Down the government again . The pop culture lead. Bill cosbys netflix special canceled scrapped as a supermodel adds her name to the growing list of women publicly accusing one of the nations bestloved comedians of drugging bestloved comedians of drugging and raping her. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com hello, everyone. Welcome to the lead. Six people dead in one of the worst snowstorms to ever hit buffalo, new york, and its suburbs, an area that knows of snow. Crews found one mans body, he was inside his car buried under snow. Three other people had heart attacks while shoveling snow and another person died in a car accident in these very dangerous conditions. To give you an idea of how much snow fell here, thats about 5,000 tons of snow. Plows are working to clear roads that are impassable right now, people are trapped inside their homes because huge mounds of snow are blocking their doors. This weather system has dropped more than six feet of snow in western new york. That is usually the total for the year. Instead, all of that snow came in just 24 hours and guess what . More is on the way. Lets bring in cnn correspondent, martin savidge. Hes in buffalo right in the thick of this. Martin, getting around there must be tricky. Absolutely, jake. They had hay bit of a respite, but as you can see, the snow has started falling again. Were outside of a fire station which explains why the streets look as good as they do, that said, theyre still getting around here, the fire officials and police on the backs of snow mobiles. It is truly a challenge that this city is facing and its only going to continue to get worse. As buffalo tries to dig out from an avalanche of snow, even more is on the way. The lakeeffect blizzard hammered southern areas of the city tuesday dropping nearly six feet. Yes, feet. I believe when all is said and done this snowfall may break all sorts of records. Reporter of the 42 square miles that make up buffalo, only ten were impacted, but theyre overwhelmed with snow the likes of which theyve never seen before. The impact was so specific to South Buffalo, even the airport just three miles away got only 6 1 2 inches. A break in the weather wednesday allowed emergency crews to start the big dig. More snow is expected wednesday night into friday which could add a couple more feet on top of what they already have. Please, do not be fooled by the beautiful sun shine. There is still tremendous amounts of snow on the ground in South Buffalo. If you dont have to drive, if you dont have to go out to work in other parts of the city, as well, stay home. Reporter driving bans are still in effect in South Buffalo where snow left many stranded on the thruway including the niagara Womens Basketball team. That team was finally rescued, but calls kept coming in from those still stranded and in many cases, rescues like this one were carried out on foot. This morning since 6 00 a. M. We had 12 new calls and those people should be okay, but officers last night were responding on foot. Reporter ems and firefighters have been depending on volunteers with snow mobiles to be in the hardesthit areas and the death toll from this brutal storm has climbed to six so far. Some from cardiac arrest shoveling and others trapped in the snow. Sadly, we have to announce, we found an individual today, 46yearold male in the town of ald alden. The car was buried under approximately 12 to 15 feet of snow and he was found deceased. One of the biggest struggles, simply clearing streets and plows arent enough. They need frontend loaders hauling the snow away using hundreds of dump trucks. Rescuers from as far away as nevada has contacted buffalo for help, and its most urgent need is for anything that can dig up and haul away the seemingly unending mountain of snow. Reporter jake, we were able to get into the hardest hit southern buffalo area. Really, you cannot wrap around how much snow there is. It has altered the landscape, even people who have spent their whole life there, do not recognize it, buried under so much white. Martin savidge, thank you so much. Stay warm, my friend. The piles are half the concern right now, believe it or not. More snow is on the way and the region will get a warm up, but that could cause flooding. Time lapse video shows you just how massive the first wave of the sorm was. Thvrs the view from downtown buffalo just yesterday. You can see the clouds moving over lake erie and now lets show you what was left behind. Jennifer gray has been climbing snow mounds all day. Jennifer, whats the story where you are . Reporter you know, jake, martin was talking about moving this snow out. These bulldozers have been pushing the snow on to the corners of streets and then putting it into big dump trucks and taking it off and when you push that snow, 40, 50, 60 inches of snow into the corner of a street, this is what you get. We are standing on top of a mound that is probably 13 feet high and you have these all over the city. The problem now is, though, its a race against time. We only have about 45 minutes of daylight left and the snow has just started to come down again in the last hour. This isnt even the main event. The lakeeffect snow will set up later tonight and it will run through friday morning. We could possibly see two to three additional feet of snow and so that is going to mean even bigger problems for the folks here in buffalo. We were talking to locals all day and they say never in their entire lives have seen this much snow in this amount of time. The lakeeffect snow in effect tonight through tomorrow morning. Take a look at this. I want to show you the stadium where the Buffalo Bills play. They are offering for volunteers to clear the stands before sunday nights game with the jets. Theyre offering to pay volunteers 10 an hour to help clear the stands. Of course, temperatures by saturday, though, will be around 60 degrees. So this will melt very, very fast and cause probably a lot of flooding concerns. 