Transcripts For CNNW Piers Morgan Tonight 20120811

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wait till you hear his story. this is "piers morgan tonight. you only have to hear melissa etheridge's voice once and you'll never forget her. also known for being outspoken on all kinds of issues close to her heart. welcome. >> nice to be here. >> you're a kind of fiery soulful character, aren't you, on and often stage? >> i'm just trying to live this interesting life we all have in front of us. just making some choices. >> when you look at your extraordinary life professional and personal, how do you feel now about where you've arrived, where you are right now? >> i think at this point, i'm 51 now, i've realized, oh, it's just a journey. you never get there. you never get it done. it's all about how you're doing it. >> that is so true. >> i mean, really. >> you're never actually going to arrive, are you? >> no. >> this train never gets to a station. >> it does not. there is no there "there." for myself, i've achieved some of those markers that you think, oh, the oscar, those things. each time, i go, there's no there here. that's nice, that's great. it's about how am i doing. and how's this journey. >> what's been the best pit stop on your journey so far? the moment you would relive? can't be children or the women in your life. >> no. i don't want to relive that. >> got to be something else. >> no, it's been great. on stage with bruce springsteen. >> really? when was that? >> that was 1994 unplugged, mtv. they said, do you want to duet with anyone? i said, i've always wanted to sing with bruce. he said yes. it was one of those, god, if i could stop time right now. >> as the doorp s and out comes the bossacoustic. >> it's him and i singing "thunder road." >> wow. >> yeah, wow. i wanted it to stop. >> it was as good as you always hoped? >> yes. looking back on it. in the moment, moments are funny. in the now, you have to learn to love when you're going through it. looki ing back at it, oh, yes, absolutely. >> about love and romance after this. you write about it all the time. >> oh, no. ♪ just to reach you ♪ come to my window ♪ crawl inside ♪ wait by the light of the moon ♪ ♪ come to my window ♪ i'll be home soon >> see, that to me is -- that is american music at its best. that's the kind of music you want to get your little chevy, get on the, i don't know, the pacific coast highway, get the shades on, ramp up the etheridge, doesn't it? >> yes, yes. i write songs for people who drive in cars. i really do. >> you are right to do that. a lot of people spend time in cars listening to music. >> that's when i want to help them get from point a to point b. >> i normally leave it to the end when they're all warmed up. >> i'm pretty warm. >> i normally look at them in the eye and say, come on, how many times have you been properly in love. you sing about love and heart break and agony and torment. the joys and the despair of love and romance. come on, come on, you great love writer, singer, you. >> love, love. >> how many times have you been properly in love. >> how many times have i thought i was in love. >> that doesn't count. >> okay. properly in love. >> yes. >> i love the way you english say this. like there's anything proper about income lobeing in love. i am for the first time properly in love because i am now in love with myself. and that is the only way i could be properly in love with someone else. >> so before you felt you've been in love but you haven't been able to give that person the whole you. >> myself was -- i felt, oh, they'll fill this up. if i have that person, i can fill this up. and you can't. and they can't. we're living two different realities. everyone is. and so to think that -- to think that adding someone to you is going to make you whole, you're in for a big drop. so now that i understand it's about loving myself, that the only way i can be in a good relationship is to love myself, to work on myself, to be t best me for my children, for my partner, that's being in love. then you can off love to someone else. >> have you cracked it then? have you cracked the holy grail of love now? >> have i cracked the holy grail of love? >> terribly cheesy phrase. >> it is, but i'm trying -- >> you know what i mean. >> a good, you know, king arthur reference back to you and i can't quite. guinevere is out there. even then we know -- again, maybe. it's a journey. there's no getting it done. >> my theory about singer/song writers is that you basically have to go through all the misery to write great songs. all your best work, unless i'm wrong, basically, the negative stuff -- because it's when you're the most searing, isn't it? >> depends on how you look at it. even my most searing, "i'm the only one," it's still -- there's -- i've tried never to be, oh, you just killed me and i can't go on. i've tried to be, oh that really makes me angry, you doing that. but i'm better, nobody loves you like the way i do -- >> can you write good stuff if you're really happy? >> yeah. >> can