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The fbi says they still do not know who did it, but the sony studios hacking has produced more drama than their film. So what alist actress was written off in an internal email as a minimally talented spoiled brat . Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to the lead. Im jake tapper. Fallout from the torture report and first well go to the money lead and the markets which have just closed, free falling. The dow down more than 250 points today. Lets go to allisison kosik. Shes live at the stock exchange. Allison, this is three days in a row that stocks have slipped. Whats going on . Guess who you can blame . You can blame oil prices. In fact, oil getting crushed, closing below 61 is a barrel and closing down Energy Stocks and taking the rest of the market with it. A couple of reports that came out sparked the selloff and not only with oil, and the latest Weekly Oil Report showing us a surprise jump in u. S. Crude supplies and opecs monthly report came out today forecasting that there will be less demand for oil and this is a situation of supply 101. If theres more supply, prices will fall and its all leaving investors wondering what it means for the Global Economy. Drivers are enjoying lower prices. Whats the worry about . You have oftors wrestling with a lot of questions like whats really behind this decline in oil prices . Is it mostly because of more supply of oil or lack of demand because of Economic Activity slowing down in europe and asia. So what you really saw happen today was really this fear creep in as concern grows that the culprit of Falling Oil Prices is less demand because of slowing economies and oil may wind up being a leading indicator of whats to come for the Global Economy and it frankly, spooked investors today, jake. Alison kosik in new york. Now to the national lead. If tuesdays torture report caused something of an earthquake. Today were feeling the aftershocks. Troops, american troops around the world and National Security officials and Law Enforcement here at home bracing for retaliation to the grim revelations in the report, today on twitter and message board, radical islamists calling for attacks against americans and westerners everywhere. The Site Intelligence Group which monitors jihad is on the web claims that the report has ignited an overwhelming response, but we should note those calls for violence have not yet spilled on to the streets. While the white house today steadfastly refused to say if torture at any time worked, the program did produce real intelligence, intelligence that helped stop terror plots. Intel jens that could not and would not have been obtained any other way. Of course, want everyone agrees. A democratic member of the Senate Intelligence committee did not hold back. Senator mark udall again calling for john brennan to resign before going after the Obama Administration for cooperating only when forced. In nearly a 50minute diatribdi he said the company is still lying to the american people. So while the study clearly shows that the cias detention and Interrogation Program itself was deeply flawed, the deeper more endemic problem lies in a cia assisted by a white house that continues to try to cover up the truth. Here now to talk about the report, republican senator from arizona, john mccain. Hes also the Ranking Member of the Senate Arms Services committee and author of a brand new book. 13 soldiers, a personal history of americans at war. Thanks for joining us as always. Youre one of the few republicans in the Senate Backing this report passed largely by democrats in the Intelligence Committee. More importantly, as a former vietnam p. O. W. , youre the only person in the senate who has actually experienced torture. What do your republican colleagues do not get . Well, i think they are concerned that this information could somehow harm american interests. They believe that the information has been biassed to some degree. They make the complaint that there was no no people were interviewed. Some of the concerns were legitimate. Obviously, we would have liked to have seen bipartisan agreement and even the most steadfast opponents admit that things that we outlawed and the legislation of mine and the detainee treatment act that outlawed this kind of behavior and it was already in violation of the geneva conventions not only that we observe, but we largely wrote. Right. So why do you think there have not been any repercussions for the people who did this . For instance, there is a cia operative mentioned in the report who killed a detainee in custody . Do you think that operative should be punished . I dont know, jake. I dont know enough about the circumstances and all of that, and i am not on the Intelligence Committee. All i know is the fundamental principle that this issue is not about them. Its about us. Its about what kind of nation we are and what our standards of behavior are and theyre not of isis who we see cutting off peoples heads in the most gruesome manner. So its hard for me to get into the details of who should be held responsible and who shouldnt. What i want to do is make sure that we never do it again because it diminishes us as a nation and it diminishes us morally. Senator bob kerry, former senator democrat from nebraska