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Of isis and the threat to u. S. Security. Conversation where the rubber meets the road with the mayors of boston, ifily fill, and san diego. Philadelphia, and san diego. And whatever happened to the economy, stupid, or for that matter obamacare . Our Political Panel weighs in on whats driving the elections that will shape the administrations twilight years. This is state of the union. Good morning from washington. Im candy crowley. President obama is back from europe. He brought home a brand new coalition of nine nations to help in the fight against isis. Just how, well apparently find out later. And then theres this weekends big announcement the president we thought would find some way to stop deporting otherwise lawabiding people who arent documented wont take any action until after the november elections. Gives us plenty to talk about with senator Dianne Feinstein and congressman rogers. First to you, congressman rogers. The president has delayed this executive order that he indicated in june would happen at end of the summer. Whyd he do that . Well, i think hes being prudent about it. When you look at, a, this is such an emotional issue all across america, i think that was wise. He needs to work with congress on this. Its not just about the immigration problem of the illegals who are in the United States and what their status might be. That southern border has become a National Security issue, a Public Health issue for the United States, and certainly a local security issue, all of those things need to be i think addressed. The best way in a cooperative effort with congress. Youll get a much better product, a secure border and we can move forward. Let me intervene and say the president says hell do the executive action right after the midterm. You dont see this as Political Action on the president s part, you think hell cooperate with congress and come up with an immigration bill . Well, i clearly think that its political in the sense that he understands how unpopular that decision would be with americans, and its probably not the right decision, as a matter of fact it isnt and would not be the right decision for him to do that. I hope he dubt do it after the election. I think at least he postponed it at this point, again people rushing to do this, there are lots of implications here for National Security, local security, Public Health security, costs of education. There are huge problems with this. The best way to do this is to bring people together and work with them in congress. I think question come up with a bill that secures the border and gets to, you know, moves this issue along to a place where americans can be comfortable with it. I think its very risky for the president , he already has a bit of a credibility crisis, to take this step. I think it would make a long two years remainder in his presidency. Let me pick up with the credibility price christis, because where he has one now is with Latino Community, which you know has sloeted heavily democratic in the past. Is there longterm damage and the president who promised and promised and promised from his first, you know, campaign actually that he would deal with the immigration issue, it looks like theres some damage done here. Well, i have no knowledge of what he can do legally under an executive order. I also believe it would be legally challenged. The senate has spent, under the leadership of pat leahy, the chairman of the judiciary committee, literally months on a bill, a comprehensive bill, 100 amendments, week after week after week. It is a good bill. All the house would have to do is pass one part of that bill. We could conference it, work out the differences, and we would have an immigration bill which would be strong. But the president says look, im going to do this after the election. Politics are at play here, yes . Can we state the obvious . Im of the opinion the way this should be done is legislatively, because anything else will be challenged, and probably will not be nearly the bill that is actually needed to solve the problems. I want to move you on now to isis and a number of the things said, congressman rogers i want to pick up with an oped you wrote in Time Magazine this week, and pull out a part of it where you said this, referring to isis, is a terrorist organization that has an army, and we need to treat it that way, defeat this enemy we will have to risk americans who will be operating in the fight. Okay, specifically how would they be operating in the fight . Well you need two things to defeat isis the way theyre configured. Remember, they have a governing council, they have an oil minister appointed that we think generates about 1 million a die in revenue for this terrorist organization that funds its operations and we hope it doesnt go external. What you have to do when you start acting like a government, you start acting in the control of that territory and an army, it presents targets of opportunity so you can continue to degrade and dismantle them. That would mean that we have intelligence and special capability military forces that would have to operate with your allies, arab League Partners, with the peshmerga and were not configured to do that today and if we do that, we can add leverage to this fight in a way that can be very, very effective, but it does mean that well have some forces who will be exposed. This doesnt mean big military 101st airborne. Means