0 that's all the time we got for 360. tonight, join us again an hour from now for ac 360 later. from now for ac 360 later. pierce ms morga"piers morgan li. -- captions by vitac -- www.vitac.com this is "piers morgan live." welcome to the viewers in the united states and around the world. the two florida girls drive this 12-year-old to suicide but should their parents be held responsible? >> i remember telling her, becca, don't listen to them. you're beautiful. they are jealous of you. and she would say well you're my mom. you have to say that. >> it's the bullying tragedy everyone is talking about. the sheriff at the center of it joins me. politics after the shut down, is cruz in charge and will obama care ever work? i'll talk about it all with gloria allred and more. the republican party retreats, hillary clinton's chances in 2015. >> the people at her rally will be chubby girls years from now. the two tv stars join me. we begin with the big story tonight, the shocking story out of florida where 12-year-old rebecca was driven to decide and the girls are under arrest charged with felony aggravated stocking. police say one of the accused girls wrote on facebook yes, i bullied rebecca and she killed herself and idgaf. short for i don't give an expletive. welcome to both of you. sheriff, let me start with you, this is a pretty awful case and also ground breaking case. let start first of all with the decision to deal with the two girls and then the wider issue of parental responsibility. give me your view in terms of both of those parts of this story. >> well, piers, this went further than bullying. this was stocking, and it occurred over about a ten-month period. interventions were tried by the school and by the victim's mom to no avail. at that point, law enforcement had to step in, and that's why we made felony criminal charges, because if this can't be taken care of at home, certainly the system has an answer. >> now, obviously, we know that lots of kids around this age with social media and facebook and twitter and so on, they do tend to be pretty unplease tent to each other. where does it move from that to the severity of what has happened here, in other words, where there is a genuine risk that somebody may take their life? >> well, they were saying stuff like go kill yourself, go drink bleach and die and this was just what was online. the 14-year-old victim actually over this period of ten months calls the 12-year-old suspect to fight our victim rebecca. so it was physical taunting. it was -- they terrorized her, they intimidated her, and it was a long-standing feud, if you will, that wouldn't stop. so as a result, we had to do something because obviously, our suspect, who was 14 and our victim who was 12 was -- were constantly at each other but most importantly, our victim was beat down. she just wanted to -- wanted this to stop and on the very last day of her life, she texted a friend of hers and said, i can't take it anymore. i'm jumping. i'm going to kill myself. he didn't tell anyone, and that's exactly what she did. >> she climbed a tower at an abandoned concrete plant and cut her wrist in a failed suicide attempt and absolutely appalling story. let me turn to you mark o'mara, if i may, about the issue of parental responsibility and the law. where does it lie at the moment, and where do you think it should be? >> unfortunately, there is not a lot of responsibility put on parent's shoulders for the way their kids act online. we know if a child gets ahold of a parent's gun, the parent is responsible or car. the parent is responsible to get the kids to school on time. the internet is brand-new. wonderful tool that be that can be used for good but because it's so open, it could be used for some bad. the kids are not old enough to understand. they have grown up in a video age where you just push a reset button and start over again. parents have to be more diligent and vigilant. they have to teach lessons that were obviously not taught to these two girls. >> we have a policy at cnn not to identify youths but they have been made public and received extensive attention in their hometown media. i want to play a clip of the parents of the 14-year-old girl. they go by the names of jose and vivian. let's watch this. >> my daughter is not the type of girl to do something like that. >> i grabbed the computer and i took it to my mom, because that's what we've been doing. we take the computer to the room and the other time she could have used to send this message was my cell phone, and my cell phone is always with me. >> i always check her facebook. i know her password, you know. she -- she never once, you know, bullied this girl online. >> sheriff judd, it seems highly i'm plausible the parents are telling the truth here. we've seen clear from the evidence we've seen that girl did indeed online bully this poor girl rebecca. but let me put this to you which is a wider issue. i got four children, three sons of 20, 16 and 13. i can see what they put on twitter or i can see facebook posts perhaps, i can't control what they are sending in private messages because i would have no knowledge of that would access to their computers or their cell phones. how do you regulate as a parent going forward, do you think, in light of this awful story? how do you regulate