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Welcome to the lead. Im jake tapper. We begin with the world lead. At least 22 innocent people including children as young as 8 have been killed in the deadliest terror attack in britain since the 2005 london bombings. Nearly 60 more people have been injured. The attack happened in manchester which is about a fourhour drive north of london as an Ariana Grande concert was ending at the Manchester Arena. Panic and chaos ensued after the blast which was near the box office part of the arena complex. Oh, my god. Whats going on . What just happened . [ bleep ]. Whats going on . Oh, my god police say that they believe as of now a lone suicide bomber, 22yearold salman abedi, carried out the attack. Authorities are now trying to determine if abedi was part of a Larger Network while isis has claimed responsibility for the deadly bombing. We have cnn cnn correspondents atika shusht and Clarissa Ward covering all aspects of this attack. Lets start with clarissa. Were learning that the attacker was apparently a student . Reporter thats right, jake. 22yearold salman abedi was a student at the university of sulford on the outskirts of manchester, studying business and management. He had attended lectures frequently in his first year which he completed and was apparently not attending lectures in his second year and according to people on campus was not engaged actively socially. Very few people, if any, seemed to know who he even was, and now authorities are really trying to drill down on whether this young man acted alone or whether there are others still out there. Take a look. The investigation into monday nights deadly bombing, the targeted children and teens intensified today. Can you move back down, please. Police conducted two raids in manchester and named the suspected suicide bomber for the first time. The man suspected of carrying out last nights atrocity is 22yearold salman abedi. This home was stormed by armed Law Enforcement in connection with the investigation. Police say a 23yearold man has also been arrested in south manchester in reoperation to the terror attack that occurred around 10 30 last night. Oh, my god. The blast was heard inside the Manchester Arena just after an Ariana Grande performance as many parents waited to pick up their children and crowds were streaming out of the exits. The explosion, outside the venue near the box office, was so powerful it can be seen and heard on this dash cam video. From a parked car far from the detonation point. The single terrorists detonated his improvised explosive device near one of the exits of the venue, deliberately choosing the time and place to cause maximum karnage. Isis has claimed responsibility, but a british counterterror official tells cnn they have seen no links to known terror groups. President trump was quick to condemn the attack in his own unique way. I will call them from now on losers because thats what they are. They are losers. Immediately following the blast thousands fled the scene leaping over chairs to escape. We managed to get through the doors and how we wasnt crushed to death is a miracle. This witness described shrapnel injuries reminiscent of previous terrorist bombings. Obviously, when youve seen children like that. Reporter police are frantically examining the bomb remnants for clues while experts say this was more sophisticated than the work of a lone wolf. How did this bomber learn how to make this . In general its i think highly unlikely that he just learned about it on the internet. As the United Kingdom reels from its worst attacks since 2005, security across the country is stepping up. The Prime Minister vowing terrorists will not prevail. And, of course, these terror attacks have become all too common across europe, jake, but what authorities specifically concerned in this case is that this man was able to build a bomb. It is a bomb that killed a lot of people. Bombs tend to be a lot more sophisticated than the sort of cars and knives weve seen, improvised weapons used by other lone wolves, that leading to suspect that possibly, possibly, i should say at this stage, a Larger Network could be at play here. Jake . All right. Clarissa ward, thanks so much. As investigators are hunting for terror links british authorities have raided homes and properties over the mast 24 hours including that of the suicide bombers. Cnns Atika Shubert is in the fallowfield neighborhood. Are police still going through the suspects house . Reporter well, we still have police here. You can see they have cordoned off the street, and weve counted about maybe a little less than a dozen police still in the area there. Earlier there were forensics crews going through and taking out documents and, of course, it started very dramatically with the controlled explosion to gain access into the home. Now, what we have found by going through public records, speaking with neighbors and friends, that this is the last known address of the suspect. This is where he was registered as living since 2014, but we dont have many other details than that. He was a stranger to many of his neighbors and seems to have kept to himself and we do know, of course, that he was a University Student but didnt live on campus or wasnt part of any student life there. So still very much a mystery as to who this man was. Atika, do we have any idea what the connection might be between the suicide bomber and the 23yearold man who was arrested during the raid . Police have not given us any details yet, but i did speak to an eyewitness who actually saw the arrest as it happened. It was pretty dramatic. This man was walking down the street near a tram station when a black van with masked and armed police basically swooped in and just efficiently picked him up and put him in cuffs and brought him in, and they said it was very quick and clean. No fuss at all, but we dont know who the man is or how hes connected at this point. All right. Atika shubert in manchester for us, thank you so much. Were learning more now about the victims, the children who were killed and the photographs of their young excited faces before the attack are just heartbreaking. Saffie rose roussos was just 8 years old. The head teacher at her Primary School remembered her as warm and kind, adding, quote, saffie was quiet and unassuming with a creative flair. 