10 an hour doesnt sound like very much. Jennifer gray, live for us in buffalo. The Womens Basketball team from Niagara University is getting welldeserved rest after spending 30 hours stuck in the snow as martin mentioned earlier. They were headed back from a game when the storm hit and brought their bus to a halt. The associate head coach of the team joins us to talk about the experience. Corinne, to make matters worse your team had lost the game and everyone is ready to go home after a long day. This was supposed to be a fourhour trip. When did you first realize there was going to be a problem . Yeah. I would say right as we were about five miles away from my car in west seneca, and we slowed down to a complete stop. I was pretty sure we werent going to make it that next five miles and lo and behold, we did not. So it was a complete standstill. It was a whiteout. We really couldnt see anything around us. We could see the fedex truck in front of us and i knew at that point it was time to take a nap. So the first few hours pass, the bus is going the whole time . Yeah. The bus was idle the whole time, so it was on. We had heat. We had a working bathroom. We had outlets so we could charge our phones and really get all over social media and tell our story and get some help. And then, at some point i presume you start worrying about food and water . Right. We did. As the Leftover Pizza kind of went away and our players were saying things like i never thought i would eat veggie pizza in my life and they finished the whole box, we started to get a little concerned that there were only granola bars left and then we have some water left. We were actually making water out of snow. Thats the few times we went out bus was to get snow in cups so we would have water because we werent quite sure when we would be done with this journey and then when it started turning dark out like 5 00 p. M. Last night our staff started to get a little stressed and a little anxious. We have 15 young women who are all children and have parents that are worried about them and at that point we thought, what next . How are we going get out of here . Whether it be the bus or ourselves getting out through another responder and what not. So i think at that point at dark last night we started to get a little stressed. At what point did you know that help was on the way . That the state troopers were going to find you . Yeah. We had a couple of Police Officers early on in the daylight yesterday that had stopped by to kind of check in, and you know, make sure we were good. That was great and then at about i would say 1 00 a. M. We had started to get some phone calls from, you know, new York State Troopers and the thruway authority, so we knew at that point when the phone calls started to come in that we would probably meet up with a First Responder or state trooper soon and the First Responders came first which was amazing because they brought hawaiian punch and mountain dew and i dont know, pretzels and all different kinds of candies and chocolate, i think, was a great thing for them to bring. So seeing other humans that werent on our team was a nice feeling for us. Were you guys scared . We were i would say a bit nervous and anxious. Like i said, as it started to turn dark and the night, you know, we saw another night and we were about to see another sunrise as our players would say, we were a little nervous. Again, because what is the light at the end of the tunnel . We really didnt of course what that meant. The snow just kept on coming and it wasnt stopping. I know that traditionally there is a lot of snow in that part of the country, but have you ever seen a storm quite like this one . No. You know, it came a little bit close. I had drove a player home to cleveland a few years ago when i had started on the niagara staff and the snow was really bad at that point, but it was never to a point where i had to stop my car, but this was really the worst ive seen in that area. Im from new england so i know what a noreaster is and thats what i felt like there was. When i was home in massachusetts as a kid i couldnt get out of my house. We couldnt get out of the bus and it felt like a noreaster to me. Im glad youre okay and i know you have a team against the university of buffalo. Best of luck for that and thank you for your time and stay warm. Get out of the cold. Thank you. Id like to get back in that car quickly and back home. Thanks. Now for our politics lead, a different kind of storm. President obama today ignoring republican calls to hold off announcing he will take executive action on immigration. The republican, they have metaphors. Hes waving a red flag in front of a bull with republican mcconnell and he might get burned, says speaker john boehner. What will he now actually do . Ill ask one of them next. Dad,thank you mom for said this oftprotecting my future. You. Thank you for being my hero and my dad. Military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa Auto Insurance could be one of them. 