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A look at Breaking News, politics and reports from around the world. A look at Breaking News, politics and reports from around the world. Campaign, the reelection in november, and apparently, wolf, does not want to say anything that could infuriate the president. Perhaps one reason he did not want to answer that question. But no doubt about it, wolf, republicans did not want to embrace these concerns today perhaps because the president is so about the mueller probe. Manu raju on capitol hill. Joining us now, republican congressman chris stewart. Hes a member of the house Intelligence Committee. Congressman, thanks so much for joining us. Good afternoon. The president has told his Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, to stop the Russia Investigation right away. Is that in your opinion Obstruction Of Justice . I think it would be very, very difficult as a prosecutor to make the case. Im not an attorney but common sense would tell me its going to take much more than that to prove any kind of case towards what youve indicated there. The president can voice his opinion. I dont deny him that ability. But in this case i wish he wouldnt. I just dont think it helps him. I dont think it helps those of us who agree with him. The original intent of the special counsel is to investigate collusion. Theres been no evidence of that. And i wish he would just let the Special Counsel Finish his work and show the American People what he has found and if theres something that we need to deal with we will at that time. And the other thing, wolf, is it precludes you and i from talking about other matters. Theres an awful lot going on in the world and yet we spend a lot of time talking about this and many a times thats because the president has compelled us to talk about this because of some of his statements or some of his tweets. Well, the president keeps raising it almost on a daily basis. Hes the one who brings it up. Hes the one who tweeted this morning. And it was a very specific tweet. He said the Attorney General Jeff Sessions should stop this rigged witch hunt right now before it continues to stain our country any further. He says countless times, as you know, congressman, there was no collusion. So why should he be so worried about this Russia Investigation if there was no collusion, as he insists there was no collusion . Wont Robert Mueller exonerate him . And thats the argument ive been making. Once again, wolf, we havent seen evidence of collusion. And thats not a terribly partisan observation any longer. Many of the democrats, i would say most of the democrats, with only a few exceptions would agree with that. There isnt evidence of collusion at this point. Let him finish his work. And my point was you and i agree on this. Its because the president tweets and says things like this that we have to talk about it. And i dont think it helps his case. And it detracts us from other important work. But look, he is the president and he feels like hes been under siege now for going on two years. He feels like hes been unjustly accused and the people around him have been unjustly accused of very serious crimes, essentially of treason, for going on two years. I can understand why at some point he would begin to feel like isnt this long enough, how much longer do i have to have this cloud hanging over me but congressman, We Dont Know What Robert Mueller has come up with in this investigation. We didnt know, for example, he was going to indict and charge all these russians, for example. He may have specific information that you dont know about, and youre a member of the Intelligence Committee, that we dont know about. Hes working his sources, as they say. Yeah. And he does have Additional Information that we didnt pursue. It wasnt the purview of the Intelligence Committee to look at some of these financial transactions, for example, that mr. Manafort and others have been indicted for. And we recognize that. But once again, no evidence of any u. S. Person but congressman, we dont know if he has evidence of collusion. We know that you may not have seen any evidence of collusion as a member of the Intelligence Committee but We Dont Know What he has. But wolf, you and i are saying the same thing. There is no evidence to this point. Maybe mr. Mueller has found something the rest of us havent seen. Ive got to tell you. I think thats extraordinarily unlikely. I think a and this sounds facetious but its actually true. A, if it had i think its very likely it would have been leaked or there would have been some indication of it. The second thing is many organizations, not just house intel but the senate and others have looked at this for a long, long time. I think if there had been evidence ive got to tell you, congressman, ive covered washington for a long time. The mueller team, they have avoided leaking anything. The leaks are coming from other sources, people who have testified before various investigators. But they have been very, very silent as far as leaking information. Theyve been much better