Good afternoon, everyone. Im jake tapper. After five years in enemy hands, Sergeant Bowe bergdahl is currently listed in stable condition at a hospital in germany. Hes a free man. This caused a lot of controversy back home. Events moved fast and there was fear until the very last minute that something could go wrong. In recent days, taliban negotiators put the piece together and in the final hours before the swap, they made the unusual move of communicating directly with the taliban, according to a u. S. Official. They flew near the afghan pakistan border. The american troops inside armed to the teeth. They found their 18 taliban waiting for them along with Sergeant Bowe bergdahl. The moment bergdahl had waited five years for had finally arrived. He was able to walk, according to a u. S. Official. The americans quickly confirmed his identity and booked him. The exchange took maybe 30 seconds. Inside the chopper, bergdahl wrote the initials sf. It was too loud to speak. Sf asking if they were special forces. Yes, they responded. And they had been looking for him for a very long time. It was then that were told that bergdahl finally broke down. Simultaneously, on the other side of the world at the u. S. Prison in Guantanamo Bay, guards were ordered to hand over five taliban officials to the country of qatar acting as middlemen in a prisoner swap. Handing these five taliban over, a decision that is not sitting well with many of the president s critics. While bergdahl was believed to be the only remaining prisoner of the afghan war, the circumstances of his capture remain merky saying that he was at fault for walking into enemy hands. Many of his fellow soldiers do not believe he should get a heros welcome back home. Its a good day. Yes, its a good day. Reporter welcome news for Bowe Bergdahls parents. Their son, the only known prisoner of war, was released by his captures and coming home to idaho. Five years is a seemingly endless long time but youve made it. Reporter but new details coming to light about how his freedom was both lost and regained complicate any planned ticker tape parades. These are the faces of five to high midlevel prisoners smiling as they are released from Guantanamo Bay to qatar in exchange for bergdahl. Though trading four hostages or prisoners of war is not unprecedented in american history, this latest swap has opponents. Youve sent a message to every Al Qaeda Group in the world that says that there is some value now in that hostage in a way that they didnt have before. Reporter the Obama Administration defends the deal. The United States of america does not leave our men and women in uniform behind. Ever. Reporter bergdahl is currently in germany where his physical and Mental Health are the priorities. One of the first tasks is relearning english. Reporter . I hope your english is coming back. I love you. Im proud of you. Im so proud of your character. Reporter his parents joy notwithstanding, more than a dozen soldiers who served with bergdahl call him a desserter. They tell cnn that he purposefully left the post. He saw an american soldier that morning walking by himself. On nbcs meet the press, secretary of state chuck hagel deferred that talk. Im not surprised that there are still questions and until we get the facts of what the condition of Sergeant Bergdahl is, we cant go much further inspect lating. Reporter soldiers on the time at the ground tell insurgents were able to take advantage of the massive military undertaking to try to rescue bergdahl with ieds placed more effectively and ambushes more calculated. At least six americans were killed in the effort during the following weeks. Staff Sergeant Bowen, kurt curtis, darren andrews, matthew mart martinique for their parents, this moment will never come. Bob and jani, people across america share in the joy that i know you feel. Reporter many soldiers are furious. A Facebook Page was started and it has nearly 6,000 members. A petition to punish bergdahl for going awol was started hours after his release. People who know bergdahl want answers, if not a courtmartial for desertion. He will likely not be punished but may be promoted to Staff Sergeant this month. Many have stayed silent about his disappearance and many were asked to sign nondisclosure agreements about the matter. Now that hes free, they are coming forward to talk, regardless of the consequences. Lets bring in josh quarter. You served with bergdahl in blackfoot company, second platoon in afghanistan and you were recently discharged from the military. Emails reported by Michael Hastings in 2012 says that bergdahls email to his parents said that he no longer supported the efforts of the war in afghanistan. I have seen their ideas and i am ashamed to even be american. The horror of the selfrighteous arrogance that they thrive it. It is all revolting. Did he ever express anything like that to you personally . Yes, jake. Pretty much as soon as we had gone to afghanistan and things started to turn a little bit harder for us, he immediately started separating himself away from us and everyone in the platoon started gravitating towards the afghan soldiers. Did he ever say that he didnt support the effort in the war anymore to you . I didnt hear it directly out of his mouth but i did hear very often people talking about it. I think i