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As many as 40,000 iraqis into the mountains and took over the largest christian city less than three hours after president company obama declared it stable. With Ukrainian Forces making gains against prorussian rebels, nato warns russia has 20,000 troops perched on the border. With Vladimir Putin order an invasion under is the guise of peace keep. Welcome to the lead. Im jake tapper live in jerusalem. At this hour, president obama has called a meeting of senior advisors as a u. S. Official tells cnn that the white house is considering air strikes on the islamic militants who have overrun iraq. Were going to get into all of that, but first, the reason were coming to you live from jerusalem today, breaking news now about that 72hour ceasefire that went into effect tuesday and only has nine hours left in it. Now hamass military wing told its negotiators in egypt to reject any extension of the truce unless the demands are met. The last three days has been mercifully quiet. They say unless the movement of palestinians come to an end, hamas fighters are warning that quiet could be shattered in eight hours and change. Israel wants hamas to disarm. It has indicated it would be willing to he can tend the trugs uncan i will. Hamas is the militant group that controls gaza labeled a terrorist organization by the u. S. Government. In egypt, israeli representatives are meeting with palestinian negotiators through intermediary egypt, not just from hamas but from the Palestine Liberation Organization and other factions, as well. Not direct negotiations but through egypt. Lets bring in mark regev, spokesman for the Israeli Government. I want to get your reaction to the news that the brigade said unless the demands are met, the ceasefire is over israel wont break the ceasefire. Were interested in the ceasefire continues. Thats important for the piece and quiet for the people of israel and gaza. Hamas is the wildcard. We know they could restart hostilities. If they do so, it it will be exposed before the whole world who hamas is. They dont have any qualms about restarting a whole set of blood shed, a whole vi and theres serves no ones interests except their extremist agenda. Is it possible this is a negotiating ploy that theyll say this till 7 59 and say never mind, well agree to the ceasefire . Unfortunately, we have to take these threats very, very seriously and be prepared to act if they, in fact, do break the ceasefire and start shooting vollies of rockets at israeli cities again. Weve in the past accepted all sorts of ceasefires only 0 see hamas shoot their rockets at israel. If that happens again tomorrow, we will respond, but it will be clear before the entire world who is responsible for the violence, who is responsible for the carnage and who is responsible for the onslaught of blood shed. How are you preparing . What are you telling your negotiators . What is Prime Minister netanyahu telling negotiators and the idf, the Israel Defense forces . Its clear hamas has a list of demands from here tore vladivostok. Its clear that you cant meet all of hamass demands. These three demands, its allowing the seaport to function, it is opening the entrances in egypt and in israel so that there can be freedom of movement. And then there is lifting whatever you want to call it, most people call it a blockade. Those do not seem like unreasonable demands, mark. First of all, the restrictions on gaza, the sanctions that exist ones go are there because of the violence. Hamas cant shoot rockets into israel and say it wants an open boarder with trade. It doesnt work that way. The key to normalizing relations is endsing the vee lins and he the jihad. If theyre willing to do that, many things are positive. Unfortunately so far, weve barely had three days of quiet and theyre already threatening to shoot rocks into israel. Thats not how things are going to move forward. Would israel be willing to go along with those demands as part of a future peace negotiation . Weve said publicly if theres a sustained period 6 quiet where we dont have no, sir missiles coming into israel, we dont have the tunnels with the death squads trying to kill our people, if theres an end, a cessation of all violence and aggression from gaza into israel, of course were willing to discuss easing the sanctions. Thats part of the egyptian framework. But hamas, if it really wants to see moral easing, it has to play its part and we have to see a total cessation of violence. Once again. Surely, understand that a lot of people in gaza see what happened in the west bank with president abbas and his agreement to demilitary rise and the west banks still not a state. Settlements are still being purchased. Still no airport. They say we shouldnt demille rise. Abbas demilitarized and he didnt get anything out of it. More and more are coming out of the rubble and asking why was this is necessary . Why did hamas force this conflict upon us . Why is there extremist agenda which ultimately is destroying so much property and lives in gaza. I think hamas has a lot to answer for. Do you not see that the conditions in which the people of gaza live because of these restrictions on their movement, because