you? >> yes. >> doesn't it become like inevitably quite schmultzy? >> am i writing about being happy? there's still a shadow side to me. >> from a purely professional point of view, from the artistry of your song writing, if i said write, you can be in this kind of exespin chul state of pure bliss or torment, which would produce the better music, the better songs? >> as you ask me that, this state of bliss you're talking about cannot exist without the other side, without the darker side. >> no, but i have the power to give you just bliss or misery. >> i don't want just bliss. >> you know what i'm getting at. >> okay, okay. >> what would produce the better songs? >> the contrast of misery of course is going to -- it's the contrast. it's the desire to be out of that. into the bliss. >> bob dylan would have been absolutely hopeless if he hadn't been basically pissed off all the time. >> angry. >> i'm right. >> yes, yes. >> i know you like your politics. you've been very vocal. it's been a big year for the gay and lesbian community in america. are you happy with the speed of the advances and the rights that have now been estowed down? you still think, you know what, a lot of talk, not enough action? >> having been on the journey of getting towards gay and lesbian rights, equality, understanding diversity in america, 20 years ago, started, no, i was hoping in 10 years it would all -- we'd all feel comfortable about it. this is deep-seated fear that comes. religion and all kinds of things involved. so this change, this change of paradigm of understanding, love, relationship, family, society, takes time. are we moving in that direction? absolutely. >> you grew up in kansas. i know where i grew up, gay was a bad word. ignorance and fear ruled the day. there were so many themselves back then. the blacks, the poor. then there was the immigrants. them. now the "them" is me. it was a very poignant way of putting it. do you feel the "them" that is you and those who are like you are in a much better position now that you have a president prepared to go on television and say i support? >> absolutely. i do think that was a big tipping point in this movement. in the movement toward equality and the recognition of diversity. it's very important to be able to say my president said he's for it. actually having it be enacted at a federal level, that's a ways off. >> when you go back to kansas, is it better there? reality? is there more tolerance? >> tolerance? i don't even like to use the word "tolerance." >> what's the right word? >> because it sounds like i'm doing something you have to tolerate. >> yes. >> diversity. recognizing that there is no "us" and "them." you can divide us up any way between anything. sexually, color, religion. we're all different. >> but you feel it's getting better? places like kansas? >> especially kansas. i came from the kansas in the '60s which was the middle of the civil rights movement. and kansas was always that neutral -- even in the civil war, was that neutral state where we're not south, we're not north. they've held that. good hard-working people that want to do unto others. they understand what that means. >> we're facing an election coming up in november. you have actually performed at the democratic convention in 20 2008. barack obama's facing one hell of a fight many people assume in november. what do you think of his record in the last four years? and what do you think of the potential prospect of a mitt romney presidency? >> okay. my politics have evolved. from very similar actually to the "us" and "them" we're talking about. i think it has done us more harm believing in the huge differences between left and right, democrat and republican, and that there definitely is differences socially. now i'm a little skeptical having seen the last 20 years of democrat, republican. they're still moving the same multinational corporation agenda forward. so i have a -- i'm starting to go wait a minute, i think there needs to be a little alternative. i'm starting to get really progressive here. whether it's democrat or republican. so socially of course i would love to see the democratic party still controlling these issues moving forward. physically, i think it's the same thing. that's what i'm thinking. >> it's quite depressing. >> i know. >> you feel depressed even as you say that? >> not depressed but again it feels like i actually feel what a lot of people are feeling. i'm really tired of of ththis u them. it only makes us -- when we all really want the same thing. we want lower taxes. we want better system. better schools. we want strong businesses. and to divide ourselves like this is just hurting us. we've got to learn to get together on this. or we're just -- we're sunk. >> i could not agree more. let's take a break. come back. i want to talk about music obviously. i've been handed this exotic thing. very cool. and also i want to talk to you about your extraordinary battle with dance cancer. the whole period had on your life. mom: ready to go to work? 