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This is state of the union. The Aerial Search for flight 370 has ended with this day, but several ships continue their efforts in the southern indian ocean. A British Naval vessel is headed to the area where a chinese ship reported detecting two pulse signals that matched the signals on the pingers black boxes and some 300 miles away an australian ship detected what was discipled as an acoustic noise. Meanwhile the flight may have flown around airspace to avoid radar detection. Im going to bring in will ripley. Hes following the investigation from perth. Welcome. I feel like were in a little bit of tragic monotony here. It seems each day these planes come back emptyhanded. Emptyhanded time and tiemt again. Even when objects have been recovered from the ocean, so far nothing connected to flight 370 which is what makes this announcement from china an Interesting Development which still doesnt give us what we need which is answers about flight 370. We know that on friday and saturday, the chinese ship supposedly was using some sort of underwater hydro phone and they detected two separate pulses, pulses they think could possibly come from an inflight data recorder. The data was interesting enough to commanders that they decided to reroute the british ship, hms echo which is two hours away from this newly resigned search zone we dont know about the technology the chinese are using and how reliable it is and we dont know that were going to be able to find the same songs the chinese say they have detected. Nonetheless when the ship arrives in all kl of hours theyll begin to work in the area to try to locate whatever it was the chinese ship detected. Meanwhile you mentioned the ocean shield 350 miles away also investigating an acoustic event under water. But the key point pointed out in the press conference sunday morning is we need to proceed with caution. In this investigation there may be many times that we hear underwater sounds that turn out to be not in any way connected to flight 370. We need to be skeptical because as weve seen time and time in this case, there have been false leads and we certainly dont want to give the families of the 239 people false hope. We do not. They have been through a lot this past month. Will ripley from perth. Thank you very much. He designed and develops underwater locater beacons and kelly whos a licensed pilot who helped find flight 447 when it crashed into the Atlantic Ocean in 2009. Thank you bouch so much for joining us. Jeff, let me start with you. And explain to us if you will what else could be under water that would make a pinging noise the same as black boxes do. Okay. Good morning. The song that the pinger emits have very unique. The designs and pinger around it were selected because of that. Its unusual for something natural to emit a sound like that, so this is certainly something that would most likely be manmade. So if its not the beacons on the black boxings, possibly its Something Else that has been placed there recently for other purposes. So it could be another manmade noise, but it is not i mean the ocean is pretty noisy for anyone thats ever gone scubadiving or, you know, been down there in any sort of vehicle, but this is definitely if the chinese heard what they think they heard on the same frequency, it has to be a manmade object of some sort. Ill not be so definite but most likely its a manmade sound. Were certainly hopeful its the locater beacons for the black boxes. We do indeed. Colleen, let me ask you. When you look at these the search for these batteries or these data boxes, are the current lets say theyre on the bottom of the ocean somewhere. Are the currents Strong Enough to move those boxes from point a to point b, or are they pretty much firmly down on the bottom of the ocean . Oh, candy. Those boxes are pretty heavy. I think you had one in the studio at one point. Try picking it up. E dont think that theyre going to be moved by currents. They might be partially buried in the silt, we dont know. We assume that go straight down when they hit the water. Lets assume the pings lead to something. Then what . You use sonar to find the exact location . Yeah. This is the kind of sequence of events we used in the air france jet. They actually didnt detect them by pingers. They went by the beacons. They went straight to the well, they tried to. Then they went straight to the side scan sonar from unmanned submersibles, unmanned submarines that went down to that depth. You have to get them down close to the bottom and then they scan to either side. They go up and down in a ladder search much like what the aircraft are doing right now, and they also use cameras. If they detect something that looks like its manmade, then they would turn the lights on and use the cameras to take pictures. And, jeff, i want to play you something that someone told me earlier this morning. This istykitty. Shes a former member of the nbsa board. The state ofhas recommended be extended. Clearly that needs to be acted on. Does the battery exist for the pijers that would, in fact, last longer than 30 days and if so why arent they in widespread distributi distribution . Thats a good question. We actually offer a product today in the same size that goes 90 days. Thats a customer selected option, but the requirements that are in place are for 30 days. As a result of the air france crash that you were