Presidency is coming to an end. Mr. Trump attempted to condemn the violence, but he left out the part about how he incited it. Dozens of the rioters who stormed the capitol have now been arrested. The fbi is asking for the publics help in identifying those who vandalized and stole things from the offices of lawmakers and caused violence. A federal prosecutor is now investigating President Trumps role in this deadly siege. Brian sitnick is the name of the Capitol Police officer who died overnight from injuries in the insurrection. Brian sitnick. Donald trump, ted cruz, josh hawley, i hope you learn his name. A white house adviser tells cnn that trump recorded that video only because his presidency is threatened by looming calls for resignation and an impeachment process that nancy pelosi promised would begin next week. Two cabinet secretaries resigned now. Betsy devos joining elaine chao in quitting. Nancy pelosi will have to fast track impeachment if she wants to make it happen with just 12 days left. Well speak to a member of House Democratic leadership in just a moment. Also breaking overnight, for the first time, the United States recorded more than 4,000 deaths from coronavirus in a single day. Nearly 20,000 have died in the first week of 2021. Were going to begin with Jeremy Diamond at the white house this morning. Jeremy, the wall street journal is calling for the president s resignation. Whats going to happen today . Well, john, it took two months for President Trump to do on what many have been calling on him to do. And that is for many to acknowledge the reality that he will not serve a second term. Come january 20th at noon, President Trump will no longer be the president of the United States. And he acknowledged that in a video message last night. What he did not do was congratulate president elect joe biden, nor utter his name at any point during that videotape. And while he did condemn the violence that took place, the president did not acknowledge his own role in inciting that mob that stormed capitol hill just the other day. Listen to the difference in the president s message from one day to the next. To those who engaged in the acts of violence and destruction, you do not represent our country. Go home, we love you. Youre very special and to those who broke the law, you will pay. Were going to the capitol. Were going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country. Reporter and the president also misstated his role in deploying the National Guard to capitol hill. The president said that he immediately did so, even though sources told us that the president actually resisted doing so, and it was instead Vice President mike pence who coordinated that effort to deploy the National Guard. Of course, we need to talk about what led to this message from the president. And that is the wave of resignations that we have seen from senior officials in this administration, including now two cabinet secretaries and also the threat about these discussions about the 25th amendment. Multiple sources told me and my colleagues that just two cabinet secretaries were making calls to other secretaries to take their temperature about calling a cabinet meeting. Hanging over that meeting would be the 25th amendment to strip the president of his president ial powers. But a source tells us that Vice President mike pence would have to go along with such a scheme and he is highly unlikely to do so. But inquiries have been flowing into the Vice President and his staff about that possibility. Alisyn . Jeremy, thank you very much. Joining us now is elizabeth newman, the former assistant secretary of Homeland Security in the trump administration. Also with us is cnn political director, David Chalian and cnn senior political reporter, niamalika henderson. Together, those two host the fabulous cnn podcast called politically sound. Everybody should check it out. Elizabeth, i want to start with you. You say the president has proven time and again he cant keep the country safe. Hes made dangerous decisions. So what now . What is what is the right move for these 12 days . Look, i dont trust his statement yesterday. He has exhibited time and time again, he has this pattern where he refuses to condemn what he should condemn. And then a day or two later, he finally gives into his staff and he reads a statement, like what we saw yesterday. And then day or two later goes by, and he bucks the system again. And he will return to praising these domestic terrorists. He cant be trusted. We already saw on parlor the reaction to the video, nobody believed it was him. They believed its a double or i mean, the Conspiracy Theory is just kind of mind boggling when you read how they interpreted his statement yesterday. But the problem that he created that culminated on wednesday still is there. So i think there were some Staff Members clearly a number of them freaked out. They finally realized, oh, my gosh, what monster did we create, weve got to put the genie back in the bottle. Hey, guys, you cant. Its done. The damage is done. There are white supremacists, neonazis who view wednesday as this culminating crescendo moment, the starting pistol for leading a number of other violent attacks. So we should expect to see more. And because we are in such a grave, dangerous moment, he needs to be removed from office. This doesnt go away quietly in 13 days at an inauguration. We need to execute the 25th amendment or Congress Need to impeach and remove him. He is dangerous. Brian sitnick is the name of the Capitol Police officer