japan, one arresuspected of mur >> reporter: we are learning more about the case. tokyo police were holding him on different charges but now holding him on murder charges, looking to advance their case against this unidentified man, unidentified because he's still considered a minor under japanese law. for the minor of fur dg long, an irish exchange student found dead in a tokyo hotel room, strangled to death. the tokyo police say the only other person in the room was the 19-year-old. they are moving forward on a case against another american, blackston, an l.a. native. we spoke to his attorney and he says the tokyo prosecutor's office has officially charged him with groping furlong's friend on the night of her murder. the attorney says that these charges are not valid, that he intends to fight on behalf of his client trying to get his client off. he does not feel there's any sort of validity to this. the attorney also says that at this point he could face, if found guilty, anywhere from six months to ten years behind bars. soledad. >> let's turn to christine romans. good morning. >> good morning to you, soledad. mitt romney is kicking off his every town counts bus tour, six states beginning in new hampshire. president obama is back in washington after raising $2 million at the fundraiser last night at the home of actress sara jessica parker. they traded jabs in the key battle ground state of ohio. >> that it's all my fault, that i can't fix it because i think government is always the answer or because i didn't make a lot of money in the private sector and don't understand it or because i'm in over my head. >> he describes his plans for making the economy better but don't forget, he's been president for three and a half years. and talk is cheap. >> in a few moments, soledad will be joined by nicolle wallace. a high court ruling leads to government in turmoil in egypt. egypt's supreme constitutional court declared the country's parliament dissolved yesterday. the court is considered partial to the old regime led by hosni mubarak and the interim military leaders declared full legislative authority. both the prosecution and defense gearing up for a big week in the jerry sandusky child sex abuse trial. they plan to rest their case monday when the defense is kpekted to begin. eight of the ten accusers testified this week in graphic detail about the abuse they allegedly suffered at the hands of former penn state assistant football coach. joe paterno's widow and one of his sons are among the potential witnesses defense lawyers may call. you'll remember the legendary coach died of cancer, weeks after being fired in the wake of that sandusky scandal. minding your business this morning, u.s. stock futures trading higher and dow futures up 40 points and markets ral littled yesterday on hopes central banks will take coordinated action to keep money flowing in the system if europe's problems get worse. the nba finals are tied to one game apiece but advantage miami, the heat grabbed home court advantage from the thunder with a thrilling 100-96 victory last night. lebron james was king once again leading miami with 32 points. game three is sunday night in south beach. it's down to the wire literally for nik sky walker wallenda who plans to walk across niagara falls. it will start on the u.s. side of the falls and hopefully end in canada, a third of a mile later. he will be wearing a tejer at the request of his sponsors. these are live pictures of the falls from we'll keep you updated throughout the day. >> another thing on the list of things i'll never do. >> that makes me anxious. >> nerve-wracking. >> christine, thank you. president obama and mitt romney are trying to convince voters to support their economic plans. they were both in the swing state of ohio. the president hammering home one of his familiar themes which was a romney win would mean a return to bush era economic policies. here's what he said. >> if you want to give the policies of the last decade another try, then you should vote for mr. romney. >> okay, and here's what's mitt romney was telling voters, if you don't like the guy in charge, you should fire him. >> in my experience of thinking about people i want to have work for me, my doctor, a person that will be painting the house, i want to make sure they did a good job the first time. if they didn't, i want someone who can do a better job. >> nicolle wallace is a former campaign senior adviser for john mccain and best selling author of "it's classified." thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> let's look at the three-point set that mitt romney said he will be honed in on. number one he said the economy, fixing the economy. he says he's going to take advantage when it comes to natural resources of the country's oil, coal, natural gas to lower energy costs so more manufacturing jobs will come into the country. has he spelled out how he's going to do it. >> first step is the keystone pipeline. i think for republicans, it's indicative of the way that obama places politics ahead of jobs. and i think the contrast romney is trying to draw there, jobs will be first, jobs jobs jobs and no other consideration will come close to bringing jobs back to america. it's a winning message for him but get an out sized amount of attention on the campaign trail. >> when you look at what president obama has done, the u.s. imports 45% of its petroleum, down from 57% in 2008. since the president took office as he likes to say a lot, the domestic oil and gas production increased every year and manufacturing jobs are on the rise, up 21,000 in his administration. is that a valid pushback against something like keystone? >> you just articulated the defense. the problem with obama's message is he's contrasting himself to george bush. and that contrast rallies the liberal democratic base, i think it's excites them -- >> what does it do for independents? >> they couldn't care less about the years of george w. bush. by the end of george w. bush's presidency, independents had lost faith with the bush years after katrina and two years, some of the most weary part of the voters once in george bush's camp. but they are not pur sueded to back barack obama in this bush bashing he seems obsessed with doing. >> when you look at polls on that, how much do you blame on the current policy and they say president bush, 68% not much or none. 31%. it seems a large number of people blame president bush and when you ask the same question about president obama, at least a moderate amount, 52%, not much or none, 48%. >> what's wrong with those polls is that president bush isn't on the ballot. the better question might be do you blame george w. bush or are you going to take it out on mitt romney? i haven't seen anybody ask that question, that's the axis around the decision people will make in the privacy of the voting booth turns. do you blame george w. bush and are you going to take out the anger on mitt romney? i haven't even big numbers in response to that question. the other thing is, we never had an election that hinges on the past and four years is the distant past as you know from covering campaigns -- >> five months feels like a long time. >> it's a dog year. so to take voters back four years. >> it's not going to work. >> it's not going to work. >> even latd out specific proposals yesterday, there was no messaging around plans but no specific messages in plans. mitt romney was talking about obama care. here's what he said in his speech. >> the president said the other day that he didn't know that obama care was hard for small business. oh, really? the chamber of commerce carried out a survey, some 1500 businesses across america, 75% of those people surveyed said obama care made it less likely for them to hire people. think of that. >> i thought it was a little strange, no one cites a chamber of commerce survey. i know when you were working in administration and campaigns, you lived and died by the surveys, but 1500 seems very small when there's something like 28 million small businesses in the country. >> it does. >> and chamber of commerce doesn't do official surveys. >> this to me -- mitt romney is a guy who's always going to give us his citations, he's very deliberate and analytical and wants us to know he's not speaking of political hyperbole. >> a chamber of commerce is respected voice for business in america. they have a reputation totally void of politics nationally in washington everything gets plitized. in terms of speaking for business, i don't know there's any institution more credible. i think this is going to be a contest. i think on the right we are going to have to be that voice for the small business owner. they feel they have not been listened to in the last four years, whether it's real or perceived, there's a sense that obama, not only does he not respect and want to nourish business but doesn't understand how it works. that is essential to the republican message. you'll hear more and more voices from business. you'll hear mitt romney cite studlydyes and polls and data and anecdotes from small business. ability to convince voters that he can make this country by getting everybody back to work. >> we'll talk to ben labolt who will give ugs the other side later this morning. appreciate it. thank you. still ahead on "starting point." after all of that graphic testimony from eight alleged victims in the jerry sandusky trial, how does the defense counter? we'll talk to jose baez, the guy who got casey anthony acquitted. he'll weigh in next. also get real for the groom who never made to his reception before he cheated on the bride. come on. we're sharing our heads. we start our "starting list" playlist this morning with ledisi. ine, their very first word was... [ to the tune of "lullaby and good night" ] ♪ af-lac ♪ aflac [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] [ yawning sound ] welcome back. the jerry sandusky trial is in recess today. it will pick up on monday morning when the prosecution is expected to wrap up its case and the defense is expected to begin that case. some of the most shocking and graphic testimony came from three alleged victims yesterday. the accuser, the victim rather, known as victim number nine, testified that he screamed for help while sandusky abused him in the basement. but he says help never came. jose baez is the author of "presumed guilty", casey anthony, the inside story and also a criminal defense attorney who successfully helped acquit anthony in her murder trial. imagine for me -- >> good morning, soledad. >> you are sitting next to jerry sandusky and you're his defense attorney. how do you assess the case so far? >> if things are being reported accurately, it's in a really bad situation right now. you've got to be seriously considering having mr. sandusky testify. especially if that wasn't the case prior to this position, meaning, you never know at any given point whether your client is going to testify. normally you kind of put that decision off to the very end. if things are being reported accurately and that's a big if, it's