just spiking about, there have been regulatory updates and effective march of next year, the mandate will be that these devices will have to operate for 90 days. So were on the cusp of that taking effect. And are they wildly expensive or is this a relatively inexpensive thing for airlines to do. To upgrade from 30 to 90 days . Right. Not a big price impact. Okay. And tell me whether were learning from the head of Malaysia Airlines that these batteries on the pingers were due to be replaced in june. What does that tell you about the longevity they have under water right now . So our devices are designed and validated to operate at a minimum of 30 days at the end of their life and end of life for us is defined as six years after six years we require the battery be replaced or the beacon be replaced, and so we have test data that verifies that the product will still operate for 30 days after six years. And we actually have some small design margin on top of that just to make sure that they all make it 30 days. So its possible it could be you know, give or take a week or so, its possible it could be pinging rather strongly. At the other end of the spectrum, it could be getting really weak. These correct. When we say 30 days, at the end of the batterys at the end of the time, thats when it no longer meets its requirement. That means it no longer produces the sound at the intensity level thats required to. It will continue to operate and will just become quieter and quieter until eventually the battery does die. Right. And what that means is you have to be closer and closer to it as it goes through the the final stages. Right. And acco and, colleen, to you, a couple of final questions. What are the chances of a debris feef, that is a collection of a things given that area of the world and the currents. Youre talking any debris. Floating. I assume it moves underneath the water as well and hasnt settled all the way down to the bottom. We use that term both for the stuff you find floating on the ocean and the stuff on the bottom. The stuff at the bottom is going to stay there. Its heavy. Its going to stay there. I dont think the currents are very strong on the bottom of the ocean. Its on the top where winds generate the water thats where the currents are moving very fast. People say theres going to be floating debris this far into the problem. So i would still expect to find some objects still floating together. Eventually some things will start to sink, but im just astonished that we havent found anything yet except for the fact its a very big ocean. We have to even keep remembering that. It is hard to remember especially because the plane is so big but we dont have that perspective on the ocean. I think what we mean here is with the tuvg how far debris could move over the course of a week or two weeks and its now been four weeks, im just wondering how far you think a debris field could move under the circumstances of being near the top of the ins yand ocean simply because when we look at the route they now think the plane took, its right off the coast of indonesia, and yet its hard to believe that theres debris still there. Well, it depends on which area youre talking about. You remember there was initially a southern search area. I think thats around where the chinese ship has detected the signal and then they searched the area to the north. In the south they were fairly prompt nenlt and they were moving southsoutheast. On the day, things floating on the surface would have moved 24 miles. Up north we looked at the currents there and it looked like things were swishing around like a wash machine. Its possible stuff could have gotten concentrated or kept together and just swirled around and not really moved out of the area. It really depends what the currents are doing in each area. And, jeff, my final question to you, does the condition of the water, either the saltiness of it or the temperature of it affect battery life . It does. Its contribution will be minor, but colder temperatures are favorable for battery life. The pressures wont affect it too much, so ocean depth wont necessarily affect its life. But the temperature will. If its colder, it will give us a little bit more battery life. Jeff densmore and colleen keller. Thanks so much for sharing your expertise. More on the flight, but up next House Democratic leader nancy pelosi tells me if she agrees with the treatment of women in power. My exclusive is next. Why relocating manufacturingpany to upstate new york . I tell people its for the climate. The conditions in new york state are great for business. 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There was a double standard of women in power. The double standard is alive and well, and i think in many respects, the media is the principal propagator of its persistence, and i think the media needs to be, you know, more selfconsciously aware of that. Do you agree with that . Do you think the media has a double standard of women of power . Well, let me just say as one who has, you know, been the speaker of the house, ive had to have a very thick skin about every kind of thing that was thrown at me. In fact, whats sad about it is women say to me, i would run for office, but i could never put my family through. I dont want my children coming home crying because of what somebody said about me and that the media just kept repeating and repeating and repeating where if theyre a