Flight 370 has disappeared. We could be no closer to finding the plane. Grief and anger for loved ones like steve wang whose mother was on the flight. Sarah bajc with a loved one on the flight as well. And has the gm brand been injured by support. And a semantic debate has embroiled the 9 11 museum in new york city raising the question of what to call the 19 who perpetrated that violence. Plus, have we seen the last climb to the worlds tallest peak . And should police scan license plates at random and store the information . Wait until you hear what that Technology Just did. Lets get started. Announcer this is cnn breaking news. We begin with breaking news from ukraine this morning. Ukraines Security Services says internation International Observers seized are being held in inhumane conditions. One need medical care, but the prorussian militants are not allowing any assistance in. In the meantime, it was 48 hours ago when the ukraine issued a 48hour deadline to explain the military drills. President obama has said more punitive International Actions targeting russias economy are ready to go if moscow continues to escalate the situation. Are we looking at a civil war or cold war or world war iii . Russia is warning about civil war now Ukrainian Government troops have moved in. To move out prorussian separatists. Meddling is pushing us closer to world war iii. There is talk of a new cold war. That means posturing on both sides where diplomacy and behind the scenes talks are ineffective. Cue the military exercises. Russia has 40,000 troops near the ukraine borborder. They are conducting drills as a response of the crackdown on the ukrainian troops. On the other side is the army ash bridge. As many as 600 troops are on the way to the baltics in response to the possible involvement in ukraine. My next guests break down the military actions. First, Congress Member jim gerlach. He just got back from a trip to kiev. Congress member, let me begin with you. You just came home. What is the latest from kiev. Where do you see this going . Well, it is a very difficult time and tense time as you can imagine. You have government leaders in kiev that really want to move forward with the number of reforms and move their country forward. They have hanging over them the sword of Russian Military presence right along the border. Certainly separatists activity in eastern parts of the country. They want to move forward with how to make the country a better place to live and how they become more economically with the rest of the world. They have the military situation right next door that has them very concerned. And how would you articulate the u. S. Obligation, if any, to ukraine . I mean emotionally and legally and i mean in a supportive capacity. What is it we owe ukraine, congressman . We certainly owe them our friendship. We certainly owe them all of our support. The question is how far does that go . Certainly economically and diplomatically. In my opinion, militarily in support and assistance relative to nonlethal defensive military assistance. Im not sure we owe them any boots on the ground. I dont think we do. I would not like to see that happen. I do think militarily as this situation continues to worsen, if the Ukrainian Government asks for our support for nonlethal and lethal military assistance by way of antiaircraft and tank resources, we should support them in that regard. I want to emphasize we dont want to see american troops directly involved, but we want to help them to push back on putins military push against them. And gary, let me followup on the congressmans point. Do you see the best hope for resolution as coming by virtue of money or might . When i say money, i mean sanctions. The story on the front page of the times talking about difficulties we might have in getting our allies to toe the line or is a military posture one that will best resolve this situation. Of course, good morning, michael. A combination of both. We need to recognize that president putin is pushing on an open door. He doesnt believe the west will stand against him. He evaluated our response. He should have it in terms of antitank and antiair. We have to recognize we have a new relationship with russia. An aggressive russia. We should look at the baltic states. We should look at positioning combat brigades. Not 600 men. Maybe getting our national owe allies to position themselves. Putin is looking to break nato. The allied force is gone. We assumed control of many of the countries in that alliance. He would like to take back the baltic states. We need to put down markers right now because we dont want conflict. We need to demonstrate strength now and quickly. The russians are not taking us quickly. They are violating every agreement they sign. The congressman is not advocates boots on the ground. Why send 600 there if we are not about to pursue a military option, gary . The point is im not saying the military option in ukraine. Im talking about estonia and latvia and lithuania. We have the treaty with them. Attack on one is an attack on all. We want to demonstrate our commitment to nato. The ukraine is one piece of this. The other piece is nato. Putin and his leadership, their number one goal, breaking nato. That treaty and agreement. Congressman, how do you take the temperature of your constituents on the matter like this . My sense is the nation is exhausted from