Correspondents pamela brown and evan perez. Tell us what youre learning. Jared kushner now turned over documents in recent weeks to special counsel robert mueller. Investigators now have begun asking questions about kushners role in the firing of fbi director james comey. Sources tell us that muellers investigators have expressed interest in kushner as part of the probe into russian meddling. That probe includes potential obstruction of justice, and the motivation for comeys firing is the believed to be part of that. Its a sign that the investigators are reaching into the inner circle and extended beyond the 2016 campaign to actions taken at the white house by high level officials. Its not clear how kushners advice to the president might play a part in all of this. Sources close to the white house tell us, jake, that based on their knowledge, kushner is not a target of this investigation. Sources tell us that kushner voluntarily turned over those documents that he had from the campaign and the transition and these related to any contacts to russia. These are the same documents that kushner had previously given to congressional investigators, jake. Pamela, this obviously, this is the first time that we are hearing about what theyre asking about kushner. Weve known that people have been interested in him in the Mueller Investigation, but now we know like more of an idea of why. Thats right. So this appears to be the first time were learning about what investigators are asking witnesses in terms of kushners role in firing james comey. Some sources have told us that kushner was a driver in the decision that he was encouraging the decision, other sources have down played that, just saying that he was merely supportive of the decision, but the president had already made up his mind on may 3rd when james comey testified. Investigators have also asked about how a statement came to be issued in the name of donald trump jr. Regarding that trump tower meeting with the russian lawyer that kushner attended in june of 2016 at trump tower between Trump Campaign officials and russian figures, including some with links to the kremlin. It was arranged after donald trump jr. Was told that the russian government wanted to pass along damaging information about Hillary Clinton as part of its protrump efforts. Now the meeting was also attended by Paul Manafort who was Trumps Campaign chairman and investigators have also asked about the circumstances surrounding the departures of certain white house aids. White house official says that muellers Team Questions about kushner, theyre not as surprised that kushner would be among a list of people who investigators would be asking. We should mention a lawyer for kushner declined to comment. Let me bring in gloria and brooke, what are your biggest takeaways from this report . I think its important to understand that the obstruction investigation does not is not limited just to the president. It is it could involve the conspiracy, therefore, Anyone Around the president influencing his decision, could be part of that investigation. Gloria. And i think going to this question of obstruction, i think we have two major areas that from our reporting, one is the firing of comey, and Jared Kushner wassed a b ed sed a bed when the president made the decision, again, there are different stories about whether he was involved at all, some people say no, some people say he drove the decision. We dont know the answer to that. And then a false statement that was amended multiple times and jared was on the airplane there. I think its natural as kushners lawyers say that he would questions would be being asked about this, but these are two areas that we know the special counsels looking into. Evan, even before mueller took over, he was looking at other roles of Jared Kushner on the campaign and the trump transition team. After the election we heard a lot from Jared Kushner, he sat for interviews talking about how big a role he played in sort of overseeing the digital operation, which they claim was instrumental in getting the president elected. Of course thats drawn a lot of attention because of the fact that the Intelligence Community found that the russians were doing some funky things to try to influence the way people voted and were perhaps piggybacking on some digital whatever digital operation was going on. Its not clear whether anybody was aware of that and certainly we dont know whether muellers team has found any evidence of any wrong doing here, but it is something, we know, that the fbi has been looking at. And look, i think since then, people close to the white house have sort of down played the role that kushner had. Well oh well look, hes the nominal head here. Hes in new york, didnt really have any daytoday operational oversight of it. So well see. Its interesting, and just to remind people in terms of the datadriven part of the Trump Campaign, cambridge was a big part of that. The ceo reached out to Julian Assange some time during the summer and asked wikileaks for access to Hillary Clinton emails, although Julian Assange says he turned them down. The probe is not just about the campaign in 2016 that its gone far beyond that. Its now about the president and his Circle Advisors at the white house. How significant is that . His closest circle of advisors, this is not only a Senior Advisor, but his family member. This is the president s soninlaw. You know, it would be natural for investigators to want to ask these questions given kushners prominent role. Really, hes at the an ex us is of so many parts of this