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Woodward and Carl Bernstein, the butch and sundance of Investigative Journalism visit the lead to the discuss scandals and president s past, frent and future. Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to the lead. Well begin with the world lead as the Iraq Security forces trained by the u. S. Are dragged out and executed by the hundreds. President obama may choose in the next few hours a course of action against the extremists overrunning that country. A white house official says the president S National Security team will present a number of military options to him this evening according to multiple officials that include more surveillance flights both manned and unmanned but not armed. The president could choose to hold off and develop more intelligence either to use for u. S. Purposes or to share with the iraqis. If the intelligencing is believed solid, the president could launch air strikes. Theres been a lot of talk about that. He could also decide to withdraw more americans from the embassy and other places in iraq before doing anything else. When yahoo news asked john kerry about possible air strikes earlier today, he said they are on the table. Well, theyre not the whole answer but they may well be one of the options. When you have people murdering, assassinating in these massachusetts kers, you have to stop that. And you do what you need to do if you need to try to stop it from the air or otherwise. Today, a u. S. Navy ship is joining other forces in the persian gulf including an aircraft carrier, guided missile destroyer and anguided missile cruiser. U. S. Was drew troops from iraq two and a half years ago. Right now, they are pretty much that is standing in the way of a terrorist Militia Group called the Islamic State in iraq and syria or isis. It is creeping toward baghdad. It has control of mosul, the second biggest city in iraq and it is taking more. Isis claims it killed 1700 iraqi soldiers in tikrit alone. That has not been verified. Youre looking at video posted on a Facebook Page by a man claiming to be an isis fighter. Watch, you see five men sitting on the ground, hands secured behind their backs. Man with the gun speaks arabic. Were told with a strong tunisian accent indicating he may be a foreign fighter. He smacks prisoners forces them to repeat the Islamic State is here to stay. These videos are also evidence of a possible war crime because this man in the Iraqi Military uniform does not have long to live. Another video appears to show the man had been executed at point blank range. The u. S. Has bolstered security at the American Embassy in baghdad adding between 50 and 100 marines and Army Personnel in case you are choosinging to book your trip to sunny baghdad, the state department strongly warns against all but essential travel there adding u. S. Citizens in iraq remain at high risk for kidnapping and terrorist violence. Nic robertson is standing by live in baghdad. What is the mood in the capital like with these streepists saying that they are on their way right there . Reporter youve got several going on here. Youve got a lot of anger that there is this sort of sectarian conflict going on. The facebook video were talking about just there that purports to show the execution of shia soldiers in the iraqi army. Its a documentation of a war crime that in this city, that amounts to to because its a shia being killed sunnis, that amounts to escalating the sectarian tensions. Theres anger and relief the government decided to go after isis. And then theres the feeling that everything isnt quite right but the life can carry on because theyre not here yet. Theres a few more cars on the streets, people are complaining a crisis for food. The government is trying to tamp that down. Overall this is a city in waiting. It is a little worried. At the moment it feels overrun by isis isnt going to happen tomorrow. People are concerned, jake. Nic robertson in baghdad. Stank you and stay safe. With as many as 100 marines and u. S. Army personal at the embassies in baghdad and some staffers already moving to other locations, is a large scale evacuati evacuation next . Are americans at the Baghdad Embassy safe . Joining me now is rear admiral john kirby, the pentagons press secretary. Just to run through the options again that weve been told, some of the options for the president to review, hes meeting with hiS National Security team tonight include manned and unmanned surveillance flights, intelligence gathering, air strikes, and withdrawing more americans on this point of withdrawing americans, we know we have this Amphibious Assault vehicle with over 500 marines on board that could assist with any sort of emergency. What are the odds right now the does the pentagon think of such an evacuation and how safe are the people at the u. S. Embassy . First the embassy is a very safe compound. Youve probably been there yourself. Its big, well protected. There is no request by the state department for any kind of evacuation. The embassy is still operational. Its true that they relocated some of the personnel over the weekend, but again, the embassys open for business. Look, i mean, this is always a tough call. How you make these kinds of decisions whether to move or not to move. We are postured