of the closure of their seaport, they cant have the an airport, there is a blockade, that this causes a lot of them to be desperate and turn to violence . Im not excusing it in any way. Im just saying thats the reality on the ground. But the reality is as follows the rockets led to the restrictions. If the rockets stop, if the violence stops, the restrictions can be aced. Its as easy as one plus one equals two. The question is, is hamas willing to end the fire of rockets into israel. If they can answer say no more aggression, of course we can move forward. In trying to normalize the relationship between israel and gaza. As long as they remain remain committed to violent jihad and stuck in the radical mode like isis in iraq and hezbollah in lebanon, im sorry, israel has to protect itself. They cant expect to have a normal relationship with my country when he this he have the violent agenda toward our people. Mark regev, thank you so much for your time. We appreciate it. Coming up, the clock ticking down on the temporary ceasefire in the middle east as negotiations crumble. Hamas vowing an end if their demands are not met. Plus, thousands of christians desperately fleeing iraq as terrorists tell them convert or die. Now sources say the u. S. Is making plans for possible military intervention. Stay with us. Im jane and i have copd. Im dave and i have copd. Im kate and i have copd, but i dont want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. Thats why i asked my doctor about breo. 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Some palestinian officials hinting today that progress is being made in the negotiations in cairo, but hamas leaders at least those with the military wing didnt seem to get that memo. A spokesman for the group essentially drew a line in the santd with this message, meet our demands or get ready for battle. Joining me is the Deputy Speaker of the Fatah Council and former advisor to Palestinian Authority president mahmoud abbas. Thank you so much for joining us. How concerned are you that this ceasefire already expire without an agreement in place . Do you think hamas is possibly just making a gambit here . This is a negotiating ploy . Well, im very concerned in answer to your question. Im not only concerned because of what have hamas had said. Im concerned that Benjamin Netanyahu has not scored enough points for him to win victory on the ground. I think he will resume that attack on gaza because he wants to end the next elections. Its not the war of israeli ss the palestinians. It is netanyahu versus the palestinians. So the tunnels are not finished. The rockets are not finished. He would want to go back and score more points, kill more people, demolish more of gaza and get the victory he wants. I think it is a fierce battle. Im not that optimistic, to tell you the truth. It has to be said the Palestinian Authority fatah, egypt, israel, most of the players that i can count want this ceasefire tore continue unconditionally. Hamas doesnt seem to want that unless their demands are met. Whats your message to hamas right now the . I assume that youre worried that the expiration of the ceasefire will mean more innocent dead people, especially in gaza . Indeed, no one would like to see any civilian being hurt regardless of his or her religion or role in life. Whats happening here is not to basically say that the palestinians are divided in any way. We have a united delegation that is there in egypt. Its negotiating on behalf of the plo. Hamas and Islamic Jihad is included. It is the message to the International Community that israel is running the longest occupations in modern time and annexing more and more land as we speak. And that israel is turning its back to the United Nations resolutions. So its not about the borders anymore. Its its not about the livelihood of palestinians anymore. Its not about lifting the siege of gaza anymore and im not belittling is these points that i mentioned. What is most important to the palestinians is to end occupation. You cannot equate occupation with security. If israel wants security, it has to allow justice to be served and it has to adopt the following slogan, live and let live. If that formula is not achieved, i think we will see a war thats going to resume in a few hours or a war thats going to rehappen in two years, three years time. So the end to occupation will mean peace for israel and security for its citizens. But im afraid this formula does not happen or does not seem to be on the cards for at least the coming future. Do you really think that israel should be expected to say in a threeday ceasefire that theyre willing to without any concessions agree to all of hamass demands . Im not even saying theyre unreasonable demands in terms of lifting the blockade and an you log exits and entrances opened and allowing the seaport. But certainly in a negotiation, were going to have a negotiation now, you get everything you want, i dont have to give you anything, youre more sophisticated than that. Shouldnt you be telling hamas thats not how negotiations work . Well, again, jake, you insist it is hamas versus israel. We have a united delegationings in egypt negotiating on behalf of the palestinians at