what you can't get access to? >> piers, you can get access to it. if that's your child in your home, then you need to take control of that child. i hear people say oh, my child needs privacy. no, your child doesn't need privacy when they are a juvenile, they absolutely don't. that was the problem. then vivian says they would never do that. i monitor their facebook. well, we arrested vivian this afternoon for a different case where she was beating on children who she had in her custody who we can't identify by law. so why she's telling the national media that that would never happen, we have a video clip that was posted by one of her daughters about a beating that occurred and obviously, she didn't monitor that very well because that resulted in her arrest this afternoon. >> i want to play another clip to you, mark, and then ask you how you think the law should change. this is where owe jose and vivian talk about responsibility as parents. >> i don't think it's fair for me and my husband to be punished for something they are saying my daughter did and my daughter is being punished for something that she didn't do. >> now mark, obviously, you know, justice will take its course here in relation to the girl and what she actually did. the evidence seems pretty clear that she was bullying this girl rebec rebecca. we'll see if that all in the end is what happens in court and if there is a conviction. in terms of the parent's attitude there, it is difficult. i don't want to be massively fair to them because i feel much more emp threaten tick to the family of this poor girl that killed herself and at the same time, having had, you know, three teenage kids, how far can you really say parents have to be legally responsible for every word they may post on social media? >> i don't think they can be for every word, but if a parent acts in a way in my opinion is grossly negligent and law enforcement and i want to congratulate sheriff judd for what he did in this case f a parent doesn't act in a way which is responsibility and act in a way which is grossly neglect and ignore a child's internet presence, that's ignoring if a child is carrying a gun or have the keys to the car. we have to put responsibility where it lies on the parents. my suggest says if it can be proven in the court of law that a parent act in a grossry neglect way not being properly super vicing over the child and the child commits an act of danger or harm to another, then the parent should be responsible. i'll admit it will be difficult to draft and enforce but sheriffs like sheriff judd have to have this tool to go to a parent and say you're going to be responsible. that's the punitive side. the positive side is we're coming up with positive ways to allow parents, educate parents how to properly super vice their children online. it's not impossible. it just takes some effort by the parents. >> sheriff, i guess, the obvious reaction i would have to that is it all sounds great and i'm totally in favor of what mark is trying to achieve, at the same time, if i knew one of my kids had access to a car, especially under the age to drive one, if they had access to a firearm, whatever it may be, i see you go and take away that object from them and it's quite clear cut but what do you do about laptops and cell phones? i mean, do you expect parent whose have concerns to confiscate those? how far do you take it? >> piers, i absolutely do, and i think mark is on the right path here. we're not talking about a singular event. we understand all of us who raised teenagers understand they do silly things that they shouldn't from time to time. but in this event, this went on for a period of ten months, so at what point do parents have criminal cupbility? they already had moral responsibility but in the home, the parent is the first defense for protecting their children from being bullied or doing the bullrying. and parents have that obligation. there is no fourth amendment right preventing a parent from searching their electronic device and parents should and after all, if the children don't want to go along with that program, take the device away from them. it's more important to be a good parent, they shouldn't be their good friend, but they need to be a great parent. >> and let's just end i think by reminding everybody that in the end that the girl accused to be the main tormentor here posted this comment which said yes, i bullied rebecca and she killed herself but idgaf, which means i don't give an expletive and i think that says it all really because if that was one of my kids, i would frog morning them straight to the nearest police station and let justice take its course and the fact the families don't see that responsibility or the need to take that responsibility is ultimately to me negligence. mark o'mara and sheriff judd, thank you very much indeed. >> thank you, pierce. coming next, gloria allred, and more and politics coming next. to handle a saturday crowd. ♪ [ male announcer ] the parking lot helps by letting us know who's coming. the carts keep everyone on the right track. the power tools introduce themselves. all the bits and bulbs keep themselves stocked. and the doors even handle the checkout so we can work on that thing that's stuck in the thing. 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