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Migrant Detention Centers. What will it take to improve conditions for children in u. S. Custody . Plus, down south, 2020 democrats make nice in South Carolina. Its good to be in the palmetto state. As the hopefuls try to win the support of black voters. Will the current frontrunner keep his place on top . 2020 president ial candidate Julian Castro joins in moments. Hello, im jake tapper in washington where the state of our union is to the brink and back, you might be feeling whiplashed this week after President Trump reversed course on two major decisions, one domestic, one international. The president announced he was delaying mass deportation after threaten all week that millions of undocumented immigrants would be removed. Just minutes ago he followed up. Quote, i want to give the democrats every last chance to quickly negotiate simple changes to asylum loopholes. Probably wont happen but worth a try. Two weeks and big deportation begins. This comes only days after a president seemed to use a similar strategy towards iran. President trump said he had stopped a military strike with just minutes to launch, saying he did not think the potential human casualties inflicted by such a strike was proportional to the downing of a u. S. Drone. The president announced, quote, major additional sanctions will be imposed on iran monday. Sources confirm the u. S. Had launched cyber attack against iran last week after iran attacked ships in the gulf of oman. Joining me now to discuss this and much more is the Vice President of the United States of america, mike pence. Vice president pence, thanks so much for joining us. We appreciate it. Thank you, jake. Good to be with you. The iranians reached out to the u. S. Through the swiss. Have you seen those messages . Has there been anything since the president called off the strikes . The president s message to iran is very clear, that we are not going to allow iran to obtain a Nuclear Weapon, and were not going to stand by while iran continues to sow, malign influence across the region. Thats why tomorrow the president will announce additional sanctions against iran, and frankly as we sit here today, since the end of the Iran Nuclear Deal now a year ago and additional sanctions that the United States is imposing, irans economy is literally crumbling. Over the last two months weve seen them lashing out even more than they usually do. Remember, iran is the leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world. Theyve soewn malign influence n places like yemen and elsewhere. This president drew an end to that. Weve isolated them economically and diplomatically. The week ago, an attack on an american uav, the president s made it clear that we are not going to taolerate threats against american forces, interests, allies and will never allow iran to obtain a Nuclear Weapon. But my question was are they reaching out too . Did you get that message from the swiss that the iranians delivered . Im not aware of any outreach from the iranians. I know there was communication. Prime minister abe was actually in tehran not long ago and he encouraged them, as President Trump has done publicly, to engage the United States. The president of the United States has made it clear were prepared to talk to iran without preconditions. Right. But iran needs to understand that we will never allow them to obtain a Nuclear Weapon, and we will not allow them to continue to sow violence across this region. In the midst of all that, the action the president took, the president demonstrated the restraint that the american people, i know, admire and are grateful for when, as right up to the runup of a military attack the president continues to evaluate that decision and concluded that what had been initiated and what was about to be launched was not proportionate, but iran should not mistake restraint from a lack of resolve. All options remain on the table. The United States is going to defend our troops and americas interest in the region. Your assertion that iran should not mistake that for lack of resolve reminds me of what bolton said not long ago where he said nobody should mistake this as weakness. It makes me wonder, if you are concerned it will be perceived that way. Before the strike senator Lindsey Graham tweeted, quote, inaction in the face of evil and provocation has its own cost. In some instances failing to act could be the most dangerous act of all. You initially supported the military strike against iran. Do you agree that there is a risk that iran will get the wrong message from the president s restraint as you put it . Well, let me be clear. Ive said before that weakness arouses evil, but this president has rebuilt our military to the point that the United States military forces in the region and around the world are stronger than ever before. In fact, in the wake of the tanker attacks just a week ago, the president announced that we were moving another 1,000 troops into the region. I expect iran and our allies in the region have no doubt about the military capabilities of the United States of america. I believe thats probably but is the president willing to pull the trigger . Is that a concern at all . I think the president was encouraged that iran actually announced that they were tracking a manned Surveillance Aircraft on friday and did not fire on it even though they believed it was in their air space. Now, all of that was it in their interest . No, of course not. All of that gives us some sense that in iran they understand the military capabilities of the United States of america, but this is a president who is always going to count the cost. I was there through the course of the deliberations. Over the last week in the wake of the tanker attacks, the president was talking about options. In the wake of the attack on the unmanned uav, there were extensive discussions, but at the end of the day the president looked at the potential loss of human life relative to an unmanned american drone that had been shot down and concluded that that