said that congress is letting itself off the hook, that there were members of congress, the Senate Intelligence committee and the house Intelligence Committee who have been briefed on these methods and the suggestion has been made by many of the cias defenders out there that congress is acting all shocked when basically congress had an idea that a lot of the stuff was going on. What do you think about that . Well, i dont know what to think because i dont know what they know and what they didnt know, but i will tell you this, the Vice President of the United States came to see me and then director of the cia, general hayden came to see me also and i steadfastly said no. I do not agree and do not support in any way using these, quote, techniques, unquote. Now, the argument that torture is immoral which is the argument youre making is a strong one, whats more dispute side whether or not its effective in 2011, as you know, the director of the cia leon panetta at the time wrote, some of the detainees who provided information had been subjected to enhanced interrogation techniques and whether they were the only timely and effective way when it came to the information to detention and capture of bin laden cannot be established. I know that when then director of the cia cant establish it then its pretty hard to do. I do know that from any experience with this kind of treatment that if someone is subjected to enough physical pain that person will say whatever is necessary in order to make that pain stop and thats why theres also a wealth of misinformation that comes out of people who are being subjected to it. And i dont again, im not on the Intelligence Committee and i dont know the details and i do know if you water board somebody 183 times, thats awfully hard to explain. And i know not the waterboarding, but the idea of torture is something that you know first hand from your time in vietnam. Senator john mccain, thank you very much. Thank you for your service, sir. Thank you, jake. There is the other side of the torture debate and enhanced inter gagsz techniques were legal and they saved american lives. One man who is defending the cia today is john rizo, the former lawyer who advised the cia on its practices at the time. Hes mentioned in the torture report more than 200 times and he joins me next. Right now, you can get a single line with 3 gigs for 65 a month. 3 gigs. Is that a lot . Thats about. 100 app downloads, 45 hours of streaming music, and 6 hours of video playing. singing and five golden rings ha, i see what you did. singing four calling birds. Three french hens. the guys starts to fizzle out two. Turtle. Doves. I really went for it there ya you did. You really, really did now get 3 gigs of data on one line for 65 a month. Switch to at t, buy a new smartphone and get 150 credit per line. vo rescued. Ed. Protected. Given new hope. During the subaru share the love event, subaru owners feel it, too. Because when you take home a new subaru, we donate 250 dollars to helping those in need. Well have given 50 Million Dollars over seven years. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. 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Sleep trains interest free for 3 event is ending soon. Your ticket to a better nights sleep im jake tapper and well continue our coverage of the world lead in the sprawling Senate Report that makes homers look diminutive. John rizzo is mentioned more than 200 times in the report and hes sitting across from me now. Hes the author of company man, 30 years of controversy and crisis in the cia and hes here to give the case for what the cia did during the era covered in this report. Thank you for being here. Good being here. You are mentioned 228 times including footnotes. In one of them which got some headlines, it is an internal memo that you wrote in july 2003 in which you say, quote, the white house is extremely concerned secretary of state powell would blow his stack if he were to be briefed on whats been going on. It certainly seems to suggest that the enhanced interrogation techniques or in some cases you acknowledge that those abuses became torturous, that that was kept from key members of the administration. Yeah. I mean, i saw that email the first time in, what . 11 years last night. Yeah. Now i do remember it and obviously it was my email and i wrote it and that was the sentiment expressed by some white house lawyers at that time. Isnt that messed up, though . Why would anyone want to keep it from the secretary of state . Well, look, the cia a program like this, we dont advocate keeping secrets from the secretary of state. If it were our druthers, we want as many people in the boat with us. That was certainly not cias concern or preference to keep anyone, especially the secretary of state out. Did you push back at all . Did you say we need to have as many people onboard . This is a policy change were doing . We did. Im going on memory here. The email refreshed some of it, but as i recall, we went back and said weve always briefed secretary of state on covert action programs and in fact, secretary powell was briefed and as it turned out he did not blow his stack. I want to ask about another quote. This is an interesting one. In june 2003 president obama released a statement in support of victims of torture. The