Transcripts For CNNW Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20160907

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Comes within ten feet of a navel vessel. The american crew was menaced by The War Plane for almost 20 minutes. And hit the road, jack. Apple eliminates the headphone plug from their newest iphone. They call it the courage to move forward with the latest technology. Will the customers pay for the high end Wireless Headphones . Donald trump says as president , he will ask american generals to present him with a plan within 30 days for taking care of isis. Trump previously said he has his own Foolproof Plan to defeat isis, but says he is keeping it secret because i dont want the enemy to know what im doing. Clintons campaign is a Family Affair today with bill and chelsea speaking in key battleground state. And Donald Trumps attacks on the Clinton Foundation are an attempt to change the subject. And a dangerous encounter with a russian jet and a navy vessel. At one time it came within ten feet. Well talk about that with our guest retired general michael flynn. Former head of the defensive Intelligence Agency. Our analysts are standing by. Our senior White House Correspondent jim acosta is standing by with details. Trump wants a bigger u. S. Military, explain what he said. Thats right, donald trump is taking one more staff at trying to pass that Commander In Chief test, making the case that when it comes to National Security or defeating Hillary Clinton, the best defense a good offense. He dubbed it peace through strength, he pulled out the heavy artillery on Hillary Clinton. Sometimes it seemed like there wasnt a country in the middle east that she didnt want to invade, intervene in, or topple. She is trigger happy and very untabu unstable. Promising diplomacy. They decided to enhance the cyber defenses, unleash a State Of The Art Missile Defense system. I will ask my generals to present to me a plan within 30 days to defeat and destroy isis. That is a new assistanstance trump. I have a great plan, its going to be great, but i would rather not say, i dont want to be predictable. As soon as i take office, i will ask congress to eliminate the Defense Sequester and get a new budget to rebuild our military. It is so depleted. That is a reversal for trump saying that sequestration didnt go far enough. Ultimately, and a lot of people are saying that even democrats are sending that. Trump is trying to chip away at the Public Perception that clinton is more fit to be Commander In Chief. Hillary clinton taught us, really, how vulnerable we are in cyber hacking. That is probably the only thing we have learned from Hillary Clinton. And it was trump that once invited russia to hand over clintons missing emails. A remark he said was a joke. Russia, if youre listening, i hope youre able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. The Clinton Campaign says it is trump with something to hide. Trump complains he is still under audit, they point out that trumps own tax attorney stated that the examinations of his tax returns for 2002 to 2008 have been closed administratively. Meaning they could be released. Let her release her emails and i will release my tax returns immediately. No one area of defense is campaign war chest. Telling cnn he did raise 90 million last month and that was far less than was raised by the Clinton Campaign, but it is enough to start firing back at the damaging attack ads. Jim acosta, thank you. Trumps running mate, mike pence is breaking with the candidate. Trump was a long ditime driver the Birther Movement. We are being joined with the latest from sundland. Yes, ben carson that is one of donald trump top surrogates says he thinks it is hurting him with africanamericans. And ben carson saying that he believes donald trump should be apologizing for all of this. This is what he told jake tapper. Do you think it is time for trump to acknowledge all of that Birther Knowledge so that africanamerican voters for whom he is reaching out might be more willing to listen to his message. I think that would be a good idea, absolutely. I suggest that on all sides. Lets get all of the, you know, the hate and the p rangranker o the way. Getting caught up in this stuff is a reason we will go go down the tubes if we dont correct it. Donald trump never backed off of those insinuations, or denounced the Birther Movement at large. Trump says he is not apologizing and just insisting this is a nonissue. So you think your Birther Position hurt you among africanamericans . I dont know, i have no idea, i dont even talk about it any more. Yeah, but it is there and on the record. I dont know, i guess with maybe some. I dont know why. I dont think youre the first one that brought that up in awhile. And his running mate, mike pence, of course is being questioned about all of this, breaking with donald trump over his involvement in the Birther Movement. Saying off camera today i believe barack obama was born in hawaii. I accept his birthplace, i just dont know where he is coming from on economics and obama care. And he did not call for trump to apologize after repeaced requests by reporters. A new plan for fighting isis, a Trump Military advisor, michael flynn, the Intelligence Agency is joining us live, thank you for joining us. Thank you for having me, wolf. You just heard trump once again saying he will ask the generals for a plan within his first 30 days if he is elected president to defeat isis, and you also heard during the Campaign Trump indicated he had a plan that was foolproof, and