man, they might not. If Hillary Clinton thinks theres a double standard, shes been in the main event that is a president ial race, then i respect that. From my own standpoint i never expected anything but a double standard. I dont know if its media or people say things that its news you have to cover. But i do think equal pay for equal work, theres a double standard all the way up to the top echelon and that women who want to be in the public arena have to except sopect some of t do you have any intention of running again . Yes. Im on the ballot. If it should happen and the odds are against you but if it should happen the democrats take over, you would run for speaker again. That would be totally up to my members. You could say i dont want to be speaker. Its up to my members. I didnt necessarily wanted to be leader again, but they wanted me to be, but here i am. Speaker would be different than leader, you would know that more than anyone. Its very important. When they see the construction of the current speaker they understand the awesome power of the speaker where many people didnt realize what the speaker was before. They didnt know. But the speaker has a great deal of power. Ive about had my opportunity to do that. We passed the affordable care, wall street reform, lead better, dondont ask, dont tell. A lot of things. Even with president bush. We had a great deal of cooperation. Sounds like you might do it again if you had a chance. The most exciting thing was to represent the people of San Francisco and the congress of the United States. I have to ask. Jim moran who is retire, congressman from virginia, says he thinks congresspeople are not paid enough and that there should be, you know, maybe a higher per dediem. Hes retired so hes got no skin in the game but would you agree with that . He said a lot of folks cant, quote, afford to live decently in washington. I would say the time is not now for that when we have the challenge for our economy and so many people out of work where we have budget deficits that we need to address and that perhaps we should be saving that for another day. House democratic leader nancy pelosi. Its always pleasure. My pleasure, thank you. Joining me around the table, penny lee lead adviser with strategies and former adviser harry reid. And ross, a New York Times columnist and cnn political commentator. I hardly know where to start. Congressional pay. I have to say sometimings when i give speeches, say, dont it is tough for these congressmen particularly and nancy pelosi said im a bad person to ask because her husbands very wealthy and so shes quite sensitive to that. But the fact is, you know, it is difficult to maintain they make 174,000 a year, so dont cry for them argentina. On the other hand, they have to keep up with washington. Right. To say you cant live decently on 174,000 a year is probably not the way to put it but what is weird we have a weird political way in washington where people work in congress as Public Servants and get paid less than the lobbyists lobbying them, the lawyers working around them, the consultants who are hired by their parties and then the set up is set up so you leave congress and the assumption is you will sort of slide into one of these influencepeddling jobs where you couldnt make the money that you made in your public career in office. Whether that it would solve the problem, you know, it probably wouldnt have but its at least worth considering the weird way the economy works with that regard. I would say with an Approval Rating of 18 of its best day, i would say a lot of the American People want to fire their con man let alone give them a raise. There is that dichotomy in that there is a conversation to be had but as nancy employee say said, it is not now and they have a lot more to prove they can work and governor before they can have that. Let me move you in a slightly different direction. Nancy pelosis statement about being covered as a woman of power, this is off the Hillary Clinton statement. Do you think that the Media Statement covers women differently . Yeah, i do. I think the media well, any reporter, any journalist is going to reflect his or her own experiences, and its inevitable. When it comes to members of the media when it comes to whims that is an issue, weve seen it with candidates across the gord. It often is the fact the media reacts. You see political opponents bringing up issues that are gender code and the media ends up reacting to it. So they may not be generating this sort of slight biased coverage but they certainly perpetuate it. Ross, i remember there were several times during Hillary Clintons campaign, one of the first questions she got in iowa, they were saying you do think youre tough enough to face down terrorists . She gets motional. No one talks about a man being emotional. Except for john boehner after a really hard day at the office, but, yeah, theres clearly a particular set of issues that female candidates have to navigate and, you know, being the sort of male conservative on the panel im probably the wrong person to point this out but there are advantages female candidates have precisely because their male opponents often, you know, have a sort of tricky path to walk in the way that they criticize i would say this. In the koufrs Hillary Clintons career she had to navigate both behalf she was a senator and first lady so basically every kind of trap and mess that any female