president said the u. S. Was committed to the worldwide elimination of torture and called for prosecuting all acts of torture and says that american detainees and prisoners are treated humanely. The very next day according to this report you called the white house lawyers to express concern and to maybe get a reaffirmation that the techniques by the cia are okay. Isnt that an acknowledgement that the u. S. Was engaging in torture . No. I think its what any, i suppose, responsible lawyer in my position who has a client, the cia. Yeah. Wants to protect his client and ebb sure that the client is on solid legal ground, and when i saw that statement, frankly, i saw the word humane. By that time i had the justice memo saying the program did not constitute torture, but honestly, jake, the word humane, im not schooled in these kinds of its humanely that it was more than the torture. Thats why i went back just to make sure that the white house wasnt putting us in a vulnerable position or saying something that would, frankly, leave cia out in the lurch. Thats why i did that. The report also says that of the 119 known detainees, at least 26 were wrongfully held and did not meet the detention standard and that included cia informants and an intellectually challenged man. That makes it sound like the cia was not only torturing bad guys like ksm or abu zubaida, but inon sent people. Youre using the word torture and i would dispute that the people in enhanced Interrogation Program, that was harsh, brutal tactic. Youre not disputing that the forcefeeding people rectally is torture. No, absolutely not. Those were abuses. The system was not perfect. There were abuses along the way. Its more than abuses. They were abhorrent. Im not going to contest that. It sounds like innocent people, not just bad guy, innocent people were subjected to this torture or enhanced interrogation methods. No. I can tell you, no innocent people were exposed to under the enhanced Interrogation Program. I think, again, what this report might be alluded to, there were other categories of prisoners and not in the enhanced Interrogation Program. It was among those prisoners that there was unfortunately some abuse and they were not in the socalled black sites they were in other facilities, but, sure. I will not i will not dispute the fact that there were abuses, some very serious abuses which we, the cia, when we found out our people had gone beyond the limit reported them to the department of justice for possible criminal action. None of those people were punished . They all stayed on the cia payroll. No, i dont think thats true. Is that in the report . I have not seen that. I havent seen any evidence that anybody who was responsible for what some people were war crimes and you will acknowledge were not permitted even people who permitted the waterboarding did not permit the rectal rehydration. I havent seen any evidence that any of those people were punished. In fact the only person i know that was punished in the cia is the guy who leaked information from the torture is john kir yack on who is in prison for leaking and not torture. He was the subject of a separate segment. There were several cia employees who went over the line, who were punished administratively, asked to resign, sanctioned one way or the other, and the fact that you havent seen that is im just materieling you that thats what happened. There was one employee, a contractor, actually who was criminally prosecuted for assault. So so, the notion that people got away scotfree with committing these abuses is just mistaken. Were almost out of time, but i do want to ask you, when you read this report and you go back to that day, those days, i know that the cia was under tremendous pressure and i know the cia was doing that people felt needed to be done to save lives and i understand the context and i understand that congress and the public were not so outraged at the time they wanted to be protected, but when you look back at the abuses and things that you acknowledge were abuses, are you embarrassed . Does it bother you . Well, im embarrassed and still disgusted with my colleagues who abide by the abuses, but the abuses were occasional. They were not the defining feature of the program. The program went on for seven years. How can you how can you say that waterboarding is not torture . Im really confused by that because it just seems its a mock execution. The person cant breathe. Why is it not torture . Well, listen, a lot of people feel that way, and i understand that, of course, thats torture. Jake, im a lawyer. Torture is legally defined in the u. S. Statute. At the time i had mercifully had never had exposure to the torture statute because the cia had never done anything that even came close. I went to the department of justice in a time of Great National crisis. They issued memos back to me called the torture memos. Those memos and theyre all public now concluded after laying out specifically what the techniques were going to be that they did not meet the torture standard. I accepted that as a legal determination and i believe back then, and i believe it today, the program, the authorized program and the actual techniques that were authorized, i do not believe they were harsh, they were brutal. I still do not believe they reached the legal threshold of torture. All right. John rizzo, thank you so much. I appreciate you coming and answering the questions as uncomfortable as they might have been. Thats fine. Slow motion images, dramatic mus music, isis is out with more videos. Exactly what can american intelligence gain from this propaganda, well ask one man who tracks the terrorist group. And the question of the year still unanswered, what in the world happened to Malaysia Airlines flight 370 . Well, well tell you about a new rule that could help prevent another case like it. Hello. Im an idaho potato farmer and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. So my buddy here is going to help me find it. Here we go. Woo who, woah, woah, woah. 