large. Its not only hamas, it is the demands of the palestinians. Even the American Administration said repeatedly we have to basically root out the problems that have caused and have led to the scenes we saw in gaza. So without facing the music, without turning to the fact that israel has to end its occupation, without even acknowledging that had it not been for the existence of Israeli Occupation, we would not have seen the scenes we saw in gaza. That problem will continue to occur. Death will continue to be on the cards and more blood shed. I think as an ordinary human being, i would say you know, we would love to live in peace. We are not humans of different planet. We are as everybody else on this planet, wed like to see peace. We are definitely not the children of a lesser god. So israel cannot go on the rampage without being even taken to International Criminal court. That will happen because 2000 people were killed. Majority of which are women and children. So israel is given a free hand and the International Community has to Uphold International Law and stop israel, this attack that israel is conducting and control this military might. Thats benefiting from the silence of the International Community and killing more and more of the palestinians and creating the very violence that you mentioned in one of your questions to mark regev. I think cnn, other channels would have to adopt the palestinian narrative that end to Israeli Occupation would mean security for israel. Other than that, i dont see any progress being made and what is going to happen in gaza if israel agrees to several demands here and there, it is going just to be a small or short anesthesia thats going to just put problems aside only to resurface in the coming future. All right. Sabri, thank you so much for your time. Coming up next, iraqis fleeing terrorists celebrating killing as they make their way across iraq. Now word president obama is meeting with senior advisors as we speak. Are they making plans for military action in iraq . Did they already make those plans . Plus prorussian rebels losing the battle in ukraine. Is Vladimir Putin planning to increase russias direct role in the conflict when the whole world seems to be against him . H, they think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. The summer that summers from here on will be compared to. So get out there, and get the best price guaranteed. Find it for less and well match it and give you 50 toward your next trip. Expedia. Find yours. 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With all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. Call now to request your free decision guide. Coming to you live today from jerusalem where were learning that hamas militants may let the clock run out on the truce that has less than nine hours left before its supposed to expire. Meanwhile, president obama is right now meeting with his senior advisors. Could they be discussing air strikes in a different middle east crisis . One that the u. S. Supposedly left behind fewer than three years ago . Isis, the islamist terrorist militia and an al qaeda offshoot which has burned a path through iraq has now taken over the largest christian town in iraq and chased as many as 40,000 iraqis mostly members of religious minorities into the mountains. If they come down, they face isis guns. If they stay, they could die of starvation or dehydration which is why the pentagon is now considering emergency relief drops to those stranded iraqis but a u. S. Official always tells cnn whats happening in iraq just might meet the threshold for air strikes. Obviously, that would jump this up to a whole new level. Maybe thats what the had president obama so worked up when he was talking to dennis mcdone nan today earlier in virginia. Jim acosta today pressed the white house about potential air strikes. Are air strikes on the table . Well, jim, im not in a position to rule things on or off the table in this context. Its important for everyone to understand and the president has made this clear that there are no American Military solutions to the problems in iraq. The president has at the same time dem mon strayed his clear willingness to take the kind of military action thats required to of protect core american interests. Okay. Was that clear for you . Remember, it was fewer than three years ago when president obama declared iraq sovereign, stable and selfreliant as the last american combat troops pulled out of the country. Chief National Security correspondent jim chute tote is in washington. This is exactly the kind of situation that could quickly turn into genocide. Isis is giving people the ultimatum of convert or be killed. Give us an idea where this is taking place and how much of iraq isis now claims as their own. Give us an idea. Ill tell you, im told now that u. S. Officials that the administration is considering air strikes and that is in response to rapidly moving events on the ground. First the situation with thia see dees trapped between mosul ander bill surrounded by i was forces and theyre starving. Theyre dying of 30s literally and fearing for their lives because of the threat from the isis fighter hozzle kill them. Weve seen what theyre capable