the Intelligence Services folks. Special operations, special forces stuff. Senator feinstein, the president has his coalition. He talked about it at nato, but in the past, weve had a coalition of the willing and they werent willing to do a number of things. We had some nations in the war in iraq who said were fine but in afghanistan, keep us out of the war zone. We dont want to be in the war zone and also dont want to carry guns. How much help is it to have a coalition of the willing if theyre not willing to go, what both you and congressman rogers think should happen, to destroy isis and of course the president is. I want to congratulate the president. He is now on the offense. He has put together the coalition of nine nations. His people are in different regional countries as we speak consulting and trying to bring in other countries in the region. I think that this is a major change in how isis is approa approached. In my view, i in think in mikes view, too, ice sis a major threat to this country, in the future, and right now to the entirety of syria and iraq, and the expanding caliphate. I think where theyre going is to baghdad. It is my belief they will try to attack our embassy, so were going to protect our embassy, protect our council in erbil and at the same time begin to use special operations, more isr, crack down on where theyre getting their money, and taking aggressive action against this terrorist group. It is overdue, but the president is now there and i think its the right thing for america, and hopefully our partners will be aggressive with us. Congresswoman, the senator says the president is now there. Weve heard his rhetoric change. Hes talking about dismantling and destroying. We also know that he is going to meet with congressional leaders about isis this week, and he is going to have an address to the nation wednesday. So tell me, and were told that he will have a plan. What do you want to be in that plan . What does he have to say to the American People . Well, first of all, he needs to acknowledge the problem of isis. Theres been some confusion coming out of the administration, this is the toughest talk that weve heard from the president and i agree with senator feinstein thats a good thing, because they are a threat. Senator and i see all this intelligence, and thats been very concerning for us. So this is important that he lays out the case to the United States of why it is a threat. Hes been reluctant to do that, hes been reluctant to posture america in a position that is willing and understanding to, a, dismantle them, and b, why we should dismantle them, why is it in u. S. Interests and its not just iraq and syria. It is both of those, but its also everything in the lavante. They want lebanon, they want israel, they want jordan so theyre closing trouble in all of those places. The president needs to lay out a case and clearly hes put together a coalition of the willing, weve heard that before, to tackle this problem, thats good but we need to be aggressive in posturing ourselves to get ready for this. These are things the president can do, he needs to engage congress, the American People on what exactly were going to do here and we dont have to talk about targets and how many sorties were flying or how many stripes we do. We need to have an end game and the president ought to lay out the strategy and saying heres what were going to do, invest ourselves with arab League Partners and repairing happening with relationships thats important. I think this can be a pass of it thing for the United States if we do this right. Senator feinstein, what do you want to hear from the president both in private in the congressional leadership meetings and what do you want him to say to the public specifically in terms of strategy . Well i spoke with ben rhodes yesterday and asked him who is going to be in charge now . The devil is in the details of putting this together. And he said very clearly secretary hagel and secretary kerry. So what i want to hear is from both of those two, what is the military plan and what is the diplomatic plan, and times awasting, because weve now said were going to go on the offensive and its time for america to project power and strength. And senator, the one thing you want to hear the president say to the American People wednesday . The one thing is, wednesday when he speaks that what the change is, what the coalition of the willing is willing to do, what the saudis are going to do, if, in fact, and theres a difference of opinion on this, is iran going to help . Iran has offered to help. I, for one, think thats useful. What other middle Eastern Countries are going to do and what would be the prime role for america. We have made air strikes 137 times. . In iraq. We should have special operations, we should use our isr much more than has been. Its been difficult in syria but that is now ramping up. I believe we should go after their command and control where there are caches of equipment and use that isr and take it out as well as in iraq, same thing. Going to be a busy, interesting week. Senator Dianne Feinstein, congressman rogers, thanks for kicking it off for us, appreciate it. Thank you, candy. A recent pew poll say 67 of americans see isiss a major threat to the u. S. Up next, three mayors on the challenges of keeping their cities safe in the age of isis. Thats keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. At humana, we believe the gap will close when healthcare gets simpler. When frustration and paperwork decrease. When grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home. So lets do it. Lets simplify healthcare. Lets close the gap between people and care. When your favorite food starts a fight fight back fast with tums. 