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The actions are expected to give reprieve to as many as 3. 5 Million People in the United States illegally. The senate, of course, passed the comprehensive immigration bill last year, but House Republicans have yet to vote on that bill, and president obama says House Republicans are impeding any sort of agreement. One of those congressmen, Republican Congressmen, steve king of iowa is live at the capital. The president says washington has allowed the problem to fester for too long and does he not have a point . Congress has to do what the president tells us to do. No, he doesnt have a point and he doesnt have the Constitutional Authority to Tell Congress what to do. If you remember him give the state of the Union Address and at that point Justice Alito decided im not going to listen to this. We have our own duty and there has been an election. The president has said to us, win an election and the elections have consequences. Well, there is a majority in the house of representatives. There is a new majority coming into the senate that looks to me that the president has decided that he is going to create a controversy between the congress and the American People are going to be with us on this. They want to have a border security. They want the president to help his own oath to the constitution and protect the rule of law and i would remind the president that there are 535 of us who serve in this building that also take an old to uphold the constitution. We have an obligation to do so regardless of the consequence peps. What measures are republicans prepared to take to stop the president. Would you go so far as shutting down the government over this issue . Jake, the first thing we need to do is review the documents that identify this policy thats going to unfold tomorrow night and im confident that its going to be unconstitutional and the reason i say that is because the president would have acted by now if hed had executive way to do what he wants to do. So if we first stipulate that it will be unconstitutional and then the house can do first this, a resolution of disapproval that would stipulate the constitutional violations and the limitations of the powers of the president. We can announce that were prepared to cut off any funding that would implement or enforce his unconstitutional act presuming that stipulation is unconstitutional. That would be the first thing we can do and a resolution of disapproval and i would start with that. I want to do the minimum to put the president back into the constitutional guardrails. The second thing might be a more serious and severe act that could be an act of a censure, but this may warrant it and the third thing would be fund it and we generally have agreements to Fund Everything else and to the dollar amount and it would be the president that would potentially shut the government down and saying to america, i insist on my right to vile eight the constitution and to take Article One Authority over the United States congress. I dont think that stand, jake. The president did use his executive authority to push over some sort of Immigration Reform and republicans need to consider impeachment. I dont think i actually said the word because ive been pretty studious about avoiding that and nobody wants to go down that route. If that should happen and heres what i wont do. There are no boots there will be no boots on the ground statement. We have Constitutional Authority to do a string of things. That would be the very last option, but i would not rule it out, jake. Youve used pretty inflammatory language in the past about Illegal Immigrants. Has anyone asked you to tone down your language now that the debate is reheating . Not at all. I was describing drug smugglers in the case that you were referring to. Nobody in the leadership and nobody in the Republican Congress and no democrats have come up to me and said tone this down. This is serious, Serious Business and i want to keep us on target here and lets do the minimum and we must defend this constitution and we must defend the separation of powers. That is what we come down to. When the president potentially violates his. Congressman steve king, thank you so much. Well talk again after the president announce whaes hes suggesting doing. Two senators and the democrats think they can get something done despite the distinction in washington. Will anyone listen to them . The grand jury could make a decision in the shooting death of Michael Brown as early as friday, but it could be kept a secret for days. Well explain coming up. You know how fast you were going . About 55. Where you headed at such an appropriate speed . Across the country to enhance the nations most reliable 4g lte network. Hows it working for ya . Better than ever. Howd you do it . Added cell sites. Increased capacity. And your point is. So you can download music, games, and directions for the road when you need them. Whos this guy . Oh thats charlie. You ever put pepper spray on your burrito . I like it spicy but not like uggggh spicy. He always like this . You have no idea. At t. The nations most reliable 4g lte network. Which means its timeson for the volkswagen signthendrive event. For practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a germanengineered volkswagen. Like the sporty, advanced new jetta. And the 2015 motor trend car of the year allnew golf. 