1yearold Georgina Callander was an Ariana Grande super fan who pleefl met the pop star. She was so cute and lovely. I hugged her so tight and she said she loved my bow. I cant get over this. I never will. John atkinsson of radcliffe was also killed in the attack, a College Student with the love for dance who competed with his local dance studio. After the frenzied scene last night some parents are still trying to find their children desperately calling hospitals and police in hopes that they might just be injured but alive. Charlotte campbell has not been able to find her 15yearold daughter olivia. I love her so much, and i want her home. I need her home. Shes my baby, and i miss her so much. The pain is just unimaginable. U. S. Officials are beefing up security after the manchester terror attack. The chair of the Senate Homeland Security Committee will join us next. Stay with us. Sfx engine revving silence . That knew when color whatdidnt go on evenly,t. So it could find balance and achieve its richest state. If a paint could realize the full potential of any color. Is it still paint . 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Were back with more on the terrorist attack in manchester, evening land, where at least 22 people have been killed at an Ariana Grande concert. Many children among those injured and killed. Joining me now from capitol hill in wisconsin, senator ron johnson. Hes the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee. Senator, thanks so much for joining us. What are you being told about any possible similar threat here in the u. S. . Well, jake, first of all, were not seeing any kind of connection. Well have to let the british authorities investigate this one full to see if there are any connections, either inside the uk or potentially connections to cells here in the United States, but currently we dont we have no information in terms of any connection. I will say, you know, its depressing. These events are shocking, but its depressing, but they are not surprising. We have to remain ever vigilant. Senator, was the individual who has been named, was he known to u. S. Authorities in any way or to british authorities . Not that im aware of, and, of course, thats whats so difficult about this. We do have lone wolves that are inspired by other islamic terrorists. There you go. There owes one solution. We have to end the caliphate and destroy isis because as long has they have existed, i think they have existed too long. They continue to inspire this type of activity. But, you know, once we defeat isis this isnt going away. They have had time to metastasize, evolve, spread. This is a longterm generational struggle and war that were going to be in, and we need a willing coalition of of, you know, civilized world. We need arabs to speak out and denounce this and try and reform this within islam, within the muslim communities and we need to positively engage in american communities. So many things that have to be done, but i think staying vigilant is probability number oe thing we must remain. Isis has claimed responsibility for the attack. Any evidence that you know of sonar to back up their claim of responsibility . None that im aware of. Not surprising, that they continue to claim credit and inspire additional acts. The u. S. State department issued a travel alert warning american citizens about traveling to europe because of a fear of terror attacks. There was the attack in manchester part of that threat stream, do you know . Not that im aware of. You know, weve always continued to gather intelligence. Weve obviously had we did ban the carrying on of smaller electronics, anything larger than a a phone. These these are real threats, and, you know, certainly our homeland security, our National Security personnel are taking these things seriously. When you see this horrific attack, its hard for many viewers, many of your constituents not to imagine their own children, their own grandchildren. What are you telling people in your life, your friends, your constituents, who are worried about something similar happening in had the u. S. What precautions should people take other than being vigilant . Well, that is the number one thing, and, you know, jake, ive got to tell a story. A couple years ago i was briefed by one of the fbi agents thats possibly engaging in muslim communities, and because of the revelations of Edward Snowden and the assumption that the u. S. Federal government knows everything about everybody, they just felled that we knew exactly who might becoming radicalized in their communities. We dont have that perfect information so thats the first thing to understand that the u. S. Government has no interest in knowing everything about your life. Dont have perfect information so its true. If you see something suspicious, you have to say something, and so it does remains, you know, being vigilant but it also means being supportive of policies to rebuild the military, to secure our homeland, to secure our borders, to make sure that the top priority of the federal government is national and homeland security. Why do you think were seeing more of these attacks in europe than we are hear in the United States . Well, one good news item is that in America Muslim immigrants have assimilated into our culture to a greater extent than they have in europe. They really have been walled off in a place like france and brussels and places like the uk so they have not assimilated those cultures as well as they have assimilated into america so thats why we need to continue to engage here in muslim communities and make sure people do assimilate, that they come to america willing to embrace our culture, you