Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to the lead. Im jake tapper. White House Press Secretary sean spicer just wrapped up his press briefing where he spoke more indepth about President Trumps decision to withdraw federal protection for transgender students. Cnns sara murray is at the white house for us. Sara, spicer was pressed on whether this decision was in any way a civil rights issue. Reporter thats right, jake. Its a question that the white House Press Secretary repeatedly dodged. He was asked if this issue allowing transgender students to choose whichever bathroom they feel most comfortable in is a civil rights issue. He repeatedly refused to answer that question saying its a states rights issue. He was also asked what the president s personal belief is on this. Remember the president said Caitlyn Jenner would be free to use whichever bathroom in trump tower. Spicer said the president has been clear on that but he did not elaborate on what that means. And, sara, earlier today there appeared to be some confusion when President Trump referred to his push, his immigration crackdown as a military operation. Hours later, his director of Homeland Security, general kelly, said thats absolutely not true. Its not a military operation. This seems to now be Standard Operating Procedure for the Trump White House. The president says something and then hes immediately contradicted by his own senior cabinet officials. Reporter right, very different tone, very different vocabulary coming from the president and coming from secretary kelly today. I want you to listen to what both of them had to say about this issue. Were getting really bad dudes out of this country, and at a rate that nobody has ever seen before. And theyre the bad ones. And its a military operation. No, repeat, no use of military force in immigration operations. I repeat, there will be no use of military forces in immigration. At least half of you tried to get that right because it continually comes up in the reporting. Reporter you can see, jake, why people might be mistaking this since the president is calling it a military operation. But from a purely factual standpoint, its not a military operation. I. C. E. Is a Law Enforcement agency, it is not a military agency. That is who is enforcing these rules at the border. Today sean spicer was asked about that in the briefing and he said the president was just using military as an adjective to describe that they were going to implement their immigration guidance with precision. Back to you. Maybe general kelly should voice his frustration to someone other than the media on that issue. Sara murray, thank you so much. Former breitbart chairman steve bannon said he wanted to destroy all of todays establishment. Now that the outsider is the ultimate insider with a vast portfolio as the white house chief strategist, the big question, have his views changed at all . Well, this afternoon the public got some insight into bannons thinking when he joined white house chief of staff Reince Priebus at the conservative Political Action conference when the two went to Great Lengths to dispel any rumors that they dont get along. Cnns Phil Mattingly is covering cpac in national harbor, maryland for us. Phil, what was the main point of what mr. Bannon had to say today . What caught your eye . Reporter well, it was really him laying out his world view. Jake, as you noted we all had a good sense of what it was coming into the white house, but nobody has really spoken to him at least publicly on a stage like this since hes been there. And kind of spoiler alert, nothings really changed in his world view. I think this is why its an extremely interesting moment, extremely Interesting Development because you recognize steve bannon one of President Trumps closest advisors and today he laid out the three pillars of this white house as he sees them. Economic nationalism, sovereignty and the, quote, dee construction of the administrative state. Sounds familiar to what he said before he was in the white house. His top line point, jake, theres been a lot of debate whether to take trump seriously. Its the latter. Take a listen. With the promises he made, our job every day is to execute on that, its to simply get a path to how those are executed. His focused on that. All of those promises are going to be implemented. Reporter and, jake, obviously you mentioned theres been no shortage of stories, no shortage of advisors of gop officials talking about potential strains in the relationship between steve bannon, between Reince Priebus, the two of them showing a united front today, trying to make clear that doesnt exist. Doing a little buddy comedy routine here. The reality is they are two prominent individuals, prominent positions inside the white house and they come from two very different world views inside the republican party. At least for the moment at least for today the Trump Administration launches a full blitz at this conservative conference, they are on the same page. Phil mattingly, thank you very much. We see this dynamic playing out of the president coming in like a wrecking ball and his cabinet secretaries coming after him to clean it all up. This afternoon secretary of state Rex Tillerson is meeting with mexican president pena nieto in mexico city. This meeting of course coming just weeks after pena nieto canceled his visit to washington, d. C. , insisting his country would not pay for the border wall that President Trump promised. This time the mexican president was at least willing to speak with trumps top diplomat in person. Lets go live to cnns leila santiago covering todays meeting in mexico city. Leila, secretary tillerson had a list of topics to discuss. Is there any middle ground between these two on any of the fronts . Reporter listen, they both acknowledge that they need each other and sort of a change