at it than many other organizations. Theres no question about it. But wolf, i would come back to my second point, and i think thats Strong Enough to make this argument, and that is that others other than house intel the senate and others have been looking at this for a long time. We saw virtually no evidence of it. And i think its very unlikely that mr. Mueller finds something that we didnt see at all. But like i said, and ive said to you many times, let him finish his work. Well, let me ask you this, congressman. If the Russia Investigation ended before Robert Mueller and his team finish up their work, what would you do about that . If, for example, they were forced to simply stop. Well, i think its extraordinarily unlikely that they would be forced to stop. I cant see any political way where that would happen. But if that were to happen, in that very unlikely event, i think that those of us would take up the investigation. If there were unanswered questions, we would feel compelled to take up that investigation. Were going to get to the bottom of this regardless of where it leads, one way or the other. And my expectation is what were going to find is what weve seen so far. There isnt evidence of collusion or conspiracy with u. S. Persons colluding with russian officials and committing treason. But if mr. Muellers investigation was cut short, i find that very unlikely, and if there were questions that were unanswered, there would be others that would take that to want to pursue it. The president was very specific today in that statement, in that tweet. He said he wants the investigation to stop right now. Right now. Those were his words. Exactly, wolf. But i think thats exactly the way the president feels. He does want the investigation stopped. He thinks it should be ended by now if he has nothing to hide, why is he so concerned . Well, wolf, i think its because, again, hes been under investigation, hes had this cloud over him for going on two years, and he believes that theres no evidence, there is nothing there. And he can state that. I would like this to end. There is nothing there thats hurting the american process and the american body politic. But that isnt obstruction. Thats very different from him ordering the Attorney General to do something which he has biekt already recused himself. I dont think he would have the authority because he has been recused of that. Thats very different than the president voicing an opinion, which he has done again and again and again on a fairly regular basis about his concerns with this investigation. The white house itself has said these tweets are official president ial statements. They sound like an opinion, they sound like tweets, but these are official president ial statements. Let me get your thoughts on another very sensitive issue, the Paul Manafort trial, as you know, is under way right now. The president is weighing in on this federal trial against Paul Manafort, saying in another separate tweet today that manafort is being treated badly, unfairly by the prosecutors. Whats your reaction to that . Well, ive got to tell you that you know, im again, im not an attorney and im not a prosecutor but ive lived a while and ive been active in just the body politic and conversations and i think its quite unusual for a person whos accuse of White Collar Crime to be treated the way he is. Midnight or these Early Morning bursts into his house. His family and his children there. It seemed like there were some parts of this were really quite heavyhanded. If there was an explanation, a necessity for that i will point out in day two the fbi testified today they had three knocks before they went into the house. He wasnt answering. But thats another matter. But hes the one who according to this judge and according to the prosecutors, he was witness tampering. Thats why hes in jail right now as opposed to being out on bail. Well, and im not here to defend Paul Manafort. I dont know him at all. And i followed the case actually not very closely. Its outside of my purview in congress and the responsibilities i have. I think most americans would be uncomfortable if they feel like someone for political reasons was treated differently than someone else whos accused of very similar crimes. And i think thats what the president is saying. Lets let the prosecution go forward. Lets see the trial and what the jury decides. I will say its pretty unusual for a sitting president of the United States to be weighing in pro or con with opinions as far as a federal trial is under way right now, especially day two. But congressman, im grateful to you for joining us. Chris stewart of utah. Thanks very much. Thank you. Just ahead, is it an opinion or is it Obstruction Of Justice . Ill ask the former u. S. Attorney Preet Bharara to weigh in on the president s message to Jeff Sessions. And well have the latest on Paul Manaforts trial. Prosecutors raising serious questions about whether a potential star witness will testify. 