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well. i'm going to demonstrate in a bit. i'm going to hit on something touchy in our world. paula deen announced she has diabetes. some say i told you so. it's what you get for cooking such rich food. we love her. i want to take a different approach. sam, a finalist on the show "top chef" has had diabetes for most of his life. he's learned about eating healthy and we are going to learn and share with you today. first, like a lot of people, i was shocked to get the news of whitney houston dying the night before the grammys. it's going to be weeks before we know the cause of death. given her drug abuse, it's going to be tough. prescription drugs were found in the hotel room she died. nothing out of the ordinary was found as long as houston was taken the medication as prescribed. as prescribed, that's a key point. i want to give you the shocking statistic, one in 20 people over the age of 12 take the medications in a way that is not prescribed. most of them are not addicts, they are careless. they take too much, they take it the wrong way or combine medications with something else. if you do that, it's easy to make a mistake. every 19 minutes, every 19 minutes a person dies from prescription drugs. this goes far beyond what may or may not have happened to whitney houston. i want to be clear on that. i want to talk about the dangers everyone faces. joining me from new york is a doctor who is chief at roosevelt hospitals in new york city. thanks for joining us. i imagine you have paid attention to the story of what happened with whitney houston. i wanted to make a couple points here. i want to ask you about them. legitimately prescribed medications can kill in combination with other drugs and sometimes alcohol. even small amounts of alcohol. i don't think a lot of people understand that. they are told, don't drink with the medications. the combination is worse. can you explain what happens to the brain? >> what happens to the brain is something that can be quite scary, actually. it is the synergy or synergistic effect. that means the total effect can be much, much bigger than the sum of the parts. so, if you just drink alcohol you have some kind of factor. if you just take valium or xanax you have another effect. if you take some painkillers, opiate painkillers you have another effect. if you combine them, it's not just additive, it's not one plus one plus one equals three, it equals five or six. that's what gets a lot of people in trouble. >> can you put it into context? as i was talking about it, people say i hear what you are saying about synergy, i take sleeping pills and i have something to drink at night before i go to bed. it's a problem. we are not talking to say you need a large consumption of medications to cause catastrophe, is that right? >> right. we have the synergistic problem, which is severe, then we have the tolerance problem. a lot of these medications can result in physiological dependence meaning after awhile they do not have the same punch, the effect they used to have. you start adding a bit and go up on the dose. sometimes within the accommodations of your physician. you go up and up and up and reach a breaking point where the side effects in this case, depression or any other kind of physiological trouble they can give you goes out of control and you end up dying. >> one of the areas of the brain is the high po thalamus. it regulates our heart rate and heart beat and our drive to breathe. depressing that, that's what you are referring to. is there a particularly dangerous combination? something that surprises you in terms of what the medications are and how little can cause a problem? >> some of the opiates, some of the painkillers have been notorious in deaths. sometimes we think pain pills cannot possibly be as dangerous as heroin. they are very, very similar drugs and can very easily kill you. that's what we see, people takes vicodin or oxycontin and it kills them. hey, the dentist gave it to me, how can it be dangerous. when taken with alcohol or other drugs or by itself can get you in trouble. >> i appreciate that point. look, the status quo is not acceptable. the message needs to be clearer, louder and you don't want to alarm but it's very, very important for doctors to communicate this with their patients. i appreciate you do that and i try to as well. maybe we'll have you back on to talk more. i appreciate your time. coming up, i'm going to take time to show you some of my favorite gadgets. i'm the gadget guy around here. these are new inventions that put you on the road to getting healthier. taste a little more, perfect. reduce lead and other impurities with the advanced filtration system of brita. 8% every 10 years.age 40, we can start losing muscle -- wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! welcome back to "sgmd." we reported on shortages of cancer drugs. hospitals warned they have a few month supply of a medication for childhood leukemia. a lot of lives are at stake here. we have been talking about it for some time. wednesday, kathleen sebelius said they found suppliers to try to keep up reduction. >> it's resolved because what we can do is accelerate alternatives. >> that's welcome news but the overall trend of more and more of these shortages we have been talking about are likely to continue. remember, these are critically important medications. another cancer drug was in the news this week. avastin. recent shipments were fake. they were counterfeit. i's easy to see the difference. the packaging on the left is real. the packaging is in english. the fake is on the right. it says it's produced by roche and the writing is in another language. they