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Way. My interview with the Vice President , and where he thinks it all went wrong for democrats. Godspeed, john glenn. Americas astronaut, he flew up, was the First American astronaut to orbit the earth and later the oldest person to venture into space. A senator, a onetime president ial candidate. Rest in peace. Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to the lead. Im jake tapper. The president elects road show recommences. Donald trump heading to des moines, iowa for another stop on his thank you tour. Popping into another state that he brought back into the red column after president obama won it twice. Since yesterdays show, yesterdays lead, a source says the president elect has decided upon a secretary of labor nominee. Andy puzder, who along with his wife donated thousands of dollars to various efforts to elect donald trump is known for opposing minimum wage increases and supporting automation. You may also know his company for its infamous tv ad campaigns, such as this one, for the bacon threeway thick burger. Ads that conservative and christian groups have long attacked for being, quote, disgusting and sleazy and demeaning to women. The president elect has also chosen to head the Environmental Protection Agency Oklahoma attorney general scott pruitt. The critic of that agency for overregulation. Pruitt once sent a letter to the epa that had been drafted for him and given to him by a lobbyist for an oil and gas company. As the New York Times once revealed from an investigation. The president elect is set to meet any moment with First Responders who rushed to save lives at Ohio State University after that terrorist car and knife attack. Sara, since yesterdays show, the president elect responded to criticism of him by a local Union President by sending out some vicious tweets about this local labor leader. Reporter thats right, jake. Donald trump aides have long said he likes to use his twitter feed to speak directly to the people, to bypass the press. One thing is clear, donald trump still plans to use his twitter feed to try to silence his critics as well. Just because donald trump is president elect, doesnt mean he is shying away from twitter showdowns. After touting his deal with carrier to keep jobs in the u. S. Just a week ago i will tell you that United Technologies and carrier stepped it up, and now theyre keeping actually the number is over 1100 people, which is so great. Which is so great. Reporter now he is unloading on the president of the union that represents the indianapolis carrier plant. Chuck jones, the president of the united Steel Workers local 1999 said trump lied by overstating the number of jobs he convinced carrier to keep in the u. S. The actual number is 800, not 1100. Trump unleashed on twitter, saying chuck jones, who is president of united Steel Workers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country. Jones says, even though he has been receiving threats after trumps tweets. I have been doing this job 30 years. I have had a lot more serious threats than what people are making right now. Ive got a little more thicker skin maybe than i did many years ago. Reporter he doesnt regret his remarks. He didnt tell the truth. He inflated the numbers. And i called him out on it. Reporter the twitter side show playing out as trump continues building out his cabinet. A source tells cnn trump has chosen fast food executive andy puzder to serve as labor secretary. The chief executive of cke restaurants, an advocate for scaling back regulation and a critic of raising minimum wages as he says states could continue to do so. They want to do that, you could use the bully pulpit to encourage them to do whats best for American Workers and wages and growth. Reporter trump meeting with the former ceo of ford as well as retired admiral james stavridis. He was once vetted as a possible running mate for hillary clinton. We had a wonderful meeting with the president elect. We talked about the world, we talked about defense. We talked about the state of our military. We talked a lot about cyber security. Defend her still today reporter all of this as the billionaire businessman continues to revisit the battleground states that delivered him the presidency, making a somber stop in ohio to meet with First Responders and victims of the attack at Ohio State University before heading to iowa for a victory rally. Even as trump turns his gaze to the white house, questions linger about how far he is willing to go in separating himself from his business. So far there is little indication trump will fully divest from his company. A source tells cnn trump may add an additional person to the leadership structure, someone outside his family a move not only to bat back conflict of interest concerns but also to protect his children. Now, when donald trump does arrive here in ohio, it will be an opportunity for americans to see the formerly bombastic candidate in a different light, plague the role of comforter in chief, something we have come to expect from our president s. Were expecting donald trump to meet privately with the First Responders as well as victims of the attack here at osu. We are not expecting him to deliver formal remarks. Appreciate it. Donald trump has been ambitious set of goals when he takes office on january 20th. Hell need help from republicans in congress to accomplish them. Lets bring in gop congresswoman mia love of utah who was skeptical of trump during the campaign. I think thats fair to say. Thanks for joining us. Thank you. I know you were frustrated during the campaign that you didnt hear enough about Donald