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But what you have is something more than the president has said before in a public forum on social media basically coming close to directing his Attorney General, who by the way happens to be recused from the Russia Investigation, to end it. And hes made clear over time, interview after interview and statement after statement, a lot of which maybe we dont even know about, that other people who have been interviewed by the mueller team do know about, that he wants the Russia Investigation to be over. So in order to prove obstruction in a court of law you have to show corrupt intent on the part of the person who is allegedly doing the obstructing. In that tweet the president seems to provide a neutral reason saying that bob mueller has conflicts, which is rich given that the one person who does have a conflict in this matter is the Attorney General who hes asking to do that dirty work. But weve seen over time, especially in the case of the firing of jim comey, that the president of the United States comes up with pretextual reasons to you cover up the real reason he wants to do something. We saw that last year when he fired jim comey and he had Rod Rosenstein do a memo and he may have agreed with the memo or not, saying jim comey was fireable because he didnt treat Hillary Clinton well. That is ultimately not the reason donald trump fired jim comey. This is another piece in the puzzle to someone trying to put together a picture of attempted obstruction. The white house says the president was just expressing an opinion, his First Amendment rights. What do you say to that . Thats one of the sillier things that ive heard. Obviously everyone has a First Amendment right to say what they want but in certain contexts its not about expression, its about direction, as you sit at the top of government and you have underneath you a Cabinet Secretary to whom who reports to. So for example, would it be First Amendment free speech if at a meeting he directed the Attorney General, that speech too, directed the Attorney General to prosecute an adversary or let go of someone whos an ally . The mere fact that someone is using their mouth and expressing themselves in english does not necessarily mean youre implicating First Amendment rights. Mueller is investigating if the president Is Obstructing justice or tampering with witnesses through his tweets. How do you think hes going to view this latest tweet . As i said before, i think its part of the picture. And over time a portrait is developing that the president wants the Russia Investigation to be ended. And by the way, the president doesnt distinguish between and among which parts of the Russia Investigation he wants to end. He says in blanket form stop all of it, right . He doesnt say stop investigating the areas where we might have colluded, the Trump Campaign might have colluded with the russians or aided and abetted the russians in interfering with the election. We have a case going on right now. Its in the middle of trial, as weve been reporting. Another trial thats going to happen with respect to Paul Manafort in a few weeks to shut down the operations would essentially mean shutting down a legitimate Criminal Case in the middle of its being conducted at trial after a grand jury of americans has decided its a case thats worthy of going forward. You have other cases like that about which its not okay to cast aspersions with respect to 123 g. R. U. Intelligence officials from russia and a whole bunch of other things we probably dont know about yet. If you were prosecuting a case like this and a witness was saying and doing what the president is doing, what would you do . I would take notes. I would take very careful notes. And i would weave it into my argument. Look, i dont think anybody knows yet whether or not a prosecutor like mueller would suggest because i dont think hes going to charge the president because the prevailing on the law is you that cant indict a sitting president. But whether or not he would make a referral or make a recommendation for what congress have do is dependent on a lot of facts, some of which we know, some of which we dont know. But this is not helpful to a defense that someone was acting innocently and wants to see the Investigation Go where it should. Let me ask you on a related issue, this spring were now told Robert Mueller referred a few cases to the Southern District of new york, tots u. S. Attorney in the Southern District of new york. You used to be there, the u. S. Attorney there in new york. And im wondering what it tells you, these were democrats and republicans, cases hes referred to the Southern District of new york. What does it tell you about how mueller is operating right now . First of all it tells me point of pride, based on my former affiliation with the office and running the office, that he has a great deal of confidence in the Career Prosecutors and investigators in the Southern District. So if theres something he thinks is important, that should be pursued but is not within sort of the narrow somewhat narrow ambit that he is pursuing. Hes comfortable sending it to the Southern District of new york. I think