don't know if patients got the fake version. stem cells. we talk about it a lot. there were remarkable results in november. now the full paper is out. we had a chance to look at it. doctors used threaded catheters to take stem cells, grow more in a petri dish. the results more healthy heart muscle and 50% less scar tissue. regrowing heart muscle is amazing technology. not something you want to try at home, obviously. i want to show you technology that could be in your home, gadgets to get healthy and stay healthy. another resident gadget guy is here to help us out. you went to the consumer electronic show which is fun. >> unbelievable. >> some say technology can make it tougher because people are parked in front of screens. you found things that are the opposite. there are a lot of scale that is measure your weight and body mass index. what is different about this one? >> it syncs to your home wi-fi network. it makes it easier to keep track of. it looks pretty and like a regular home scale. >> accountability as well. >> absolutely. >> one app is called lose it. it sends information to lose it. >> it's a free app. i have it on the ipad. this is actually my food i have eaten today. i have 1805 calories for the day. i have eating 1500 for the day. you can search for the food you have eaten. something i like about this, you can actually, let's add a snack here. if you have a food, hit scan bar code. scan it right there. it adds it. 180 calories. add it to your app. >> you get a better idea of how you are going overall. >> it will give you a good report. by the day or the week. >> you are using this app? >> i am. i lost 12 pounds using this app. >> not increasing exercise or anything. why does it work for you? >> it helps me be accountable. to put it in here, if i eat badly, it tells me how many i have eaten. >> there's something to it. the psychology of being held accountab accountable. another big deal, as i told you, i have a history of heart disease in my family. blood pressure is something people know to get checked in their doctors office. you may not have symptoms. this is a blood pressure cuff. >> two-thirds of americans are overweight or obese. as the connected generation develops high blood pressure, this is going to be a cool tool. plug this little cuff right here into your ipad or any tablet device. hit a couple buttons. obviously put it on somebody's arm. >> like a regular blood pressure cuff. this is acting as the blood pressure machine. it's an app that does this? >> yeah, it will keep track of it for months at a time. you can send it to your doctor. >> give me an idea of cost. >> $160 for the scale. $130 for the blood pressure cuff. the app is free. >> thanks a lot. don't go anywhere. you'll want to hear this as well. it's an eye-popping revelation at nasa. a medical mystery to be solved if we are going to keep astronauts in space for an extended period of time. ♪ ( whirring and crackling sounds ) man: assembly lines that fix themselves. the most innovative companies are doing things they never could before, by building on the cisco intelligent network. so i wasn't playing much of a role in my own life, but with advair, i'm breathing better so now i can take the lead on a science adventure. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator, working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. if you're still having difficulty breathing, take the lead. ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. get your first full prescription free and save on refills at and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. metamucil uses super hard working psyllium fiber, which gels to remove unsexy waste and reduce cholesterol. taking psyllium fiber won't make you a model but you should feel a little more super. metamucil. down with cholesterol. we are back with "sgmd." something you might have heard about recently, the possibility of us going to mars. the united states is spending money to try to develop a rocket to take astronauts to the red planet. something i have been curious about, what does a trip like that do to people's bodies? cnn got the p opportunity to sit in on an eye exam given to an astronaut who came back from space flights and had changes to his vision. >> he undergoes an eye exam. no big deal, right? unlike your eyes or mine, the future of human deep space flight could be riding, literally on astronaut eyesight. >> this is our top priority at the moment in terms of counter measures for longer space flight, this has all our attention. >> reporter: why? he's one of ten astronauts that returned from long space missions with changes in their eyesight. sometimes permanent and not good. the cause, a mystery. >> what we are seeing is a structural change to the retina. we are seeing wrinkles and folds on a microscopic level to the areas. >> reporter: the back of mike's eye has flattened out. >> farsighted shift. it's the globe flattening. >> reporter: in some kalss, back on earth, the eyes correct themselves. not his. >> i'm eagle eye at long distant. i need close-up specs. >> reporter: it's only on male astronauts. it could be increased pressure. doctors don't know if the problem would worsen or lead to blindness on longer flights say to mars. over the next five years, nasa is spending $18 billion to develop a new big rocket. this o'ryan spacecraft sent astronauts on the mission. if it's not solved, human mars missions could be in trouble. the alternative, get them there faster. >> i'm hopeful in 20 years we'll have capabilities to get us there in a matter of weeks to a few months and a lot of these problems go away. these problems go away. >> doctors are intensely working the problem of space