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Cnns pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr is here with details on this breaking story. Barbara . Hi, jake. David drujan, french man, master bombmaker of the Khorasan Group from pakistan to syria a number of years ago. The u. S. Had hoped they had got him in a november air strike. Now two u. S. Officials telling me every reason to believe he is still alive and a big concern to the u. S. Because of his bomb making skills. They are continuing to monitor khorasan electronic activity, communications. Thats how theyre getting some of this information. Also still alive, another man pmusan al fadli, the socalled leader of the Khorasan Group. After bombing several air strikes inside syria and even as the war against isis in syria goes on, the worry is that these two key leaders of the Khorasan Group are very tough al qaeda affiliate are, in fact, still alive. Jake . Barbara starr at the pentagon. Thank you so much. More news on the terrorist front, defense secretary hagel expressed satisfaction at the pace and the success of the u. S. Led campaign against isis in iraq and siria, but the shocking brutality shows no signs of letting up as evidence, show casing the organizations strong hold throughout much of iraq and syria. Despite having american weaponry and armor at their disposal. They were scared to meet death and did not have the nerve to continue the fight. The propaganda captured iraqi soldiers are rounded up in vehicles in these videos forced to dig their own mass graves and executed them at pointblank range. The violent battle for the syrian city of kobani that weve been covering using a drone to highlight where suicide attacks were carried out. Isis terrorists can be seen throwing a man accused of being gay off the top of the building and stoning him to death. They evoked revulsion from of all places, of al qaeda affiliate. A top leader from al qaeda in yemen held a press conference in which he described these beheadings and other acts as barbaric. He described isis as drawing a wedge between the factions. David, al qaeda in yemen is a savage group and they released a Hostage Group of luke somers and they killed luke somers during the rescue attempt. How can they tax tempt to take a high road with isis. Theyre taking the high road not so much because theyre good guys, but for strategic reasons. Al qaeda had strategic reason, and al qaeda was known for its behaddings and known for its brutality and a massive uprising against it the and diminished al qaedas brand worldwide. For strategic reasons they dont want to engage in the overt savagery that isis does although they have no problem engaging in savagery. Its savagery against muslims and not savagery against jews or christians. Its a little bit of a complex issue in that way because they do engage in overt savagery against other muslim, but even, for example, isis attack on the yazidis didnt deserve any strategic purpose. Theyre not only nonmuslim. Theyre people that can have a pact to continue to practice their own faith under islamic law. Isis decided to campaign against a group that posed no military threat to them. Al qaeda probably wouldnt have made the same decision because theyre not as obsessed with carrying out and showing their ability to inflakt massive pain and they have more of a longer term gain than isis does. Isis keeps releasing the propaganda videos. What are you gaining from them, if anything . For one thing, faces and voice recognition, theyve shown a number of the same figures repeatedly. Some this cases theyve shown their faces and secondly, the location to be pinpointed from the videos and third, looking at the narrative that theyre putting forward. They have very good media capablity and something that other terrorist groups will mirror and those are all things that the kuz glean. Isis terrorists are forcing shop owners in mosul, iraq to shut down their stores. Is that evidence at all of isis starting to win hearts and minds or are they doing what they need to do so they dont get killed . Its always difficult to say from a propaganda video especially when you have total tearian rule. Aside from the video, we can see increasing pockets of resistance are forming against icis in fallujah. Its not like 06 to 07 and theyre not a major strategic threat and theyre certainly a big stone in their side. David, appreciate it, as always. In the national lead, if a few birds can take down a passenger plane, what do you think a drone can do . It turns out more than two dozen have nearly hit passenger