Fair trade . President trump hits u. S. Allies with steep tariffs on steel and aluminum. I love canada. I love mexico but they take advantage of us economically. And sparks threats of retaliation. These tariffs are totally unacceptable. Is the president risking a trade war . Canadian minister of Foreign Affairs will be here. Hello im dana bash in washington in for jake tapper. The state of our union here is debating executive power. We are getting a new look inside President Trumps legal strategy against the russia investigation in a confidential 20page letter obtained by the New York Times President Trumps lawyers argue that the president cannot be compelled to testify in the russia probe and they say he has full authority over all federal investigations. The letter was submitted to the special counsels team by the president s lawyers in january. It asserts in striking language that the president has sweeping power saying by virtue o his office the president quote could neither constitutionally nor legally constitute obstruction because that would amount to him obstructing himself and that he could if he wished terminate the inquiry or exercise his power to pardon if he so desired. In an interview Rudy Giuliani said that the president probably does have the power to pardon himself but has no intention of doing it. The letter confirms for the first time that President Trump dictated the misleading statement about the meeting donald trump jr. Held in trump tower with the russian lawyer in june of 2016. That admission directly contradicts numerous statements from the president s lawyer, White House Press secretary Sarah Huckabee sanders both saying the president was not involved. I want to go to the u. S. Attorney who was fired by the president last year. Thanks for joining me this morning. I want to start with the news that the president actually did dictate the statement on the trump tower meeting. Does this put the president or Anyone Around him in legal jeopardy . We sit here on television and pick up on little bits of information and the fact of a particular meeting or particular statement or particular report. I dont think anyone of those things makes a clear cut case on obstruction or some crime related to collusion. Taken in combination i think it makes a difference. I think the important thing as you pointed out at the top of the show is you have the lawyer of the president of the United States and you have Rudy Giuliani do this basically lie to the American People repeatedly. I dont quite understand it. Ceculo said time and time again and Sarah Huckabee sanders did the same thing and said in no uncertain terms, they said the president had nothing to do with that statement by donald trump jr. And didnt draft it, didnt sign off on it and it turns out that is completely untrue. If you are going to take the position about executive authority that the president is in a special position i think the lawyers to the president have a special responsibility not to come on television and lie. Ets talk about the sweeping power. It does lay out the president s power over department of justice the constitution leaves no question that the president has exclusive authority over the ultimate conduct and disposition of all criminal investigations and over those executive Branch Officials responsible for conducting those investigations. The president s lawyers are arguing that he can do whatever he wants with these investigations. Do you see the law that way . I think most people think that the president is in a special position. That letter which i have read and it is a long letter, but it says in lip service at one point the president is not above the law but most of the letter suggests that he is. The interesting thing about it is usually in communications with opposing counsel defense lawyers will take extreme positions because that is their bargaining spot in connect with the back and forth process. Its not crazy and not unique that these folks are taking a very, very, very sort of broad position. Defense lawyers do that all the time. The difference here is they are taking this position on behalf of the president of the United States and all the public statements and actions in connection both with pardons and assertions with his own power seem to jive with his own view. One thing i think legal experts have been talking about is the letter spends a long time about a particular obstruction statute and they dont discuss the more relevant and more recent statute 1512. There are a lot of problems with the legal argument. They cite the wrong statute. Lets focus on the big picture as you mentioned. Just generally they say in this letter that the president , a president cannot obstruct justice because he is the president. Is that right . Is that a common view in legal thinking and among legal experts . It doesnt come up that often. It comes up almost never. One of the central questions related to your question of whether or not the president can be subpoenaed for testimony is basically untested. The last time that happened and came to the forewas in 1998. As everyone knows the independent council had to come and testify in response to a subpoena. They had a legal wrangling about that as often happens when there is expanse of executive authority and they negotiated something and the president at the time came in voluntarily. Something like that can happen here. Rudy giuliani said directly into the Television Cameras in 1998 when it was helpful to him given his political view that a president absolutely must comply with a subpoena to testify. I think the view is overly expansive and overly broad. I think the other thing this indicates is this is not ultimately going to be decided by bob mueller. It will be a court or congress. One other thing on this letter you talked about Rudy