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from dallas, texas. we have a couple of things going on here. obviously health concerns over the people in richmond, california, near that refinery fire plus the financial hit we're all going to take if gas prices spike make above $4 a gallon. >> it has been going on for several weeks now. you blinked and it seems like you missed it. over the course of the last month or so gas prices have gone up about 30 cents, the national average now $3.66 a gallon, up about 30 cents and in the last month. the fire in richmond is just one of the problems. obviously there is a great deal of global issues and concerns that go into gas prices but what we have seen over the last few months is a disruption in service and flow of gas at refineries across the country from the midwest down to oklahoma where we have seen problems with pipelines and other issues and the infrastructure and this fire in california this week highlighted even bigger problem where now because of this fire many analysts are predicting gas prices to go well above $4 a gallon along the west coast and for those residents who live near that refinery in the san francisco bay area, this has been a very scary time as well. >> you put this poison out here killing us. >> do i have to look forward to having cancer? does my grandchild have to look forward to having cancer? >> my people ain't for sale. these nickels and dimes that you pay us around here are no good for none. >> john chevron says that they're monitoring the air quality around that refinery and so far they have found no problems because of the fire that's been going on for several days and they continue to monitor the air and the big question is how long will gas prices continue to go up? analysts say we will continue to see this for several more days if not several more weeks. the good ews, perhaps the bright lining here is over the course as we head into the fall, that they expect demand to start tailing off a little bit and then we see prices start to come back down. >> we'll be watching those pumps closely and nervously. thanks a lot, ed, in dallas, texas. >> here we are talking to the secretary of agriculture yesterday about the droughts and the grocery store and the food prices going up and now talking gas. all right. rest of the stories here we're watching on thursday morning and a stunning shakeup at the nation's largest breast cancer foundation. president list thompson and founder nancy brinker both stepping down. thompson will leave the organization next month. brinker will surrender her ceo title to focus on fundraising, focus on planning, and this is the latest fallout from komen's decision earlier this year, a couple months ago, to stop funding planned parenthood, a decision reversed after quite a bit of backlash and in a couple minutes we'll talk politics behind today's shakeup with laura bassett, the huffington post reporter that broke the story. >> we can soon find out the mindset of the man police say killed 12 people and hurt 58 others in the shooting rampage in a colorado theater. he is due in court this afternoon. they want investigators to hand over documents and a package that holmes sent to his psychiatrist at the university of colorado. the package was seized by authorities under a search warrant last week. the defense says it is privileged doctor/patient communication. >> new developments in the sikh temple massacre, the final shot went into his own head. fbi says the surveillance video confirms page committed suicide after being you understand wounded by a police last sunday. page killed six people and wounded others before taking his own life and it turns out more people may have been killed if not for the quick thinking of two young children, 11-year-old and his 9-year-old sister were sitting outside the temple when a gunman walks up and this is two kids talking about this whole story with anderson cooper last night. >> for a second me and my sister thought maybe he needed directions or needed help, and when me and my sister looked at him we noticed he was shooting people. then we ran as fast as we could inside to warn everybody in the kitchen and everybody else just to warn everybody there is a man outside with a gun. >> how about that? we also learn side note here 11 dwrerld abhay's name means fearless. >> understatement to say the least. >> totally. >> nypd is searching a manhattan basement to look for clues in the etan patz case, the 6-year-old boy that vanished in 1979 on his way to school and also the first child to appear on a milk carton. investigators have been to the site at least three times since april. they removed at least five large paper bags and tools including a shovel from the basement. they won't say what they're looking for. in may police arrested a new jersey man pedro hernandez who allegedly confessed to killing paetz. >> the martian crater looks a lot like earth. look at the pictures. a california scientist is comparing the early photos of the crater, the gale crater to the m o.j. aev desert. minnesota said to have mountains and lingering haze and so we'll space geek out again. we have all kinds of cool information and we'll translate the pictures here with the head scientist for nasa, michael meyer. >> overseas just another historic day at the beach. the u.s. is on top in the medal count with 81 thanks in part to the beach volleyball do you owe, winning their third, their third gold defeating jennifer casey and april ross yesterday. it was their last match together. the track and field won seven medals yesterday and one of the big winners was allyson felix who finally won her first individual gold in the women's 200 meters. don't miss the rest of the show. in 30 minutes we talk to swimmer rebecca soni and in the next hour gold medal winning gymnast jordyn wieber. politics, here we go. president obama continues his campaign through colorado today as mitt romney swings through new york, new jersey, and this morning romney's campaign is unleashing a new tough attack against the president in this new ad, what it does is accusing him of trampling on religious freedoms with the birth control mandate. roll the clip. >> president obama used his health care plan to declare war on religion forcing religious institutions to go against their faith. mitt romney believes that's wrong. when religious freedom is threatened, who do you want to stand with? >> i am mitt romney and a prove this message. >> that ad slams the president for requiring insurance companies to cover birth control even for employees of religious institutions and republican congressman marsha blackburn is a romney supporter out and about in virginia campaigning today and also a member of the women for mitt coalition. congressman blackburn, welcome and good morning to you. >> good morning to you. good to be with you. >> good to have you with us. let's begin as we started with that ad, the news of the day, and so this ad that's out today really hinges on this headline in this san antonio newspaper, so i will read the headline for you from the san antonio express news, the headline is obama insurance decision declares war on religion. i have to point out two things here. one, this article is an opinion piece. it is an op-ed and, number two, it came out actually before the president made this compromise back in february when he compromised putting birth control mandates on insurance companies and not on religious employers, right, so given those two we'll call them caveats, do you find this ad misleading, congresswoman? >> well, no, i think that when you look at what is transpired through hhs, and the secretary, and the steps that they have taken progressively through the obama care debate, and let's go back to '09 and look at the conversations that were taking place around that bill. what they were trying to do was give more power to hhs and take it away from the states and from congress, the elected representatives of the people. >> congresswoman, we're talking -- >> they came up, no, no, no, let me give you -- establish the predicate. let's establish the predicate on this. what you have is over 2,400 new mandates that are found in the obama care bill. one of these, and it was the subject of debate in health care subcommittee, in energy and commerce committee, both where i sit and i hold a seat on those committees. this was the subject of debate. great discussion. this was not going to tromple on any. you were supposed to be able to keep the insurance that you liked. >> i know we're talking 2012 and about this compromise and the ad out today, today, an opinion piece. >> i understand. in order to look at the ad, you have to go back and look what transpired through the process and the fact that this has all been, you know, just like so many other things, whether it is cost of insurance going up over $2,300, whether it is cramping the access to health care, whether it is forcing religious institutions -- what you've got is the federal government and the obama care bill trying to limit your freedoms. it is going to increase your taxes, supreme court even says it. >> let me jump in. i hear you and what you're saying is misleading but i only have so much time and i want to get to another ad all talked about really and hashed out on the network and cable news and i know you know what i am talking about this priorities usa, the pro obama super pac. have you this laid off steel worker blaming mitt romney for the death of his wife. i know you are calling on president obama to ask this super pac to yank the ad, but you know as well as i do, right, with the fcc rules you can't have a candidate, you can't have the campaign directly coordinating, talking to these super pacs, so how exactly do you propose asking this of the president? >> well, i think that when you -- i have heard some of the transcript where stephanie cutter was involved in a telephone call, a press call with this individual, and this