was not proportionate. But you supported it though, right . You supported the strike initially . I first off, jake, i never talk about my discussions with the president of the United States. Okay, but it has been reported that you, bolton, pompeo all supported the strike. I think all of the National Security team around this president supported providing him the broadest range of options, including the use of military force. But the president s the one that makes the decision and as he indicated very late in the process he was given an estimate that just simply was unacceptable to him. 150. This is a president i think i hope that this is also a message to the iranian people. This is a president who hopes for the best for the people of iran. It was the United States back in 2009 in the midst of the green revolution that you remember, jake, that we stood with and spoke on behalf of the people of iran, establishment of freedom and democracy in iran. We saw a protest a year ago all across this country. I want to ask you about something you just said we want the best for the people of iran but we will stand up to the i atoll las and irans provocati provocation. You said that President Trump got that information late in the process and thats confusing to me and confusing to a defense official i spoke to who said any Time Military options are presented to the president , the potential casualty assessment, the battle assessment is one of the first things that the president would be told. President trump said yesterday that he got, quote, very odd numbers early on in terms of the assessment, the casualty assessment. What does that mean . And why would the president have only gotten the casualty numbers, as you put it, very late in the process . Well look, what i can tell you without talking about the details of those deliberations is that the president was provided with casualty assessments and a whole range of information. But only in the end . Relative to the military strikes really throughout but as the president indicated, late in the process there were more specific projections given to him relative to the targets that he was prepared to use force against and he concluded that it was not a proportionate response to shooting down an unmanned american aircraft. Also remember the president also had doubts as to whether or not the downing of our Unmanned Aircraft was actually authorized at the highest levels. I cant speak about intelligence that the United States has with regard to that, but you heard the president reflect openly. That it might have been a rogue were not convinced that it was authorized at the highest levels. The president put a regard for human life first. He also put on the table that we want better for the people of iran, but iran needs to understand that the United States of america will never allow them to obtain a usable Nuclear Weapon. This is the leading state sponsor of terrorism and the truth that the world has seen over the last 40 years is that the ayatollahs in iran have no regard for human life. They sow terrorism around the region, around the world. It is unacceptable that they would ever obtain a Nuclear Weapon as a threat to us or the rest of the world. Would the United States sit down with the irans with no preconditions to talk about continuing diplomatic relations and ending the iranian Nuclear Weapons program . I think the president s made it very clear that hes more than prepared. With no preconditions . To have discussions with no preconditions with the iranians. But the one precondition is thats a precondition. They need to give up the Nuclear Weapons. Thats a precondition though. We actually hear iran today beginning to talk about within days that theyre going to begin to enrich ur uranium. None of that is acceptable. The president often says that people need to understand this is not about oil. The attack on the tankers in the straits of a week ago, the United States, we get less than 10 of our oil from the persian gulf these days because, frankly, were one of the leading exporters of energy in the world. I want to get to immigration china, india, other countries depend on that region. This is about the safety and security of the United States. Right. Israel, our allies around the world and thats why we will never allow iran to obtain a Nuclear Weapon and well continue to bring economic, diplomatic pressure to bear and make it very clear that the United States military will defend our personnel. We will defend our interests in the region. Lets talk about immigration because President Trump is up and tweeting about that. Family deportations were set to begin in major u. S. Cities today. President trump tweeted yesterday that he would delay them, quote, to see if the democrats and republicans can get together and work out a solution to the asylum and loop hope problems at the southern border. What exactly does the president want to see in a deal that would prevent these deportations . Jake, we have a crisis on our southern border. Right. I was down there just a few short months ago. I was add a Detention Center. We are on track this year to have more than a Million People come into our country illegally. For the First Time Ever, the vast majority of them are people that are bringing minor children with them. I want to talk about that. There are people that are exploiting what are well known loopholes in our laws that say that if you arrive with a minor, you can only be detained for 20 days and after which youre essentially released into the country. Right, because of the florist decision. You know that 90plus percent of the people that apply for asylum in this country are denied. They actually dont have a climb for asylum. So the president took steps earlier this year, declared a national emergency. Were building the wall. What does he want wichanged with asylum laws . We want to end the days where people believe they can come into the country, make a claim of asylum from oppression or deprivation or violence in Central America or elsewhere and then be released into the country on their