power until 2036. When trump won in 2016, they celebrated in russia. Finally, a u. S. Leader critical of the eu who they believed saw the world their way, putins way. Still, few expected him to back the russian president over his own intelligence agencies on allegations of u. S. Election meddling. Even putin looked uncomfortable at the 2018 helsinki summit intervening to insist President Trump had disagreed with him on something. Translator President Trumps stance on crimea is well known and he sticks to it. We have a different point of view. Reporter but apparent bows to kremlin interests didnt end. In 2019, President Trump announced a southern pull out of u. S. Forces from syria, abandoning kurdish allies, allowing Russian Forces to take over deserted u. S. Bases, filling the vacuum, and a long standing kremlin goal. U. S. Officials later clarified some forces would stay to secure the border. In other conflicts like ukraine trump also played well to the russian audience. Threats to suspend vital military aid, fueled bitter impeachment hearings in washington. It was music to the kremlins ears as their forces backed rebels. Now as russians look set to endorse putin for potentially another 16 years, trumps apparent soft spot for the kremlins strong man amid allegations of russian bounties to kill u. S. Troops is being tested again. Jake, on the issue of russian the white house is calling it a hoax and a lie and also criticizing the American Media for they say spreading propaganda about russia. In other words saying exactly what they always say when allegations of russian wrongdoing are presented to them. Jake . All right. That important report from london. Thank you so much. You can follow me on twitter, instagram, or facebook. You can follow the show at the lead cnn. Our coverage on cnn continues right now. This is cnn breaking news. Welcome to our viewers in the United States and around the world. Wolf blitzer is off today. Im jim acosta in the situation room and were following breaking news. The coronavirus death toll in the u. S. Now nearing 128,000 people as cases rise in 37 states prompting at least 19 of them to pause or roll back reopening. The crisis in california is so bad that the governor there has just ordered almost 75 of the state back to near shutdown with all indoor activities in 19 counties closed for at least the next three weeks. That includes museums, theaters, dinein restaurants. California joins georgia and arizona all setting another one day Record Number of new cases

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