of. They advertise what that he capable of in previous massacres theyve undertaken in northern iraq. The other thing that concerns officials is this. It the advance of isis just in the last month and a half, these are the cities they had presence in or controlled as of june 19th. And this is where they are now. These dots here in purple showing where theyve taken over New Territory and keep in mind they also have territory connecting these various cities kind of in a spider web of control. This is moving quickly. So quickly it has alarmed the administration. Now air strikes, something the president had taken off the table are back on the table. Jim, i have to say, israel, gaza, iraq, syria, the border with mexico, russia, ukraine, this is a dizzying amount of Foreign Policy nightmares. How is the Obama Administration dealing with all these multiple fronts of chaos . It remains to be seen really. This is the issue. I had a briefing with Senior Intelligence officials today. You know, a few years ago, we used to talk about the failed state of somalia. Al she bob and al qaeda an aaffiliated group there carrying out attacks in africa apples where. You now have several failed states in the region. Iraq and syria yemen, a home base for al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. Libya increasing a little a failed state. Al murabitun, all of these groups in all of these countries have im told by Senior Intelligence officials have their sights set on the u. S. Now. They havent been able to yet but they have that aspiration. This is what is intelligence officials are facing. Every morning theyre getting briefings on the threat emanating from these countries. Jim sciutto, thank you so much. Lets get now to Senior International correspondent ivan watson live frommer bill where thousands of iraqis are on the run looking for shelter from a slaughter. Ivan, where can they go and how safe are they will right now . Well, for now, the Kurdistan Regional government, it does control, for instance, the city offer bill but part of the panic has come as isis has advanced really to within 40 miles offer bill, the biggest of the cities controlled by the kurds. What that triggereded was an exodus of iraqi civilians is towards the kurdish region even as Kurdish Peshmerga fighters were having to pull back wednesday night. It triggered an alarm bells here in erbil. There was a run on the supermarkets here. Some people leaving erbil and head for the hills and prompting Kurdistan Regional government to issue public messages to try to reassure the population to tell them yes, the consideredish peshmerga can defend kurdish territory. What i saw throughout the day was a constant stream of iraqi civilians walking, piling into the back of trucks, piling into taxis, into buses, any kind of transportation possible and showing up at the gates of this kurdish strong hold and now theyre bedding down in parking lots, in unfinished buildings for the night here and theres no real system to provide food or water to these people. Ive seen some ad hoc distribution of water. But the United Nations is warning up to 200,000 people have fled towards kurdistan area within the last 48 hours. The patriarch in the Christian Community issuing a warning of 100,000 cal deian christians on the run with little more than the clothes on their back. It is really a dire situation right now. Ivan watson in erbil. Thank you so much. Coming up next, hes made nod attempt to hid his desire to punish the United States and europe, but is Vladimir Putin going too far this time in plus, it provoked fury in israeli. The kidnapping and murder of three teenagers weeks ago. How did that event lead to the war in gaza . Well, today i went searching for answers. Thats ahead. Avo waves dont care what age you are. Take them on the way you always have. Live healthy and take one a day mens 50 . A complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. Age . Who cares. Welcome back to the lead. Im jake tapper in jerusalem where the clock is ticking down on that 72hour ceasefire between israeli and palestinian forces, much more on that to come. But moving now to the civil war going on on the Eastern Ukraine border, to paraphrase the russian play write anton chekov, if you bring a gun on stage, its going to go off. Right now, russian leader Vladimir Putin has pulled a whole lot of firepower on the border, 17 battalions, some 20,000 troops ready for action as this is dangerous human drama continues to play out on the world stage. Meanwhile, prorussian rebels inside ukraine have reportedly shot down another Ukrainian Military jet with a russian made surfacetoair Missile System according to kiev. Our Senior International correspondent Nick Paton Walsh is risking life and live to bring us the latest from this war zone. Tell us about the latest shootdown and the russian threat on the border. Reporter well, the reason why many have focused on this latest shootdown mig 29 near a north to the crash site of mh17 is because ukrainian officials claim it was taken down by a bottom Missile System, the same one they claim as u. S. Officials do, as well that took out mh17. This is happening as the Ukrainian Military is advancing fast towards where i in