own recognizance only to vanish into the nation with now the president s efforts at enforcing our laws, 90 of the people never show up for their hearing in the months ahead. I dont think that number is accurate about 90 not showing up. I think a majority do show up. They all should show up. It should be 100 show up. Thats actually not true. People with a hearing scheduled six months, 18 months later, the overwhelming majority pl, plus , dont show up. People in Central America know this. Ive been to those countries known as the northern triangle. I have talked to the leaders of those countries on many occasions. Human traffickers are taking 5,000 cash per person to en ties people people to take Vulnerable Children on the long and dangerous journey. People are being hurt on both sides of the border. Lets talk about these kids. I want to talk about the kids. Thats why the president has continued to call on congress. He said lets give them another two weeks before we and lets pass legislation for the humanitarian aid. Lets reform our asylum laws and lets get additional humanitarian support so we can deal with the influx at the border. And that money is going through congress right now but over the last week Legal Advocates reported some horrific conditions for children at the border. At the same time the Trump Administration was actually arguing in court this week that the Trump Administration should not be obligated to give soap or toothbrushes or showers to children detained at the border. Take a listen to this clip of a Trump Administration lawyer before a judge. If you dont have a toothbrush, if you dont have soap, if you dont have a blanket, its not safe and sanitary. Wouldnt everybody agree to that . Do you agree to that . Well, i think its i think theres fair reason to find that those things may be part of not may be. Are a part. Arent toothbrushes and blankets and medicine, basic conditions for kids, arent they a part of how the United States of america, the Trump Administration, treats children . Of course they are, jake. The lawyer was arguing the opposite. I cant speak to what that lawyer was saying. Its one of the reasons we asked for more bed space when we were negotiating with congress. The supplemental no. When we were negotiating during the government shutdown. Democrats in congress refuse to expand the bed space and the capacity for us to detain people. But this is going on right now. Its one of the reasons why we continue to call on congress to give dhs, customs and Border Protection, Additional Resources at the border. This is the wealthiest nation in the world. We have money to give toothpaste and soap and blankets to these kids in el paso county. Of course we do. Why arent we . My point is its all a part of the appropriations process. Weve got to get to the root causes. Weve got to close the loopholes that human traffickers, as we speak, are using to entice vulnerable families to take the long and dangerous journey north. Im not taking issue with any of that. Im talking about the kids just listen jake, its also the reason why the president a few short weeks ago said that mexico needed to step up they did and they are. He was going to begin to impose 5 tariffs, escalating from there. I was in those negotiations on day one with the secretary of state, and now as we speak, mexico is sending 6,000 National Guard to their to the border, right, exa exactly, their southern border. For the First Time Ever they have agreed to allow all Asylum Seekers from Central America to remain in mexico while theyre being processed. Im talking about the kids in your custody right now. Just listen to this. This is the new yorker citing a team of lawyers who visited the facility. Heres the hard facts the conditions the lawyers found were shocking. Flu and lice outbreaks were untreated. Children were filthy, taking care of each other because of the lack of attention from guards. I know you. Youre a father. Youre a man of faith. You cant approve of that. Well, no american no american should approve of this mass influx of people coming across our border. It is overwhelming our system. How about how we are treating these children . As i said to you, i was at the Detention Center in nogales just a few short months ago. It is a heartbreaking scene. These are people who are being exploited by human traffickers who charge them 5,000 a person to entice them to take their Vulnerable Children now these kids are in our custody. And take the languaong an dangerous journey north. Now congress has to act. With mexico is doing on their southern border, with their agreement now to have 100 of Asylum Seekers from Central America remain in mexico, the truth is in the last ten days mexico has done more to secure our southern border than democra democrats in congress have done in the last ten years and that has to change. Okay, and im not disputing what youre saying there but i would say that im talking about the kids on our southern border right now, and you have the power right now to go back to the white house and say we need to make sure that these kids, first of all, that there are people taking care of them so its not 12yearolds taking care of 3yearolds, and second of all, that they have soap, toothbrushes, combs, were taking care so that they dont all get the flu. You know that. Jake, ive been down there. Head down there, go look around. Our customs and Border Protection personnel are dedicated men and women. They are doing their absolute level best every day. They literally i heard of the number of hospital runs that they make on any given day because people who take that long and dangerous journey north are often assaulted along the way. Young women are sexually assaulted along the way. It is horrific what is happening at our border and we know how to fix it. President trump has said we could fix this in 15 minutes if the democrats will sit down with us, close the loopholes, provide the resources we need to deal with the influx, but if we close the loopholes and send a clear message to our allies in the region, whether its mexico or