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Let me talk first about this isis threat, and ask you, lesss go first to mayor nutter and ask you, we have heard so much highpitched rhetoric about the threat of isis and these americans being radicalized and coming home. Has any of it filtered down to your city . Have the feds said hey, watch this, watch that . Has anything changed since this has taken over the headlines . Well, candy, i mean, were engaged in security each and every day, not just in this week leading up to 9 11, and of course everyone is that much more concerned. I mean, isis is a menace to the world, so i mean we recognize and people do recognize, they watch tv, listen to the radio, read whatever they read, they know that this threat of an organization is out there. Theyre doing some of the most insane things that weve seen in recent times and so we have regular security updates, i get an update every day from Police Commissioner ramsey. We have Delaware Valley intelligence center, so were in constant communication with our federal partners, the department of Homeland Security, the fbi, and a number of other agencies, and so i mean, security for the mayors on this show today, security is an everyday thing. Its what we do for our scitizes and of course provide all the other services that people expect in cities, but obviously were paying a lot more attention, theres always chatter out there. You cant ignore it, but at the same time you know, we have to move on with our daytoday lives. Mayor walsh, let me share with our viewers a pew poll that came out recently, the question is, isis, is it a major threat to the u. S. . 67 of americans said yes it is. So what im asking is, on the specifics of isis, of these americans that go off and get trained and come back, because they have passports or for that matter westerners, all they have to do is get to london and they can get to the u. S. Has that come up specifically in conversations about security in your city . Yes, i certainly have spoke on it my Police Commissioner billy evans and we are working with the federal government every single day to track people that come into the United States or track people heading this way. We have whats called the boston regional intelligence commission, bric, and theyre looking at everything around the world here as well, not just whats happening in boston or a massachusetts or the United States. Theyre looking around the globe. Our Police Department is diligent in working together with the federal authorities, as mayor nutter mentioned. We also have in boston the office of Emergency Management which were constantly keeping information up front for any potential threats, as everyone knows a year ago in boston we had the marathon bombing, something that was very concerning to all of us in the city of boston. This year we have the marathon, the oneyear anniversary, and then the one year after the marathon and we really put a lot of emphasis into protecting and security, but its something we do every single day in the city of boston and i this i thssue really is more and more every day on the hands of the mayors of the country to make sure their cities are safe. As i recall mayor faulconer, when we had the boston bombing those were names not passed along to local officials. They had sort of hit the radar and disappeared at the federal level, but i think when we look at your city, what we think about is the border, and were getting these increasing numbers of oh my gosh, isis can come across the border, terrorists of any kind can come across the border because its so free flowing. Its all about communication and collaboration. If you heard from the other mayors particularly in san diego we look at one of the largest land border crossings in the world, 50,000 vehicles a day that cross the border, about 25,000 pedestrian so its critically important not only we share with our state, local, federal partners here in the United States but its something that we do on literally a daily basis with our partners in mexico, sharing that information. We have something called a Fusion Center which we have in other cities across the country where every single day we are sharing that information, passing it along and its just part of a way of life now from Law Enforcement and policing. Let me ask you, as we are approaching 9 11, all three of you, mayor nutter maybe first to you, my previous two guests have told me several times on air and otherwise, that is the chairs of the intelligence committees that we are not as safe as we were post9 11 or pre9 11. I want to know from the street level do you all feel safer now in your city, should your residents feel safer now in your cities than they did post9 11, mayor nutter . Theres no question that we are safer, smarter, much more aware of world events, local events u know, some of this insanity is homegrown, if you will, right here in the United States of america, but candy, we have changed so many processes and procedures. Everyone experiences it every day. If youre flying, if youre on the railways, just normal daytoday, there is a new normal in america. Everything changed on september 11th, 2001 and