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gene louis and daniel louis. thanks for talking with us. gene, i'm going to start with you if i can. what do you know is the latest about your dad, his condition and how he's being held? >> good morning, soledad. i thank you for having us on this morning. and soledad, we're going to tell you what we've been telling all of the news media outlet's that has been interviewing us and we thank them also. the information that we're getting is trickling down and is information that people are getting from the internet. we do have people that are working on our behalves via the u.s. state department and office of senator scott brown, but again, information is -- we're getting as quick as you guys are getting it as other people are getting it. so actually the family has four people in it. we're just -- got some news so that's the reason why there's two of us that are not here. and the problem with hearing things from everywhere else, you're getting news that is not really true and you have to decipher which one is true versus which is not true. >> it must be a very tough time for your family. i cannot imagine. you say your two sisters were doing the rounds with you earlier are not with you because they got news. can you share what you're hearing? >> again, we've been hearing everything from he's been able to speak to his wife, which is not true, to the other woman is able to speak to her husband, which is not true too, to the fact that they are eating well and we just got some news that he could have suffered from some diabetic shock. so again, we don't know which one is true and which one is not true so we're just trying to be in good spirits and good faith and we are in good faith despite anything. our faces might not look like it, because as you can assume physically it's taking a toll and emotionally. we believe in god and we believe that he's going to do what he needs to do. >> let me ask you a question, your mom was also on the trip and we've been showing pictures of your mom taen dad together. she was not one of the ones taken hostage. have you had a chance -- >> she was not, soledad. >> she's still in egypt, right, but she was -- she's not among those captured. what she has been able to tell you? >> actually, she they had left egypt for security reasons and they are in israel now. we speak to her constantly. we happen to have another member that's in our church that has a verizon phone that is able to give us a point of reference on top of whatever else we have. and we speak to her. she's in good spirits but again, you can only imagine the toll that it's taking on her also, that the days are lingering and she can't speak to her husband. you're hearing all of these type of news and yet trying your best to get pertinent news and trying to get exact news and can't get it. >> there was a report that your dad had offered himself up to the captores when they surrounded the bus and said take me and free everybody else. is that true? was your mom able to confirm that? >> and soledad like i told the outlet before that had requested an answer and that question, as trufl -- as close and true to my knowledge as i spoke to my mom, she explained to us that, you know, i guess the gunman boarded the bus and their intention for some reason, whatever the reason was was to take the woman that they had taken. and as everything was happening quick, if you know my father, he's a leader and he really means well for a lot of people. so she said that he stood up and asked, you know, that he be taken instead of the woman and they ended up taking him and the woman and the tour guide. she hasn't spoke to him since 2:00 egyptian time friday. >> let me ask your brother a question. that particular region is specifically a hot bed of activity. some of it illegal obviously. there's been state department warnings about traveling there. your dad has done this trip before, let me get your brother to weigh in, was he nervous about taking people this fourth time? >> if you don't mind me interjecting, before he says anything, yesterday we tried to answer that question and i think it was taken the wrong way. i said that he didn't know and of course whatever took the it the way he took it, i meant to express to the news outlets that this is a trip that my father does. >> every year. >> every year for four years now and to go to jerusalem -- to go to israel and they go through egypt. and like you said, nobody is oblivious, there's been political derest in egypt for a long period of time of time. that doesn't stop people from traveling there. but again, when i said he didn't know, he didn't know of any imminent. >> danger, notification that this area exactly. >> where they were going through. >> where they were going had any issues and that's what i meant. >> he's done that trip several times before. this was the fourth time i believe. reverend gene louis and daniel louis, we wish your family the best of luck. i know lots of folks are working to get the hostages released. >> we thank you. >> praying for you as well. >> thank you, soledad. let's get the rest of the stories making news today. christine romans has that. hillary clinton is in israel after a tense visit to egypt. earlier she met with the president perez, she is secretary clinton's second visit to israel in the last 22 months, the unrest in egypt and iran's nuclear program are on the agenda. yesterday protester threw shoes and tomatoes after she spoke in alexandria. we're told mrs. clinton was never in any danger. kofi annan is meeting with russia's foreign minister to win support for a security council resolution against syria. now calling the violence in syria a civil war. that means humanitarian law applies and both rebel forces can be tried tore war crimes. a desperate search in iowa for two young girls missing since friday. 8-year-old elizabeth collins and lyric cook were last seen on their bikes. 900 volunteers joined the search. there's a $15,000 rewartd for the little girls' information. battleground ohio, president obama makes his eighth trip today. the president has been hammering romney over his time at bain capital and says the campaign won't back down. >> no, we won't be apologizes and sometimes these games are played during political campaigns. understand what the issue is here, mr. romney claims that he's mr. fix it for the economy because of the his business experience. i think voters entirely legitimately want to know, what exactly was that business experience? >> the obama campaign rejected republican demands they apologize for suggesting romney may have committed a felony if disclosures he filed about his work at bain capital don't accurately reflect. >> anthony weiner wants to get back into politics. the married new york democrat resigned last year after he sent a picture of his privates to a 21-year-old college student. the new york post says he's considering a run for new york city mayor or public advocate, another citywide office. jason kidd in trouble with the law just days after reportedly signing a contract with the knicks, kidd was arrested for driving while intoxicating after smashing his suv into a telephone pole. he also played for the nets and dallas mavericks. in those stories, it's better a telephone than someone walking their dog. >> yes, it is. christine, thank you. still ahead, new concerns about security at the summer olympics in london. thousands of military have been called in at the last minute, the games say? we'll take you live to london coming up next. a town's mayor is offering parking spaces just for the ladies. but you may not like the reason why. it's our get real this morning. we're back in just a moment. now you can apply sunblock to your kids' wet skin. neutrogena® wet skin kids. ordinary sunblock drips and whitens. neutrogena® wet skin cuts through water. forms a broad spectrum barrier for full strength sun protection. wet skin. neutrogena®. for full strength sun protection. chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico, see how much you could save. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone likes a bit of order in their life. virtual wallet helps you get it. keep track of spending, move money with a slide, and use the calendar. all to see your money how you want. ♪ welcome back, will the federal reserve take action? everyone wants to know, it will be a driving force in the markets this week. ben bernanke speaks in front of congress for two days tomorrow, pressure launching to boost the economy because the indications are mounting we're entering a slower period in the economy. the global interest rate rigging scandal gaining traction in the u.s. the justice department is investigating criminal charges against the world's largest banks that worked together to set the libor rate, the driving factor for tons of other interest rates for things like credit cards and mortgages and student loans. >> "ice age continental drift" beat out spider-man. the four "ice age" movies made $2.2 billion worldwide. wow, soledad. >> new concerns christine, thank you. new concerns about the summer olympics in london. thounds of military personnel have been called in at the last minute now. dan rivers is live in london. dan, what happened that they would need to call in the milita? >> reporter: well, they are saying this is all down to a software glitch. let me take you back, originally this private security firm g4s, which does a whole load of government contracting and runs six prisons in the u.k. was asked to provide 2,000 guards for the olympic sites. that then increased to 10,000 guards last september. they said at the time, we'll do it. then we're told last wednesday, the home secretary was told they can't do it because their computer systems are playing up and can't guarantee all of the guys will be ak credited in time and have the right training, even that they are going to be contacted in the right way to get to the right venue. it's an enormous fiasco, the government and specifically the army has had to step in at the last minute providing 3,500 extra troops on top those already involved in olympic security. the firm in question, g4s is pretty embarrassed and the share price has been hammered this morning, again down more than 6% after heavy losses last week with many people saying other contracts with this firm should be reviewed as a result of this mess. >> one