who died overnight from his injuries suffered during the insurrection. David chalian, the Vice President , mike pence, says he does not support the 25th amendment. That shuts down that avenue, we believe. Impeachment proceedings may begin as early as next week, and well speak to members of democratic leadership in the next hour to find out exactly the mechanics of that. But this morning, what interests me the most is the call from resignation kucoming from the wall street journal, the Rupert Murdochowned wall street journal now calling for the president s resignation and youre beginning to hear others to suggest the same. I wonder if thats an opportunity for more republicans to come out and say the president should resign today and what pressure that might create . Well, its the last point that you just made, the pressure it might create, that i dont know that we have an answer to. I dont know that donald trump will succumb to even an incredible amount of pressure from republican elected officials or Rupert Murdochs wall street journal editorial page to resign. Now, we did see the pressure clearly created that moment for him to make that video, and an attempt to try to keep people from heading for the exits in his administration. So perhaps he would respond somewhat to that. But with 12 days left, i will be shocked if he decides to give up the power and trappings of the oval office that he wants to enjoy to its full extent, all the way through to the end of his term. You mentioned impeachment. You know, the House Democrats are gathering at noon this afternoon, i think, on a conference call, to discuss the video way forward. Clearly, they can move really quickly. They can get an Impeachment Vote out of the house really quickly. The question is going to be, how does that work in the senate with 12 days left, to get a trial going and is Mitch Mcconnell going to expedite that process through on the impeachment front, john . I was just curious the resignation thing, one of the things that interest me, its also an avenue for republicans. Whether or not the president listens, if youre a republican in congress, you can stand up and say the president should resign today. Nia . Yeah, i think thats right. This also goes to show that republicans did have power at some point. We see in the last 12 days these resignations, and them forcing the president to do what he always should have done, which is to condemn the violence, this violent mob that he spurred on, that he created. And we see him acting, because of the fear of people resigning. So this tells us that four years ago, three years ago, whatever heinous behavior he engaged in, whether it was his terrible comments after charlottesville, whether its helsinki, taking the side of putin over the intelligence community, that if republicans had stood up way back when, maybe they could have corralled this president in a way where a lot of the damage that weve seen over these last many, many months, could have been avoided. Even as the president was going around the country, saying that the election was going to be rigged because of mailin balloting, would republicans really publicly stood up and said, mr. President , that is not true. Mr. President , you are lying. And of course, i mean, you think about all of the Media Outlets who also advanced his lies, which led to the brainwashing of millions and millions of his supporters. And then that terrible incident we saw this week. Its just a sad commentary on republicans. They are in some ways trying to save face now in these last days of this president. You saw betsy devos, obviously, resign. You know, someone sort of joked that shes essentially using her Vacation Days at this point, with 12 days, you know, and the same with chao as well. Well see what the two houses are able to do, if nancy pelosi, who was reluctant way back when to impeach the president , very much wants to seemingly do it. And well see what comes out of that 12 00 call today. Elizabeth, you have our attention in terms of trying to sound the alarm of what violence has succumbed. We talked to riggleman in the last hour and he said theres this online chatter that i know that youre always aware of that suggests, of course, this isnt over. This wasnt the end, what happened to the u. S. Capitol. But it was this, as ive said, horrible deadly fire drill for how badly things can go. And how we didnt how the police didnt handle it right. And so the inauguration is 12 days from today. I think theres cause for concern about what that will look like. So what should Homeland Security be doing today . Like, the good news about the inauguration is that the Security Apparatus that is set in place for that has been working for over 18 months to prepare for the inauguration. So thats the good news. Theres a lot more resources that they can call up that are already planning to be there. The concern i have is the more that we read about what happened on wednesday, its almost as if warnings were not heeded. Its not that the intelligence wasnt there, its that they didnt understand the intelligence. So hopefully, what we saw on wednesday wakes everybody up. Neighbor thinks that this is not a real threat, anybody who thinks that because theyre white, they dont actually have the potential for damage. I mean, shame on you, because for the last ten years, 76 of all terrorist attacks have come from rightwing violent extremists and the predominant version of that is white supremacy. So shame on you for not understanding where the true thread is. But now you have no