in tone, both sides actually acknowledge that the problems down at the border are not a oneway street. We heard secretary tillerson say, hey, there is a problem when it comes to illegal money and arms flowing south as well as human and Drug Trafficking flowing north. Now, what you did not hear, you did not hear them talk about the wall at all or who is going to pay for it, but that likely forced them to then acknowledge that there is a difference, that they dont agree on everything. Let me let you listen to what else secretary tillerson said. Our visit was forward looking, focusing on common interests that would advance security and economic wellbeing. And in our meetings we acknowledged in a joint relationship filled with vibrant colors, two sovereign countries from time to time will have differences. Reporter that was secretary tillerson. We had much stronger words coming from kelly who addressed something that the foreign minister has been saying now for a full 24 hours as he has been reacted to the guidelines on implementation to deportation and immigration policies from the Trump Administration. Listen to how kelly addressed that. Let me be very, very clear. There will be no, repeat, no mass deportations. Everything we do in dhs will be done legally and according to human rights and the legal Justice System of the United States. All deportations will be according to our legal Justice System, which is extensive and includes multiple appeals. Reporter and, so, that is what with the foreign minister was waiting to hear. Really thats what mexico has been waiting to hear, saying that that was a top priority. By the way, jake, at this very hour, the secretaries are meeting with president enrique pena nieto. One of the moments i found very telling that was offcamera was when kelly and the secretary of government here in mexico began to approach the podium. You saw kelly sort of pat his back and there was even an exchange of laughter. So, clearly they are somewhat getting along and willing to work together. What we have to now wait and see is if their president s will be able to do the same. All right, leila santiago live for us in mexico city. Leila, thank you so much. The white house is asking the departments of Homeland Security and justice to find evident to back up its claim that the travel ban on those seven countries is necessary to keep america safe. Why some intelligence officials are concerned about this request. Well have that breaking news story for you next. Nitrites or artificial preservatives. Now its good for us all. Like those who like. Sweet those who prefer heat. Sfx a breath of air and those who just love meat. Oscar mayer deli fresh. Sweet if you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me, and youre talking to your rheumatologist about a medication. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain. And protect my joints from further damage. Humira has been clinically studied for over 18 years. Humira works by targeting and helping to. Block a specific source. Of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain and. Stop further joint damage in many adults. 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They tell the agencies they are working on an Intelligence Report that will demonstrate the Security Threat for these sechl countries is substantial and they have been exporters of terrorism into the United States. The situation has gotten more dangerous in recent years, the senior white house official says, and more broadly the Refugee Program has been a major incubator for terrorism, unquote. This report was requested in light of the 9th Circuit Court of appeals conclusion that the Trump Administration, quote, has pointed to no evidence that any alien from any of the countries named in the order has perpetrated a terrorist attack in the United States. But cnn has also learned that some current intelligence officials in the Trump Administration are concerned about this assignment. First, some disagree with the Trump White Houses position. Sources telling cnn that the department of homeland securities inhouse Intelligence Agency which is called the office of intelligence or analysis or ina has filed a report disagreeing with the view that blocking immigration from these seven countries strategically makes senls. Some dhs officials have said they do not think that nationality is the best indicator of potential terrorism. A spokes woman for the department of Homeland Security confirmed this report to cnn saying, quote, while dhs was asked to draft a comprehensive report on this issue, the document youre referencing was commentary from a single intelligence source versus an official robust document with thorough inter agency vetting. Interestingly, the department of Homeland Security went ton to disparage its own intelligence divisions report saying, quote, the ina report does not include data from other Intelligence Community services that dhs spokes woman told cnn. It is incomplete. Internal discussion about the products and whether they have sufficient supporting data from the broader intelligence communities is an integral part of developing any official dhs intelligen intelligence assessment. The second issue is the Trump White House seeking an Intelligence Report to fit its policy instead of the other way around, having policy fitting the evidence. Sources are also telling cnns pamela brown those within the department of Homeland Security who have concerns that intelligence at the department is being or might be politicized. Though the department called that accusation, quote, absurd and not factually accurate. According to the senior white house oi official, however, the president and his team are determined to prove that the 9th circuit argument is wrong as are those in the media and democrats who have made the same argument, such as for instance congressman