would imagine that's going to be the case. there's always security concerns around the olympics, london must be more complex in a lot of ways, right? >> reporter: it is, don't forget when london won the bid originally back in 2005, the next day we had the 7-7 bombings which underlined for everyone that security was going to be paramount, london is a target 365 days a year for islamist terrorists because of its high profile nature because they can get more headlines and coverage. it was always going to be a bit of a security nightmare quite frankly. but there are 17,000 troops that were already involved. we've got an aircraft carrier parked on the river here and jets flying overhead. there are missiles deployed on the tops of buildings. they've pulled out all of the stops for a show of strength really. but this was all about the civilian guards who would literally be checking people's tickets and doing the extra scanners like you have at airports as they go into the stadiums. and they simply haven't been able to provide those numbers and so now there's going to be some element of soldiers doing those checks as people arrive to watch the games. >> be a little bit unnerving, thanks, dan, we appreciate the update. still ahead, bruce springsteen and paul mccartney and the sound of silence. why their mikes were cut off when the two superstars got on stage together. easy parking spots just for women because it's so hard for us to park. it's our get real and our "starting point" team is heading in talking about all of that and more. former assistant to jfk jr. and will cain, who has now shaved the mustache and beard off. >> that's right. >> i like that. looks good. you always look good. will's play list, willie nelson, it must be will's playlist, stit of new orleans, city i love. you see us, at the start of the day. on the company phone list that's a few names longer. you see us bank on busier highways. on once empty fields. everyday you see all the ways all of us at us bank are helping grow our economy. lending more so companies and communities can expand, grow stronger and get back to work. everyday you see all of us serving you, around the country, around the corner. us bank. the wife. hey, babe. got the jetta. i wiped the floor with the guy! not really. i would've been fine with 0% for 36 months, but i demanded 60. no...i didn't do that. it was like taking candy from a baby. you're a grown man. alright, see you at home. [ male announcer ] the volkswagen autobahn for all event. we good? we're good. [ male announcer ] at 0% apr for 60 months, no one needs to know how easy it was to get your new volkswagen. that's the power of german engineering. to get your new volkswagen. [ dog ] we found it together.upbeat ] on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. 's good for you. ♪ >> welcome back to "starting point," that's a track from my playlist, beastie boys, sabotage. someone placed a series ever carpet tacks at the tour de france. race officials are asking french police to investigate. >> stop what you're doing and check out this amazing video of a landslide caught on camera. boaters had just pulled from shore when a large mudslide rolled down a hill knocking down giant trees and dragging everything in its path into the water. the boaters got out in time and rode the waves. >> that's lucky there. today's team, everybody have a nice weekend? >> came back to find out the tacks weren't just thrown in taur de france, but into our logo. >> that's cute, i like it. >> first i thought -- >> i thought it was a golf tee at first. >> will cane is back as always, clean shaven i might add. i was going to try to instagram your face up close so everyone can see it. you're on the fence about it. >> my beard? >> you can't decide, has it, doesn't have it. men and their facial hair. >> comes and goes. >> a guest about her book a while ago. nice to have you. >> thank you. >> ron brownstein is with us, we haven't seen you in a little bit. >> been on the road. >> our get real, germany, you may not have heard of it because it has 5,000 people in it, new logo forget real. the mayor has started designating parking spaces, some for men and some for women. the spots for the women are bigger, wider and they are easier to get into and well lit. he says this is because men are better at parking so he can put them in near pillars and between walls. will cain, i'll go to you first. >> wider and more well lit. we could stop the story right there and let the viewer discern why. >> how do you enforce it? when the driver is gone, is there going to be a symbol on the car? >> good women drivers are welcome to park in the men's spots but trying to help everybody out. >> how women you know? >> working from the empirical data that as we all know, men are better drivers. >> hang on will cain, insurance study of americans, men are worse drivers than women. 80% of all fatal and serious accidents are caused by men. women are 27% less likely than men to cause auto accidents. men are three times as likely for driver's license of drugs or alcohol. so you're wrong on that. >> they don't ask for directions ever. >> it's interesting, i thought, this town has 5,000 people. i started off disliking this mayor a little bit because i was outraged. >> no! >> yes. >> because he said this, i've never expected this reaction, i've been on the phone all day. we hit a raw nerve in society, it's been a great marketing gimmick, they can see the town's attractions why here. ding ding ding. no, he's a genius. >> he is. >> he has a little blip on the pr screen. >> and he'll have tourists coming to park and spend money in his little town. >> all the way to the bank. mr. stroble, i want to salute you. we want to know what you think of our bigger stories -- >> there are bigger stories? >> yes, your end point, really my end point but your end point and we'll play it at the end of the show. go to our blog at point and submit your video and tell us what you think. if you agree with will cain, your stuff will never make air. i'm kidding. it will rarely make air. i'm joking, seriously. still ahead, the man behind the wheel of this. this video has gone viral, 19 million people have been watching ken block tear through the streets of san francisco. we have other videos like it as well. he'll join us live to show how exactly they shot this. the white house suggesting that romney may have committed a felony, team romney says that romney's departure was heroic. we'll get reaction from jack markell, here's his playlist, billy joel, "pqu"pianoman." for amber waves of grain, for purple mountains majesty, above the fruited plain, america, america, god shed his grace on thee, and crowned thy good, with brotherhood... with two times the points onake lunch dining in restaurants,ch? you may find yourself asking why not, a lot. chase sapphire preferred. there's more to enjoy. to help protect your eye health as you age... would you take it? well, there is. [ male announcer ] it's called ocuvite. a vitamin totally dedicated to your eyes, from the eye-care experts at bausch + lomb. as you age, eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. [ male announcer ] ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. now, that's a pill worth taking. [ male announcer ] ocuvite. help protect your eye health. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you've been years in the making. and there are many years ahead. join the millions of members who've chosen an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. go long. welcome back, let's get to christine romans with the top stories. >> a tough time for firefighters in northern california where a wildfire in a steep canyon is threatening dozens of homes. the fire destroyed one home and torched nearly 2,000 acres since it started wednesday. local reports say another 170 homes are in danger and the fire is just 20% contained. the california national guard and nearly 2,000 firefighters are trying to put it out. a deadly lightning strike in texas, two people were killed sunday when lightning hit a soccer complex in houston. it sounded like a bomb went off. the two soccer players sought shelter under a tree when the sudden storm rolled in. a third player suffered injuries and was hospitalized. >> let's get a quick check on the weather with alexandra steele. good morning. >> good morning, we've got classic july weather. heat, thunderstorms and set against a worsening drought. this worsening drought of 2012 we'll talk about throughout the morning. extreme heat, we've got it once again. here through the plains and kansas city, minneapolis, green bay, temperatures there today about 100 degrees, a little less, heat indexes higher than that. for tomorrow in the northeast, will be your extreme heat, d.c. 100 degrees for you. also today in new york city there is a heat advisory, tomorrow new york, to harrisburg, philadelphia, washington, baltimore, washington already had five 100-degree days this year and let's tack on another. not for today, today throughout the mid-atlantic, mid-90s and 93 in georgia and almost 100 in the twin cities. here's the access of the heat today. it shifts eastward once again. we've seen this before, we're at 101 in washington. the difference between this and the last heat wave, this is a two-day affair, today and tomorrow. then we'll see a cold front come through and cool the temperatures into much more comfortable territory. the big picture around the country. here's where the heat is through the plains and northeast. hot as well in the southwest. we've seen that with some storms up and down the mountains and the west. back to you. >> thank you, alexandra. >> we won't know for sure what killed sage stallone. the coroner conducted an autopsy on his oldest son. he was engaged to be married and working on various film projects. kerrie kennedy, the daughter of the late robert f. kennedy and former wife of andrew cuomo is due in court to face dui charges. she admitted she took a sleeping pi before an accident with a tractor-trailer on friday. her spokesman says tests found no drugs in her system. a local council in london showing bruce springsteen who's really the boss. ♪ when i saw her standing there ♪ >> springsteen's saturday night show in hyde park ended in a jam with sir paul mccartney. but concert organizers pulled the plug in the middle of "twist and shout" why? because this three-hour show went past the