excuse. This is a real threat. They have intentions and their stated aim is to overthrow the u. S. Government. Treat it seriously. Get all of the resources to their posts and make sure that they understand that they will be held accountable if they do not treat a domestic terrorist the same way we would treat a foreign terrorist. Yes, you have to allow for First Amendment rights to protest and you need to follow the law and im not saying that were in a war zone, but we need to demonstrate a show of force here that sends a strong signal that what happened on wednesday will not be allowed to happen again. Because they think they have free rein right now. David chalian, president elect joe biden, we are told, by jeff zeleny through his reporting, has no an tide for impeachment, no appetite for pushing for removal of the president. Explain to me his thinking behind that and the impact that you think it will have. Well, his transition put out a statement, the spokesperson said that Kamala Harris and joe biden are just solely focused on actually taking over on january 20th. And that instead of shutting it down entirely, though tacitly, its what joe biden is doing, john, as you point out, they said, there is a role here for the cabinet to play. There is a role here for congress to play. Those should proceed as they want to. But joe biden and Kamala Harris are going to focus on taking over on the 20th. And i think that is simply joe biden not wanting to be mired down here in the final days of this transition in the political machinations about whether or not donald trump leaves early. He wants to keep his eye on the ball. He is also not sure that that is the best way, obviously, for him to start his administration. So this is something hes going to leave to the cabinet, which, as we discussed, doesnt look like thats going to happen, and to the congress, where there may be some action on impeachment. I dont think youre going to see joe biden, john, stand up and say, stop, i dont think the democrats should do this. I just dont think hes going to be out in front carrying the flag to pursue that course. Elizabeth, nia, david, thank you all so much. We have some breaking news, the United States shattering its record for coronavirus deaths, reporting more than 4,000 deaths just on thursday. That is the deadliest day since the pandemic began. Cnns Stephanie Elam is live in los angeles with more. Whats the situation there this morning . Alisyn, when you think about that number, 4,085 people lost their lives to the coronavirus in one day. If you actually just think about those deaths as being individuals, it really does hit home how bad this situation is right now. And its playing out clearly here in california, where we have a Record Number of hospitalizations, almost 23,000 people in the hospital. We have a Record Number of patients in the icu, as well here in california. And the Positivity Rate is almost 13 , which is at the highest level since widespread testing has been around. So it shows you how rough things are here in california. And that picture painted very clearly here in los angeles county, which is really just the. It of the worst of it right now in the United States, as we are the densest and most populous county in the u. S. In fact, take a listen to how Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti portrays how things look right now. Its every six seconds now, a new case and every eight minutes, somebodys dying here. But weve seen this across the country and weve seen it particularly here where we have the densest metropolitan area in america. Were seeing heroes in our hospitals, angels in our ambulances stretched thin to just deal with the onslaught right now of whats happening here, the epicenter, los angeles. And ive been in touch with an official from the los angeles fire department, who says they started planning for this a day before christmas and has been implementing it for almost two weeks now, and its really what theyre doing having an engine or ambulance go to these hospitals that are inundated and they have had hospitals waiting an hour before they can release a patient. They are now there watching over some patients so these ambulances can go back out on other calls. Really stepping up and trying to alleviate some of that congestion weve been seeing at the hospitals that are really just overwhelmed with too many patients as theyre trying to help make it through this terrible virus. Its a nightmare scenario. Stephanie, thank you very much for being on the ground for us. So do democrats plan to impeach President Trump for his role in the capitol siege . Well ask a top democratic leader in the house, next. Dont worry, julie. Coughings not new. This woman coughs. 