involvement in iraq and afghanistan. It is hard to draw support for any type of military situation we are discussing. That is right. I agree with gary. I think he is spot on. People are focused on jobs. People are focused on the economy generally. Education, health care. They are not focused specifically on what is happening in ukraine. At the same time, if putin made a military incursion into the eastern part of ukraine. That would get the attention of the people in the United States. They would see the world much of the way gary described with the effort by putin of becoming peter the great again and try to expand the borders of russia that puts pressure on nato and tries to break nato, as gary just said. That would get the attention of my constituents at that point in time. Bottom line, we need to be there for the ukrainians. They are not asking for boots on the ground. They want to defend their country. They want the material to do that. That is the role the United States can play. Gentlemen, thank you for your experti expertise. We appreciate both of you. The search for flight 370 is shifting this morning and family members of those who vanished with the plane are at their wits end. Two join me live next. 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This is the moment more than a month ago when malaysias Prime Minister announced that flight 370 ended in the southern indian ocean. Earlier this week, the Prime Minister struck a different tone with our Richard Quest. Take a listen. So, i ask you again, Prime Minister, are you prepared to say the plane and passengers are lost . Translator at some point in time i would be. Right now, i think i need to take into account the feelings of the next of kin. And some of them have said publicly that they are not willing to accept it until they find hard evidence. Just this morning, president obama landed in kuala lumpur promising continued support and assistance in the search for the missing flight. That is doing little to help the family members. Many showed up outside the embassy in beijing. Two people who know that outrage all too well join me from beijing. Sarah bajc, the partner of philip wood and steven wang, whose mother was on the flight. Sarah, the Prime Minister najib razak told Richard Quest there would be a release of a report. What is it you are looking to learn in the document and how much faith it will bring closure in your mind . We are all looking forward to seeing that document and being able to identify pieces of evidence that we have been asking for since the beginning. Our hope is that there will actually be factual information in the document and not just another series of observations and analysis which have not been so far accurate. I know you participated in the development of the 26 questions of family members would like resolved. Give us an example of the type of thing you need to know. Mostly what we are asking from the malaysian government to do is to release all of the preliminary raw data that came out of the Radar Systems and air Traffic Control so we can bring in outside experts and have them take a look at the direction of that plane went in. All the confidence in the world that the malaysian government and Australian Government had that the plane is in the water where they have been searching have clearly not come to bear. If they were wrong about that, we would like to go back to square one and start over and seeing if we can figure out a different path. Steven wang, how are you coping with the uncertainty pertaining to your mother . Well, it is very hard not only for the missing loved ones, but uncertainty of i dont know what happens to her. Where is she . Really, i wanted to do whatever i can and whatever all the relatives can to help find the plane and find her. Do either of you have a concern that financial considerations will cut short the search before there is closure . Well, i think what they should do first is still finding the plane and let other agencies and other third parties or independent search institutions find the plane. That is what we want. Financial help is required, but not the first. Sarah bajc, i know you are looking for answers from boeing. Boeing shareholders are meeting this week. What is it you are requesting of the american airplane manufacturer . Well, all of the family members, both in china and malaysia and other countries are contributing to a new set of questions, we dont mean that to become a running joke. We dont have a lot of mechanism to communicate in any formal way other than putting things in writing. We all gotten together to draft some requests and directed to the shareholders of boeing and the kinds of commitments they believe boeing should be making on behalf of solving this mystery. We are having this conversation at the time when the american president , president obama, coincidently, not by virtue of these events is in malaysia. Is there something to be done by president obama to somehow light a fire under these investigators . The one thing that we would like him to speak with the malaysian Prime Minister about is this idea of allowing a thirdparty independent group such as the ntsb to come in and take over the investigation. It is something that has happened in a large number of crashes in the past or in this case, we dont know if it is a crash yet. The ntsb could come in and relieve malaysia of some of its burden and Work Together with malaysia and other countries to perhaps shed new light on what has happened. Sarah bajc and steven wang, god speed and thank you. Which party do you agree with . Republican . Democrat . If none of the above is your answer, count yourself with the majority. And this story about the 19 people who attacked america. We are looking at some who are upset with how they are about to be portrayed. He thought it was the endn for his dof the conversation. D. She didnt tell him that her College Expenses were going up. Or that she maxed out her card during spring break. 