curfew. can you imagine cutting the mikes on those two guys? >> yeah, they are like the curfew -- >> they can't protect you on the olympics but they can protect you from bruce springsteen and paul mccartney singing. >> we've got it covered. >> got the proo i priorities completely in line. >> just a tragedy. president obama is campaigning up north in ohio today. his eighth trip to the battleground state so far this year. mitt romney is down south in mississippi and louisiana. he's going to have his what could be a potential vp pick by his side, governor bobby jindal will be with him. they have wrapped up their 104th annual meeting in virginia this weekend. on sunday delaware's governor jack markell was named the chairman of the national governors association and also a supporter of president obama and joins us this morning. it is nice to see you. thanks for being with us as always. you were a guest no long ago and now talking about i a little bit of distance. they were not talking as much about the governors meeting as they were about bain and taxes. let's talk about bain first. stephanie cutter kicked the whole thing off when she said either mitt romney misrepresented his position at bain to the sec which would be a felony or he was misrepresenting his position at bain to the american people. she's with the obama campaign. earlier i said the white house and that was a mistake. here's what she said this weekend when she kind of doubled down. listen. >> if you're signing an sev document with your own signature that your chairman of the board and ceo and 100% owner in the company, in what world are you living in that you're not in charge? >> yet when cnn has talked to numerous analysts on the democratic side and republican side, they saul say he was not -- mitt romney was not running the day to day operations and this sort of line of questioning and also not a potentially a felony in any case, is it a mistake for the democrats to be digging this way and going this way? >> good morning, again, i want to make clear as we're talking about politics, i'm not speaking as chair of the national governors association since that's a nonpartisan role. with respect to this issue, i think it's perfectly understandable that the american people are puzzled. that somebody says that they've signed documents saying the ceo or chairman whatever it is, then they have nothing to do with the decisions that are being made. i understand yesterday that romney's surrogates said that he had retroactively retired. i never heard of reretroactive retirement before. i think the more it gez out there it's better for everybody. transparency is the most important thing here. >> is the issue will cain, transpency or from a pr standpoint the governor is in a tricky situation? he's clearly getting money and says he's not working for the firm and that's hard to justify? >> you definitely summed it up well with the second stitch, he's in a tricky position. how do you explain to the american people, that is complicated and not going to sit well with many, many people. for me personally i look at this and go, i'm not really concerned whether or not jobs were youtd sourced at bain capital or what the tax rate was as long as everything was legal and across the board. he has to do a dance of what was and wasn't. >> there's a little bit of dance going on when it comes to taxes. >> we'll play a little bit of what mitt romney said to jim acosta about his taxes. >> i've indicated that -- first of all we've complied with the law. the law requires us to put out a full financial disclosure, that i've done. and in addition to that, i've already put out one year of tax returns, put out the next year of tax returns as soon as the accountants have that ready. that's what we're going to put out. >> doesn't he have a point, he's done what he has had to do and two, gop strategists would say, if you put up five, they are going to ask ten. if you put out ten, you really need 15. you could be doing this forever and it's part of a game. >> first of all, i think understand that george will yesterday said something along the lines he doesn't understand how when john mccain lost in 2008, mitt romney knew he was going to be running for president and it seems he would have figured all of this out. he offered many, many more years of his tax returns apparently when he was being vetted for vice president four years ago. and i just think again, just get it out there. let people look at it and ask the questions and be done with it. i think i don't understand why he wouldn't be disclosing many more years. >> mitt romney is relying on his business experience as the just fiction for his campaign more than any other nominee than wen dal willky, that his time at bain equips him to be the solution to the economy. the obama campaign, all of this, the taxes and outsourcing and bain and leverage and pensions that were revoked, all of this is about saying he is not the solution, he is the problem. which in fact became explicit as the tag line on their new ad yesterday. and romney's problem is as will said, is that all of these things kind of suggest, many of these things suggest that he lives by a set of rules not available to average americans who did not have bank accounts in the cayman islands or swiss bank account and do not get paid six figure salaries whether they are not involved at all in the management of a company. that is the challenge, like bush bush 04. >> from a pr standpoint, what would you suggest if that were your client sitting down? >> i thnk he has to come out and explain to the american people, he's running on bain and started running on bain and has to continue on bain. he can't go backwards, he has to go forward and explain to the american people exactly what happened at bain and has to release more tax returns. >> let's get back to you and talk about the governor's meeting. what was the number one achievement do you think out of this. there was a lot of finger pointing and it seemed like it was going down partisan lines, two of your colleagues were on with candy crowley "state of the union" over the weekend. they kind of went at it. here's a little clip of that. >> i think the president needs to lead on this and get congress back and do something about sequestration. we're $16 trillion in debt, 5 trillion more because of the president's lack of leadership. we can't do it this way and sacrifice the united states military. >> we have sequestration because the republican congress wouldn't reach back to the president on the balanced approach. when i hear about issues of leadership, remember it was the president who reached a deal with speaker boehner more than a year ago now, speaker boehner couldn't sell it with the tea party caucus back in the house. >> big takeaway from this? >> my takeaway from the weekend not surprisingly is quite different. there are so many things that we worked on together at the meeting. there was a lot of talk about economic development and terrific sessions on health care and recognizing no matter where you are on the medicaid expansion, there are lots of things we in the states can be doing. terrific conversation bipartisan conversation with secretary arne duncan as well. there's a lot of good work that got done. i was excited to launch my own initiative, we'll be focused on the issue for jobs for people with disabilities. people are not working and would like to be, they have the time and talent and interest in working. i think we can move the needle on that issue. >> thanks for being with u. we appreciate it. still ahead on "starting point," the veep stakes are heating up. mitt romney says he's going to pick a running mate soon. who will it be? we'll look at the short list to see if we can figure that out. take a look at this, this is a stunt driver, ken block, 19 million views on youtube. it's an amazing journey through the streets of san francisco. he'll be joining us live to talk about what was he thinking, all ahead on "starting point." we're back in a moment. i'm barack obama and i approve this message. [romney singing]: oh beautiful, for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain, for purple mountains majesty, above the fruited plain, america, america, god shed his grace on thee, and crowned thy good, with brotherhood... mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. welcome back, mitt romney is said to be close to choosing a vice president. today he's stumg ping in louisiana with governor bobby jindal and just named ohio senator portman to a top spot. there's been rumors swirling about condoleezza rice, three names. here's what george will said about condoleezza rice. let's play that. >> condoleezza rice would inject tremendous excitement into the campaign and remove all suspension from the outcome. you would have such an uproar yus campaign and challenge to her on the floor and walkouts of delegations and he'd lose 40 states. >> let's across condy off that list. >> there's a long this tri of floating names of people you don't intend to pick as your possible vice presidential running mate. and condy rice is the most prominent african-american woman in the party. and would fit that bill. i see romney looking at two sets of choices, one are kind of safe do no harm governing focus and rob portman, the senator from ohio and tim pawlenty of the then there are the ones who are kind of more wild card exciting, paul ryan would be one. bobby jindal would be another. ryan would be someone who would excite the republican base but really sharpen the idealogical argument to convert medicare from the current form into a premium form -- and jindal is young and insigcites conservati. romney's personality, you think he ends up on the do no harm side. >> as well as he should, that ought to be doubled down on bland but i would disagree with one aspect, i think it will be what do you take away, make sure no one takes away and that means rob portman and possibly bobby jane dajindal, not a lot of ris >> portman is a fundamentally defensive pick. if they cannot win ohio on their own, that is a sign of peakness. romney should be able to win ohio but he is struggling there. it is more of an defensive than offensive pick to pick portman. >> we'll keep playing this game until he goes ahead and names somebody, won't we? >> we'll keep going after he names somebody. putting the pedal to the metal. this is ken block, he's a stunt driver and doing this -- it's called a gin cana in san francisco. this is -- >> this is like steve mcqueen. >> also, tomorrow, on "starting point," i go swimming with sharks and richard branson. yes, that would be me with a shark. that's a whale shark. took a little getting used to. i'll tell you that story coming tomorrow morning. we have to take a short break and we're back in just a moment. ♪ [ male announcer ] we believe small things can make a big difference. like how a little oil from here can be such a big thing in an old friend's life. purina one discovered that by blending enhanced botanical oils into our food, we can help brighten an old dog's mind so he's up to his old tricks. with this kind of thinking going into our food, imagine all the goodness that can come out of it. just one way we're making the world a better place... one pet at a time. vibrant maturity. from purina one smartblend. trouble with a car insurance claim. 