overheard a conversation once where he was talking to somebody on the phone about it. He was always trying to spread that word to people. He was never really happy about it. Why do you think he left the observation post that morning . Honestly, i think he just wanted to go on an adventure without having anybody to answer to, without having anything to worry about. He wanted to go see afghanistan for himself without the army stopping him or having to tell him what to do. I think he was just trying to, you know, go on an adventure. I know from talking to you earlier and also more than a dozen of your fellow soldiers with the 50 first and the other units, a lot of people are upset because so many men were lost in the search for him. In fact, you have the names of two of those soldiers lost tattooed on your back. I believe martinek and andrews and foster, blackfoot company. Tell me about these men and does this make you angry about bergdahls release . In a way, it really does. Its very frustrating to me to turn on the tv and to see bergdahls family on the tv being shown to everyone and then these soldiers, although they had very beautiful and extravagant ceremonies after they died, were pretty much only recognized in the local news, local newspapers. They were never nationally televised for their sacrifices in the way that he is and he pretty much volume lntarily wal away and caused the actions that killed them. One of the parents of the soldiers who died, he died on the same day that Michael Jackson died and he was upset that not even a miniscule amount of attention went to him. And another person said, im pleased to see him return safely and i hope that he receives adequate reintegration counseling. I believe that an investigation should take place as soon as Health Care Professionals deem him fit to endure one. What do you think . I mean, by no means do i think he needs to be pulled out of the hospital and brought before anybody right now during this time. I mean, i do understand that his family has had him gone for this period of time without any or very limited contact with him and i understand that they probably want to, you know, reunite some of those bonds, even soldiers in prison get to speak to their families from time to time. So i understand that. But as soon as hes able and as soon as hes fit, i do believe that he needs to be questioned and basically tried, if necessary. For leaving the observation post and for deserting the unit . Yes. Any of us would have died for him while he was with us and then for him to just leave us like that, it was a very big betrayal. Now, you and lots of other soldiers signed a nondisclosure agreement with the military. I really never heard of anything like this happening on such a widespread scale for regular joes as opposed to special forces. Are you worried now that the military is going to try to punish you for talking . I mean, its certainly a possibility. But i dont think that i could have continued to go on without being able to share with you and i know the people the true things that happened in this situation because if you guys arent made aware of it, it will just go on and hell be a hero and nobody will be able to know the truth. And the truth that you want people to know is that he left, he deserted, in your view, and that good men died trying to find him . I mean, hes, at best, a desserter and, at worst, a traitor. Former Sergeant Josh korder, thank you for talking to us and thank you for your service. Thank you. Coming up on the lead, a day five years in the making. So how did the u. S. Finally make out the release of Bowe Bergdahl. Its the hottest race in beverly hills. The house seat opened for the first time in decades and now hollywood money could decide who gets it. You know that dream. On my count. The one where you step up and save the day . Make it happen. crowd oh no. Introducing verizon xlte. Hey guys, i got it right here weve doubled our 4g lte bandwidth in cities coast to coast. So take on more. With xlte. For best results, use verizon. Olive gardens latest iyou ration . You told us your number one olive garden dishes. Now theyre part of our 2 for 25 guest favorites featuring for the very first time your all Time Favorite dish, creamy chicken alfredo. And our seductive shrimp mezzaluna you loved so much we brought it back. 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The entire process years in the making has raised questions about whether this will increase american kidnappings. Joining me now to talk about it is jeremy bash, former defense secretary leon panetta during the early stages of the negotiations. Hes now the managing director of beacon global strategies. Also joining us, retired colonel chris tolinda, Senior Adviser to the Defense Department and is one of the main characters in my book about afghanistan, the outpost, and spent a lot of time in that country doing a lot of work. Chris, jeremy, good to see you, as always. First, just to respond to the strong charges made by Bowe Bergdahl and others, but does that matter . When youre talking about trying to get him home, does it matter how he came to leave the observation post or any of the questions, jeremy . No, i dont think it does. In fact, in all of the conversations that i was in and chris was in it as well, about a potential deal, that