gerald nad letter, democrat of new york who appeared on cnn last month and said this. The various people who have, in fact, committed terrorist acts in this country from 9 11 onward, none of them came from any of the seven countries that are the subjects of the president s executive order. Now, the senior white house official tells me that that argument is, quote, using the most narrow definition of the term you can use, unquote, meaning that that definition of terrorist attacks refers only to those attacks in which nntd civilian in the United States was killed. That definition, for example, would not include the ohio state attack last november when somali born after arriving in the u. S. In 2014 attempted to run over and stab 13 innocent people on campus. It was not a successful attack. Nobody died so it wouldnt fit that definition, although obviously it was a terrorist attack. The white house intends to bolster its case for the travel ban using this broader definition including nonlethal and failed terrorist attacks as well as investigations and convictions of individuals attempting to join or support terrorist groups. And we will bring you that information when it come. Joining me now to discuss this and other issues, congressman dan donovan, republican from new york on the House Foreign Affairs and homeland securities committee. Thank you so much for being here. Let me just ask you for an instantaneous reaction. When you hear that the Trump Administration is hoping to make this case but that some intelligence officials are concerned about the way that they are being asked to do this, whats your response . I think what theyre doing is they looked at the decision by the 9th circuit and taking into account where the failures were in the first roll out of the First Executive order and trying to make sure that they do the next executive order within the constitutional boundaries. This was a list of seven countries, jake, that president obama had listed as war torn countries, four of which we dont even have embassies at, that the vetting process of people wanting to come to our country is inadequate and the president has squd for a 90day pause, let me secretary of state look at the process, how can we tighten it up so make sure people presenting themselves are the actual people who dee serve have a right to come to our country. Weve seen some bad things happen in the United States, especially with Foreign Policy when intelligence is politicized, whether its by democrats or by republicans. When you hear there are people in the Intelligence Community who are concerned that might be happening at the department of Homeland Security right now, does that concern you . I think we should take a look at that absolutely. Our Intelligence Community should be nonpartisan, not bipartisan, should be nonpartisan. They should take data, take information, shouldnt interpret it in a political way and provide the president the information he needs to make decisions to protect our country. You represent staten island. What is your response to them when they say, how can you support this travel ban, youre discriminating based on nationality as pose opposed to people who have interest in terrorism or extremism . Again, its a pause, jake. We need to make sure the people who deserve to come to our country were a compassionate nation. We need to help the Syrian Refugees get out of harms way. Theyre being attacked by terrorists, assad their own government, we need to get them out of harms way. There is a way to do that, at the same time make sure our National Security is intact. Put the people in safe harbors in the area and hopefully one day that conflict in syria will end. Its the people of syria who want to build their nation back. Thats their home. We can both be compassionate and help them get out of harms way and make sure our country is safe. The ban on immigrants or refugees from syria, thats indefinite. Thats not the 90day ban. That appears to be in perpetuity. We dont know when it would be lifted. Such a time we could secure those people when people are fleeing their home from aggressors whether they be terrorists or their own government, they dont go home and make sure they have their proper papers with them. Theres about 250,000 syrian passports that are missing right now and we noah sad and the Syrian Government sell credentials as a form of generating revenue. So, anybody who presents us with a syrian pass toport, we have t make sure its their passport and not one they bought from the assad government. During the campaign you objected to President Trumps call for a ban on muslims entering this country. How do you respond to people who say this isnt a ban on muslims, its a ban on seven countries, obviously muslims from other countries are allowed to come in. These are seven muslim majority countries and theyre seven countries people are fleeing from because theyre failed states or in some cases terrorist safe havens and the net effect is something of a muslim ban even if its not the widespread muslim ban. Youre absolutely right. There are 45 other muslim predominantly countries who are welcome in our country without being subjected to this pause. And youre right, when the president during the campaign as a candidate said he wanted to ban muslims from our country, our country is based on religious freedom. Our forefathers were smartd enough to put it in the first amendment, not the 13th or 18th amendment. People who created our country, who founded our country, fleeing religious persecution from their own homelands, we will never ban people. We are grateful to come to new york, raise their children here, have businesses here, we are concerned with terrorism. Theyre our enemy and they have compromised the Refugee Program in syria and used those seven other countries not only to harbor terrorists but come into our country through