Giuliani. He also just said moments ago that he agrees that president probably does have the power to pardon himself though he added he doesnt this can the president will do that. What is your take . I think it would be outrageous for a sitting president of the United States. I think the president decided he was going to pardon himself i think it is almost selfexecuting impeachment. Whether or not there is an argument that is not what the framers could have intended. The second thing is when Rudy Giuliani says and i hate to keep harping on this point, rudy keeps coming up with things that end up being false. When he says the president is not contemplating something i have no faith in that whatsoever. Lets turn to the pardon that the president exercised this week. Another controversial case. He pardoned conservative after his guilty plea for Illegal Campaign contribution in 2014. You were the prosecutor on that case. The president says he pardoned because he was treated unfairly. What is your reaction to that . I was u. S. Attorney at the time. Career prosecutors who brought this garden variety case in connection with using straw donors illegally to contribute to a political campaign. We had about 1,000 more important cases. He admitted his guilt in a guilty plea before the court. Said he regretted the action. His lawyer who is no slouch and is about as aggressive a lawyer as there is literally said in court we have no defense, your honor. The questions about whether or not he was treated unfairly was litigated in the court. The judge listened to the arguments about that and said it was all hat, no cattle. There was no evidence of that whatsoever. We prosecuted more people for that precise crime who are democrats and not republicans. He semz to think that the world revolves around him. Lets talk about the noise he is making. A lot of that noise is aimed personally at you. I want to read one of his tweets about you. He said karma is a bitch department. Then he got fired and i got pardoned. Your response . Charming, isnt it . I dont have any other response other than to say he was prosecuted fairly. No one takes into account someones ethnicity or background. We prosecute based on facts in the law. There was overwhelming evidence. He can whine and gloat. We had a lot of important cases in the office. Career people did their job and that is what they are supposed to do. Lets talk about the idea of pardoning. This isnt the first time that President Trump pardoned one of his political al ilies. How do you read the tea leaves here . Do you think the president is trying to send them a message . I dont know if he is trying to send a message but they are clearly getting a message. One of his former associates said he has gotten the message loud and clear. Part of the problem here is it is a process you are supposed to follow. It is true that the president has broad authority. Generally speaking so people understand that that power is being exercised fairly and on the merits and not because of whim or spite or partisan advantage you go through the pardoning attorney and get the opinions of the people who engage in the prosecution and talk to the judge and then the president can choose to disregard it by now pardoning a number of people who are his political allies and whose pardons will please some segment of his base. I think he is making it very clear whether he is sending a message or not making it clear he is prepared to pardon anyone for any reason without any review. It was suggested that he reviewed the case. I dont think donald trump did anything of the sort. He decides in the moment to take a Political Action and that is what he did in this case. I think he is going to keep doing it. One last question aside from the signal he might be sending, the pardons that he is making just happen to be cases prosecuted by people like you, not his best friend and others who he is sort of at political odds with. Do you think he is potentially undoing cases that people like you tried successfully . As referred to the suggestion he made that he might pardon Martha Stewart and rob blagojevich. You are supposed to pardon someone because they deserve to be pardoned. The power can be taken away by the American People in the future. If you abuse the pardoning power there becomes a point where congress can take that away. Thank you so much for joining me this morning. Appreciate it. Anger and threats of retaliation as concerns about a trade war escalate. Has the president damaged the relationship with one of americas closest allies . Prominent republicans are speaking out saying their party is now dormant. Has the gop lost its way or is it just the new party of donald trump . House Majority Leader Kevin Mccarthy is here next. As a control enthusiast, im allbusiness when i travel. Even when i travel. For leisure. So i go national, where i can choose any available upgrade in the aisle without starting any conversations or paying any upcharges. What can i say . Control suits me. Go national. Go like a pro. Looking for a hotel that fits. Whoooo. Your budget . Tripadvisor now searches over. 200 sites to find you the. Hotel you want at the lowest price. Grazi, gino find a price that fits. Tripadvisor. 