investigation. The statement on the plane, the don jr. Meeting, data analytics, the firing of james comey, and natural they would want to look at this and as evan said, the white house sources have said he is a witness, he is not a target, that is what they have relaid to us just base on the what they have been asked for mueller. But it is significant in terms of how close this comes to the president. And also, this crosses the redline that the president intimated. He thinks that mueller should not cross. Its also the issue with the security clearance forms, right . I mean, that is now perhaps something that muellers team wants to look at too. While his attorneys have said, it was their mistakes or he omitted stuff. Theres still a question of why, really. Reporter meetings with russian officials. Muellers team when they released papadopouloss, the claim of papadopoulos and the arrest, that was a central issue there. What was going on at these meetings . That is still the focus of mueller. And submitting incorrect forms, you see Paul Manaforts indictment, its all half of it is about submitting incorrect its illegal. Claire call error. Thats right. This is a clerical error several clerical errors. Many times. It makes sense when weve just listed all of these areas which involve, you know, one mutual threat which is Jared Kushner. That may be of course because hes been central to this administration and he was central to the campaign. And he is, of course, close to the president being his soninlaw. But the questions remain about just how involved he was with each of these decisions. Whether its about air force one, his attorneys say nothing to do with the statements that came out of that, or whether it was about the comey decision, which his people say he had nothing to do with the firing of comey, they say hes supported it. Other people say, he drove it 100 . Paul manafort and they are under house arrest right now. Manaforts attorney argued that hes not a flight risk despite the fact that he has three passports, hes recognizable, the judge did not rule on this issue today. But that is a fight going on right now. Yeah, and we know that his attorneys plan to fight every step of the way. They feel that its unfair how manafort has been treated. Look, the fbi and the department of justice, National Security division, we know, weve done stories on this, has been investigating manafort for years. Why all of the sudden did bob mueller and special counsel team now decide to bring charges against him when previously they didnt . All right. Everyone stick around. We have much more on the breaking news. Including new scrutiny on Jeff Sessions also related to the russia investigation. Stay with us. This is a power plant. This is tim barckholtz. Thats me this is something he is researching at exxonmobil using fuel cells to capture Carbon Emissions at power plants. This is the potential. Reducing co2 emissions by up to 90 . While also producing more power. This could be big. Energy lives here. Accused of obstructing justice to theat the fbinuclear war, and of violating the constitution by taking money from foreign governments and threatening to shut down news organizations that report the truth. If that isnt a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president , then what has our government become . Im tom steyer, and like you, im a citizen who knows its up to us to do something. Its why im funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. 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This comes as Trump Nominee to a Top Department of agriculture posts sam clovis this morning withdraw his nomination amid questions on his role of the russian probe. He was one of the Campaign Officials revealed to a correspondent with papadopoulos according to to the Washington Post. Our team of cnn reporters is back with me. I want to go to capitol hill and manu raju, what are prosecutors telling you . Some republicans are raising questions as well. Youll recall over three hearings this year, including his confirmation earlier this year. There were questions about what he knew about any communications, contacts with russian officials, time after time, attorney general sessions said that he didnt know. He didnt recall some key details and sometimes he denied that there were such contacts that particularly democrats are raising questions about. In the aftermath of the relations of these Court Documents being unsealed and showing that George Papadopoulos did in fact pose a meeting with Vladimir Putin and candidate trump in a meeting that sessions was president at and sessions rejected. Democrats are saying, wait a minute, how come you didnt undergo that questioning. Senator bloomen shall said that even sessions presumably could be one of those unnamed aids that was mentioned in the Court Documents. Jeff sessions concealed his meetings with russians and he had an obligation to become more forthcoming about meeting that involved papadopoulos as well, and in fact, one of the points of question is whether papadopoulos in that charging document, where theres a reference to a Campaign Supervisor was in fact talking to Jeff Sessions. Reporter and jake, there are also questions from some republicans as well about sessions testimony, Chuck Grassley said that hes going to look into the matter. He said hes still getting briefed about exactly what happened. And senator john connrner told that its a legitimate question worth exploring, jake. All right, on capitol hill. Evan perez, the attorney general originally said he didnt remember any meeting