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The president wants to eliminate the threat of deportation for millions of Illegal Immigrants specifically for parents of legal residents and its a move that could impact 3. 5 Million People. Could the president s move to go it alone ruin any hope for any cooperation during the last two years of his precedensidencypre a republican from New Hampshire and mark warner are here to specifically with a way to work. First we have breaking news thats not really irrelevant to what you want to talk about. Senator ayala, ill start with you. I get that republicans do not want president obama to act unilaterally on Immigration Reform, but do you think this will poison the well for cooperation on everything as Many Republican leaders are suggesting . I actually dont think, jake. I think that we really want to get things done for the American People, focus on the economy, creating a Better Climate for job creation, and it also goes to the work that senator warner and i are doing making sure the government is more efficient and effective. I do worry that it will poison the well on immigration and we have to get the broken immigration system fixed. You were just reelected narrowly by talking about the importance of working across the aisle, and i saw a lot of your commercials. Is president obama making a mistake here by acting unilaterally, do you think . This was a piece of legislation on immigration that kelly and i agreed on. We had 68 senators, it may not have been perfect and i wish the house would come back with something. President reagan, president bush, what im hoping that whatever the president does and i havent seen the details yet that there may be some phasein time and hopefully that will spur the house into action so that we could at the end of the day get it fixed legislatively. Thats the better longterm solution. Senator ayotte, what senator warner said that republicans havent acted. You can identify any number of issues where either the Senate Democrats didnt act or the House Republicans didnt act and it comes down to this. I would hope that the president would follow his own advice from 2011 where he was asked about this very issue, and thats not how our democracy functions and thats not how our constitution was written and it was written how congress could be weighing in on this issue and were stronger for where it happens. The governor needs to take a more datadriven approach and steering money toward programs that are driven to work and away from programs that dont. You guys dont do that already . I dont believe we do. Jake, ive been in business longer than ive been in govern pment up pment. We spend less than a dollar on every federal dollar we spend really evaluating what works and what doesnt work. So kelly and i have said well roll up our sleeves and do the hard work of looking at Actual Program effectiveness and weve worked on legislation to eliminate redundant reports. We are looking now at program elimination. I think if well try to save dollars this kind of really hard core focusing on data is one of the ways that theres no democrat or republican, this is datadriven approach to how we govern. Senator ayotte, what are some of the area where this approach can work. I think we need to start with the obvious. Gao reports every year on programs that should be eliminated or evaluated and make sure that were investing our taxpayer dollars on programs that actually work. So the work has the initial work done. Weve got to take this up and get things done and base our decisions based on metrics, data and are these programs getting results for the American People. Senator ayotte and senator warner, thank you so much. Thanks, jake. Turning to the other top story and the city of ferguson, missouri, anxiously awaiting the grand jury decision in the shooting death of Michael Brown. One activist who has been critical of police is now being asked by the governor to help bring the Community Together and prevent any violence, so how does this 20yearold plan to do it . Well talk to him next. For most people, earning cash back ends here, at the purchase. But theres a new card in town. Introducing the citi® double cash card. It lets you earn cash back when you buy and again as you pay. Thats cash back twice. Its cash back with a side of cash back. The citi double cash card. The only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1 when you buy and 1 as you pay. 