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He tweeted i am working with like minded republican senators on ways to push back on the president using authorities in ways never intended and that are damaging to our country and our allies. Will Democrats Join us . This as former republican speaker of the house john boehner and ohios Governor John Kasich say their party has been taken over by trump. Joining me now from his home state of california house Majority Leader Kevin Mccarthy. Thank you for joining me this morning. I want to start with the news about this letter that the president s lawyers wrote to the special counsel back in january. His legal team admits that the president himself dictated that statement on the trump tower meeting. This is what the letter says. The president dictated a short but accurate response to the New York Times article on behalf of his son donald trump jr. Thats a direct contradiction to what the white house said last year. Take a listen. That was written by donald trump jr. And im sure with his lawyer. That wasnt written by the president. The president did not sign off on anything and did not issue the statement. It came from donald trump jr. Sgrm he didnt dictate. He weighed in and offered suggestion like any father would do. Are you bothered by the fact that the white house lied about the president s involvement here . Dana, first of all, thank you for having me. Look, the one thing i have found, this has gone on for more than a year. Millions of dollars has been spent. The white house has been cooperating all the way through. This was all based upon was there collusion involved in the election. Everyone looked at this and said there is no collusion Going Forward. Those are the talking points. This is a specific question. Are you concerned that the white house you heard the sound bytes and saw the statement from his own lawyers. They lied. Does that concern you . They can go on with the investigation. What i am concerned most about was there any collusion . There was no collusion. This has gone on for more than a year and investigated in so many different manners. What i am really concerned about is look at what our economic numbers are. Look at north koreas meeting going through and trade discussions we are having. This is the number one question we are following through. Let them walk through their investigation. If there is no collusion. You dont want to answer the question about the lies. We will talk about the economy in a second. Let me talk about what the president s legal team asserted in the letter. That is that the president cant be subpoenaed to testify. He cant commit obstruction of justice for firing d. O. J. Officials and can shut down the russia investigation if he chooses to do so. It sounds like his legal team thinks he is above the law doesnt see the rule of law the way others do. How do you view the statements . That is the action of the legal team moving forward. Lets look at the action at what the white house has done. The president said lets get to the bottom of this. We have spent millions of dollars and investigated it in the house. We have investigated it in the senate. We are looking for is there any collusion and there has been no collusion. The legal teams can argue about what they can and cannot do. One thing i found is that the white house has been cooperating. That might be fair that the legal team can make the argument. You can be the next speaker of the house. That is a constitutional role. The constitution has if credible oversight responsibility in you and house of representatives. Your opinion matters here. Does the president , any president have the sweeping powers that his legal team argues he has . I think the Supreme Court can make the argument that the constitution says the only thing within here that the house says is about impeachment. What the argument Going Forward is was there collusion going through . That is what the house and senate looked at. If you talk to republicans and democrats they found no collusion in the process. I think the Supreme Court if you look back to what clinton would argue in the process i think it is still vague. I think you can have a legal ruling. Every day in court both sides make arguments about what the determination is. One more question about checks and balances. The president s lawyers in the letter that they wrote talked about broad Pardon Authority. He used some of this Pardon Authority this week. He pardoned conservative film maker. Take the name donald trump out of this and put the name Hillary Clinton in or barack obama, if a democratic president started pardoning political allies you would go bonkers. We are hearing crickets from republicans now. What happened to checks and balances . Its exactly what checks and balances are. The president has the power of the pardon just as he pardoned a boxer because he was africanamerican was put illegally because he married a white woman. Did you talk about that pardon . We did. The president has the power to pardon. That is part of the process of checks and balances and also part of checks and balances. That is why the house looked at was there collusion in the process. This is about pardoning his political allies. This isnt about russia. Is that the basis why the president pardoned . That would be a question for the president. Does the president have the power to pardon just as president s before them pardoned individuals. The question is clear. The president does have the power to pardon. Do you think he has the power to pardon himself . What do you think . I dont believe that would be a legal question. The president is not saying he is going to pardon himself. The president never said he pardoned himself. I dont think a president should pardon themselves. The only reason i ask is because it was brought up by his legal team in the letter. Lets move on to what your former speaker of the house john boehner said this week. Take a listen. There is no Republican Party. There is a trump party. Republican party is kind of a taking a nap somewhere. You worked very closely with john boehner. There is no doubt that the Republican Party has changed over the years. Do you think it has changed for the better . I dont think it changed for the better. Lets look at the facts. We are at 3. 