with papadopoulos. Right, he doesnt remember and does not remember exactly the circumstances that this might have come up. And look, i think thats the line youre hearing, not only from the white house sort of saying papa who to Paul Manafort, i think everybody is saying that they dont remember this 20yearold kid that might have stood up. And in their view was sort of like making himself bigger than he was. The problem for Jeff Sessions is that he now has to go back and answer these questions, again, and it is something that if he were a senator by the way, he would be really angry if those questions were not answered in front of him. Gloria, lets talk about the politics of this, Jeff Sessions has been on thin ice with President Trump far long time, starting with his decision to recuse himself from the russia investigation. Now there is renewed scrutiny over apparently yet another possible time that he was not forthcoming with information. This could imperil him. It could. These are largely democrats who were raising this, you know, who are raising this issue and saying that he wasnt forthcoming. Im sure hell have to amend his testimony. The question is what will the president jump on to say okay, ive had it, thats enough with Jeff Sessions . They are still have a very rocky relationship im told. The president complains him im told from one source an awful lot, whether this would be something that would sort of tip him over, i dont i really dont know. Theres a school of thought inside the white house that now is not the time to start firing people, including sessions or mueller or anybody else, so well just have to see. People get fired have a lot of time on their hands to talk. One might make that observation. Evan, i want to ask you about sam clovis, who was nominated to be the top scientist at the department of agriculture, he withdraw himself this morning. Hes been under fire with connections to the russia probe and papadopoulos, tell us. The Washington Post as you mentioned earlier reported that clovis was one of the unidentified officials in that document, in those documents with the fbi and the prosecutors disclosed on monday. Being in contact and communication with George Papadopoulos. So part of the issue here is that clovis is already under fire for he was being nominated for a science position and the department of agriculture, and he has no scientific background. So that was the first sort of strike against him, and so this was something that he probably couldnt survive. We heard in the last couple of days, jake, from sources that he either he was going to have to pull his nomination or someone at the white house was going to pull it for him. So looks like he went the easier way. How poisonous is this George Papadopoulos since he got arrested over the summer . People must be really examining every conversation he had with him since he was under wire. Exactly. As you know in the government documents, hes called a pro active corporator, and that would lead you to believe that at the very well least hes talking to federal investigators and handing over information, and as you point out, we dont know, perhaps he also was wearing a wire, we dont know and what kind you have interactions hes had with people close to the white house in recent months because he was arrested this past july. So while Jeff Sessions and other people say they dont recall who he is or any conversations, i bet George Papadopoulos recalls a lot of his conversations. Extends to people, simply because this raises the possibility they might be other cooperators. All right. Great reporting to everyone. Thank you so much. Really appreciate it. Our coverage of the breaking news about Jared Kushner and the Mueller Investigation continues. Where does the investigation go next . Well ask a former federal prosecutor. Stick around. If you move your old 401 k to a fidelity ira, we make sure youre in the loop at every step from the moment you decide to move your money to the instant your new retirement account is funded. Because when you know where you stand, things are just clearer. A little bit o soul, yeah remember that accident i got in with the pole, and i had to make a claim and all that . Is that whole thing still dragging on . No, i took some pics with the app and. Filed a claim, but. 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Continuing with the breaking news coverage, i want to bring in cnn senior legal analyst and prosecutor prea, thanks for joining us as always. White house Senior Advisor Jared Kushner, cnn has broken the news this hour that he has handed over documents to muellers team, also weve learned that muellers team is asking witnesses about kushners role in the firing of james comey. What does that say to you about the direction of the Mueller Investigation . I think the clearest thing it says to me thats reasonable and listening is that bob muler is doing his job. And its telling you one of the things that he thinks is part of his job is to figure whether or not the firing of jim comey provides a predicate for a obstruction of referral to the house of representatives and charged independently. And it would only make sense that bob mueller and team would be asking everyone in the orbit of donald trump who might have had a role in the decision to fire james comey to talk to them, ask for documents, emails, i would expect thats not only happening with respect to Jared Kushner. I think its happening with respect to steve bannon and others. And we know there was some dispute according to steve bannon at least about whether or