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Get our everyday price match guarantee plus a 100 rebate on 4 select tires from your tire experts. Chevy certified service. Hot breakfast options. Hampton, enjoy our free you did a great job. It looks good then fuel up with up to 9,000 hhonors bonus points on a long weekend stay. Make every stay more rewarding and feel the hamptonality. Time for headlines redefined. Headlines that got the story half right. From the New York Times. The american middle class is no longer the worlds richest. Indeed, the wealthy americans continue to outpace the peers. The middle class is no longer the wealthy. The poor is lagging behind the poor in europe. What drives this . Earlier this week, i chatted with janet gornich. She pointed to globalization and technology, but there are other factors she suggested and others suggesting about what explains the diminished value. Educational considerations. Executive salaries out pacing other nations. Our minimum wage, weak unions and tax code. A lot of the factors are determined by government policy. You remember that original headline, the headline that said the american middle class is no longer the worlds richest. I would write it, you get what you vote for. Next one, Rasmussen Reports think Neither Political Party represents the american people. The american parties now out of sync with the remainder of the nation. This comports with others. Gallop in january said, 42 of americans now regard themselves as independent. Not republican or democrat. I think i can explain what is going on here. A number of words come to mind that symbolize how we per suf the democratic party. Those words would be polarization and gridlock and extremism. The headline which said 53 said Neither Political Party represents the american people. Here is how i would have written it. We didnt leave the parties. The parties left us. Finally, here is my favorite. Comes from my philadelphia inquirer. New jersey denies woman license plate that reads 8 thiest. Interestingly, she said she was told that it was objectionable. She attempted to get a license plate that said baptist. Baptist was cool, but 8thiest wasnt. So much of this is subjective. In my home state of pennsylvania, there are 10,000 words and combinations of letters that are objectable. In my next life, i want to be on the committee to have the vanity plate. Remember the original headline, new jersey denies woman license plate that reads 8thiest. I would rewrite it, the guy who didurx is a fgators. Authorities are backtra tracki tracking. They are too quick to endorse the man who said appalling things. And the memorial of the 9 11 museum is coming up next month, but one is stirring debate. Ill get to the heart of that controver controversy. Whatever business youre in, thats the business were in. 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Because of this, he is a darling over some conservatives because the government is trying to collect on its debt. He was their darling until he got caught uttering a few words about africanamericans wondering about if they were better off if they were slaves. I said im wondering if they are better off under government subsidy and young women having abortions and young men are in jail and their older women and children are sitting out on the cement porch without nothing to do. You know, im wondering, are they happier now under this government subsidy system than they were when they were slaves and they were able to have Family Structure together. Later on cnn, bundy offered up his boot saying he was prepared to stick his foot in his mouth. Some conservatives have been doing the same. I want to bring in larry sabato, and david nathan. David, you covered this. You point out most republicans and antigovernment groups did not take the bait, but some did. Who are those who now have egg on their face and now have to backtrack . You have potential 2016 candidates like rand paul and ted cruz and maybe rick perry again. You know, all didnt say bundy is a great guy, specifically, but they expressed sympathy with the cause. You have people like dean heller who are calling bundy patriots. You have to run away from that now. You have media figures like sean hannity who now have to run away from him. Most Tea Party Groups stayed away from this. These are the candidates who did not and got burned. Larry, what is the damage to the gop brand . It doesnt help them, obviously. We tend to choose sides quickly in this twitterized world of ours. These stories hit the news or twitter within minutes. All of the liberals line up on one side. The conservatives line up on another. It is a media circus and feeding frenzy. We get to the meat of the case and you know, michael, this guy hasnt paid his grazing fees and taxes in years and years and