8 unemployment. This ties a 50year low in america. Africanamerican and women are at the lowest in unemployment. Unemployment claims are at a 44year low. G. I. Bill is no longer 15 years or you lose it. It is now for a lifetime. Human trafficking, modern day slavery, we eliminated the process where it comes to online where 70 of that is being used. 70 different bills when it comes to opioids, rebuilding the military. One thing we never talked about come june 12 north korea is sitting down talking about dismantling their nuclear weapons. You know what . Im proud of this Republican Party. Im proud of what we have been able to achieve. 2 million more jobs in america. Yes, we are working hard exactly what we said we would do. That is a proud Republican Party. That is a party that stems on principles and part of what we ran on and part of what we said we would do and we are accomplishing it. You talked about the accomplishments rightly so including the economy. It is humming. That should be really good news for you heading into novembers election. A lot of republican colleagues are worried about a potential trade war over the steel and aluminum tariffs that the president is putting in place that they can hurt your constituents and make voters upset. Is the president making a mistake that could jeopardize the House Majority . Lets look at the facts. I disagree with trade wars. I dont think anybody wins a trade war. We are not in a trade war. Not yet, but is the president pushing us to head that way . He is not. We are in a trade discussion to renegotiate nafta. We have renegotiated a trade deal with south korea that makes america a little stronger. If we build a car in America Today and it goes to china it gets a 25 tariff. If it goes to the eu it gets a 10 tariff. If they send cars to us it is 2. 5. What i think is happening here just as republicans said we believe in free trade but we believe in fair trade. The president is standing up. Think about every country around the world would agree with us even the eu that is whyy issued the complaint against china on the theft of i. P. We are in the middle of a trade discussion. Nobody wants to be in a trade war. Nobody wins a trade war. We are standing up for the process where we have fair trade. If you are talking about canada look what they do when it comes to our dairy products. Our wine cannot sit on their supermarkets. I think this is a discussion trying to finalize the nafta agreement going through on renegotiations and you are just in the middle of it. Mr. Leader, thank you so much for joining me at that early hour out in california. I really appreciate it. Thank you. As you just heard President Trump is preparing to visit canada after blaming the country for unfair trade practices. The canadian Prime Minister says new tariffs are insulting and unacceptable. Should President Trump expect a warm welcome . We will ask the Canadian Foreign minister up next. Thethe more you know theme, commute is worth it. For all the work you pour into this place, you sure get a lot more out of it. You and that john deere tractor. So versatile, you can keep dreaming up projects all the way home. Its a longer drive. But just like a john deere, its worth it. Nothing runs like a deere. Now you can own a 1e subcompact tractor for just 99 dollars a month. 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Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. Welcome back to state of the union. Long time u. S. Allies are lashing out and threatening retaliation at President Trump defends his move. In a flurry of tweets on saturday the president said the u. S. Cant lose a trade war and said unfair trade can no longer be tolerated. This as the Prime Minister of canada Justin Trudeau arguing the move marks a turning point in the relationship between the two nations. Here now to discuss is the canadian minister of Foreign Affairs. Thank you so much for joining me. Lets start out with what your Prime Minister said, very, very harsh discussions, harsh words this past week saying that there is a turning point now in the canadian u. S. Relationship. What does that mean . Well, first of all, it is very nice to be with you. Thank you for the invitation. I stood beside the Prime Minister when he made those statements and they were strong statements because i think what it is important for americans to understand is the justification under your rules for the imposition of these tariffs was a National Security consideration. So what you are saying to us and to all of your nato allies is that we somehow represent a National Security threat to the United States. And i would just say to all of canadas american friends and there are so many, seriously, do you really believe that canada, that your nato allies represent a National Security threat to you . That is why the Prime Minister said it is frankly insulting. When Ronald Reagan visited canada he said we are more than friends and neighbors and allies, we are kin who together have built the most productive relationship between any two countries in the world. That was Ronald Reagan. That is how canadians feel. This is a really sad time for us. We are hurt and we are insulted. You mention said the fact that the Trump Administration is defending the tariffs citing National Security concerns. The reliance on steel from other countries limits the u. S. Ability to produce military equipment should the need arise. Americas first Homeland Security secretary tom ridge wrote in an oped to rely upon foreign producers to provide for our domestic and military infrastructure amid such uncertainty is short sighted and impedes our ability. Steel capacity is not something that can be replaced at the snap of a finger should allies become unreliable. By way of context tom ridge is no huge fan of donald trump. I think what he and others are arguing is not so much that they see canada as a Security Risk but that the United States has to be more selfreliant. What