looking pretty bad for mr. sap dusky right now. >> what would be the thing to put him on the stand or decide not to put him on the stand? >> if he's going to testify any like he gave in the bob costas interview, that's a definite no. but if we can get the educated man who is used to going into living rooms and having top athletes and their parents selling himself too top athletes and their parents to come to penn state, then you might have someone who can handle themselves well and sell themselves well on the stand. all of these things are taken into consideration plus the fact that mr. sandusky doesn't have a criminal history, he can't be impeached in that regard. it makes him a decent candidate to testify, but if he's going to be anything like he was during the bob costas interview, i would seriously advise against it. >> he fumbled and didn't give straight answers a lot. who do you think you would put on the stand first? >> in this situation you have to -- i've heard about this histrionic disorder. if that's something -- >> what is that? >> you know, it's some type -- i've never heard of it prior to this case. but my understanding and what i've seen so far is it's a type of grand ioss type of personality disorder which someone likes to be the center of attention and what it might do is put a little distance between some of the alleged victims and slow the case down to the point which you put forensic testimony and psychological testimony that might kind of get away from the emotion that the prosecution -- if the prosecution has been successful in putting forth so far. i'll tell you one thing, if there's no court today and the prosecution ended on a high note, the jurors have the whole weekend to be soaking in a lot of what the prosecution's case is. so i would probably tell you that that was done on purpose to end their goal on the weekend on a very high note and that's going to be pretty bad for the defense as well. >> your sfrtrategy would be to fill with frenic to block and bring down the level in the room, if you will. what has been the most damning testimony so far? is it the detail that seems so consistent across these accusers? >> no, as much as -- i think the eyewitness testimony of mr. mcqueary is probably the most damning right now. if the defense has been able to poke holes at the motives of these alleged victims, the problem with that is there's ten of them. that's a lot. you can usually discount one or maybe two alleged victims in a sexual abuse trial, but to have ten of them, that is pretty -- that's a mountain to overcome. then to have an eyewitness testimony who actually saw the sexual abuse occur, you don't get that in sexual abuse trials. it's very, very rare. it's almost as good as a video. >> going to be interesting to see what the defense does starting monday. jose baez, thanks for your insight. >> thanks soledad, have a great one. >> when you get married you promise to be faithful, the whole death do us part thing. for one couple it meant i'll be faithful to the reception. sadly, that is our get real this morning. and our starting point team is heading in. we'll talk about that and much more. we have margaret hooper and will kain. ♪ >> one day, that's celest's playlist, nice to have you back. margaret hoover and will cain is a columnist at the our get real may be a new low for the institution of marriage. about taking a vow to be faithful to another person for the rest of your life. you see that in front of your family and friends. for one happy couple in austria, the happiness did not last. the groom had too much to drink and clouded his judgment i suppose and according to the austrian times, literally hours after he said i do, his brand-new father-in-law went looking for him in the reception hall kitchen and walked in on the groom and a waitress in a compromising position shall we say. >> most compromising. >> was that actual wedding footage? >> you know -- >> it was not. that's generic married people. >> we have wedding footage of this six-hour relationship? >> you don't need to rub it in to that extent. the father of the bride stops the party and kicks out all of the guests and the bride herself is like, that's it, i want a divorce. can't get a divorce. >> for six months, austrian law. >> anullments -- >> for the love of pete. i'm surprised at the restraint of the father-in-law. >> we could be doing a homicide investigation today. >> or severe beating. >> in my family it would have been like -- >> guess he's figuring out it's his party. i'm kidding. he's a horrible human being. all of these things -- >> why get married? he may not be a horrible human being, say no to the wedding. >> there were probably problems before the wedding. >> my thought too but you never know. >> i'm sure he wanted to be married and wanted it all. >> clearly, yes, he did. and in six months, he's going to lose a big chunk of that. >> still ahead on "starting point", philadelphia mayor michael nutter wants to create more jobs. how he and hundreds of other u.s. mayors are going to do it. remember the mini darth vader from the super bowl commercial, max page, he's now using the force to recover. he's had open heart surgery. such a cute ad. we'll update you on how he's doing and what his story is. from capital one, thor's couture gets the most rewards of any small business credit card. your boa! [ garth ] thor's small business earns double miles on every purchase, every day! ahh, the new fabrics, put it on my spark card. [ garth ] why settle for less? the spiked heels are working. wait! [ garth ] great businesses deserve the most rewards! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? [ cheers and applause ] ♪ what started as a whisper every day, millions of people choose to do the right thing. there's an insurance company that does that, too. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? with your photographs. ( younger sister ) where's heaven ? ( older sister ) far. what will you inspire, with the eos rebel t3i and ef lenses, for ron's next project ? learn more at youtube. in your car. now count the number of buttons on your tablet. isn't it time the automobile advanced? introducing cue in the all-new cadillac xts. the simplicity of a tablet has come to your car. ♪ the all-new cadillac xts has arrived. and it's bringing the future forward. welcome back, let's get right to christine romans with the headlines. >> slow, steady progress with the massive wildfire in colorado. favorable conditions could help firefighters make some head way against the high park fire. it jumped a highway yesterday forcing more evacuations. it has burned 52,000 acres and 15% contained. an update to the latest round of doping allegations against lance armstrong. his attorneys are demanding access to evidence anti-doping investigators gathered, including the names of witnesses who say they saw armstrong take performance enhancing drugs. the anti-doping agency said it conducted face to face meetings with more than ten cyclists as well as cycling team employees. a federal jury in new orleans siding with kevin costner in his legal battle with steven baldwin. a lawsuit accused of costner of cheating him out of a multimillion dollar deal to sell oil cleanup devoices to bp after the oil spill. they sold their stake in the company before the deal with bp was sealed. tiger is lurking in the u.s. open. nicely positioned in a five-way tie for second place at the olympic club in san francisco. everyone is chasing michael thomps thompson, a former eagle scout. he enters round two today with a three-stroke lead. mini darnth vader definitel has the force. he's recovering well after his open heart surgery. max page from the popular super bowl commercial, born with a congenital heart defect. they have replaced his pull monetary valve. his grandfather says he came through it like a champion. >> what a great ad, we were all laughing at it. nearly 200 of america's mayors are actually in orlando for the annual conference, trying to come up with ways to help the nation move forward, job creation and infrastructure. joining us this morning is philadelphia's mayor, democrat michael nutter will be inaugurated as the president at the u.s. conference of mayors on saturday. thanks for talking with us. job creation was a focus for both mitt romney and president obama as they were doing their speeches in the state of ohio. i'll play little chunks and ask you a question on the other side if i can. >> our businesses have gone back to basics and created over 4 million jobs in the past 27 months -- >> okay, so what do you think is -- did we play the romney one? let's play that. >> he's going to be a person of elconsequence as he describes his plans for making the economy better. but don't forget, he's been president for three and a half years and talk is cheap. action speaks very loud. >> the debate in this election is not about whether we need to grow faster or whether we need to create more jobs or whether we need to pay down our debt. of course the economy isn't where it needs to be. >> okay. i think we finally got the two sort of chunks from each of them that sort of sums up a little bit of their strategy in their speeches. so first tell me, when you look to washington, d.c., what do you want to be hearing from both of them? what do you need to hear in order to get your unemployment figures down in your city? >> well, good morning, soledad. i think the issue for all of us, all of mayors at the u.s. conference of mayors really is about jobs and we are a nonpartisan organization but we're all committed to and focused on how do we get the economy of america moving in the right direction? how do we get americans in our various citizen states back to work? how do we improve the economic climate and get unemployment down, people working engaged in job training and going to college or university or some post secondary educational opportunity? so i think the critical issues are really resolve around education and innovation, jobs, economic opportunity and certainly tax reform as components of how you move america in the right direction. and whether it's president obama, who has a record and is in office, or mr. romney, who has -- talking about what he did in massachusetts or at bain capital, the real issue is how do you move america in the right direction? that's about getting a transportation bill passed that is long term in nature. improving infrastructure, bridges, roads, schools, putting people back to work. as well as supporting workforce development and job training programs. that's what moves this country and that's what the u.s. conference of mayors is all about. that is what we need to hear from the two kand dates and what americans really care about is people getting back to work, investing in the economy, private sector job creation, which we have seen over the past few months, but we're in a campaign environment and you're going to hear a lot of things from both the president and mr. romney. >> let's look at your city specifically, unemployment at 9.6%, last year had to layoff 3,000 teachers and 700 or more