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Joining us now is assistant speaker of the house, democratic congresswoman, Katherine Clark of the commonwealth of massachusetts. She is in favor of impeachment. Congresswoman, thanks for being with us. Our reporting is that mike pence is not inclined to pursue the 25th amendment. Has the house been officially informed that he will not do so . Donald trump needs to be removed from office. And we are going to proceed with every tool that we have to make sure that that happens to protect our democracy. If the reports are correct and mike pence is not going to uphold his oath of office and remove the president and help protect our democracy, then we will move forward with impeachment to do just that. All right, talk to me about the mechanics of that. Starting when and how . How exactly is this going to work . So we know that we have limited time, but that every day that donald trump is president of the United States is a day of grave danger. We can use procedural tools to get articles of impeachment to the floor for a house vote quickly. We have already had chairman jerry nadler, chair of the judiciary committee, say that he will use those tools to bring the articles as fast as possible. When is that . Well, that will be, you know, as early as the midnext week. We do have a process. We have to go through, but lets be clear whats at stake here. We have a president who incited a seditious mob to storm the capitol. We now have five deaths from that. And the harm to our democracy is really unfathomable. I want to get a few more i want to understand a little bit more about the process. And i will let you talk about this. Again, you think you may be able to vote impeachment, in other words, the house may be able to impeach the president as soon as midnext week. Does it matter to you whether or not the senate could complete a trial to determine whether or not to remove the president by january 20th . Listen, what we have here is a crisis for our country. We have a president who has turned on us. He is a traitor. He has incited violence and perpetuated a lie that he won this election. And we have members of the gop 147 or 148, 66 of the republicans in congress after the capitol was stormed, after the violence that we saw, incited by our own president , turn around and vote to perpetuate the lies about our election. So i cant answer for the gop, but they are going to have to answer to history. They are going to have to answer to how they took that oath of office, just on sunday, and turned around and voted for this president after the actions that occurred on the capitol on wednesday. Will you move to reprimand or censure will you move to reprimand or censure any of those house members . What my focus is now and the focus of the dmemocratic caucus is how do we secure our country, so we can get to the hard work of helping americans meet the incredible challenges of this pandemic and the economic fallout. But we are at a crisis point. And its not only americans who need security. It is the world looking at us and saying, this is the democracy that we look to for guidance. We are the symbol of freedom around the world. And if we do not hold this president accountable, if we do not remove him from office, we cannot underestimate the damage we will do to the American Experience and experiment of democracy. One last procedural question, do you think constitutionally a senate can hold a trial to remove a president after he is no longer in office. If you impeach the president before january 20th, do you think the senate can actually hold a trial after hes no longer president . We can act very quickly when we want to. You have seen the gop when they want to do tax cuts totally eliminate any hearings and bring things to the floor very quickly. When its helping their wealthy friends. So lets make sure that we stand up now. This isnt a question of process or procedure. We have a tool of impeachment. If mike pence will not do what is required of him and invoke the 25th amendment, we dont have a choice. And we cannot hide behind procedural rules. This is the time for action. This is a crisis of our constitution and of our democracy. I want to ask you about brian sitnick, who is the Capitol Police officer who we learned died overnight from injuries suffered during the insurrection. I wanted to give you a chance to talk about his death and what that means. It is my heart goes out to officer sitnicks family and tulle of those who suffered loss in this. Its there are a lot of people who have officer sicknicks blood on their hands. We are powerful actors in congress. And when we use that power to perpetuate a lie that this was not a fair election, when we use that power to appease a president and act for shortterm political goal of, you know, fending off a primary or whatever else my republican colleagues thought they were doing, by being part of this malicious attack on our constitution and our elections, real consequences happen. People lose their lives. People who are devoted to defending us and protecting us when we do our critical work for the American People. So i hope there is some soul searching by my colleagues and by those who surround the president. And that we act swiftly to make sure that this president and his harm to this country has ended. Congressman Katherine Clark from massachusetts, we appreciate you being with us this morning. Thank you. So we talked about kbeech impeachment, which may happen as soon as midnext week according to the assistant speaker, but will donald trump Face Criminal Charges for inciting the insurrection . 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Five americans are dead this morning after the insurrection at the u. S. Capitol, including u. S. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, who was injured in the attempted coup and who has now died. Federal prosecutors are looking at everyone involved, including President Trumps role in inciting this violence. Joining us now is cnn senior legal analyst laura coates and cnn legal analyst, eli honig. Both are former federal prosecutors. E eli, i want to start with you. What charges could President Trump be looking at for inciting this violence . Yeah, alisyn, theres really a menu of potential charges here. Im not saying any of these charges are easy cases or obvious cases, but as a prosecutor, i would be comfortable getting up in front of the jury and arguing any of the following. Inciting a riot is a federal crime. Sedition, and that sounds dramatic, but it can mean forcefully taking over federal property or building. Destruction of federal property. Entering the Capitol Grounds without authorization. All of those things are in play. The key question here is were the president s words sort of heated political rhetoric, which is okay, or did it cross the line to inciting people towards act of criminal liability. To me the best evidence of that is, he said, remember this day forever. He called the people who stormed the capitol great patriots. We love you. Youre very special. To me, that shows they did exactly what he wanted and intended them to do. Laura, thats where you come in. Because there was a rally before all of these riote erers marche the u. S. Capitol and President Trump surrounded himself with don jr. And rieudy giuliani and people who spelled it out. It wasnt even open to interpretation. Let me remind everybody what they suggested these rioters do. Stand up and fight stand up and hold your representatives accountable lets have trial by combat today is important in another way today is the day american patriots start taking down names and kicking ass kicking ass. Trial by combat. How else do you interpret that, laura . Well, theres no other way if you speak english and have common sense. And you saw the Straight Line from that particular speech, that set of speeches all the way to what happened at the u. S. Capitol. The president himself even saying, were going to confront the socalled weak republicans. Were coming for you. Donald trump jr. , said. These are the contextual clues, ding, ding, ding, that suggest that they intended for what to happen to actually happen. But elie is also right. If you think thats not the Straight Line, you also have what he said afterwards, the attaboys, the condoning it until the 11th hour last night when people began to jump ship. And its not just the moments in the past where President Trump and the get em out of here at his rallies. And people say, is that enough to actually incite a riot or violence . Here you have a far more Straight Line. And including conspiracy to commit sedition. A very, very serious crime to try to stop or prevent or delay in any way the faithful execution of the law. And remember, the president of the United States is the head of the executive branch of government, whose job it is to faithfully execute and enforce the law. So youve got all of these combination of context chual cl, direct evidence. And its not just trump who is at issue. Guess what, Rudy Giuliani, don junior, other people who were also involved and equally complicit, they have to worry about it as well. Whether the president will now extend a pardon, a preemptive pardon for those who destroyed federal property, committed these heinous acts leading to deaths in the capitol. That would be for many a bridge way too far. And by the way, that was congressman mo brooks, who was the person who said, today is the day that american patriots need to start kicking ass. I dont know how else you interpret kicking ass other than violence. So do you think that he and Rudy Giuliani and don jr. Could also be facing charges or are investigators just looking at the president s role . Investigators made clear that theyre looking at everybody and they should be. The president has a long track record, going all the way back to stand back and stand by. Laura said such an important phrase there. Common sense. We, prosecutors, i know laura has given this speech to juris. We used to always tell juris, do not leave your common sense at the door. You are allowed to bring your common sense into this courtroom, use your experience, and decide, what was the obvious import of these words. When you put the whole picture together, the president s context over months, january 6th, well be wild. Add it all up, you think about crowd hes looking out at on that day. The flagwearing crowd, some of them bearing confederate flags, some of them wearing camo. Amo and stuff referring to nazis and he says those words. Use your common sense, thats good enough for me. So cnn has reporting that President Trump has been asking his lawyers about the power of selfpardon. Of course hes going to do that. I cant believe this is still a question. Of course he will do that. Hes broken every norm known to mankind. And so can he do that . Welcome to the wild, wild west. We do not yet know. It has not been litigated. But i suspect that the supreme court, many of which have been nominated and confirmed during his own confirmation, who are contextualists, who know full well what the Founding Fathers views were on the monarchy, i expect theyll be extraordinarily reluctant and absolutely reject the notion that you could pardon ones self in contravention of the justice departments directive that one cannot stand as a judge in ones own trial, especially if it means you are condoning the overthrow or insurrection of the government. Laura, elie, thanks very much. Great to see you. Nearly 150 republican members of congress voted to overturn the Election Results with no credible evidence whatsoever of vast voter fraud. Even after the u. S. Capitol was attacked. Who are these elected leaders who swore an oath to protect the constitution . John avlon has a mustsee reality check, next. 147 republican members of congress voted to reject the president ial Election Results even after the capitol was stormed and