the center of the net. We do hear small arms fire. And its been a day really of chaos, frankly, here the separatist leader berra die not seen in public for a while suddenly appeared and resigned and handed his title of the 0 Prime Minister to a man few had heard of, a militant leader here. People won wondering what does that mean . Does that mean the militants are the disbanding, vanishing into the night . Is there a brutal battle ahead . Russia has 20,000 troops across the border and still wrestling with sanctions, jake. Nick, who do you think has the momentum in this war right now . The prorussian rebels or the Ukrainian Military . No doubt the Ukrainian Military are absolutely in force here moving forward faster than many thought they could. We went to a town between where im sat and the crash site which is supposed to be a place where the rebels are holding out. Now theyre being as far as we saw very heavily battered by artillery. Still trying to dig in but almost defending themselves as though they were being encircled. So its a messy complex situation for them. The question is, if russia intervenes they could perhaps change moment tum. Otherwise were looking i think possibly at ukrainian troops on streets. Thats where im sat, reasonably soon. Nick payton equal walsh, be safe my friend. It will be difficult if not impossible for the rebels to win this war in ukraine without with more of putins help. And with those 20,000 troops standing at the ready, the big question is, will putin ramp up direct involvement in this war that he has foe mentioned or will he blink . Lets bring in juliaaftery, Senior Editor for the new republic. Her new oped is titled Vladimir Putin might fall. We should consider what happens next. Good to see you. Is this the kind of man that is ever willing to back down . Yes, he is. He just has to do it on his own terms on his own time line. He cant ever be seen in his mind to be you know, sum cumming to pressure. So the more we press him, the more hes going to resist and do things like ban western food imports into russia and mass Russian Troops on the border. But then eventually, once the spotlight moves on, i think he can slowly walk that back. And make it seem like it was his decision rather than him giving into western pressure. Do you think these sanctions are working and what would it take beyond them if you think there needs to be something beyond them to ultimately break putin . You know, i think its really hard to say. I think one of the things would have to be a prolonged economic decline which putin now seems to be accelerating by banning western food imports. Looks like thats going to create rising prices and inflation in russia. Thats not good. Part of putins social contract with the russian people is that he provides for them, he makes sure that they do better and better year in year out and they stay out of politics. What happens if he doesnt deliver on his side of the bargain . What are the russian people going to do . And your oped in the new republics fascinating. Say putin does fall. What comes next, do you think . That question really worries me. Generally what happens after you know, regime change for lack of a better term in russia is the system that replaces it isnt all that much different from the one that its replacing. When the bolsheviks replaces the czar, they improved on many of the things that he did, for example, the gulags in siberia. When putin and Boris Yeltsin we placed the soviet system, they didnt change many of the judges, many of the bureaucrats. The system is still beak the same. Its until now more open to the world. I think were going to see after putin, if he ever leaves, is a system thats going to look a lot like this, if not worse. And julia, weigh also learned today that nsa leaker Edward Snowden will be allowed to stay in are youria for three more years. How do you think putinect canned that decision in his head to his political war with the west . I think its another way to ding the west. I think this would have happened even if russia hadnt annexed crimea and even if we didnt have the trade war starting with the russians. Snowden has nowhere to gfr thanks to u. S. Policy. If he were to leave russia, his plane would probably be brought down somewhere. He would probably be extradited to a country like brazil where he said he wants 0 go instead of russia. Putin cant be seen handing him over just because the americans ask. So you know, hes kind of fulfilling this this is a situation that the u. S. Created and putin has kind of playing along with it. Julia, thank you so much as always. Coming up next, a warning from one health minister. The whole world is in danger. What is the centers for Disease Control doing right now to stop the spread of the deadly ebola virus . Plus, the event that led to this conflict in the middle east. The kidnapping and murder of three israeli teenagers. What exactly happened that night . Today, i went investigating to try to find out. Your 16yearold daughter studied day and night for her drivers test. Secretly inside, you hoped she wouldnt pass. The thought of your baby girl driving around all by herself was. You just werent ready. But she did pass. cause shes your baby girl. And