were constantly building in new process, new procedure, new ways of getting information, the collaboration certainly is at its highest level, and so its not like weve forgotten. Were only trying to get better, and on the ground, as again the other mayors have said, whether its a Fusion Center, the fusion network, the offices of Emergency Management, we all talk, and we communicate and coordinate with each other on a regular basis. Its just built in now. I mean, its a part of the daytoday activity in the United States of america. We know we have enemies. We know that there are threats out there. We still have to provide daytoday service, but the level of coordination in the Law Enforcement agencies, the security agencies, is certainly at its highest level in a post 9 11 environment. Mayor walsh, let me put it to you this way, what keeps you up at night . Well, what keeps me up at night is i start my morning every morning with a phone call from the Police Commissioner to talk about what happened in the city the night before, and when i first got elected mayor, i thought about different circumstances when i get a phone call and certainly a terrorist attack is one of those calls that im hoping i never receive, but when you look back at the Police Department pre9 11, the training, the technology is all different, the way that Police Officers are trained is different. I think we have to look at, theres a lot of attention on isis but the police dont have the luxury of worrying about one group. We have to make the residents are safe. Potential terrorist attack could come from any area of this country or any area of this world but also i think the community, people in the neighborhoods are a lot more engaged and after 9 11 here in boston i know that a lot of the cells were here in the city and a lot of the Community Groups knew something was wrong with certain areas of the city, with some of these folks, and i think the communitys even more aware. What i have to do as mayor of the city of boston is really make sure that people stay enga engaged, keep an eye on their community. Pre9 11 the neighborhood organizations were worried about crime in their neighborhood and maybe drug dealing or somebody acting out. Right. Today its so different than that and i think its important for us to let the community know, so i think our city is safer. I feel its safer. However, that doesnt mean that we cant every single day change something that we cant, the police cant talk to the federal government, cant talk to Homeland Security, cant talk to Police Departments in philadelphia and san diego. It has to be constant communication, constant diligence here and were going to continue to do that in the city of boston and this country. Unfortunately, its changed. After 9 11, you know, we had a period of relatively secure neighborhoods in the city and in the country. Right. Then the marathon monday happens so we can never put our guard down. Mayor faulconer, you know that mayor walsh has hit on it, and that is that its not just isis. Its lone wolves. Yes. Its someone coming across the border, someone coming in on a plane. And so when you say to your citizens, look, weve got this under control, do you reasonably feel that you are safer now . Well the answer is constantly changing and the threat is constantly evolving and you have to be ahead of it. One of the things i think is key, we talked a little bit about this, getting down to the neighborhood level, particularly in the cities. One of the things that we have in san diego is we have what we call terrorism liaison officers. These are Police Officers that have been crosstrained in terrorist prevention. Theres over 100 of them, theyre out there every single day, every night, on every shift. Were encouraging all of our neighbors and citizens as part of the Homeland Security effort, if you see something, say something. Its all about getting that information out, so it can be investigated. Nothing too small or too big but it really comes down to that pup and that local level, neighborhood by neighborhood, thats something that i think every city across the country, big city has found, thats the best way that we share information and to make sure were communicating with our neighbors every single day. Mayor Kevin Faulconer candy, i just want to make sure yes, sir, go ahead. Just day to day people not necessarily only worried about isis. If you heard gunshots last night it probably wasnt ice this your neighborhood. Thats some local person doing something and the mayors also have to focus on those issues on a daytoday basis as well. I take your point, mayor Michael Nutter, philadelphia, boston mayor marty walsh, and san diego mayor michael faulconer. Will all be forgiven after election day . Ill ask a congressman whose district is along the border. Theres a reason no one says easy like monday morning. Sundays are the warriors day to unplug and recharge. What if this feeling could last all week . With centurylink as your trusted partner, it can. Our visionary Cloud Infrastructure and Global Broadband network free you to focus on what matters. With Custom Communications solutions and dedicated support, your business can shine all week long. Ohoh, oh, oh, la, lala, lala, lala nanana, nanananana some things just go together, like auto and home insurance. 