guatemala or other nations, that the days of this porous border are over, we will end this crisis of illegal immigration, the flow at our border, and that along with Border Security will end this crisis. I think democrats would argue that they want to do a deal with President Trump but he hasnt shown any inclination. I want to say one thing i dont know where that would come from. This president , we have you said a second ago that 90 of the people who get detained dont show up for their Court Hearings and Justice Department data says its 60 to 70 but i want to ask you a question about Climate Change. The director of national intelligence, dan coats said that the Climate Emergency is, quote, likely to fuel competition for resources, economic distress and social discontent. Its a priority for the dni coats. The epa this week however rolled back part of president obamas Clean Power Plan letting states set their own limits for power plant emissions. Do you think human induced climate is a threat to the United States . I will tell you that we will always follow the science on that in this administration. The science says it is. What we wont do and the Clean Power Plan was all about that is hamstring energy in this country, raising the cost of utility rates for working families across this country while other nations like china and india do absolutely nothing or make illusory promises decades down the road to deal with it. With the advent of natural gas, with the natural gas thats developing, clean coal technology, were seeing a significant reduction of Carbon Emissions across the country. But is it a threat . Do you think its a threat, man made Climate Emergency is a threat . I think the answer to that is going to be based upon the science. The science says yes. Im asking what you say. Well, the science your own administration, noaa, the dni, they all say its a threat. Look, what the president has you wont for some reason. Weve said that we are not going to raise utility rates. Remember what president obama said . He said he had his Climate Change plan. He said its necessarily going to cause utility rates to sky rocket, and that would force us into these green technologies. Now you got democrats all r running for president that are running on a Green New Deal that would break this economy. You dont think its a threat . I think were making great progress reducing Carbon Emissions. America has the cleanest air and water in the world. We continue to use thats not true. We dont have the cleanest air and water in the world. We dont. I think we do. You get back to me with statistics. Were making progress on reducing Carbon Emissions, doing it through technology, through natural gas, through continuing to support just rolled back all this turning to nuclear energy, clean energy. The answer is not to raise it is utility rates. You and the president launched a reelection bid on tuesday for 2020. We did. If foreigners, russia, china, offers Campaign Information on your democratic opponents, should people in your campaign accept it or call the fbi . I think were very clear that well call the fbi on this. Okay. Well, the president wasnt clear about it but you are. I take issue with that. He said he would do both. He said he would hear what they said and then thats not calling the fbi. He said he would call the fbi in clear and subsequent comments that he would call the fbi. This administration, im very proud of what weve done to confront foreign interference in our elections. We had a good midterm election. You lost the house. I can tell you that the fbi worked very aggressively. Well, im talking about interference. Got it. I think were going to win it back. But the fbi worked with state Election Officials all around the country, but were going to continue to lean into this to protect the integrity of our elections. Let me say, we had a great night at that kickoff. You had a fun time. Tuesday night in orlando, about 20,000 people, millions watching around the country. A lot of big fans there. Last question for you, sir, President Trump was asked recently about the next president ial election in 2024. Take a listen. If mike pence runs for president in 2024, does he have your automatic endorsement . Well, its far too look, i love mike. Were running again but youre talking about a long time. So you cant put me in that position. But i certainly would give it very strong consideration. Whats your reaction when the president said that . Its the greatest honor of my life to serve as Vice President to this president , and im incredibly honored that he asked me to run with him again in 2020. And what i can tell you is that statement reflects and i reflect the fact that the only election he and i are focused on is 2020. When you look at the progress that weve made in this country, 6 million new jobs created, manufacturing jobs, 500,000 across this country. Weve rebuilt our military. America is standing tall in the world again. More than 114 conservatives confirmed to our federal courts, two Supreme Court justices. Weve made great progress building a wall on our southern border. Well have 400 miles of wall done by next year. Criminal justice reform, right to try. Weve made incredible progress and i cant wait to get out on the campaign trail and tell that story all across this country and help to see this president reelected in 2020, and thats all were thinking about. We are very honored that you came here this morning. Dont let it be another two and a half years until the next time we get to talk to you. Its always a pleasure and please send our best to your family, especially of course your son who is in the u. S. Marines. We appreciate his service. Thank you, jake. After the president decided not to bomb iran last week, democrats found themselves doing something unusual, praising him. Adam schiff joints me to respond. Plus two president ial candidates made their pitches to voters in South Carolina this weekend. Well talk to one of them. Thats next. Medium, 1topping pizzas for just 6. 