also it has the added benefit. I dont know if this is intentional but it has the added benefit of assuring that certain investigation thats are not at the core of what the special counsel is doing will continue and wont be stopped and cant be interfered with even if something happens with respect to the special counsel per the tweet that the president sent a little while ago. We know he referred the Michael Cohen case to the Southern District in new york as well. All right, preet, thank you so much for joining us. Sure. Thanks, wolf. Lets get to Paul Manaforts trial now. And a new mystery surrounding a potential star witness against the former Trump Campaign chairman. Our justice correspondent Jessica Schneider is working her sources. Jessica, this is day two of manaforts trial. Update our viewers on the latest. Reporter wolf, there was a big bombshell in court. Prosecutors indicated they might not call rick gates as a witness. They left that as an open question. This could be muellers team just playing coy, trying to keep the defense guessing on their strategy. It could be also the defense played their hand too soon, indicating yesterday in Opening Statements that they would use any testimony from rick gates to discredit him. Or it could have been the prosecution just wanted to continue its questioning of the witness that was on the stand. But either way this question of will he or wont he, it definitely sent shock waves through the courtroom. Tonight new questions about whether Paul Manaforts longtime associate rick gates will testify. Despite being described by the defense as the governments star witness, lead prosecutor Ouzo Azanye Cast Doubt On Gates Upcoming Court appearance telling the judge he may testify in this case. He may not. The comment came during the questioning of an fbi agent who found a memo titled gates agenda from 2013 during a raid of manaforts virginia condo last july. Judge t. S. Ellis in his push to keep the trial moving said to the prosecutor, if youre going to call mr. Gates, this is a waste of time. Rick gates may be the special counsels most notable witness on its list of 35, but its the defense who has promised the jury he will be a central player in the trial. During Opening Statements manafort attorney thomas zenle deflected blame to rick gates, saying he embezzled millions from manafort and then turned on him after he came under pressure from muellers team. Zenle telling the jury it was gates who had his hand in the cookie jar. Gates has plead the guilty to two charges in d. C. And is now cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller. All right prosecution has called several witnesses including democratic consultants who worked with manafort during his lobbying work in ukraine and fbi agent Matthew Makuska who searched manaforts condo in a predawn raid. Agent makuska testified the fbi knocked three times before entering manaforts home use egg a key they had dispute something news reports it was a no knock raid. He said the agents announced the fbi was there to execute a search warrant. When agents walked in, manafort was standing nearby, makuska testified. The agent also told the jury manaforts name was on several documents showing llz of dollars in Loan Agreements and Wire Transfer invoices. One document was a Loan Agreement with a California Bank who is listed as one of the victims of manaforts alleged fraud. But judge ellis has blocked the prosecution from showing certain photos illustrating manaforts extravagant spending, rebuking the prosecutor, saying mr. Manafort is not on trial for having a lavish lifestyle. But the jury did hear today from an employee at a highend Clothing Store in manhattan saying manafort was one of the stores top five buyers and that manafort was the only client who paid with Wire Transfers. He said that manafort once paid more than 15,000s for four suits and two trousers and in 2014 spent close to 500,000 at the store. Ronald wall, a Financial Executive at the Beverly Hills Luxury Fashion store house of bijan also testified that manafort used Wire Transfers to pay for merchandise. Az stated, he was a very good customer. Reporter with the flurry of Witnesses Today the jury also heard from mercedesbenz, a Real Estate Agent as well as a contractor. All of them talked about manaforts penchant for luxury items. They also talked about the fact that manafort often used Wire Transfers from those offshore accounts to pay for things and really this case has been moving at a breakneck pace. Prosecutors told the judge today they expect to wrap p their case next week. Wolf . Moving very, very quickly. All right, jessica, thank you. Jessica schneider in alexandria for us. Just ahead, more on the legal implications of the president s tweet and whether he was attempting to obstruct the russia probe. Could it all hinge on the definition of should . And well break down Rudy Giulianis defense of the president , whether it could it would hold up in court. This whole Obstruction Of Justice thing is nonsense. If he wanted to obstruct it, hed obstruct it. He could just end it. 