police officers laid off and had to raise parking tax, hotel tax, sales tax. given two competing messages on the economy, who's doing better? >> the one thing you mentioned, we did not in philadelphia, we did not layoff any police officers, although, unfortunately we did not hire as many as we wanted to. i did not layoff any police officers, no firefighters, sanitation workers, social workers health care workers. we didn't take that particular approach. we were not able to hire as many folks as we wanted. what i want to hear is who has a plan to put americans back to work? we've seen massive decline in employment on state in state and local government. people still need to provide services to the citizens they want. they want their trash picked up and potholes filled and recreation centers -- >> who is that person? >> somebody is going to show up. >> romney supporters i would say president obama had several years to take a shot and numbers aren't where they should be? >> as a vice president of u.s. conference of mayors, we're a nonpartis nonpartisan organization. as mayor of philadelphia, what i have seen, we received a number of grants to put police officers back on the payroll through the cops program. this is really about who has a long term vision for making america work. we've seen 27 months of private sector job growth, 4 million jobs created under the obama administration and different kind of record by mr. romney, whether as governor of massachusetts or his time at bain capital, which was not a particularly great record. but we're going to hear a lot of things during the course of the campaign. i think we need to separate fact from fiction and make sure people are paying attention to what's going on and we're fully engaged in the campaign season on behalf of the u.s. conference of mayors, we want to stay focused on who can create real jobs in cities where people live, where 90% of the gross domestic product of the country is created in cities and stop the job loss that we're experiencing in many cities across the united states of america. >> michael nutter the mayor of philadelphia and will be inaugurated on saturday. congratulations on that. >> thanks, soledad. knows a thing or two about fatherhood, father of serve. >> seven. >> just had a new baby several weeks ago. >> he's been doing a lot of work focusing on strengthening the ties between fathers and their kids. we'll tell you what he's doing on that front. pretty amazing. we'll take a short break. do you see it ? 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[ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ to provide a better benefits package... oahhh! [ male announcer ] it made a big splash with the employees. [ duck yelling ] [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] ♪ ha ha! father's day is on sunday and one man is working overtime to strengthen types between fathers and her kids, former knicks superstar alan houston is not only one of the all time leading scorers in history and two time nba all-star, the father of seven, seven kids, named father of the year by the national fatherhood initiative in 2007 and founded the allan houston organization. >> i know you just had a new baby -- >> right. >> we have a new picture of this baby. how have you learned from the first to the seventh about how to be a good father? what's changed over all that time? >> first of all, i've learned to just listen to my wife. >> you're a smart man. >> seriously. she puts so much energy and keeps a very tight foundation. there's a lot of order, organized chaos, but i think first we just leave it to god to kind of give us direction. there's a lot of things that are going to happen and no parent is perfect. so you kind have to just keep some type of standard. the biggest thing is you have to keep a standard that they can adhere to but also know they are going to make mistakes and we're going to mistakes, we have to keep talking and keep living it. >> when it came to your charity, why did you want to focus on fatherhood? >> my father is just a great man, a great leader. i had a very unique experience in that i actually played for him in college. that experience not only was i learning fundamentals of basketball and learning how to become a better basketball player and be equipped for the nba, but i was watching him, watching how he dealt with my mother and scrutiny and work ethic. by the time i got to the nba, not only did i listen to those words, but i saw his example. and halfway through my career, we said, this is something we have to share because we would hear often a lot about our relationship and how an african-american community being -- having a strong male figure is rare. and i just didn't want to buy into that. i wanted other people to understand that it shouldn't be an anomaly, it should be a standard. >> you have a father's knows best basketball retreat which gives an opportunity not just to the kids but also for the fathers and their kids to have an opportunity to learn together. tell me about that. >> aside from learning fundamentals of basketball, we wanted to bring fathers and mentors for kids who didn't have fathers, to bond and connect. we want to encourage men in general, this fatherhood issue is huge. it's like the elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about. they -- and deal with. we have to give them tools and equipment and strategy. and for the young men, we have to prepare them because a lot -- our kids are growing into relationships and becoming young fathers so we have to prepare them for that role. >> how does it work? the kid and the dad will go to one your basketball retreats. >> it's a tour and set up to where we're going all throughout new york city and launching in all five boroughs, the fathers and men will come into an environment and with their kids and go through high powered basketball construction. and we have workshops and help them understand the role, we talk about communication. we talk about their identity. i talk to basketball players, pros, men in general, one of the questions that men usually have, especially if they didn't have a relationship with their father, who am i. it leaves a huge void, even in men who have had fathers. we talk about a lot of those issues. so after that experience for a day, we move into a full seven-week program which we have a curriculum we've established. and the goal is for this program to be left all throughout new york city and continues to grow more families can come in. >> if you could fix sort of the issue with fatherhood, what could you change, not only in the black community certainly but in the community, the human community as a whole? >> well, i think first of all, you have children who kind of come into school -- come into social environments whether they are a team or churches, they come in with an identity, know their purpose and have a vision. at the end of the day they know what type of legacy they want to leave. that's one of the issues, we talk a lot about societal issues and a lot of them would be helped, not cured, but obviously helped if we had the men who have that example at home. it's just one of many tools. there are a lot of great men doing great things in the area of fatherhood and around the city and country. one of the issues we've been blessed with is the engagement. a lot of these programs aren't -- the men aren't being engaged with their kids. >> basketball is a way in. >> basketball is a great tool. >> and you know basketball. nice to have you. happy father's day to you as well. seven kids, you should have a great present. >> just being with them hones y honestly, you're on the road so much. being with them is my father's day. >> i love that man. already, you heard both president obama and mitt romney's speeches on the economy. coming up next. today gave a major speech where he defended his handling of the economy. there were tons of people in the audience since nobody had to be at work. so they were all there. >> president obama and mitt romney trying to sway voters on the number one issue of the campaign, which is the economy of course. they are both in the battleground state of ohio. and not a big surprise, each one was criticizing the other's economic vision. put it all in perspective for us this morning is cnn chief political correspondent candy crowley. good morning. >> good morning. >> so a new poll shows that actually when they ask people who gets more blame for the state of the economy, more of the blame goes to president bush. you can see it there, at least some, 68%, not much or none 31%. president obama not so far behind. 52%. he's got 48% for not much or none. so what do you think of that strategy? nicole wallace, when i spoke to her earlier today, said if you're going to focus on president bush, that is going to be a losing strategy. what do you think? >> well, i think it's why you're seeing president obama talk about mitt romney in terms of george bush. i think nicole is absolutely right. it's not going to sell to say this is george bush's fault. i'm just trying to clean it up. so what the president is trying to do, actually, if you like those policies that brought us to this mess, then you're going to love mitt romney. vote for him. so i think it's the tying together of the two men, rather than -- i think they understand at this point in his term just getting out there and going, this was george bush's fault. i had this great big mess. he does say that on occasion. but i think the way they're going at mitt romney is just to try to tie him to bush precisely because of polls like that and say you want to go back? there you go. >> candy this is will. so president obama seems to have tried several different economic messages i'd say over the past nine months. i feel like in the fall, we started with somewhat of an inequality message. there was some time where he invested in the bain argument. then there was a short time where we talked about the economy as recovering and he received criticism from people like james carville on that. this bush focus seems to be the newest. do you get a sense this is going to be one that they stick with? they seem to be trying out messages. which one will they stick with? >> all campaigns i think press reset along the way, and certainly this one is no exception. i think the sort of focus on what's the message. and i get that we want to know what the bumper sticker is and the overall. but it's sort of not just one thing. i think the president's message is -- and mitt romney's message is the same, i can deal with this economy better. right? they both know it has to be about the future. but in order to make that case, you kind of have all of those messages at the same time. i don't think they believe -- and i don't think sort of personally that going after bush helps at this point. again, it's just the tie-in with romney. but what the president has to say is i've made it better. at some level, he has to say that. because he is going to be responsible for his term. that's not a small number of people who believe that the president has some