99 each. Because it takes two. To make a great everyday value. Every store. Every day. The italian way. Hello primo. 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When President Trump decided to call off a strike against iran last week, the political comments may have come as somewhat of a surprise. Top democrats applauded it. Joining me now, congressman adam schiff. Good to see you. You said you were good President Trump called off the iran strike and it would have been disproportionate. Mike vickers says that the white house needs to respond with its own strikes against air Defense Systems and military bases or the iranians will be more embolden emboldened. Is vickers wrong . I think he is wrong. I think this would have been a disproportionate strike. It certainly was not authorized by congress and would likely have escalated the situation and led to potentially grave miscalculation and outright warfare with iran. So it could have been disastrous consequences. I do think there should be a response to the downing of this drone and to the attacks on the shipping but this is an attack on the international community, on the international right of free navigation. It ought to be an international response. It shouldnt be the u. S. Acting alone. And i also think we need to look beyond what would be the appropriate response . I think the appropriate response is to work with our allies to protect the freedom of navigation. There are a number of ways that we could do that, but i also think we need to provide some diplomatic off ramp to this escalation of tit for tat that could lead us into war. I really think we have to look beyond the last 24 to 48 hours and consider the last 24 months where we walked out of this agreement that iran was complying with. We urged europe to do the same. We increased sanctions and did everything we could to deprive iran of economic benefit of staying in the deal and now others express surprise that iran would go back to enriching. It would be surprising if they didnt. It is the foreseeable consequence of the last two years of us heading into this dead end where we either go to war with iran or we have a nuclear iran. This was exactly what the jcpoa was designed to prevent. So, yes, the president made the right lastminute decision but frankly the leadup to that over the last two years has been disastro disastrous. Let me ask you, President Trump tweeted yesterday that hes going to delay plans for these i. C. E. Mass depour tagss to allow congress to, quote, get together and work out a solution at the southern border. Are you open to negotiations on this to avoid those deportations two weeks from now . Weve always been open to negotiations and in fact, we have been negotiating and there is a bipartisan package in the senate of some emergency supplemental relief to try to provide assistance. But make no mistake, there is nothing that congress is doing or not doing that kpecompels Th Administration to have facilities where children dont have blankets or tooth brushes or soap and for the Vice President or the president to blame congress for their own mall fee assistance is besides the point and unethical and unacceptable. They could cure this problem today but they dont want to because frankly the cruelty is part of their policy. Its part of what they think will deter migrants from coming here. Its part of what they think will motivate the congress to build a wall and to use these children that way is i think immoral. I wonder what you thought about congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez referring to the Detention Centers at the border, some of which do have horrific conditions, she referred to them as concentration camps earlier this week. Did you think that was an appropriate description . Thats certainly not the terminology that i would use. Look, these are abysmal Detention Centers and theres nothing praise worthy about them in any way, but i think analogies to the nazi concentration camps are always fraught and i think they should not be used except with great care. So its certainly not the terminology i would use but lets not let that distract us from these terrible conditions that are going on that you described and to have Trump Lawyers in court saying that this is perfectly acceptable and these conditions are fine, id like to see those Trump Lawyers or people in the cabinet spend a week in one of these facilities sleeping on a concrete floor with an aluminum blanket and see whether they think thats so consistent with american values. Lets turn to the growing calls for the impeachment of President Trump. At least 75 House Democrats, now nearly a third of your caucus, support launching an impeachment inquiry. The third ranking House Democrat jim clyburn told me earlier this month he believes President Trump will eventually face impeachment proceedings. Do you agree . I dont know the answer, jake. Certainly the administration and the president seem to be doing everything they can to push us into an impeachment, and we may get there. We may get there. At this point, as you say, a third of our caucus is there and twothirds is not there. What would get me to that point is if we get to a final Court Decision compelling the administration to provide testimony and documents and they still refuse, then i think were in a full blown constitutional crisis that would compel that kind of remedy. I may get there before that point, jake, so i continue to listen to people that i respect greatly within our caucus, constitutional lawyers like larry tribe and others and weigh this i think every day and have continuing discussions with the speaker about it. But at this point im not prepared to recommend it. You said this week that robert mueller, the special counsel, needs to testify by august. You still have not subpoenaed him despite calling for voluntary testimony since april. Muellers made it pretty clear hes not going to come before you guys willingly. Are you going to subpoena him, and if so, when . We have been in private discussions with the special counsels office. Its not clear that he will refuse to come in voluntarily. We are negotiating what the conditions of that appearance might be, but yes, we are running out of time. Its my hope that well reach a final conclusion, either hes going to come in voluntarily or were going to have to subpoena him. I hope that well reach that decision this week because we want to have him come in during july and i think thats going to be the case, jake, whether its voluntarily or involuntary by subpoena. Chairman adam schiff, always an honor to have you here. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you, jake. Lets go to a 2020 democratic president ial candidate who has made immigration a key part of his message to voters. Joining me former hud secretary Julian Castro. Secretary castro, thanks for joining us. Former Vice President biden, the frontrunner in your party, defended his controversial remarks touting his ability to work with segregationist senators yesterday, including his comments about one of those segregationists calling him son, not boy, boy obviously a racially charged phrase. Biden said his use of boy, quote, wasnt said in any of that context at all. What do you make of this controversy . Well, you know, i havent spent much time on the campaign trail addressing what other people are saying. What ive been trying to do is introduce myself to the american people, and thats what i intend to do on wednesday night at the debate. I did say a couple of days ago that i would not have spoken in that way about the relationship without putting it in more context and so i definitely understand how people were offended by that given where we are in 2019 and the pain that people like senator eastland created through their actions and through their comfort in the United States senate and their privilege. I understand it completely and my hope is that in this campaign all of us can focus on what were going to do to make sure that we make progress in this country because we still are not to the point where people are judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. Lets turn to immigration which is a major part of your campaign platform. President trump tweeted out that hes going to delay his plans for deportations across the United States to allow congress to, quote, get together and work out a solution to the asylum and loophole problems at the southern border. Should democrats be willing to come to the table and negotiate with the president . This is a mess that this administration has created itself through this family separation policy and people have been reading these last couple of days about the horrendous conditions in these migrant detention facilities. Theyve been reading about children that dont have soap. They dont have a toothbrush. Theyre sleeping on cold concrete floors with an aluminum blanket, aluminum color blanket. This is not how the United States of america should treat people, and folks will remember that not too long ago this president magically, suddenly moved mountains to find billions of dollars to build a wall. And now theyre suggesting that they cant find money for soap and toothbrushes for these children . Do people understand how ridiculous that is . They can get a billion dollars for a wall out of nowhere but cant afford soap and tooth brushes for children . It doesnt make sense. I take your point. This is another example of the tremendous disaster that this administration has been on this issue of immigration. I have my own plan that represents a completely different vision that would be smarter, more humane and more effective in how we deal with this situation. The department of Homeland Security says that theres a 4. 6 billion that they need to help with these conditions for children. I think 3 of the 4. 6, 3 billion goes to the health and Human Services department for accommodations for children. Do you support passing that money as soon as possible to help alleviate the conditions for children . What they should do is stop separating families. I want to go to a point that the Vice President made which was he suggested that over 90 of people who are applying for asylum dont show up to their Court Hearings and you challenged him on that. Actually, that is not correct. In fact, between 2013 and 2017 more than 90 of people actually did show up. I think its 60 to 70 but i did correct him. But im just asking about the money though. I wouldnt give them a dime to continue to treat children this way. I believe that they should end family separation. I understand that there are parts of the government and parts of the government in that division of it that need to continue to operate, but i dont believe that this policy of separating children from their families is a humane one. I dont think that it makes any sense, and so i would not fund more capacity for that. But some of these children coming across the border are unaccompanied when theyre picked up. Im afraid i dont really understand the logic. If you think the conditions of these facilities for children are horrible, which they are and you heard me press the Vice President about it, if hhs needs 3 billion more dollars to improve the conditions to build more housing, wouldnt that alleviate it . Youre talking about not giving one more dime and it doesnt make any sense to me. I wouldnt give them one more dime for these types of conditions. I dont have confidence that if you give them more money right now if they have a plan to actually have different conditions i think they do. Better conditions for these i dont think they do, jake. What is their plan . He didnt tell you one single word about a different plan for how theyre going to treat these children. If you go back through your interview a second ago, what was his plan for how theyre going to treat them differently . If theyre going to treat them differently and theyre going to sleep and be able to live under different, better conditions, thats one thing. But i dont know that thats what theyre proposinproposing. They havent put forward the plan for how anything is going to be different other than that these children are still going to be sleeping on concrete