now youre proud. A bundle of nerves proud. But proud. Get a discount when you add a newlylicensed teen to your Liberty Mutual insurance policy. Call to learn about our whole range of life event discounts. Newlywed discount. New College Graduate and retiree discounts. You could even get a discount when you add a car. Call Liberty Mutual for a free quote today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Welcome back to the lead live from jerusalem where we have been keeping a close eye on negotiations to extend the ceasefire between israel and hamas. Were also, of course, following other major stories including this one just weeks ago. Nigeria was a mere spectator to the deadly ebola crisis sweeping west africa, but now there are fears that that country could be on the verge of becoming the next hot zone for the virus with Health Officials there warning every nation and every individual is at risk. Dr. Tom frieden, the director of the centers for Disease Control and prevention testified before a Congressional Committee today about the serious nature of the outbreak warning that it requires meticulous attention to detail because if just one patient not isolated, it will flare back up like a forest fire. We can stop ebola. We know how to do it. It will be a long and hard fight and the situations in lagos, nigeria is particularly concerning. But we can stop ebola. Second, we have to stop it at the source in africa. Thats the only way to get control. Lets bring in cnn chief medical correspondent dr. Sanjay gupta. Good to see you. Dr. Frieden warned of the severity of the outbreak but he believes theres a plan in place to get it under control. What is this plan . You know, he sort of predicates this a little bit on the fact that theyve always been able to get Ebola Outbreaks under control. Admittedly this is the biggest most widespread ebowl lal outbreak in history. But it really has to do with dealing with things on the ground in west africa. Breaking up some cultural practices that seem to be adding to the spread of the disease, particularly around funerals. This is a big deal. We saw some of this in guinea, as well. The idea of public funerals where theres laying on of the hands at a time when the body is still shedding virus is a huge problem. Until you start to stem it at the source there, youre not going to get control. You can do thingsing with screenings at airports and border shutdowns and things like that, but thats not going to control the problem. He made another interesting point that the Public Health infrastructure is bad there. Weve known that for a long time. Its so bad things like this sort of go unchecked. Unless that Public Health structure is invested and built up, even after this Ebola Outbreak is controlled, are this will happen again. So it really has to be a combination of both those things, building up that Public Health infrastructure, as well. Its going to require money. We also heard system today from the vp of samaritans purse at the hearing. He as a the International Response has been a failure and the full impact of ebola has not yet been realized. How so . Well, the failure part i think a lot of it comes from just being late especially on behalf of some of the governments in the area. Youre hearing states of emergency being declared now. Doing things like preventing, actually requiring cremation of bodies as opposed to these burials i was talking about where the epidemic has been spreading but it all came kind of late. I think thats been a huge part of his concern. And also the fact that the numbers as we know them, were talking about some 1700 infections. You know, when you go to these remote areas, there are so many people who never get counted. They have no interest in interfacing with the medical establishment. He thinks were getting maybe 25 to 50 of the actual numbers. So just multiply by two to four all the numbers youre hearing in terms of infections and fatalities. Thats what hes referring to, as well. We dont have a handle on then even in terms of the most basic Data Collection and counting people. Its hard to do, admittedly. You need a lot of people on ground to make it happen. Thats just now starting to happen four months into this thing. And sanjay lastly, the Senate Committee brought up this experimental serum several times during the hearing. A story you broke on monday. What did the cdc have to say about this serum . Are there any plans to fast track approval. I think theres a lot of fascination but all these agencies. Theres also a lot of sort of saying the cdc saying this is not our area, more the nihs area. They say you need to have some clinical trials. It may have shown promise in these two patients, but we cant start recommending it for large segments of the population till we get a little bit more data. Is it ive . Look, some say whats the harm if somebodys going to die anyways. There could still be problems. Have you 40 of the people who survive and this col cause potentially problematic side effects they want to avoid. Dr. Gupta, thank you so much for joining us. Coming up next, the Israeli Government making an arrest in the three murders that helped ignite a war announcing that arrest this week. 