planes since july and lawmakers say not enough is being done to stop them. Thats next. Sheila you see this ball control . You see this right . Its 80 confidence and 64 knee brace. Thats more. Shh. I know thats more than 100 . But thats what winners give. Now bicycle kick your old 401 k into an ira. I know, i know. Listen, just get td ameritrades rollover consultants on the horn. Theyll guide you through the whole process. Its simple. Even she could do it. Whatever, janet. For all the confidence you need. Td ameritrade. You got this. We are about to make more gooddeliveriesverybody. To more places than anybody on earth. We have the speed. We have the technology. And we have the team. We made over 15 billion successful deliveries last year. 15 billion football has a season. Baseball has a season. This is our season. Welcome back to the lead. Im jake tapper. Here is the thing about drones. They are very cool. They are also potentially quite dangerous. The house of representatives today held a hearing on drone use in the United States which is quite restricted as of now. Also today the federal Aviation Administration opened up a path for more companies to use drones, allowing four new businesses to conduct Aerial Surveys and monitor construction sites among other things bringing the total to 13. Meanwhile, there have been several near collisions between drones and passenger planes which of course, has been raising serious safety questions. Joining me to discuss it all, is cnn correspondent, renee marsh. Renee, Something Else for me to fear when i get on an airplane. Right. As if your list isnt long enough, right, jake . So heres the prediction. In the next five years there will be 7500 drones in the skies. So heres the thing, without any strong regulation and enforcement, it could be a disaster waiting to happen. Today the faa got an earful. One complaint, the agency isnt moving fast enough to find a safe way for you to get your pizza or online delivery delivered by drone. This is the nightmare. A drone and a passenger jet on a collision course. These few frames of video reportedly taken by a German Military drone over afghanistan. It narrowly misses a passenger plane, but the drone crashes. In the u. S. From Police Helicopters we had a drone come within 50 feet of us. To passenger planes. We saw a drone. Close calls are becoming disturbingly frequent. Since july, the faa received more than two dozen reports of drones nearly hitting planes. On capitol hill wednesday, the agency grilled. Lawmakers say rules to safely integrate Unmanned Aerial Systems or uas into the airspace arent coming fast enough. Road builders in germany and farmers in france today are enjoying economic benefits from uas because safety regulators there have found ways to permit such flights. I cant help, but wonder that if the german, the french and the canadians do some of these things today then why cant we also be doing that. We all agree that the project is taking too long. With the Drone Industry booming, preventing crashes is becoming each more critical. I have a quad kopter on my christmas list. I suspect quite a few people do. We have a problem and our failure to regulate them well have a genie out of the bottle. To get an idea of what a drone could do to a plane, look at what birds have done. Breaking wind she woulds and destroying engines. A flock of large birds forced this crash landing on the hudson river. A small drone impact could do the same or worse. One frightening possibility, a drone smashes into the wing of a plane where fuel is stored and causes an explosion. Its akin to standing on an over overpass and throwing a rock down. You may hit a car or not hit a car, but if you did, it could have potential catastrophic repercussions. Drones are not allowed to fly commercially without faa axe proval, however hobbyists flying something that looks like this, they are allowed to fly their drones below 400 feet, jake. So if you decide to fly this below 400 feet, the problem is a lot of people are not following the rules and were talking about yek yagzal people who are using this for Recreational Purposes and of course, you have to stay away from airports and one other issue that came up in the hearing today is that they believe that the faa is moving too slow. They say many other countries are way ahead of us. What could go wrong . What could go wrong, renee . Hey. Thats close to my head there. In more aviation news, and it was flight 370 and the 239 passengers and crew members onlored disappeared without a trace in the biggest aviation mystery in the world. Now the International Air transport association is trying to make sure that never happens again, releasing its safety proposal for Airline Carriers including fourdimensional tracking which locates the airplane tracking and is accurate to withone nautical mile and the Group Suggests updating xhieshcation protocols and equipment and some airlines are pushing back on the proposal especially the 12month timeline. Joining me from new york, cnn Aviation Airlines analyst miles obrien. You have to remember one thing, the devices in this case, the transponder and the satellite link in Malaysian Airlines 370 were evidently turned off and so no matter what you do, if someone onboard decides to turn all those devices off, were right where