floors and they wont even commit in court to provide soap and toothbrushes, so do i want to fund that . No, i dont. Would i fund something thats completely different from that . In fact, i think what we should do is that we should accelerate or if a child comes here and he or she does not have a parent with them, theyre unaccompanied, then we should accelerate their placement with a family or caregiver instead of holding them as long as we have in these facilities. I agree with you that the Vice President didnt offer it but i think hhs and dhs have offered more outlines of what theyre talking about in terms of housing. I take your point that the Vice President didnt. I asked your fellow texan, beto orourke, last week about your plan to decriminalize illegal border crosses. Beto orourke said he disagreed and said there needs to be a Legal Mechanism so that authorities can charge suspected human traffickers and drug smugglers. Whats your response . We already have another Legal Mechanism to do that. Im talking about repealing section 1325 of the immigration and nationality act which simply refers to people who cross the border and between 1929 and the early 2000s, we treated it as a civil violation. This is not something radical. This is the way that we used to treat it. If somebody comes here and they are doing Human Trafficking or drug trafficking, we have laws that we can charge them with. Im not suggesting that we let those people off the hook. What im suggesting is that somebody comes here, theyre undocumented, theyre not committing a crime like Human Trafficking or drug trafficking, then that should be treated as a civil violation. So im disappointed in congressman orourkes stance because the only way that were going to effectively make sure that were not separating little children from their families is to repeal section 1325. As soon as we started treating that as something that we would incarcerate people for is when a lot of these people multiplied. So i would absolutely go back to the way that we used to treat this, and i believe that that would be more effective, smarter and more humane. Also an honor to have you here, former hud secretary and 2020 democratic president ial candidate, Julian Castro, thank you so much. Good to join you. Last night former Vice President joe biden responded to the latest Campaign Controversy but some of his 2020 opponents say he did not go far enough. Thats next. Thats the beauty of your smile. Bring out the best in it with crest 3d white. Crest removes 95 of surface stains. In just three days. Not this john smith. Or this john smith. Or any of the other hundreds of john smiths that are humana Medicare Advantage members. No, its this john smith. Who we paired with a humana team member to help address his own specific health needs. At humana, we take a personal approach to your health, to provide care thats just as unique as you are. No matter what your name is. 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First of all, not only are you from the great state of South Carolina, we should also point out that you have endorsed one of the candidates, kamala harris. What was your impression of the state of the race there . Biden obviously leading in the latest polls in that state and nationwide. First of all, friday night was an amazing night. You had all the candidates there, their first foray into the south where you could meet all the candidates and they were exposed to what is the base of the Democratic Party which is the majority of the democratic voters which will choose the nominee in South Carolina. 60 . When we say that we have to explain it because after South Carolina you have north carolina, vachlts vachirginia, arkansas, mississippi on super tuesday. I always say my mom and her friends, black women voters, will be choosing the nominee. All the candidates did extremely well. Betos performance was amazing, getting rave reviews, coreys energy. The Vice President , what you notice is he does have support. His support is wide, its not necessarily deep. People are giving him a pass for now. Hes earned that but we dont know how long thats going to last. That reminds me, actually, congresswoman, of the fact that in 2007, 2008 black voters in South Carolina were firmly behind Hillary Clinton until barack obama won iowa. Then when a viable candidate emerged, obama ended up winning South Carolina. Do you agree that bidens support is wide but not deep . I do. Hes got name recognition, people sort of associate him with barack obama but i think as you go forward that is going to shift. Some of it is based on how people think about viability and theyre being told that hes the most viable candidate. Theyre buying it for now but if he continues to it depends on what happens, how the other candidates do, but also how he does. I think all of that will add up. It will be a cumulative effect and there could be a Tipping Point at some point where hes not seen as the viable candidate anymore. Congressman, as somebody who wants trump to win in 2020, who scare you the most of the democrats . At this point its kind of grab your popcorn and watch this play out. I think the congresswoman is right in that right now theres a lot of name i. D. For former Vice President biden. Theres this kind of builtin viability but were going to see the fiknives come out. I think you saw the first blow from senator booker this week and that is only going to get tougher. I think at this point its as we say in the military, lay low in the grass and watch this unfold. What do you think . Youve been bullish on Elizabeth Warren which is interesting because youre a conservative. Yeah, just because i think shes more prepared than many of the candidates and she has persisted in a way we didnt expect. But i do think a lot of republicans are scratching their heads this week about the comments from booker against Vice President joe biden. Joe biden was Barack Obamas Vice President. How come none of this came out during the obama years . Because a lot of republicans suspect these kind of comments are weaponized against