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[ normal voice ] so i can trust 'em. unlike randy. are you in good hands? video you are watching is ken block. he is racing through the streets of san francisco in a 650-horsepower race car. it has gone viral with more than 19 million views. also co-founder of d.c. shoes. nice to have you with us. >> thanks. >> this video is so a ever awesome. this is all real. none of it is -- yeah. >> no. absolutely. everything is real. we pride ourselves as rally drivers to be able to do this type of thing with a power-wheel drive car and be able to create this sort of thing. we try to showcase everything as absolutely real as possible. >> how fast are you going when you start off and going across the bridge? >> yeah. that's the bay bridge. my carmaxes out at 110, 120 miles per hour. mainly meant to do tighter, tight maneuvers. it is not the high speed we are looking important. a lot of fun having that bridge to myself. >> how do you get the bridge to yourself? who gives you the bridge to yourself? >> luckily the city of san francisco is great to work with. i have so many films. i have a great film commission. the city itself was great to work with. all the people there were more than welcome to have us there and doing what we were doing. >> it is not one take, obviously. >> no. absolutely. you know. lot of the stuff is very difficult. >> yeah. we noticed. >> practice. very difficult doing that on tight confines of city street. >> how do you -- can i ask you how you plotted it out? how did you plan this? >> i had a list of different things that i wanted to do. lot of them based on san francisco being able to jump over some of the tabletops and use the crests in different ways. i had sort of a set idea of what i wanted to do. then gave that to the location scouts and then they found me, you know, 30 different locations and checked each one out and figured out what i could do there and how and how it would fit into a schedule to actually -- >> which move or which point in the course were you up at nights about before you ran this course? >> which one was -- the one you were really stressed about? >> one there near the end where i jump up over a crest sideways and land in a street sort of backwards and -- we called that a judgment p -- a t difficult just because you don't have grip the entire time. >> we saw a clip there of you flying through the air sideway. >> yeah. that where there is a part in there -- they just he hadn't been on a motorcycle since this time last year when he broke his ankle in x-games. i was trying on get him to do something. he couldn't actually control the bike the way he knew it to because of that ankle. that made things quite difficult. >> you didn't start driving, right, until you were in your late 30s. >> yeah. inwent the most opposite of most athletes i started a business first and then went into the athlete side. but i -- was a fan of rally racing since i was a little kid. went to a rally school in 2004. just for fun. and ended up being a lot better than i thought. racing ever since. >> do you -- do you map it out like a -- before you start? is there a team you work with? >> yes. there's things in my head that i want to try and do with the car. and then i just have to figure that out according to what locations are given to me. and then also we have to make it interesting as far as video is concerned. to try to make it so people don't get bored and it looks like a real course. >> are you insured? seriously. i'm not kidding. are you like -- who insurance you? >> yeah. >> you have three small children. and a wife. is she like totally cool with that, honey, i'm going to go out and shoot? you have a shot right on the edge. i know this part of town. hairpin curve and it goes over a cliff. people sometimes drive over the cliff going 45 miles an hour. this is it right there. >> yeah. i mean, that's very standard for me as a rally driver. we drive on a lot more dangerous corners than that that don't have guard rails. i was quite happy with that situation. >> many famous movie chases in san francisco. "bullet," were there any like moments you kind of did as an homage you had seen before? >> no. the inspiration is iconic as far as car chase scenes and -- you know. i just wanted to take everything that other people had done and sort of really showcase sort of what today's modern cars and drivers can do. that's really sort of mine spiration to take everything that's been done in the past and try to do it much better. >> this is the fifth. are you going to do another one? what will different about the next one? how do you up the game after this one? >> i don't know. i say that every time i do it. this is the absolute best i can do. somehow we are able to go out and do something better. it actually makes it rather difficult. but that's the fun challenge of it, too. >> it is awesome. really. everybody should take a look at it. ten complete minutes. it is absolutely terrifying and -- really great. >> thank you. >> nice to have you. thanks for being with us. >> thinks for having me on. >> what are you selling in the video? >> well, the -- it is basically a very long commercial for d.c. shoes. >> shot of the shoes. for one second you see the shoes. >> we see them in the end in the credits. that's the nice thing about this. we are able to showcase products and make this sort of icon i did nowadays and be able to put it up somewhere on the internet where people can enjoy. >> it awesome. thanks for being with us. >> still ahead, one democrat says mitt romney is running from his tender at bank capital like a skacalded cat. john sununu will respond at the top of the hour. should the statue of joe paterno be taken down after that program's sex scandal? a tough call. that's coming up as well. welcome. our "starting point," battle over bain has mitt romney asking for an apology from the obama campaign and says the president's attacks are demeaning to the office. president obama says he is not backing down. former new hampshire governor and mitt romney supporter, john sununu will join us to respond. plus, two americans and their tour guide have been kidnapped in egypt. even more people will be taken. latest development there. gone without a trace. desperate search for two little girls who are missing. last seen riding their bikes in their iowa hometown. plus, in wake of the penn state report on the sex abuse scandal, should the statue of former head football coach joe paterno be torn down? it is our tough call this morning. monday, july 16. "starting point" begins right now. ♪ please don't stop the music. please don't stop the music. rihanna for to you wake you up at 8:20 0 2 in the morning. the author of fairy tale interrupted. she was on not too long ago talking about that book. chronicling her time as jfk's assistant. nice to have you with us this morning. ron brown stein is back. editorial director and "jagsal journ journal." you may notice he's missing something on that fresh face he has. no beard. yea, finally. our starting point this hour, there will be no "i'm sorry." president obama saying he will not back down as comments his campaign made regarding mitt romney's time as the head of bain capital. here is what he said. >> we won't be apologizing. he is now claiming while i wasn't there at the time except he files an sec listing that says he was the ceo, chairman and president of the company. you know, as president of the united states, one of the things i learned and we just talked about it was anything that happens on my watch is my responsibility. that's what people ex-peg. truman said "the buck stops with me." >> this comes after the deputy campaign manager said romney may have committed a felony for claiming he left bain back in 1999 even though sec documents showed he was there until 2002. former new hampshire governor and romney surrogate, john sununu joins us this morning. nice to sigh, governor, as always. good morning. over the weekend the conversation was about bain and taxes. which one shall we start sfwh. >> let me begin by complimenting you. two things you said. on two things you told governor ma markel. the obama campaign is not very smart intree deucing the idea of felon into the discourse because they come out of the murky soup of politics in chicago where felons bind. number two, you are absolutely right when it comes to taxes. if governor romney puts out two years of taxes, they are going to ask for five. he puts out five they will ask for 12. you are absolutely on both of those. >> thank you. i appreciate it. i didn't say the first one but i will take credit for the second one. let's begin with bain. here's dick durbin and rahm emanuel going over this over the weekend. durbin on [ bleep ]. emanuel on "this week" on abc. >> why is mitt romney running away from his company bain capital like scalded cat? because there's -- abundant evidence under bain capital they were exporting american jobs to low-wage countries. he doesn't want to be associated with it. >> stop whining and if you want to claim bain capital as your calling card to the white house defend what happened to bain capital. >> don't they have a point? do you think, governor? >> absolutely not. look, the fact is that lots of times there are people who are major stockholders who are not managers of the company. at cnn, at some point ted turner, owned the bulk of the stock of the company and no long her a management voice. bill gates has