responsibility for the current state of the economy. so he has to acknowledge that, and he has to say, but, wait, i have created jobs, which he does all the time. 27 months of job growth in the private sector, more than 4 million jobs, et cetera. so i don't think that they have settled on one punchy little message. but i think if you see them framing the economy, they're still kind of working on what the central -- what the core of that is. but you have to kind of include all those things. what you've done, what was done in the past, and what you'll do in the future. what carville has said, what's your plan here, guy? you know, people need to know what you're going to do next. i do think both these candidates have fallen down on that. i mean, you know, tax reform, we know a little about that. we know in general that mitt romney is all about -- wants to cut taxes, corporate and personal. the president thinks the rich ought to pay a little more. he is about fairness. mitt romney talks a lot about economic freedom. so we kind of know generalities. but neither of these men have come to the table with here's my plan. >> guess what? we have like five months to go to have someone come up with here's my plan, and my guess is we'll hear a lot from them over the next five months. maybe someone will include that. candy, always appreciate it. and of course "state of the union" this weekend. don't miss it. coming up, we'll talk to an obama campaign national press secretary. still ahead in the next hour, a law that would help track down guns. but does it unfairly focus illegal gun openers? >> and former rap star luther campbell from 2 live crew. remember that? >> absolutely. >> very interesting debate that finally went to the supreme court on freedom of speech on his album. now he is fighting to keep his job as a high school football coach. we'll tell you why this is happening. and his past is really the problem. you're watching "starting point." we're back in a moment. copd makes it hard to breathe, so i wasn't playing much of a role in my own life, but with advair, i'm breathing better so now i can take the lead on a science adventure. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator, working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. if you're still having difficulty breathing, take the lead. ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. get your first full prescription free and save on refills at blast of cold feels nice. why don't you use bengay zero degrees? 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geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. start tart start this morning -- "starting point" this morning, new details in the arrest of two americans in the shocking murder of an irish ex-change student. president obama and mitt romney trading some blows in the battle over the economy. >> if you want to give the policies of the last decade another try, then you should vote for mr. romney. >> he's been president for 3 1/2 years. and talk is cheap. >> we'll get a response to that from president obama's campaign press secretary straight ahead. plus, hip-hop hype man luther campbell may be 2 live to coach high school football. we'll tell you why school officials want him off the sidelines. he'll join us to talk about that controversy. it's friday, june 15. and "starting point" begins right now. ♪ get up in the evening ♪ and i ain't got nothing to say ♪ ♪ i come home in the morning ♪ i go to bed >> that's bruce springsteen, "dancing in the dark." >> very dark this morning. >> of course the obama press secretary who we'll be talking to in just a moment. margaret hoover. will cain a columnist for " and healther is with us as well. good to have you guys with us. >> it is. >> and it's friday, the weekend. our "starting point" this morning, breaking news on these two americans arrested in japan. one is 19 years old, which makes him a minor in japan so his name has not been released. he is suspected of murder, though. we have live details from tokyo on this case. what happened? >> well, what happened is that japanese authorities at least in the criminal investigation have decided to definitely take a step forward in the case with the 19-year-old. previously, he had been held on a different charge. not for murder. but today he is now being held in connection with the murder of nicola furlong, a 21-year-old irish exchange student. last month she was at a concert with another irish friend. police say she met two american men. she and a friend met two american men. well, later that night, they ended up at a hotel. furlong's body was found in a hotel room. police say she had been strangled to death. and the only other person in the room that night was that 19-year-old american man. but there's another american involved here. 23-year-old james blackson. and the case against him progressed today as well. tokyo prosecutors have now officially filed in court charges against him. not for murder. he is being charged for groping furlong's friend that evening, that night. it doesn't sound like a very serious charge, but his attorney who we spoke to on the phone says it's a very serious charge. he will fight vigorously. he feels that it's absolutely baseless. but if he's convicted, soledad, he faces six months to 10 years behind bars. >> all right. thank you for that update on the case this morning. this morning, mitt romney will start kicking off a five-day bus tour in new hampshire. president obama will be in washington, d.c. it is a day after they gave those competing speeches on the economy in the key swing state of ohio. mitt romney was arguing that president obama's policies could send the united states into a tailspin. >> this president has put together almost as much public debt as all of the prior presidents combined. i will finally get america on track to have a balanced budget, and we will limit the size of government. >> minutes later, president obama, who was in cleveland, acknowledged that the economy has made some progress but still has a long way to go. here's what he said. >> of course the economy isn't where it needs to be. of course we have a lot more work to do. everybody knows that. the debate in this election is about how we grow faster, and how we create more jobs, and how we pay down our debt. that's the question facing the american voter. >> that's true. that is the question facing the american voter. the president used a pair-star-studded fundraisers in new york city. sarah jessica parker hosting one to further his message last night. joining us now is ben la bolt. it was interesting to listen to the president's speech. a lot of his message was trying to connect the policies that mitt romney has been talking about to the policies of george bush. do you think that's going to be effective and successful in terms of messaging? >> well, the fact is mitt romney's outlined his so-called 59-point economic plan, but there are no points within that plan which would create jobs right now or outline a vision for how we create good-paying middle class jobs in a sustainable way for our economy. instead, he's proposed $5 trillion tax cuts for the wealthiest that the middle class and seniors would be forced to pay for, and stripping back regulations from banks and polluters and assuming that the market would do the rest. and the fact is we tried those policies. we passed those tax cuts in 2001 and 2003. they were supposed to unleash growth and job creation, and they didn't. we saw the slowest job growth we've seen in half a century. so the question is, why would we go back to those same policies that ended up being a house of cards that led to the economic crisis in the first place? >> you wanted to jump in. >> well, $5 trillion in tax cuts, i think you're referring to the ryan budget which actually has less than that over 10 years. it's not that mitt romney is proposing $5 trillion in tax cuts. but since we're talking about growth and talking about the economy, and you guys talk about the 1% a lot. sarah jessica parker and meryl streep certainly aren't part of the 99%. how does president obama's fundraising at star-studded celebrity homes last night help you guys get your message across? >> well, first of all, i was referring specifically to governor romney's tax proposal. but secondly, look, citizens united changed the fundraising landscape in this country. we now have special interest contributing tens of millions of dollars, unlimited amounts, to try to buy the election for mitt romney. and we need to look for creative ways to get people involved who wouldn't be traditionally involved in politics contributing to the campaign. more than 2.2 million americans have given to this campaign. but we saw a donor give to roam ro romney's super pac $10 million this week. so citizens united has certainly damaged the campaign finance system. and we're getting as many people involved as possibly to combat against that. >> i think what we're seeing here is clear from both of the campaigns. mitt romney wants this election to be about president obama. and president obama wants to make this a choice between the two men. and as you point out, soledad, he is attempting to connect mitt romney's policies to those of president bush. so essentially you're choosing between president obama and mitt romney/president bush. and i have to ask you, celeste, is that a strategy that you think is going to work to make this a choice the american people have? >> well, at this point, are the american people paying attention to anything? i mean -- >> good question. >> the thing about economic vision is obviously very good for president obama and for mitt romney to focus on this as a referendum of the last four years is good because the economy is still struggling. but my question for you, ben, is during the president's speech, this is first time we heard him talk about the stalemate in congress and tell voters they had a chance to fix it. how much traction does he get about blaming congress or even tying mitt romney's campaign to the dysfunction in washington, d.c.? >> well, i don't think this is a matter of blame. the fact is what's going to be on the ballot in november is a choice between two very different economic philosophies. we agree on the need to grow the economy. so the question is how do we do that. the president believes that we should build from the middle class out, by investing in things like education and research and development to spur america to outinnovate and outeducate the rest of the world. that's how to restore economic security for the middle class, which should be the true test of our economy. mitt romney has a different vision. he believes in giving special breaks to those at the top and that they'll trickle down. and that we should strip back regulations. and the market will do the rest. the problem is we tried those policies before, and you know where we ended up in 2008. >> so we are hearing ben really say the vision, right, the messaging is now going to be the tale of two visions. my vision versus his vision. i think we'll hear that from both candidates. margaret, i wanted to ask you a question before i get back to ben. do you think it's hypocritical to talk about the middle class and helping, you know, on the speech that both men gave, and then go to a big fundraiser? isn't that just kind of the way it works? >> it's not that it's hypocritical, but it's a question of optics. if you're fighting over the middle class and fighting over who has better policies -- >> which they both are. >> which they both are. just the punctuation of that evening with the star-studded celebrities, it's an optics question rather than -- >> but romney is talking about barack obama being out of touch and then having the announcement that his horse is going to be competing for the olympics in dressage. >> or goes to a fundraiser with donald trump. they both have it. it just seems the day after an economic speech on the middle class. >> so mitt romney said he would repeal obama care because it hurts growth, and he was citing this chamber of commerce poll, and let's play a little chunk of what mitt romney said in his speech first. >> the president said the other day that he didn't know that obama care was hard for small business. oh, really? the chamber of commerce carried out a survey, some 1,500 businesses across america. 