years. That is not the way our system works. You go through the courts, you lobby your elected officials, maybe you run for office. In the meantime, you obey the law or if you choose civil disobedience, you take the penalty. David, i addressed this subject a week ago here and this guy lost me, not that he ever had me, but he lost me before he uttered these raciallytinged statements when he doesnt recognize the existence of the United States government. That should have been the alarm bell before adams piece in the New York Times when rand paul said im cutting ties now. Even before this. Most republicans and conservative groups were staying away from him because if they did their homework at all, they knew there were alarms like that way before he ever opened his mouth on racial issues. It was attractive to some people because it seemed like the bureau of Land Management overreacted. Is that the way to handle it . Go straight to gathering up the guys cattle. If they just looked a little deeper, they would see this is not the guy they wanted for their messenger. He opened his mouth again and boy, that really is the guy they dont want for their messenger. Larry sabato, you have the famous crystal ball. You have the gift of prognostication. All politics is good in the end. This is good cat nip for those of us in the media. When we go out in our local congressional race, is this guy on the brain or deep recesses of the brain . No, i think it hurts some republican attempts to reach out to minorities. David mentioned senator rand paul who has been trying to broaden the Republican Coalition with the young and minorities. He has something to explain and it just all brings us back to that old line, look before you leap. It is amazing how few people do. Gentlemen, great to have you here. Larry sabato and david nather, thank you. Islam, muslim, terrorist. The use of the words in the 9 11 Memorial Museum has angered some. Can it be resolved before the doors open next month . And closing mt. Everest. Ill talk to a man who have summited mt. Everst. Woman everyone in the nicu all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. Everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment. I wouldnt trade him for the world. Who matters most to you says the most about you. At massmutual were owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. If youre caring for a child with special needs, our innovative special care Program Offers strategies that can help. But i didnt always watch out for myself. With so much noise about health care, i tuned it all out. With unitedhealthcare, i get information that matters. My individual health profile, not random statistics. They even reward me for addressing my health risks. So im doing fine. But shes still gonna give me a heart attack. Innovations that work for you. Thats health in numbers. 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Hampton, enjoy our free you did a great job. It looks good then fuel up with up to 9,000 hhonors bonus points on a long weekend stay. Make every stay more rewarding and feel the hamptonality. We are less than a month away from the opening of the 9 11 Memorial Museum in new york city. As the day draws near, so does the microscope on what is included. A controversy over a film shown to visitors. Semantic debate of the 19 referring to 9 11. I was in central park last night and asked that question to a couple of people. How they should refer to the 19 i will say terrorists on 9 11. My choice would be jihadists. The acts are terrorists. I would call them terrorists. It should not be related to religion. Should not. Should not. We dont know the intentions for sure. You dont want to automatically, you know, assume or associate terrorism with the pe people who follow the muslim faith. Terrorist. It doesnt matter if they are white, black, jihadist, they were terrorisms. It is a tough question. I dont know the proper term. It was a wonderful story in the New York Times on this. My must read of the morning. Joining me now is Sharon Otterman. What is the word choice used in the sevenminute long documentary . They definitely used the word terrorist. That is what they were. When you use religious term like jihadist or islamist, if they hang out independently or explained because of the audience at the museum. Islamic is not on the table. It is such a parsing issue. Islamist is something that they are using at present. That is right. A group of clergy that saw the film that was concerned with islamist that sounds like islam. If they want to say islamic or islamic terrorist, they want to make sure people understand that is not what most muslims believe. It is a tiny segment of people that are using islam to justify actions. They are trying to come up with the means of conveying we dont wish to cast dispersions on the entire faith, but be accurate and reflect the fact these 19 and enablers were motivated by their perverted notion of religion. That is correct. They would like the film to have that level of sophistication. It is a short film. The museum responded when you watch the film in the context of the museum, a lot of text that you will get a full understanding, but they are concerned people will not read the text, but watch the short film. When i read your great story, my version is all marked up. I of course went to the times web site. I want to watch the video and read the transcript. I