i would say there is this is an unprecedented use of National Security consideration under which tariffs are being leveed. As a matter of u. S. Law canada is considered a part of the nalsh defenn National Defense industrial base. We have been working together for 150 years. When jim mattis unveiled the Defense Strategy secretary of defense said something really powerful which is that history proves that nations with allies thrive. That is 100 true. So i would just really say to our closest allies in the world you, the United States, please think hard about the message you are sending to your closest allies. In the response to the decision you announced a series of retaliatory tariffs not only steel but coffee, whiskey, table cloths. You called it the strongest trade action canada has taken. Are the u. S. And canada in a trade war . I prefer not to use that kind of mill terroriitary language w talking about trade. It is perfectly reciprocal and balanced so these will be this will be a dollar for dollar retaliation. Our action is legal under wto rules responsively. I want to point out that the u. S. Action which provoked this canadian response is illegal under the rules of the International Trading system. If you wouldnt call it a trade war what would you describe going on here . A word i would not use to describe it is a trade discussion. I have now heard a few people including people you have been interviewing try to turn what is happening between the canada and the u. S. And this is not just canada as a trade discussion. What is it . That is to minimize something very, very serious. This is not just about words. This is about action. Its about actions which will hurt everyone first and foremost actually American Companies. Canada is the single largest market for the United States, larger than china, japan. If it is not a trade war and not a trade discussion what is it . Well, you know, part of the issue here is its allegedly not even about trade. We started our discussion describing the extent to which this is allegedly about a National Security consideration. I would say it is a very grave difference between closest allies of the United States and the u. S. Around both National Security and the Global Economy and the rules for the Global Economy. Let me ask you a question from the point of view of President Trump. He made really clear during his campaign that his world view is America First. He is following through with that by he pulled out of the Trans Pacific partnership, the paris climate accord, Iran Nuclear Deal and now he is doing this. He would ask what is wrong with putting America First . What is your response . It is obviously up to americans and american leaders to judge what are good policies for the American People. But i can say very clearly that this particular policy, the imposition of tariffs on canadian steel and aluminum will hurt Americans First and foremost. And it is going to hurt all of those American Companies that need canadian steel and aluminum and will face higher prices and will be less competitive. It will hurt all of those American Consumers who have to pay more and the retaliatory measures which we have been compelled to take in response. Those will also hurt. I really regret that. That is the reality. We know that policies dont work. That was the lesson of the 1920s and the 1930s. This is now not just about canada and the u. S. Its about the u. S. And all of its closest allies. And i really hope people will take some time to reflect on the lessons of history and not go down that path again. Canadian foreign minister, thank you for joining me this morning. Appreciate it. Great to be with you. Thank you. And he takes credit for fuelling President Trumps rise. Now he is saying it is President Trump on the ballot in november. Steve bannon tells cnn mid term voters have a choice, trump unfiltered or impeachment. Thats next. Metastatic Breast Cancer is relentless, but im relentless too. Mbc doesnt take a day off, and neither will i. 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By americas largest mortgage lender. I support the Affordable Care act, and voted against all trumps attempts to repeal it. But we need to do more. I believe in universal health care. In a Public Health option to compete with private insurance companies. And expanding medicare to everyone over 55. And i believe medicare must be empowered to negotiate the price of drugs. California values senator Dianne Feinstein 9sds 9sds 9sds 9ds. He is on the ballot. We will have an up or down vote. Do you back trumps program with all its good and bad or do you back removing him because that is what pelosi and these guys want. President s former chief stratjuist putting a real political spin on wars that percolated this week. For trump to succeed it is about us versus them in politics and pop culture. My panel is with me now. Senator santorum. The president is adept at using culture wars to his advantage. He started out with being the birther guy. Do you think this is a strategy that would work in november . I think that white house is very concerned about the base. They look at the Election Results in my home state of pennsylvania and the fact is that voter turnout in a lot of trump areas has been very low among republicans and they are saying this is really about the guy you voted for and not about the republicans who arent doing a great job in cooperating with President Trump in getting some things done. So i think thats the motivation. The republicans still have a chance between now and the election to do some things that can motivate the base. One is health care. I think there is still an opportunity to repeal and replace obamacare. They need to show something more than just having pass the tax cut to energize the base. If they dont then they are left saying