never came up. Nor should it. But everybody knew it. You all knew it. We were worried about the stories and the claims. No one ever said he walked off or he was taken and therefore we shouldnt try to get him back. It didnt enter in at all . No. And you can see the emotion here both on the bergdahl family and josh korder. These facts will come out over time. The good news is, Bowe Bergdahl is back. Hell be able to tell his side of the story and right now we need to focus on his health and reintegration. My understanding is that well, obviously it didnt happen when you guys were negotiating it. Right. What changed . Was the deal significantly different . The taliban proposed a deal and chris was involved in these discussions in which they would get five of their guys back. Very bad guys. The same five . The same five. It was part of the confidence Building Measures for taliban reconciliation. General panetta said that the assurances are not good enough that they wont rejoin the fight and the Legal Standard was that the country that these five guys would prevent them getting back into a fight. First, weve got only six months left in the combat mission. I think we wanted to make sure we got him back before our combat mission ended. Second, his health was clearly deteriorating and that was a factor. Third, congress saw fit to lower the Legal Standard and give the secretary of defense a little more flexibility that if there are mitigating standards, if we can mitigate the risk to our troops and forces, its okay to do this if its in the interest of our soldiers. Thsome say its a deal made with the taliban, a terrorist organization and is it really worth, to be crude, five midto senior level taliban members for one u. S. Soldier . Let me just first add to something jeremy said, which is the taliban had the travel ban on these detainees had not been agreed earlier. The fact that the taliban caved to our demands for the travel band. That they cant leave qatar. Thats right. They cant leave the country. Is it a halfway house, a club fit . Certainly not privy to all of the details but, yeah, there will be some monitoring and supervision ongoing for the taliban. The bottom line is they cant leave for at least a year and the taliban caved to those demands after some very hardnosed negotiations by some people in the state department. I think thats very important to understand its part of the game changer that allowed this effort to take praise. What about the issue that this is we were negotiating with a terrorist group, not with a nation this wasnt negotiations with iran, north korea, it was a rag tag group of terrorists that the u. S. State department considers terrorists . Its one of the regular challenges of warfare, when youre fighting with people they are not state actors, they are nonstate actors. Nor has the United Nations designated them as a terrorist. They are not a terrorist organization . We have not designated them as a terrorist organization. Their people and their forces, these five were part of that rule. Their people, their forces engaged in gross Human Rights Violations and, as jeremy pointed out, these are certainly very dangerous people. If they were to be released, the likelihood that they would return to the fight is high and thats why they are under for one year, they are under supervision for one year . Thats right. Let me address the issue about negotiating with terrorists. The state of israel, another democracy, gave up more than 1,000 prisoners that were held in the palestinian prits nesone that were held in one and they did that even though the prisoners in the israeli jails lived up to an ethos, that you leave no man behind. Thats an essential bargain we cut with our service members. We will not leave you behind. I want to about congressman buck mckeon. He feels that congress was not adequately notified about it. Mike rogers. This is mike rogers talking about this deal. Across northern africa, the number one way al qaeda raises money is kidnapping and ransom. We have now set a terrorist. What does this tell terrorists that if you capture a u. S. Soldier, you can trade that soldier for five terrorists. Thats a very dangerous price. Thats mike rogers and ted cruz. Its a classical ethical dilemma, how many will you trade to save one . A tradition in our country has been that we will do almost anything to get an american prisoner of war back. Of course, were concerned about emboldeneding the bad guys and the terrorists but its a calculation that you have to make. You have to look at what the law requires and whether his health is deteriorating to the fact that one or two more months could be too late. Chris, you have fought against insurgents in afghanistan. You have lost good men fighting insurgents in afghanistan, tom, jacob richie, jacob lowell. Do you feel that this has put others at risk . I would add those that were killed in a different area but, yeah, ive fought taliban. Ive been in fire fights with them. I hear them talking on the walkietalkie to get a u. S. Soldier as a prisoner. Its an ongoing desire for them. We have a desire to take some of them as detain ees. So the fact that theres an exchange five years after he was captured is highly unlikely to create greater incentive than there already is and i dont believe its going to place u. S. Soldiers at greater risk than they already are. Enemy combatants, by definition, want to take u. S. Soldiers as prisoners. Jeremy, chris, thank you for your insights. Its home to the rich and famous, many of whom are taking sides for the open house seat representing beverly hills. Who is backing the hollywood director and which candidate has a pop Star Campaign song. 