we started in the 370 case. It would be nice if they had some rules which required, for example, that a transponder had to stay on or the satellite link could not be turned off by the crew and that would help a little bit. This was good. I mean, the Malaysian Airlines had a kind of a lowgrade subscription on their satellite service. It would force them to upgrade to at least provide these 15minute position reports. Bear in mind, jake, every 15 minutes an airliner travels about 100 nautical miles. So its not that precise. Miles, when the Malaysia Airlines flight went missing earlier this year. Airlines said it was too expensive to put these trackers on to the planes. They can afford it now all of a sudden . First of all, what were talking about here are devices that are on all of the aircraft that travel overseas anyway. This is requiring the airlines to turn on a subscription which provides more frequent update which is malaysia did not have. 80 of the Worlds Airlines already have these subscriptions and are in compliance. This is iata trying to stave off something they dont want which is streaming data. That is more expensive and that would provide all of the information thats in the black box up in the cloud, if you will, and sent out when something goes wrong on the airplane. This is something a lot of Safety Experts believe needs to happen because then you dont even have to look for the black box because you know whats going on in that plane and it has been sent up by till imetry. I want to find out how to put you involved. The pop culture lead. Ever wonder what they think of celebrities . Well, youre about to find out next opinion come in and use your starbucks gift card any day through january 5th for a chance to win starbucks for life. E financial noise financial noise financial noise financial noise narrator these are the skater kid whoa narrator that got torture tested by teenagers and cried out for help. From the surprised designers. Who came to the rescue with a brilliant fix male designer i love it narrator which created thousands of new customers for the tennis shoes that got torture tested by teenagers. The internet of everything is changing manufacturing. Is your Network Ready . Female announcer sleep trains is ending soon or 3 event get three years interestfree financing on beautyrest black, stearns foster, serta icomfort, even tempurpedic. Plus, get free delivery, free setup, and free removal of your old mattress, and sleep trains 100day low price guarantee. But hurry sleep trains interest free for 3 event is ending soon. Guaranteed sleep train your ticket to a better nights sleep were for an opens you internet for all. Sing. Were for creating more innovation and competition. Were for Net Neutrality protection. Now, heres some news you may find even more surprising. Were comcast. The only isp legally bound by full Net Neutrality rules. Welcome back to the lead. Im jake tapper. Sony pictures has audiences captivakap captivated with a new edge of your seat drama. Unfortunately, for Sony Pictures its not a drama that you will see on the big screen and its the reallife hollywood behind the scenes smacktalking thats been exposed through a hack of sonys emails. We first learned of the hack back in november when yet to be released sony movies and scripts appeared online and now hacked emails are revealing what some hollywood heavy hitters really think about alist stars including Angelina Jolie who was described by an oscarwinning producer as a, quote, minimally talented spoiled brat. I disagree with that. Shes very talented. Lets bring in pamela brown to dig deeper into the emails and the investigation into who leaked them. These are pretty scathing email exchanges. Not nice. Not nice at all. Surprising for hollywood. Sure to put some strain on relationships in hollywood. In fact, this mega hack of sonys Computer System is seen to be unprecedented and bigger and more damaging than previously realized and in fact today the fbi is at sony headquarters meeting with employees and training them on how to protect themselves. Today fbi agents are meeting with thousands of sony employees training them on how to protect themselves from fraud after their personal information was leaked into the Public Domain including their Bank Information and Social Security numbers. I think its a very scary trend and its something that organizations, which have sensitive information, have to be very concerned about. Reporter a group known as the guardians of peace claimed responsibility for the hack, leaking documents that show the darker side of hollywood, email exchanges between producer and directors badmouthing alist actors like tom cruise who could be difficult and demanding and there are emails that predict Angelina Jolies up with coming film cleopatra will bomb. Aliases they use to stay under the radar. Tom hanks apparently goes by the name of johnny madrid and jessica alba as cash money and Sarah Michelle gellar as neely ohara. Kim jongun wants to do an interview. The leak shows seth rogan raked in 2 million more than costar james frank owe for the interview, a plot to kill north Korean Leader kim jongun. North korea has condemned the film as a moral attack on the leadership leading the widespread speculation on whether its behind the cyber attack. Cnn has also