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Whether President Trump has tested positive or negative and during a phone interview mr. Trump said he hoped to hold a rally in florida tomorrow and another one in pennsylvania this weekend, but in that very same interview the president had to stop twice to clear his throat and cough. Joining us now Cnn National Security analyst julia cayenne and john harwood. Juliet, first to you. This plot in michigan to kidnap the governor of that state with people connected to extremist groups, with people who had intent and capability to pull this off, they had detonated improvised explosive devices, they had talked about seizes bridges, they had talked about knocking on the governors door. What do you see here and how concerning should it be this morning . Okay. So there is the specific threat and its pretty concerning because of its organization. So i think, you know, if you put it on a scale from zero to ten how far along with this with zero being a crazy guy with an idea and ten being execution, they were at a seven. They had been testing materials, they had gone through the planning and they were ready to do something. They just had been infiltrated and the fbi knew what was going on. Specifically this was organized, this was not random. Also remember it had interstate aspects to it. They were traveling around, they were recruiting from around states, so this isnt just about michigan. I think more generally lets put this in the context of radicalization. We are facing a number of types of radicalization right now, White Supremacy which weve talked about before and now this antigovernment radicalization which is absorbing the language of, you know, liberation, anticovid restrictions, all the stuff that you saw in michigan thats amplified by the president. These guys are organizing around a sense that the president is actually not the government. The president talks about the deep state and view liberation from either a governor or from covid restrictions as part of a sort of liberation movement. And thats the sort of uniqueness of this radicalization that were seeing today thats amplified by the president and those who support him. So thats what we have to be worried about leading to election day. We call these constitutional flash points, in other words, these are people that are looking at election day to mobilize, the president has talked about his supporters going to polls outside of the normal poll watching aspects and so we are all looking to november as one of these constitutional flash points and that if the president loses of course the period between november and january 20th. And, john, just to be clear, this is not our imagination that things are getting worse. We have just had our experts on, we just talked to congresswoman Debbie Dingle from michigan. There are theres demonstrative proof that this kind of extremism is spiking and she just admitted to us on our air that she herself has felt, you know, that she has been victimized by some of these threats and how frightening it is. Theres no question its getting worse, alisyn, and the president himself is acting in a dangerous manner that makes it worse. That tweet last night where he targeted Gretchen Whitmer in the wake of the revelation of this plot, the arrest of these people is dangerous because he, as you noted in the introduction, he did not specifically condemn the plot, he did a generic statement saying, well, i condemn all violence, extremist violence, but Gretchen Whitmer needs to open up her state and shes been a terrible governor. This is reminiscent of how he dealt with the White Supremacy question at the debate. Yeah, sure, i will condemn it, but then he went hard after antifa and the imagined violence on the left that pre occupies him. But what weve heard from his own officials, own dhs officials, own fbi director, is that the problem with white supremacist violence, militia violence, is by far the predominant problem and the president is pointing elsewhere and in doing so he is facilitating and excusing the dominant problem in this sphere. Its a dangerous situation. Juliet, the charging documents or the government affidavits do not mention the president in any way or make any direct reference to these men who are now in custody being inspired by the president. So then what do his words mean . What is a connection between the language the president uses and not necessarily these people, but the rise of extremism writ large . So its a radicalization its not an on off switch. It isnt that a leader says something and his followers just follow. What we see happening is a sort of a policy term called stowe cast i can terrorism it is basically a leader like the president gives winks and nods. He urges a kind of philosophy, a kind of radicalization, whether its not condemning a White Supremacy, talking about both sides, sending out tweets that are vague and yet understandable, like liberate michigan. Its not clearly saying something. Forget what trump is saying specifically and trying to parse it, whether he apologizes, whether he says i condemn all violence, and understand radicalization about what his supporters are hearing and what they are hearing is a president who does not condemn White Supremacy, a president who is urging sort of antigovernment sentiment, whether it has to do with poll watching or has to do with liberation from covid restriction. A president who goes after democratic governors, right . So specifically partisan the other party governors. Thats what theyre hearing. So dont think a radicalization as like you can prove it in an affidavit. Its the atmosphere that trump has created and its why as john is saying both the dhs and fbi are saying thats the increase that were seeing during