this is about donald trump. The whole notion that bannon was talking about of trying to lay out the election as either for trump or for impeachment that is not a great message for democrats. As much as democrats are talking about issues every day, talking about the facts that trade wars arent good for america and we need to strengthen up our Health Care System the fact remains that this is a referendum on donald trump. Even more importantly the cultural wars help gen up our base because our base doesnt look at it as culture wars as much as dog whistles. When you have things like the rosanne issue and football. He played well in 2016. I think people will push it back. His son donald trump jr. Was on radio this week and he talked about the double standard that he and many say they see between discussing rosanne barr and some things liberals say about the president and his family. It is such a flagrant double standard. I think real americans get it. They are no longer buying the negotiation that notion that it is fair on both sides. That is maybe the first time i agreed with donald trump jr. On anything. The fact is the culture war works to the benefit of republicans. Its been doing it for 50 years. Does that make it right . It doesnt make it right. Liberals walk right into the trap when they have a samantha bee using the most vulgar word to describe a woman but going after her relationship with her father. I have not a whole lot of use for ivanka trump. I dont think she should be in the white house. You dont go after somebody in that kind of really nasty vial way in a way that frankly i think that word and the fact that it was scripted and essentially she may have read it from a teleprompter says a world about liberals and their values. Here is the problem. You have the president himself who has used that word. Its been reported that he used the c word to describe sally yates. It is bizarre and wild that the president makes himself a victim when he is a bully in chief. He uses the bully pulpit to attack. He goes after women of color. They go after latinos and immigrants calling them animals, conflating ms13 to umims and immigrants. That is the problem we are in because it is coming from the white house. What do you say to that . I disagree with some of the examples that were given. The reality is that this president uses crude words and acts crudely sometimes. I think most republican americ republicans have problems with that. We see democrats who do the same thing. Most are of the mind that they hate the crude behavior. At the same time most want to allow people to sort of say what they want to say and be edgy and even the president and others to sort of be real and be out there. So there are two minds i am a republican and i will give them slack saying we want them to say what they want to say and a democrat will condemn. That is the problem here is that there are two minds and people can fall into whatever camp they wanted. Im a mom and im a grandmother. When my kids used to say so and so did it david didt or ruby did it so its okay for me to do it i used to say its not okay. This is really disgusting and devaluing our culture and making us a worst place to live. Can we talk about what rosanne barr said was not comedy and she has the consequence. You cant be racist because you feel like you want to be racist. It starts and stops in one place. Thats the white house. We can go back to access hollywood. The same way you dont want to be talking about ivanka trump that way. We talk about the president resident of pennsylvania avenue. President obama said something that really is interesting because its about the notion of a cultural war. He said maybe we pushed too far. Maybe people just want to fall back into their tribe. Sometimes i wonder whether i was 10 or 20 years too early. He is talking about culture. He is talking about identity politics. I can understand that the president , president obama is reflecting what we have seen. When i was in the white house the first two years i worked on both elections. What we saw was pretty horrific. You elect the first b prident and there was an uproar. You saw the obstruction by the it is kind of problematic, there is something that says a lot about this country, and donald trump capped into his political career. Talk about birtherism, so he saw something as well. And we cant forget how he ke waped off his first year, he saw neonaz neonazis in charlotte and said that there were good people on both sides. You cant just go we elected our first black president and then we get donald trump. Clearly its something tha tapped into the country. Many, many people saw barack obama being just that, doing more to combat ecombater exa raci racism. Every time someone of color was involved, he took the side against the police, he did it over and over and over again. President obama was to many people out there are you talking about Trayvon Martin when he came out and said this is wrong, a young boy who was doing nothing wrong . This is an important discussion and i hope youll continue it on twitter. Thank you all for joining me. And Fareed Zakaria goes oneonone with steve bannon. Man 1 this is my body of proof. Woman 1 proof of less joint pain. Woman 2 . And clearer skin. Woman 3 this is my body of proof. Man 2 proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis. Woman 4 . With humira. Woman 5 humira targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain, stop further irreversible joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. Humira is the 1 prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. 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After President Trumps victory and inauguration bannon was named chief strategist at the white house, reporting only to

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