Trumps policies. Right. When you see the people who he is filling his cabinet with, or wants to, many need senate confirmation, are you happy . Are you concerned . What do you think . Actually, im pleasantly i am surprised and im happy. He is choosing people that dont necessarily agree with him but have a they have knowledge, they have experience in the areas. I mean, ben carson was a great choice. I was a little surprised with hud. I was pleased with the choice. Here is a person who grew up in poverty. Who grew up with an understanding of what its like to live in areas where its crimeridden, its just very difficult. And now he gets to he is a brain surgeon and he gets to lead on these issues that are going to make poverty temporary for people, not just tolerable. I am excited about that. Lets hope so. Trump has yet to fill he has filled treasury, state and defense are usually considered the big three. He named general mattis and the treasury nominee. He has yet to fill the secretary of state position. Right. We know he is considering many people including rudy giuliani, mitt romney, exxonmobil chairman Rex Tillerson among many, many others. Its just a big group of white men over 60. Are there do you have a favorite . Is there someone who you think would do a particularly good job . Are you a mitt romney fan . Im always a mitt romney fan. He has a wealth of experience. I know him personally. I know his heart, i know his experience. He is a great friend and now from utah, lives in utah. His family lives in utah. I think mitt would do a great job. The people he has up there are i think that would be a Decent Choice for the United States. Obviously, i am a fan of mitt. Interesting comment by president elect trump yesterday when he was received, he got the honor of person of the year by time magazine. It said president of the divided states of america. He insisted that he was not responsible for the divisions at all because he is not yet president. I feel like you might disdegree wi disagree with that. I think were more divided today than we were seven years ago. I think its a lack of leadership. You put it on president obama. I put it on a lack of leadership in many areas including the president of the United States, the current president of the United States. We have had i think its important for us as leaders to make sure were not victimizing people, that were empowering them. That we are treating people equally, that we are not creating an environment where were pitting up americans against another. I think youll remember during the rnc speech when mitt romney was running for president i said that this is we are facing a situation where this president is dividing us based on social status, income levels, race and gender. I mean, remember there was a war against women. There were all these other things coming in and pitting americans up against each other. And more than anything, we need to unify as americans. My children are of mixed race. We see ourselves as first and foremost americans and utahans. I think there is a lot of healing that needs to happen in this country. You have seen the tweets that the president elect has sent, some of them directly aimed at critics, including this local labor leader in indiana, chuck jones, who now says there have been some vague threats at him, though you heard him in that spot, nothing that he couldnt handle. Right. I cant imagine the kind of thick skin you need to be a labor leader in indiana. Does that bother you at all . To a lot of mr. Trumps critics it seems like anytime anybody pops up with a criticism of him he uses you his bully pulpit in a way that could be dangerous even. Nobody is perfect. One of the problem areas is how you respond. You still have to represent everyone. Whether they supported you or not, you are the president of the United States. You dont represent one side versus another. You are supposed to make life better for all americans. So if youre going to make America Great again, you have to make it great again for everyone. I think that he he reacts quite a bit. When someone pushes him, he pushes back. That can also be a downside. I think thats one of the things we have to keep in check. As a leader of the free world, i think its important to make sure that youre not just reacting, that youre being thoughtful and youre being responsive. Congresswoman mia love, i dont think i said but congratulations on your reelection. Thank you. Welcome back. Well be seeing a lot of you in the next couple of years. Thank you. He spent much of his career fighting the epa. Now hes been picked to lead it. How will that work . From the ends of the earth to the edges of space. John glenn was a true American Hero. We will remember that legend next. Youre making money now, are you investing . Well, ive been doing some research. Let me introduce you to our broker. How much does he charge . I dont know. Okay. Uh, do you get your fees back if youre not happy . dad laughs wow, youre laughing. Thats not the way the world works. Well, the worlds changing. Are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed . Wealth management, at charles schwab. vo its the holidays at verizon, and the best deals are on the best network. both yes vo with no surprise overages, you can use your data worry free and even carry over the data you dont use. And right now get four lines and 20 gigs for only 40 per line. And, just for the holidays, get the Samsung Galaxy s7 edge for only 15 per month. No tradein required. I love you in that, no, i love you in that. No, i love you in that vo hurry, these offers end soon. Get the best deals and the best network, only on verizon. So we know how to cover almost almoanything. Hing, even a rodent ridealong. [dad] alright, buddy, dont forget anything [kid] i wont, dad. [captain rod] happy Tuesday Morning captain rod here. Its pretty hairy out on the interstate. Traffic is literally crawling, but there is some movement on the eastside overpass. Getting word of another collision. [burke] it happened. December 14th, 2015. And we covered it. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum welcome back to the lead. Youre seeing live images right now of president elect trump. His plane touching down at the John Glenn International airport in columbus, ohio. John glenn, dead today at the age of 95. We will talk more about him in a little bit on the program. But lets stick with politics right now. Just this week president elect trump sat down with both al gore and Leonardo Dicaprio to discuss Climate Change. This while also announcing that he will nominate Oklahoma Attorney general scott pruitt to engineer Climate Change policy as head of the epa. Pruitt not exactly one who tends to listen to the likes of gore or Leonardo Dicaprio or the overwhelming majority of climate scientists. Rene marsh has been putting together a dossier on pruitt for us. Dan pfeiffer, a former adviser to president obama tweeted ever a the announcement saying scott pruitt is an extension threat to the planet. Thats quite a charge. Reporter to say the least he has been a lightning rod pick. We have seen passion on both sides of this. You have the republicans who looked at the epa as a Wasteful Agency that over regulates. They say pruitt will cut wasteful spending and useless laws. On the other side an environmentist who called him dangerous. Scott pruitts stance is clear, the epa is guilty of over reach. We have an epa, we have a federal government actively involved in picking winners and losers and using Regulatory Power to penalize fossil fuels reporter as attorney general of oklahoma, the biggest oil and natural Gas Producing state in the nation, he launched multiple legal battles against the obama administrations key Climate Change laws attempting to essentially dismantle the very agency he will now lead. Department of Environmental Protection, we are going to get rid of it in almost every form. Well have little tidbits left. Reporter Team Trump Says pruitt, quote, brings a deep understanding of the impact of regulations on both the environment and the economy. Attorney general pruitt has been a leader in fighting against excessive regulations from the epa that have driven up costs for American Families and businesses and have been devoid of any real meaningful environmental benefit. Reporter pruitt, a Climate Change denier has said, quote, scientists continue to disagree about the degree and extent of Global Warming and its actions to man kind. A radio interview gave insight on how he would run the agency. What are you looking forward to . Regally roll back. Washington has been dictating to the states and dictating to business and industry. Sometimes outside of the constitutions. Reporter the easiest and fassest action pruitt can take on day one is simply not enforce the laws on the books. Trump says his administration values clean air and water, but his epa pick sued the agency 12 times. Challenging its Clean Power Plan which seeks to curb Carbon Emissions from power plants. He has also sued the epa for trying to curb methane emissions from the oil and gas industry. He has taken lawsuits to eliminate the regulations on soot. Hes taken lawsuits to allow more mercury to be put out. Reporter in 2014 his Campaign Committee received more than 700,000 in contributions, more than 17 of that came from the energy industry. A 2014 New York Times investigation found he collaborated secretly with the energy industry, sending letters lobbyists wrote for him to the u. S. Government attacking the epa. While democrats dont have the power, obviously to block, but lawmakers see and spoke to say the game plan is to essentially reach across the aisle and have discussions about whats at stake. Really the big picture for the trump administration. This goes beyond the environment. The philosophy of fewer environmental regulations speaks to president elect trumps larger goal of economic growth. Of course, jake, the thinking is, if you get rid of the regulation, then that allows businesses to flourish. A lot of concern about the air we breathe and the water we brink. Thank you so much. A special ceremony on capitol hill for retiring senator harry reid. Lets listen in. Thank you for inviting me to be part of this celebration. As we celebrate a great leader and a great senator and, yes, a great american, i just want to pause for a moment and mark the passing of one of our great americans as well. Senator john glenn, a friend to many of us and a genuine American Hero, passed away today. And i know the tributes will be flowing. I am sure the congressional record will be filled with pages of appreciation and recognition of this extraordinary americans life. It is fitting that we are here in the kennedy caucus room, which has seen so much history. Harry got his start in politics organizing for jfk. Even then, he knew how to win. My very First Experience as an intern here on the hill was helping with hearings right in this caucus room. And its fitting that we would gather in a place that represents the values of this extraordinary, deliberative body. I want to thank landra and the entire reid family for sharing harry with us all these years, and i am delighted to be here with Vice President biden, leaders mcconnell and pelosi and my former partner from new york, chuck schumer, as well as so many other friends