not jim comey should be fired. He said it was the biggest mistake in modern history. A president has the right to fire an fbi director, its part of his executive privilege. For lack of a better term, why would there be possible obstruction of justice . Cant he do it for whatever reason he wants. Yeah, so this is a point of debate among some people, i think that the better view is, its absolutely true that the president has the right and authority to take certain action. Just like i remember congress has the right to vote a certain way on a bill, and theres nothing inherently wrong, at least from a criminal standpoint with firing an fbi director. Outside of the context of the current controversy, is if mike flynn or Paul Manafort, for example, decided that he wanted to pay the president of the united states, pay donald trump a Million Dollars to fire jim comey, and there was evidence of that, thats a straight up dead bang, slam dunk, winner of a criminal case, even though as you point out, another expert to point out, donald trump has the authority to fire jim comey. If it turned out that was done in exchange for a bribe, that would be a crime. In a parallel way, theres an argument to be made that if the firing of jim comey was done for the purpose of shutting down an investigation of donald trump or his associates and that was the main reason, theres an argument that thats obstruction. Theres a clear argument that it was a bad decision because muellers been more aggressive than comey would have been. Were told that the Justice Department months ago before mueller took over thought that there was no charges with manafort. I want to ask you about Jeff Sessions. Under oath denied any contact with russian officials during the campaign. Then he amended that and said he did meet with then russian ambassador. Sessions said that he doesnt remember George Papadopoulos, even though theres a photograph of them sitting next to each other at that march 2016 campaign meeting. I want to play the sound for you from sessions judiciary hearing two weeks ago. Did anybody in the campaign, did you ever overhear a conversation between you and anybody on the campaign who talked about meeting with the russians . You said the Clinton Campaign sorry, the Trump Campaign, i apologize. I have not seen anything that would indicate a collusion with russians to impact the campaign. Its interesting there because the question from senator Lindsey Graham was, did you ever hear anything about meeting with russians, and he answered more specifically, i havent seen anything about collusion with russians. So, theyre look two ships that pass in the night, i work in the senate, with senators asking questions and witnesses answering the questions they want to answer. So to the extent people are asking did he perjure himself or lie on the stand . Its difficult to pin someone down when the question is about meeting when the answer was about something broader. He would have the argument that whether or not there were meetings, he didnt think that there was anything that indicated collusion and so its a little bit hard to matchup the misleading nature of the response. All right. Thank you so much. Really appreciate it. The future of your money, republicans, they say itll lift the middle class. Senator Elizabeth Warren weighs in next, stay with us. 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How much of a fight might they have on their hands, democratic senator Elizabeth Warren is here to answer that, but first, the plan itself with cnns Phil Matingly on capitol hill. Reporter for the Republican Party, a moment, political and policy, urgency. This is in america, this is our opportunity to make tax reform a reality, and deliver the most transformational tax cuts in the generation. Reporter a wide ranging overhaul of the u. S. Tax code, a top remaining republican legislative goal of the year, with no shortage, potential roadblocks ahead. Youve been blunt throughout, this isnt easy, theres a reason it hasnt been done in 31 years. Reporter Speaker Paul Ryan making a clear cut guarantee. Can you guarantee that all middle class taxpayers will see a tax cut . Thats the entire purpose for this. It gives the average family 4 or 1200 tax cut. Absolutely. I think this is a game changer for our economy. A 429 page tax overhaul, the product of weeks of intense negotiations, now public and drawing support from the president. Its serious, its serious. I really believe well have it done before christmas. I consider that to be one of the great christmas presents. Reporter its a bill that dramatically cuts the corporate and Small Business tax rates, nearly doubles the standard deduction, increases the Child Tax Credit and collapses the number of individual tax brackets from seven to four. But its also rief with potential problem theirs. Northeastern republicans already staging a mini revolt over the repeal over the state and local Tax Deduction for income and powerful Interest Groups like realtors and Home Builders vowing for the lack of home buying credit and 500,000 cap on the Mortgage Interest Rate deduction for new home purchases. All as democrats, many of whom pledge to pose the bill before it was even released, attack proposal for favoring corporate cuts for relief for every day americans. Big, wealthy corporations count far more than kids in this bill. Reporter but republicans are holding firm, driven by political imperatives, leaders will hope eventually somehow were doing it. Reporter allow them to achieve a once in a generation goal. Were going to get this done. Why . Because the American People deserve this. Reporter you referenced the speed with which theyre moving. They plan on moving this through committee next week. The house floor after that. The senate will be moving it concurrently on that week and as you noted, they want this done, at least from each chamber, by thanksgiving, signed into law by christmas. Thats speed that you just simply cant imagine for major legislation like this, but why are they moving it this quickly . One senior gop aid put it like this, the longer we leave this out there, its just going to get whacked, well get whacked. They understand. This is complicated. This is rief with potential problems, thats why theyre going to try to move as fast as possible, jake. Phil matingly, thanks so much. Joining me now, Elizabeth Warren of massachusetts, she serves on the Banking Committee in the senat senate. Senator warren, thanks for being here. 1200 for the average family of four. Middle income folks will that will allow them to pay for gas, pay down debt, renovate their homes, save for retirement. I know you oppose the part of this bill that goes to corporate america, could you support the part that will help middle income americans. So, look jake, if they really wanted to sit down and write a tax proposal that would help middle income families, i would be all on this. For 20 years now, ive been fighting for help. For Median Income families, for middle class families, for working families, for paycheck to paycheck families, thats not what this is about. This is a tax proposal that will raises taxes on some people who are middle class, and what it mostly does is the middle class part is to distract attention from the fact that theyre planning to give away 2 trillion in tax giveaways to a handful of giant corporations. Number one on the list, do you know whos going to make the money out of this . Its projected to be wells fargo. You remember wells fargo, the group the bank that cheated its customers by opening fake accounts for them. The next group thats going to make out big are going to be Foreign Investors, wealthy Foreign Investors who are going to walk away with about 700 billion in tax benefits. And the third big group, multinational corporations. Who will be given bonuses in effect for building their factories for putting their jobs everywhere except america. Lets face it, this is a tax proposal that is just a payoff to rich donors, to the Republican Party. What we need is we need something that really works for middle class families and this is this isnt it. Well republicans argue that its geared towards the middle class because it maintains maximum 401k contributions, nearly doubles the standard deduction, theres a new family tax credit, it caps the mortgage deduction, half a Million Dollars, arent those all things good for middle americans that you could get behind . But heres the problem, jake, when they give away 2 trillion to giant corporations, theyre going to blow a hole in the debt. And the minute they blow a hole in the debt, the republicans are going to come back to the American People and say gee, so sorry, debt really jumped, whats going to happen now is we got to cut medicare and weve got to cut medicaid and weve got to cut this and that, cut infrastructure, look, if the republicans really think that theyve got 2 trillion to spend, i got some ideas on how to spend it. How about we really put that money into Infrastructure Investment that will create good jobs right near america right now. Or, how about if we just forgive the outstanding Student Loan Debt and let those young people get out there and start their businesses and keep working . Or, how about if we just write a check for 18,000, 17,000 to every family in america that makes less than 200,000 . Thats what you could do with the 2 trillion that the republicans are shoveling out of the door to giant corporations. This isnt about trying to help the middle class. This is about trying to help the big corporate donors to the Republican Party and then put a pretty face on it. Do you disagree with the notion that a lot of these Corporate Tax reduction will not only help big corporations, it will also help smaller corporations and cause Economic Growth that could help middle class americans in terms of jobs, in terms of wages . So lets look at part about jobs and wages. This has been the big republican lie for decades now. They have argued that, hey, if we just cut taxes for those at the top, somehow, its going to trickle down and benefit everybody else. And the reality is, it just isnt true. When the george w. Bush tax cuts went through in the early 2000s, corporations made out great. And what happened to hardworking families, flat wages. When the british cut taxes, cut the Corporate Tax rate by 11 points, what happened to wages . They actually went down. Look, this is a point in america when corporations are making record profits. They have cash, they have plenty of money. If they wanted to make investments here in america in jobs here in america, they could do it. The idea that if we just give them a couple of trillion dollars more of taxpayer money thats somehow theyre going to make everybody else rich, it is an insult to hard working middle class families. That argument is so wrong. I want to ask you one other question, senator, we learned today from former Democratic National Committee Chairwoman donna brazil that the Clinton Campaign in her view did rig the president ial nominating process by entering into an agreement to control daytoday operations at the dnc. The Clinton Campaign controlling