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Making to you now, to the calls of our family and to the calls ringing out across the streets around the world. The Minneapolis Police chief said today he will withdraw from negotiations with that citys police union to conduct, quote, a thorough review of the contract with the police. As cnns sara siger now reports. Reporter history is being written now. Im determined to make sure that we are on the right side of history. Reporter Minneapolis Police chief Medaria Arradondo laying out a plan for his tarnised Police Department to move forward following the death of george floyd at the hands of now four former minneapolis officers. People are tired. They want action. Reporter without ever mentioning the four officers involved by name, the chief revealing two key measures of his plan to change the department, one, the immediate withdrawal of contract negotiations with the Minneapolis Police union until a thorough review of how the contract can be restructured to provide more Community Transparency and flexibility for reform, and the other to implement the use of an Early Warning system to identify misconduct. What our city needs now more than ever is a pathway and a plan that provides hope, reassurance, and actionable measures of reform. Reporter but the chief acknowledged none of this will happen overnight. Its a process. This is not a sprint. But we have to do it right. I have to do it right. Reporter the chief acknowledged none of this will be accomplished overnight. Arradondos plan has the backing of the citys mayor. We dont just need a new contract with the police. We need a new compact with the police. One that centers around compassion and accountability. Reporter last month i asked the chief what he thought of the three other officers who didnt stop Derek Chauvin from pressing his knee down on floyds neck. Being silent, not intervening, complicit. So i dont see a level of distinction any different. Reporter today he was asked if he stood by that belief. I dont put policies out to say that you should only react or respond if youre a twoyear member or a fiveyear member or a tenyear member. And if policies or sub culture get in the way, then i expect and i demand humanity to rise above that. Reporter meanwhile minneapolis tv station kmsp shows that chauvin was in talks to plead guilty before his arrest, which the state attorney general denied last week. I really dont have any idea of what the negotiations or anything like that, thats simply way too early to begin that conversation. At this point we are preparing to try this case. Reporter across the u. S. , at least 12 cities and municipalities have started their own Police Reforms like working to ban police from using chokeholds. California governor gavin newsom directing police in the state to stop training officers to use that tactic, while Washington State governor jay inslee calls to restrict the use of chokeholds in his state. The black lives Matter Movement also taking center stage in many arenas including tonights nascar race in virginia. Driver Bubba Wallace unveiling his newly painted all black racecar with the Hashtag Blacklivesmatter written on the side. And two hands, one black, one white, together. No one should feel uncomfortable when they come to a nascar race. Reporter speaking of compassion, love, and understanding, i just had a chance seconds ago to sit down with police chief arradondo one on one. He told me that he did have a chance to meet with the family, that he apologized to their face, and that they responded by hugging him. And he said it was a very powerful moment. I also asked him about Police Unions and if they have a role in not allowing officers who should not be on the streets to stay at departments. And he said this. And i thought it was remarkable because he is now saying he is not going to work with the Police Unions if change doesnt happen. He said if they are not listening to the voices that are screaming out, they will ultimately be contributing to the harm of our society, not the good. Jake . Sarah sidner, thank you so much. Joining us now the cincinnati mayor and Baltimore Police commissioner. You are both part of a Police Reform and Racial Justice working group that the u. S. Conference of mayors launched earlier this week, part of the Groups Initiative is to come up with alternatives to dismantling Police Departments. Mayor, lets start with you. What changes is your group considering . Well, here in cincinnati, we went through a courtimposed process back in 2002. I was a city councilman at the time and helped negotiate that. And it is widely considered a role model across the country. And i like to describe it as having three major components. First, change in use of force, banning chokeholds, using the baton less, changing from escalation to deescalation. Second is transparency and accountability, body cameras provide enormous transparency. We have them outfitted on our officers. And having a Citizen Complaint Authority to look into specific allegations of misconduct. And, lastly, is changing our model to focus on repeat violent offenders rather than focusing on mass arrests. And what we have found over the last ten years is that we can both reduce arrests and reduce crime at the same time. And those are the, from my point of view and from cincinnatis experience, will be some of the values that the Police Commissioner and i and the other members of the group will be working on. Commissioner harrison, a lot of critics say that part of the reason its so difficult to take quick action against a, quote, unquote, bad cop, is because of police union contracts. The working group you belong to has mayors and Police Chiefs or commissioners from six major cities, no leadership from any Police Unions are Police Unions on board with the reformed measures that youre discussing . Well, we are