there. I wanted to ask you about the fact that there were some protesters outside your office this week, a lot of congress people, especially republicans facing some tough crowds at these town halls demanding answers. Youre the lone republican representing new york city in congress. Do you have any plans to hold a full town hall and listen to the concerns from your constituents some of whom might be a little angry . They are angry. Many people are angry. And i have listened to my constituents. I went to an event for the Brooklyn Chamber of commerce, 150 members of the Brooklyn Chamber of commerce went to hear how were going repair our broken health care system, our broken immigration system, what are we going to do about tax reform and the event was overtaken by disrupters, 40 of which had to be removed from the police. Myself, im a public official. I could take the hits. People can yell at me. I felt bad for those 150 people who came to actually hear what was going on with our country and how were going move forward and never got that opportunity. So, instead what i did was i held a Teletown Hall meeting, spoke to 14,000 families in one evening, allowed them to answer questions. Anyone who didnt get a chance to answer a question can send it to us through the internet through our website. And that was much more productive. It wasnt disruptive. People actually got to exchange ideas. Congressman, good to see you. Thanks for coming n. Good to be with you. The great island, staten island. Here are some of the other lawmakers getting an earful. Take a listen. I am angry constituent. You work for us. [cheering and applauding] immigrants, muslims, people with sick loved ones, democrats, progressives, act vifts, they at any time to pack town halls across the country and they are not using their inside voices. And then a possible private meeting between a ukrainian law maker and associates of President Trump, were they working on a back room deal to end the fighting in ukraine . Stay with us. Tato farmer and i finally found our big idaho potato truck. Its been touring the country telling folks about our heart healthy idaho potatoes, americas favorite potatoes, and donating to local charities along the way. But now its finally back home where it belongs. Aw man. Hey, wait up. Where you goin . Here we go again. I love how usaa gives me the and the security just like the marines did. 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Many are using their members of congress as sounding boards or punching bags to voice outrage, fear they see forming under the Trump Administration. Today protester shouted at Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell as he arrived for a luncheon with voters. Once inside some hecklers had to be escorted out after disrupting his speech. Over in iowa senator Chuck Grassley faced a tough crowd in his town hall. We the people are your boss and Rural America is mad as heck that you arent listening to us. Social security would be fine if you all hadnt stolen it. I think your answer to my question is going to be a big determinant in whether this is your last term. Cnns ryan young was also at that town hall in iowa. Ryan, some lawmakers are taking heat for cancelling town hall, some not planning town halls at all. Reporter absolutely, jake. People are fired up about this. In fact, even here people were talking about lawmakers who were skipping out on their constituents. I have to show you this video of marco rubio who just got back to miami after a trip and listen to this exchange. Senator, i thought you were in europe. What . I thought you were in europe. I saw these missing child posters all over town. Are you going to host a town hall . Reporter so, the reason why those missing photos were up for mark corubio, apparently he was in europe in a business meeting. He might skip his town halls. People were reacting posting these posters and trying to find him. You saw that conversation that just happened. Here there were a lot of people who were ready to have the meeting they had today, this morning who showed up maybe hours early to be here, jake. And, ryan, tell us about the town hall you attended today in iowa. Reporter looking right behind us in the courthouse, standing room only, people filled in there more than an hour ahead of time. They were having some open conversations about what they wanted to see, some great exchanges, a lot of talk about education here in iowa. Why would you vote to jeopardize iowas quality of education and how is betsy devos a qualified candidate for your vote . The president gets elected and has to carry out the responsibilities of which he was elected, that that person ought to have the team that they need to get the job done. Dont you believe she should be qualified . Yes. Yes. Then we would not have tillerson being [ laughter ] [ applause ] reporter and that was when a lot of people were shocked jake, youve been here several times. I was caught off guard by even though the fact people were having disagreements in this crowd they were able to talk to each other and they really appreciated the idea that senator grassley showed up. In fact, when i was talking to him afterwards, he said he thought the Tea Party Republicans were much tougher on him and he was happen toib able to talk to the constituents. I can tell you a lot of people said they plan to go to more meetings over the next few days. Ryan young, thank you so much. Appreciate it. Did associates of President Trump meet privately with a ukrainian law maker to talk about ending the fighting between pro put on separatists and ukrainian troops . Details on these new allegations coming up next. Red lobsters lobsterfest is back with 9 irresistible lobster dishes. Yeah, its a lot. Try tender lobster lovers dream and see how sweet a lobster dream can be. Or pick two delicious lobster tails with new lobster mix and match. The only thing more tempting than one succulent lobster tail, is two. Is your mouth watering yet . Good. Because theres something for everyone, and everyones invited. So come in today. So how old do you want uhh, i was thinking around 70. 