and ready should the state department require that. But there has been nonrequest. The embassys still open. Was this an intelligence failure . Did the u. S. Government not know that isis was gaining strength and was heading towards baghdad . We have been watching isis, however you want to refer to it, weve been watching their growth and development for some time now. Absolutely not an interrogation failure. None at all. Weve been constantly monitoring the situation in iraq and staying in touch with Iraqi Government officials throughout. Dont forget, you have had since 2011 a small number of u. S. Troops working out of the embassy there is as well as a country team from the state department there. This is something weve been watching for a long time. Yes, they moved pretty quick. Yes, we were surprised and disappointed how some of the iraqi Security Forces failed to meet those threats up in the north. But its not something we havent been watching the Associated Press im told is reporting right now that the u. S. Government is considering a sending a small special Operations Team to iraq to baghdad to assist in some manner there to assist the Iraqi Government. Is there anything you can tell me about that . Im not going to get ahead of options the president may or may not use and certainly not ahead of decisions is he hasnt made yet. Our job is to plan and prepare and to tee him up options that are as robust as he wants to consider. Nald be one of many options that would be on the table . I dont want to prejudge options here. Listen to what secretary of state john kerry had to say when asked if isis could take baghdad. I dont believe that they will in the near term certainly and i dont believe they necessarily can at all. But that remains to be determined. Does isis have the capability of taking baghdad . Look, they certainly have proven capable of grabbing ground. No question about that. Baghdads a different matter. And every indication we have right now is that the iraqi Security Forces are going to fight very, very hard to defend baghdad. I think thats what secretary kerry was referring to. Should they want to do it, its going to be difficult. Baghdad is a different beast all together from the other smaller places that they have taken. Larger, were all aware of this threat inside iraq. And theres a shared sense of urgency here. I think thats why the president is making it very important to spend time talking to his advisors, having meetings and working through the decision mick making process. On thequette of whether or not the u. S. Should talk to iran about trying to help with the situation, in some ways it almost seems like a moot point. Malaki is shiite. Iran is shiite. They are very closely allied. Reportedly there are Iranian Forces in iraq right now. There certainly are advisors. If the United States moves to help iraq, arent we defacto working with iran since they are so much a part of advising malaki . Our discussions are with the Iraqi Government and from a military perspective, its with iraqi Security Forces. Weve been working with them since 2011 since the end of the combat mission in iraq. There are no plans torn consult with iran about military activities inside iraq. Our message to iran is the same as it is to all the neighbors here. We want you to respect iraqi sovereignty and territorial integrity. But the u. S. Has also said they want to work with all the players in the region. So if the u. S. Were to meet with malaki and there were other players from the region in the room, thats not something that the u. S. Would discount, right . We have said we want to work with neighbors and partners. I wouldnt get into that the particular hypothetical. Theres talks going on in vienna right now. Its reasonable to expect there could be on sidelines of those discussions some informal discussions with iranian leaders about whats going on in iraq. Theres no plans to consult with them about military activity, certainly not military activities we are potentially could conduct inside iran. Just the people at home, should the American People be prepared for the United States to go to war again in iraq . I think the president s been very clear he does not foresee a return top troops on the ground on a combat mission in iraq. Hes willing to look at a range of options, not all of them military to try to break the momentum of isil. Hes been very clear should he elect a military option, it would be limited in scope and duration. Just to clarify, combat operations not the same thing as special forces, special operations. Admiral kirby, thank you so much. Coming up next as these terrorists continue to threaten baghdad, is a uss military option the only way to stop them . Well ask general wesley clark what he would tell the president to do. Plus, ill see you guys in new york. Those words from the leader of isis to a u. S. Army colonel five years ago. Was he threatening u. S. Soil or something had more benign . Thank you for your sacrifice and thank you for your bravery. Thank you colonel. Thank you daddy. Military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa Auto Insurance can be one of them. 