75% of those people surveyed said obama care made it less likely for them to hire people. think of that. >> very rarely do we cite chamber of commerce surveys and polls. what do you take from that message from mitt romney about his strategy trying to connect obama care and small business? >> well, first of all, i'd have to point out the irony of mitt romney saying he wants to kill obama care dead on. six years ago, in massachusetts, he agreed with the president that we should take on rising health care costs and provide affordable health care to all americans. he passed a health care reform plan to do so in massachusetts, including an individual mandate. said it should serve as the national model, and it did. it passed congress, and the president signed it into law. small businesses have the opportunity to opt out of this. but, look, if this was, you know, mitt romney called the president out of touch on this, we welcome a debate with mitt romney over who's out of touch. a candidate who said he liked being able to fire people. and just last week said that the solution to our economic challenges was fewer teachers. i don't think most americans agree with him on that. >> will? >> i want to challenge you on one thing you said earlier. i have heard this from the obama campaign sef tyveral times, thau want to grow the economy from the middle class out. if we look at tax revenues, the vast majority comes from the top 10% of earns in our society. your message is use that income from the top 10% and have the government reinvest it towards the middle class versus a vision from romney that leaving that in the hands of investors or the wealthy and letting that, yes, trickle down is a better use of capital. isn't it a better question of who is going to invest our surpluses? >> well, let's take a look at a few key issues and break it down. on education, for example, the president has doubled funding for college scholarships, provided students with a $10,000 tax credit to pursue higher education. mitt romney has told students they should just shop around for cheaper tuition costs or ask their parents for money. some of their parents may not have the money to offer them. when it comes to housing, the president has a refinancing plan that has allowed 5 million responsible homeowners who are struggling to pay their bills, many who might have been scammed by mortgage lenders, to refinance their homes. >> those are good -- ben, those are good examples. >> just like the foreclosure process hit the bottom so that investors can come in and make a quick buck. so we do believe -- i agree with you that we do believe government has a role to play here. >> and that's the debate. is that fair how to characterize the debate? government versus private sector on who's the better investor. >> well, the question is, romney on tuition, for example, has told students that they are on their own. the president does believe that we should provide students with access to higher education and that the government has a role in helping them to achieve that. because that will help us grow the economy in the long run if we allow america to outeducate the rest of the world and ensure that the next generation has the skills required for the jobs that are available on the market. >> ben la bolt, campaign spokesperson. appreciate your time this morning. christine has a look at the day's headlines. good morning. when the jerry sandusky trial resumes on monday, the prosecution will rest its case. and the defense will begin. sandusky's lawyers have their work cut out after jurors heard eight accusers testify in graphic detail about alleged sexual abuse by the former penn state football coach. earlier on "starting point," the attorney who represented casey anthony, jose baez, said the defense may be forced to put sandusky on the stand. >> you never know at any given point whether your client is going to testify. normally you put that decision off to the very end. but if things are being reported accurately, and that's a big if, it's looking pretty bad for mr. sandusky right now. >> among the potential witnesses for the defense, the widow of legendary penn state coach joe paterno and one of their sons. egypt's supreme constitutional court declaring the parliament dissolved. that means the former prime minister under ex-president hosni mubarak is now eligible for a presidential runoff election this weekend. the decision dealt a serious setback to the fundamentalist muslim brotherhood. texas billionaire allen stanford has been slapped with a 110-year sentence for pulling off one of the biggest ponzi schemes in u.s. history. the disgraced financier convicted of orchestrating a $7 billion fraud. his sentence, just 40 years lighter than what bernie madoff received. prosecutors called sanford a ruthless predator. sanford is still maintaining his innocence. pop star chris brown attacked at a new york city nightclub. sources say he and his entourage got into a fight with the rapper drake and his crew over rihanna. both men have dated the pop star. drake's rep admits he was at that club, but says drake was on the way out when the altercation began. brown tweeted a photo of a nasty looking cut on his chin, but a source close to him says the fight did not start over rihanna. new york police say they are viewing brown as a victim. he is currently on probation after pleading guilty to assaulting rihanna in 2009. the nba finals heating up. the miami heat went wire-to-wire last night beating the oklahoma city thunder 100-96 to even their series at one game apiece. lebron james led the way scoring 32 points. game three of the series will be sunday night in miami. >> i'm sorry. did you just say that the heat won last night? i just -- i'm not sure i heard that. is that what you said? lebron had a great game? is that what she said? >> too bad it's a seven-game series. >> they are going to win more than one. they are going to win. come on, i got a lot of money riding on this. >> they can't humiliate them completely. >> you might hear from kevin durant again. >> talk to the hand. moving on, just ahead on "starting point" this morning, the u.s. air force is confirming what some pilots have been saying now, that the f-22 pilots are 10 times more likely to get sick when they are flying than any other pilot. the congressman who released those findings will join us next. and raising your kid just got a whole lot more expensive. yes, i know. you're not going to believe how much it costs to raise a kid. you're watching "starting point." we have to take a break. back in a moment. r, huh? my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water, i'm different. i've got nine grams of protein. twist my lid. that's three times more than me! twenty-one vitamins and minerals and zero fat! hmmm. you'll bring a lot to the party. [ all ] yay! [ female announcer ] new ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. twenty-one vitamins and minerals. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. refreshing nutrition in charge! mcallen, texas. in here, heavy rental equipment in the middle of nowhere, is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything. so every piece of equipment knows where it is, how it's doing or where it goes next. ♪ this is the bell on the cat. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ there it is ! there it is ! where ? where ? it's getting away ! where is it ? it's gone. we'll find it. any day can be an adventure. that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you. wow, there it is. this morning, there are new concerns about planes that are making air force pilots sick. the problem could be worse than originally thought. the air force is now confirming that f-22 pilots are 10 times more likely to get sick in the air than pilots of any other planes. pilots have said they have become dizzy, confused, and nauseated in the cockpit. the symptoms that seem to resemble oxygen deprivation. adam kins linger is also a military pilot, serving as a pilot in the air national guard. thank you for being with us. >> great to see you. >> 10 times more likely. that's a stunning statistic. but still the air force says it is statistically low. it sounds high to me. it's nota i high number, you don't think? >> no. i think it is high. and, look, the reality is every incident that happens per 100,000 hours that you see, it's something around 26 is what we figure, you know, that's each time you put a pilot in an airplane in a vulnerable situation because potentially you have a pilot who at the beginning stages of hypoxia like symptoms really can't, you know, think things through, has a hard time making judgment calls. have i been hypoxic myself in training, and it's very significant. >> what it feel like? >> you really do lose your cognitive ability. well, you do this to recognize your symptoms. everybody has different symptoms. for me, i start finding everything pretty funny. but then you have a hard time. so if you're given a very basic math problem, what's five plus six, you really can't think it through. or you can't put a triangle piece in one of those triangle holes like those children's toys. it really begins to degenerate your cognitive ability until it's the beginning stages of passing out and ultimately dying. >> so they have become focusing a lot of the investigation on the vests that you have to wear in the pressure suits. what exactly are those vests? what do they do? >> well, its purpose is basically to prevent overexposure of lungs in a high altitude situation in case of depressurization. and what they found in testing this, the navy dive unit, which is something both senator warner and i have asked for them to bring into the process, what we find out is in many cases, those vests were actually failing in high g scenarios. so at this point, it seems like