the partys staffing, strategy, finances, communications, and that agreement was entered into in august of 2015, a year before she defeated senator Bernie Sanders. This must shock you. This is a real problem, but what weve got to do is democrats now, weve got to hold this party accountable. When tom was first tom perez was first elected chair of the dnc, the very first conversation i had with him is to say, you have got to put together a Democratic Party in which everybody can have confidence that the party is working for democrats, rather than democrats are working for the party. And hes being tested now. This is a test for tom perez. And either hes going to succeed by bringing Bernie Sanders and Bernie Sanders representatives into this process and theyre going to say its fair, it works, we all believe it, or hes going to fail. And i very much hope he succeeds. I hope for democrats everywhere, i hope for bernie and for all of bernie supporters hes going to succeed. Kwkly senator, do you believe with the notion that it was rigged . Yes. All right. Democratic senator Elizabeth Warren, thank you so much. Appreciate your time. Much more on the revelation that the dnc was an arm of the Clinton Campaign months before she won the nomination. Were going to talk to a former member of Bernie Sanders president ial Senior Campaign staff next. Stay with us. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,. Isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Maybe its time for Otezla Apremilast . Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,. With reduced redness,. Thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And the otezla prescribing information has. No requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Tell your doctor if these occur. Otezla is associated with an increased. Risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have. A history of depression. Or suicidal thoughts,. Or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla. Reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Other side effects include upper. 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Brazil says the Clinton Campaign kept the party afloat with a loan and fund raising dollars but took control of the messaging and strategy and staffing. At a time when Bernie Sanders was giving clinton a tough primary challenge. We have our panel with us and as luck would have it, Simone Sanders was the National Press secretary for Bernie Sanders campaign and you just heard Elizabeth Warren, senator Elizabeth Warren say that she agrees that the process was rigged. Look, we have both have said far long time that somebody, some fingers were on the scale theyre saying that hilly owned the scale. And maybe she did own the scale. We fought a hard fought campaign, what happened and what donna details in the article, it was wrong. And whether the other candidate was Bernie Sanders or was papa smurf, it should not have went down, and no one should condone this. That is why absolutely we have to hold the party accountable. I do want to say, its important to say that no one stole the election from us. There were lots of look, Hillary Clinton maybe she owned the scale, we still, we fought a hard fought race, but we did make some calculations that caused us to emerge victorious. Whether its helpful and it was helpful, absolutely. I want to show you something then candidate trump tweeted, sbernz being treated bad by the democrats. Many of his disinfranchised fans are for me. Some went to donald trump, but that tweet aged well. It turns out, he was right. He was absolutely right. It was funny i love donna, but this is sort of like the classic gambling in casa blanka type moment. Of course the thumb was on the scale for Hillary Clinton. Everybody in washington knew that the dnc was basically an arm of Hillary Clintons primary campaign. Bernie sanders and you all did an excellent job of pointing that out throughout the course of the campaign, and i think most of the American People had come to that conclusion long before donna had written this out. In the vice chair didnt know what was going on, okay. I think she probably did, either way, i think we have now revealed what weve known all along. Josh, now the counterargument is that the Sanders Campaign signed the same agreement that the Clinton Campaign signed, which is the same one that the Obama Campaign signed and clinton did fundraise with the dnc and gave them the financial lifeline to stay afloat and sanders didnt raise money for the party. True, although, i dont think that exculpates the dnc and Debbie Wasserman schultz veg put a thumb heavily on the scale that Hillary Clinton may or may not have owned. Not just fundraising, look at the debate schedule. There were hardly any debate at all, saturday night against College Football game witness times when people were  guaranteed not to tune in and watch. Democratic establishment was four square behind Hillary Clinton i think in that democratic primary, in part because Bernie Sanders wasnt even a democrat before that race, there were some reason why is they might have been more inclined in that direction. Whats that . That doesnt make it right. And it doesnt. And thats exactly the point. To one additional point. I would like to note the agreements were similar, but clearly wasnt the same. The Clinton Campaigns agreement had all kinds of other things packed on to it about who they could hire, how they you have to run a press release. There were other things. And that is not the agreement that our campaign signed, and Bernie Sanders did not raise money for the Democratic Party in the way that secretary clinton did because thats not how we raise money. Small dollar donations, it was 27. 