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This congressional seat has been taken for 40 years. So when henry waxman announced he was retiring, it became a mad scramble to replace him with 18 candidates crawling, pouncing out of the woodwork. There are some interesting candidates. People say, are you serious about this . I say, i am serious about this. Such as independent brett roske. He was in the web series chasing the hill. He lives on a yacht. He recently bowed out and endorsed independent candidate Marianne Williamson who says shes running to return power to the people of the district. Its the people of the United States. Reporter you may already know williamson as a best help author to the stars. Former desperate housewives star, eva longoria, is backing her. I support her candidacy. Reporter so is deepak chopra. There is even an original Campaign Song from alanis morissette. Is it ironic . No. Its just beverly hills. We have our own song. Reporter matt miller worked in the Clinton White house and was a radio host of right left of center. I got the l. A. Times endorsement the other day. Reporter after all, the rich and famous need a voice in congress, too. Look at a district that actually has elected for 40 years one of the most accomplished serious and unglamorous legislatures in the country like henry waxman, it puts the lie to the east coast. Reporter quick fact check here. Henry waxman is unglamorous. True. People can laugh and people can make fun of. But even the people laughing to make fun know were about very serious business. Reporter voters will head to the polls on june 3rd in an open primary. Regardless of party, they will face off in a runoff on election day. Coming up next, the Obama Administrations big new push but even some of his fellow democrats are blasting the plan. Why are they joining with republicans to criticize president obama . Plus, its usually when apple announces its new apple product. 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Liberty Mutual Insurance responsibility. Whats your policy . Welcome back to the lead, im jake tapper. Time now for the national lead. The Washington Air is thick with controversy over the Obamas Administration to bypass congress and force American Power plants to slash their Carbon Dioxide emissions in the name of fighting climate change. The aim is to cut by the year of 2030. Coalpowered plants will be hit the hardest because they emit more carbons than other plants. But despite arguing the contrary, the head of the epa still insists this shift will not hurt our economy. Epa administrator mccarthy is joining me. Thanks for joining us. Great to be here, jake. So the president is going it alone here to, a degree, even mary landrieu, the chair of Natural Resources up for reelection this year says that it should be congress and not the epa setting these emission standards. Why cant the white house even get the democrats on board here . Well, i think we have to see have people get a chance to take a look at this proposal because, really, it represents action that we need to take to protect Public Health but offers flexibility to the states and, i am sure, as someone who has worked for the states for the years, that states will have an ability to reduce carbon pli pollution that is diverse with the Energy Supply and that will grow the economy. Isnt the whole reason you have this proposal because you cant get anything through congress on this and not just the Republican House but also the Democraticcontrolled Senate . Jake, the reason were doing this is to protect the Public Health of our kids and to protect the next generation and to keep our community safe. Were doing this because congress did pass the Clean Air Act and its appropriate and its our responsibility to dangerous pollution. Thats what carbon is. We regulate every type of pollutant, including all of the targets and the one we dont its carbon. Now that we know how dangerous. You know that those in coalproducing states are very wary. Democrat alison l lundengrangrimes. We have the ability to restore coal to its rightful place as a prime american export. Thats a democrat. Whats your message to people in states like kentucky . Well, she may be happy to know that if you look at this proposal, it actually generates investments in coal. It allows states to choose to make them more efficient and actually projects that coal is going to remain a significant source of energy. Even in 2030. So we agree that with an allofthe box strategy, the only thing they did was to work with states that finds plants that work with them in their own Energy Supply. That doesnt mean if youre a natural heavy goal or gas. Thats the challenge with this rule. Speaking about all of the above energy strategy, weve been waiting for the president to make a decision about the Keystone Pipeline for years now. It seems obvious that hes waiting until after the midterms. What is the official explanation for the holdup . Well, the