done the same thing at microsoft. unfortunately the management units that the white house don't understand what management is all about. and, frankly, they are just trying to distort the situation because they are shamed of 8.2% unemployment and the fact that they have ignored the workers of america for the last four years. >> or maybe they are trying to ex-plate the situation because it seems like bain is sticking. i mean, obviously they are coming back around to something from a pr perspective alone. seems to be problematic. hang on. one second. let me ask this quick question -- good that's the unfortunate thing for me. i think -- we are trading in the currency of public relations because the truth is whether or not mitt romney was there making management decisions in 1999 or 2002, you are operating on the presumption, if some job was outsourced and rational economic decision was made, then that's bad. we immediate to progress to the debate which is the conditions in this country, some of which the government contributes to, are they conducive to jobs being grown in this country? that's the debate that needs to be had. >> but -- >> look, you want to talk -- outsourcing. let's go back to the solyndra, bright source, all of these grants given to cronies, to people who bundled, people who contributed to obama. they not only got money that outsourced jobs, it was money, taxpayer money, that outsourced jobs. there is a huge difference. in fact, would had an event yesterday that wasn't well reported. we launched a u.s. is astronaut up to the space station. you know how they were -- he was launched? he was launched? she was launched on a russian spacecraft because president obama has outsourced a major portion of the u.s. space program to the russians. that's national policy. taxpayer money. so let's stop replying games with this outsourcing distortion and talk about the fact that when we need is a president that knows how to manage big enterprise and create jobs. the white house, though we have now has failed. >> let's talk a minute before i have to let you go. i want to get threw a lot of stuff with you. about taxes the. that's another issue front and center. people are not talking about outsourcing as much as they are talking about right now bain and taxes and this is a problem important governor romney. here is what governor romney told our reporter, jim acosta, in his round of interviews he was doing last week. >> i indicated that -- first of all, we have complied with the law. the law requires us to put out a full financial disclosure and that i have done. then in addition to that, i have already put out one year of tax returns. we will put out the next year tax returns as soon as the accountants have that ready. and that's what we are going to put out. >> what he is say in a nutshell what i have done is fine. everybody should get over it. >> i stand by my most important source of authority on this program. that's soledad o'brien. you said if he puts out two, they will ask for five. if he puts out five they will ask for 12. >> i was quoting maury matlin, by the w mary matalin who i interviewed last week. >> it is a political game. it is -- >> republicans are saying it is a problem. actually fellow republicans are saying it is a distraction. here is bill kristol, george will, and matthew dowd all in a row -- >> i wouldn't hire any one of those guy. >> i'm not asking you that. >> they are all good friends but they know nothing about running a campaign. >> all right. all right. let's -- let them speak and then we will talk on the other side. >> tax returns tomorrow, you have to release six, eight, ten years. >> the cost of not releasing the returns are clear. therefore, he must have calculated that there are higher costs in relation. >> there's obviously something there because if there was nothing there, he would say have at it. there's obviously something there that compromises what he said in the past about something. >> may not hire them but isn't that problematic, that last line? yeah, there's something there. if that's left in the minds of voters the american public, that's a huge problem. right? >> you know, these are six-inch high every year. so -- you are going -- if you want to release welfare years, you are going to release about six feet worth of tax returns that the democrats will twist and turn whatever entry they find in there. two years tells you what mitt romney is all about. let's move on and talk about the cronyism of the white house. the outsourcing of the white house. and the failure to deal with unemployment and the jobs situation in america. you walk into any supermarket or any shopping mall and ask the public what they are worried about. not one of them will tell you they are worried about 12 years of mitt romney's tax returns. >> hold on. i want to ask a question of rob brownstein. >> obviously that's right but the core question is who do you trust to lead us out of the morass we are in. mitt romney has heavily relied -- again, just now governor sununu, the kinder, gentler governor sununu, i might add -- >> today. >> today. relied about upon that business experience saying look, this is what uniquely qualifies me. i have run large enterprise and know how to create jobs. this is what qualifies me to be president. we haven't had a -- >> that's your version of what he is running on. what he is running on -- >> you don't think he is running on bain? >> to -- >> he is running on having been in the private sector and having been able to manage a state like massachusetts instead of coming out of being a community organizer to that had absolutely no idea in the handling and managing the process. >> governor, that frames the way both sides want the choice to be. what the president is saying is look at the background and look at what we have done in our life and whose side is he trying to make a whose side are you on argument that's not just about the background and ultimately does tie into the agenda. mitt romney and president obama would both argue that their agendas flow out of their life's experiences and what the president is trying to say is that if you look at the choices we face going forward, my experience better equip meese to understand your life and make, you know, make policy that will improve your life as an average american. the governor has a very different argument. that is a real argument that goes beyond distraction. and maybe some of these are, you know, some of the issues are elevated or blown up. but the core issue is a real one. whose side -- what does your experience qualify you in terms of understanding the lives of average americans? >> americans are going to come to the conclusion when they look at this white house that doesn't know how to manage lemonade stand and look at the disaster of the country is in, they are going to pick the guy that's going to be able to fix their personal problems of unemployment or sister or brothers unemployment orr their uncle or aunt's unemployment or their kids' unemployment. when it comes down to that, the obama administration fails woefully. it is a disaster. they have created four years of nothing in america. they have to stand up and be responsible for that. if you want to move it one step further, they will look back at the background of this crowd that came out of chicago and if the president wants to talk about felons we can talk about rasco. we can talk about the fact that these guys like to do business in the way that nauseate it is american public. >> he was making the rounds on all those stations for a reason. right? he did back-to-back-to-back interviews for a reason. it is a problem that he is trying to get control over. i agree with you. >> soledad, if he didn't show up, you would say he failed to show up. if he shows up, you say he showed up too much. let's -- let's understand it is a political campaign. it is a complicated process. and the voters are going to decide in november who is going to fix their personal family dismay over not having jobs in america. they are going to pick mitt romney. >> we will see about that. governor sununu, first of all, number one, you are being really nice to me today. and it is kind of weirding me out a little bit. that's one thing. number two, just maybe you started out by complimenting me. >> you didn't make any mistakes today, soledad. >> is that what it was? okay. so much for the complimenting. number two, whenever you are in new york we would love to have you come by in person. so if it gets to fisticuffs, i can punch you if it gets to that. he's very sweet today. what's going on? let's get to christine romans. shes that rest of the top stories. >> news flash, soledad didn't make any mistakes today. hillary clinton is in israel this morning. protesters throwing shoes and tomatoes at the secretary of state's motorcade yesterday after she spoke in alexandria. and egyptian official was hit in the face with a tomato and shoes and water bought many landed near the cars carrying clinton's delegation. short time ago mrs. clinton met with shimon peres. she called this a time of opportunity. the entire middle east. increased security in egypt's sinai region is two americans and that your egyptian translator remain hostages in the desert. the state department is working with the egyptian government to free them as soon as possible. this as we are hearing new reports that the reverend lewis offered himself as a hostage to spare his parishioners when a man ambushed their tour bus friday. the kidnapper demanding his uncle be released from prison in exchange for the hostages. earlier on "starting point," we heard from receiver rend lewis' son. >> we are in good faith despite anything. our face mace not look like it. as you can assume, physically, it is taking a toll, emotionally taking a toll, too. but we are still remaining faith until and we believe in god and we believe that he's going do what he needs to do. >> it has been four days now and still no sign of two missing girls in iowa. 8 year owed elizabeth cole skins 10-year-old cook were last seen friday riding their bicycles in evansdale, iowa. police found their bikes near a lake but no trace of them. nearly a thousand volunteers joined the search this weekend. $15,000 reward is being offered for information regarding the girls. the girls are cousins. jason kidd in rubble with the law days after signing a contract with the new york knicks. kidd was arrested in new york for driving while intoxicated. after smashing his car into the telephone poll in the ham tons. kidd played for the new jersey nets and dallas mavericks. looks like linsanity is headed to the lone star state. the sticking point is the third year of the deal. it pays lim $15 million. if the knicks match it they would be hit with a $15 million luxury tax. new york just traded for point guard raymond felton. it is a sign they are prepared to move on in new york without jeremy lin. >> i'm not sure i'm ready to let go. i was into that. >> we will see if it continues in texas. >> i hope it does for him. he was great. seems like a super nice guy. that's a lot of money. good for him. good for him. still ahead this morning on "starting point," the number of u.s. homeowners with mortgages under water. that number is going down. it is dropping. does that mean we are crawling out of the housing crisis? not necessarily. we will examine some of those numbers up next. our tough call this morning, should the statue of joe paterno be torn down at penn state after his alleged knowledge of the sandusky sex abuse scandal? 