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why don't i believe in myself the way the audience, my fans do? made songs that i wanted to play live and really didn't think about anything else. >> i once interviewed andrew lloyd webber and he told me that he came up with the music to "memory" i think it was whilst buying tomatoes at his spanish grocery store. and i was, like, is that really how this happens to you musical geniuses? do you get this? do you literally -- just random places suddenly hear some incredible melody -- >> there's one right there. >> do you? >> yes, you can. sometimes it's quite annoying. and you have to say, later, please come back ton me later. the iphone is great to put mething done or whatever. it does -- it's the -- i think bob dylan once said there's a -- there's a whole stream of consciousness that you grab on to something at the moment. if you don't get it, it goes on to somebody else. i do believe that artists just know how to reach into there and open that channel and bring that in and part of the craft of it is knowing, okay, i'm at the store, i can't do this now, but i'm going to set some time aside. >> what is the longest period you've ever had where you literally couldn't write a song? of any quality at all? >> wow. i started writing when i was 10. >> did you get long periods though? >> no, i don't. give myself periods where i don't try to write. especially -- like right now, i'm in a not writing period. songs will come to me and i'll jot stuff down but i don't have to write. i've never really held it in a way, like, i have to write. i just believe it will be there when it's supposed to. >> you famously battled breast cancer. you came through. 2004, you were diagnosed. your father had died of cancer. you said after it was the best thing that ever happened to me. why did you feel that? >> i -- i was being a good grown-up. i was working very hard. i was trying to be thin. i was eating power bars every day and drinking lattes -- >> disgusting, power bars. seriously. >> and it's not food. it's not. and so by my body breaking down and forcing me to be still, that was the biggest thing. to actually just -- i'd never been still. been working since i was 12. and be still and let the whole world pass me by and tually give me time to contemplate my life, my spirit, my health. what is my health? what is this cancer? and then getting back up after the treatment. saying, oh, i'm going to walk now. remembering what it was like. like that. and start my life in a balanced health. everything i eat, everything i feel, everything i think. that's health. >> you publicly supported california's proposition 19 in favor of medical marijuana. you said i don't want to look like a criminal to my children anymore. i want them to know this is a choice you make as a responsible adult. if, god forbid, you were struck again by cancer, it came back or whatever, would you take marijuana? >> oh, yes, absolutely. i actually -- i'm a card holding medicinal person in california. i use it as medicine to help the gastrointense gastrointestinal problems i have from chemotherapy. there's not just cqancannabis b there are many plant medicines that are available to us that have a lot of stigma around them that i hope in the future our medical community can look at because i would absolutely go to those alternatives first before i went back to western medicine. >> now, you're currently on tour, hitting 27 cities in the next three months. the new album set for september the 4th. what is next in the empire building of melissa etheridge? where do you want to be in five years time? >> i want to still be creating. i would love to create more for stage. >> do you have one great ambition? broadway show? >> yes, i do. i do have an ambition for a broadway show. i'm working on one right now. a couple of these songs come from the project i'm working on. i would love to write for more film. i just love creating. and touring. i love what i do. injust want to keep doing it. >> the most important thing to me is you keep writing music for me and my car. >> in your car. >> melissa, it's been a real pressure. good luck with your album. your tenth. >> 12th. >> 12 soon, don't worry. dying to meet the lovely gina gershwin. ♪ i'm falling up now [ annie ] this is the story of a girl named annie who dreamed she could fly. like others who braved the sky before her, it took a mighty machine, and plain old ingenuity to go where no fifth grader had gone before. ♪ and she flew and she flew, into the sky and beyond. my name is annie and i'm the girl who dreamed she could fly. powered by intel core processors. ♪ powered by intel core processors. fore! no matter what small business you are in, managing expenses seems to... get in the way. not anymore. ink, the small business card from chase introduces jot an on-the-go expense app made exclusively for ink customers. custom categorize your expenses anywhere. save time and get back to what you love. the latest innovation. only for ink customers. learn more at good-bye. >> in the 1995 cult classic "showgirls." movies, tv and broadway shows. her new movie is "killer jokes." as amazing as ever. welcome, gina. >> thank you. >> i had to start the interview with that clip. i know that you are not that one again but it's just so iconic. that was the clip. >> this says more about you, that's how you decided to start the show, out of all the shows but hey, it's, you know, whatever. >> you must be proud of it. >> i actually haven't seen that for a long time. it's kind of difficult to watch. >> difficult to film i should think, isn't it? >> oh that scene was easy. i was just laying in a bed in a hospital. didn't have to wear much makeup. that was an easy day. i quite enjoyed it. >> it's nearly 20 years since that film. unbelievably. you don't look a day older. >> oh, well, thank you. >> what is the secret? >> what is the secret? >> to eternity vitality? >> lots of virgin blood. no. i don't know. i feel, you know, i think just have a good life, have fun, f r fairfai fairly healthy, i guess. not taking yourself so seriously. not taking the age thing too seriously either. >> what's it like for women in the movies now compared to when you started? i've heard many sides of this coin. >>cy don't really know because i was a lot younger when i started so i don't have the same issues as now when i'm older. you know, i remember a long time ago sharon stone of l people at her 40th birthday party, she was asking me how old i was. i said -- she goes, you've got to start lying about your age. she said, starting at 40, you're not going to get as many scripts. i just thought she was insane. i actually think there is a little bit of ageism that goes on, on that level. which -- i mean there's two conversations. there's that which, you know, to me you watch something like "benjamin but ttons" and to me it's like you can play it from 15 to 102. as long as you can bring it, it's great. >> you think women get a harder rap than men? you think men can be a lot older and still get hot parts and women get deliberately side lined at a certain age? >> well, what do you think? i think so. >> i could be in a movie tomorrow. i find it baffling. i look at someone like you. why wouldn't you? i find it fascinating if you have found it too. >> well, i personally haven't found it yet. although i notice that if i haven't, you know, met people and they look at the age or say, she's too old or she's too young. even when i was younger, i lied about my age for that, saying i was older. sayingthey're not going to cast me because i'm not quite old enough so i felt the need to lie. it was interesting when i "the insider" i kind of learned the lesson. michael mann, he wanted me to do the part of, you know, the head of cbs legal and when he said, i'd love you to do this, i kept thinking, i'm not old enough. i'm too young. he's looking at me like i'm some sort of jerk. like, there's makeup and lighting and we can age you up. i was thinking, of course i can. like, why am i falling under the same category of the people i loathe, you know. >> theost extraordinary thing about you is you've never got married. >> why is that extraordinary? >> it just seems such a tragic waste. for somebody. >> you're assuming i vaet behav been having a good time. >> no, having a fantastic time. no man's ever snared you. hooked you in. >> that's not true. i could be snared. i just haven't chose be to n to married. >> how have you avoided it? >> i can see you're married, right? the. >> i am, second time. >> really? how's it going? >> very well. you're not interviewing me unfortunately. >> oh, sorry. >> have you come close. >> have i -- yeah, i have come close. i was living with someone for many years and i felt as if i were married and i probably would have marrieded that person. but then things fell apart. and it's come up a couple other times but i didn't feel like it was the person i wanted to make that final statement with. >> do you think you ever will? >> i don't know. maybe. >> do you dream of a fairy tale white wedding one day? >> no, i never have. that seems like a nightmare to me honestly. the wedding, with like a zillion people. it seems -- i have an anxiety attack just having a big party at my house. >> really? >> that would be really difficult. i always imagined you'd be this incredibly confident person. >> i'm confident with certain things. but big parties -- if i ever were to get married honestly it would be me and my guy on island somewhere and that's it. i don't think i would have -- my mother would probably kill me but -- i don't know. it just kind of freaks me out a little bit. >> you are with somebody, right? t the. >> i am, yeah. >> i've been reading about it in the papers. >> you have? oh, nice. >> how's that going? >> it's going great. i'm very happy. >> no wed beding bells. >> not yet. >> this could be the one. >> this could be the one. you never know. what's the word, don't -- if it's not broken. knock it if it's -- >> it's one of those. >> one of those sayings. >> how many times have you been properly in love in your life? >> define properly. >> i