official explanation is the correct one, which is that there is a question about the exact layout of the pipeline and hes already asked the agencies to be prepared when decisions get made to clarify that to submit our comments and were ready to do that. But it really wouldnt be appropriate or consistent with the way the law acts to ask us to make a comment without having that Pipeline Route defined. But were looking forward to that and we know the state will make a decision when all of the facts are there for them to make it. The administrator of the Environmental Protection administration, gina mccarthy, thank you. A frantic manhunt after explosive materials left in a San Francisco apartment. Now the fbi wants to know why the man living there is missing and what he was up to. Plus, a surprise at the box office this weekend as two blockbusters battle it out for the top spot. Did the reviews for the Angelina Jolie movie affect ticket sales . 800,000 hours of supercomputing time, 3 million lines of code, 40,000 sets of eyes, or a million sleepless nights. Whether its building the worlds most advanced satellite, the space station, or the next leap in unmanned systems. At boeing, one thing never changes. Our passion to make it real. Welcome to the lead, in national news. What if you found out that your neighbor had explosives in his apartment and no one knew where he was. Thats what residents in San Francisco are dealing with now and the fbi is on a manhunt for Ryan Kelly Chamberlain calling him dangerous. How worried should the public be . Joining me now is a senior fbi profiler. She worked on the unibomber. As a profiler, how does one determine motive to call somebody armed and dangerous . Well, if you just look at the elements of this case, hes got explosives or explosive materials in his residents and thats a very congested area in San Francisco. So just by default, explosives could become volatile and go off and kill, if not hurt, other people. But the fbi says, as far as they know, chamberlain has not made any threats so theres no threat to Public Safety that they know of. Can you square that for us . I mean, armed and dangerous and yet theres no threat to the public . Well, it is confusing but what they are saying is he has not made any verbal threats, a manifesto or an alleged suicide note was just released and in that note there were no direct threats but you dont just look for somebody to tell you that they are going to do something harmful. His behavior in and of itself, just having explosives in a congested area, is on its own merit is potentially very dangerous. As we mentioned, youve worked on bombing cases, the unibomber case, of course. How do you deal with a person who might have explosives . I imagine it might be different than somebody who might have a gun. What happens is they put out an all points bulletin. All of Law Enforcement, local and federal, will be on the lookout for this person. If they stop him, if they stop the car, certainly they are going to approach him with a lot of caution because of the explosives component. What do you mean a lot of caution . They will have everyone standing back, get out of the car, they will have dogs, probably stop the car and hopefully it will be in an area where they can bring in, you know, even remote devices so that they can make sure that before a human being approaches that car, they know that there are no explosives in it. Is it legal to possess explosive materials . It depends on what it is. But most of the time, no. All the prosecutor has to be able to show is that there are components and they are aware that the components, if put together, cause an explosion. Game this out for us. Based on what you know about him, the fbi is trying to track him down, he worked in sports marketing, you said hes not a professional fugitive, obviously. How difficult is it going to be to find him, do you think . Well, hes not a professional fugitive. When you have an allpoints bulletin put out by the fbi, Law Enforcement from the east to the west coast, hes not used to that. Hes not going to know how to act. In addition to that, it does appear he could be suicidal. So those two things together, it will be resolved, that is, if hes just about ready to take his own life. And the fbi has asked for the public help in this. How can the public help . They put out descriptors of this person, information about his car. So they are asking for the public to be alert as they are driving up and down 101 out in california. They see somebody, say, over by the beach area, somebody that is by themselves and matches that description. They want everybody to be looking for this person. Mary ellen otoole, thank you so much. Appreciate it. Look who popped in. I didnt even know you were there. Just walked in. Snuck right in. Like a panther. Very quiet. We have a lot more coming in about Bowe Bergdahl. We have tony blinken who will join us. The House Intelligence Committee mike rogers will join us as well. A very different perspective. Hes not sure that what the president did was lawful. So tony blinken thinks it was lawful. Well get a good discussion going. Thank you, wolf blitzer. When we come back, the most talked about list in business. The fortune 500. Which company made the top of the list and which was the Biggest Surprise . Youll find