and former colleagues. Today we are hanging harrys portrait here in the capitol, but the more fitting portrait of him will be the one that goes in the diction naary next to the w fighter. Throughout his career harry has fought the good fight, on behalf of the working families of nevada and of all americans. Harry welcomed me as a new senator more than 15 years ago, and over the years he became both a trusted colleague as well as a friend. One of my favorite memories, harry, is going with you to fallin, nevada. We went to hold a hearing about the high rates of leukemia in that small town. We both shared a passion for health care and a worry about socalled cancer costers. On that trip and on many occasions i saw firsthand harrys deep commitment to the state and country he loved and served so well. No matter how high he rose here in washington, he never lost touch with the people and values he grew up with back in searchlight. In the little house where he was born, there was an embroidered pillowcase with a quote from Franklin Roosevelt that embodied harrys life and career. We can, we must, we will. I have walked the neighborhoods, sat in union halls, met workers in casino kitchens, and everywhere i went, nevadans told me how much it meant to them to have harry reid as their corner man. Weve seen the strength of that bond in election after election. I have benefited from it, and so have many democrats. Harrys commitment to our country runs just as deep. Throughout his career, he has fought tirelessly to protect americas public lands and natural beauty. From protecting the Great Basin National park to restoring like tahoe to leading the way on clean energy. Harrys legacy is embodied in landmark legislation that made life better for American Families. Like the Affordable Care act, which wouldnt have passed without his leadership and now provides Health Coverage to more than 22 million people. Millions of young people can stayi stay on their Parents Health plans because harry reid fought for it. Thats not all. Millions of seniors rely on Social Security today because harry led the fight to stop it from being privatized. He fought to pass comprehensive Immigration Reform and got it through the senate. If it had been signed into law, millions of families would not be living in fear of being torn apart and our economy would benefit from the millions of workers coming out of the shadows. As a senator, i learned a lot from harry about how actually to get things done in this place. He is not a man of many words, but when he uses them, he always tells it as he sees it. He is never afraid to speak out, even when its not easy or popular. Harry has fought for the simple but powerful idea that, yes, we are all created equal. He understood that all our leaders and all of our citizens alike have a responsibility to defend the rights of every single american. After the constitutional convention, its well known Benjamin Franklin was asked what form of government the new nation would have. A republic, he replied, if you can keep it. Well, thats still our charge, and its as urgent as its ever been. We must stand up for our democracy just as harry has done his entire career. Let me just mention briefly one thread in particular that should concern all americans former secretary of state and president ial candidate hillary clinton, just now at an event honoring Senate Minority leader harry reid who is retiring. Clinton said this was not exactly the speech at the capitol she had hoped to be giving after the election. Earlier today i met with Vice President joe biden at the white house for an exit interview of sorts at the white house. One of the things we talked about was how did working class joe of scranton, p. A. , feel about the fact that so many workingclass voters went for donald trump. Hillary clinton lost in part because of how incredibly poorly she did with a voting group that is one of the groups that you speak for and have historically. People used to call you middle class joe. Son of scranton. And she got clobbered with white workingclass voters. You said you might be the only democrat elected to the senate that won white men. Why do you think she did so poorly with white workingclass voters . First of all, i dont think as a party we spent look, i am really proud of what the president and i were able to do in the economy. If you notice, the last two years in the president s state of the union there has been a shift in the focus now that we got the car out of the ditch and on the road and running and focusing on the inequities that still exist for working class and lower class people left behind. That wasnt the central part of the campaign moving forward in my view. I said at the convention when i introduced hillary and praised her, i said we dont show enough respect to that group that has in fact been left behind. These are people who had good, decent jobs. My dad used to have an expression, for real. He would say, remember, joe, a job is about a lot more than a paycheck. Its about your dignity. Its about his respect. He did say a lot that the trade deals had sold out the American People and that he was going to bring those jobs back and that he was going to fight for the american worker. That did cut through. It cut through, but there was no detail about any of it. Do you think you could have done a better job . I dont know. Theyd probably have eaten me alive. Who knows what would have happened. And i really mean that. I dont know. I mean, right i learned how to become popular. Announce youre not running for president and, boom, youre the most popular guy out there. Thats not true. I cant believe you didnt sit there at