working with the mayors, and we have subject Matter Experts in the likes of former Police Commissioners and Police Chiefs and other experts working with us to look at 21st Century Task Force reports and other reports. So look at what we can add to or take away from or modify to look at recommendations Going Forward. Here in baltimore, we are in the third year of our which is the most expensive, the most in the history of the country. We are in year three, much of what people are marching for and protesting for and begging for and demanding, we are already doing the city and other cities said are underway with consent decrees and reform initiatives that i like to call transformation. What we are looking for is transformation. And what people want in america is a different kind of policing and Police Services that treats people with dignity and respect but still provides Public Safety to keep people safe. We can do both at the same time, provide Public Safety and transform our departments. Mr. Mayor, let me ask you, democrats on capitol hill are calling for reforms. But most of the cities where these troubling incidents of Police Brutality have happened are cities run by democrats. Now i know you personally found your local Innocence Project, you have been active for years in trying to right injustices caused by the judicial system. But where have other democratic mayors been on this problem thats been going on for decades, if not centuries . Well, jake, its a great question, and i appreciate your acknowledgment of the Innocence Project where weve gotten innocent people out of prison in ohio, over 30 people. Look, cincinnati was helped enormously by a Justice Department that took civil rights serious lely. And this was not a leftwing good. It was the attorney general ashcroft when we negotiated our changes in 2002 when i was a young city councilman. And i happen to believe that if you look at the long history of civil rights, it has already required a strong federal role for protection of the Constitutional Rights guaranteed by the 14th amendment and the bill of rights, et cetera. And it would be nice if the Justice Department would, again, look to work, and we call ours the collaborative agreement. And it was endorsed by our fraternal order of police when it was adopted and it is still supported. It was a collaborative process. But having the Justice Department actively involved made a really big difference. Going forward i think candidly would help a lot of democratic mayors around the country. And, commissioner, let me ask you. Obviously, police have collective bargaining rights, like any other group of people who work for the government, whether its teachers or anyone. Do you think Police Unions do more harm than good . Well, i dont know the answer that they do more harm than good. But there are certainly agreements in those contracts that prohibit Police Chiefs from taking swift and decisive action. Certain things come to our attention in the form of bad behavior. It ruins the relationships that we have with our community when we cannot take the appropriate action, as swift and as decisive as we need to. And because the community has an expectation that when its brought to my attention, i would respond appropriately. So i am not always, like many chiefs are not always able to take the appropriate action or what the community expects, pays for, and deserves. So in that regard sometimes those contracts can be very, very harmful. Other regards, it protects officers from executives that would be overbearing and would do things outside the process that are not within regulation and are harmful. So it has its place, but it does limit what Police Chiefs can do when we need to do it. All right. Cincinnati mayor john craneley and Baltimore Police commissioner harrison, thanks to both of you. The white house has been as of now silent about what President Trump might support, if anything. But he is tweeting about the proposal to have a discussion about removing the names of confederate generals from military bases. Thats next. Plus, one state now has a record high when it comes to the number of people hospitalized for coronavirus. The alarming trend in multiple states coming up. 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In our politics lead today, after two weeks of protests, marches, calls for justice, and more, President Trump is finally going to have a discussion about race tomorrow, we are told. This will be with Community Leaders in dallas. But today yet another of his top advisers says systemic racism is not a problem in the United States, and the president s tweets seem to distract from some of the real issues being discussed. Again, he tweeted today about military bases named after confederate generals. Cnns Kaitlan Collins takes us into the white houses efforts to find a coherent message to address racism in the United States. Reporter as republicans rush to respond to overwhelming demands for Police Reform, all eyes are on the white house and the leader of their party. Hes important if he doesnt sign off on it, its a wasted exercise. Reporter President Trumps aides are prepared to give him legislative options. The white house is also working on crafting an executive order, thouf though its still unclear what that will include. Whether that means legislation or an executive order. Reporter so far trumps response to the unrest across the nation following George Floyds death has been muddled. Hes invoked law and order, called for governors to use force on unruly protesters and promoted conspiracy theories on his twitter feed. The last time he talked to reporters, he denied there are systemic race problems within Law Enforcement. And today one of his top economic advisers said there is no systemic racism in the u. S. At all. I dont think theres systemic racism. Against africanamericans in the United States . I do