is such a sad ad to me that this family would be pulled into this and this issue. there are so much -- you know what, this just needs to come off. i think the president could indeed call that super pac and say let's get this thing down, this is disrespectful to the deceased, sad for the family, has no place in this debate. >> we'll be talking to a democrat next hour and i will be posing the same question about possibly pulling this ad. just to be fair, we'll be asking that. i do want to talk to really the crux of this ad is, congresswoman, about health care and how because this man was laid off, right, from this steel worker, he lost his inurance. he filed for bankruptcy, lost his insurance ergo down the road his wife ends up dying and in the whole dot, dot, dot here we find out later it was really six years later and she actually did have insurance and we're not going to hash through that. what i do want to ask you is romney spokesperson, andrea saul, getting on tv and provided a unique rebuttal to this. >> to that point, you know, if people had been in massachusetts under governor romney's health care plan they would have had health care. there are a lot of people losing their jobs and losing health care in president obama's economy. >> reacting to that, congresswoman, i want to read a tweet from conservative eric erickson, omg, this might just be the moment mitt romney lost the election. do you think andrea seoul just stuck her foot in her mouth? >> i didn't hear the full interview, and i haven't seen the tweet. i can tell you what i know about the obama care plan. i know that it is already doubled in cost. this is in year one. those are not my numbers. those are the cbo numbers. >> she is bringing up the fact that -- >> you have the historic -- no. >> but she's bringing up the fact they could have gone to massachusetts and she brings up romney care. >> president obama's plan is going to limit access to health care delivery. >> we're talking about mitt romney here. >> it is going to increase the cost of health care insurance for individuals. you know, you have got all of these different states with different plans. >> we're talking -- with all due respect, congresswoman, we're talking about mitt romney. we're talking about a mitt romney spokesperson and specifically asking you to react to her comment and we played the sound bite where she is saying had this man gone to massachusetts where he would have had health care, perhaps that would have prevented his wife's death. it is nothing to do with obama care. >> though the point remains obama care is what is on the table. that is what is going to affect americans. it is what has increased the cost of insurance for all of our small business employers. i hear from people every single day that complain about the cost of insurance going up and the amount that it is going up every single day. >> congresswoman, if i may, if i may -- >> that's the issue. >> if i may, i want to move on and ask you about one other thing. as we talk about so many of these ads here, elections are a couple months away and it is getting interesting. i want to talk about a romney ad, not a super pac ad, work restrictions when it comes to welfare and we know the former speaker of the house is very much so supportive here of mitt romney and he spoke with anderson cooper last night. listen to this. >> you do think the actual wording under obama's plan, you wouldn't have to work, you wouldn't have to train for a job, they just send you a welfare check and that is not factually correct. >> we have no proof today, but i would say to you under obama's ideology is absolutely true. >> two words i want to point out, no proof. newt gingrich doing fact checking. how do you defend that? >> i think what you look at the executive order that came out. why did president obama ask the question? why did he feel like it was necessary to get rid of the work mandate and diminish that. >> the question i have is how do you defend that when you have newt gingrich saying no proof? >> i think that what i am doing is looking at the reason for this executive order and when you tell those states that you do not have to have this in place, then the states, and i was a state legislator. i was a state senator in tennessee. one of the things that helped with us our families first program was being able to look at those work requirements and incentivise work. that is how the states have been able to remove and to diminish and to help individuals move to productivity and jobs and work and have these success stories that they tell. it is a way that they have been able to certainly get the cost of welfare and assistance and appropriately placed assistance and to really do some good. >> we all want some good. >> the first program in tennessee was very successful because of that. >> okay. congresswoman marsha blackburn. >> i think you have to ask the question. >> thank you so much. we appreciate the conversation. >> good to be with you. >> we'll keep going joining me live from virginia this morning. as i mentioned a moment ago from team obama tim roemer will join us, former congressman and former ambassador to india. the shakeup in the world's biggest cancer charity months after mixed up in abortion politics. the question is why now? the reporter that broke the story in february is next. you're watching "starting point." [ female announcer ] how do you define your moment? the blissful pause just before that rich sweetness touches your lips. the delightful discovery, the mid-sweetening realization that you have the house all to yourself. well, almost. the sweet reward, making a delicious choice that's also a smart choice. splenda no-calorie sweetener. with the original sugar-like taste you love and trust. splenda makes the moment yours. ♪ i'd do anything for you, dear ♪ ♪ anything 'cause you mean everything to me ♪ ♪ i'd know that i'd go anywhere ♪ ♪ for your smile ♪ anywhere ♪ yes, i'd do anything ♪ anything for you ♪ a major shakeup at susan g. komen for the cure, the largest breast cancer research foundation. president liz thompson will resign next month and nancy brker will receive her ceo role to focus on fundraising. >> all of these changes we're talking about come after a controversial decision by komen earlier this year to stop funding planned parenthood. it was a policy that was eventually reversed. cecile richards, the president of planned parenthood did respond to this shakeup. the komen funded planned parenthood programs have helped thousands of women in rural and under served communities get breast health education screenings and referrals for mammograms. we are proud to continue this work together. >> laura bassett broke the story in february. she is a political reporter with the huffington post and the question we're asking is this whole scandal was january, february, it is now august. why are we seeing this movement now? >> i think they were trying to figure out the best with a i to go about it. i know they did hire consulting firm. they sent around surveys to people asking what is the best way we can get in your good prices to the donors and should we apologize? do we need to fire more people? do people need to resign? do we need to change something about the mission? this is what they came up. people just wanted a shakeup in the leadership and particularly the heads of komen affiliates in different states. they were pressuring the leadership team to just shake things up because they really screwed up and this was the only way they could really apologize. >> when i think of susan g. komen you think of the race for the cure and it is so integral in the fundraising and we been doing digging this morning and in terms of numbers the registration in some of the races is down by as much as some 30%, and i am just curious because we know nancy brinker, she is sticking around. it was her sister who was susan komen that passed away of breast cancer. she is leaving the ceo role to focus on fundraising and strategic planning, so can you just do me a favor and clarify what it is she will be doing and talking about dollars and cents, is this really about money, these moves? >> she is moving into a role that i think is more of a figure head role than a power role. from what i understand she is going to be focusing more on the global komen brand than the u.s. komen brand. i think they just wanted to get her as far away from this planned parenthood thing as possible and whether it is about money, i think maybe it is not so much about money as it is just trying desperately to repair their reputation in america. >> you don't think they're worried about fundraising? >> i think the participation in the races has been down. fundraising has been more spotty and some places it is up and some places down. it hasn't hurt them as badly as you might expect. i am sure some aspect is about the bottom line but i think it is more about their reputation in the long-term. >> talk about the reputation. we see these races in every city, central park all the time, long lines. do you think they have a sterling up until this point a sterling reputation. do you think it is damaged in a way that can't be repaired? >> i do. i think the brand is damaged and just judging from the e-mails that i get on a daily basis, i know that komen is still having to scrub comments off of their facebook page and i think that a women's health advocacy organization going after another women's health organization like this just really didn't sit well with people and i don't think people will forget any time soon. >> last question. do you think cancer research has been affected by this? >> you know, i am not the best person to answer that question. i haven't really looked into it. i hope not. >> laura bassett, huffington post, thank you so much for being with us. >> "starting point" back in a moment. fore! no matter what small business you are in, managing expenses seems to... get in the way. not anymore. ink, the small business card from chase introduces jot an on-the-go expense app made exclusively for ink customers. custom categorize your expenses anywhere. save time and get back to what you love. the latest innovation. only for ink customers. learn more at as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios we have much more to come on start be point. listen up, new concerns about a popular hair loss drug being linked to serious medical problems and even after patients stop using it. >> yikes. they are supposed to be keeping us safe, but you won't believe what was left under a security guard's desk in a federal government building for three weeks. >> new information about warning signs that may have been missed in the aurora movie theater massacre. what we could learn from a court hearing today. you're watching "starting point." why not try coffee-mate? 