know. Take advantage of the opportunities and become part of or society and realize they are going to live by our rule of law, not by sharia. Senator ron johnson, republican of wisconsin, thanks so much, sir. Appreciate it. Have a good day. Coming up, much more or the terror attack in manchester. What clues might be hidden in the bomb and then the former cia director stopped just short of calling the russians contact with the Trump Campaign specific and evident collusion but his comments raising questions today. Stay with us. At holiday inn express, we dont just get you ready, we get you the readiest. To prove it, we took dennis, whos here for a convention and put him in a nationally televised dance competition. cheering ha holiday inn express, be the readiest. Holiday inn express, bp engineered a fleet of 32 brand new ships with advanced technology, so we can make sure oil and gas get where they need to go safely. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Welcome back. We have more in our breaking news this hour. An allout search in england for a possible isis terror cell after 22 innocent people were kill, the youngest that we know of, and an 8yearold girl were killed at an Ariana Grande concert. I want to bring in cnn terrorism analyst paul kruk shank and paul, let me start with you. Isis has claimed responsibility but they havent offered any proof. They havent offered any proof whatsoever describing him as a soldier of the caliphate, and ive just been in touch with a british counterterrorism official that says so far british investigators have uncovered no evidence of any link to an established terrorist group, overseas a terrorist group like isis. Its obviously early on in the investigation. One of the key focuses is on the forensic at the scene of the attack, trying to figure out how sophisticated this device was, what kind of bomb chemicals were in the device and so on, and to try and figure out, well, could one guy put this together, a young guy in his 20s given his background or could that be a bombmaker out there, or could that be a sellout there, jake . What are we learning about the sophistication of the bomb and possibly how much training that this terrorist had . Well, this is the quintessential question at this stage because its not that easy to learn how to make a bomb and get the materials and practice and in most cases you want to practice alone, and without being detected, so all five of the criteria would have had to occur so were going to start to get more forensics out of the British Intelligence and Law Enforcement authorities to determine where materials were purchased, who were they purchased by and how much was purchased because, of course, in any case like this, if he was a lone wolf then maybe youve limited the threat. The concern is, of course, whether Something Like this was happening again. Tend to view these investigations as you now have a name and a person who of the terrorists and now this investigation is in concentric circles. Some will lead nowhere and some may lead abroad and others may just lead to him which really does limit your capacity to bring a case or Something Like that. Congresswoman harman, obviously intelligence officials are doing everything they can to try to find out threats before they can be carried out. What does the United States and the western world, what are we not doing enough of . Well, i was relieved to hear chairman ron johnson say theres no actionable intelligence right now about threats like this to the u. S. , but there easily be the threats. What are we not doing . First of all, congress has to multitask. The russia probe is a big deal and so is Health Care Reform and so is this new budget which i think is pretty draconian, but so is the possibility that our kids and grandkids could be attacked at a concert this weekend in the United States, and im taking my 5yearold and 9yearold grandsos to a concert in new york in two days, and what we could do better is work on technology. They are evolving faster than we are. We need instant countermessaging in the spaces that they see in the internet that are recruiting them with videos mostly, not even spoken words anymore to the fight, and the fight can be in london. It can be in washington, d. C. It can be anywhere, on our Technology Companies know how to do this. Congress could, should, encourage lashing up our technical know how with government resources. Its not a zero sum game. Its not privacy versus security. Its both or neither. Juliet, you heard the congresswoman say shes taking her family to a concert. Arenas here in the United States have stepped up screening to try to prevent anything like this. Is there any way to 100 prevent an attack like this . No, and its why people like me dont talk about a safe facility, a safe concert, a safe marathon. You talk about safe every, right. So you talk about trying to minimize the risk, put up layered defense and layered security and we have to recognize that any event like this there will be a hard part of it, a hard target and a soft moment before it, so can you move out the security ten miles from any concert hall. Youre still going to have that point, so what we also need to focus on as a mother of three, as someone who is going to attend a lot of concerts this weekend is also to prepare ourselves. We cant just focus on prevention, so that means investments and first responders, trainings and exercises and communicating with children in ways that most of us dont want to and wish we didnt have to, and so empowering them, especially teenagers who may be off on their own and abroad or at a concert hall and empowering them with the tools because they may not know them intrinsically and thats our obligation to our children. Paul, let me ask you, as authorities in manchester and the uk are trying to figure out if theres a larger cell, other than going on to the computer and going on to the phone of the terrorist suicide bomber, what can they do to figure this out . Well, they have a massive amount of cctv to