candidate would have to face. However, if she runs for president in 2016, i think her gender is much more likely to be an asset than a liability. Do you agree with that . Yes. It was one thing she ran away from in 2008 and now i think she sees a historical nature to it. She is unique in her gender for that. Shes going to call into question whether or not that plays an advantage or disadvantage. Theyre going to talk in the closing speech about where she talks about breaking the glass ceilings that it is going to work to her advantage and there are distinct spomts she has because of that. Think also the numbers bear it out. I think the last two election cycles, president obama has been able to build that women turnout, female turnout so strongly, and the democrats its become a total asset to the Democratic Party overall that hillary will have to run away from that. They outnumber men voters, they turn out at high rates. But it is larger because of the policies in which theyre pursuing and that is in sharp contrast to what republicans are doing. Except we should mention mitt romney did better among white married women. Women overall. Agreed. The gender gap was as large as it was partially he did well. Obama was plus. If you did the total gender gap, obama was similar to where clinton was bill clinton was in the mid90s. I need you all to stand by but stick with me. President obama celebrated 7 million signups. Well talk about where that stands and whether its the beginning of a comeback. Peace of mind is important when youre running a successful business. So we provide it services you can rely on. With centurylink as your trusted it partner, youll experience reliable uptime for the network and services you depend on. Multilayered Security Solutions keep your information safe, and secure. And responsive dedicated support meets your needs, and eases your mind. Centurylink. Your link to whats next. 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Instead its helping millions of merning and in the coming years it will help millions more. This is about as close to him spiking the ball and dancing in the end zone as he ever gets. I did have a little bit of there was a shade of george bush i saw on the Aircraft Carrier after the iraq invasion, but i think, you know, this is a victory, clearly a victory for the enrollment issue. This was as much a message to his own party basically telling his party stop being a punk. Step up and stop running from obama care. We have to run on it, you have to run on it but be on the offense about it. Youre seeing in some of these contested senate races like North Carolina where others are taking the bull by the horns and cutting ads that defend obama care as so far a success. Well see. Weve seen others in some districts where others are saying i told them some of this stuff was wrong, so i think it depends on how red you are in your district if youre running as a democrat. We also dont know, ross. Like 7 Million People did what . 7 Million People enrolled. It doesnt mean 7 Million People signed up. Glad youre there. Thats right. So probably about 6 million of them will actually make your payments and have insurance over the course of the year and then this is where the estimates start to get really murky. The best guess is about a third of those didnt have insurance previously. So if you add that number 2 million to 3 million and eventually 4 million medicaid signups previously and then add some of the under 25yearolds getting insurance on their parents plans youre up to 8, 9, 10, 11 million maybe and thats below the congressional budget officerss most recent projection through the year and its not a success on the basis of what they expected but i completely agree. Its a success to where we were. The question, i think, penny, is it a little early to be spiking at the ball . It does seem that we never know quite whats coming. If there are 30 plus Million People uninsured. Look. This law was always going to leave about 30 million uninsured. The question now is whether it leaves 40 million uninsured. I would say to use another sports analogy. When the first day came out and we had six people that had actually signed up or gone through the system, we said, were only on first base, its a long game out there, i would say that youre probably in the fifth or sixth that were not sorry. The game is not over. I think the president recognizes that, too, that this was a big one for him to go from six people signing up on the first day to 7. 1. Plus all of the other benefits people have felt that they now dont have to be precluded from preexisting conditions. Whether or not seniors can get discounted drug medicine that they wasnt were getting. Think everybody, candidates and every everybody are fully aware theres still some unknown they need to go through. And the danger with spiking the ball to go back to football, i have a great cricket analogy. The danger is that there are a lot of people and we knew it going in but now we know more of it who are losers under the law and whose premiums are going up and who lost insurance and have presumably most of them have signed up again, but thats going to the most antivocal obamacare constituency. Those are the people, to be frank, the president lied to when he said if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, and he doesnt have a clear mem for them. Ross douthat, im sorry, were going to have to come back to that later. Thank you all for coming. Back to this mornings top stories with the news that flight 370 may have intentionally skirted indonesias radar when we return. Ive always had to keep my eye on her. But i didnt always watch out for myself. With so much noise about health care, i tuned it all out. With unitedhealthcare, i get information that matters. My individual health profile, not random statistics. They even reward me for addressing my health risks. So im doing fine. 