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[ male announcer ] ♪ ha ha! point." drop in the number of u.s. homeowners who under watt mother the mortgages is giving hope at the nation's housing crisis playing bottoming out. people who owed more on their mortga mortgages. it dropped over the last three month from 2011 to this year's first quarter. a new report coming out today from bloomberg government warns in spite of improvements, sustained recovery, could still be a few years away. christine romans is joining us. any time i need business help, christine, hold hands on this. it is nice to have you. let's talk about this report, first and foremost. you say slow recovery. what are some of the contributing factors to the slow recovery? >> it is great to be here with you. and let's start with the first part of the year. what we saw was some freakishly good weather that may have pulled in a lot of housing activity in the first quarter. people got outside and started looking at housing and started buying. what's been keeping housing down and what may con to drag it down is the fact that there are so many foreclosures and distressed houses on the market today. fed is expecting 3.6 million more foreclosures to come on the market at the end of this year and through 2013. that's going toeep prices depressed for quite some time. >> then is this the bottom? are we -- are we at it or close to it? >> it is luke looking for the holy grail. where is the bottom of the housing market, right? i think that question secretary yard toy what would indicate a recovery. the fact is we could sputter along the bottom for years to come. so what my colleague tried to do is show multidimensional finds of what a housing recovery looks like. when prices start to stab sxliz people are actually able to get a mortgage, it is very difficult to get a mortgage this year. foreclosures taper down, then the delinquencies go down and sales increase. these are some of the factors that would lead to a rebound in the housing market. >> we were talking about it that earlier. the issue with low mortgage rates and yet, you can't really necessarily get a mortgage. >> right. mortgage rates run believable. 3.5% for 30-year fixed. 2% and change for 15-year fixed rate mortgage. this should be having everyone rushing into the housing market. people can't get ahold of those mortgage rates because the requirements by the banks are just getting more and more strict. i wonder, is there a point when that will loosen up so that people will be able to take advantage of these very low mortgage rates and these low prices? people who want to move are ready to keep going. they have a job. they want to keep going. is that going to -- when does that magic solution happen? >> there are two packtors. first of all, they are gun shy. they made a mistakes going into the housing boon. they made mortgages they probably shouldn't have. and they allowed prices to skyrocket. so now we are -- feeling the pain of that correction in market. consumers, potential buyers are gun shy, too. who wants to buy an as set? even a great house that may depreciate next year. >> bought tonight 2010 thought they were buying the bottom. now they are down another pew percent since 2010. bottom can be a very ugly, ugly thing to put in a housing market. >> uncertainty affects behavior. people don't know where the bottom will be, they will be reluctant to make a choice. >> can i ask you, for both president clinton and president bush, it was a conscious strategy to increase the share of americans who own houses. between went up to an all-time high with president bush and in particular, it was the centerpiece of efforts to build wealth in the minority community. did we go too far? i mean -- did we try to reach an unrealistic level of americans owning houses and do we have to scale back that expectations by what share will? >> absolutely. it went too far. the homeownership rate right now is the lowest it has been in 15 years. that homeownership program, the policies, perpetuated under clinton and bush with unsustainable. it is not that everyone shouldn't have a part of the american dream. to own a house. it is that, though, the fundamentals have to be right. people have to be employed and put into mortgages that they can afford. that's important. that was forgot yen during the housing boon. it can't be forgotten again if we have a sustainable market going forward. >> nice to see you. thanks so much for walking us through. christine, thanks as well. >> thanks for having me. >> still ahead, cries are growing louder to tear down this statue of joe paterno at penn state. what do you think? tough call. coming up next. ♪ why not try someplace different every morning? get two times the points on dining in restaurants with chase sapphire preferred. hethey don't need one,gh wes, clay and demarcus tried on the new depend real fit briefs for charity to prove how great the fit is even while playing pro football. the best protection now looks, fits and feels just like underwear. get a free sample and try one on for yourself. according to ford, the works fuel saver package could terally pay for itself. jim twitchel is this true? yes it's true. how is this possible? proper tire inflation, by using proper grades of oil, your car runs more efficiently, saves gas. you could be doing this right now? yes i could, mike. i'm slowing you down? yes you are. my bad. the works fuel saver package. just $29.95 or less after rebate. only at your ford dealer. so, to sum up, you take care of that, you take care of these, you save a bunch of this. that works. welcome back to "starting point." tough call segment. pressure mounting on the board of trustees at penn state to tear down this statue of the late legendary coach joe paterno. right now interest stands outside the stadium. the former fbi director, louis freeh, released his report last week on the jerry sandusky sex child abuse case. details thataterno placed penn state's football program ahead of sandusky's victims. many are now saying that statue needs to go. you said that you don't think this is a tough call. >> i don't think it is a tough call. reading the report, no chance. >> he didn't just not protect children. he enabled a sexualredator who was preying on children. since 1998, joe paterno was an enabl enabler. >> how do you define someone's legacy? do you define the legacy by the worst that ever took place under them? i don't know the answer to that. we can broaden the conversation. broaden the conversation to many figures to -- you know -- >> absolutely correct question. the worst here is pretty bad. pretty bad. >> goes beyond -- >> feel like all the swirling conversation around the statue, who cares. when clearly what you need to be focused on is how do you change the culture? not just at penn state which held its help up as the higher moral standard. under paterno. other football programs as well. you know. >> economic power. you look at the pay of the folks of the university presidents. >> correlated to -- >> no question where the economic power lies. that produces -- >> makes it okay. i -- completely disagree with that. what he did -- almost okay, in my opinion. >> you look for the bigger picture in other places to place the blame. i think one of the implication many people just go to the culture of college football in general. i'm not saying that's wrong. there are a lot of angle which is you can begin to examine this. even generational. i think when you look at joe paterno, that generation, there was tendency to look away from it and not discuss ugliness. why did this occur? >> right. some of that generational and some of that is don't jeopardize my football program to the point -- >> negotiating a $5 million package while this is going on. it is a little bit more than that. he was still aggressively pursuing $5 million exit package in the wake of the scandal. >> maybe not such a tough call but maybe we should be focused on other things. all right. we have to take a short break. republicans say it is a victory. we are going to be talking with florida's governor, rick scott, coming up next. if you ever wondered what tee e governor is listening to, womack. we will chat with him coming up next. i am not a vegetarian... look at these teeth! they're made for meat! do i look like i'm stalking plants? 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( laughter ) why's the new guy sending me emails from paris ? paris, france ? verizon's 4g lte devices are global-ready. plus, global data for just $25. only from verizon. welcome back to "starti ing point." >> a tough time for firefighters in northern california where a wildfire in a steep canyon is threatining doz inening dozens . it has torched nearly 2,000 acres. 