station crews undergoing orbit exams and using special glasses called special focus. but so far, there haven't been any eye opening breakthroughs. >> and nasa astronaut mike merit joins me now from houston. thanks for joining us. this is fascinating. it's one of those things where you might not predict this or guess something like this would happen. let me ask you, first of all, how are your eyes now? have they stayed affected by your trip? >> well, yes, they are, pretty much. i spent 199 days in space in 2009 and landed in october of that year. so the vision changes that we noticed have been pretty static since then. what it is is a farsighted shift. and if you wear the right corrective lenses, we're totally functional and that's kind of a hallmark here. everybody is pretty functional with their eye changes, even if they persist. >> and when people's pressure comes down, oftentimes their vision improves. but, again, in your case, it didn't happen. and something else that was sort of striking, it was just in men. correct me if i am wrong on that. you're a doctor, you're studying that. any idea as to why that is? >> you have to think of some of the obvious things, that practice there's some hormonal protection of the vascular system. i think much of this is related to the fluid shifts that happen in zero gravity and those relate to changes in drainage of the venus system of the brain. serm the vascular system of female sess influenced by a high level of hormones that might differentiate us. another thing is there are some changes that might account for some of this. that's fairly typical of the average astronaut guy and maybe slightly barrel chested i guess they've been described. and that might predispose some of the movement of the lung which might trap some of our venous changes against the collarbone. >> that's interesting. let me ask, how big a deal is this? obviously, there's money being spent to try and create this rocket to go to mars. it sounds like this is no small problem as people's vision is this dramatically affected. >> it's a big deal. i would say this is the most physiologic finding in space travel in at least ten years and probably more. >> wow. >> i would emphasize this is probably not new. we've probably been flying and reflying people with this syndrome for 20 years and just didn't know it. but i don't want to belittle this. we see increased pressure, slowing of the optic nerve and a lot of these changes persist. what's the long-term implications? we don't know. it is a big deal. >> i'm glad you look healthy. i'm sorry this happened with your eyes. i encourage people when they think about space travel, to remember mike barrett and remember the impact that it has on people's bodies. thanks so much for joining us. we appreciate it. fascinatin fascinating. >> my pleasure. still ahead, i'm going to hand into the kitchen with sam talbot. you may know him. what you may not know is what happened when he was 12 years old changed him forever. we'll tell you what it was that made him the man and the chef he is today. treat your frequent heartburn by blocking the acid with prilosec otc. and don't get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. oh, there's a prize, all right. [ male announcer ] inside every box of cheerios are those great-tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. is it a superhero? kinda. ♪ you might recognize that guy. bravo top chef season two finalist tim talbot. i recently decided to hit up a local kitchen with sam to talk about his new book, it's called "the sweet life" dieting without boundaries. >> i started my first job when i was 13 years old. i started off as dishwasher and went to a bus boy and i was cookingby squaw when i was 14. my first professional job i was 15 years old. >> naturally good at cooking? >> naturally, yes. it's one of those god given abilities. i remember being like 8 years old and going to the farmer's market with my grand mother and getting eggs and making scrambled eggs and all the types of things that an 8-year-old doesn't necessarily pick up. >> your food is generally pretty healthy. how important is that? obviously, you can make things taste better sometimes if they're not a healthy. >> i'm a person with diabetes, type i. my mom's brother was diabetic. so a lot of the symptoms that happen when you're newly diagnosed were happening to me. my mom had seen them growing one her brother. so one night, you know, i was -- i had a ten-hour sleeping period from the hospital and they checked my blood sugar and it was like 980. it was crazy. >> normal is like -- normal is 80 to 120 or something. and my mom burst into tears. so we went across the street to friendly. >> michigan. >> there you go. so she took me across the street to friendly's and we got a bunch of ice cream and sundaes. she was like, do this now because you'll never been able to do it again. from that moment on, i was 12, i made it like a lifetime goal of mine to never have to say the that to anybody, never have to live within a parameter. >> how much of your life is deck tated by measuring your sugars and your diabetes overall. >> we both wake up in the morning, we both shower, we both brush our teeth, i just have a few more steps i have to go through. that is my life. >> you say there have been some perks to being a diabetics. >> when something like that happens, with paula deen, fravrp, how do you think that affects a celebrity chef? >> i think when any person that has a bit of notoriety that has a platform to speak on, whatever it is that you're a professional for, people are listening to you. >> she said she has diabetes type ii. said she's going to make a changes in her diet, as well. >> i hope so.