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Continuing with your 0 world lead as the situation in iraq continues to unravel, president obama will meet tonight with hiS National Security team who will lay out the commander in chiefs military options moving forward. Joining me to break down the choices is retired general wesley clark, former nato supreme allied commander and fourstar general is in little rock. Thank you so much for being with us. Appreciate it. Happy to be with you. Lets go straight into tonights briefing. The president will have clear options presented to him ranging from air strikes to pulling out more american personnel for their safety. If you were in that National Security meeting tonight, and i recognize you dont have all the latest intelligence, but knowing what you know, what would you advise the president to do . What should be our objectives in iraq right now . Well, i think that its both a time of some urgency on the part of the Iraqi Government and if youll permit me to say this, its a time of some opportunity for the United States. And the reason i say that is because theres been some questions in the region about whether the United States is still committed and still working and willing to assert its power. I think some in iran may think theyre the biggest dog on the block since we havent taken strong action in syria. So i think this is a moment thats a very decisive moment. I think this is a time when a small amount of force appropriately delivered packs a tremendous leverage diplomatically. So i would hope that we get some senior diplomats in there along with the ambassador. We would extract the right kind of pledges with guarantees from malaki that he will do a better job of bringing the sunnis into the government. And then well have some capability to target and actually deliver or the nants on the most threatening of the isis columns as theyre moving in or maybe their headquarters. A lot of it depends on realtime intelligence and how much you have. There probably is a special need of a special forces team to be there on the ground to deaconflict and provide the up to date targeting information. Some of this can be donnie electronically. Without being on the inside, its tough to say. I think this is a time for the United States to act. Just to be clear, youre saying we should have air strikes . That is specifically what youre talking about, hitting isis as they make their way to baghdad . Thats right. Its a terrorist organization. Go ahead. Its a terrorist organization. The Iraqi Government has asked for help. Its in the United States interests not to permit a terrorist organization like this to move forward as john kerry said. Its sheer terrorism. You cant permit murder and mayhem. As the Clinton Administration learned to our sorrow in the 1990s, we did not take action in rwanda when we could have. There was a huge mess. This would be a huge mess and the time to stop it is sooner rather than later. Just to clarify one of the reasons you think we should be doing this is not just to stop this mayhem but also as a projection of u. S. Power that you think is necessary . Explain what you mean by that. I think this is a time where people all over the world will be asking, will the United States lead and use our power at the right time. Weve said were against terrorism. Will we take action now. And so i think this action, if its taken, will have some very strong and beneficial consequences on lots of people who are watching the United States from all around the world. Lastly, sir, when you talk to veterans who served in iraq, when you talk to their families, people who lost loved ones in iraq, what do you say to them when they wonder if the sacrifice in that country was worth it, given the images were seeing on our televisions . Look, you cant get into a discussion like that because whats going to happen in iraq is going to changing from day by day, week by week, year by year. Was it worth it for men and women to volunteer to serve their country to go abroad to live will be in danger to sacrifice their lives and limbs and health for this country . If we believe in the United States of america and what we stand for, yes, its worth it. Got to put the right people in office to make the right decisions. Thats not the responsibility of the men and women in uniform. They trusted the leadership of the United States. And if we believe in this country, well both do our duty to serve and well do our duty to vote. General wesley clark, thank you for your thoughts. As as you, thank you for your service, sir. Thank you. When we come back, were starting to see the horror the extremists overrunning iraq are capable of. Are they now the worlds biggest terrorist threat. And its an excuse the average College Professor gets every semester. My ma computer crashed. Do you buy the same excuse from the irs . In a small cage. So that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. Without angies list, i dont know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. From contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angies list. We found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angies list. Join today at angieslist. Com [ female announcer ] you never know what might come your way. A 24speed bike with 7 gears you will never use. An aquarium for the fish you named but shouldnt have. Because you know, fish. 