go through in terms of the moments before the attack. Where did it come from . They can look at the public transport cctv in the streets and try to figure out if he was perhaps given some kind of device in the hours before. They will obviously be looking through his residence and trying to figure out if thats where the device was built. Putting a lot of different pieces together in the hours ahead. They will also be going through their Informant Network around the uk. Theres a big network that they rely on to try to ask them if they have herd anything about this individual. They will be trying to reach out to family members, trying to account for his travel over the past few years. We understand from Community Members in manchester that he was of libyan origin. Could he have spent some time in libya in recent years in libya, of course, has emerged as a safe haven to some degree for isis. All urgent questions for the investigation right now. And there was a warning by the u. S. State department, congresswoman, about big Public Events in europe, a warning to citizens. What do you think that this is part of that threat stream . Its possible. Isis has a new publication. It uses to have one called the beak except destroyed thavt and now this one is call romia and they could come here and i wanted to add something to what juliette said. Were located in the reagan building, the largest Federal Building other than the pentagon in Downtown Washington where a lot of International Agencies are, and we think that that kind of attack is possible. Theres perimeter security, but someone could get inside, and i want to protect the workforce. They are all parents and grandparents, do. Yes, were all vulnerable and layered Security Matters and prevention and protection matter and we can do more in the United States and i really commend hour Law Enforcement effort in the United States. Paul, this is the worst terrorist attack in the uk since the 7 7 bombings in 2005. What was the threat level there . Were authorities taken by surprise by this . Well, of course, they were taken by surprise in the sense there was no intelligence to stop this and in a way they werent surprised because the threat level here was so high. Officials in the past few months telling me when it comes to islamist terrorism it was the highest ever in the history of of this country. Theres been an uptick in terrorist activity in recent weeks. We saw the attack on westminster bridge. Since then theres been multiple plots thwarted in the uk, including four people arrested in a terrorism plot by authorities preventing some kind of attack here. So to a certain degree the system is blinking red. Theres concern about all those hundreds and hundreds of british extremists who traveled to syria and iraq and are coming back now in increasing numbers. Trained killers coming back to british shores. Thanks one al all. Our politics lead. President trump landed in rome this afternoon where hell meet with the pope in vatican city, but the deadly Manchester Attack did cast a shadow over the day as the president condemned the attacker in harsh terms. Cnn senior White House Correspondent jeff zeleny traveling with President Trump and filed this report. Reporter in israel today, President Trump delivering touch words on terrorism. Obliterate this evil ideology and protect and defend our citizens and people of the world. Fighting extremism already the key focus of the president s first trip abroad and even more urgent in the aftermath of the attack in england. Reporter so many young, beautiful, innocent People Living and enjoying their lives, murdered by evil losers in life. I wont call them monsters because they would like that term. They would think thats a great name. I will call them from now on losers because thats what they are. They are losers. Reporter traveling in the middle east, the president s words coming far faster than his policies to combat terror. Hes yet to unveil his plan to fight the Islamic State which claimed responsibility for the Manchester Attack. At each stop along the trip, the president urging leaders to join the fight against extremism. We arrive. Reporter in saudi arabia he spoke of the false glory of jihadism. If you choose the path of terror, your life will be empty. Your life will be brief and your soul will be fully condemned. Reporter in bethlehem today standing alongside palestinian president mahmoud abbas, he said political leaders must speak out against terror. What harbors and inspires it. The terrorists and extremists and those who give them aid and comfort must be driven out from our society forever. This wicked ideology must be obliterated, and i mean completely obliterated. The attack aimed at young concert goes shattered a day that was set to highlight trumps effort to revive the middle east peace process. The palestinians are ready to reach for peace. I know youve heard it before. I am telling you, thats what i do. They are ready to reach for peace. Reporter in the moments after a terror attack, the condemnations and condolences flow quickly. Our society can have no tolerance for this continuation of bloodshed. Reporter its the entrenched politics and deep disputes here in the middle east that make solutions far more elusive. Jeff zeleny, cnn, jerusalem. The former head of the cia says the number of russian contacts with the trump team during the campaign raised questions in his mind. What did John Brennans testimony today mean for the investigation . 