people when its politically convenient. I think this could get very ugly and if the democrats didnt want this to become an ugly racial debate, these issues deserve a dialogue, not a debate. I dont think its helpful for the country to have senator booker and biden calling each other to apologize. They should sit down and talk about it because i have a lot of questions about how you handle things like reparations, Police Shootings and all these things that are going on in the Democratic Party. I think it would be much more helpful for the country to have these discussed in a rational way rather than debate it. One of the things that biden was answering questions about was he was regarding his relationship with a former segregationist democrat, he talked about, well, he never called me boy, he called me son. A lot of africanamericans, especially cory booker i think, took issue with that because the idea is, well, he would never call you boy, youre white, so youre part of the club. Here is biden talking about that yesterday. I do understand the consequence of the word boy, but it wasnt said in any of that context at all. To the extent that anybody thought that i meant something different, that is not what i intended. It would be wrong for anybody to intend that. Good enough for you . Yeah, but no one is calling joe biden a xenophobe or a bigot. This debate is actually fracturing along generational lines but its time to turn the page. The thing that goes to his electability is that no one asked him this. No one asked him about Strom Thurmond but he invokes these times where he wants to go back there. We are not a monolithic people but this is not an issue about race as much as it is an issue about pain. We do not want to go back to the point where we were inflicted pain by our government from both the democratic and republican party. We want to go to a time where were looking forward, and joe biden has to understand that. Talk about how youre going to unwind the damage that was done with the 86, 88 and 94 crime bill. Lets not invoke someone that you opposed bussing to help integration with. One of the things about pain that i want to bring up is mayor of south bend, pete buttigieg, did not go to the fish fry in South Carolina because there was a Police Shooting in his city. He headed back, and it was an individual who was africanamerican who was shot and killed by a police officer. Take a listen to this confrontation between a Community Member in south bend, indiana and mayor buttigieg. Youre running for president and you want black people to vote for you, thats not going to happen. Im not asking for your vote. Its time for you to do something. If you cant do it, [bleep]. Im tired of talking now. Im tired of hearing your lies. A lot of pain there. Theres a lot of pain and i think this goes to the point of there has been a lot of work done and some of it legislative but a lot of it Movement Work done to really lift the injustices of a very long time in the history of this country. Anybody that wants to run for president i think on either side frankly has to recognize what that pain was and the fact that we are now in a different time but not over the hill. Just because we elected a black man president doesnt mean we got rid of institutionalized racism. That is still very much the case today, whether you look at housing, education, any issue that matters really across the country. We have got to address this issue of institutionalized racism and all of the pain that has existed that causes people not to trust when somebody says we want to go he didnt say we want to go back but he said that was a time of civility. Well, if civility masks deep racist policy, then we dont want to go back there. Thats not the kind of civility we want. So i think joe biden and every candidate frankly has to make sure they are talking about the reality of the situation were in and then the progress that we want to make. The problem joe biden has is that this is his benefit too. He has name i. D. Hes done some very, very good things. But hes also worked in these times that are very different. I think frankly he should just say that and move on because i think if he keeps trying to deny it, i think that just feeds into this idea that, wait a second, you dont get everything weve worked for all these years and all the changes weve made. I want to change the topic if i can to the president s move to delay these i. C. E. Deportations that he was going to order, carried out today, and asking for democrats to work with him. What did you make of it all, congressman . I think it was a good move for the delay while were in the midst of trying to pass a 4. 5 billion border supplemental package that is most of it for humanitarian aid. Most of it is for hhs which is humanitarian which will get at some of these problems and what they call influx Detention Centers. We have to remember that its actually hhs who runs these longerterm facilities. For the kids, yes. For the kids. Not dha, not i. C. E. , not dbp. We need to get it through the house. At the end of the day the president has been clear since this campaign, if you have received a deportation order, that is the law of the land and that needs to be fully enforced. I want to bring in amanda and ask you, if you listen to castro and pence, its two people that i cant imagine ever coming to any agreement on this issue. Well, look at the events this week. Aoc called it a concentration camp. I think it should be called Camp Congress or camp gridlock. This is the price that babies and children are paying when congress and the white house cant get together to give them a gosh darn toothbrush. We have to go. Thank you so much everybody. I agree. Lock us in the room. Lets get it done. Tonight were going to take you to one of humanities greatest achievements, apollo 11, a cnn film on tonight. Take a look. We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon and do the other things, not because they are easy but because we are hard. Ignition sequence starts. 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