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Seth, thanks for being here. I want to start with these propaganda videos on facebook posted by an isis fighter, chose the interrogation of five captured men in iraq and the execution of one of them. By the accent of the man it seems its likely hes a foreign fighter. What sort of message are isis fighters trying to send, what can we take away from the videos or is it only intended for an iraqi audience . No, i think theyve been doing this for some time for multiple audiences. Theres an international audience. Its increasingly getting a number of foreign firefighters. They have twitter accounts, internet sites they use. Its partly means of attracting individuals to come fight the good war, the good jihad in iraq and syria for that matter. The other is an internal audience within iraq to demonstrate a domino sense that theyve take is cities like mosul and on their way to baghdad. You have studied the rise of jihadist fighters and you point in 2013 is, when isis was still affiliated with al qaeda, it led all these Al Qaeda Affiliated groups in attacks, more than al shabaab, more and aqip. How did isis become such a threat . One of the things that isis has done better than most jihadist groups is opened up battlefields in multiple countries. Its played a very, very Important Role in the syrian context, played an increasingly Important Role in the iraq context and used these countries as leverage to bring fighters, weapons, resources depending where they see an initiative. Abu bakr al baghdadi. He and his group broke from al qaeda earlier this year. What was the reason behind that . There were several reasons. One is the core Al Qaeda Group in pakistan led by Ayman Al Zawahiri was increasingly upset at some of the bar barrism that isis was involved in. Attacking shia, some of the not just kidnappings but killings in both syria and iraq, probably the most fundamental reason was isiss unwillingness to let go of the syrian front. The core in pakistan wanted to give that to al nusra and to leave isis to iraq. They refused to aside by that ruling from pakistan. Therefore, they were kicked out. They disagreed on strategy and tactics, not necessarily on jihad or a larger islamic vision . This is the organization if we go back a few years when Abu Al Zarqawi was chastised multiple times for being too gruesome, isolating the local population with his brutal assassinations. So there has been some pushback from the core in pakistan on ideology. To much shia killing and too much killing in general. Al baghdadi reportedly was in United States custody at camp boca in iraq before that camp closed. Reportedly said before he left the camp, i will see you in new york. I dont know how nefarious that was. When he said it. What do you make of al baghdadi and the threat that he and isis pose to not only u. S. Interests abroad but to the homeland itself . Its not uncommon for most of these jihadist leaders wherever they are, north africa, iraq, pakistan to make these comments about the United States. The u. S. Is the great satan for many of these groups. The question is how many evidence do we see against the u. S. The concern is we have seen a growing use of networks for fundraising and recruitment into europe. There was an assassination recently in brussels by someone trained by isis in syria. There are growing concerns about the external operations capability of baghdaddy and his organization. How Many American fighters do we think there are fighting with isis . I would say we dont have great numbers right now. Estimates have put this at maybe over 100 americans. Thats fighting for a number of different organizations. Probably in the dozens at most though the. Seth, thank you so much. Thanks, jake. Coming up next, he knows the complexities of iraq because he lived in the middle of it for several long years during some of the deadliest fighting. Now hes saying the u. S. Only has itself to blame for whats happening now. Plus, clandestine meetings in a dark parking lot. Why no future pa journalists will be able to do what woodward and bernstein did coming up ahead. Four entrees, starting at just 15. 99. Like our new lobstertopped woodgrilled shrimp. Or the new lobstertopped lobster. And now for lunch, try our new lobster tacos, just 9. 99. Ends soon so hurry in. If yand youre talking toevere rheuyour rheumatologistike me, about a biologic. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain. This is humira helping me lay the groundwork. This is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. Doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. 