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Kelsey mcneely and some day you might be calling me an energy farmer. Energy lives here. Were going to go live to capitol hill right now where senators richard burr of North Carolina and mark warner of virginia, chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Intelligence committee. Unanimous agreement that there was massive russian intervention. We have to make sure we dont see it coming forward again in the future and what were looking amount now, part of the thing of this investigation, is to look at those contacts that mr. Brennan spoke about and see what they were, how extensive they were and what they led to, if anything. Senators, when you say all options are on the table, can you explain what those options are because im not sure that folks have a good idea of what a Senate Committee can do to compel somebody to testify or what remedy there might be. Weve taken actions that we feel are appropriate right now. If in fact theres not a response well seek Additional Council advice on how to proceed forward. At the end of that option is a contempt charge and ive said that everything is on table. Thats not our preference today. We would like to hear from general flynn. Wed like to see his documents. Wed like him to tell his story because he publicly said ive got a story to tell. Were allowing him that opportunity to do it. One last thing before we he had off. I think the chairman and i also agreed today that we heard from some conflicting testimony from director coates and my understanding was that director coates said he would be happy to appear before the Intel Committee and tell about his alleged conversations with the president and well make that invitation as well. Why isnt an offer of immunity off the table . Its a decision that the committee has made, but were not the appropriate avenue in a potential criminal investigation. As valuable as general flynn might be to our kwournt intelligence investigation, we dont believe that its our place today to offer him immunity from this committee. Thank you, guys. Thank you. The chairman and ranking democrat on the Senate Intelligence committee there talking about what they heard from former cia director john brennan in his testimony today after brennan publicly today for the first time testified that he was concerned about contacts between the Trump Campaign and russian operatives raising the possibility of collusion in his mind. Cnns Jessica Schneider joins me now. Brennan stopped short of saying that there was direct evidence of collusion. Reporter thats right, he did, jake. Republican congressman trey gowdy repeatedly pointed out direct evidence has not been presented and brennan stressed while he couldnt make the leap to conclusion there was clear contact by rushes and reporter the cia director concerned about the contact he saw between the Trump Campaign officials at the height of the 2016 campaign. He stopped short of calling it collusion. I dont know whether or not such collusion, and thats your term, such collusion existed. I dont know, but i know that there was a sufficient basis of information and intelligence that required further investigation by the bureau to determine whether or not u. S. Persons were actively conspiring, colluding with russian officials. Reporter brennan led the cia until the final day of the obama administration. Today he told congress he received information that the russians were working to recruit Americans Associated with the Trump Campaign. By the time i left office on january 20thth i had unresolved questions in my mind as to whether or not the russians had been successful in getting u. S. Persons involved in the campaign or not to work on their behalf. Again, either in a wigt or unwitting fashion. Frequently individuals who go along a treesness path do not realize they are on that path number it gets to be a bit too late. Reporter by early August Brennan was so concerned he called the head of the Russian Intelligence Agency fsb. I said if russia had such a campaign under way it would be certain to backfire. I said that all americans regardless of political affiliation or whom they might support in the election cherish their ability to elect their own leaders without outside interference or destruction. Reporter that interference has led to an fbi investigation and questions about whether President Trump has sought to discredit or undermine that investigation. Multiple current and former Officials Say trump asked two of the governments top intelligence chiefs, director of National Intelligence dan coates and National Security Agency Director admiral Michael Rogers toss publicly deny cooperation of evidence between his campaign and russia during the 2016 election. Both men refused the request. Today coates refused to comment on the reports. I dont feel its appropriate to characterize cushions and conversations with the president. Reporter it was just last week that sources disclosed President Trump also asked recently fired fbi chief james comey to shut down at least part of the investigation. A u. S. Official now tells cnn the president made this request in part because white house officials were unsure about the president s power over the bureau. Michael flynn. Reporter and now that Michael Flynn has announce hell invoke his fifth amendment rights instead of complying with a responsiblea from the Senate Intelligence Committee Top democrat mark warner is promising to push back. We dont believe that you can take a blanket immunity on fifth in terms of documents. Well take some further action today, two sets of options, and as chairman burr mentioned yesterday were not taking contempt of congress off the table either. Reporter the Senate Intelligence committee was briefed behind closed doors saying it backed up the administrations repeated claim that there was no evidence of collusion, but it is important to note that brennan was not prif know any intelligence after january 20thth and it was his job prior to that to press the fbi to investigate further. Thank you, jessica. Appreciate it. Well talk to a member. House intelligence commit who questioned the former cia director today. 