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It has a ruling that has an entire community on edge and the fbi on guard and now cnn has learned that the grand jury in ferguson, missouri, could decide as early as friday whether to indict a white Police Officer for the Fatal Shooting of an unarmed black teenager. Michael browns death set off weeks of violent clashes between police and protesters in the st. Louis suburb and there is growing concern about what might happen once the grand jurys decision is revealeded. Evan, what have you learned . Reporter jake, we learned that the grand jury is coming back here to the county on friday, theyre reconvening for what may be their last session. Theyll hear evidence from the prosecutors before they begin deliberations and possibly make a decision on friday. Thereafter, the prosecutors plan to give 48 hours notice to Law Enforcement here. As you know, jake, there are lots of expectations that there are street protests depending on what the grand jury decides and then theyll make a final announcement and a public announcement on sunday what the grand jury has decided. All right, evan perez, thank you so much. Missouri governor jay nixon is hoping to get ahead of unrest. Hes urging residents to remain calm and has a commission to study what led to the unrest this summer. Rashid aldridge is the youngest member of the division. Hes a member of the young activists of st. Louis. If the decision comes down as soon as friday, what does that mean for groups like yours trying to make sure we dont see a repeat of what happened in august . Well, thanks for having me. If the decision come down some time this week, everyone in the city is hoping for no indictment and the indictment of yes or no, people will be out there, and the youth are going to be out there peacefully protesting like we have been doing for the last 103 days. What most concerns you if officer wilson is not indicted . I think what most concerns me is the community that continue to not see justice served. The community that continues not to have justice on their eyes or on their end. Im not too much nervous about the protesters because me and other youth have been gathering and have been organizing and to organize peacefully out there. There will be agitators that will be out there in the area, but im more concerned that a community that never, ever gets justice is always the justice swings on the other side and we have to change that. We cant keep going down the same old road or well have another situation like mike brown or another situation like derek meyers and gene powell. Weve got to stop. So youre making it pretty clear that in your view, if officer wilson is not indicted you dont see that. You wont see that as a fair analysis of evidence presented, am i printerpreting your remark correctly . I think you will see a group of all different type of folks. You will see people who have been organizing and continue to organize like i say for the last 103 days and then youre going to have some outside agitators. Weve been seeing a lot of, you know, the ku klux klan have been very active on twitter and made it very known that theyre going to come down to ferguson and use lethal force. Those are the ones, i think, the agitators that will stir up the pot with the youth that have been out there and weve been organizing each other and were ready to peacefully go out there and not use any violence to get our message across and that means we want justice. Justice for all color lines. In your view, justice only equals indictment. There is no way that the grand jury coming up with a different decision interpreting the evidence differently from your opinion is justice. Thats what im asking. Yes. Justice is indictment of darren wilson, but that also, just because we dont get the indictment does not mean that we will not continue to be out there organizing and trying to change the whole system in the way that is set up. You live in the community, do you think youre treated unfairly by police . I actually currently live downtown. Its a little ways from ferguson, but i do feel that i am not treated the same as someone whose skin may be lighter than mine. I have been targeted by the police and i have been pulled over and your car is suspicious of another car and let me run your i. D. And sit you on the curb for no apparent reason to come back and say oh, wrong car. So i am targeted. All colored people are targeted by the police, constant lie, day in and day out especially here in st. Louis and especially here in north county and especially here in ferguson. Do you think this is ever going to change or do you think this is how it will be for at least the near future. No, well make the change. If it doesnt change, thats why you have seen so many folks and the youth that continue to go out in ferguson. Were tired of the same old, same old, something happens and then theres no justice and everybody goes home and falls asleep and thats not whats going on happen here in ferguson, missouri, if theres no indictment we will continue to, like i say and organize to create the changes that we need one day wake up and know that were not a target of police and were not a target of the system and we can wake up and go outside the doors and be treated like all of you may be treated. What are you more worried about after the announcement of not an indictment. Are you more worried about the outside agitators and the people who looted