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Its almost possible to trace a Straight Line from the american teardown of Saddam Hussein to the struggle to rebuild a nation to the u. S. Early exit from the country. Here to discuss all this, a reporter covering iraq since the United States first recent started Operation Iraqi freedom and who has a new piece on the crisis, staff writer for the new Yorker Dexter fell kins. So good to see you, you wrote the seminal book the forever war and spent three times in the baghdad bureau. Countless other trips around iraq. You know people who died there. You know iraqis and americans. Contractors, soldiers, citizens. Before we get to the policy of all this and the history is it personally did i have difficult for you to watch whats going on there. Of course. I was there in february. And it was, i felt like i was in a time machine. You know, i felt like it was 2006 again. I was staying in a hotel in baghdad, and i was every morning i would wake up to the sound of car bombs. You know . Thats really, i mean thats 2005, 2006 all over again. Its as if, you know, all the money and all the lives that we spent were for naught. And that is depressing. Of course, it is. Al qaedas an al qaeda affiliate in this case is in control of towns across the sunni triangle. Yeah, thats depressing you summed this up last week, you wrote what the americans left behind was an iraqi state that was not able to stand on its own. What we built is now coming apart. This is the real legacy of americas war in iraq. Now, the white house, this white house argues they had no choice. The iraqis wanted u. S. Troops out in 2011. Do you think the white house is overstating the case . Could the u. S. Have pressed harder and kept enough troops there that this would not have happened . Look, that was two and a half years ago when we left. And you know, if you think back to that time, there arent a lot of american whos wanted to stay in iraq. So i think Public Opinion on that point was pretty clear. There were a lot of negotiations, these negotiations went on for montz. The negotiations centered around the question of, do we leave some troops behind. Not combat troops but basically troops to train and do intelligence. But i think the most important thing was youd have a lot of troops there, and they would essentially they would act to restrain the Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki who is a shiite from his most sectarian impulses. And that was the idea. Because basically, the iraqi iraqi political system, the political system that we helped build, it doesnt really work without us. Thats kind of the great irony of it. So we built we spent nine years building this new iraqi state after we destroyed the one. 2003. And it doesnt work all that well. It doesnt stand on its own very well. And so the question was, do we leave some people behind. It didnt work out. There was no deal. You know, at one point, maliki is pretty clear on this point. He says i told the americans i would do an executive agreement president to Prime Minister ill make a deal with the white house. You can keep some troops here. I wont have to take it to parliament. The white house rejected that for what they say were good legal reasons, but i dont know. I think well never know now. Its a little late, but and i dont think were not going to put troops back there now, but its a pretty troubling question. Could this have been averted if wed left some people there. Dexter, do you think that the United States has an obligation to try to stop this massacre that it looks like could happen in baghdad . I dont know. I think look, you know, we did have an obligation, i think. We came in in 2003, whether you supported the invasion or not. The United States destroyed the government there. We were oh blinged i think to rebuild something that would work. We left behind a pretty fragile piece of machinery there thats not standing on its own very well. Does that create an obligation . I dont know. I mean, i think it comes to practical questions. What can we do . Can we actually do any good there . Off would we be creating more problems . And i think theyre weighing that right now. What can they do that had actually do some good. Those are hard questions. Dexter filkins, always a pleasure. Thank you so much. Thank you. Coming up, shes been the focus of an investigation for allegedly targeting Tea Party Groups at the irs. Now lois lerner says twos years of emails are gone after her hard drive crash. Plus, its finally time to enter the first world cup match. It starts in just minutes. Can they eke out a win over their soccer nemesis . Cmon, you want heartburn . When your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast, with tums. Heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact. And goes to work in seconds. Tum, tum tum tum. Tums seeing the world in reverse, and i loved every minute of it. But then you grow up and theres no going back. 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Com [ male announcer ] its one of the most Amazing Things we build and it doesnt even fly. We build it in classrooms and exhibit halls, mentoring tomorrows innovators. We build it raising roofs, preserving habitats and serving americas veterans. Every day, thousands of boeing volunteers help make their communities the best they can be. Building Something Better for all of us. Welcome back to the lead. Im jake tapper time for the politics lead. Sorry my hard drive crashed is probably not the kind of excuse that would get you off the hook if you were being audited. That is exactly the explanation the irs and now the Obama Administration are using to explain more than two years of missing emails from lois lerner former director at the irs who has been at the heart of the investigation. The irs says a crashed hard drive caused them to lose all mails. In a statement, the agency explains at the time miss lerner asked i. T. Professionals to restore her hard drive but they were unable to do so. Incoping White House Press secretary josh ernest