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Now, ill dream gig. Now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. Breaking news tonight. The white house is now saying president trumps tweet calling on the Attorney General jeff sessions to end Robert Muellers Russia Investigation right away is an opinion, not an order. Lets dig deeper with our correspondents and our analysts. Joey jackson, our youre legal analyst. He was very clear in that tweet. Let me read the sentence specifically. Attorney general Jeff Sessions should stop this rigged witch hunt right now. In your view is that Obstruction Of Justice . You know, wolf, i am of the view that it is not at all Obstruction Of Justice. I dont think theres any reasonable view of this tweet that could be construed that way. And i say that for three primary reasons. Number one, i do agree that its an expression of an opinion. Now, we may not like each others opinion but because youre the president you have the right to an opinion too. We have this thing called the First Amendment. Were all entitled to exercise, that whether we agree or disagree. So yes, number one, its an opinion. Number two, i see no corrupt intent there. I see anger. I see disdain. I see frustration. But remember that the crux, the gravamen of an Obstruction Of Justice charge is corrupt intent. I dont see that. Number three, and perhaps most persuasively, in order to be deemed criminal you need, number one, an act and number two, a mental state. Now, you have a mental state here. Right . Fancy word, mens rea we use in a court of law. Anger, upsetness. But in terms of the act, the act is reas, another fancy word we use. Hes saying something, hes not doing something. If the question you had before me, wolf, was he just fired the Attorney General or Deputy Attorney general, it would be a very different conversation. But the mere tweet itself i dont take the view that its obstruction. Thats very interesting. Time out here. Ive got to disagree for a moment with the lawyer. Last spring he removes the fbi director james comey. I guess thats not obstruction. And after he tells the Attorney General you should shut this down. Whats the Attorney General supposed to say . Well, after he removed my fbi director, thats just an opinion . Let me tell you so let me push back well, wait a minute, homes. I get to speak. You get to do the defense or prosecution whatever it is. You by dont care what the attorneys say and i dont care what the white house and the dictionary says. I care what my mom says. When im 7 and she says you ought to eat your peas that means you better eat your vegetables. The statement of intent stuff, we know what the president means and we know it by what he did with james comey. He wants the investigation shut down. I dont think theres any question about that. So sir mudd, ive eaten my peas. May i respond now . Heres the reality. The question is regarding the tweet. Youre bringing in other ancillary information. If wolf asked me a question in terms of a compilation of issues that a prosecutor can look to and use it as an indicia of additional evidence thats one thing. If were evaluating a standalone tweeted my opinion remains the same. One, its an opinion. Two, theres no corrupt intent. Three, theres no activity in light of this particular tweet. So i say no. But do you see it as part of a pattern, not just this one isolated tweet but part of a pattern over the past year, year and a half . Now, thats a separate question. If you want to talk about the fact that the president shouldnt be tweeting, that every lawyer he possibly tell him why are you tweeting . If you look at the issues and compile all of his mens rea in terms of what hes doing, now youre getting to something. But if youre telling me shg this is the bombshell Smoking Gun Tweet thats going to bring down the president my opinion remains the same and disagreement with phil and i say absolutely not. Lets get to Rudy Giuliani, kaitlan collins. His explanation, clarification, trying to clean up what the president said in that Early Morning tweet. Listen to this. He is a person with a First Amendment right to defend himself. First amendment right to express his opinion. If he wanted to obstruct it hed obstruct it. He could end it. What do you make of it . Theyre trying to make this argument the president s tweets are just his opinions, if he wanted to do something he could. But eve actually seen the president try to do this before. We know he tried to have Robert Mueller fired last year. We know that he tried to get Jeff Sessions to take back control of this investigation, pressuring him on multiple occasions. Thats what our sources tell us. So we see its not just the president tweeting these things. Hes actually having conversations with these people about these things. The white house can say whatever they want about that but we can judge it from what weve reported on the president s actions, his own conversations with Jeff Sessions, his own conversations with the White House Counsel Don Mcgahn to know what the president did. It goes much further than