Related Keywords

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Effects , Physician , Accommodations , Depression , Areas , Out Of Control , Drive , Heart Rate , Heart Beat , High Po Thalamus , Some , Little , Terms , Opiates , Pain Pills , Deaths , Heroin , Oxycontin , Dentist , Point , Message , Status Quo , Doctors , Patients , Gadgets , Perfect , Gadget , On The Road , Inventions , Coming Up , Lead , Filtration System , Impurities , Muscle Health , Muscle , Exercise , Fight Muscle Loss , 40 , 8 , 10 , Got Revigor , Announcer , Preserve , Protein , Hmb , Strength , Amino Acid Metabolite , Nutrition , Charge , Sgmd , Shortages , Hospitals , Cancer Drugs , Supply , Childhood Leukemia , Suppliers , Stake , Reduction , Kathleen Sebelius , Wednesday , Alternatives , Trend , Cancer Drug , Avastin , Shipments , Packaging , Difference , Fake , Right , Counterfeit , Left , English , Roche , Stem Cells , Results , Writing , Language , Version , Chance , Paper , Catheters , Heart Muscle , Regrowing Heart Muscle , Petri Dish , Scar Tissue , 50 , Guy , Consumer Electronic Show , President , Things , Scale , Weight , Front , Screens , Opposite , Unbelievable , Body Mass Index , Track Of , Wi Fi Network , App , Information , Ipad , Home Scale , Accountability , Add A Snack , Let , 1805 , 1500 , Idea , Add It , Hit Scan Bar Code , 180 , Report , Anything , Being , Psychology , Accountab Accountable , Deal , Symptoms , Blood Pressure , Family , Heart Disease , Doctors Office , History , Two , High Blood Pressure , Generation , Cuff , Cool Tool , Tablet Device , Somebody , Track , Couple Buttons , Arm , Blood Pressure Machine , Cost , Anywhere , Thanks A Lot , Don T Go , 60 , 130 , 30 , 160 , Astronauts , Space , Mystery , Revelation , Nasa , Whirring And Crackling Sounds , Oman , Assembly Lines , Companies , Advair , Role , Intelligent Network , Cisco , Science Adventure , Lung , Lung Function , Bronchodilator , Help , Anti Inflammatory , Copd , Eye Problems , Inhalers , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Risk , Advair Won T , Prescription , Difficulty Breathing , Refills , Save , Heart Condition , Cholesterol , Goats , Taste , Cereal , Woman , Grain , Wrong Didn T , Advaircopd Com , Yummy , 2 , Fiber , Psyllium , Gels , Waste , Model , Metamucil , Honey Nut Cheerios , Rocket , Trip , Spending Money , Mars , Possibility , Astronaut , Bodies , Eye Exam , Cnn , P Opportunity , Eyes , Changes , Vision , The Future Of Human Deep Space Flight , Flights , Riding , Mine , Astronaut Eyesight , Space Flight , Priority , Measures , Reporter , Change , Eyesight , Space Missions , Retina , Wrinkles , Ten , Level , Farsighted Shift , Back , Mike S Eye , Globe Flattening , Kalss , Specs , Eagle Eye , Earth , Pressure , Blindness , 18 Billion , 8 Billion , Alternative , Emissions , Mission , Spacecraft , Human Mars , Big Rocket , Problems , Space Station , Matter , Capabilities , Orbit Exams , Eye Opening Breakthroughs , Glasses , There Haven T , Special Focus , Astronaut Mike Merit , Wall , Yes , 2009 , 199 , Eye Changes , Lenses , Everybody , Hallmark , Men , Striking , Vascular System , Shifts , Practice , Protection , Gravity , Zero , Thing , Hormones , System , Drainage , Venus , Serm , Female Sess , Movement , Money , Collarbone , Big A , Space Travel , Physiologic , Finding , Syndrome , Optic Nerve , Implications , Impact , Fascinatin Fascinating , Mike Barrett , Kitchen , Chef , Pleasure , Heartburn , Acid , Place , Don T Get Heartburn , Zero Heartburn , Prilosec Otc , 24 , Cheerios , Prize , Box , Superhero , Kinda , Tasting Little O , Season , Tim Talbot , Bravo , Job , Dieting , Dishwasher , Book , Boundaries , Boy , Bus , The Sweet Life , 13 , Abilities , Farmer S Market , Mother , Cookingby , God , 15 , 14 , Eggs , Types , Doesn T , My Mom S Brother Was Diabetic , Healthy , Mom , Hospital , Brother , Street , Friendly , Tears , Blood Sugar , Michigan , 120 , 80 , 980 , Ice Cream , Sundaes , Goal , Bunch , Wake Up , Shower , Deck Tated , Sugars , Parameter , Anybody , Brush , Teeth , Diabetics , Steps , Perks , Fravrp , Celebrity Chef , Notoriety , Up Next , Amount , Top , Funeral , Program , Stories , Abuse , Dr , Starts , Sanjay Gupta , Newark , M D , Diet , Platform , Diabetes Type Ii ,

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