just told reporters i think its entirely reasonable and its fact. But republicans are not convinced and outraged that it took a year for the irs to tell them about the crash. The thing gets more complicated after you listen to the testimony back in march telling congressman Jason Chaffetz all of the emails are stored on servers not individual hard drives. Thats one of the brilliance of the email system. You go in and check the sent box. Inbox. And you suddenly have all emails, correct . Right, they get taken off and stored in servers. Except when they dont. Commissioner cos canon is on the hill right now to meet privately with chairman ron wyden and orrin hatch. He tells cnn were not hiding anything. Missing documents, explanations looming scandals, the more things change in this town the more they stay the same. Lets bring in two journalists who broke the mother of all political scandals, Carl Bernstein and woodward. A reporting on the watergate scandal that inspired the film starring two not as good looking actors by the same name. Of course mitchell knew. Woodward . Bernstein. Get in here. Here they are, bob word ward, Carl Bernstein. I have to say i think about watergate looms large over all washington, d. C. Scandals. They seem to pale by comparison. When i heard it the rs excuse, it made me think of Rose Mary Woods deleting tape. Watergate was about a criminal presidency. Unlike anything in our history. We have no indication that barack obama knows anything about what happened at the irs in cincinnati. At the same time, you would hope that some democrats would say, could we please get some answers from the irs, not just the republicans. Having broken the story of this the biggest political scandal in the last 50 years if not longer, is it tough to cover other scandals in washington . No, i mean, here is the problem. Carl and i talk about almost daily will. And that is that theres such an impatience in the news system, give it to me now right away. I want 140 characters, not words that will describe reality. And one of our bosses at the Washington Post i remember one afternoon saying, you cant understand a man or a woman or anything in an afternoon. And so youve got to spend time on these things. Youre there reporting on the iraq situation. Now, that is giant news. If you rewind a little bit, you realize a decision was made to leave no troops there. And that decision was insfistly covered like almost everything in washington. Interesting. 40 years since watergate. You both are obviously continuing to thrive and report. Is it easier or tougher to break stories today . I think that you do the work, you get the stories. I think the problem with many news organizations are that they dont do the work. They dont send the reporters out to knock on doors. The basics of reporting still work. Thats how you get the good stories. Youve seen this at the Washington Post and obviously, not to pick on the post, one of the problems is the Business Model is suffering. And there arent as many reporters in a lot of cases. Thats true. If you look at the demise of eric cantor, House Majority leader, and that was not that far away in richmond, virginia. His district. Carl used to cover this. Virginia reporter at the time of watergate. And you find out whats going on the ground, and the reporters who did this for small papers and had a sense the earth is moving at the big papers. We did not have enough of an understanding because people were not sent down there to live. I have to ask, over the weekend, it was announced that the zoning or the planning people in virginia, theyre going to tear down the garage where kru met with deep throat. Is that upsetting at all to you . Not unless i had a parking sticker. Theres no you dont have any nostalgia . They say theyre going to put up some kind of plaque. Thats okay. But. Hes one that went there. History cant stand in the way of progress. Thats right. And thats a case where you know, everything starbucks. I mean, everything moves on. You should get the newseum to buy that specifically post where you met with the mark felt. Dont you think . I dont think so. You know, i think its only cement. What was important, and again, you know, not to overstress but let us repeat, this is about going into the night, talking to people, developing sources in places where they have specific information and you know, not giving up. Carl was the one who developed the strategy. I mean, imagine going and knocking on someones door at 8 00 without an appointment. When is the last time you did that . I call now. I call. But youre right. It is an unbelievable im sorry that i lean on the film but in the film they do a vivid job of recreating it. Why is that important to go to people in their homes at night . People are intimidated and under pressure in their offices. Now so much reporting or twittering is done without even going to the offices. We have a real problem of the basics that you need human intelligence in reporting. You cant just do it by going online. And theres an awful lot of reporting that is done than way in this rush to get it on the air or get it online. And it makes a difference. When i was doing the fourth book on bushs wars, the war within, there was a general who would not talk. And emails, intermediaries, nothing and i find out where