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[ male announcer ] you work hard. stretch every penny. but chances are you pay a higher tax rate than him... mitt romney made twenty million dollars in two thousand ten but paid only fourteen percent in taxes... probably less than you now he has a plan that would give millionaires another tax break... and raises taxes on middle class families by up to two thousand dollars a year. mitt romney's middle class tax increase. he pays less. you pay more. welcome back to "starting point" on this thursday. keep me in check for a minute. i am brook bald in. >> thursday, false, totally true. it is thursday. i am john berman. soledad is off this week. we want to get to this morning's top stories. >> we're likely to hear a lot more today about the weeks, months leading up to the colorado movie theater massacre. >> james holmes is due back in court this afternoon for a hearing on lifting parts of the gag order in this case. today is mostly focusing on unsealing documents, right? >> you're absolutely right about that. it is access to these court case filings, john, whether or not the public has a right to look at the criminal proceedings. it is something we normally do see in about 99% of criminal poegz. in this case the judge thaz taken the move to seal the documents and also taken the unusual move of sealing all the documents related to james holmes when it comes to the university of colorado. there has been an entire shroud of secrecy when it comes to all of these documents. what today is about is making that information, moving it into the public sphere, so the judge could decide to release all of these documents. he could decide to release only some of the documents or he could decide to release none of them. that is something we're looking for today. we're also looking to see whether or not james holmes actually does appear. remember, that first court hearing he had that unusual colored hair. he looked very out of it. the second time he appeared where there is no video of him, he looked a little more lucid. john, he is still certainly seemed not completely there. >> i just want to ask you a question about the documents that perhaps will be released as you mentioned into the public sphere. if and when that happens, what do you think they will tell us? >> something we're really looking for is the notebook, the document that was a notebook that james holmes sent to his psychiatrist, a package, a university psychiatrist that received this package and the contents of it is what people really want to see. what did he write in there? was there an elaborate plan? did he sketch it out? did he send this notifications to his university psychiatrist? we're also looking to see whether or not the psychiatrist, you know, there have been media leaks about this, but whether or not the psychiatrist did call the university's threat assessment team. these are some of the things that the media is hoping to learn, that the you be approximate frankly is hoping to learn about james holmes. >> really interesting legal question in colorado. thanks very much for being here. now look at the rest of your day's headlines. really, police in new york say they tracked down the twitter user who threatened to attack a broadway show. police say the suspect is not in new york city but they will interview this individual soon. police had to issue a subpoena in order to get information about the suspect because the website twitter initially refused to cooperate with investigators. a delaware pediatrician and his wife arrested for, get this, allegedly waterboarding their 11-year-old daughter. melvin morris, a noted researcher in near death experience and his wife face reckless endangerment charges the daughter saying he held her face under the faucet four times in the last two years while her mother stood by and watched. think about this this morning. how in the world did a bomb in a bag sit in a federal building for three weeks before someone found it? this new report out citing poor judgment, sloppy training, bad hiring according to homeland security. the bag with an i.e.d. inside was found outside the mcnamara building in detroit in february of 2011 found by a security guard and chucked it under his desk and two employees x-rayed it and failed to identify it. a federal inspector also overlooked it during four separate checks. event will i two guards grew suspicious and called in federal agents and the bomb was detonated harmlessly and three guards fired and a fourth resigned and five others suspended. a michigan man was later caught and charged with placing the device outside the building. military fighter jets, choppers and tanks unleerning bombardment on a virtually desserted city of aleppo. >> the syrian government and the opposition offering different accounts about who controls the neighborhood. a syrian opposition network says at least 167 people were killed across syria yesterday. >> right now a sick american being evacuated from antarctica. they're on their way to new zealand and patient picked up from muchlt urdo research station where the temperature is below zero fahrenheit. we are told he is in stable condition. >> that's good news. this not so much. reversing hair loss at a cost. a new study says 64% of young men who took the hair loss drug propecia and experienced sexual side effects showed signs of moderate or severe depression. 40% reported suicidal thoughts, low low lichlt ibido and this constituted friday the george washington university school of medicine and health sciences. you're a basketball fan. >> i am. >> people are in basketball and then people are into basketball, i.e., a 5-year-old boy. still to come, when jeremy lin left the knicks this 5-year-old fan didn't take the news so well. how the houston bound hoop star made this little guy's day. he will join us live along with his dad. >> and if you ever wondered what it would be like to win an olympic gold medal we'll ask a woman that won six, rebecca soni live from london next. it is going to be good. "starting point" back right after this. 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[ female announcer ] get the travelocity guarantee any way you book, including our new app. you'll never roam alone. aiming for the gold this morning, just three days left here of the summer olympics today, the women swam in the 10 kilometer marathon, so far team usa has 30 medals in swimming events and 16 gold. >> and three belong to rebecca soni earning silver in the 100 meter breast stroke, and gold in the 200 meter breast stroke becoming the first to defend her total and also broke her second world record swimming faster than 2:20. she is the first woman ever to break that mark. >> overall rebecca is a six-time olympic gold medalist and joins me live this morning from london. rebecca, so nice to meet you and talk to you and beyond the crazy records and the medals i want to know what in the world it felt like when you look up and see that clock and you always wanted to beat 2:20 and finally you see what was it, 2:19:59. what was the moment like? >> it was so exciting. i just touched the wall and i remember i was afraid to look up and i knew i had won, and i was already so excited, and i had been chasing that 2:19 and the 2:20 barrier for so long that as soon as i turned around and looked, i just felt this like rush of emotion and was just so happy i felt like i had achieved something i had been striving for for so long. >> you won three medals in beijing as well, and you actually thought about quitting after 2008, but you kept on going and one of the things you did was in a way back off your training, taking one of your training swims every day in the ocean. why did you do that? is there a lesson for all of us that we all need to back up a little bit? >> well, after beijing i had one more year of college and wasn't ready to jump right back into hard training so i took two years of swimming only once a day and really just enjoying it and not pushing it too much and not really doing like too much training as i had been lately and training for the olympics and so it really helped me to build some stuff out of the water and to enjoy things. i live near the beach so i was able to go swim in the ocean here and there and enjoy a lot of other things and take my mind out of the pool for a while and got back into heavy training about a year out from this london games and it has been a really fun time to kind of play with what it is like to race after training once a day versus twice a day and it is fun to kind of learn different things and hopefully take that onto the future. >> speaking of taking things onward, i feel like there is an ast trisk to your story, the fact that you had minor heart surgery. you experienced heart irregular laters to are a number of years and you had this surgery before beijing. how did you overcome that? clearly you have. >> you know, it was a fairly minor procedure when i got it done in 2006, and definitely it was a big problem when i was training before hand, so it was really great to after the procedure