their colleagues feared for their lives. John avlon has our reality check. Hi, john. There needs to be accountability for this attempt to overthrow our democracy. Because unless the people who perpetrated this face real consequences, america is going to face more sedition in the future. There needs to be accountability for President Trump and his minion who is kept lying to the American People about a stolen election while trying to steal it themselves. There needs to be accountability for Trump Supporters who stormed the capitol building. All of them should be prosecuted. But we cant forget about the 147 republicans who enabled trumps attempted coup, even after the capitol was attacked. They made the cynical and cowardly calculation that it would be easier to roll over for Donald Trumps demands than to do the right thing for our democracy. Thats exactly why we need to remember their names. And as conservative columnist george will suggested, politically tar them with a scarlet s for sedition. You probably know the seditious seven in the senate led by josh hawley and ted cruz, joined by rick scott, cindy hydesmith, as well as tuberville, roger marshall, and cynthia lummis. With the capitol battered, they still tried to overthrow voters. Most Senate Republicans ultimately chose to oppose that path, but that was not the case in the house, where an unprecedented 139 republicans, 66 of the partys total, voted to overturn the election without one ounce of actual evidence. Maybe they thought there would be little price to pay because most dont have competitive general elections. They only have to worry about getting primaried from the far right. So mo brooks knew they could lie and divide with impunity. But there are still 27 tossup districts, according to the cook political report. And so its worth shining a light on those house members. Republicans like arizonas dave swikart. Minnesotas jim haggerton. New jerseys jeff van drew. Pennsylvanias scott perry. All from States Joe Biden won. Speaking of pennsylvania, eight keystone state republicans voted to invalidate their own voters, which is bonkers. You cant logically say there was massive fraud for president , but your election was legitimate. But then logic left the station a long time ago. Of course theres more. The most populous pivot county in the country is suffolk in new york, where congressman lee zeldin cast his vote for donald trump over democracy. So did new yorks only republican representative, but this isnt about local politics. Its about people putting party over country. Like 12 republicans from florida or seven from North Carolina or six from georgia. On the flip side, republicans who consistently stood up to trumps threats. They showed real courage. People like mitt romney, ben sasse, and adam kinzinger, and they deserve your respect whether you agree with their policies or not. And thats why those who failed this test should not be forgiven or forgotten. As former republican governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said, our grandchildren will know your names, only as the villains who fought against the Great American experiment and the will of the voters. And thats your reality check. Its an accountability check, john, and im so glad that youre doing it. Thank you so much for that. For the first time, the United States reported 4,000 deaths from coronavirus in a single day. It could get worse soon. What if anything can be done. Dr. Sanjay gupta joins us next. Before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable nights sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. Now, that dream. Is her reality. 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When you look at the models, what the models sort of counted on was that once you get to a certain number of new cases per day, a certain number of hospitalizations, that the states would compensate, the states would react, just like the body reacts when it starts to get sick, it puts in all of these compensatory mechanisms. Were not seeing that right now in many states around the country. Thats why the numbers continue to go up. And as far as when its going to speak, or i think, even more importantly, how long does it stay at that peak. Do you get to the top and come down quickly or do we plateau at this unfathomably high number of new deaths per day. I dont know yet. Its going to be hard to see. A lot of interest and focus understandably on the vaccines and the vaccines ultimately will have an impact. Impact, but it going to change the numbers that were talking about right now. Sanjay, you are now a fully vaccinated individual. You received the second dose of the pfizer vaccine, just moments ago. Tell us what that was like and where we are or what that means really in our path to vaccinate most americans. Well, you know, i mean, i think personally its a reassuring feeling for sure, you know, i mean, it will be seven days or so from now when i will have the fully protective effects of that second shot that i just received and its one of those things, i wasnt that worried that i was going to get sick, then you get the second shot and you still feel this relief, you feel this sort of weight that comes off your shoulders. At the same time, you know, its become fully clear that the actual getting shots into arms and people across the country hasnt gone as quickly as people would like. Here in georgia, for example, according to the Georgia Department of health about 25 of the vaccines that have been distributed have actually been, you know, used to inoculate people. They have to get those numbers up obviously. Thats been the big rate limiting step and so many people are sort of focusing on that around the country. I think that the overall, you know, amount of inoculation is going to go up, but when we do the math, by the end of may to get to that number of around 240 Million People in this country, that herd immunity number inoculated that means we would have to be o doing about 1. 