not. Reporter the president will host a roundtable on Race Relations with Law Enforcement officials and faith leaders. But sources say he is also aiming to make an announcement while in texas on Police Reform. Yesterday mark meadows and Jared Kushner huddled with republican lawmakers about what they can agree october. We on. Some fear that his response to floyds death has been confusing and incendiary. And polls have raised alarms within the republican party. Amid fears about potential electionday consequences, trump met with Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell at the white house today to talk about competitive races. In turn, biden has seized on the opportunity to contrast himself with trump. In an oped today, he wrote that trumps hatefilled, conspiracyladen rhetoric is inflaming the racial divides in our country. But just fixing the way the president talks wont cut it. Now, jake, after the pentagon said earlier this week that top officials there were open to renaming military bases named after confederate leaders, the president tweeted this afternoon that that wont be happening on his watch. He said these monumental and very powerful bases have become a part of Great American heritage and a history of winning, victory, and freedom. He says therefore my administration will not even consider the renaming of these magnificent and fabled military installations putting him directly at odds with his own pentagon secretary for the second time in a week. All right, Kaitlan Collins, thank you so much. A little context for just two of the confederate generals after whom u. S. Military bases have been named. Braxton bragg led soldiers in the mexicanamerican war. He owned slaves at a sugar plantation before leading confederate troops to defeat against ulysses s. Grant. Henry benning presided over georgias cessation convention over the United States of america. He became a brigadier general. Both bases were named after the losing army generals, not right after the war as an attempt at reconciliation, but in the 1920s when confederate leaders started dying off. I want to bring in Barbara Starr at the pentagon. Military leaders were open to having a conversation about renaming these installations that were named after generals who, lets be honest, were traitors to the United States. Named after generals who picked up arms against the United States and were responsible, although so many decades ago, still for killing american soldiers. Look, what the military had in mind was to start what they called a bipartisan conversation in the United States about how to proceed on this very sensitive point, though its not sensitive to a lot of people. A lot of people think it needs to be done and in the year 2020, there are military people who support keeping the names of their military people. Many think the names are very divisive and especially to black servicemembers who go to work every day on these bases. So they wanted a bipartisan conversation to see if they could come to a way ahead. Even today the army was quietly looking for names for a potential Blueribbon Panel to begin to discuss this. But the president shut it down. And he has basically ruled against his defense secretary, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, and several members of the joint chiefs who wanted that bipartisan conversation, jake. Yeah. Just a conversation is what were talking about, barbara. And let me bring Kaitlan Collins back. Why not just even have the conversation about this if military leaders were trying to do so in a bipartisan way . Whats the politics here . Reporter well, the white house is using the same defense that they did in 2017 when the president came out against pulling down those confederate statues or removing them, which is basically where does it end . They were implying that if you start renaming bases like this or taking down certain statues, then people will start calling for statues like George Washington to be pulled down. Of course, that is not an argument that many people have made or anyone really. But the question is the president often makes arguments like these. They feed well with his base. The question is does it still . Because weve seen a lot of Public Opinion change over the last two weeks as youve seen the unrest across the nation. And the president has maintained his position on kneeling in the nfl and not renaming these bases or moving confederate statues. It just seems like he has his base sewn up, it might be an opportunity to try to expand it. But what do i know . George floyds brother fighting back tears on capitol hill today, asking lawmakers to stop the pain and enact Police Reforms. His words, next. Begging for his mom. Im here. Chances are you know us. Yoohoo, progressive shoppers. We laughed with you. Sprinkles are for winners. We surprised you. On occasion, weve probably even annoyed you. Weve done this all with one thing in mind. To help protect the things you love. 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The people marching in the streets are telling you enough is enough. The people elected you to speak for them, to make positive change, georges name means something. It is on you to make sure his death is not in vain. Cnns manu raju joins me now. Floyd also got emotional when talking about the officers involved. Reporter he held back tears. It was an emotional hearing all around. The tone was very serious from members on both sides as they were grappling with the gravity of the situation and acknowledged how difficult it was for them to watch the video of george floyd being knelt on by that officer in minneapolis for 8 46, he said it felt like 8 hours and 46 minutes. He said he pleaded for it to stop and he wants justice to be served. He pleaded for his life. He said he couldnt breathe. Nobody cared. Nobody. People pleaded for him. They still didnt care. You dont do that to a