the most likely place to pursue. but the big thing we want to say is, look, the air force needs to pursue all avenues of what could be causing this problem, because each fix is not a short, you know, thing to fix. it takes a while to get around to conclusion and implementation on all of these planes. and each time these go up, we potentially put our pilots and our assets -- these are american-owned airplanes -- at risk. and that's something that we really need to take seriously. >> how does it explain the folks on the ground, the ground cr crew -- >> that's where i'm a little concerned that we make sure that we are not pigeon holing ourselves in pursuing just one problem. the air force has explained that these maintainers had symptoms but they weren't related. i think it's very important that we take a deep look at that. because if they are related, then the high pressure, the upper vest suit, isn't the issue. and i think the other big issue too is maintainers and pilots have to feel comfortable to come forward and talk about their concerns. captain wilson still has pending disciplinary action against him. and i think that's something they have to back off on because it creates a cult and you are environment where these pilots are frightened to come forward. but ever since the piece on the news, nine pilots have come forward and said they are concerned with this aircraft. >> so lockheed martin who is the manufacturer has a second contract to try and fix the planes. and why keep giving the contracts to someone who might be making flawed planes? >> i don't know how that contract was awarded. i'll say this. probably it went to whoever was most qualified, knows the plane the best, and can implement the fix. and i think. >> elementing thimplementing th most important thing we can do right now. let's pull back the disciplinary action against captain wilson and we'll be good going forward. look, america owns these aircraft. it's the best fighter in the inventory anywhere in the world. we need it operating at 100% for our national defense posture. i think it's very important we pursue all avenues aggressively. and senator warner and i will continue to stay on this as aggressively as we can until we get resolution. >> kmancongressman, nice to see this morning. >> thank you. still ahead on "starting point," are your kids running you into the poor house? here is the short answer. duh. >> yes. >> we'll tell you how much more expensive it is to raise kids these days. >> a lot. >> you're watching "starting point." we're back in a moment. ♪ i'm picking up good vibrations ♪ >> we look at niagara falls, and that little line -- that little two-inch wire. nick whall enda will have to wak across. you don't want any vibrations. you just want the whole thing to go smoothly. >> that's a good song. he is playing that in his head. >> he's agreed to put a tether on now. >> yes. because the sponsors were like, we do not need to see anything bad happen. i think it will work out just fine. that's our play list. you can find it online at you can also follow me at twitter if you're going to say nice things. i have to say that every time. if you're going to be mean, don't do it. say no. let's talk about the cost of raising a child. it's $8,000 more expensive than it was. the usda says middle income families with a kid born in 2011 will spend $235,000 over 17 years, which comes to just under $14,000 a year per kid. 3.5% increase from twep. twen 2010. >> and that's not even college. >> that's not accounting for inflation or college. they quote a woman who has six boys, aged 3 to 15. can you imagine that? >> no. >> six boys. they are just eating her out of house and home, those kids. >> do you think your costs go down if you have more kids? >> no. >> because you can use clothes over? >>o. >> margin of cost. >> no one shares clothing. there's holes in the jeans. no. >> recycled clothes a little bit? >> you can. but i think it's just more expensive. more kids is just more. i think. i don't know. >> i agree. that's incredibly expensive. but does it include all the -- is it just necessaries or are we also talking about the iphone they have to have and the wi-fi for their -- >> the woman quoted, she has a total household income of $50,000. they home school. do hand me down and tight budgeting because she has six boys on that budget. >> she said $14,000 a year, that's what you're investing per year for 17 years per child. >> so don't mess it up. you're putting a lot of money in. you have to really invest in that. >> tell your kids it's your decision whether this is an investment or loan. >> exactly. >> it's a luxury item. >> very good strategy. still ahead on "starting point" this morning, a law that would help track guns. but does it unfairly focus on legal gun owners? we'll hear from both sides in debate straight ahead. and parents brawl at a preschool graduation. this is a preschool graduation, people. >> oh, my goodness. >> the video is just a hot mess. you're watching "starting point." we're back in a moment. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you've been years in the making. and there are many years ahead. join the millions of members who've chosen an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. go long. to help protect your eye health as you age... would you take it? well, there is. 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[ male announcer ] ocuvite. help protect your eye health. welcome back, everybody. we start with christine romans with a look at the day's headlines. >> good morning, soledad. slow steady progress with the massive hyde park fire in southeastern colorado. but the wildfire is still giving firefighters headaches. it jumped a highway yesterday, forcing even more evacuations. it has burned 52,000 acres and is now 15% contained. favorable weather conditions may help firefighters make some headway today. a nationwide manhunt is now underway for a man considered armed and dangerous. dr. timothy jordan, a buffalo, new york, surgeon, is suspected of killing his ex-girlfriend at the hospital where they both worked. 33-year-old jacqueline wisniewsky was found shot to death in a stairwell at erie county medical center on wednesday. police are now looking for jordan, also a military trained weapons expert. smack in the middle of florida's voter purge controversy, governor rick scott revealing he was told he couldn't vote back in 2006 because he was dead. scott says he showed his i.d. to prove he was alive and cast a provisional ballot. he hopes his stories will ease fi fears over purging noncitizens from the rolls in florida. watching your money this morning. u.s. stock futures are trading higher and markets rallied late yesterday on hopes the central banks will take coordinated action to keep money flowing in the system. that's right. things are so bad in europe and around the world that quite frankly markets rallied because they think that central banks will do something to try to save it. and the watching your money part of this story is that if europe has more problems and the greek elections go poorly this weekend, it could mean your 401(k) will take a hit. so we're at a very important moment right now in the global story with china slowing, the u.s. slowing a little bit, and still a big european problem. a preschool graduation ceremony got more than a little out of hand earlier this month, and it was all caught on camera. the fight broke out between a group of mothers at the school in south los angeles. according to one mom, that organization was to blame for the brawl. there weren't enough caps and gowns so kids had to take turns wearing the graduation garb so parents could take pictures. eventually, things got heated between two moms, and a fight broke out. the school district says one woman suffered a cut lip and no charges were filed. and, boy, that's a bad situation. all around. >> do not make a mother angry over her preschooler. she will take you out. in a hot second. absolutely. there is nothing that will make a mother more mad than doing something wrong to her child. >> you got it. >> you're warned. christine, thank you. there is this technology that some people say could take crime fighting from the stone age to the space age. new york state legislature is set to vote on a bill that would require semiautomatic pistol makers to use new technology called micro stampers. lasers engrave codes on the inside of the gun when it's made so when the gun is fired the codes are stamped to the shell casing. police officers could read the codes on the casings, identify the gun, and track down the buyer. the bill, though, is causing a pretty big controversy. michelle is a democrat in the new york state assembly. a sponsor of the bill. ryan kolb is a republican and is against the bill. we'll start with you, if i can. 69 local police departments have endorsed the legislation. six law enforcement agencies have endorsed the legislation. why are you against it? >> well, first of all, good morning, soledad, and good morning michelle as well. actually, there's just not enough evidence that this is a proven technology. and there has been independent studies done that have really said this is just not proven to work. and so what we're really talking about in new york state is the state legislature mandating a process on manufacturers in new york state who have come out and basically said if you do this to us, we're taking our jobs and moving out of new york state. so really ultimately, unless this technology is proven, which it's not, i think it's a waste of the taxpayers' time and money to promote a government mandate that basically will kill jobs right here in new york state and certainly right now we need every job that we have. the industry has come out against this proposal. it's just not a great idea. and until the technology is proven, which i don't think it would be, to really work, i think this is really a bad idea that will only cost families in new york state a job. really that's the most important thing we need to focus on. >> so we'll talk about the technology in just a moment. but let's talk about jobs, because realmington is the company that you're referring to. they sent a letter. realmington could be forced to reconsider its commitment to the new york market altogether rather than spend the astronomical sums of money needed to completely reconfigure our manufacturing and assembly process. so not even looking at whether or not this would be effective or the technology will work, they are saying if you're going to put a bi beg your pardon a burden on us, we're going to leave. >> well, i just want to say right off the bat that the taxpayers may take umbrage with the movement of realmington threatening because the taxpayers of the state have actually given tax breaks as well as grants to these companies to allow them to retool. and to the tune of millions of dollars. so when they are ready to leave, i think the taxpayers will have something to say about that. >> but isn't there a risk that indeed if they do leave, whether the taxpayers have something to say