suppose it can be defined any way you think it is. >> like really in love, like when i was younger i fell in love like every other day. >> no, like proper. >> probably twice before. and now i'm on a third. maybe once before and now i'm on a third. i don't know. i'd have to really think about it. >> so many men watching this just thinking she looks incredible. >> uh-huh. that's nice. >> how do you fe about that? do you like being the object of male attention in that way? >> well, it's better than look and saying, she looks like [ bleep ], i mean, like i'd rather, you know -- >> you also --lightly confusing for them because you're also one of the most famous gay icons. following that scene i showed earlier. you, cher and bette midler. >> really? >> yeah. >> listen, if that's the company i'm in, i'm very pleased about th that. i'm very proud of my gay icon status. >> when we come back, talk sarah palin, your hysterical funny or die video. and also matthew mcconaughey. >> he's a nice guy. he's amazing in the movie. >> and just got married. >> a lovely girl, she's fantastic. those surprising little things she does still make you take notice. there are a million reasons why. but your erectile dysfunction that could be a question of blood flow. cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erectiolasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much, i appreciate it, i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money ? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. what am i supposed to say? >> tell her the story. why do you have to make everything so difficult? >> what story? >> the situation. tell her why joe's coming over tonight. >> how am i supposed to -- >> she don't know what's expected of her, she might disappoint him. >> i'm riding her over to the thrifty, ain't i? >> oh. >> "killer joe." gina's back with me now. it's a great movie this. i love matthew mcconaughey. is he as nice to work with as i imagine he is? >> first of all, he's so fantastic in this movie. i've never seen him better. and, you know, we have pretty intense crazy scenes together. so he was lovely to work with. we really didn't speak to one another during the shoot. >> really? why? this is like keeping the tension alive. >> yeah, when you see the movie, you'll understand. we just had a kind of a really narly intense scene at the end. i think we kept a respectable, you know, professional distance from each other till we had to come together. and it was funny because we didn't have a lot of time to shoot. i think it was a very intense shoot. we were all kind of focused. i saw him one night out at a bar. we were in new orleans. you know, i didn't have any makeup on. i didn't have my look i was going for. i was like, hey. he's looking at me like, hello. i'm like, hi, matthew, it's me. he's like, oh, my god. we really hadn't kind of, you know, talked just as normal people. but he's lovely. >> i want to play one of my favorite funny or die clips ever. this is you taking on sarah palin. it's the ending. >> hello, america. i'm governor sarah palin. lately, there have been a lot of wild rumors about me and i'd like to set the record straight. i think global warming is p.s., polar bear [ bleep ] every day i open my door in anchorage and it is freezing. end of experiment. now, if you'll excuse me. i've got some hunting to do. >> you see, i would vote for you if that was your campaign promo. inwou i would go and vote for you. >> that was when sarah palin first came on the scene. remember, the pictures of her in the bikini. and adam mckay who is a fantastic writer. this is actually before tina fey so geniusly portrayed her. he was like, we're going to do sarah palin, come over tomorrow and we're going to shoot it before it gets out there. we ended u doing like four of them. the last one was insane. >> did she ever respond? >> no. >> you never met her? >> no, sadly. >> are you political much? do you take much of of an interesting in it? >> you know, probably not as much as i should. although when it gets closer to the actual voting, then i start to focus in on things. i certainly have opinions. but i feel like i'm not as -- i could be a lot more informed. >> you an obama woman? >> am a obama woman? i certainly voted for him. >> would you again? >> at this -- if -- at this very moment, i would. i don't think -- you know, mitt romney's not really floating my boat too much. i feel like in the next few months i'm going to focus in on it a lot more. i think it's too important. you can't just read little snippets. you have to really focus in. watch the debates. you have to really make up your own mind. and i feel like as it gets closer, i'm going to put more and more time into it. i haven't been paying as much attention as i would have. i'm kind of embarrassed saying so here. >> why? >> just because i feel like i should be more -- a little bit more informed at this moment. but, listen, i think -- i don't know. i think -- i mean -- >> one thing, if you were president tomorrow, gave you that power, what's