just what the president tweeted this morning when he was letting off steam if the white house wants to call it that. He had an opportunity to elaborate but he left it to his two personal lawyers, jay sekulow, Rudy Giuliani, and Sarah Sanders over at the white house to offer an explanation. Who had been wrong before and the president has contradicted all three of them on multiple occasions. So whatever it is, its final when the president says, it not when Sarah Sanders, Rudy Giuliani or jay sekulow he must be feeling some heat right now for him to be reacting the way he is whether its the Michael Cohen investigation now, phil . I think the president s nervous. I think joeys right on the issue of obstruction. I dont see this as obstruction. I see this as an indication of the president s intent ease sees the investigation winding down. I would couple this with his transition to personal attacks on Robert Mueller. He didnt used to do this. I think this is an indication hes starting to feel the heat, hes watching the Manafort Trial Go On and hes starting to tell his supporters get ready for end game and when that end game happens these guys frauds. Also, they have made clear, they believe this is going to come down to the court of Public Opinion and that not that they think the president is going to be indicted for anything. And that is what the president is trying to do, and in some cases succeeding by convincing them that the Mueller Investigation has gone on for too long, by convincing them that Jeff Sessions should not have recused himself even though Jeff Sessions is known as one thing even by his critics, he is a man of the law and did what he believed was the right thing. So is the president and his legal team trying to shape the message here its gone on for too long, they need to wrap it up and theyre about to wrap it up so then if they dont wrap it up soon they can say they keep extending it and whatnot. Even though we saw by muellers own actions yesterday, referring those indications to the Southern District of new york, hes trying to keep the scope on a straight and narrow path here. The Paul Manafort trial day two ended today, joey jackson. What does it say to you about The Big Picture . Certainly it says individually about Paul Manafort that he has some pretty expensive tastes here. But the reality is that listen, on the merits of the case alone we know that theres no tiein to the campaign as of yet. However, in terms of how the case is going well see if the actual prosecution has the goods. It appears as though they do. It appears as though you have a very fair judge in this particular case whos saying look, youre allowed to have a lavish lifestyle, we dont punish people for being rich in this case. No, were not going to see exhibits about how his closet looked like. No, were not going to talk about oligarchs and russia. But were going to talk about the facts and evidence. So big picture, i think they need a conviction here. I think it will send a clear message that they do mean business, that theyre on their ps and qs. That theyre competent, theyre responsible. And i think it certainly fosters the investigation because people tend to be more cooperative when the special counsel is successful. Were not going to go to trial. Were going to take a plea deal. And guess what, were also going to cooperate. And cooperation, wolf, means that others could be embroid in the investigation. Theyre moving quickly in that trial, as we see, in day one and day two. Everybody stick around. Theres more Breaking News. The tsa is now considering a major change to Airport Passenger screenings. Its a cnn exclusive. Plus the latest on the Deadly Wildfires in northern california. More than 1,000 homes have now burned. Dred roads named park in the u. S. Its americas most popular street name. But no matter what park you live on, one of 10,000 local Allstate Agents knows yours. Now that you know the truth, are you in good hands . Just for a shot. But why go back there when you can stay homefice with Neulasta Onpro . Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. In a key study neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17 to 1 , a 94 decrease. Neulasta onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the day after chemo and is used by most patients today. Neulasta is for certain Cancer Patients receiving strong chemotherapy. Do not take neulasta if youre allergic to it or Neupogen Filgrastim . An incomplete dose could increase infection risk. Ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious Lung Problems allergic reactions, Kidney Injuries and Capillary Leak Syndrome have occurred. Report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, Trouble Breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. In patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. The most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. If youd rather be home, ask your doctor about Neulasta Onpro. Pay no more than 25 per dose with copay card. The proposal makes the case for eliminating screening at the small and some medium size airports because of one factor being cost savings to the tune of 115 million per year. But it also makes the argument that Terror Groups and terrorists arent that concerned about attacking a smaller aircraft. Theyre only focused on the big large passenger jets. So the thinking is, or the theory is to beef up security at these larger airports because theres more volume there. And of course thats where the larger aircraft are. But we spoke with several people within the industry. Even National Security experts here at cnn. And they say thats just flawed reasoning because you know as well as i do that isis has said attack any way that you can. Whether its small attack or large attack, just attack. So there are some concerns now that were learning about this proposal here, strictly looking at these airports where they Service Aircraft with 60 seats or fewer. Im sure some terrorists would love to get on a plane with 60 people and try to force the pilot or whatever to use that plane as a weapon and go into a building. Well, absolutely. And thats the concern. And the two tsa sources who tipped us off about this story said the reason why they were speaking out is because this is a major National Security concern that the agency is even considering this. You talk about just the possibility of what you can do with a small airplane. I mean, forget about just the explosives you might be able to carry on board, but the aircraft itself could be weaponized. You could get there are serious concerns about having unscreened passengers. And lets not forget the flight crew. You have pilots and Flight Attendants who will absolutely refuse to fly these routes that have unscreened passenger. Lets see if it materializes. Thank you, ra knee. There is more Breaking News next. Were going to get a live update on the fire burning in california. One of 16 major blazes challenging fire crews. Not havig hepatitis c. Its like a load off my shoulders. I was just excited for it to be over. 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We have to apply all our creativity to making the best out of what is going to be an increasingly bad situation. Reporter more than 90 fires burning right now across the west, putting a strain on manpower. The term we hear, its new normal. Its not new any more. This is the normal and its not a season, its year round. Reporter here at the carr fire, two firefighters have lost their lives, others have lost their homes, but never stopped working. I dont feel that i did anything special. Its just once i saw my house gone, it was theres going to be plenty of time to go back through the remains and see what we can salvage. Reporter many firefighters are working 24hour shifts. Rick johnson just clocked off. The temperatures that weve been dealing with, 100plus degrees, single digit relative humidity. So yeah, its been hard. Reporter right now 16 wildfires burning across california, 13,000 firefighters on the lines. And the fight here right now is up in the forest where the terrain is steep where there is a lot of new vegetation, where the winds are erratic. But authorities hearsay they hope they have now turned a corner. The fire is now 35 contained, but with the wildfire, wolf, it aint over till its over. Lets hope its over soon. All right, nick, thank you. Nick watt reporting. Lets bring in our meteorologist jennifer gray. Jennifer, is there any relief in sight . There actually is, wolf. It will be a step in the right direction, but it is going to take some time to get all of these fires under control. With 93 large active fires currently burning, temperatures have been in the triple digits around a lot of these areas. Temperatures will finally start to break. We will see temperatures get down a little bit below normal. That ridge will start to break down. Cooler air will move in. Humidity levels will go up and that is all going to help the firefighters. So you see temperatures go from 100 on friday to 97 on saturday. That will be a little bit of help, even though temperatures are still very hot. At 97 degrees. So, the carr fire, of course, being the biggest one. The latest over 115,000 acres, 35 contained. It is now moved up to number 6 as the most destructive california wildfire. And as we said yesterday, four out of the top eight have occurred within the last year. And three out of the four occurred in october. So the fire season is getting longer. This is technically not the peak of fire season, but the fire seasons are getting longer and these fires are getting more destructive, wolf, and thats whats concerning everyone, especially folks in these fireprone areas. And as you know, jennifer, the california governor jerry brown says the heat and dryness are now worse than they were last time he was governor back in the 70s. Is that true . Yes. I mean, we are extremely dry. Like i mentioned, we are seeing these seasons get longer and so typically much dryer now than they normally are this time of year. That carr fire, for example, consuming 27 acres per minute. That is equivalent to about

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