50, but i do not want to continue to relitigate the 2016 primary. Democrats need to be united like senator warren just said because we are fighting against tax reform, this crazy tax reform bill, the republicans on the hill are literally trying to take abortion rights away from women before they even know theyre pregnant. These are all things to be united on. Lets talk about tax reform. The bill is being received enthusiastically by most republicans it seems, josh, but we do hear people like senator bob corker expressing concern about what its going to do for the deficits and debt. Is it a sure thing do you think . I think the sprosz an unimportant piece of this. I think largely successfully amongst the House Republicans. Thats not where the concern is, right. Were going to move to the senate. And the senate has been going through this process for the last week and a half to talk to their members about a little different approach. Theyve been talking both members of the administration. I think theyre largely on the same page, but there are differences. And theyre going to have to iron that out over the next six weeks. I think theyre remarkably on the same page and i think this is as close to a legislative unified front that weve seen from the administration and the Republican Leaders in congress. As weve seen today. Is it possible they might lose three votes . Three republican votes in the senate . Sure, absolutely. The most unified is not a high bar to clear in this administration for congress. The other factor here is if you look at outside groups, business groups, there are some that are against this bill. I was on my bloomberg terminal today being a bloomberg reporter and the stocks were getting crushed because of the loss of the mortgage interest deduction, property tax deductibility, and that has engendered a lot of opposition among groups who republicans would like to be supportive of this bill and instead have come out and said were four square against it. Heres the magic of tax reform. Every time you cut some taxes you raise other taxes. Somebodys going to lose. Right, there is always a winner. Theres someone right now whos making billions and billions thats paying 0 tax but under this tax plan, the republicans are clear winners. The wealthy, and the middle class hurts. In this tax bill what we currently see now, they are cutting things like tax credits for Students Loans and adoption and adding a 529 for that. Like what is going on there . What . For exactly, exactly. But 529 for fetuses. Unborn babies and they cut tax credits it sounds like a School Savings people need to read this bill. And you talked about united front. Are they going to talk to the democrats . I mean, bipartisan and congress, talk to the other side. Since tax reform is hard and you try to get everybody on the page. Is there a strategy there are ten Democratic Senators from states that trump won who are up for reelection next year, are they going to try to get some of them . They should try and the democrats should listen. Theyre in a tough spot by opposing this site unseen. All right, simone, josh, josh, thank you so much. Hours away from President Trump departing for his first trip to asia. The white house is sending a strong message about the language he might use when it come about north korea, thax next, stay with us. And you always laugh like youre hearing it for the first time. At lincoln financial, we get there are some responsibilities of love you gotta do on your own. 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Yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger whos mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. And they do nothing. Join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing whats political and start doing whats right. Our country depends on it. So we know how to cover almost almoanything. Hing even a swing set standoff. And we covered it, july first, twentyfifteen. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum and were back with the world lead a day before President Trump leaves on a two week trip to asia. The white house is defending its aggressive language on north korea in the past, such as the north korea firing furry and kim jongun is rocket man. General mcmaster does not expect President Trump to soften his language while in asia. He rejected the idea that trumps language is whats to blame for inflaming tensions with the rogue regime. Inflammatory as the north korean regime and what theyre doing to threaten, to threaten the world. The white house also says the president is considering redesignating north korea as a state sponsor of terrorism, north korea had been removed from the list by the Bush Administration in 2008 after agreeing to verification measures. Be sure to follow me on twitter and facebook jaketapper. That is it for the lead today. Turning you over to wolf blitzer right next door in the situation room, thanks for watching. Happening now, breaking news, kushners role, cnn has learned that the president s Senior Advisor and soninlaw, Jared Kushner has turned over documents to the russia probe special counsel robert mueller. Investigators are asking about kushners role in the firing of the fbi director james comey. By the numbers, President Trump helps House Republicans roll out their new tax bill. Republicans speaking out strongly against the bill. Larger terror

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