i was completely healthy and to be able to put even more effort into the pool without worrying about my heart having problems. >> so it looks like you have been having some fun over there in london. it is a pretty fun city. you have been going around to all the other events and snapping pictures here and there. >> your twitter feed is fun to read. >> what is your favorite stuff to do and watch over there outside the pool? >> it has been so fun to after i finished swimming to be able to explore london a little bit, do some touristy stuff and get to other events. i got to see the gymnastics venue the other night and i also beach volleyball last night and it was great to be able to actually support my teammates there, kerri walsh, did amazing and it was so fun to watch and see in person. >> rebecca, final question. pressure is on. we watched you in beijing. watched you in london. do we have a rio in the future? >> you know, i am not sure. i am just really thrilled to be here and to be able to share my story and you can check out my story at kellogg' usa and no decisions about the future, celebrating the moment. >> we'll be watching whether it is smoking your colleagues in the pool or beyond, rebecca soni, thank you so much. >> moving on now, new york knicks star jeremy lin left for houston and one super fan was completely, totally devastated. a 5-year-old boy named naine. >> it is so sad. >> they didn't trade him. they just didn't sign him. >> why? why didn't they sign him? >> i don't know. >> oh, devastation. this little man and his dad, they're live in the studio. nice. i like that. they have a pretty cool update thanks to jeremy lin himself. you're watching "starting point." welcome. you see us, at the start of the day. on the company phone list that's a few names longer. you see us bank on busier highways. on once empty fields. everyday you see all the ways all of us at us bank are helping grow our economy. lending more so companies and communities can expand, grow stronger and get back to work. everyday you see all of us serving you, around the country, around the corner. us bank. so a lot of new york knicks fans are still trying to recover from the loss that was linsanity. point guard jeremy lin is taking his talents to the houston rockets. >> and some fans are taking it somewhat worse than others. listen to this. >> they traded jeremy lin. i'm so sad. >> but they didn't trade him. they just didn't sign him. >> but why didn't they sign him? >> i don't know. i don't know. >> maybe they don't like chinese men. >> yeah, maybe. i don't know. >> oh, you're lookinga the him right now. it's 5-year-old super fan nayim. that was a youtube video his dad made. it's gone viral. and one of the people that has seen this video is lin himself. >> and when he saw this, he contacted you personally. we'll get to that. hey, little man, you look still frustrated that he's not playing for the knicks, huh? yeah. silent. i know it's early. >> it's tough. >> i see a little pouted happen. dad, walk me back to, you know, when the news first broke that lin was headed to houston. it didn't really, i guess, click for nayim until the next day. >> yeah. the next day, he saw this little foam finger thing on the floor of his room and he had a meltdown. >> meltdown city. >> he came over to mom and dad's room and just had a complete meltdown. and i told myself, i have to record this. i'm like, you know, of course, parents, we like to torture our kids. so i had to record it. >> what was going through your head as you were watching it? >> as i was watching him just have this meltdown, i was trying to not to laugh honestly and also trying not to hug him, because i was recording. i felt bad, but at the same time it was really funny to me as a dad, i guess. but, yeah, it was tough, you know, from just watching him just go through it all. >> we have been showing this video all morning, and everybody in the studio goes, oh, poor guy. and i'm like, no, no, it's got a happy ending. a really happy ending. what happened? >> awesome happy ending. basically, lin's people, patricia sun, his business manager, reached out to us on youtube after the video started going so crazy. and she offered to cheer naim up. she showed the video to jeremy. and they thought it would be cool if they sent him like a jersey and all this cool stuff. and i said, sure, that would be awesome. we were really excited. she called me the next day to kind of go over details, and she said maybe they could talk over the phone. and i said, listen, he's five. he's not going to believe me if i say, hey, jeremy lin is on the phone. >> he's too smart for that. you needed more than a phone call, didn't you? you needed to see the man. do you remember that day? let's roll the tape. this is the follow-up. >> he said he was going to miss you watching -- he was going to miss watching you play for the knicks. >> oh, i appreciate that. i'm going to miss the knicks too playing in new york. but you need to still root for them because they are going to be a great team with or without me, all right? >> naim, do you remember what that was like when you saw jeremy leadership lin talking to you? why do you like him so much? >> because he is the greatest player on the knicks. >> you're not a stoudemire guy? >> i am. >> you are. >> jeremy lin told you that you should keep on rooting for the knicks. are you going to keep rooting for the knicks? >> or are you going to move to houston? sorry dad. >> no. honestly, literally, the day after we spoke to jeremy, because before then he was still like knicks, you know, get out of here. he wanted to turn on the video game, and i had to pick the knicks and he had to pick the houston rockets and he had to kick my butt. and that's kind of how it had to go, until the day after jeremy said you should keep rooting. and he came up to me and said, you know, dad, i think i'll just like the knicks again. and i said, ok, sure. >> naim, can i ask you one more question? if jeremy lin is watching right now, what do you want him to know? are you still his number one fan? yeah? >> are you going to keep on the radioing rooting -- how do you think he's going to play this year in houston? >> good. >> from an expert analyst to say the least. >> all right. thank you so much. >> thank you both. >> naim, you're number one, man. hold it up so we can all see it again. yeah. that's it. >> back in just a moment. >> we'll be right back. >> they traded jeremy lin. i'm so sad. >> but they didn't trade him. they just -- they didn't sign him. >> about you why didn't they sign him? >> i don't know. i don't know. >> maybe they don't like chinese men. >> yeah, maybe. i don't know. the greatest empires. then, some said, we lost our edge. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business. find out how it can work for yours at you'll inevitably find yourself on a desolate highway in your jeep grand cherokee. and when you do, you'll be grateful for the adaptive cruise control that automatically adjusts your speed when approaching slower traffic. and for the blind spot monitoring that helps remind you that the highway might not be as desolate... you thought. ♪ the blissful pause just before that rich sweetness touches your lips. the delightful discovery, the mid-sweetening realization that you have the house all to yourself. well, almost. the sweet reward, making a delicious choice that's also a smart choice. splenda no-calorie sweetener. with the original sugar-like taste you love and trust. splenda makes the moment yours. good morning. i'm john bierman. >> and i'm brook baldwin. soledad is off this morning. sticker shock. why prices climbed 13 cents in a single week and why it looks like they'll keep going up. mitt romney ripping president obama's stance on birth control in a new ad out this morning. but the president says that mitt romney wants to take women's health care back to the 1950s. you heard from the romney campaign a little while ago. coming up, the obama campaign responds. also this morning, new pictures from mars showing it actually really looks like they are comparing it to the mojave desert. we'll talk to the lead scientist for that mars mission, michael myer. he will join us live. also live this morning, obama surrogate tim roamer and gold medal winning gymnast jordyn wieber. >> it's thursday. "starting point" beginning right now. we want to introduce you to today's all-star panel joining us right now. ron brownstein. will cain from >> good morning. >> and richard sock reedies. so -- richard sock reedies. classing up the joint. >> yeah. >> our "starting point" this morning, guys, gas prices which are heading higher. up another 1.5 cents overnight for a national average of $3.66 a gallon. and it's a fire in california doing it, and it's about to make things even worse. >> here's why. this is the chevron richmond california plant. partially shut down the facility, dramatically cutting production at one of the nation's biggest suppliers. it's expected to send prices skyrocketing not just in california, but nationwide. >> ed, i know a couple of things you're watching here are the health concerns for the people near this fire in richmond, california. but also the financial hit that could be coming to all of us if gas prices spike around the country. >> reporter: and we have taken this financial hit over the last few weeks, and it almost seems like if you've blinked, you've missed this. but as you mentioned, national average of gas prices across the country at $3.66 per gallon. that has gone up almost 30 cents in the last month. so a dramatic rise here. and analysts say they expect that to continue to go up over the next few days and weeks. and a lot of that is because of this latest high profile incident at a refinery. but when you're talking about this massive fire, john, in richmond, california, the san francisco bay area, where this refinery has essentially been shut down, analysts there along the west coast predicting