5 to 2 million shots per day to get that. Obviously we are not close to that right now. Is the private sector, cvs, walgreens, is there going to be better partnerships between the federal and state governments, are all these things going to happen because if they dont it will take a long time to get to those numbers. Only 5. 9 until doses have been administered, obviously a fraction of what was projected and promised. President elect joe biden has promised 100 million vaccinations in his first 100 days in office. So just help me mentally prepare right now, is that going to be achievable . I talked to lots of people about this exact point within the existing task force, the Incoming Task force, people in the private sector and the answer comes back that this is achievable, but theres many things that are going to have to change in order for that to happen. Right now i think what has been described to me is that there has been a handoff, operation warp speed has been able to get these vaccines to the states, but many of the states then did not have the necessary infrastructure in order to be able to do the job that they have to do. Im here at grady hospital, for example. This hospital is as busy and theyve been really throughout this pandemic in terms of taking care of covid patients. At the same time theyre also inoculating a lot of health care workers, they will start inoculating people over the age of 65. The point is that there is a lot of strain, a lot of surge on these systems right now in order to get the job done. I was talking to dr. Montgomery rice, you remember her from the last time we got inoculations and she points out that personnel just simply having the personnel to be able to administer the shots is challenging. The cvs and the walgreens, they were essentially told a week before that they would need to be responsible for inoculating all the Long Term Care facilities residents. Why just a week before . Weve known for months that these vaccines were going to roll out at some point. There is a lot of catch up that needs to happen. So, alisyn, i dont know the answer. This feels like the testing problem in some ways again. Were going to ramp up testing, we kept hearing that in the spring of last year and we never really got there. I hope the same thing doesnt happen with the vaccines. I am more optimistic about this considering how many different, you know, sort of organizations are in play here, the private sector, the feds and the states. Sanjay, thank you for explaining all of that. Thank you for sharing your own personal journey with getting the vaccination with us. Well talk to you soon. You got it. Thank you. We want to remember now some of the more than 365,000 americans lost to coronavirus. Simone parker taught High School Science in kentucky for 19 years. Officials with the trig County School system tell the courier journal she was, quote, an extraordinary educator, skilled at bringing shy students out of their shells. Parker was only 46 years old. Shirley flores was an air force vet who worked her way up from the u. S. Postal service from letter carrier to postmaster at three new mexico post offices before retiring last year. Her son said she loved volunteering. She helped teenagers so much she had planned to go back to school to get a masters in social work. She was 58 years old. Beto garcia served the people of roma, texas, as a law officer for 36 years. More than 27 of them as police chief. He was an advocate for Community Policing and during his last four years as chief roma consistently ranked among the top ten safest cities in texas. We have a lot of breaking news this morning. So lets get right to it. Announcer this is cnn breaking news. All right. Good morning, everyone, welcome to our viewers in the United States and all around the world, this is new day. We do begin with breaking news. Moments ago right here on new day the assistant speaker of the house Katherine Clark told us the house will hold a vote to impeach President Trump as early as the middle of next week. She said if mike pence doesnt invoke the 25th amendment which our indications are he will not, he has indicated that he will not do so, they will hold that Impeachment Vote by the middle of next week. We now have a timeline. Joe overnight a Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick died from officers suffered after donald trump sent the mob to the capitol. Donald trump put out a scripted video where for the first time he acknowledged out loud that someone will be president on january 20th and he tried to condemn the deadly mob terror but theres really another video you need to see taken by videographer donald trump jr. Just before his father told the crowd to go to the capitol with the hopes of overturning the results of the election. So you can see Kimberly Guilfoyle positively giddy just before they told a mob to go to the capitol. Dan ask a screen joe, kayleigh mcenany, donald trump himself all full of smiles literally dancing in anticipation of what they were about to tell the mob. Overnight betsy devos

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