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And i intend to adopt those recommendations without further delay. The president said he had to act because Congressional Republicans refused to. Its just politics. Plain and simple. That was so june 30th. This weekend the white house let it be known the president would delay any action on immigration until after the midterm elections. Is that politics plain and simple . Joining me from along the border in brownsville, texas, is democrat Tony Cardenas whose district by the way is near los angeles. Congressman, has the president betrayed the latino count . Well, we all are frustrated with him right now. Hes taken way too long to take his xkive actions but unfortunately, candy, its really been the disgusting do Nothing Congress that forced his hand to have to contemplate taking executive action so i think the first blame is with congress, not doing its job and now the president is forced to have to take a measure like executive actions. Well, except for that he has a free hand into when he plans to do the executive actions so the question really is, was this a political move . We know there have been some of your colleagues most democrats on the senate side saying do not take this action, which, as far as we understand it, would be to allow some undocumented workers who are here with no criminal record to stay without fear of deportation. Thats what we thought he was going to do. He said he would do it june 30th, asap, end of summer is what he mentioned. Now hes not doing it. Why is that . Well the president , when the hispanic caucus, i was there at the meeting in the white house with the president and vice president. The president said he was going to do it. He said he would take time to analyze it and do it right. We were hoping hed do it this summer since congress hasnt taken action but again candy its congress isnt doing its job, in a Work Environment or home if somebody isnt do their chores or part we shouldnt be too upset with the person having to pick up after the other person and do their job as well. I understand youre a democrat and the president is the party leader, as well as the president , but we have heard nothing but criticism and pretty Harsh Criticism from advocacy groups for latinos and undocumented workers saying this is a betrayal, the president aplaying politics. Do you share any of that outrage . Well, i believe that when we met with the president , he meant what he said. I think the president will eventually take executive action. I dont see Speaker Boehner or the republicans doing their job and put something on the floor so we can vote it like the Senate Passed by 60 out of 108 votes. At the same time, candy, honestly the bottom line is of course theres politics going on. I dont like what the president s advisers may be telling him. I can only speculate theyve encouraged them to wait. I would prefer he do it now. There are 11 Million People here in the shadows in the United States and by and large, kabdca theyre here to work and theyre a boon to our economy. If the president does parole in place that would affect a few Million People, allow them to work, have a work visa while theyre getting their documentation in order. Right. That would put a lot of businesses around the country on better footing. Bottom line, congressman, when and if the president acts after the midterm elections, do you think the Latino Community which as you know largely votes democratic will forgive him for what theyre right now really outraged about . Well, the fact of the matter doesnt look like president obama will be on the ballot ever again. Hes president. Hes serving his second term. When it comes to the Latino Community theyre frustrated with the president but i think theyre really pissed off with the Republican Party and what they represent and the fa kt that there were some republicans who united with democrats and passed by 68 votes comprehensive Immigration Reform, and yet it sits in the house thats controlled by republicans and we have not had an opportunity to debate it. We have not had an opportunity to vote on it so republicans and democrats in our house have not had the opportunity to show the leadership and put our vote to our name and show the public where we stand. Democrat Tony Cardenas, congressman, thank you so much for your time this morning. Thank you very much, candy. Next up, how president obamas double headaches of immigration and isis will affect his fellow democrats and perhaps determine which Party Controls the u. S. Senate. Veggies youre cool. Reworking the menu. Mayo, corn dogs. You are so out of here ahh. 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Tell me whether the president s decision to postpone immigration, any immigration executive order will move this race and enhance or detract from republican efforts to control the senate. Well, i think the folks that are disappointed with president obama are still going to be with president obama, and so i think he made a calculated risk. It was clearly a political decision to pretend that this was over republican politics and not Democratic Politics is really silly, and pretty transparent, but it was a political decision, and look, the president floated this trial balloon of de facto amnesty. It sunk. If it were really popular, he would have no problem going are it, but both the American People are skeptical of it, and democrat s in vulnerable states dont want it. Can we just either one of you just admit that this really was about midterm politics . Because look, we all know okay. Yes. So many people say its about the