learned the code word was written in korean and was written in previous attacks against south korea. Its important to realize depending on how sophisticated your adversary is, they may be routing attacks through a certain country or known attacks fromma i certain language code base in order to throw your attribution thoughts off. According to the league documents, the hackers centex torgz emails to sony executives in the days leading up to the attack, telling them pay the damage or Sony Pictures will be bombarded as a whole. The north korean regime flatly denies any involvement, did y call the attack righteous. Pamela brown, thank you very much. Coming up on the lead 3d imaging like youve never seen it before. See how computers remade my own face. How soon will you be able to do this yourself at home . Thats next. Dad,thank you mom for said this oftprotecting my future. You. Thank you for being my hero and my dad. Military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa Auto Insurance could be one of them. If youre a current or former military member or their family, ine and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. A dry mouth can be a common side effect. Thats why theres biotene. It comes in oral rinse, spray or gel, so theres moisturizing relief for everyone. 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Welcome back to the lead. 3d printers can crank out everything from cars to guns and put the president or your favorite cnn news anchor in the palm of your hands. The world was stunned after the smithsonian released the president ial portrait and the scientifically correct that you will be able to recreate for yourself at home along with dinosaur fossils. And the only thing more fascinating than the finished products is how the wizards behind this technology pull it off. The world was amazed when the Smithsonian Institution went public with this bust and face mask of president obama just a few days ago. These are arent interpretations. These are not a sculptors rendering, these are digital recreations of his actual face using special lights, handheld 3d scanners and more. It took from the minute he walked into the room until we were done with the process, seven minutes. Seven minutes. And the smithsonian team were able to do the same thing for abraham lincoln. These were created by the president having plaster on his face, so its a direct line to his face. This is part of a massive effort to put 3d copies of the collection of the smithsonian into your hands. Scans are cataloged and the data is put online so you can print them out at home with 3d printers. So for us its a way to document our collects and its a way to engage the public in these collections. You are looking at a trex. This is the tyrannosaurus rex. Yes. Thats a one to one scale printed on a consumer 3d printer. And these guys are what the smithsonian calls their cowboys. They travel the world scanning and recording and allowing you to put say a trex toe in your hands. Very soon youll be able to download the entire trex skeleton on our website 3, d. Si. Edu and in theory if you had a consumer grade 3d printer you could recreate a one to one trex in your home. Were a few years away from really, really good halloween costumes. Its up and coming. Yeah. The smithsonian is partnering with outside Companies Like 3d systems who printed the one to one scale bust of president obama. The question is not if its going to be in every home. The question is what room in your house will your 3d printer reside . This technology is being used for far more than education and history as seen in this recreation Law Enforcement can do a 3d scan of crime scenes. They scanned the discovery of ancient whale fossils in chile and then theres the way medicine is putting this to work. Imagine if there was a broken hip bone . They can ct scan that hip bone and look at the fracture is and print that out, plan the surgery and then 3d print Replacement Parts and titanium. I was convinced to give it a try. So here weve lured jake tapper out of his natural habitat and we are scanning him. Voila a recreation that you can each make at home. More seriously, the 3d printouts of lincolns plaster face molds from 1860 and 1865 make the history of his humanity tangible. We noticed schools all over the country were 3d printing president lincolns face because they wanted their students to be able to experience history and all of a sudden you can print a life mask of the president and hold it in your hands and trace the deep furrows on the president s face and make a direct connection to what that man went through and the toll theive civil war took on him. Its something we can see and even touch for ourselves. President obamas 3d portrait will be featured in the smithsonian until the end of the year. Im just finished with phase one of my plan to create an army of mini jakes to take over the world. Thats it for me. Im jake tapper. Ill turn you over to blitzer in the situation room. Shocking news about a bomb maker as forces put out a chilling propaganda video. The torture report is that correcting militant calls for revenge. Well talk about it with a key figure from the bush administration. The former attorney general of the United States alberto gonzalez

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