and burned down stores last time or are you more concerned about the police reacti reaction . Im actually more concerned that it just wouldnt it would be so surprising that they wouldnt give Michael Browns family and the community justice. Im not too much concerned about the violence. I dont think theres going to be looting. I think the outside agitator, if you do see anything, theyre going to be the ones coming in stirring up the pot and the Peaceful Protesters are the ones causing all of this trouble. Im more concerned why does a community not continue to seek justice when there is an issue in their community. We have to keep changing and we cannot have the same status quo going. Thank you so much. Thank you. Israels retribution at a terrorist attack in a synagogue. How Benjamin Netanyahu is punishing the families of those behind the attacks. Shes now bill cosbys most famous accuser. Its a lie, he says, but with so many new women coming forward, could charges be filed against the comedian . Over 12,000 financial advisors. So, how are things . Good, good. Nearly 800 billion dollars in assets under care. Let me just put this away. How did edward jones get so big . Could you teach our kids that trick . By not acting that way. Ok, last quarter. Its how edward jones makes sense of investing. To build something smarter. Some come here to build something stronger. Others come to build something faster. Something safer. Something greener. Something the whole world can share. People come to boeing to do many different things. But its always about the very thing we do best. Welcome back to the lead. Im jake tapper. Relations between israelis and palestinians were already at a fairly low point before the attack on a synagogue in jerusalem. Jerusalem Police Ramping up security measures in the city after a terrorist attack, delaying plans to reopen roads in and out of the west bank. Israeli lawmakers are weighing whether to ease restrictions on civilians carrying weapons. The attack left five dead including three american israeli rabbis and a Police Officer who was from israels drews Muslim Community and despite prime ministers netanyahu appeal for israelis not exact their own version of justice, that is exactly what some seem to be doing. The Palestinian News Agency reports two attacks againstic on sent bystanders already. A group stabbed a 22yearold palestinian man late yesterday and an israeli settler shot and seriously wounded a Palestinian Teen on the outskirts of ramallah. Cnn International Correspondent ben wedeman is live in jerusalem. Ben, there have been chants going on behind you last night and earlier today. Israelis on the street shouting death to arabs. How strained are things in jerusalem right now . Reporter very strained, jake. We were driving around jerusalem today and its very strange. Normally, a very bustling, busy city. Many fewer cars on the street, less people on the street and when you go into East Jerusalem where the palestinian population is concentrated there are lots of checkpoints, lots of police and lots of Border Guards checking cars, checking papers, asking questions. Overnight, of course, the israelis did demolish the home of the family of the man that killed a 3monthold baby and the woman next to the light rail system. When they blew up their apartment some of the debris fell down and destroyed a neighbors car. This sort of really underscores that even though individuals and their families may be the on the receiving end of some of these measures, a lot of other people are paying the price. This may be part of the israeli strategy of making it a costly proposal to attack israelis on the other side of whats called the dividing line between east and west jerusalem, but it really goes to explain why theray so much frustration among palestinians. 75 of whom in East Jerusalem live below the poverty line. So theres a lot of resentment and resentment after the attack that left five people killed. There havent been the sort of demonstrations that we were seeing last night. Israeli authorities are extremely concerned about the possibility of revenge violence by israelis. As you mentioned there were some minor incident, but lets keep in mind that last summer, think, a Young Palestinian from East Jerusalem was kid flapped and murdered and that set off days of violent clashes in the city. Ben, that policeman who was critically wounded and later died from his injuries, we saw today thousands gather for his funeral. Briefly, what can you tell us about him . He was a 30yearold man, recently married. Had a young baby, 4 months old. What was interesting about that funeral is that it was attended by the president of israel. The interior minister and a lot of people who came bussed in from the neighborhood where he was killed right outside that synagog synagogue. Hes a member of the drews sect and its one that traditionally is loyal to the power, the local power, whatever it is in lebanon and local to the lebanese government and loyal to the lebanese and loyal to the Israeli Government and they serve along with the jew s in te army and the police and throughout the Israeli Government. Jake . Ben wedeman in jerusalem. Thank you so much. Coming up, the long list of women accusing bill cosby of rape just got longer and with Janice Dickinson saying she was assaulted, will charges ever be brought against him . Thats next. Yes, a raise. Im letting you go. I knew that. You see, this is my amerivest managed. Balances. No. Portfolio. 