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Nice tells you what you kind want to hear. Ifferent. But kind is honest. This bar is made with cranberries and almonds. So, guess what . We call it cranberry almond. Give kind a try. Welcome back to the lead. Im jake tapper. Lets turn to our world lead now. Allegations of a back room deal right out of a cold war spy novel. A ukrainian politician privately met with associates of President Trump in hopes of negotiating an end to the deadly fighting between russian backed separatists and Ukrainian Forces in the eastern part of the country. Now, at issue is, of course, the disputed territory of crimea in one instance which russia seized in 2014. Now that law maker is facing possible Treason Charges for trying to undermine ukraines president. Cnns Senior International correspondent Rick Payton Walsh reports from ukraines capital kiev. Reporter it was a peace plan as controversial as the war in ukraine. Seems endless. All be damp with a story of how one object cure m. P. Dined at a New York Hotel with trumps lawyer. A short lived National Security advisor and was then caught in a diplomatic storm. Now investigated for treason in his own homeland. He told me that Michael Flynn is the best person to connections in the Trump Administration. Who if he likes is going to be huge support, huge support. Reporter and he gave us a horrid interview in kiev and tells us of a january dinner in manhattan he says he had with Donald Trumps personal lawyer Michael Cohen arranged by the mutual friend felix sato. We probably spoke around 20, 25 minutes where i present my intentions, my peace plan for the ukraine, how we can stop the war, how we can finish this. And also he says, listen, this is a gentleman thats very potential and he wants to send a message to Trump Administration. Reporter mr. Cohen says the dinner happened, but they didnt talk about peace for ukraine. But he says cohen insisted the plan be given to trumps controversial and shortlived then National Security advisor Michael Flynn who resigned 24 days into his job due to his comments over sanctions on russia because of moscows actions in ukraine. When you first spoke to felix sato, did you believe it would end up on National Security advisor Michael Flynns desk . No, absolutely no. It was the Michael Cohen idea. He mentioned his name first in my meeting. He said, listen, Michael Flynn for his personal opinion is most powerful man who can really support this idea, who really support who can help you, who can provide his information to President Trump. Reporter the white house flatly denies any contact with cohen or menko on this issue. Russia annexed ukraines crimea peninsula in 2014, then sent military help to the separatists in the countrys east where the war drags on to this day. He hints his plan may have involved the lease of crimea to russ russia in exchange for Russian Troops leaving the east. Michael cohen told cnn in a text mess alan, if this continued fake news narrative wasnt so ridiculous, i would be angered. I acknowledge that the brief meeting took place, but emphatically deny discussing this topic or delivering any document to the white house and or general flynn. Something i stated to the new york times. According to the times, cohen said he left the plan in a sealed envelope on the desk although denied delivering the plan to flynn. The white house says it has no record of receiving such a document. Mr. Sato and mr. Flynn didnt respond for comment. Russia and ukraine have rejected the plan. He has since been expelled to his political faction and has to hurry off to meet petrashenko and the president denies it. Moments after he leaves ukrainian prosecutors announce hes being investigated for treason for even suggesting the plan. Nick payton walsh, cnn, kiev, ukraine. Our thanks to nick payton walsh. Its a modern day underground railroad, a special look at the private homes being turned into safe houses for undocumented immigrants. Stay with us. The future of business in new york state is already in motion. Companies across the state are growing the economy, with the help of the lowest taxes in decades, a talented workforce, and worldclass innovations. Like in plattsburgh, where the most advanced transportation is already en route. And in corning, where the future is materializing. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at esd. Ny. Gov on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. And if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you 24 7. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Welcome back to the lead. Im jake tapper. More now in our world lead. Iraqi Security Forces are close to capturing the airport in mosul, a major strong hold for isis. The major command said iraqi forces have seized more than half of the strategic airport. They are now trying to secure the entire facility. While isis is fighting back with suicide car bombs and iedss, iraqi Security Forces backed by u. S. Security forces pushed their way through the airport by pounding the terror group with heavy artillery and dproenz. This is a major gain for the iraqi forces in their attempt to drive isil out of mosul. The militant group held the airport since 2014 and largely destroyed its infrastructure. This all comes as we await more details on President Trumps plan to defeat and destroy isis in iraq and syria. Joining me now to discuss this and much more is richard hawes, president of the council on foreign relation and former director of policy planning at the state department under president george w. Bush and he is out with a new book titled a world