the trump administration, its not our imagination, it is festering because its not being condemned. I often say, you know, this election is one about whether america will be shamed again, in other words, whether we will have a leader that shames these bad sentiments and i think thats what youre not seeing from the top right now. John, lets talk about what President Trump want to do next personally. He wants this weekend to go to hold rallies in florida for one and his doctor it appears has given him the green light to do so, but we dont know whats happening with his health. We dont know if hes tested positive or negative, we dont know when last we checked he was still on the steroid. We have no idea because other than giving him the green light, we just havent gotten a lot of transparency. Alisyn, the president has always been somebody who behaved erratically. He seems to be behaving more erratically than usual right now in a way that makes him a danger to himself as well as people around him. He has insisted on going to the oval office, even though he is very likely still infectious with covid. He is making these rapid reversals by saying, oh, im going to skill the stimulus talks, then im going to revive the stimulus talks, im going to pull out of the debate, no, now i want a debate. This is odd behavior from the president. As you mentioned, he is on a powerful steroid for treatment of his coronavirus. We have not heard directly from his doctor. We get these vague statements that he puts out. Weve gotten taped statements, we expect to see him on camera today on fox, but we do not know if the president is getting healthier or not and certainly from to judge from his behavior, he is not well right now. John, we have to run, but Vice President mike pence canceled a scheduled trip to indiana and came back to washington earlier than we had thought he was going to. Is there any information exactly about why . No. Theyve kept that from us. Theyve said its not caused by a positive covid test for the Vice President or anyone in his party. So theyre trying to take that off the table, but theyre not saying why. And you cannot divorce the fact that hes canceled a schedule, come back to washington from the broader context were discussing which is a president who is ill and behaving in a strange way. John, appreciate t john and juliet, thank you for being with us this morning. As we speak more major news. The gulf coast bracing for yet another major storm. Hurricane delta is set to make a record breaking landfall in louisiana in just hours. The new 8 00 a. M. Advisory has just been released. So we want to get right to ken graham, he is the director of the National Hurricane center. Ken, thanks so much for being with us this morning. Tell us everything you can about how big, how strong this storm is, where and when its going to hit. Good morning, john. Big storm. I mean, this is one of these situations that even if you get fluctuations in that wind speed still 120 miles an hour so strong hurricane, but look at the wind field. John, thats 140 miles out from the center. So its not just inside that cone, its not just around that center. If you extend those Tropical Storm force winds inland as this moves over the next 24 hours there is a lot of folks that will see some big time wind. The other part that we have is a larger storm that will actually produce more storm surge, larger storms do that. Some of these areas lifethreatening storm surge. You look at Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge over to morgan city, thats 7 to 11 foot of storm surge. Thats water up your pant leg, thats inundation and thats dangerous. Ive lost track of the names at this point because there have been so many hurricanes to make landfall along the gulf coast. Thats why we called this record breaking. How closely does the palt of this storm follow the paths of the others . Its so close. If you go back and look at hurricane laura and you look at this one, both impacting areas around cameron, louisiana, so close, so, you know, you had hurricane laura produce all the Hurricane Force winds, over 17 foot of storage surge we had in hurricane laura, now were talking 7 to 11 foot of storm surge and Hurricane Force winds over the same area. Its been a record breaking busy season in 2020. What added concerns does that cause if you have a second strike right where people are still recovering . Its dangerous because its one of these situation you are trying to still clean up and recover and you put Hurricane Force winds on top of that, a blow like that is very difficult. Talk about that storm surge, getting folks out of there, keeping people safe thats the biggest thing we are concerned with. Please listen to all the information youre getting from state, local and federal officials. Ken, as always, thank you for being with us this morning. Thank you. So President Trump says hes ready to get back on the campaign trail. He says he wants to have a rally tomorrow in florida. Whats the medical opinion of this . Dr. Sanjay gupta joins us next. Yet some say it isnt real milk. I guess those cows must actually be big dogs. Sit i said sit latonight, silence it with newd byzzzquil night pain. Because pain should never get in the way of a restful nights sleep. New zzzquil night pain. Silence pain, sleep soundly. The u. S. Recorded 56,000 new Coronavirus Infections on thursday. That is the highest in almost two months. Hospitalizations also rising nationwide. Nine states mostly in the midwest breaking records on thursday. Were joined by cnn chief medical correspondent dr. Sanjay gupta. Sanjay, it feels like i mean, obviously were going in the wrong direction, we know that, but it seems like the prediction of what was going to happen in the fall that were starting