the one thing that gets your goat? >> would try to simplify everything. you kind of eliminate the middle man and you kind of just -- it's like almost like the good old-fashioned handshake. and much more grassroots. i do like that approach. i think everything has gotten so complicated. i mean, look, it's not like we're in the best state, you know, that we could be. we should be able to live peacefully and everyone should get along and i just think there's so much -- >> unfortunately, there's just the perfect book coming out which can help them. it's your book and it's called -- this is the title, in search of clear, how i found my pussy and lost my mind. >> when i ran for president that was my platform. thought, i'd better start now. i thought that would get me elected. >> i think it sounds like a fantastic book. i look forward to reading it. >> it's all about what people do in order to find true love. which is way up your alley. >> it is right up my alley. >> i know, i could tell. >> my path to true love came when i first watched "showgirls." it's been a great pleasure to have finally met you, gina. >> thank you. >> come back anytime. 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>> well, i believe i have a gift of shooting archery. at a young age, i got my first bo because i wanted to mimic my dad. my dad had a bow. i'm like, i want to shoot a bow like him. except he had hands. that's what drew me to archery. the fact that it was, you know, sophisticated and it was something that i had to really work towards. basically like a challenge. so i see my dad using it. i was, like, i want one of those. that's kind of like how the archery got started. >> what is extraordinary is you use your feet to do this. yet, you can compete at the very highest level. i think to just understand what that means, we should see you in action. we set up an archery course in the studio a in the studio and this is what happened. >> bullo eye. that was just 30 feet and in the olympics, you go to 70 meters. you are one of the best in the world. you have been doing this for two or three years? >> i told you earlier about having a bow when i was 16, it disappeared from my truck and i didn't have enough money to buy another one. i got money around to afford another bow and i started shooting again and learned what it meant to work hard at something and i foundparaolympi. >> just using your feet, what do your competitors think? the guy who fires arrows with no arms. >> they think i'm a good competitor and they think why is that guy sitting down and shooting with his feet? we have to stay here all day. no. i thini'm just trying to compete and be the best at archery. >> you are not only the best, but hold the world record for the world's longest shot. 230 yards. we have footage of this. >> here will break the world record. >> i am confident because in the practice i have been doing, i have been hitting my target on a regular basis. >> what's amazing is it took shots. that wasn't the parolympic world roar, but set by an able-bodied archer. i shouldn't sound astonished, but i am. you are an astonishing guy. where do you get your remarkable spirit? >> it is instilled in me from my parents. they pushed me to be the best i can be no matter what i do. i feel like i learned that from them. >> what are does it mean to be representing in america? >> just smiling. just an honor and a privilege to be able to do this. when you are little, i dreamed about playing army or wanting to serve the country. i can't do enough push ups or my arms are not quite -- the fact that i represent america in the sport that i love is kind of my way of saying thank you back. >> knowing you, the little i do, knowing your story, i would imagine it's gold or nothing. isn't it? >> that's the plan. >> it's -- i will do m best. if i do my best, there is a good chance the gold will come home with me. >> you have a beautiful family and three children. what do they make of their dad? >> my oldest is carter. he thinks that i live in an airplane because we go to the airport to fly to a shoot and stuff. they don't quite grasp the situation on how big this whole thing is right now. they just know i'm going to london and they want to go with. >> it's a great city and it will be an exciting time for you. that was the 30th of september and wish you all the best. >> you are one of the most inspiring stories i have had throughout the paraolympics. an amazing story and i wish you all the best. bring back gold to america. >> i appreciate it. >> we'll be right back after this program. i'm one of six children that my mother raised by herself, and so college was a dream when i was a kid. i didn't know how i was gonna to do it, but i knew i was gonna get that opportunity one day, and that's what happened with university of phoenix. nothing can stop me now. i feel like the sky's the limit with what i can do and what i can accomplish. my name is naphtali bryant and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. 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