republicans. Theyre still blaming republicans. Okay, continue. This absolutely was of course about midterm politics and i think what the president did was he is implementing the political version of the hippocratic oath which is first do no harm. Now i do think that in the longterm, it was about the political situation about Immigration Reform. Look, you know, i agree with congressman cardenas, absolutely there is disappointment, myself included as a latina and activist the president didnt do this right now. Republicans abdicated the responsibility on this issue. Moving forward the president and the white house believe that trying to keep a Democratic Senate in the longterm will help pass what is the real solution, which is comprehensive Immigration Reform. Ive seen this as an activist in the Lgbt Community if you go back 20082000 the, were waiting for him to take executive action, waiting for dont ask, dont tell to be overturned. They waited until after midterm elections results, its politics as usual, politics over policy. Its frustrating but the the end of the day no different than what any other president in the congress has done to maintain power. Thats the true lesson. And newt wasnt the calculation listen im more worried about doing harm to democrats by arousing the tea party which was really what he was worried about. First of all i think he was honest today in saying in an interview that the flood of children coming in this summer changed all the equations and all the emotions, that it suddenly became much harder to do something and in the red states where he has democrats who are in trouble in the senate virtually all of them were saying please, dont do this, but i think theres a bigger narrative here. This is one more example of obama being incapable of figuring out how to do whatever he promises hes going to do, and you go to ukraine, you go to iraq, you go to estonia this week, you go to all sorts of things and you get the maureen dowd kind of columns that are so scathing that its a little hard to believe shed write it bay democrat. This is going to pile on more because his language in the summer was so decisive and his behavior now is so cowardly that the gap between those two is astonishing. I wouldnt say cowardly, i would say more calculative. I really dont think, and hes made this mistake before, to put on himself a false deadline. He could have very easily gone out in the summer and said i will do this before the year is over and would not have put himself in this position. Right. Errors there. Yes. Let me turn to you isis because the president s having a speech to the nation on wednesday, hes talking to congressional leaders, were told hes going to outline his plan, so what are with he expecting from him . Let me say up front, the problem with isis is very parallel to the problem with ebola. It is a problem in epidemiology. You had two People Killed from minnesota recently, one of them for ten years had clearance on the minneapolis airport to work on the airplanes. Were lucky he decided to be a terrorist in syria, not a terrorist at the airport. Nobody understands the spread of this stuff. Its not about syria. If he makes a speech about syria in iraq, by definition, it is wrong. Because this is not a problem of syria in iraq. There are over 500 british terrorists other there, between 100 and 200 american terrorists, 10,000 potential terrorists from over 50 countries. If we dont understand this is an epidemiology problem, a problem of tracking down a Worldwide Movement that is spreading very rapidly. Lls the president s put himself in a tough position and hes daned if he does, damned if he doesnt and thats his own fault. His Foreign Policy is largely based on the mantra dont be bush and thats a very incomplete Foreign Policy. When hes forced inevitably to be a little like bush, whether its on gitmo or drones or going back into iraq hes in a dangerous political position he never had to be in if he carved out his own Foreign Policy. I dont think hes necessarily dont be burr. Its dont be rash. Dont be not smart. I just want to, and thats a question, when does dont be rash look like weak because we now have polls with people, the latest pew poll i think said that more americans think hes too weak than think hes doing just fine. We dont have an apreeshs of nuance, we dont have an appreciation of having a thoughtful conversation about something. We think straight, its boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. He hasnt been able to communicate this effective pi. This president has always been methodical about this, his focus is on the long game and not just dont beat bush. Clearly thats a part of it. He is where the American People are on this. The American People dont want to move forward in a flash way guns ablazing like bush did. We are tea talking about moving in in a rash way with guns blazing . The republicans have done that. If you knew him you would take hes not calling for boots on the ground. Can i just say you watch the last two years, you two are doing a very artful job of trying to pretend that chaos, confusion and misunderstanding make sense. Look at the number of red lines in syria, none of which matters. Look at the number of red lines in ukraine, none of which mattered. The current effort saying were going to be decisive, kind of going to manage t were not going to use american troops unless theyre special forces because special forces arent boots on the ground because apparently they wear sneakers. Give me a break, this is chaos. That is methodical and people appreciate that thoughtfulness. They dont. I have to sneak in a break but well be back with this right after this. train horn vo wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. Norfolk southern. One line, infinite possibilities. Suddenly youre a mouth breather. A mouth breather how do you sleep like that . You dry up, your cold feels even worse. Well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. Cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip, and pow it instantly opens your nose up to 38 more so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do. Sleep. Add breathe right to your cold medicine. Shut your mouth and sleep right. Breathe right. 