human being. You dont even do that to an animal. His life mattered. All our lives matter. Black lives matter. And, jake, what he is asking for is to stop hiring corrupt Police Officers. Those were his words. But the debate on capitol hill Going Forward on how to do that will continue. Democrats have their own plan. A lot of it would set National Standards in dealing with cracking down on police tactics. Republicans want to let states make a lot of those decisions and ban things like chokeholds. But the House Democrats want to pass their bill before the end of the month. Jake . All right, manu raj yu, than so much. The tone of this hearing, i have to say, was less combative than were used to between democrats and republicans. I want you two to take a listen to some of the House Republicans today. Lets roll that tape. Today is a day to set our politics aside and focus on sound policies for our country. Hopefully we can have both parties working together to actually accomplish something here and not just point fingers. This committee has a history of working together. Lets do this and lets get with the president and the senate and make a difference. Angela, let me start with you. Are you optimistic that this might be a sign that democrats and republicans can actually Work Together and come towards some solutions . Well, jake, i think the proof, quite frankly, is in the pudding. Folks have been yelling black lives matter since the death of trayvon martin. And we know how those cases turned out. We know that not much has changed. And weve seen reform take place little by little. And even with some of those reforms in place, jake, Police Departments tend to run afoul of the rules. And so the question becomes not just will this measure be bipartisan, but the question really is are there enough wellmeaning people in city government, in state government, and at the federal level who are willing to ensure that Police Officers are held accountable, that Department Funding is tied to some of the solutions that are put forth. And i think on a larger level, there is a groundswell right now about defunding the police. Are people willing to divest from Police Departments and pour muchneeded resources into investing into marginalized communities and black communities . That is where the rubber will meet the road here. I know there are plenty of activists who are saying that this particular measure doesnt go far enough. It is the beginning of a conversation. But it is exactly that because a lot more needs to be done. And, laura, i want you to take a listen to one of the president s top defenders on capitol hill, congressman matt gaetz of florida talking about working with democrats on this. There is not a legitimate defense of chokeholds or lynching or bad cops that get shuttled around. And you will be able to count on republican cooperation as we hone these ideas and get them to the president s desk. Where do you think this ultimately ends up given the fact that even if there is some bipartisan agreement in the house of representatives, this is going to have to go to the senate, which is controlled by republicans. And though there is an effort there, and senator tim scotts been active in a lot of these issues when it comes to body cameras and the like. There is going to have to be bipartisan agreement for anything to actually happen. There will be. And of course the idea of there being a bipartsan support for this is going to be a very important step because, as we know, as much as wed like to have wellmeaning people and people who say what theyd like to have happen, were going to have to have legislative buyin and more than that. Its going to require the executive branch to buy in and also the judicial branch. You are going to have a holistic and comprehensive approach here. Its going to have to include perhaps tieing funding in order to have some National Standards and using the power of the purse. Its going to be about that national registry. Its going to be about having to track those officers who are problematic and about the state and local levels of the Police Departments doing what they need to do to enforce. And, finally, qualified immunity will have to be looked at as is the standard by which officers are judged in the use of force they use. That falls into the lap of the supreme court. While i want there to be buyin, its got to be holistic across all branches of government. All right, laura and angela, thank you so much. Always good to have you on. Up next, several states seeing a major surge in coronavirus hospitalizations since memorial day, forcing one state to activate its emergency plans. Stay with us. Look at that scuffed up wall. Staring at you. Embarrassing you in front of your inlaws. Spreading rumors about you at work. 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With a race for a vaccine speeding up as cnns erica hill explains. Reporter sobering new data about coronavirus related hospitalizations. Up in at least a dozen states since memorial day weekend. In arizona, 79 of the states icu beds are currently in use. The director of Health Services asking hospitals to activate their emergency plans and reduce or suspend elective surgeries. What concerns me is do we have the systems in place to ensure that a case in a community doesnt lead to a cluster, doesnt lead to an outbreak, doesnt lead to a health care system, once again, getting overwhelmed . Reporter hospitalizations also up in utah where republican gubernatorial candidate and former ambassador John Huntsman today announced he has tested positive. Across the country, 19 states reporting a rise in new cases over the past week, including florida, georgia, and south carolina, among the first to reopen. Much of the northeast seeing a decline. It has to be done right. And we have to stay disciplined, and the evidence is all around us, what happens if were not . Reporter the push for a viable vaccine is gaining speed. The u. S. Government says it will fund and study three experimental vaccines this summer including one from Johnson Johnson set to begin human trials next month. Even with the vaccine, there may be other steps that we have to continue to take to control coronavirus. Reporter face coverings and social distancing likely here to stay as the nations top Infectious Disease expert warns the old normal wont be back any time soon. When you open, that doesnt mean that everything is okay and you just can do whatever you want. You still have to practice a degree of caution. Reporter new cnn polling Shows Americans are split on returning to their regular routines and whether the worst is behind us. Women are more likely than men to exercise caution. Just 38 say theyre ready to resume those routines. Nascar is ready for fans to return this weekend in homestead, florida. Major League Soccer will be back on the pitch july 8th as the Mlb Players Association proposes july 10th for opening day of a shortened season. And new cases are reported among Football Players at Florida State and the university of central florida. Jake, we also just learned from governor jim justice up 24 cases in West Virginia that he says are now linkedto four different churches in his state, an outbreak between five and eight cases in each one of the governor asking the congregations to please keep up with social distancing and Wearing Masks at their services. Jake . Erica hill in new york, thank you so much. With human trials of the Coronavirus Vaccine starting next month, were going to take a look at what that might mean for the public availability of the vaccine. Thats coming up next. Stay with us. Give me your hand i can save you. 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Each one means one less person vulnerable, one less person exposed, and one step closer to a healthier community. So for now, keep your distance. But dont lose count. Well have some catching up to do. Continuing in our health lead, the United States will pay for and conduct studies on three specific experimental vaccines for coronavirus this summer. One by maderna, one by Oxford University and astrazenica and the third by Johnson Johnson. Dr. Anthony fauci says he hopes a viable vaccine will be ready for the public by january. Lets bring in cnns senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen. Why the focus on these three particular vaccines . Reporter the first two makes some sense according to the experts ive spoken about. Maderna and astrazenica are the leaders in the pack. Theyre already well into their clinical trials. For them to start phase three in july or august, that makes sense. There are also two different types of vaccines, which is really important. We need lots of shots on goal. Johnson johnson is a little bit more of a mystery. They are not among the leaders of the pack. There are several others that are ahead of them. Also, their platform is essentially their Vaccine Technology is essentially the same as astrazenica. So it is unclear why they are in this group. But there may be others to follow. When will we know if any vaccines are effective . I think by the end of the summer we will have some idea on astrazenica and moderna. These vaccines might not work or might not work terribly well. It may take a couple of tries until we do get to one that works. Theres a lot of concern that the Trump Administration is going to put pressure to just accept the first one that comes along to say, all right, that looks good, lets go. And thats a concern because the first one may not be the best one. The fda has now authorized the first coronavirus test that also looks for mutations of the virus. Though its my impression that there has been no indication that the coronavirus is mutating. So, explain more about this. How significant is it . Right. Actually viruses mutate in little in significant ways all the time. What we look for are sort of those big mutations that make us say we need to get a different vaccine or we need to be handling this differently. Its always good to be on the lookout for it. It could happen. No one thinks that this virus is particularly susceptible to mutating. But theres nothing wrong with being on the lookout for it. Right now we are seeing these dramatic increases in hospitalizations since memorial day in at least 12 states including arkansas, arizona, california, oregon, utah, texas, south and north carolina. Is this simply a matter of, okay, we reopened so hospitalizations were bound to increase . Has anyone established why this is happening . Thats what all the experts are telling me, jake, that there is no mystery here. They said it the minute that everything reopened, they said wait a few weeks, we are going to see an increase in cases, an increase in hospitalizations, and likely an increase in deaths as well. It is super simple. You do not need a phd in immunology to understand this. Viruses travel from person to person. The closer people are together, the more it will travel, the more cases you will have. A study analyzing 2,000 hospitalized patients in italy and spain found that those with type a blood seemed to have an increased risk of respiratory failure because of the virus. Patients with type o blood seemed to have more protection. What do you make of that . Its interesting. So this is a study of 2,000 people, which is really relatively small. It also hasnt been peer reviewed. Other scientists havent sort of put their stamp of approval on this. We would want to see this in more people to say, yes, this is a thing. Just because one study in 2,000 people saw it does not mean that it is a thing. It would be interesting to know if there was a correlation between blood type and susceptible to covid19. But right now we just dont know. Right. So many mysteries remain about the novel coronavirus. Elizabeth cohen, thank you so much. Always good to have you on. Coming up, its being called a complete meltdown. People standing in line for hours to cast their votes. Stay with us. Think of people in a place. You but when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. So, when you get a check. You can deposit it from here. And you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. You can detect suspicious activity on your account from here. And you can pay your friends back from here. So when someone asks you, wheres your bank . You can tell them heres my bank. Or heres my bank. Or, heres my bank. 