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We want to go to cnns Rick Robertson in kuala lumpur. Nick, where does this bring us now . Lets say the information is completely correct and the plane did fly outside indonesian radar, what does that tell us . Reporter well, what we have here is malaysians putting more information explicitly on the table about the track of the aircraft, that it did fly back across malaysia and then loops north of indonesia avoiding its airspace, and as the senior Government Official is telling us that their inference here, what they have learned, it seems to show the pilot or whoever was at the controls tried to avoid indonesian airspace and avoid radar detection which for investigators here really is another piece of the puzzle. That turnaround when the plane turned back on its flight track to beijing, the question initially was was that because of mechanical trouble. What were learning now and clearly what the investigators here have had in their pockets for some time is theyre very clear that this is not a plane avoiding mechanical trouble. This is a plane trying to get away from radar and trying to get away from detection. So this is going to focus more on that issue of psychology of people on board the aircraft rather than the sort of sabotage hijackingtype scenarios theyre also investigating, candy. Thanks so much, nic robertson, from kuala lumpur. Joining us the president of integrated aviation solutions. His back rouchbld includes working with na sasa and homela security. Thank you both for being here. Ken, let me start with you. Can you envision a scenario whereby a plane through anything other than someone in the cockpit would fly a route that totally avoids indonesian radar . Is that human induced . It could be human induced or it could be a third agent getting in the cockpit and directing the pilots to fly outside that area. When you transit the ocean obviously, youre going to get out of radar range, but on this flight path that was up on the monitor, it looked like they were parallel on the malaysian coast just outside of the radar range. And so, yes, that could be that could be done intentionally. Right. But is there a scenario in which it is not done intentionally . A plane cant fly that cant fly that sort of regularly, can it, or on a route unless its being guided by something. The pilot can just put that in any mode and actually fly outside that area. Whats not clear to me is was the airplane at a low altitude, avoiding the radar where at a low altitude youd rather be closer to land and avoiding radar or was it at altitude and further away from land . Carleen, about the idea that they ive been so focused the pilot, although they have background checked all the passengers as i understand it and the other copilot, but you envision more a scenario where it was not the pilot. Absolutely not. Theres numerous reasons. First the pilot would not fly his own airplane above his surface ceiling, 45,000 feet. If he intended on taking the plane out and it was a suicide, immediately after departure he would shut the engine down and put it in the ocean. Just the way the aircraft flew and the timing just the personality. He loved aviation. You know, everyone has a potential to break, but if he broke, he would do it a lot sooner. I firmly and always believed that somebody access thad cockpit primarily to the timing of when everything was turned off because the flight after they depart get up to altitude and atted my 45 the Flight Attendants would have basically put everyone to bed in the back, given them the drinks, get them tucked in and then call the cockpit to see what they need and that would be coffee. So you can envision the Flight Attendant filling up the coffee, punching in the Security Code to gain access. Those security doors are safe and secure as long as theyre closed but once theyre open youve breached security. Anyone sitting in the cabin could have their seat unbuckled and charged the flight staff and gained access. We no so lit whal might have happened in the cockpit, what happened in the plane. The focus on the pilot is interesting and certainly something the malaysian government has focused on. I want to move if we can to the acoustic noises that are being heard. They heard two pings. How promising are those leads . If you do pick up the acoustical signal, you have to be pretty much right on top of where the wreckage initially impacted the water because the heavy items would sink. And when i say right on top, a mile and a half to maybe 3 1 2 miles from the wreckage depending on how deep the water is. So that leads me to believe if they did go there, maybe they have better information on where the impact could have impacted the water. But, again, the acoustical signal, you have to be very, very close to wreckage and less than three miles to actually pick that up. Carleen, ken, thank you. I have to cut it short there. I hope you will come back. This mysterys still unfolding. I appreciate your time. Thank you. When we return, with time running out on the black box pingers, well ask a navy dive expert what it will take to find them once they go silent. As y these days, everything your business does is done on the internet. And tomorrow youll do even more. Thats what comcast business was built for. Slow dsl from the phone company was built for stuff like this. Switch to comcast business internet. Then add voice and tv for just 34. 