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Im jake tapper and the money lead, an entertainment empire years in the making and a trail blazer and an institution all crumbling before our eyes. One day after netflix announced plans to postpone the release of a bill cosby special, nbc confirmed hours ago that it is pulling the plug on a Development Deal with him as more alleged victims come forward claiming that the comedian raped them. The tally of cosbys accusers stand at 15 and that include women who never came forward and were named as jane does more than a decade ago and the most recent accusation was levied by a woman who was once a huge star in her own right. Janice dickinson accused cosby of assaulting her back in 1982. In my room hed given me wine and a pill and the next morning i woke up and i wasnt wearing my pajamas, and i remember before i passed out that i had been sexually assaulted by this man. Cosby has never been charged with a crime and hes denied these allegations. Hours ago his attorney released a statement saying, quote, Janice Dickinson accusing bill cosby of rape is a lie. There is a contradiction between what she told now and what she told the media in 2002. She did encounter a creepy encounter with cosby in which she shunned his sexual advances. Dickinson says she was pressured to keep that out of the book. I am joined by criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor ann bremner. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. I want you to hear what the former prosecutor said about why he declined to bring charges against cosby when she claimed shed been drugged in her home. Take a listen. That hed done something that was inappropriate, whether it was illegal in the sense that i could prove it beyond a reasonable doubt became the next question, and i didnt have that last piece. I wanted something else. I had no corroborating evidence. I couldnt do a search warrant. I couldnt look for hairs, fibers or anything that would corroborate because of the time delay. Do you buy that . Is one womans story not enough . Thats prosecutor speak for i dont want to try this case and i dont want to deal with someone as beloved as bill cosby. You dont have blood, hair, fibers in every rape case. In fact, you dont have any evidence in rape cases unless you have a rape kit. So you look back at this now and it reminds you of san curvingy, oh, i couldnt prosecute that and then you look at the avalanche that comes later that says he did it to me and he did it to me, too, and prosecutors look the other way. 15 victims today. Is it too late for any of these cases to be prosecuted . Probably. Ill give you a lawyer answer which is it depends and the factor is if there was force used, if there was a weapon. Barbara bowman, she was 17, is there a dovery rule that would give longer limitations and these go back to 1969. Most likely most would not be prosecutable. The devil is in the details and we need to see what the allegations are in each case and see what the rules are with respect to pros kugdz, but unlikely. Some have pointed to the fact that cosby settled as almost an admission of guilt, but thats not really accurate. There might be other reasons s settle. Thats why when you have no settle document saying there is no admission of culpability. You see this avalanche today, but youre right. It doesnt mean he admitted it, but it sure looks interesting to people that are supporting these women and to the public and the social media where hes been silent largely in response and the silence is making noise. I know that its very, very difficult for rape survivors to talk about it. A lot of supporters of bill cosby have been suggesting that the fact that its taken so long for them to come forward might mean that their stories arent real, but as somebody who has worked in the legal system, how common is it for rape survivors to not want to talk about it . It is far more common than uncommon and ive worked with victims of rape, child victims of rape and prosecuted rape cases. Theres shame, theres fear and fear of repriceal and fear of not being believed and the general prospect upon not wanting to be part of a case. We had a victim go across the street of the building and tried to jump off of it when she was called to the stand to face her accus accuser, the man she accused. Ann bremner. Appreciate your time. I turn you over to wolf blitzer. Hes next door in the situation room. Happening now, snow emergency. A deadly snow buries parts of new york under six feet of snow with more on the way as recordlow temperatures leave most of the country shivering. Wave of terror from jerusalem to the kurdish capital. New attacks claim innocent victims. Are americans being targeted in are they safe . Ill ask congressman mike rogers. Exploding air bags. A massive recall includes 8 million cars. Now federal authorities want to expand it nationwide. And death by homicide. Thats the ruling in the case of virginia student hannah graham. Will t

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