in disarray, american Foreign Policy and the crisis of the old order. Ambassador haas, sanction so much for being here. We should point out you wrote that book and title a year ago and you didnt know who was going to be president. Yeah, you can choose just about anything when youre a candidate, jake. The one thing you cant change is the inbox thats going to greet you if you win. So, that was going to be the reality whether it was hillary clinton, donald trump or anybody else. So, lets talk about some of the item in the inbox the pentagon is expected to present President Trump with a number of options in his stated desire to defeat and destroy isis including the possibilities of putting u. S. Ground troops in syria in addition to the more than 5,000 already in iraq. What do you think would work . Im not so worried about iraq. I think there the battle will be well advanced. There is a longterm question about whether the iraqis can get their ethnic rivalry, shall we say, under control. In syria, though, i could see where u. S. Forces would be necessary for the fight. The biggest problem is going to come afterward. Sooner or later well defeat isis and raka their strong hold in syria, what then . U. S. Forces cant be the ones who hold the territory. We either need arab force or kurdish forces, some combination of local country forces. That to me is the biggest issue. I want to ask you about the story we broke at the top of the show having to do with the Trump White House requesting an Intelligence Report from the department of Homeland Security and department of justice that would give them some evidence and proof especially for the 9th Circuit Court of appeals, their concerns about the executive order, and what we have now is, first of all people in the department of Homeland Security and their intelligence office, ina, intelligence and analysis, submitting a report offering the contrary view saying that banning people from those seven countries doesnt make strategic sense. Also people in the Intelligence Community saying coming up with the idea first and ask for intelligence later is politicizing intelligence. Whats your view . Again, i havent seen the specifics, but it looks wrong to me. Its also how you ask the question. The question ought to be how would you characterize the threat of people coming from the following countries . That to me is a neutral question. You dont want the question to bias, if you will, the out come. And, yeah, youre right, you ought to have the sequence right. We ought to be doing the intel first, then set the policy and in large part based upon the intelligence. If these reports are true, its yet another example where this administration is having real trouble forging a functional relationship with the Intelligence Community. One thing that a senior white house official said to me, i wanted to get your comment on, your views on, he said it doesnt make any sense the way that the 9th Circuit Court of appeals, democrats and in some ways the u. S. Government have categorized terrorist attacks only by those attacks in which somebody has successfully killed an innocent american, that terrorist activity includes attacks in which people were wounded, attacks that were foiled by the fbi, trying to join isis, trying to provide Material Support for isis, and that the definition of what the government considers to be a terrorist activity should be expanded. What do you think . To some extent thats fair. Just because we stop somebody this time doesnt mean well get them next time. So, i think, yeah, you ought to look not just at terrorist attacks where people are killed, people are injured, or terrorist attacks were thwarted. Well learn from it and if there are certain patterns we then ought to sell policies and procedures to deal with t. We have to discriminate obviously in terms of success and severity and all that, but i think there is some utility in casting a broader net. Threats turn to ukraine and russia now. What is your reaction to these allegations that members of President Trumps inner circle were having these back channel conversations with ukrainian poll significance to negotiate a possible settlement over crimea . This kind of freelancing, there is just no place for it in any administration. Every white house runs into trouble when they have friends of friends of friends of the president or someone on the staff and amateurs get into the act. We really need a disciplined strict National Security process where only authorized people are involved. And none of this offline stuff. You get into trouble every time you go offline whether its ol ee north or Something Like this. This ought to be cut out 100 for the next four years. Take a listen to white house chief strategist steve bannon and what he had to say today about the Trump Administration at cpac. We have wide and sometimes divergent opinions but i think the center core of what we believe, that were a nation with an economy, not an economy just in some Global Market place with open borders, that we are a nation with a culture and a reason for being. And i think thats what unites us. What do you think . Well, this is a version of america first. I think its essentially flawed. Its wrong. I think it ignores the reality that the United States benefits when the world is stable. We need to make the world stable, not as an act of philanthropy, but as an act of selfinterest. I think people like mr. Bannon exaggerate the cost of american Foreign Policy. They under estimate the benefits of it. And our problems here at home are not caused by what we do abroad. Our problems here at home are caused by what we fail to do here at home. Cnn has learned at the same time vicepresident pence was in europe reassuring european leaders about the u. S. Commitment to the e. U. And nato. Steve bannon was telling the german ambassador Something Like the