about it later or not, if they say we're going to pick up and move and you could potentially lose some jobs over this legislation, that's got to give you some pause certainly in an election year. >> as a former business owner, i don't think it's a good business decision to leave new york state. it's a very formidable market for guns. so i would -- i think it's just a threat. i would really -- they are just retooling. in fact, realmington just got a large defense department contract. and they are actually building the factory up for that. so i -- i'm not sure that they are going to actually make good on their threat. >> assemblyman kolb, there are studies on the efficacy and i know you talked about that earlier because you say it's not proven to work. but a 2012 study showed that the stamping was legible just under 90% of the time if it's a six-digit code specifically. at the end of the day, it seems like people would all support something that would help track guns that have shot or injured people or killed people in some capacity. i guess why stand in the way of at least trying to get to the point where the technology could eventually be better? >> it's actually not standing in the way at all. you know, really, i am an avid crime fighter and strong supporter of our law enforcement throughout our state and country. that's not it at all. really what we're talking about is you've got a government coming in with another mandate, and technology that is not used unilaterally in any other state in the nation, or throughout the globe, and that's quite frankly what we're saying. it just doesn't proven to be working right now. so why do this? why do this now? and i would also just suggest to the assemblywoman is to come out to new york city and travel to all of these manufacturers that are in new york state. i have manufacturers in my district. and actually go to their companies. meet the employees. talk to the people that actually are producing these products. and just don't sit there and think you know all the answers as to what they are thinking about moving, staying, not moving, because i do that. i come from the private sector, spent over 25 years in this state owning my own business and working for other companies as well. and the problem with new york state is we've got too much government, too much regulation, too much taxes, which are why people don't want to move here or stay here. and new york is never going to be open for business if you've got the legislature continually coming up with brand-new ideas to really make sure that they're not competitive with other states or other countries. >> we'll watch to see if this does go through the legislature and continue this conversation. thank you for being with us. we appreciate it. still ahead this morning on "starting point," a coach who is under fire. the former 2 live crew frontman could be forced out of coaching football because of his past as a rapper. he'll join us to explain that coming up next. well, more and more people are bundling their home and auto insurance with progressive. sure seems and why that way. wouldn't you? you can save on both your home and auto policies. yep. we talked about this. [meow!] [meow!] bundling and saving. now, that's progressive. play rocket cat adventures at well hello, welcome to summer road trip, huh? yep uhuh let's find you a room. at, you'll always find the perfect hotel. cause we only do hotels. wow. i like that. nice! no. laugh...awe hmm nice huh ooh, yeah book it! oh boy call me... this summer, we're finding you the perfect place - plus giving you up to $100 at what happens when classroom teachers get the training... ...and support they need? schools flourish and students blossom. that's why programs like... ...the mickelson exxonmobil teachers academy... ...and astronaut sally ride's science academy are helping our educators improve student success in math and science. let's shoot for the stars. let's invest in our teachers and inspire our students. let's solve this. luther campbell is best known as the front man for the '90s hip-hop group 2 live crew. and the controversial album "as nasty as they want to be" was the focus of a first amendment fight that pitted tipper gore against bruce springsteen, believe it or. that case eventually went to the supreme court. 2 live crew won. today, luther campbell is a high school football coach in florida. and a role model for kids. started a program 20 years ago that helps mostly poor kids in liberty city play ball. but here is where the two worlds collide. a florida department of education wants to remove him as coach because of what they call questionable moral character. exhibit a, the lyrics on his album. "nasty as they want to be." it's all in a new article published in "sports illustrated" this week. andy staples is the writer of the article. luther campbell is his subject. nice to see you, gentlemen. thanks for being with us. mr. campbell, how surprised were you that your past in some ways is coming back to haunt you as you try to continue what you've been doing for the last several years, which is coaching the football team in miami? >> i was very, very surprised because we're talking about things that were done 25 years ago. music that i played a role in 25 years ago. so i found it very interesting. and then after all the things i have done in my community, as far as liberty city, and other programs. >> tell me, mr. staples, the kind of things that you write about in your article about the kind of things that luther campbell has been doing in his program, working with mostly poor young men in liberty city, which is notoriously a tough neighborhood. >> well, he's been coaching at the high school level for the last three years. he was coaching at the youth level and running a youth program, and he noticed that there were kids that were kind of falling by the wayside once they got to high school. so he decided to extend the program to high school, work at one of the local high schools. and he's worked at two different high schools on a temporary certificate. but in miami dade county, you cannot be a volunteer coach. he has to get certified so he can get that big $1,200 a year stipend to be an assistant coach. and that's where the problem lies. the department of education keeps going back and saying, look, you know, you've got this history. you've got this past. we feel like you're working in the adult entertainment industry and that you shouldn't be around kids. i thought it was really interesting because this is a place where not a lot of people just run in and help. it's also a place where not a lot of adults are very effective at helping. and he has done effective at helping. >> let me ask you a question, luther. what they said, the judge who believes you should be able to coach but the florida department of education really talking about your moral character, the petitioner lacks the required good moral character to coach students. they point to, you know, certainly a bit of a rap sheet. they point to some of the lyrics 2 live crew usually would play someone's song when we introduce someone. i could not play this song on the air as you well know. do they have a point that your moral character is in question? >> as far as being in question, back then, yeah, you would question it. but right now, you know, people have a tendency -- people can change. and just like me. i can change in life. a person that finds god can change in life. i mean, when you say a person can't change, and then they show the things that they've done throughout the years, we're talking about over 25 years of my service to my community. you know, if you can't change and a person can't accept that you've changed in 25 years of doing the right things in your community, then who in this world can change? >> andy, is the question ultimately as luther frames about who can change, or is it really about doing good in areas where a lot of people won't even dare to go? >> that's what i think it is, who cares about your past if you can help. >> go ahead, luther. >> and that's the thing. go ahead. go ahead. >> i'm sorry. you guys are tripping over each other. >> that's the thing. >> yeah. >> luther, why don't you speak. i'm sorry, you guys, because of the satellite delay it's hard. we all trip over each other. luther, i want you to get the final word. ultimately, we do think it's an issue of you can't erase your past, or do you think it doesn't matter what your past is as long as you're effective in the present? >> i think it is about the past. but at the same time, what have you done for me lately? and when you look at what we've done in this community, me and my wife, you know, in the last four years, we probably put over 60 kids in universities, you know, by programs that we have done at these high schools. right now, we have over 50 kids right now at the university of florida state getting ready for camp. these are things that have never been done in this community with these kids. and, you know, we've done them. so when you take a person like myself, other people like myself, out of the equation, you know, then who's going to help these kids in a neighborhood where you've got to really duck down on a practice field because of gunfire right across the street. i mean, it's not peaches and cream area. >> luther campbell and andy staples, thank you for talking with me this morning. let us know how it ends up. we are dying to know what happens with your petition there. we have to take a short break. we charge everything else... maybe it's time to recharge the human battery. only the beautyrest recharge sleep system combines the comfort of aircool memory foam layered on top of beautyrest pocketed coils to promote proper sleeping posture all night long. the revolutionary recharge sleep system from beautyrest... it's you, fully charged. to your kids' wet skin. neutrogena® wet skin kids. ordinary sunblock drips and whitens. neutrogena® wet skin cuts through water. forms a broad spectrum barrier for full strength sun protection. wet skin. neutrogena®. wanted to provide better employee benefits while balancing the company's bottom line, their very first word was... 