that gas prices will go over $4 a gallon because of this. but this is also something that we've seen over the last several weeks and months not only in california but across the country where we have seen production problems and issues rise up at several refineries across the country from the midwest, down to oklahoma, and the one we're talking about now in california. all of that leading to gas prices starting to tick back up, and analysts say that they expect to see that for the next few weeks. the hope is that as the fall months come into play here and demand goes down, then gas prices will start to come back down. but for now, we're going to see that pain at the pump. guys, back to you. >> ed, let's hope it ends soon. thank you. a look at the day's other top stories. there's been a shakeup at the susan g. komen for the cure. president liz thompson and founder nancy brinker both stepping down from their positions. thompson will leave the organization next month. brinker we've learned will surrender her ceo title. she's going to be focusing instead on fundraising and planning. more fallout from the decision earlier this year to suspend funding for planned parenthood, a decision that was ultimately reversed. we may soon learn more about the weeks and months leading up to the colorado movie theater massacre. suspect james holmes is expected back in court this afternoon. today's hearing will focus on lifting parts of the gag order in this case. holmes is charged with killing 12 people and injuring 58 others at that midnight screening of "the dark knight rises." the final shot fired by sikh temple gunman wade michael page actually went into his own head. surveillance video confirms that page did commit suicide after being wounded in the stomach by a police officer. he wounded six people and killed three others before taking his own life. and it turns out more people might have been killed if not for the quick thinking of two young children who were sitting outside the temple when the gunman shows up and starts firing. they actually sat down and spoke with anderson cooper last night. >> for a second, me and my sister thought, yeah, maybe he needed directions or he needed help. but me and my sister looked at him, and then we noticed he was shooting those two people. and then we ran as fast as we could inside to warn everybody in the kitchen. and everybody else just to warn everybody there's a man outside with a gun. >> it's incredible, the quick thinking. by the way, we found out 11-year-old avay's name means fearless. >> absolutely. the nypd is back searching a basement to look for clues in the etan patz case. he is the boy that vanished in 1979 on his way to school, the first child to appear on a milk carton. investigators have been to the site at least three times since april. they removed five large paper bags and tools including a shovel from the basement but they will not say right now what they are looking for. in may, they arrested pedro hernandez, who allegedly confessed to killing patz. country singer randy travis is out on bail this morning. troopers in northern texas allegedly found him laying naked on a remote road apparently smelling of alcohol, following his car careening off a highway and hitting several barricades. this all led to -- we've got to love the mugshots. this is a pretty rough one here. travis was charged with a dwi and felony retaliation for allegedly threatening, and i'm quoting here, to shoot and kill the troopers working the case. back in february, he pleaded no contest to public intoxication following the super bowl. >> he is not sending that head shot out for casting calls. >> no, i don't think so. to politics now, gentlemen, where president obama is waking up in colorado for day number two of campaigning. mitt romney on the other hand, attending fundraisers both in new york and new jersey. overnight, romney's campaign released a brand-new ad which attacks the president and accuses him of trampling on religious freedoms with his newly enacted birth control mandate. let's listen. >> president obama used his health care plan to declare war on religion. forcing religious institutions to go against their faith. mitt romney believes that's wrong. when religious freedom is threatened, who do you want to stand with? >> i'm mitt romney, and i approved this message. >> former indiana congressman tim roemer is an obama campaign surrogate and also a former u.s. ambassador to india. ambassador roemer, i want to talk about this. more than 40 charities and schools are suing president obama over this mandate. some say that is proof enough that the president has picked a religious fight. what do you say? >> after governor romney's trip abroad and some of the problems he had on his foreign policy trip with some of the gaffes and mistakes, his comment previous to that that he was talking about russia being the number one geopolitical foe, we have said that he's kind of back in the cold war on foreign policy. well, with this new ad on the catholic church and on health care, he's back in the 1950s and '60s trying to remove, you know, health care services for women. look, as a practicing catholic, it's extremely important to me, and something that i have talked to the white house about, that we have a balance between respecting religious freedom, which is core to our constitution and our practices in this country, and providing accessible health care to our people. and in particular women. and i think the president has done a great job on this front. and i think this ad is terribly misleading and wrong. >> but you think -- that's not surprising. but a lot of religious organizations don't. so is the president being sensitive enough to the words of these religious groups? >> well, john, you cite the romney side of this. there are plenty of other catholic organizations, many that i've worked with, that support the compromise plan by the president, that looks at this balance between how we practice our religious freedom and how we're not mandated to have to buy certain services. the insurance companies would contact these practicing catholics and others who might not want to do this, yet it's available for them if they want it. and it will be affordable. so i think the president has struck just the right balance. and, again, governor romney just as he has in other ads is misstating the facts. people are saying -- all the fact checkers are saying that many of these ads are just not true or believable. >> let me jump in on that with regard to facts and untrue ads. we have to talk about this priorities usa ad, this pro obama ad, that's been all over the airwaves and hasn't even hit the airwaves yet. basically if you don't know what this is, this is a laid-off steel worker basically blaming mitt romney for the death of his wife. this is the premise essentially of this particular ad. and bill burton, he is the senior strategist for priorities usa, and he stands by the ad. roll this. >> anybody that watches this 60-second ad comes away and says mitt romney is responsible at least indirectly for this lovely woman's death. >> i don't think that's true. >> it's clearly lost on some folks. make no mistake about that. but what this ad is about is what mitt romney wants this campaign to be about. >> burton was on with anderson last night again standing by the ad. cnn did our very conclusive fact checking. it's just not accurate. this ad is just not accurate. my question to you is given the facts, and i say that sort of loosely, of the ad and also the tone taken here, do you think that the president should disavow the ad, and would you, will you, disavow the ad? >> look, brooke, i haven't even seen the ad. you said it's not on the airwaves. i know many of you think -- >> we just played a little bit of it. >> many of you think we watched tv all day. you played a couple of seconds of it. i have not seen the ad. but let me say this. as a congressman, former congressman from indiana, we saw plenty of people, too many people, that were laid off from jobs, lost their dignity, lost their health care, and sometimes terrible things happen. this breaks your heart. >> this is a heartbreaking story. and whatever side you're on, you feel for this man and the wife that he lost. but when you look at the facts in this ad, the facts are inaccurate. we later learned, our white house correspondent, did the fact checking and found out that this wife didn't fall ill and die until six years after he was laid off. she actually had insurance. ultimately she had an injury and lost insurance. but the two are not conclusively linked. therefore, inaccuracy. do you stand by the ad? >> i haven't seen the ad, brooke. and let me say that the president has been very clear about his opposition to citizens united, the supreme court decision, that created all of these pacs that are out there doing a lot of this misleading advertising. look at governor romney's ad on welfare. and accusing the president of weakening welfare reform. president clinton has said that is categorically not true. it's misleading. and we -- you know, we condemn, you know, that. if these pacs could be restricted, if congress could do something about this, and maybe pass a constitutional amendment to do something about this super pacs and revisit the supreme court decision, i think that would be a blessing for the whole country and campaigning -- >> well, until that happens, let me ask but that welfare ad you just brought up. this is an issue you worked on when you were in congress in the 1990s. you voted for the welfare reform law in congress. there was a politician in the '90s who said he would not have voted for that law when it came up in the 1990s, and that was barack obama as a state senator. let's listen to what he said. >> i have been very active in crafting the state of illinois's welfare proposal and thinking about how do you craft these coalitions. i was not a huge supporter of the federal plan that was signed in 