117 homes are in danger this hour. 11 firefighters have been injured battle thing blaze. a vast surveillance operation conducted by the mood and drug administration was used to spew on its own scientists. according to "new york times," thousands of e-mails sent by disgruntled employees were secretly intercepted. those e-mails contained complaints about the way the fda operates. fda officials defend their operation and claim computer monitoring was limited to five scientists suspected of leaking confidential information. checking in on the markets now. u.s. stock futures are lower this morning. concerns about europe are a major factor driving uncertainty in the market this week. lots of corporate earnings reports on tap as well citigroup earning almost $3 billion in the quarter. estranged wife of robert kennedy jr. getting a new gravesite. the family moved her body to the sunny hillside. the kennedy family also bought 50 plots surrounding the new grave. reserved for her six children and their families. mary kennedy committed suicide in may after battling depression much of her life. >> tour de france is turning into the tour de tacks. someone placed a series of tacks along the race route. 30 competitors blew flats and one rider crashed after running over the tacks. race officials are asking french police to investigate. >> terrible. i wonder what they do now. are they just out if it is -- what happens? >> the time on that stage. >> what do you do? >> don't know. >> put a report on that one. >> all right. christine, thank you. new developments in the battle between the state of florida and the federal government over that state's efforts to purge illegal immigrants from the voter roles ahead of the november election. the department of homeland security mass finally agreed to grant florida officials access to its save database which keeps a record of non-u.s. citizens who are living in the country. decision comes just a few weeks after a federal judge denied a request from the justice department to suspend the state's voter purge. with me this morning, florida's governor, rick scott. nice to see you. thanks for being with us. we appreciate it. explain to me what the new agreement means exactly. >> sure. you know, the song i hope you dance was father/daughter song for my first daughter's wedding. i took dance loans and everything. hopefully nobody has pictures of it. >> we will find them and put them on the air soon. >> here's what it does. you know, their database will allow us to make sure that in future elections, you know, mon-u.s. citizens will vote. i'm really very appreciative the federal government is cooperating with this. and it will allow us to go through a logical process to make sure non-citizens aren't voting. and hopefully it will set -- creates path for other states that have the same concern. >> there are restrictions, right? what are the restrictions? >> what you have to do is make sure -- the secretary of state will work with our -- 67 supervisor elections, each county has one. he will work with them to make sure it is a methodical process where you will confirm the names and things like that to make sure that -- there is a good due process because we want to make -- in florida, i'm -- tell people this all the time. this is not a partisan issue. you want people to register to vote and get involved in the campaigns and vote. we want to make sure this is done the right way but non-sy sents not voting in the elections. >> why do you -- do you have any idea why homeland security would agree now and why now? i'm curious why. >> i don't know. you know, it took almost a year. the -- but i'm very appreciative of -- that they are doing it. this is good. i mean, states -- programs ought to be cooperating on things. everybody has the same goal. fair, honest elections. none of us -- nobody wants non-u.s. citizens to vote in the elections. i have no idea why but i' very appreciative. >> okay. then what happens over the next few months, what's your strategy going to be? are you going to continue with the purge using the database? had you some folks -- >> there was never a purge. soledad, as you know, there was never a purge. what we do is provide information to our local supervisor elections, 67 of them per county. we will give them names that people that -- would not be summit citizens. might be on the voter roles. they will go lou the due process. what happens is you -- send them a notice and by mail. if they don't respond, put tonight the paper. and thenif they don't respond, they are taking off the voter roles but when the election happens, this happened to me. you go in and you are not on the voter roles and in knew case i think it is 2006 they said i passed away. you get to vote -- so -- that way, you know, we know everybody that's a u.s. citizen, registered to vote, will have the right to vote. we want on make sure everyones that right to vote. >> i think there are some people that disagree with you on it. the 67 counties, so many said they wouldn't go ahead with,ou know, the original process. has that changed? will they reverse their decisions, do you know? >> well, i believe so. this -- this is a very reliable data that -- homeland security is going to have. i think -- it is very reliable data. i can't imagine they are not going to go forward to make sure. i don't know anybody, any supervisor elections or anybody in our state that thinks non-u.s. citizen should vote in our elections. the right on vote is a sacred right. we have to make sure u.s. citizens' right on vote is not diluted. it is a judge said without it cause irreparable harm in f that would happen. we will go through a responsible, logical possible wes good due process to make sure the non-u.s. citizens do not vote. the u.s. citizens absolutely will vote. >> nice to sigh, sir. thank you for talking to us. we appreciate it. >> have a good day. >> likewise. >> the question i would ask -- is there in the long run this is ultimately a victory for the republican governors who -- not so much on this specific issue but broader issue of restrictions on florida that other states imposed this year. have you every minority -- virtually every minority advocacy group as a systematic attempt to suppress the minority vote. 26% of the vote in 2008. 80% of them voted for barack obama. 29% of eligible voters in 2012 will be non-white. that number is only going to increase and the risk, i think, here very clearly -- what's being interpreted in the minority community is that these governors are sending a message of questioning whether we want you to vote. yes. obviously everyone wants, you know, process that's as -- accurate as possible. but ultimately i think that these republican governors in the long run need find a way to resolve some of the concerns which are very prevalent in the minority community. >> wouldn't a great step be to not do it in election year? you know, where the -- you can do it at a time where it is mon election year. i think that would remove a lot of that sort of pressure where it becomes -- >> are you trying to limit -- >> exactly. >> trying to get the list important one year. >> yes. >> right. true. all right. we have to take a break. tying students' test scores to the teachers' salaries. we will leave you with rose marie's play list. no surprise. she likes madonna. according to ford, the works fuel saver package could terally pay for itself. jim twitchel is this true? yes it's true. how is this possible? proper tire inflation, by using proper grades of oil, your car runs more efficiently, saves gas. you could be doing this right now? yes i could, mike. i'm slowing you down? yes you are. my bad. the works fuel saver package. just $29.95 or less after rebate. only at your ford dealer. so, to sum up, you take care of that, you take care of these, you save a bunch of this. that works. one is for a clean, wedomestic energy future that puts us in control. our abundant natural gas is already saving us money, producing cleaner electricity, putting us to work here in america and supporting wind and solar. though all energy development comes with some risk, we're committed to safely and responsibly producing natural gas. it's not a dream. america's natural gas... putting us in control of our energy future, now. somebody didn't book with travelocity, with 24/7 customer support to help move them to the pool daddy promised! look at me, i'm swimming! somebody, get her a pony! [ female announcer ] the travelocity guarantee. from the price to the room to the trip you'll never roam alone. did you know it was 13 years ago today that jfk jr. died in that plane crash? "fairy tale interrupted." your book is out in paperback. you worked as his assistant. do you look back at that time and think what could have been? every time a political year comes around and he was a man who was being really groomed important something great. >> sure. you think about -- you know, think about where would i be, what would i be bog? what would he be doing? i think, you know, there is something about the fact that i -- i feel that people behave better when john kennedy jr. was in the world. as far as i'm concerned i think he would have probably done something political. but he wanted "george" to be salk cess before had moved on. i have done mostly political books. >> get up on tv and yell at me like john sununu. >> i might disagree but i won't yell. >> it is a deal. we will have you back on that alone. it is a great greed. congratulations. going to take a break. still ahead, tying students' test scores to teachers' salaries. is that a good or bad idea? tomorrow on "starting point," i take a little swim with sir richard branson. a little swim with whale sharks. there we are in the water as i'm paddling backward to get out of will. >> what was your rear action the first time you were sort of eyeball to eyeball with a whale shark? 