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Whats driving these adds particularly in the Close Senate Races . I think a lot of this, you said it at the very beginning, in such close races anything can affect. Isis is on peoples minds. Immigration is clearly an issue. As things recede, Congress Goes home and theyre focusing on the races, there are a lot of local issues coming up. Republicans will try to hang obama care on the necks of the candidates theyre running against. Not as easy as it would be a year ago. I think the economy will come up as things start to recede on the Foreign Policy front. Anything can be an issue. Foreign policy is not making the white house look particularly competent right now. However, if republicans take the senate, it will be because of two domestic issues, thats obama care and energy. If you look at obama care, its still not very popular, especially in the red states. In coal producing states, this is part of the platform of republicans running against democrats and part of the reason these vulnerable democrats are running away from president obama. So i think in the end Foreign Policy has captured all of our attentions, but these two domestic issues are what are still going to drive people to the polls in november. People in the polls in november will pull the lever because . Theres something deeper thats happening. Gallup is coming out this week and saying for the first time in recent memory, iowa now is a net republican state. That the number of people identifying as democrats has dropped precipitously in the last six months and the number of people identifying as republicans is dropping. Youre seeing this happening. This is the underlying pattern towards a tidal wave. It doesnt show up until october 1st. Its altogether. You cant take them apart. My cousin cant get a job. People are seeing a local story in alaska yesterday that obama care prices are going up. Its people looking at the energy issue and saying, how come we cant get the pipeline agreed to. You go place by place. Sounds like l. A. s campaign. The fact of the matter is its people looking at whether or not they like obama and not noticing that some of the policies they like are because of obama. You talk about how unpopular obama care is . Sure. Do you like the fact that you wont get kicked off of your insurance because of x. Do you want boots on the ground . No. All of these are obamas policies. Because they dont like obama they think they dont like his policies. Lets remember this, candy. Were talking about democrats keeping the senate. Five months ago republicans were swearing up and down that they were going to take over the senate. Lets also keep in mind that in all of these districts and states the Republican Party has the worst reputation in American Polling of any Political Party in history. Yeah, but now youll the Republican Party theyre voting for individuals. Right. Even your safe states, even mark was looking good until this huge unforced error in alaska with the negative political attack ad thats exploiting the victims of sexual abuse. I mean, youre right, nothings over. You might lose more than you think. Then he goes back the fact that its over is huge, s. C. , because six months ago republicans were going to take over the three months ago is a lifetime. That is very true. Well see. When you look at arkansas and kentucky and we looked inside the polls, he, meaning the president , is wildly unpopular in both states. In arkansas 60 disapprove of the president s handling of things. 64 in kentucky. Thats a big win. Yeah. Its going to be very hard in the end. What you have is an enormous amount of money has gone out to prop up people like him whos a prominent person. I lived through in in 86 and a number of my friends got slauterserslau slaughter slaughtered. Hes the only one that gets to answer that because i have to run. Still looking for the big wage. Newt gingrich, l. Z. Granderson, s. E. Cupp, thank you. Well be right back. With Premium Service like one of the best ontime delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. Od. Helping the world keep promises. Thats all i crave. E thats where this comes in. Only nicorette gum has patented dualcoated technology for great taste. Plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. And that helps put my craving in its place. Thats why i only choose nicorette. On todays show well tackle the two major issues that dominated the nato summit. Russia and ukraine. And isis in iraq and syria. Then to get another crisis brewing. In pakistan. Another civilian government is teetering on the brink. Will this former cricket star

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