1996. >> do you think the president is trying to avoid the impression that he was not in favor of welfare reform? it clearly sounds like it there. >> well, look, the president, when he was a state senator, did work in a bipartisan way on state welfare reform. but the fact of the matter is, governor romney has got an ad on tv that accuses the president of something he did not do. that bill clinton said is disappointing and misleading. the president supports allowing states more flexibility if they move 20% more of the people to work and to jobs. so, you know, as we all stay up late and watch the olympics and cheer on our athletes as you guys just had a segment with one of our athletes in london, we want them to come home with gold. we want our kids to learn lessons of good sportsmanship. i think this romney ad gets a gold in misleading and not telling the truth to the american people. and in terms of sportsmanship, it's full of hypocrisy. look, the governor signed a letter as governor of massachusetts in 2005 saying he was for this flexibility that president obama has now granted to the states. >> mr. ambassador -- >> so i hope that we see some more truth in advertising here. >> we'd all like to see the truth. tim roemer, mr. ambassador, we appreciate you being on with us this morning. i see three guys just chomping at the bit to jump in. >> i don't think it's fair for cnn to say that that steel worker ad is not accurate, because if you -- i have looked at it, and i looked at it carefully again this morning. and what the gentleman says is factually accurate. he says he lost his job, and his health insurance, because bain closed down his company. and then subsequently, six years later his wife got sick and died. he doesn't actually blame mitt romney. now the connection is obviously there. and we may take -- people may take issue with whether or not the connection is appropriate. but this is what mitt romney says. he wants to repeal obama care. and that's a central issue in this campaign. if you repeal obama care, this guy's pre-existing condition, he is not going to be able to get health insurance. >> these loose connections is not useful in the debate over who to elect in the next election. these debates are not constructive. the ambassador said this. mitt romney would like to remove health care coverage for women, talking about contraception. that's not the debate we're have. the debate is whether or not employers should be mandated to provide it. not whether it should be provided. if you move to that insurance companies, how do you remove that mandate from the companies. >> if you remove the mandate, you'd would be removing -- >> what we are debating is mandates. >> look what we're talking about. the fact that this campaign is being dominate by whose ads are truthful and are not is really a reflection of the failure or unwillingness of the two candidates to really make it about something larger. maybe they are waiting until after the primaries to really engage. but we have very little idea, though there are big differences on paper, neither is engaged on the core variyans to get the campaigns going. >> the romney ad is fascinating. given the trouble he is facing right now among socially liberal, more affluent women to go out with an ad emphasizing that is really an acknowledgment of how much the coalition resolving around blue collar voters. but we have to talk about it or it will be a wasted time. >> we will come back to it. but right now, we look ahead for "starting point." up next, footprints on mars. rockets. footprints. new high definition photos of the red planet look a lot like earth. we're talking to the lead scientist on the mars mission next. and the mohawk that almost upstaged the mars rover. here he is. maybe not in that -- there he is, on the right side of your screen. the mohawk guy now getting marriage proposals via twitter. wait until you hear some of them. you are watching "starting point." ♪ express yourself [ female announcer ] why not try coffee-mate? with over 25 delicious flavors for a fraction of the cost of the coffee house. add your flavor, with coffee-mate, from nestle. add your flavor, well hello, welcome to summer road trip, huh? uhuh yep uch let's find you a room. at, you'll always 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"i am?" yes, you are. making a groundbreaking car. it's that easy. ♪ welcome back to "starting point," everyone. the martian crater where nasa's curiosity rover landed looks a lot like earth. two new photographs stitched together here into a single image show the red planet's rocky surface and really just amazing detail. a california scientist compares some of the early publics of the crater to the mojave desert. >> and now that a navigation camera mounted on the rover mast is up, you see this picture, this is the rover itself, we're actually seeing some full-color high respictures as early as today, including a 360-degree view. so all of you space geeks stay tuned for that. meantime, i want to bring in dr. michael mier, the lead scientist for nasa's mars exploration program. we cannot stop talking about this, which i think is great for deep space exploration and for the inner space geek in all of us. but when we look at these pictures here, can you just translate for me -- when you see these pictures that look like the mojave desert, what do you see? what can you tell about mars in these early stages? >> well, it's just spectacular for one thing. we're only on day three being on mars. and here we have these images to start exploring and understanding mars in a different place at gale crater. the spectacular thing about these pictures are that we see these huge mountains in the background. and it really promises to have layers, sediments, things for us to study, to unravel martian history. >> and this is as you said just three days into it, and we're getting so excited about these pictures. but give me a timeline here. i know the rover is headed to mt. sharp. >> you sound impatient. give me a timeline. >> what's next? when are we going to get to the mountain and what more can we hope to see? >> well, maybe you're impatient, but certainly i'm much more than that. but it is one of those things that's a very precious asset that we now have on mars. it's priceless. and we're going to head toward mt. sharp. but it's not that close. it's about 6 1/2 miles as the crow flies. it may be over 12 kilometers, a little bit less in miles, as, you know, to go along the surface to find our way. that's the safest route to go. and this may take us quite some time. but one of the things that we're really excited about is that even in our landing area, we see several different types of soil regulate in the area that might in fact help us understand gale crater. >> sir, we're excited about the mohawk man. these pictures seen all over. you laugh, we all laugh about this. but in all seriousness, i totally tweeted him this morning. his name ferdowski. doesn't look like a typical nasa scientist. and has he gotten a lot of attention, some ladies and maybe some men as well asking him to marry them. let me run through these tweets. i know you've been busy. but will you marry me? land something on mars if the answer is yes. new life plan. marry the nasa mohawk guy. take trip to mars. play with his hair. >> have you met him? level with us. is he really as great as he seems? dr. myer? you're rendered speechless. >> we all just stare at him in wonder. >> i've seen him. talked to him. but in terms of meeting, i wouldn't -- you know, we haven't really had a conversation. so he's a nice guy. and what he's really important is that he's an excellent engineer. >> oh. >> that is only going to do better for him. now, he's not only a looker but he's smart and a great engineer. >> we like it. >> and he's been busy with the whole landing on mars thing and you haven't been able to focus on this? >> we all joke about this guy with the mohawk, but there's a serious element in this that we are all so excited all of a sudden. >> i think the enthusiasm, whether it's mo hawks or mars, it's a great thing, right, michael? >> it's beautiful. the important thing is doing a fantastic job, and it actually doesn't matter what your hair style is. >> i do want to stipulate we do think you have great hair also. we didn't mean to only focus on the mohawk guy. thank you for joining us. and great work. we really are fascinated by everything going on up there. >> well, thank you so much. and go mars. >> go mars. we'll be right back. i liked his hair. because it matters. at hp we don't just believe in the power of technology. we believe in the power of people when technology works for you. to dream. to create. to work. if you're going to do something. make it matter. mom: ready t♪ go to work? 