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[ male announcer ] [ yawning sound ] before we start father's day weekend, we want to share the story of a courageous father who wanted to protect kids in his community from under-aged drunk drivers after his own personal loss. leo mccarthy is his name, and he is today's cnn hero. >> october 27, 2007, was a beautiful autumn day. mariah was with her two friends. i didn't know the last time i kissed her would have been my last time. later that night, they were walking down this path when an underaged drunk driver swerved off the road and hit them. mariah landed here. she died that night. they were only a block away from my house. mariah was only 14. and i'm thinking, how did this happen? it is so preventible. my name is leo mccarthy. i give kids tools to stay away from drinking. our state has been notoriously top five in drinking and driving fatalities in the country. the drinking culture is a cyclical disease that we allow to continue. mariah's challenge is be the first generation of you kids to not drink. in the eulogy, i said if you stick with me for four years, don't use alcohol, don't use elicit drugs, i'll be there with a bunch of other people to give you money to go to a post secondary school. >> i promise not to drink until i am 21. >> i promise not to get into a car who has been drinking. >> i promise to give back to my community. >> i think mariah's challenge is something that makes people think a little bit more, to say we can be better. mariah is forever 14. i can't get her back. but i can help other parents keep their kids safe. if we save one child, we save a generation. >> "end point" next. back in a moment. but they can be really well thexpensive.ted a puppy, so to save money i just found them a possum. dad, i think he's dead. probably just playin' possum. sfx: possum hisses there he is. there's an easier way to save. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. it's me? alright emma, i know it's not your favorite but it's time for your medicine, okay? you ready? one, two, three. 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,Subaru ,Solution ,At T ,Presentation ,Standards ,Photo Sharing Abilities ,Food ,Caterers ,Technology ,Table ,Possibilities ,Network ,Customers ,Drivers ,Kitchen ,Employees ,Splash ,Duck Yelling ,Benefits Package ,Ha ,Oahhh ,Father S Day ,Alan Houston ,History ,Types ,Seven Kids ,Nba All Star ,Former ,Scorers ,Knicks ,Father Of The Year ,National Fatherhood Initiative ,2007 ,First ,Wife ,Picture ,Seventh ,Energy ,Foundation ,God ,Standard ,Parent ,Mistakes ,Charity ,Basketball ,Mother ,Fundamentals ,Basketball Player ,Learning ,Scrutiny ,Work Ethic ,Example ,Career ,Words ,Shouldn T ,Figure ,Anomaly ,African American Community Being ,Basketball Retreat ,Learning Fundamentals ,Men ,General ,The Elephant In Room ,Fatherhood Issue ,Connect ,Mentors ,Bond ,Equipment ,Nobody ,Tools ,Relationships ,Role ,Kid ,Dad ,Tour ,Basketball Retreats ,Environment ,Workshops ,Basketball Construction ,Boroughs ,Basketball Players ,Identity ,Communication ,Questions ,Void ,Who ,Curriculum ,Community ,Families ,Human Community ,Whole ,Children ,Environments ,Come Into School ,Team ,Churches ,Legacy ,Area ,Engagement ,Programs Aren T ,Tool ,Men Aren T Being ,Present ,On The Road ,Them ,Handling ,Tons ,Audience ,Candy Crowley ,Perspective ,Battleground State Of Ohio ,Surprise ,Cnn ,Blame ,Poll ,48 ,Nicole ,Mess ,Vote ,Candy ,Big Mess ,Occasion ,Inequality Message ,Argument ,Criticism ,Bush Focus ,James Carville ,Exception ,Bumper Sticker ,Reset ,Same ,Tie In ,Et Cetera ,Central ,Core ,Candidates ,What Carville ,Little ,Taxes ,About ,Tax Reform ,Fairness ,Rich ,Generalities ,Guess ,Freedom ,Why Don T ,Press Secretary ,State Of The Union ,Coming Up ,Guns ,Luther Campbell ,Gun Openers ,2 Live Crew ,Fighting ,High School Football Coach ,Album ,Supreme Court On Freedom Of Speech ,Copd ,Advair ,Lung Function ,Medications ,Science Adventure ,Symptoms ,Advair Won T ,Lung ,Anti Inflammatory ,Bronchodilator ,Inhalers ,Risk ,Chance ,High Blood Pressure ,Eye Problems ,Difficulty Breathing ,Heart Condition ,Pneumonia ,Osteoporosis ,Prescription ,Save ,Refills ,Advaircopd Com ,Blast ,Cold ,Why Don T You ,Zero ,Freezer ,Physical Therapists ,Pain Reliever ,Wells Fargo ,Solutions ,Expenses ,Small Business Lender ,Aspects ,Cash Flow ,Business Owners ,Sfx ,Crowd ,Cheering ,Marching Band ,The Street ,Walking ,Sounds Of Marching Band ,Marching Bandnd ,Troops ,Middle ,Military ,Cheering Geico ,Paradeeet ,Fitting Becauseadeeet ,Tquite ,Aawh No ,Letter ,Car Insurance ,Geico ,Fifteen ,Details ,Student ,Trading ,Blows ,3 1 2 ,High School Football ,School Officials ,Plus ,Campaign Press Secretary ,Hip Hop ,Hype Man ,Controversy ,Nothing ,Ain T ,Sidelines ,Friday June 15 ,Bed ,Bruce Springsteen ,Dancing In The Dark ,Guys ,Healther ,Theblaze Com ,Americans ,Name ,It S Friday ,Investigation ,Authorities ,Murder Of Nicola Furlong ,Concert ,Connection ,21 ,Hotel ,Body ,Furlong ,Prosecutors ,Court Charges ,James Blackson ,23 ,Phone ,Bus Tour ,10 ,Tailspin ,Budget ,Presidents ,America On Track ,Size ,Cleveland ,Long Way To Go ,Voter ,Fundraisers ,Last Night ,La Bolt ,Middle Class ,59 ,Class ,Market ,Tax Cuts ,Polluters ,Regulations ,Wealthiest ,Seniors ,5 Trillion , Trillion ,Growth ,House Of Cards ,2001 ,2003 ,Ryan Budget ,Crisis ,Lot ,Fundraising ,Celebrity Homes ,Meryl Streep ,99 ,1 ,Interest ,Tax Proposal ,Fundraising Landscape ,Citizens United ,Look ,Contributing Tens Of Millions ,Who Wouldn T ,Ro Romney S ,Campaign Finance System ,Donor ,10 Million ,00 Million ,Choice ,Celeste ,Question ,Referendum ,Congress ,Matter ,Traction ,Stalemate ,Dysfunction ,Philosophies ,Need ,Middle Class Out ,World ,Breaks ,Test ,Research ,Development ,Security ,Outeducate ,Back Regulations ,Visions ,Helping ,Tale ,Optics ,Punctuation ,Announcement ,Horse ,Celebrities ,Touch ,Evening ,Olympics ,Dressage ,Donald Trump ,Irony ,Mandate ,Health Care Reform Plan ,Health Care Costs ,Health Care ,Model ,Dover ,Out Of Touch ,Challenges ,10 ,Sef Tyveral Times ,Majority ,Society ,Tax Revenues ,Thau ,Investors ,Use ,Capital ,Income ,Wealthy ,Students ,Surpluses ,Funding ,Take A Look ,College Scholarships ,Tax Credit ,0000 ,10000 ,Refinancing Plan ,Tuition Costs ,Housing ,5 Million ,Homeowners ,Homes ,Bills ,Examples ,Mortgage Lenders ,Bottom ,Foreclosure ,Better Investor ,Buck ,Does ,Romney On Tuition ,Generation ,Skills ,Run ,Sandusky ,Lawyers ,Jerry Sandusky Trial ,Penn State Football Coach ,Legendary Penn State ,Prime Minister ,Allen Stanford ,Sentence ,Runoff Election ,Setback ,Texas ,Muslim Brotherhood ,Ponzi Schemes ,110 ,Financier ,Innocence ,Fraud ,Sanford ,Bernie Madoff ,Sanford A Ruthless Predator ,7 Billion ,6 Billion ,Fight ,Drake ,Crew ,Chris Brown ,Pop Star ,Nightclub ,Entourage ,Rep ,Sources ,Photo ,Club ,Chin ,Cut ,Source ,Altercation ,Series ,Oklahoma City Thunder ,Probation ,Miami Heat ,Heating Up ,2009 ,Sunday Night In Miami ,Hand ,Moving On ,Money Riding ,Kevin Durant ,U S Air Force ,Pilots ,In The Air National Guard ,Congressman ,F 22 ,22 ,Back ,Findings ,Huh ,Next ,Water ,Vitamins ,Minerals ,Fat ,Lid ,Protein ,Nine Grams Protein ,Twenty One ,Nutrition ,Blueberry ,Pomegranate ,Somewhere ,Nowhere ,Mcallen ,Everything ,Track ,Piece ,Asset ,Bell ,Cat ,Planes ,Concerns ,Hair ,Sick ,Oxygen Deprivation ,Nauseated ,Cockpit ,Adam Kins Linger ,Statistic ,Military Pilot ,Nota ,Reality ,Incident ,Uper ,100000 ,26 ,Training ,Stages ,Hypoxia ,Airplane ,Calls ,Math Problem ,Vests ,Triangle ,Triangle Piece ,Toys ,Overexposure ,Lungs ,Pressure Suits ,Depressurization ,Altitude ,Process ,Navy Dive Unit ,Warner ,Cases ,Scenarios ,Avenues ,Fix ,Conclusion ,Implementation ,Go Up ,Assets ,Airplanes ,Ground Cr Crew ,Isn T The Issue ,Pigeon ,Maintainers ,Weren T Related ,Vest Suit ,Captain Wilson ,News ,Cult ,Contract ,Aircraft ,Manufacturer ,Contracts ,Lockheed Martin ,Plane ,Best ,The Fix ,Elementing Thimplementing Th ,Inventory ,Fighter ,Defense Posture ,Resolution ,Senator ,Kmancongressman ,Vibrations ,Nick Whall Enda ,Song ,Play List ,Tether ,Child ,Cost ,Usda ,2011 ,8000 ,000 ,35000 ,235000 ,17 ,Woman ,Increase ,Inflation ,Twep ,Twen 2010 ,4000 ,14000 ,2010 ,3 5 ,Boys ,Clothes ,Costs ,Margin ,3 ,Clothing ,I Don T Know ,Shares ,Jeans ,Household Income ,Iphone ,Wi Fi ,50000 ,Budgeting ,Track Guns ,Investment ,Loan ,Luxury Item ,Focus On Legal Gun Owners ,Graduation ,Sides ,Goodness ,Making ,Eye Health ,Insurance ,Members ,Unitedhealthcare ,Aarp Medicare Supplement ,Ocuvite ,Eyes ,Experts ,Nutrients ,Vitamin ,Eye Nutrients ,Bausch Lomb ,Formula ,Multivitamin ,Pill Worth Taking ,Highway Yesterday ,Headaches ,Hyde Park Fire ,Timothy Jordan ,Weather Conditions ,Headway ,Surgeon ,Manhunt ,Dr ,Armed And Dangerous ,Buffalo ,Hospital ,Weapons Expert ,Stairwell ,Smack ,Erie County Medical Center ,Jordan ,Jacqueline Wisniewsky ,33 ,Rick Scott ,Voter Purge Controversy ,Stories ,He Couldn T Vote ,Florida ,I D ,2006 ,Markets ,Stock Futures ,Hopes ,Rolls ,Noncitizens ,Kfi ,Elections ,Hit ,Greek ,China Slowing ,401 ,School ,Group ,Mothers ,Graduation Ceremony ,Mom ,South Los Angeles ,Camera ,Graduation Garb ,There Weren T ,School District ,Brawl ,Caps ,Gowns ,Moms ,Lip ,Preschooler ,Second ,Boy ,Bill ,Crime Fighting ,Space Age ,New York State Legislature ,Semiautomatic Pistol Makers ,Gun ,Codes ,Inside ,Casings ,Lasers ,Called Micro Stampers ,Shell Casing ,Sponsor ,Michelle ,Buyer ,New York State Assembly ,Ryan Kolb ,Legislation ,Police Departments ,Law Enforcement Agencies ,69 ,New York State ,Studies ,Manufacturers ,State Legislature ,Waste ,Idea ,Taxpayers ,Government Mandate ,Industry ,Proposal ,Realmington ,Commitment ,Assembly Process ,Pardon ,Bi Beg ,Movement ,Bat ,Umbrage ,Burden ,Companies ,Tax Breaks ,Dollars ,Leave ,Business Owner ,Move ,Pause ,Threat ,Business Decision ,Factory ,Efficacy ,Assemblyman Kolb ,Stamping ,Study ,Code ,Support ,Specifically ,2012 ,Capacity ,Crime Fighter ,Supporter ,Law Enforcement ,David ,Globe ,Products ,Assemblywoman ,District ,Don T Sit ,Answers ,Staying ,25 ,Legislature ,Ideas ,Regulation ,States ,Countries ,Conversation ,Coaching ,Frontman ,Football ,Under Fire ,Progressive ,Auto Insurance ,Meow ,Wouldn ,Yep ,Saving ,Bundling ,Play Rocket Cat Adventures ,Progressive Com ,Hotels Com ,Road Trip ,Well Hello ,Yep Uhuh ,Huh Ooh ,Hotels ,Nice ,Laugh Awe Hmm ,Classroom Teachers ,Giving You Up ,Blossom ,Summer ,00 ,Programs ,Sally Ride ,Academy ,Educators ,Science ,Math ,Student Success ,Mickelson Exxonmobil ,Shoot For The Stars ,Group 2 Live Crew ,Amendment ,Tipper Gore ,Liberty City ,Role Model ,Play Ball ,20 ,Character ,Florida Department Of Education ,Article ,Lyrics ,Exhibit A ,Two Worlds Collide ,Writer ,Subject ,Andy Staples ,Sports Illustrated ,Music ,Football Team ,Tell Me ,Staples ,Neighborhood ,High School ,High Schools ,Youth Program ,Wayside ,Youth ,Volunteer Coach ,Assistant Coach ,Miami Dade County ,Certificate ,Certified ,Stipend ,Saying ,1200 ,Adult Entertainment Industry ,Adults ,Coach Students ,Luther ,Judge ,Petitioner ,On The Air ,Rap Sheet ,Tendency ,Service , Change ,Areas ,Frames ,Each Other ,Satellite ,Trip ,Universities ,60 ,University Of Florida State ,50 ,Equation ,Field ,Cream ,Peaches ,Petition ,Gunfire ,Human Battery ,Memory Foam ,Recharge Sleep System ,Beautyrest ,Everything Else ,Comfort ,Skin ,Sleeping Posture ,Coils ,Beautyrest Pocketed ,Sun Protection ,Sunblock ,Whitens ,Drips ,Barrier ,Spectrum ,Neutrogena ,Wanted ,Bottom Line ,Employee Benefits ,Courageous ,Mariah ,Leo Mccarthy ,Loss ,Cnn Hero ,October 27 2007 ,Drunk Driver ,Path ,Block ,Drinking ,My Name ,14 ,Challenge ,Drinking Culture ,Disease ,Fatalities ,I Ll Be There ,Eulogy ,Bunch ,Alcohol ,Post Secondary School ,Kids Safe ,End Point ,Possum ,Puppy ,Thexpensive ,Ted ,It S Time ,Medicine ,Alright Emma ,Emma ,Everywhere ,Sweety ,Nurses ,Femma ,Fo Femma ,Bemma ,Fana ,Emma Bo ,Johnson ,Breathing Intelligence ,Minds ,Report ,Tails ,Toe To ,Campaign Expert ,Breaking News ,Swipes ,Friday June 15th ,

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