opposite. There seem to be mixed messages coming out of the Trump Administration, especially when it comes to europe and nato. Well, the luiten ants of the president , whether the vicepresident or someone else, cant reassure if people dont believe theyre speaking authoritatively for the president. And this president , among other thing, favored brexit and thats not a reassuring signal. I think the Administration Needs to be careful here, jake. The european project that began after world war ii, the whole idea was to knit together the countries of europe so that the kinds of wars we had twice in the 20th century would never happen again. That european project is at risk. We should not take the stability of europe for granted. The United States ought to be pronate owe and we ought to be pro e. U. Richard haas, good to see you. Thank you, jake. A new self styled underground railroad is set up to protect immigrants in america. Stay with us. Veggie dish ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. The best simple dinner ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. Great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. So simple. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. Were back with our National Lead now. The socalled Sanctuary Movement is growing across the United States. According to church world service, a faith based charity organization, more faithbased communities are taking a stand against President Trumps immigration policy, but beyond political opposition, there is political resistance. Some houses of worship are actually hiding undocumented immigrants from authorities. They see their mission a 21st century version of the underground railroad. Are these people breaking the law in yes, technically, but for them, jake, they actually believe that it is worth it because for them it is a moral and religious choice, choosing god over government. Pounding, sanding, laying the groundwork at this secret home in los angeles. How many families would be it will be three families we can host here. This is the living room. Reporter the pastor walks us through one safe house for the undocumented running from immigration officers. An underground network. Essential sri what youre doing is youre trying to hide people. Is that right . Thats what we need to do as a community. Reporter on the other side of l. A. Another safe house in this mans home. Were not naming him or telling you where he lives because of whats at stake. Its hard as a ju not to think about all the people who did open the doors and their homes and take risks to safeguard jews in moments when they were really vulnerable as well as those that didnt. We would like to be the people who did. Reporter this is beyond sanctuary churches. What weve already seen at this Colorado Church offering refuge for undocumented woman, federal agents dont enter religious houses without approval under a policy put in place during obamas presidency. I, donald john trump, do solemnly swear reporter but faith leaders believe that will change under President Trump. Private homes fall under Fourth Amendment protection and need a warrant before authorities can enter. Something sort of like this. Reporter reverend zach hooper says faith groups across Los Angeles County could hide 100 undocumented immigrants today, and that number could soon be in the thousands. People will be moving into a place so that i. C. E. Cant find them so they can stay with their family, so they can be with their husband, so they can avoid being detained and deported. Reporter the idea comes from leaders across all faiths in los angeles, just days after the election pledging opposition to trumps immigration orders. We are not going to stop until we get to the place god has called us to. Reporter people who may not agree with you would look at what youre doing and saying, youre simply aiding and abetting the violation of federal laws. Look, ill speak for myself. I feel really convicted that i answer to god at the end of the day, like thats who im going to see when i die. And i hope that we can live up to our i hope we can live up to who we are. Reporter the pastor is clear eyed about the risk. Were trusting in god that he would kind of help us, guide us to make the reright decision. Reporter it doesnt mean its an easy choice. There is some element were entering into that i dont totally know exactly what the consequences are, but what the moral consequences are for me if we do not, this is the moment to be standing idly by. Reporter lets talk about the risk of prosecution. We had to search through our ar kiechls to find a case back in the early 1980s when the federal government actually tried to crackdown on sanctuaries and, jake, when we talked to a number of people in washington about the optics of this, what it would look like to arrest a rabbi or priest or a pastor, they say it simply wouldnt look very good. And these are families that would be in hiding. They wouldnt be going out and working during the day or going to school, they would be in the house the whole time. Yes. Kim law, thank you so much. Tweet the show at the lead at cnn. Thats it for jake tapper the lead. Turning you over to wolf blitzer. Happening now, the mission to mexico, i should say, top cabinet official are dispatched on what President Trump concedes is a tough mission, tending to relations frayed by his immigration policies. They get an earful from mexican officials. Military operation, after the president describes the immigration round up, says a military operation, the Homeland Security secretary is first to tell mexico there will be no use of military force. Brothers at arm. The president s top aides make a rare joint appearance dispelling reports of disunity as chief strategist steve bannon again slam the news media and warns that every day is going

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