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When bipolar depression overwhelms, ask how vraylar can help. How abowhat a shame. Wilson . So soon after retiring. I hear his wife needed help with the funeral expenses. Thats ridiculous he had social security. When my brother died, his wife received a check from social security, all right for 255 the funeral costs were well over 8,000. How on earth did she pay for it . Fortunately, my brother bought additional Life Insurance before he retired. Whew i bet that cost a pretty penny, huh . Not with Colonial Penn. Coverage options start at just 9. 95 a month. Less than 35 cents a day. I have it myself. We both do. Both of you . Neither of us had to answer any Health Questions or take a physical exam. In fact, no one our age can be turned down. For any health reason. Your rates go up every year, right . No, not at all. Friends keep telling friends about guaranteed acceptance whole Life Insurance from Colonial Penn Life Insurance company. With this coverage, your premium never increases for any reason, and your benefit wont decrease simply because you grow older. Options start at just 9. 95 a month. To find out more, call now. male announcer call now and youll also get this free beneficiary planner and this free prescription savings card. We just got a preview of what voting might look like in november during a pandemic. And, frankly, its not pretty. In georgia, some voters waited for hours in the heat to cast their ballots. State officials blame coronavirus saying that many poll workers were afraid of getting sick, so officials had to close voting sites and scramble to get new workers. Voters tell cnn there were multiple cases, however, of Voting Machines not working. The bulk of the issues happened yesterday in counties where minorities make up nearly half of the population. Cnns abby phillip joins us now live to discuss. And, abby, republican officials statewide say that these problems largely occurred in counties led by democrats. What are the democrats saying in response . Reporter yeah. Well, they are right to some extent about that. But democrats are saying that the secretary of state Brad Raffensperger is responsible for managing elections in that state and that ultimately the buck stops on his desk. But, as you know, georgia is a state that democrats want to flip in 2020. They believe that that state is moving in their direction. Theres been a lot of attention going back many years, but especially in 2018 about voting irregularities that they say disadvantage and disenfranchise minority voters. Ultimately, jake, the blame goes all the way around. There are a lot of people who are deserving of some blame for what happened here. It comes down in large part to poor planning and the inability to have contingency plans but this surge in mailin votes that we saw in georgia, there was a disparity. Minority voters were less likely to request mailin votes so they were going to show up in person. In those parts of the state there were just simply not enough voting locations, not enough ballot boxes. And thats why we saw some of those long lines. And were less than five months away from the november elections. What kind of solutions are being proposed to make sure this doesnt happen again . Twosenate races, a president ial race, a lot going on in georgia. The november general election is the super bowl of voting in this country. And i spent the day talking to Election Officials who basically say more money is needed. The head of the commission on election assistance, a trump appointee actually said to me the federal government needs to step up very quickly and get more money to these states because its very expensive to procure more locations, to offer more options for people who are voting, to hire a lot more staff or bring in more volunteers to deal with all of these ballots. There are a lot of practical things that need to happen. They also say questions about absentee ballots, whether or not voters at Election Officials can track where they are in the system is a huge problem. So many voters in georgia told me they never received their absentee ballots. They werent sure if they were ever received by the state. And right now there is not a great way to track where they are in the system to make sure that they get in and are counted. Abby phillip, thank you so much. Appreciate it. Our coverage on cnn continues right now. Thanks so much for watching. This is cnn breaking news. Welcome to our viewers here in the United States and around the world. Im wolf blitzer in the situation room. Were following breaking news. A 16th night of protest now underway over the death of george floyd. His brother testified before the House Judiciary Committee today and asked lawmakers to, quote, stop the pain and listen to the call of protesters around the world demanding change. I will speak with another person who testified at that hearing in just a few moments. Also breaking, President Trump now ruling out changing the name of u. S. Military bases named after Confederate Military leaders, an idea top pentagon leaders said they were certainly open to. And there is breaking news in the coronavirus pandemic. The u. S. Is now nearing

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