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Im sure youre getting a lot of questions from constituents, especially anxious parents. Do you know of any threat in the United States that should have anybody concerned . No, and because it just happened yesterday. Obviously our thoughts and prayers as a nation are with the peoplech manchester, but because the event just happened in congress, weve not been debriefed on what intelligence may have collected or what Law Enforcement now knows, so i cant confirm any of the things weve heard. It does sound though like the m. O. Of a group like isis. That said, again, theres nothing that i can confirm yet. Reporter and just to explain for our viewers when the uk raises its Terror Threat level to critical, that means that they are expecting an imminent attack. Can you tell us anything about that . Is there is there a terror cell in the uk thats loose right now . Reporter i can only speculate what that means for their government, but i would suspect that their intelligence agencies have told them that there may be other threat that are in the works and because of that they are raising essentially the Terror Threat level, and they are on high hey left. So, you know, thats just speculation but i would imagine that thats what they are going through right now. You just finished a closed briefing with former cia director john brennan. He was worried about possible contacts between the Trump Campaign and the trump team or russia. Do you know what types of contacts he was specifically referring to . I have seen some of that information. It is classified, and as he in an open setting refused to name individuals. I also have to decline to name individuals, but i do think it was important for the nation to have the former cia director speak openly about the fact that he saw repeated contacts and interactions between members of the Trump Campaign or his associates and russians. Former director brennan also said that hes not sure if theres any actual evidence of collusion between the trump team and russia. Additionally senator mark warner, whos who is the ranking democrat on the Senate Intelligence committee, said that what there is, what exists might not meet the Legal Definition of collusion. Do you have any concerns at all of these investigations might uncover very little direct evidence of any wrongdoing . Well, ultimately, thats the investigation thats still under way and as the cia director mentioned, once he got the intelligence that he did and had the suspicions that he did, he turned that over to the fbi so that they could start their process of looking into that, those hackses by american persons, and with the congress and now with the special counsel these investigations continue. Sources tell cnn that President Trump and the white house asked two top intelligence chiefs, coates and rogers, to publicly deny evidence of a cooperation between his campaign and the russians. Do you believe with all this mounting anecdotal evidence that there is a possibility that the president actually committed obstruction of justice . If the media reports are true and if the president did what is being reported, then i think theres a pretty credible case of obstruction of justice, both in the firing of jim comey and also in the news reported as you just mentioned in asking members of the Intelligence Community to say that there was no collusion really without evidence one way or the other. Former fbi director james comey has agreed to testify before the Senate Intelligence committee. Do you have any sort of sense how many comey will be able to divulge given hes so critical to the ongoing probe now led by special counsel and former fbi director robert mueller. Well, when it comes to the issue of possible obstruction of justice by the president , jim comey is the main witness. He is the star witness, so to speak, and so his testimony and if he did write down memos or type up memos that he took contemporaneously with his interaction with the president , if he knows if there were any taped recordings or audio recordings of their conversations and what he could tell us about that. Those things and his testimony are going to be critical to figuring this out. Brennan also testified today that russia will, quote, further refine its meddling tactics in elections. What is the United States government, specifically the congress doing, to try to prevent that from ever happening again . Well, as part of this investigation, as least for the intelligence committees, its figuring out and i believe ultimately making recommendations about how we make sure that this doesnt happen again, and i say that realizing that the scener capabilities of not only russia but other nations is only growing, so that means that our defenses have to get better and better, and its got to be a priority for this congress. The white house has refused to turn over documents related to fired National Security adviser Michael Flynns screening, and flynn is expected, of course, to plead the fifth in the russia probe. The Senate Intelligence Committee Said they are considering subpoena subpoenaing Business Records of flynn and possibly even holding him in contempt of congress. What do you think needs to be the next step. I think we should do everything we can legally possible to get ahold of the information and the documents that we need from Michael Flynn. Congressman Joaquin Castro, thank you so much. Appreciate it. Thank you. How will the terror attack in manchester impact the United States plan for handling isis . A member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will weigh in next. Stay with us. At bps cooper river plant, employees take safety personally down to each piece of equipment, so they can protect their teammates and the surrounding wetlands, too. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. I just want to find a used car start at the new carfax. Com show me used trucks with one owner. Pretty cool. [laughs] ah. Ahem. Show me the carfax. Start your used car search at the allnew carfax. Com. Thereit comes to technology, about my Small Business so when i need someone that understands my unique needs. My dell Small Business advisor has gotten to know our business so well that is feels like hes a part of our team. With one phone call, he sets me up with tailored products and services. 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