he didnt want to release it to tip off the terrorists. Does he already have a plan or is he defending on the generals . This is about four weeks ago, if you listen to some of the speeches he has been giving, he has been talking about this issue for a long, long time and there are four components. Cyber, military, ideological. At the end of the day, we have to stop being so predictable to the enemies that we have Around The World. Were the best enemies because we continue to telegraph every single move we make. Whether it is putting 500 more soldiers into iraq, leave 8,000 here, we have to be more unpredictable especially when were fighting radical islamic terrorism. Does he have a plan in mind already . Is he depending on the generals to come up with a plan in his first 30 days . I think what he has and what we have discussed, we have quite a bit that we have talked about in terms of laying out a overarching strategy. I do completely agree that, you know to give a chance to the Department Of Defense and some other parts of our cover to come in within the first 30 days, laying out a strategy, and laying out Mission Orders or intent that trump will provide. I see it as a very masmart move one that is calculated and to a degree is unpredictable. When we talk about these types of plans we have to fight our enemies, once a strategy is chosen and we begin to move towards that goal, then the president has a responsibility, as the commander and chief to say here is how we will approach this. I think, if i can, one of the numbers that donald trump used today, and it just came out in the last couple days, we have spent upwards of 6 trillion, an unimaginable number for most people, in the last 15 years, with this persistent conflict. We cant afford to keep doing this. We have to have a strategy that gets us to winning. How do the members of the joint chiefs been giving president obama their best advice. How will Donald Trumps approach be any different . I think it will be vastly different. It has been very sort of intentional on the part of the white house. Again, narrow operations, using narrow tools, and really not going after some of the bigger components. I think we can do more on the final side, more on the id logical silodg ideological side. I know we are discussing and we have discussed that we would be offering to be able to come back with very sound objectives. Are you suggesting the colleagues have not been doing their best. Im not suggesting that at all, wolf. I think they have been giving their best military advice. There is a lot of frustration and im telling you there are people that know we can do more in our military for sure, and i know we can do far more on the ideological. Let me get to that in a moment. Do you have confidence on the current leadership will trump accept them or new generals and admirals. These are lifelong servants, courageous people that have given it all, and i think what they need to be able to do is up leash our military capabilities and others that we have in our government system. And other cape abouts that we have. Get this thing over with instead of continuing on with this p perpetual war. You spent a lot of time in the u. S. Military. Worked your way up. I have spoken with several of your colleagues privately. They say Drone Strikes are important, Cyber Warfare is important. You have to send 50,000 troops into mosul, raqqa, syria, destroy isis. Is that what youre talking about . This is exactly the point. We have to stop being the best enmys in the world and the worst friends in the world. Were the best because we constantly talk about exactly what were going to do and were so predictable. Were the worst friends because we place our Friends In The Middle East in a position where theyre opposed to each other. Look at what we have done with iran alone and all of the other nations in the middle east saying were not even sure if we can trust you any more. He says he wants to unleash the military. Is he talking about deploying thousands of Ground Troops . I think part of this is the imagination, the ingenuity of the american soldier. In very close cooperation with the allies and friends that we have in the region and elsewhere in europe. The numbers game, wolf, is not something that i will get drawn into and i think it is a shame any time that one of our leaders talk about getting another thousand, put somebody here. We should stop doing that today. We have more questions, i would like you to explain more about what trump was saying in his major National Security speech here today. More with general flynn after this. Safety doesnt come in a box. Its not a banner that goes on a wall. Its not something you do now and then. Or when its convenient. 