times during the campaign and think, hillary, why dont you say youre not connecting with my people. You and president obama won la Lackawanna County by almost 30 points. Hillary clinton almost barely won it. Like three or four points. Look, again, it was so easy to go back and monday morning quarterback. I am talking about quarterbacking during the game. Well, during the game we believed that and one of the reasons the president acknowledged he picked me was because of i hopefully that i am trusted or have some connection with those neighborhoods. But its i dont think there is nearly like one leading democrat said. For every vote biden is going to go out there and get some white guy to vote ill get two educated women to vote. There is a sense thats grown up in the Democratic Party that somehow these folks are i mean, these are good people, man. These arent racists. These arent sexists. Here is the thing. I have never found, jake, any difference between the progressive views i have and i challenge anybody to have a more progressive record than i have on race, women, lgbt, whatever, and union halls. I go do these events in youngstown. I would stand up there. You may have covered some of them. I would say, we need equal pay for women. Theyd all cheer because, guess what, their wives work. Their wives work. They know their standard of living is diminished. I would say, look, we have to stop the violence on college campuses, and we have to make men stand up and take responsibility. These guys, it wasnt because joe biden said it. They cheered, but there is a sense in some of our party that, wait a minute, we either have to tone down our progressive point of view and ramp up what were going to do for working folks or somehow talk less about working folks and ramp there is no conflict in the neighborhoods i come from. None. None at all. You can see my entire, exclusive exit interview with Vice President joe biden on state of the union sunday morning at 9 00 eastern and again at noon right here on cnn. Some people barely able to walk without help. Others unable to stand. These are just some of the people fleeing their homes in syria as the calls for a ceasefire grow more dire and desperate. That story next. And youre talking to youro doctor about your medication. This is humira. 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Secretary of state john kerry says he is, quote, confident and hopeful that he and his russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov will reach an agreement for a ceasefire in aleppo. This as Syrian Forces have temporarily suspended all military actions in the warravaged city today to help 5,000 civilians flee. Cnn flews on the ground say they can still hear shelling and explosions in addition to rifles. Fred pleitgen takes us inside aleppo, syria. Reporter in the last 24 hours the Syrian Air Force has escalated its air strikes on the rebel held areas in the east of aleppo. At the same time the areas are continuing to shrink. Apparently only about four square miles left for the rebels still control any sort of terrain. At the same time, more and more people are trying to get out, are trying to flee. And we witnessed some devastating scenes at one of the crossings where they go from east to west aleppo. As the rebels increasingly lose their grip on aleppo, Syrian Armed Forces continue to pound the besieged areas, many killed and wounded in the crossfire. We came to this crossing as a man was being evacuated, claiming he was shot by rebels as he tried to flee. They shot me as i was running out, he says. They dont allow anyone to get out. They said, are you going to the regime areas . The opposition strongly denies its fighters would harm civilians but the rebels do acknowledge they wont be able to hold out in aleppo much longer. And that realization is leading to an avalanche of people trying to flee the rebel district. Syrian troops, throwing some bread, but not nearly enough to quell the hunger of the many who have been starving for months. The Syrian Military has made major advances in the past 24 hours. We can see that as the army moves forward more and more people are coming out of the former besieged areas. Many of those fleeing, families with small children. Struggling to carry the few belongings they were able to take. Many overpowered by emotions. Some with barely enough strength to walk. Others too frail to walk at all. The syrian army has amassed a Massive Force at the front line, the local commander with a clear message to the rebels. Look at the siege. These are your families. Surrender yourselves, drop your arms. Come back to the country. But for now the fight goes on. This family, one of the many to cross into governmentcontrolled territory, now in safety but still in agony. Things used to be good, this elderly woman says. My god act out revenge on those who brought us these difficult circumstances and may god protect us. And so they walk on. Weak and traumatized, moving into an uncertain future. Certainly a devastating state that many of these people were in that we saw come out of those areas. You know, at the same time many people here asking whether or not there could be some sort of negotiated ceasefire, humanitarian ceasefire for east aleppo. Judging by the pace of operations by the Syrian Military, it looks as they theyre trying to force a military solution, jake. Thank you very much. What should america do about assads regime . Well ask a democratic congresswoman who has met with president elect trump and discussed the issue. Stay with us. Downer. My budget used to l especially around the holidays. I made a list of everyone we need to get gifts for this year. But thanks to fingerhut. Com, we can shop over 700,000 items from brands like samsung, kitchenaid and lego. All with low monthly payments. Just click on over to fingerhut. Com for the credit you deserve to get all kinds of great gifts. [ drums playing ] lets wrap this one last. Parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what . You could apply for a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan whenever you want. 