could do neither. Why is that the case . I asked for several weeks to see the film. They want to hold off on showing anybody this information until the Museum Opening and media embargo. They were concerned if not viewed in the context of the museum, you would not get the full understanding of the sophistication of the message. Could we use this with how nasty people can be in the blogesphere . Im addicted to see what is the most popular story and what people are saying about it. They were nasty about this particular piece. Exactly. This is the concern of the clergy. It included rabbi and priest and many clergy. They are concerned. The idea that islam is somehow responsible for 9 11 is alive and well. You can see it on the New York Times web site. They want to make sure that people dont come away angry at the whole faith after this deeply Emotional Experience at the museum. Sharon, your piece and this issue brought back to me the fact that about a decade ago, i was at auschwitz and i was taking a tour with the representative of what is left of the camp. We got to a particular inscription of the plaque of the crematorium. She thought to be accurate to the history that both should be included. This is one of the issues that people who present historical facts that deal with that fly below the radar screen and we never think about them. If you are sitting in the classroom with people at princeton, you can understand the terms and know what everybody means. With the public at the 9 11 museum and people who do not know about the muslim faith, what does the museum have that they are talking about a sliver of people to justify the actions. Are we finished with islamist and jihadists or there may be a change made . They have removed the term islamic terrorists which they felt was too closely related to islam and terrorism. They will not change the terms any further. They stand by it. As you can see, many people are happy they are standing by and not watering down the language or trying to my walk in central park. You can see the reaction. Thank you for being here. We appreciate Sharon Otterman for joining us. Looking up to the worlds tallest peak, all you can get is a view from the bottom following the deaths of 13 people with more still missing. Should we continue to push to the top . And license plates stored and Data Collected constantly. Something just happened that might change your mind. Quiet mom has a headache had a headache but now, i dont. Excedrin is fast. In fact for some, relief starts in just 15 minutes. Excedrin. Headache. Gone. Predibut, manufacturings a prettin the United States do. Means advanced technology. We learned that Technology Allows us to be craft oriented. No ones losing their job. Theres no beer robot that has suddenly chased them out. The technology is actually creating new jobs. Siemens designed and built the right tools and resources to get the job done. Hey so im looking at my bill, and my fico® Credit Scores on here. We give you your fico® score each month for free awesomesauce wow the only person i know that says that is. Lisa . Julie . at discover, we treat you like youd treat you. Get the it card and see your fico® credit score. Most of the time people are shocked when we show them where theyre getting the acid, and what those acids can do to the enamel. Theres only so much enamel on a tooth, and Everybody Needs to do something about it now if they want to preserve their teeth. I recommend pronamel because it helps strengthen the tooth and makes it more resistant to acid breakdown. We want to be healthy and strong through the course of our life, and by using pronamel every day, just simply using it as your toothpaste, you know you will have that peace of mind. Its the ultimate achievement for adventurers. The climb to the summit of mt. Everest. Some packages costing up to 100,000. This year, a tragedy stopped the ascent. You cant climb without a sherpa. It is a lifes work for many and the decision to cancel the climbs season has split their ranks. My next guest summited everest. Alan arnett joins me from orlando. Alan, you are qualified to talk about the climber and the sherpa relationship. That is right. The relationship. The sherpas are unselfish people. They carry equipment and oxygen. My estimation is 99. 9 of the mountain cannot summit without the help of the sherpa. I want to put up on the screen a map of everest the climb. What is the most dangerous aspect of making that the line goes up through an ice fall, thats 2,000 feet of moving ice. Its very unstable. Often left of that route is the Left Shoulder of everest. It came down and slit into carsized pieces. Thats whats killed 16 sherpa and theres three more missing. Beyond that, thats called the south cull. At that point, its just from an altitude issue. Youre at 29,000 feet. Thats where airplanes fly and youre on the ground. Its treacherous to the body. Have the sums that climbers are now paying for this experience contributed in any way to the danger. By that, what i mean to ask is, if im paying 100,000 im going to be more apartment to be demanding of sherpas. That sort of thing. I think theres an e eliminate of it element of it. You know, i think that everest has been marketed and advertised as somewhat of an easiest climb. This years tragedy is the worst in the history of everest. It really illustrates that the danger is real. As far as the expectations