90 more per month. And youll be ready for tomorrow today. Comcast business. Built for business. Joining mu know a navy captain and diver. Lets start with the to top stories againing with a malaysian official now saying that this plane seemed to fly south dr first west and then south deliberately skirting radar from indonesia. The implication being somebody was in control. So this sound as lot like evidence we heard in the early stages of this investigation, and what has been lacking from my perspective is demonstrate that the best experts in the world who are mostly there willing to help have seen this radar data and placed a lot of creeden creeden credence in it. It might suggest whether it was a deliberate act. The other is the pinging or at least a noise not found in nature that the chinese say they heard at least two different times. Australians have seemed to have found some audio something pinging. They dont use the word ping. Nonetheless, theres these three, four instances. How optimistic are you that these are the actual pings that would take us to a black box . There is a chance. Im hesitantly optimistic. Those pings are something. I know that the operators and the equipment on the australian ship, the ocean shield, have something that needs to be investiga investigated. Ive actually worked with that equipment and those operators before on twa flight 800 and on some other operations and that is the equipment and operators that have also worked on air france. So that must be investigated. That was the third noise picked up by the strawn ship. Right. You feel a little more certain of the equipment on the australian ship. I do because i have perj history with that. They must investigate that before they break the ocean shield off and go look at the noise that the chinese vessel has picked up, and they will. They will investigate that, but on the same token, the chinese ship has also heard noise and that needs to be investigated, but it takes time to go back and investigate any of that because of the depth of the ocean and to make the turns and go back and acquire those noises at that depth. So it all takes time, but still its its it gives me a little bit of optimism that theyre picking up anything right now. And, steven, what do the clues the pinger theyre what, about 300 nautical miles apart what the australians heard and what the chinese heard. Right. Does any of that tell you . I talked to a guy who makes the black boxes who said, no, they make a specific noise. Its hard to, you know, not to distinguish it from the other noises that are in the ocean. Well, one good thing to say about this latest pinger evidence is that its treated with the correct measure of caution. Unlike so many earlier theories of the investigation, now weve got it. Everybodys speaking about the pingers including the experts you have said, well, we need to treat this with caution. The australians have said we need to treat this with caution. The pingers are not the ball game. As bobbie testified air france, the pinger were dead. Perhaps they never worked at all. You know, this is immeasurably more difficult than air france because the search area is so enormous. Because theres been no debris. And yet, again, i remain less optimistic that this will be sofrled than i was on day one since ive never seen an unsolved transport jet accident but this is looking like the alltime toughest one. Someone described like trying to find something on a football field with a straw which gives you the idea of the difficulty of the immense expanse theyre dealing with. Tell me, bobbie, if the pinger goes out or goes silent, whats this next step under water . You still have an underwater search capability with those autonomous underwater vehicles doing side scan sonar and you take the data that youve got. Maybe you still look at the areas that youve got pingers and start there. You take the best radars and satellite and continue the search by the mappings of the ocean, but now instead of a straw on the football field, you have a stir stick. Right, right. Listen, thank you both so much. Bobbie scholley, Steven Wallace for your expertise. We appreciate it thank you all for watching state of the union. Im Candy Crowley in washington. If you missed any part of todays show search itunes. Search state of the union. Fra read zakarias gps starts right now. This is gps the Global Public square. Welcome to all of you in the United States and around the world. Im Fareed Zakaria live in new york. Well begin todays show is yesterdays election in afghanistan. Will it change anything . What will happen to the taliban and terrorism as american troops leave . Well also talk about ukraine and the middle east peace talks with great penl. Then i sit down with michael lewis. He says wall street is rigged, that some traders have an unfair advantage skimming money out of your pockets and into their own. But is

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