out next. Humans. We are beautifully imperfect creatures living in an imperfect world. Thats why Liberty Mutual insurance has your back, offering exclusive products like optional better car replacement, where if your car is totaled, we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. Call. And ask an Insurance Expert about all our benefits today, like our 24 7 support and service, because at Liberty Mutual insurance, we believe our customers do their best out there in the world, so we do everything we can to be there for them when they need us. Plus, you could save hundreds when you switch, up to 423. Call. Today. Liberty Mutual Insurance responsibility. Whats your policy . Welcome back to the lead. Im jake tapper. The money lead now. Apples ceo tim cook, where is my iwatch already . It was the companys Big Development conference today. Ever since cook took over the giant tech apple, theres been few and few of these and the company is more profitable than ever. This year for the first time, apple cracked the top five of the worlds most valuable Companies Joining the likes of walmart and exxonmobil. Here now to talk about the fortune 500 issue, lee gallagher. Good to see you. Good to be here, jake. Exxonmobil, berkshire hathaway, but the real story is apple. I guess innovation isnt everything. Innovation will do it. This list is about scale more than anything else. Weve seen apple just grow and grow and grow. If you think about it, it wasnt that long ago that the company was in the 200s. As recently as 2006, 2007, and then it started a steady climb up. It was in the 100s, 70s, it was 35 a couple of years ago. Last year it was 6 and now its 5. The other significant thing about apple in relation to this list is it is always one of the top two or three companies when it comes to profits. Its revenues are one thing but its always the first or second most Profitable Company on the list. Apple is still making money and even though it showed a decline in its growth for the first time in about a decade. But no new gadgets and they are still going like gang busters. Why . Because the products are so desired . They are. How many apple products do you have . I have 30 right here on the set. Exactly. Me, too. But you know, i think we are seeing apple start to have look, its got some competition on the smartphone front. Certainly it needs to figure out a music a streaming a strategy. Thats why it has acquired beats, as far as we know. So apple has to keep up with the times. The other companies are rising but not one in particular. A Little Company called yahoo . So the tech company, as we know, is a huge engine of growth. Amazon, apple, google, microsoft, facebook all rising a lot on the list this year. But yahoo actually falls off this year. You know, yahoo was 492 last year. It wasnt like this was a huge unexpected thing for yahoo . Its revenues are not what the other companies are. Not enough to make minimum this is year. But all of the other tech companies, facebook was brandnew to the list and jumped up 141 spots. This list dates back to 1955. General motors has ranked first 36 times. They are slipping. They are number seven. Do you think gm is sliding out of the top ten eventually . You know, its funny. Its just staggering if we think back decades ago, gm really commandeered this list and business. So as goes gm, so goes the nation. That was the expression and it really was true. Times have changed and its number seven now. It was number seven last year as well. The big question, what is going to happen now as it deals with the recall crisis. So far the company has reported First Quarter profits not too long ago were up 7 . So far it hasnt really impacted sales. Our data is based on last year before the crisis began, or before it became public. So well just have to see next year. Will it fallout of the top ten . I dont know. It takes a lot. When youre talking about the hundreds of billions of dollars, it takes a lot to move the needle. 2 billion sounds like a rounding error when you work on the 500 enough. Fortunes leigh gallagher, thank you. Thank you, jake. The biggest villain that the xmen are facing is a disney creation from 1959. This is in todays headlines. Maleficent, from the mean ladys perspective starring Angelina Jolie and a pair of prosthetic cheekbones. Its been rumored for months, now its official, the upcoming Star Wars Episode 7 title to be released and adding Lupita Nyongo to the list. It seems whoever she is playing will enjoy characters in the film, including mace windu actually, thats it. So thank you, lupita, for giving fans one more reason to hope that the new sequel wont suck. Thats it for the lead. Im jake tapper. I now turn you over to wolf blitzer in the situation room. Secret mission revealed. We have dramatic new details about Sergeant Bowe bergdahls condition and the mission to set him free as president obama faces tough new questions about the deal he brokered to bring him home. Armed and dangerous. The fbi now on a nationwide manhunt for a San Francisco political operative accused of having explosive materials in his home. And praying for forgiveness, Donald Sterling visits a predominantly africanamerican church, the pastor hoping to help him through this controversy. Im wolf blitzer. Youren

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