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Michael flynn, the former head of the intelligence defense agency. Trump wants to increase the size of the u. S. Military. Where is the money going to come from . I think he laid out that how we need to look, in the government and the Department Of Defense for some of these Cost Effective savings. I believe one of the biggest Que Sequesters is just devastating our economy. And the amount of spending we have and if youre ongoing, and where we want to be as a nation. And it is probably between a 3 and 4 of the budget. What i would tell you is in Donald Trumps speech today, he laid out some of where those cost savings would come from, and i think that there are ways to do this. There are ways to get at the type of military that we need. Let me point out to you and you know this well. The u. S. Spends more on military and defense than the next seven countries combined including russia and china, north korea, iran, all of these countries, britain and france, the u. S. Spends more than anyone else, why . One of the things that we have to be very conscious of, listen to what our leaders in the Department Of Defense are saying today. The army, the army Chief Of Staff said just a few months ago that we are not ready to fight against these Nation State Actors Around The World today. Were not ready to fight, were ready to fight against isis, but not a russia or a china. Onethird of our Combat Brigades in the army are ready. The rest are not ready to go to war. We have some significant modernization, readiness, and Training Problems right now. When we look at how we focus on where we need to be. When our pilots have to go to graveyards and go to museums to get spare parts for their planes, this is not the United States of america. It is a third world country. I know you have to run, one final question, a russian fighter jet today maybe some very unsafe close rank intercept movements of the u. S. Navy. For 20 minutes that russian plane was harassing the americans, and at one point it came within ten feet, if the russians did that to an american war plane, what would he do . This is 24 hours after, or maybe 48 hours after the president of the United States, our president , had a meeting with president putin. Was there some exchange there that got putin upset . I dont know but this is so dangerous. So dangerous for our Military Forces and i will tell you this is the type of behavior that we cant put up with. Russian behavior . Yes. What would a President Trump do about that kind of russian behavior . I think that part of this is we have to look at how many times these things have happened over the last few months. It is just a complete disrespect for our president. We cannot have this. There is no relationship with russia or putin we must strengthen the relationship so there is Mutual Respect so we dont have the very, very dangerous conditions throughout time out there. Michael flynn, a key advisor to donald trump. Coming up next, ill speak with an antitrump republican. Senator Lindsay Graham who is refusing to endorse donald trump. Straight ahead we will dig deeper into trumps call for a bigger u. S. Military. Is he playing to the g. O. P. Base . Plus, the Breaking News, a very heroing midair encounter between a russian fighter jet and a u. S. Navy plane. Im only in my 60s. Ive got a nice long life ahead. Big plans. So when i found out medicare doesnt pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. Then i got a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if youre eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. Call now and find out about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesnt pay. 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Thats why we want to make sure you wont have to wait on hold. And you wont have to guess when well turn up. Because after all we should fit into your life. Not the other way around. We are following the latest developments in the president ial race. Trump called Hillary Clinton trigger happy and very unstable. Lets get insight from our experts. He says he wants to eliminate the automatic spending cut for sequestration. Back in 2013, he thought the cuts were overexaggerated, not such a big deal. Is this an example of what some of his critics are saying that he is playing to his Republican Base right now . And it is low Hanging Fruit for him to say i am for pushing and bolstering the military. Not only troop size, but updated weaponry and ships and what have you. What is interesting about this is it took this long for donald trump to do it, you thought he would have done it in the republican primary or earlier. He would have been more successful getting support from the republican establishment and the republican hawks that he needs in his corner. During the campaign you heard donald trump saying he has a plan, a Foolproof Plan to destroy isis, today he says he wants to consult with the generals if he is president , get a specific plan in his first 30 days in office. Does he have a plan of his own . In the course of the primary, as you said, he laid out any number of things he might do. He talked about 20 or 30,000 Ground Troops, then he said very few troops. He also talked about taking out the oil fielding in iraq, even though most of that activity has been in syria. I think this gives him a pretty safe landing space, a nonplan plan that he has to ask the generals once he is in the white house, this gives him a way to say listen, im not going to reveal my plan, its a secret olympian, but he would find out 30 days into his tenure as president. I think he has a lot of work to do. Mark talked about getting some of the hawkish republicans around him. He has work to do in terms of getting the folks to back him. You asked them, for instance what is the biggest concern you have about donald trump, and they would say his Foreign Policy knowledge and plans. Today i thought it was a pretty boilerplate republican ideas. I expect youre right. He calls Hillary Clinton in a speech today trigger happy, very unstable. She is going after his character saying he is unfit to be president of the United States. In the next few months it will get very personal. I would argue that it already has. What is unusual about this president ial race, one of about a million thing thats are unusual about this president ial vase that each of the candidates