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Com checkyourspeed if we cant offer faster speeds or save you money well give you 150. Comcast business. Built for business. Welcome back to the lead. Im jake tapper live in jerusalem. Tensions have never been far from the surface here in the middle east. But the june 12th kidnapping of three israeli boys was the spark that ignited this latest chap per of the brutal battle between israel and the palestinians. So much of these kidnappings and murders remain shrouded in mystery. So today we set out to try to understand just what happened. This week an arrest was announced in the kidnappings and murders of the three israeli teens. Hossam qawasmeh, a Senior Member of hamas the israelis say. His arrest i hope will lead to further arrests. Well get to the bottom of the murders of those three teenagers. The Israeli Government has maintained that hamas was behind the kidnappings and murders. Hamas in gaza denies any involvement. On the fateful night, they were coming from their Religious School here in the west bank to a junction where hitchhiking is not uncommon but instead of the car taking them to the north towards jerusalem to home, it took them instead in the opposite direction. The boys were taken this way to hebron, a town in the west bank where there is support for hamas because of the Israeli Occupation. Were on the path that the kidnappers took that night as they drove the three boys who must have been terrified past groves of olive trees and vineyards. Its an oddly idyllic setting considering the ugly crime that awaited them at the end of this road. At some point during this ride, one of the boys managed to call the police for help. Ive been abducted he said in a quiet voice. And then after orders from his captors, you can hear gunshots. Some critics have suggested the police knew the boys were almost certainly dead given the gunshots on the recording and the discovery of this burnt out car the kidnappers were driving but initially the Police Issued a gag order on media reporting this information. They say thats because of the possibility that the boys were still alive. They did not want to tip their hand to the kidnappers. The Israeli Military then conducted intense Search Operations for the boys interrogating and arresting and even getting into deadly confrontations with palestinians in the west bank. The people of israel were anguished and then a Palestinian Teen was murdered in what saw as a revenge killing. Hamas and gaza resumed launching rockets into israel and the drums of war began pounding. On june 26th, Israeli Police announced they were seeking two suspects, are a relative of hossampp. Their names were naftali fraenkal, gi lad shaar and eal yifrach. For these three boys, it was the end of the road. The bodies of the teenagers were found here in had eb bron. Eight days later, the Israeli Military launched is offensive against hamas and gaza. Three days after that wasmeh was arrested. We met with his father today. The family of hebron is very large and has had feminine members who participated in suicide bombings on israeli civilians. Two of alis sons have been killed clashes with the Israeli Military. Wealthy are considered a terrorist family, according to the israelis, he says. Of course, we a that we are resistance family against the occupation. Ali is proud that many members of his family are in hamas. He says in this case, his son is being framed. My son was framed to make an excuse to attack gaza, he says. People told me that the israelis in a helicopter dropped off three bodies which looked like they were from a traffic accident. They buried them on my sons land. After a short while said they were killed. This was revenge to our family, he says. Police sources tell cnn under interrogation, hossm admitted he was commander of the terrorist cell. For this act he received funds from and coordinated with hamas in gaza buying weapons and coordinating where they would be buried. Ali says, even if he confessed, it was probably under torture and pressure and beating. Many are skeptical given the familys background. One columnist for the website al monitor writes ity have been covering Palestinian Society for many years and i have never encountered a family that has spawned so many sons with blood on their hands, and now questions whether the blood drawn in the kidnappings and murders of the three teenagers prompted too much blood from too many other children. Thats it for the lead. Im jake tapper. Turn youing over to wolf blitzer in the situation room. Happening now, breaking news. Crises around the world. Iraq air strikes. One of the military options no being considered by the Obama Administration for helping desperate christians and other minorities in iraq who are fleeing a murderous onslaught by i was terrorists. Threats from gaza with the truce set to expire in a few hours, hamas is warning its fingers are on the trigger with iraq aimed at tel aviv. And ebowl lal spreading. Another country reports a possible victim of the deadly virus. Ill speak live this hour with the director of the cdc, now on its highest level of alert. Im wolf blitzer. Youre in the situation room

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