go, the technology has advanced over the years. Theres much better oxygen systems. Its a known route. So a lot of the perceived dangers have been mitigated, but still, its a very dangerous mountain and it does attract people that underestimate the dangers. Does the fact that its so popular mean theres inexperienced people putting themselves in harms way . Not the sherpas, but the climbers. Its kind of the 80 20 rule. 70 of the people 80 of the people that go there know what theyre getting into. If you dont go in prepared, then certainly you can you can have a tragedy. Every year, eight to 12 people are killed on everest. That includes westerners as well as sherpa. Whats the protocol . If you should be successful, are you high fiving up there, what goes on . When you finally reach the summit you know, you dont actually stay on the true summit because the mountain is actually sacred. You hug your sherpa. You thank everybody thats been there. If i was fortunate to have a sat phone with me that i was able to call back home and dedicate my summit to alzheimers that took my mom. Its just a joyous moment. The reality of are where you are and you have to get back down the mountain safely. Were limited on time, but i was going to say you really havent summited unless you make it down safely, right . Thats correct. Theres one man that has climbed all the mountains without oxygen is fond of saying, the summit is optional, the return is mandatory. Thats quite an achievement. We really appreciate you having been here. Thank you. Should license plate readers constantly be snapping pictures and storing data . We just found out how the technology can make a real difference between life and death. Ndred and seventyseven thousand dollars per minute. Thats what big oil made last year. Now theyre spending it to rig the system against you. Pushing washington to cut americanmade biofuels. Bullying gas stations to use more of their oil. All so they get richer. And you pay more. Truth is, biofuels are cleaner, better for your engine and less expensive. Washington, dont let big oil rig the system any more. Protect the renewable fuel standard. Sfuel reward card is really what makes it like two deals in one. Salesperson 2 actually, getting a great car with 42 highway miles per gallon makes it like two deals in one. Salesperson 1 point is theres never been a better time to buy a jetta tdi clean diesel. Avo during the first ever volkswagen tdi clean diesel event, get a great deal on a jetta tdi. It gets 42 highway miles per gallon. And get a 1,000 fuel reward card. Its like two deals in one. Volkswagen has the most tdi clean diesel models of any brand. Hurry in and get a 1,000 fuel reward card and 0. 9 apr for 60 months on tdi models. Hey, one last thing. This past week what had been a privacy debate suitable for firstyear law students became very real with life and death consequences. Two years ago, the Kansas City Star reported that police in this city were using automatic license plate readers to collect information on public roadways. The readers have the ability to scan license plates and then compare them to police databases. It could be used for instance during an amber alert. According to the newspaper, the plate numbers are stored in a data base along with the time, date and exact location each vehicle was scanned by one of the read, it can be a gold mine for investigators looking to solve crimes. Well, the aclu wasnt happy. They worried that the technology would be used to track the missouris of law abiding motorists. Now fast forward. For much of the last month, kansas city has been tear rised by a motorist who was randomly shooting other drivers. Thank god he didnt kill anybody, but he is believed to have perpetrated a dozen attacks. A 27yearold has now been arrested in connection with the attacks. Wait until you hear how they caught him. The affidavit of probable cause says that a female motorist reported to Law Enforcement that she thought shed been followed on the highway by the shooter. By jamming on her brakes, she managed to get behind him and wrote down his illinois license plate and phoned it in. Police then turned to the license plate Scanner Technology and they immediately got several hits from their data base showing that that plate had been used on multiple cars and seen parked in front of a particular address. Now they had their suspect. A warrant was issued that allowed installation of a gps tracking device on his car. And with Old Fashioned gum shoeing, authorities now think they cracked the case. So far, the suspect faces 18 charges for nine separate shootings. Heres mistake away, to paraphrase israels first prime minist minister, while its wonderful to fill loss fie, its first important to ensure were in. Join me monday through friday next week when i host this program in prime time at 9 00 p. M. Eastern right here on cnn. Until then, have a great weekend. Fresh fears this morning of an imminent invasion of ukraine with allegations that russia violated the countrys air space overnight. President obama in malaysia this morning. But his visit comes exactly 50 days after flight 370 vanished. The nra Takes Center Stage in indianapolis firing back at critics and bringing out the gops big guns. And get ready to see a lot more of this. The National Weather Service Warning a violent weekend is

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