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[ "human" by the human league playing ] humans. we mean well, but we're imperfect creatures living in a beautifully imperfect world. it's amazing we've made it this far. maybe it's because when one of us messes up, someone else comes along to help out. that's the thing about humans. when things are at their worst, we're at our best. see how at liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? half past the hour here on a thursday. welcome back to "starting point." >> soledad is off this week. we could soon learn more this week about the weeks leading up to the colorado movie theater massacre. >> the suspect here, james holmes, expected back in court this afternoon for it a hearing about lifting parts of the gag order in this case. we have a live report this morning. i know today's hearing focuses really on sealing the documents, correct? >> reporter: absolutely right, brooke. it is about access to the case files. in criminal case proceedings, normally these sort of documents are available to the public. but in this case, the judge has sealed it. and he has also taken the extraordinary case of sealing all the documents related to james holmes at the university of colorado. so what the media is asking for today on behalf of the public is to try to get access to this information, to learn a little bit more about what was happening in james holmes' life, what was happening in the immediate days before the shooting, so that the public can know a little bit more about him. something else that we are expecting today is whether or not james holmes does appear. we are hearing from court officials that he is expected to appear. he's not required to appear, about ybut his appearance is certainly something that we'll report on if he does appear. the first time he showed up, he had that unusual red hair. he was very out of it. his eyes were rolling. he didn't seem to understand what happened. the second time he appeared, there was no video of that, but he appeared a little bit more lucid, but still quite a bit out of it. >> let me ask you more about those documents. why are they so legally important? what do you think is inside them that could impact this case? >> reporter: well, it's really the communications that holmes had on a number of levels. first of all, with his university psychiatrist. and we have been reporting about this package that he sent to his psychiatrist. within that package, there is reportedly a notebook. so what did he tell his psychiatrist? what kind of planning was involved in the actual shooting itself? and then it's whether or not the university psychiatrist, what does she tell the university? our affiliate kmgh has reported that the psychiatrist did reach out to the university threat assessment team. so what exactly did she tell the threat assessment team? and how alarmed was she? these are the details we hope to learn today if the judge decides to unseal any of the documents. >> and what about doctor-patient confidentiality? i know that's one of the questions. we'll be following you covering that hearing later today in colorado. police in new york say they have tracked down the twitter user who threatened to attack a broadway show. police say the suspect is not actually in new york city, but they will interview this individual soon. police had to issue a subpoena in order to get information about the suspect because twitter initially refused to cooperate with investigators. a delaware pediatrician and his wife arrested for allegedly water boarding their 11-year-old daughter. you heard that right. dr. melvin moore, a noted researcher in near death experiences, and wife pauline face reckless endangerment charges. the daughter said that her father held her face under a faucet at least four times in the last two years to punish her while her mother stood by and watched. and in detroit, a bomb hidden in a bag sitting in this federal building for three weeks, sat there before anyone actually realized what it was. according to a report just released by homeland security, the security guard at this particular building in detroit finds the bag just outside the building. this is back in february of 2011. what does he do? tosses it under his desk. at least two employees eventually x-rayed it, failed to identify what was inside. a federal inspector also overlooked this bag during four separate checks, until two guards eventually got a little suspicious. they called in federal agents. so now have you these three guards who have been fired. number four resigning. and five others were suspended. a michigan man was later caught and charged with placing the device outside the building. drivers in las vegas shocked when they saw these billboards with so-called suicide dummies hanging from them. i can understand why they were a little surprised. police say at least three of these signs popped up in the city. they appear to be a form of protest art. one of them reads, dying for work. and another reads, hope you're happy, wall street. place say they are trying to find out who's responsible for this. they call it vandalism. >> that would cause an accident. if you all saw that on the side of the road. >> those were very effective advertising, though. >> you're going, i love it. >> i mean, it's like you're talking about it on cnn. that's pretty fantastic. >> you're talking about a 16-car pileup here maybe. >> i took a look, and there were no accidents. nobody crashed. >> yet. >> wow. >> well, they took them down. >> it looks like a scene in "the dark knight rises" actually. >> hopefully they are down. tragedy and triumph. the olympic games have been a bit of an emotional roller coaster for jordyn wieber. she will join us live from london. and teaming with microsoft to develop a new high tech crime fighting tool. it's sparking some serious concerns about privacy. we'll talk about that. you're watching "starting point." [ annie ] this is the story of a girl named annie who dreamed she could fly. like others who braved the sky before her, it took a mighty machine, and plain old ingenuity to go where no fifth grader had gone before. ♪ and she flew and she flew, into the sky and beyond. my name is annie and i'm the girl who dreamed she could fly. powered by intel core processors. ♪ ♪ [music plays] ♪ [music plays] welcome back to "starting point." looks like something kind of out of a sci-fi movie. but new york city's new high tech surveillance system is really the real deal. nypd, microsoft are teaming up to create what they call the domain awareness system. what does that do? look at your screen and we'll run through it. it allows police to access more than 3,000 closed circuit scanners, radiation dnetectors s well. >> some people are saying it's a little bit too much big brother. mike mcduffey and lou pa rello are here with us today. mike, i want to start with you here. we've been talking about this and it really does sound like sci-fi. a lot of these cameras have been out there already. we've had ways to get this information. so what's different about this now? what can the police do now that they couldn't do before? >> well, there's several things. one, as you said, we've taken advantage from the work that's been done with cameras. you said 3,000 cameras. we have new cameras that read license plates. and you couple that with the ability to place sensors out that can actually sniff at radio logical type capabilities, plus the take the video analytics. you bring that together and couple that with spot reports that come in from beat cops and other 9/11 calls, you bring that together and you create a synergistic set of information, and the sensors can create intelligence so you can very rap liedy and act very effectively with the correct resources. >> so the synergistic tools, it's already been in place for six months already. >> correct. that was kind of the special date when the capability really came online. >> but six months. what have you seen so far? any stories, successes? >> actually i'll pass that off to the pd. i'm not the operational guy. we're the technology behind the scene to try and give them the information. commissioner kelly yesterday in the press conference did say that there have been some operational successes using it. >> we do have some sound, and then i want to get your question in. this is what ray kelly actually said yesterday. >> the system allows us to connect the dots by instantly tapping into the details of crime records, 911 calls, license plate readers, videotape footage, and more. what makes this tool even more useful is that all of the information is presented visually. >> ray kelly yesterday. go ahead. >> well, we know that new york city revolutionized policing in the 1990s with the comstat program, which used data in a way no one ever had to bring down crime. but when you look at the realtime aspect of this, what do you worry about most in the way that this could be used? >> i personally don't have any concerns for example, about it infringing upon or encroaching upon my freedoms. of course, i have a different mindset. my attitude is simple. if you're not doing anything wrong, you do not really have anything to worry about. the horse is out of the stall on this. we've had this in the city well over a decade. if you look at the street by street presence of video cameras in times square, rockefeller center, lower manhattan, around wall street, even up on madison avenue, fifth avenue, the high rent districts, they've been there for quite some time. and i don't think that this is an issue of freedom of liberty. i think people really have to understand one basic concept here. this is a response to a need. you know, if you attempted to sell this program in t 1960s, people would have jumped down your throat. based on the fact that need did not exist. if anybody is questioning whether or not there's a need for this today, there's a need to elevate the safety and security of the residents or visitors to the city, they are just in the wrong time zone. >> i think people would accept that. but i'm not sure all americans would accept the first premise that if you're not doing anything wrong, it shouldn't bother you that people can see you 24/7. >> well, i don't know if it's a 24/7, you know, scenario. >> or at least 16 hours a day when you're outside. >> i made that comment in context of myself and my mentality. the one thing about the program, in all candor, i realize it's somewhat dedicated to the midtown and lower manhattan areas, because that's the target value. i understand the whole concept. i'd like to see it expanded through the boroughs to be candid with. one thing that mike and i spoke about briefly outside is that a program like this can elevate the safety of the first responders. if they have the ability to go in and make an assessment of what they are going into before they get there, you know, that just elevates the safety for the cops. >> mike, you know, you're involved with the microsoft side of this program. any safeguards in place to protect privacy? the nypd has been under fire for spying on the muslim community somewhat. >> well, we bring our technology in and provide them the information. it's really about situational awareness. that's really what the whole system is. designed to do, to help protect the public. so when you say safeguards, we really, you know, answer to the police department on what technologies they want to apply. obviously, the lawyers get involved in that and talk accordingly. so i can assure you, you know, i have a military background. and we looked at situational awareness many, many times. this is a fairly normal evolution of the application of technology. >> not to be oversimplistic, but this is where you can take a cop, a visual thing, and things you guys already have, and present it in a complete picture? >> that's a nice description. good job. >> and i appreciate that analysis, that if you're not doing anything wrong, you don't have anything to worry about. but i don't know where that limit is. >> something we can all think about, and one of the big issues. >> and is it just in new york? will it be brought to other cities? i guess we'll see. >> many issues on this in years ahead. >> predicated on the success here will influence how it's adapted in other cities. >> thank you so much. reigning world gymnastics champion jordyn wieber was expected to dominate the all-around, but she didn't even qualify. >> what's next for her? we all want to know. she'll join us live next from london. 