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This destructive cycle of intervention and chaos must finally, folks, come to an end. Welcome back to the lead. That was president elect donald trump on tuesday night vowing to scale back u. S. Intervention overseas, all part of his americafirst policy. Joining me now to talk about this and more, congresswoman tullesy gabbard, democrat of hawaii. Thank you for being here. Always good to see you, jake. Do you agree with Donald Trumps vision of America First when it comes to Foreign Policy . I am glad to hear him talking about ending our countrys interventionist regime change war policies. As you know, this is something that i have been talking about for years, that we need to stop the destruction thats been caused by our country, continuously getting involved in these counterproductive regime change wars that not only strengthening our enemy in groups like isis and al qaeda but actually end up causing more suffering for the people in these countries where we are intervening as in syria now. I know you feel that way about syria, libya and iraq. Do you feel that way about afghanistan . Afghanistan is a little bit of a different situation but yes, essentially. You met with donald trump two weeks after he was elected. There was speculation he may offer you a cabinet position or some sort of position. Were you hoping to work there . I love my job. The people of hawaii chose me to work again in november. My goal in going there, in receiving the invitation to speak to president elect trump was to speak specifically about the situation in syria and the consequences of escalating the regime change war that the United States is ruling along with countries like saudi arabia, qatar and turkey and escalating that view a nofly zone or safe zone. And urging him to end the regime change war, to stop funding directly and indirectly groups working with isis and al qaeda and to stop funneling the dollars and weapons and assistance from others directly supporting the terrorist groups who are supposed to be our enemy who we are supposed to be fighting to defeat. You have a bill you introduced today to address loopholes. You say have allowed american taxpayer dallas to fund groups like questional qaeda and syria are you suggesting america is funding these terrorist groups . I am not only suggesting it. This is the world we live in. If you or i were to provide money, weapons or support to a group like al qaeda or isis, wed be thrown in jail. However, the u. S. Government has provided money, weapons, intel, assistance and other types of support through the cia directly to these groups that are working with and affiliated with al qaeda and isis. You are saying the cia is giving money to groups in syria and those groups are working with al neusra and isis. There have been numerous reports from news outlets who have declared the rebel groups formed battlefield alliances with al qaeda. Essentially al qaeda groups are in charge of every single rebel group on the Ground Fighting in syria to overthrow the Syrian Government. The u. S. Government says they vet the groups they give money to very closely and that youre wrong, that there are not alliances between groups at the American Taxpayers Fund and these other groups. Obviously theyre all fighting assad. I beg to differ. Evidence has shown time and time again that that is not the case, that we are both directly and indirectly supporting these groups who are allied with or partnered with al qaeda and isis, and working to over throw the Syrian Government of assad and we have also provided the support through countries like saudi arabia, turkey and qatar to do that. Quickly before you go, i know that some of your colleagues, democrats, have expressed concern about too many retired generals being in the trump cabinet. You have the National Security adviser general flynn and hes talked about general mattis and general kelly at the pentagon and homeland security. Do you share their concerns or disagree . I dont share their concerns. As a veteran and as someone still serving in the Hawaii National guard, i found it pretty offensive for people to outright discriminate against veterans. Here you have generals who have literally spent their whole lives serving our country, putting service before self, putting their lives on the line to defend democracy. Yet people are criticizing them and discriminating against them saying, just because you served as a general previously you are disqualified from serving in a high position of leadership in our government. These people, arguably, have put far more on the line and are far more deeply personally committed to upholding and protecting our democracy than their critics. Congresswoman, thanks so much. Always good to see you. From a world war ii Fighter Pilot to the First American to orbit the earth. John glenns legacy knows no bounds. Well remember an American Hero next. [burke] at farmers, weve seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. Even a rodent ridealong. [dad] alright, buddy, dont forget anything [kid] i wont, dad. [captain rod] happy Tuesday Morning captain rod here. Its pretty hairy out on the interstate. Traffic is literally crawling, but there is some movement on the eastside overpass. Getting word of another collision. [burke] it happened. December 14th, 2015. And we covered it. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum at the Marine Mammal center, the environment is everything. We want to do our very best for each and every animal, and we want to operate a sustainable facility. And pg e has been a partner helping us to achieve that. Weve helped the Marine Mammal center go solar, install electric vehicle charging stations, and become more energy efficient. Pg e has allowed us to be the most Sustainable Organization we can be. Any time you help a customer, its a really good feeling. Its especially so when its a customer thats doing such good and important work for the environment. Together, were building a better california. Welcome back. This week 75 years later america is commemorating those killed in the attack at pearl harbor. Two months after the attack, still more lives were lost at the battle of the java sea. Jean sank ten allied ships including the uss houston and uss perch. As ivan watson reports, the wreckage from five of the ships has mysteriously vanished. Reporter the uss houston and the uss perch. Two navy ships that were sunk by the japanese in a series of naval battles that began on february 27th, 1942, in the java sea, one of the worst naval defeats for the allies in world war ii. The Japanese Navy crushed a coalition of warships from the u. S. , britain, australia and the netherlands, sinking at least eight ships in several days of fighting off the coast of what is now indonesia. In the runup to the 75th anniversary of the battle, a diving expedition recently made a disturbing discovery. The wrecks of the us submarine perch and at least four dutch and british warships, some of which are seen in this rare archive footage, completely disappeared off the bottom of the sea, leaving indonesian officials baffled. Havent identified where it has moved or whether it has been stolen. The point is its not there, where it was once, there. Reporter britain and the netherlands condemned the disappearance. Here is why some are so upset about the missing warships, the relatives and governments of sailors who died on board view the undersea wrecks as maritime war graves that should be respected and protected just like any other world war ii cemetery where hundreds of fallen servicemen are buried. In 2014 the u. S. Navy held this stoney over the final resting place of the uss houston, a cruiser that fought to the death against the japanese, alongside the australian ship perth before both sank with a combined loss of life of more than 1,000 sailors. My dad survived the sinking. He was literally the only person who got out of the lower deck turret t turret number one team. Reporter he started a Survivors Group now led by his son who is deeply worried about the disappearance of other ships in the region. We are on eggshells. Were anxious and disturbed and were just praying and hoping that no further damage gets done to either our ship or others. Reporter two years ago navy divers discovered scavengers systematically looted the wreck. Experts say hoisting an entire warship off the bottom of the sea would be logistically challenging, but if you could do it, professional indonesian ship breakers tell cnn, the scrap metal from one vessel alone would easily be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. To do things such as were talking about would be equivalent for someone to go into Arlington National cemetery with excavating equipment and start digging up coffins and graves. Its the same thing. Reporter the indonesian and dutch governments have agreed to launch a joint investigation to solve the mystery of what happened to the final resting place of so many sailors. Ivan watson, cnn, hong kong. Finally, from us today, beloved astronaut and u. S. Senator john glenn has died. He was a plumber and served in world war ii and the korean war as a pilot. Later he became a pioneer in the golden age of space travel, the First American to orbit the earth. First glimpse of the conquering hero, colonel john h. Glenn. He left his footprints among the star. Immortalized in the 1983 movie the right stuff. He went on then to represent the state of ohio in the u. S. Senate for 24 years, though he didnt achieve his goal of making it all the way to the white house when he ran for president in 1984. The nomination of my party, i firmly believe i can beat ronald reagan. At the age of 77, glenn blazed another trail into space, aboard the shuttle discovery, the oldest toronastronaut ever take flight. He inspired a nation. His was truly a life well lived. President obama said glenns life inspired us to reach for the heavens. And president elect trump today mourned the loss of a great pioneer. But perhaps nasa summed it up best this afternoon, echoing the words that Mission Control told him 54 years ago. Godspeed, john glenn. Thats it for the lead. I am jake tapper. I turn you over to wolf blitzer now. He is in the situation room. Happening now, faux cabinet . President elect trump names hardliners to key positions many who oppose actions and regulations of the agencies they will lead. Is trump looking to dismantle parts of the federal government as we know it. Trump taps the man behind this ad to head the labor department. Known for promoting his brands with racy commercials. Why is he opposed to increasing the minimum wage . Putin, up a fight. Democrats and republicans are now divided over were russian president Vladimir Putin was involved in cyberattacks and leaked emails in an effort to influence the

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