is really making the argument that the other is unfit to be president. Not that they are wrong on policy necessarily. Not that they are not qualified, that they are unfit to be president of the United States. So it is a very personal argument theyre making at the same time you have Hillary Clinton saying that donald trump is pushing racist ideas through his campaign. Donald trump saying Hillary Clinton is corrupt. These are very strong terms. Very strong terms, but at the same time, i mean we could hope for maybe more of a high minded policy discussion, but when you have a candidate like trump, and his campaign is based on who he is and not a policy prescription, youre left with a discussion that becomes very personal. Hillary clinton is upping the pressure on him to release his tax returns and he says he cant do it because there is an audit. He says he will not do it, mike pence says he will release his tax returns tomorrow, that will increase the pressure on trump. Yeah, and trump said the American People dont care about seeing my taxes. And they do, right . So if you go back and look at polls next month, a Strong Majority of them, 60 or 70 say they think donald trump should release these tax returns. I think this comes to the issue of honesty and trust worthiness. Were talking about Hillary Clinton, her email server, her work at the Clinton Foundation, and also the fact that donald trump continues to stonewall and releasing any information about his taxes. He could release his earlier year thats are no longer under audit. Yeah, he has, and he has been pretty steadfast in this whole idea that he will not release them, he is under audit. I think last night he may have said he would release them if Hillary Clinton released her emails. I think that the American People, as mark said, they do care about this, but i dont think many voter wills be voting on whether or not trump releases his tax returns. At this point i think there is little incentive to do so. He finds himself tied in a lot of polls with Hillary Clinton. Whatever damage has been done by him not releases his tax returns is baked in at this point. Everybody stand by, more coming up including new words, just released today by the fbi director, jaime comey, about his recommendation not to file criminal charges against Hillary Clinton. You do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Just one of the many features that comes standard with our base policy. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Breaking news, fbi director jaime comey is strongly defending the fbi probe into Hillary Clintons emails. In a memo to fbi employees, comey wrote there really wasnt a prosecutable case against hillary. At the end of the day, the case was not a cliffhanger despite all of the Chest Beating by people no longer in the government. Very strong words from james comey, the fbi director. With the polls showing the president ial race tightening right now, Hillary Clinton is getting additional help. I want to bring in joe jones, the one person we did not see on the Campaign Trail Today was Hillary Clinton herself. Thats true, but it is her husband, the former president , doing the heavy lifting having his own foundations activity called into acquisition by his wifes opponent. Hillary clinton Getting Campaign reinforcements from her family. Bill clinton rallying supporters today in florida where he hammered donald trump for paying a fine to the irs for making an illegal donation to a Political Group backing the states attorney general pam bondi in 2013. Her opponent attacked my foundation. I think thats because he knew they were about to report that he used a foundation to give money to the attorney general of florida, which is not legal. Pam bondi said she was considering an investigation into the now defunct trump university. Saying youre going to make America Great again is like me saying id like to be 20 begin. That as Hillary Clinton picks up a rare endorsement from the Dallas Morning News Editorial Board that has not backed a democrat in more than 75 years writing that clinton made mistakes but her errors are in a different universe from trump. We have to keep working. The endorsements dont vote. People vote. And Hillary Clinton getting some good news in arizona, a red state she is hoping to turn blue this year. A new poll there shows her neck and neck with trump with nearly a quarter of voters in the state undecided. A cnn poll last month showed trump ahead five points. A new cnn orc poll finds immigration now rivals the economy as a top concern with voters evenly split between clinton and trump between who is best able to handle the issue. There is little support for some of trumps proposals with 58 saying they oppose his plan to build a wall on the southern voter, and two in three saying theyre against mass deportation of undocumented immigrants. And clintons daughter, chelsea, also hitting the Campaign Trail Today for the First Time Since the bit of her second child. Even if i werent a mom, this is the most important president ial election of my lifetime. Everything that i care most about i worry is at risk. Just a little while ago, the Clinton Campaign issued a statement blasting the childish insults of Donald Trumps speech today comparing him to a schoolyard bully saying he only has one way to responding to legitimate criticism of his vulnerabilities with i know you are but what am i. Thank you, joe johns reporting. More Breaking News coming into the situation room. There has been a new Close Encounter between a russian jet and a military plane. Stand by for details. And apples latest iphone doesnt have a headphone jack. All computers on sale like this dell laptop. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. Mornin. Hey, do you know when the game starts . 11 hours. Oh. Well, im heading back to my room. announcer want to wake up at super bowl 51 . Super bowl announcer enter courtyards super bowl sleepover contest at courtyard. Com for your chance to win. Were following Breaking News. A very Close Encounter between a russian fighter jet and u. S. Navy plane. An incident the pentagon is calling an unsafe, close range intercept. What are you learning . Just how dangerous was it earlier today over the black sea. A u. S. Navy patrol aircraft flying in International Air space was approached by a russian fighter. The russian plane came within ten feet of the u. S. Navy plane according to the u. S. Crew. Very dangerous maneuver by the russians. This is not the first time. We have video of russian planes going over u. S. Navy ships. Theres been a lot of very aggressive maneuvers by the russians. This encounter lasted close to 20 minutes. The u. S. Navy very concerned about all of this. The big question remains, why are the russians doing this . Is this something Vladmir Putin is ordering or are these russian pilots out there hot dogging . The iranians have been doing similar stuff as well. Thank you very much. A very different story were following tonight. Your apple iphone is out of date. The company unveiled the new iphone 7 today which includes a big gamble, tno built in jack t connect headphones. You need to use an adapter with some traditional earphones to plug in or youll have to shell out 159 bucks for new wireless earphones called air pods. Apple is counting on us to embrace the new technology. Its getting some major push back. Reporter the unveiling many couldnt wait for and some dreaded. Tonight, after its Trade Mark Slick Stage Production at a packed theater, apple is out with its new iphone. Its the best iphone that we have ever created. This is iphone 7. It has a gorgeous new design. Reporter the new iphone 7 is water resistant, has a fancier two lens camera. Its sleeker. The biggest change, no more headphone jack. This plug right here that were used to, plugging in listening to music will no longer exist on the iphone 7. What is the upside . For anyone that has gone on a run and had the cord get tangled and had to unknot it, that will no longer be an issue. Reporter headphones will only plug into the lightning port, the port used for charging. The biggest innovation. For another 159, there will be wireless ear buds called air pods. The air pods deliver truly an apple magical experience. When you try it, youll be blown away. Reporter they need charging. You cant use them with Nonapple Phones and you wouldnt want to lose them during work outs. It comes down to one word. Courage. The courage to move on. Reporter after todays unveiling, some serious push back on social media for those not ready to give up headphones. Theres the cliche that change is hard. It goes beyond that. The cord on the headphones serves a functional purpose. Whether youre reaching for them in your bag. Reporter analysts say apple needs to push Wireless Headphones and the apple watch in order to recoup after recent setbacks. Over the past year, sales of iphones dropped for the First Time Since the device was introduced in 2007. Theyve declined because of competition from Smartphone Makers like samsung and data shows that people are upgrading phones less often. With apple stock in desperate need of a resurgence, the pressure is onto produce another revolutionary product or make impressive upgrades of existing ones so they can keep making moneys. Apple fans say they have a proven record of pushing us past entrenched technology, getting rid of floppy disks and cd dr drives. Coming up, donald trump is about to speak to a group of conservatives just hours after his closely watches security speech. What is his secret plan to fight isis . Lindsey graham of South Carolina is standing by. Hell take our questions. This is how you apply the first paint that kills bacteria. Sherwinwilliams paint shield continuously kills 99. 9 of bacteria. Totally breakthrough. Surprisingly the same. And its only avaiblble at sherwinwilliams. Wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, you wont have to worry about replacing your car because youll get the full value back including depreciation. And if you have more than one Liberty Mutual policy, you qualify for a multipolicy discount, saving you money on your car and home coverage. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. Sleep number beds adjust on both sides for your best sleep ever. Dont miss the biggest sale of the year all beds on sale with the queen c2 mattress only 599. 99. Final days ends sunday. Know better sleep. Only at a sleep number store. Happening now. General confusion. Donald trump says he will give military leaders a month to draft a new strategy against isis after claiming he already had a secret plan. Im ask Lindsey Graham for his take on trumps battle plan. Taxing questions. Trump insists voters dont care about his taxers and he keeps refusing to make his i. R. S. Forms public. This hour, a closer look at what we know and dont know about trumps taxes and why he keeps them under wraps. Seeing red. Hillary clinton wins a key endorsement in one traditionally republican state and makes new gains in another. Well have more on clinton

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