he lived. The best time to visit a fourstar general without an appointment is the 8 15 on a tuesday because he would have eaten dinner, not gone to bed. I knock on the door. And he opens the door and looks at me and he says are you still doing this s . And then he kind you have got a disappointed look on his face and said come on in, and sat for two hours and answered most of the questions why because someone showed up. They dont show up enough. Before you go, i have to ask you about Hillary Clinton. You wrote a book about her in 2008 i believe. Tell me how you think her roll out has gone so far. Weve never seen anything like this. This is a huge clinton choreographed operation by about the most famous woman in the world. A celebrity more than a politician at this point. Were two years before the election. And were all extras in this clinton and the press especially this clinton choreographed production. And our job once again is to find out whats really going on, who she really is. Whether or not shes connecting with people, whether or not shes being factual. But right now, shes in control of had this huge locomotive thats going down the tracks. I owe you an apology. When you had your book and said the thing about the on the table about the biden, clinton switch. You said it was on the table. I was asked about it and i didnt give it much credibility. It turned out they polled for it. I owe you a public apology for questioning that. No apology. Carls great book about hillary is about her real decisions, her real life. How she was raised. If you read that book, if i may say, its very balanced. Shes got some weaknesses. Shes got some strengths. We need to find out how was she as secretary of state. And you find that out by the going to the people who really worked with her, quite frankly, knocking on doors, getting documents, getting notes. And answering that question, kind of the bottom line lesson of watergate is it makes a big difference whos president. If you look at nixon, if you look at a lot of president s, we didnt do our job in the media in describing who these people really were. Bob woodward, Carl Bernstein, an honor and pleasure to have you here. Good to see you. The book, of course, all the president s men, the 40th anniversary edition. Gentlemen, thank you so much. Coming up, maybe this help make up her mind. Our new cnn poll on the 2016 election that might surprise the most ardent hillary supporter. Stay with us. mother vo when i was pregnant. I got more advice than i knew what to do with. What i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. Luckily, unitedhealthcare has a Simple Program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidancebefore and after the baby is born. Simple is good right now. anncr vo innovations that work for you. Thats health in numbers. Unitedhealthcare. Are the largest targets in the world, for every hacker, crook and nuisance in the world. But systems policed by hps cyber Security Team are constantly monitored for threats. Outside and in. Thats why hp reports and helps neutralize more intrusions than anyone. In the world. If Hp Security Solutions can help keep the Worlds Largest organizations safe, they can keep yours safe, too. Make it matter. 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I bet the question will come up tomorrow when cnn host aglobal town hall with Hillary Clinton monitored by Christiane Amanpour at 5 00 p. M. Eastern tomorrow and a replay at 9 00 p. M. Eastern. Turning now to the money lead, i do not know how many times i have said this exact sentence on the show this year, maybe somebody can put together a super cut of it on youtube. Here it is again. General motors is announcing yet another recall recalling more than 3 million cars in the u. S. Dau to faulty ignitions which they linking to eight crashes and six injuries. Several models are included from 2000 to 2014. This announcement today brings the number of vehicles recalled just this yearen an its only june in the u. S. To more than 17 million. Now, to the sports lead, the u. S. Kicks off its world cup slate against guana tonight. While most fans here are searching the internet for free live streams, guanas government is willing to max out their entire. Countrys power grid to make sure people can watch. The nation struck a deal with neighboring ivory coast for 509 megawatts of extra electricity to make sure the broadcast doesnt hiccup. Last time the two the squads played, guana eeliminated the u. S. From are the tournament. Thats it for the lead. Im jake tapper. I turn you over to wolf blitzer right next door in the situation room. Situation room. Take it away. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com stopping the terrorists. Iraq launches air strikes to slow you the advance of a brutal terror group. President obama may be about to decide how to act on the growing crisis in iraq. Aiming at the u. S. Terrorists have already used an american suicide bomber in syria and now there is concern and its growing that theyll send jihadists to carry out attacks back home. 20 Million People face a Severe Weather threat including possible tornadoes. Im wolf blitzer. Youre in the situation room. Terrorists leave a trail of blood and graphic Video Evidence of their

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