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Lin ,Dad ,Guy ,Houston ,Fan Didn T ,Left ,Knicks ,Hoop ,Explore London ,Medal ,Woman ,Opportunity ,On The Road ,Largest ,Automakers ,Esh ,Idea ,Hybrid Technology ,Opportunity Sales Event ,Values ,Pursuit ,Dna ,Models ,Perfection ,Music Plays ,Congratulations ,Customer ,Omer ,Fifty Thousand ,Fifty Thousand Dollars ,Bank ,Rate ,Rally ,Nonsense ,Rate Increase ,Raise ,Ally Bank ,Cd ,2 ,Hotel ,Reservation ,Guarantee ,Guaranteed ,Travelocity ,Ooo No ,Swimming Events ,Summer Olympics ,Team Usa ,Kilometer Marathon ,16 ,10 ,Breast Stroke ,First ,World Record Swimming ,100 ,Medalist ,Rebecca ,Mark ,20 ,Records ,Beat ,Clock ,59 ,19 ,Barrier ,Brush ,Emotion ,Beijing ,Well ,2008 ,Need ,Ocean ,Lesson ,Wasn T ,Swimming ,College ,Stuff ,Olympics ,Water ,Pool ,Play ,Mind ,Games ,Fun ,Trisk ,Heart Surgery ,Surgery ,Minor ,Laters ,Hand ,Procedure ,2006 ,Heart ,Events ,Fun City ,Effort ,Feed ,Beach Volleyball Last Night ,Teammates ,Gymnastics Venue ,Kerri Walsh ,Pressure ,Rio In The Future ,Final Question ,Decisions ,Kellogg S Com Team Usa ,New York Knicks ,Beyond ,Fan ,Colleagues ,Little Man ,I Don T Know ,Didn T ,Devastation ,Didn T Sign Him ,Didn T Trade Him ,Studio ,Update ,Nice ,Company Phone List ,Highways ,Names ,Companies ,All Of Us ,Fields ,Serving You ,Corner ,Fans ,Loss ,Houston Rockets ,Talents ,Point Guard , Trade Him ,His Dad Made ,Him ,Chinese ,Fan Nayim ,Youtube ,Lin ,Little Pouted ,Huh ,Silent ,Room ,Meltdown ,Floor ,It Didn T ,Meltdown City ,Foam Finger ,Parents ,Mom And Dad ,Ending ,Goes ,Patricia Sun ,Business Manager ,Details ,Phone ,Jersey ,Cool Stuff ,Listen ,Phone Call ,Let S Roll ,Tape ,Didn T You ,Naim ,Player ,Stoudemire ,Video Game ,Butt ,Question ,Kind ,Radioing ,Expert Analyst ,Number One ,Empires ,Businesses ,Well Today ,New York State ,Edge ,Determination ,Business ,Thenewny Com ,Highway ,Jeep Grand Cherokee ,Cruise Control ,Blind Spot Monitoring ,Speed ,Traffic ,Sticker Shock ,Brook Baldwin ,John Bierman ,13 ,Women S Health Care ,Stance ,1950 ,Mars ,Lead ,Michael Myer ,Coming Up ,Mojave Desert ,Mars Mission ,Tim Roamer ,All Star Panel ,Ron Brownstein ,Will Cain ,Theblaze Com ,Richard Sock Reedies ,Classing Up The Joint ,Guys ,1 5 ,Suppliers ,Chevron ,Rise ,Profile Incident ,Shut Down ,Something ,Production Problems ,Down To Oklahoma ,Back Up ,Hope ,Look ,Back To You ,Spain ,Pump ,Positions ,Michael Page ,Screening ,The Dark Knight Rises ,Final ,Sikh Temple Gunman Wade ,Police Officer ,Stomach ,Firing ,Thought ,Old Avay ,Paper ,School ,Bags ,Randy Travis ,Road ,Troopers ,May ,Killing Patz ,Northern Texas ,Car ,Barricades ,Mugshots ,Alcohol ,Led ,Retaliation ,Dwi ,Felony ,Contest ,Casting Calls ,Intoxication ,Super Bowl ,Campaigning ,Fundraisers ,Gentlemen ,Indiana ,To India ,Mandate ,Surrogate ,Schools ,Charities ,Say ,Trip ,Fight ,Foreign Policy ,Mistakes ,Gaffes ,Foe ,Russia ,Health Care Services ,Cold War ,Practicing Catholic ,Catholic Church ,60 ,Balance ,White House ,Constitution ,Practices ,Organizations ,Wrong ,Front ,Support ,Groups ,Romney Side ,Plenty ,Catholics ,Services ,Facts ,Checkers ,Airwaves ,Untrue ,Regard ,Premise ,Bill Burton ,Anybody ,Strategist ,Cnn ,Folks ,Mistake ,Anderson Last Night Again Standing ,Tone ,Brooke ,Dignity ,Correspondent ,Side ,Insurance ,Injury ,Inaccuracy ,Advertising ,Pacs ,Citizens United ,President ,Welfare Reform ,On Welfare ,Weakening ,Bill Clinton ,Amendment ,Welfare Ad ,Blessing ,Welfare Reform Law In Congress ,1990 ,Politician ,Law ,Who ,90 ,Coalitions ,Welfare Proposal ,The State Of Illinois ,1996 ,Bipartisan Way On State Welfare Reform ,Impression ,Misleading ,Flexibility ,Athletes ,Segment ,Stay ,Home ,Truth ,Sportsmanship ,Lessons ,Hypocrisy ,Governor ,Mr ,Letter ,2005 ,Gentleman ,Health Insurance ,Company ,Connection ,Connections ,Guy S Pre Existing Condition ,Contraception ,Debates ,Health Care Coverage ,Reflection ,Candidates ,Failure ,Unwillingness ,Whose ,Primaries ,Neither ,Differences ,Campaigns ,Core ,Variyans ,Trouble ,Acknowledgment ,Coalition ,Affluent ,Liberal ,Blue Collar ,Voters ,Footprints ,Up Next ,Screen ,Mohawk Guy ,Mohawk ,Mars Rover ,Mars Mission Next ,Marriage Proposals ,Hotels ,Road Trip ,Hotels Com ,Uhuh Yep ,Laugh ,Awe Uch Ooh ,Giving You Up ,No ,At Hotels Com ,Summer ,Huh Book ,00 ,Call ,Prototype ,Design ,Drink Coffee ,Engineers ,Kick ,Nerds ,Car Guys ,Celebrity Endorser ,It ,Car Shows ,Grand ,Starting Price ,Display ,Love It ,Making A Groundbreaking Car ,Yes ,41 ,Everyone ,Curiosity Rover ,Surface ,Publics ,Crater ,Detail ,Image ,Picture ,Camera ,Thigh ,Rover Itself ,Rover Mast ,View ,Navigation ,360 ,Michael Mier ,Geeks ,Dr ,Mars Exploration Program ,Deep Space Exploration ,Space ,Stages ,Images ,Background ,Sediments ,Players ,Sharp ,Timeline ,Rover ,Mountain ,Impatient ,Asset ,Miles ,Crow Flies ,Route ,6 1 2 ,Area ,Landing Area ,Types ,Soil ,Dover ,Name ,Seriousness ,Mohawk Man ,Sir ,Ferdowski ,Doesn T ,Ladies ,Attention ,Land Something ,Life Plan ,Tweets ,Answer ,Level ,Myer ,Wonder ,Engineer ,We Haven T ,Meeting ,Joke ,Looker ,Landing ,Hair Style ,Element ,Enthusiasm ,Mo Hawks ,Technology ,It Matters ,Hp ,Go Mars ,It Matter ,Technology Works For You ,Mom ,Love ,Helper ,Subaru ,Cashback Signup ,Movie ,Junior Mints ,Prince ,Butter Tickets ,Movies Through September ,Chase Scene ,Penguin Journey ,Bollywood 3d Shark Attack Ned ,3 ,Banks ,Customers ,24 7 ,Welcome Back ,Little ,Tool ,Crime ,Microsoft ,Security Guards ,Big Brother ,Partnering ,Signing ,Hotel Deal ,Pricelins ,Bidding ,Guest Rating ,Big ,Save ,Refrigerator ,Thanks Negotiator ,Ya ,Cloud ,Collaboration ,Ideas ,Computing ,Network ,Apps ,Pride ,Students ,Graduation ,Business Works Better ,At T ,Difference ,Face ,Doctorate ,University Of Phoenix ,Lives ,Jocelyn Taylor ,Visit Phoenix Edu ,Phoenix ,Humans ,Human ,Creatures ,Human League Playing ,Worst ,Responsibility ,Libertymutual Com ,Half ,Case Files ,Criminal Case Proceedings ,Judge ,Behalf ,Shooting ,Time ,Red Hair ,Appearance ,Court Officials ,Ybut ,Eyes ,Communications ,Levels ,Reporting ,University Threat Assessment Team ,Affiliate Kmgh ,Doctor Patient Confidentiality ,Questions ,Experiences ,Charges ,Melvin Moore ,Father ,Pauline ,Sat ,Bag Sitting ,Anyone ,Detroit ,Tosses ,Drivers ,Billboards ,Suicide Dummies ,Las Vegas ,In The City ,Another ,Reads ,Accident ,Protest Art ,Form ,It Vandalism ,Wall Street ,Saw ,Scene ,Nobody ,Accidents ,Tragedy ,Triumph ,Olympic Games ,Teaming ,Privacy ,Crime Fighting Tool ,Roller Coaster ,Story Of A Girl Named Annie ,Sky ,Grader ,Ingenuity ,Mighty Machine ,Girl ,My Name Is Annie ,Processors ,Intel Core ,Sci Fi Movie ,High Tech Surveillance System ,Looks ,Circuit Scanners ,Domain Awareness System ,3000 ,Radiation Dnetectors S Well ,Pa Rello ,Mike Mcduffey ,Cameras ,Sound ,Ways ,Sci Fi ,Advantage ,Spot Reports ,Sensors ,The Take ,Ability ,License Plates ,Radio ,Type ,Capabilities ,Intelligence ,Set ,Beat Cops ,Liedy ,9 11 ,Resources ,Correct ,Successes ,Capability ,Pd ,System ,Commissioner ,Kelly ,Press Conference ,Ray Kelly ,Connect The Dots ,Crime Records ,Calls ,License Plate Readers ,911 ,Policing ,Data ,Realtime ,It Infringing ,Example ,Anything Wrong ,The Street By Presence ,Attitude ,Horse ,Video Cameras ,Stall ,Rockefeller Center ,Times Square ,Concept ,Brent ,Districts ,Lower Manhattan ,Madison Avenue ,Fifth Avenue ,Safety ,Questioning ,Response ,Throat ,1960 ,Visitors ,It Shouldn T ,Security ,Time Zone ,Context ,Candor ,Mentality ,Scenario ,Areas ,Target Value ,Boroughs ,Midtown ,Assessment ,Responders ,Cops ,Safeguards ,Community ,Spying ,Muslim ,Awareness ,Police Department ,Lawyers ,Revolution ,Application ,Cop ,Description ,Cities ,Think ,Analysis ,Limit ,Success ,World Gymnastics ,Whirring And Crackling Sounds ,Assembly Lines ,Intelligent Network ,Cisco ,Hassle ,Wedomestic Energy Future ,Electricity ,Natural Gas ,Clean ,Control ,Energy Development ,Energy Future ,Wind ,Solar ,Risk ,Dream ,Gymnastics ,Twin Gold ,Summer Games ,Stress Fracture ,Leg ,The End ,Box ,Kelloggs ,Kate Middleton ,Kellogg S Corn Flakes ,Stores ,Mu ,Expectations ,Strength ,You Couldn T Compete ,Seventh ,Failures ,Disappointments ,Age ,Grace ,Mentally E ,Adversity ,Advice ,God ,Competition ,Disappointment ,Jordyn ,World Champion ,Go ,Sport ,Starts ,End Point ,Somewhere ,Gas Stations ,Cashback ,Jumper Cables ,Wash ,Diesel ,Flat ,Breaks ,Don T ,Base ,Contraception Fight ,Culture ,Outcomes ,Think Tanks ,Vision ,Chance ,Television ,Everybody ,Sides ,Convention ,1 Billion ,6 Billion ,Nine ,Flames ,August 9th ,Will ,Negative ,Thursday August 9th ,

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