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♪ ( whirring and crackling sounds ) man: assembly lines that fix themselves. the most innovative companies are doing things they never could before, by building on the cisco intelligent network. i like that music. we should run that more often. welcome back to "starting point." should students' test scores be linked to what teachers are paid. he requires half of a teachers' pabe based on test scores. steve perry, good morning, steve perry. good idea or bad idea? >> great idea. ing in fact, what i don't understand is why it is even a conversation. if we are not paying people based upon their performance, then what are we paying them for? to make them feel better? we are talking about educators, single responsibility of ensuring that students pick up the skills necessary to be successful in their life. they are being -- paid to do that. if they cannot do that, they cannot have the pay. >> but why wouldn't you say let's pay them in -- you know, the delta, the change from when they got the students to how they -- how much they improved, wouldn't that be a better strategy? you can have a teacher that has great students, honor roll students, knocking out as with no efforts and will get paid more than member who has a struggling class whose students are not particularly good students and their teachers' salary would be lower. >> i don't think it is either/or. do both. i think you have to put together a system in which you pay those people because in our school what we typically get are students -- anywhere from three to four grade levels behind. you are right. if we move them up two grade levels in one year, they would still be behind by one year. likewise we have students in -- i was teaching -- able on move students within their area so they were at grade level and moved up just a little bit more. there has to be a combination of both. objective performance meaning if this -- on a scale from one to five they got a five. and the growth. they need to be combined. >> steve, to some extent this is an empirical questions. ohio is not first jurisdiction to look at doing this. the city of denver, i believe is one of the pioneers. what have we seen from the pilot projects under way? >> i think what we are seeing is a greater sense of accountability among the faculty. when we understand our very employment is determined by our ability to focus the children on the skills that are deemed to be necessary by the state, then we have to work harder to ensure that our lesson plans are better and make sure that we deliver a better product. i think it is too early to tell whether or not it has made the uptick we want because i don't believe that -- believe it or not, that pay actually makes someone work harder. but i do think that if you can't do the job, then you can't be allowed and just observations in the classroom alone are not enough. you can't just go in and look at a teacher and determine whether or not she is doing a great job. >> can i show a quick followup. what's odd about this is the timing. happening at the same time the overall push towards measuring school performance based on testing is rolling back with this no child left behind. we are seeing more and more jurisdicons saying let us out of the measurement of our overall school performance based on student testing. now we are saying let's measure the teach others had a. >> what we are looking at is race with to the top is really the dems' version of no child left behind. which is no child left behind light. one of the struggles i have with the dems on this issue, particularly the president, is that it seems like he wants to have it both ways. he wants accountability but low state accountability. you are accountable but we are not going the make it so that you lose the money that goes to the school that makes it possible to keep a failing school open. no child left behind made it very clear. if you don't get these children where they ned to be by a certain time, we are going on shut you down. >> steve perry, always nice to see you. nice talking with you. 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, Wasn T Well , Space Station , Portion , Spacecraft , Astronaut , U S Space Program , Russian , Outsourcing Distortion , National Policy , Russians , Enterprise , Center , Interviews , Ground , Say , Authority , Nutshell , Soledad O Brien , Republicans , Mary Matalin , Maury Matlin , The W , Distraction , Friends , Row , Bill Kristol , Matthew Dowd , Let S , Eight , Compromises , Returns , Cost , Relation , Costs , Public , Minds , Entry , Feet Worth , Jobs Situation , Supermarket , Cronyism , Failure , Shopping Mall , Core Question , Hold On , Rob Brownstein , Kinder , Morass , Version , Sector , The Original Process , Estate , Choice , Sides , Handling , Community Organizer , Massachusetts , Argument , Background , Whose , Saying , Tie , Policy , Experiences , Experience , Forward , Average American , Agendas , Meese , Make , Lives , Core , Terms , Disaster , Problems , Conclusion , Sister , Lemonade Stand , Administration , Unemployment Orr , Brothers , Step , Crowd , Stations , Rasco , Control , Family Dismay , Mistakes , Number One , Me Today , Complimenting , Person , Fisticuffs , Secretary Of State , What S Going On , Protesters , Soledad Didn T , News Flash , Hit , Official , Motorcade , Tomato , Delegation , Shimon Peres , Translator , Opportunity , Desert , Middle East , Prison , Kidnapper , Tour Bus , Exchange , Receiver Rend Lewis , Mace , Elizabeth Cole , Reward , Trace , Bicycles , Lake , Evansdale , A Thousand , 10 , Rubble , Cousins , Looks , Telephone Poll , Ham Tons , New Jersey Nets , Linsanity , Tax , Point Guard , Raymond Felton , 15 Million , 5 Million , Homeowners , Housing Crisis , Sandusky Sex Abuse Scandal , Tap , Scroll , Pinch , Cadillac Xts , Zoom , Cue , Don T Worry , City Life , Engine Revs , Mother , Indoors , Purina Cat Chow , Couple , Students , Graduation , Pride , Doctorate , University Of Phoenix , Jocelyn Taylor , Employees , Benefits Package , Splash , Phoenix , Visit Phoenix Edu , Oahhh , Duck Yelling , Duck , Ha , Aflac , Forbusiness Com , Hope , Drop , Nation , Under Watt , Housing Crisis Playing Bottoming Out , Mortga , Improvements , Spite , 2011 , Recovery , Business Help , Factors , Freakishly , Let , May Con , Weather , Foreclosures , Housing , Keeping Housing , Housing Activity , Quarter , Buying , Market , Houses , Toeep Prices , 2013 , 3 6 Million , Bottom , Housing Market , Question Secretary Yard Toy , Holy Grail , Mortgage , Prices , Housing Recovery , Colleague , Finds , Mortgage Rates , Sales , Rebound , Delinquencies , Foreclosures Taper Down , Ahold , Fixed Rate Mortgage , 3 5 , Advantage , Requirements , Housing Boon , Magic Solution , Packtors , Shouldn T Have , Gun Shy , Great House , Consumers , Correction , Spain , Uncertainty , Behavior , Pew , 2010 , Strategy , Share , Thigh , Efforts , Community , Minority , Wealth , Particular , Expectations , Centerpiece , Homeownership Rate , Homeownership Program , Policies , Shouldn T , Lowest , The American Dream , Yen , Fundamentals , Cries , Points , Dining , Charity , Fit , Briefs , Playing Pro Football , Hethey Don T Need One , Demarcus , Wes , Clay , Sample , Underwear , Pay , Works Fuel Saver Package , Grades , Ford , Tire Inflation , Jim Twitchel , Care , Dealer , Gas , Sum Up , Bad , Rebate , Bunch , Mike , 29 95 , 9 95 , Works , Pressure , Louis Freeh , Coach , Stadium , Call Segment , Board Of Trustees , Fbi , Football Program , Victims , Jerry Sandusky Sex , Child Abuse Case , Details Thataterno , Sexualredator , 1998 , Worst , Enabler , Enabl , Figures , Feel , Goes Beyond , Culture , Football Programs , Moral Standard , Under Paterno , University Presidents , Correlated , Lies , Places , Blame , Opinion , Implication , Angle , College Football In General , Tendency , Ugliness , Exit Package , Scandal , A Million , Rick Scott , Victory , Florida , Coming Up , Tee E , Vegetarian , Womack , Gluten , Iams , Foods Add Plant Protein , Animal Protein , Plants , Teeth , Meat , 50 , Body , Protein , Lean , Nutrition , Coat , Mean Purring Machine , Meow , Accident Doesn T , Car Replacement , Liberty Mutual , Football , Hajimemashite , Mattress , France , Laughter , 4g Lte Devices , Paris , Souse Le Matelas , 4 , 5 , 25 , Steep Canyon , Operation , Scientists , Drug , Surveillance , Mood , Inening Dozens , Threatining Doz , Battle Thing Blaze , 11 , 117 , Officials , E Mails , Complaints , New York Times , Fda , Computer Monitoring , Disgruntled , Markets , Checking , Stock Futures , Well Citigroup , Earnings , Factor Driving Uncertainty , Europe , Gravesite , Robert Kennedy Jr , 6 Billion , 3 Billion , Mary Kennedy , Kennedy Family , Grave , May , Depression , Suicide , Plots , Tour De Tacks , Sunny Hillside , Tacks , Competitors , Rider , Flats , Terrible , Battle , Developments , Don T Know , Citizens , Election , Voter Roles , Save Database , Record , Immigrants , Department Of Homeland Security , Grant Florida , Judge , Request , Department , Voter Purge , Daughter , Song , Hopefully Nobody , Dance Loans , Wedding , Agreement , Elections , Database , Mon , Restrictions , Concern , Non Citizens , Aren T Voting , Supervisor Elections , County , Due Process , 67 , Vote , Non Sy Sents , Programs , Fair , Goal , Purge , Summit Citizens , Notice , Mail , Lou The Due Process , Paper , Thenif , 2006 , Citizen , Everyones , Counties , Ou Know , Wouldn T Go , Anybody , Harm , Right , F , Wes Good Due Process , Sir , Risk , Attempt , Advocacy Group , 26 , 29 , Process That , Minority Community , Wouldn T A Great Step , True , Limit , Teachers , Test Scores , Salaries , Play List , Surprise , Madonna , Rose Marie , Electricity , Wedomestic Energy Future , Natural Gas , Energy Development , Dream , Wind , Solar , Energy Future , Move , Pool , Guarantee , Customer Support , Somebody Didn T Book , Pony , Travelocity , 24 7 , Price , Room , 13 , Plane Crash , Paperback , Fairy Tale Interrupted , Bog , Cess , George , Salk , Books , Tv , Yell , Yell , Greed , Congratulations , Swim , Time , Eyeball , Will , Whale Sharks , Ocean , Beauty , Fish , Gentle Giant , Partner , Broader , Co2 Emissions , Atmix Of Energies Ve The World , Brazil , Shell , Biofuel , Sugarcane , Energy Mix , Adventure , Subaru , Priceline Negotiator , Hotel Deal , Deals , Bidding , Gym , Guest Rating , Save , Big , Refrigerator , Thanks Negotiator , Ya , Assembly Lines , Whirring And Crackling Sounds , Cisco , Intelligent Network , Performance , Steve Perry , Idea , Great Idea , King , Pabe Based On Test Scores , Half , Skills , Educators , Teacher , Change , Wouldn T You Say Let , The Delta , Salary , Class , Honor Roll , School , Grade Levels , Anywhere , Teaching , Grade Level , Meaning , Combination , Scale , Jurisdiction , City Of Denver , Growth , Extent , Pioneers , Pilot , Accountability , Sense , Employment , Projects , Faculty , Ability , Lesson Plans , Product , Uptick , Classroom , Observations , School Performance , Odd , Testing , No Child , Timing , Push , Followup , Child , Race , Student Testing , Jurisdicons , Others , Measurement , Dems , Ways , Struggles , Flight , State Accountability , School Open , Talking , Attention , Feedback , Driving , Carry On , Visit Progressive Com Today , Honor , Button , Graphics , Jack Fair Empointed , Captor , Americans , Uncle , Threats , Tribe , Will Rogers ,

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