to see it. Yeah, i think there is no question. The concern has been we knew we were going to see more people becoming newly infected, but was it potentially going to go into exponential growth . Was it going to start to the lines of people becoming infected starting to up, straight up and even hospitalizations. I think theres two important things and we spent some time this morning crunching these numbers, but one of the things is that there has been this belief that, look, if kids start going back to school and colleges, you know, they are less likely to get infected, they are less likely to get sick and that remains true, but what were seeing is the second part of that equation now which is despite that, kids being less likely to get sick, they are still spreading it and they are spreading it to Vulnerable People and thats why the hospitalization rates and the death rates have stayed pretty high and as you point out are starting to go up. Theres Something Else that i think i want to point out to you and i want to show you this, this is deep down sort of within the ihme models, but this has been a source of concern for some time and it really has to do with i dont know if you can read that, but i will explain it quickly. It really has to do with hospital bed needs as we go into the fall and early winter. Basically, you know, we have about, you know, 1 point about a million beds, staffed hospital beds in this country. If you look at that trajectory what were starting to see is by january 1st we may need close to 4 million beds this this country. Which means disaster planning people in big cities across the country are looking at buildings and starting to ask could these buildings potentially be staffed hospital bet seddings . Its going to be cold outside, harder to do things outside as you saw over the spring and summer. These are the types of real conversations that are happening. When you start to talk about hospitalizations going up the next thing you have to ask is could hospitals potentially become overwhelmed. This isnt just incremental. We are talking, you know, 300, 400 percent the demand on the system in terms of what its capable of delivering right now. People are letting their guard down, sanjay. They just are. All you have to do is look in your own community and own workplace, people are behaving differently now as if things are improving and they are actually going in the opposite direction. Thats where the connection is to what were seeing in our every day lives and what were seeing in washington, d. C. And at the white house with the president of the United States who is infected with coronavirus right now, making decisions like apparently deciding to go back out to do a Campaign Rally tomorrow. He has a doctors note, but im not sure that doctors note tells us that its safe other than to put down words that, you know, on paper that say, hey, we think the president is fine to do it. Yeah, i mean, i read that doctors note. First of all, that is not how doctors communicate. There was a lot of jargon in there that is just not Standard Convention which right away raises your eyebrows. That last note didnt even say whether or not he had a fever, which as you know is a basic criteria, are you feverfree for a period of time off of meds. He is not off of his meds. Lets not forget it was just a week ago today that the president was essentially medevaced from the white house to the hospital, lots of concern, needing supplemental oxygen, three experimental medications. 74 years old. I mean, you know, a lot of people who may be watching may think if that was me there is no way i would be thinking within a weeks time to be doing this. For that reason alone it makes no sense. We still dont know what the negative test is so we dont have a sense of his contagiousness. This is not just, you know, political intrigue. That is a really relevant point. Finally, you know, ive got to say even before the president got diagnosed with covid, we have had many conversations on your program, the idea of having rallies, the idea of aggregating people together in the middle of a pandemic when the numbers are getting worse, not better, as you point out, i mean, it made no sense even before this. It definitely doesnt make any sense right now. Well, then youre really not going to like the pictures of don jr. s rally yesterday along with Governor Ron Desantis in florida. They had it packed indoors, sanjay, and i cant believe this. Believe it. Believe it. I mean, you know, look look at how theyre conducting it indoors, after the super spreader what we believe to have been the super spreader event at the white house. There were a few masks in that crowd and i know, sanjay, that, you know, you cant always save people from themselves who dont want to be saved. I get it, people are grownups, they can make their own decisions. If only they could also agree not to use valuable hospital resources when they get sick, but of course thats not the compact that we have with people in america. And so who knows whats going to happen two to three weeks from now. Right. I mean, its awful to watch. It just gives me a pit in my stomach to see those things. You know, look, they may require hospital resources. They could also be sources of spread. I mean, thats a huge concern. You are not you say, look, i dont care, im willing to take the risk, i dont really believe this virus is a big deal or whatever, but then you could potentially spread it to other people. Thats the nature of a contagious deadly virus. We were talking last night to a few ethics specialists like what is the metaphor for this . What examples do we have for this . If you have a known contagious deadly virus and you dont act responsibly and possibly spread it to others, what are the ramifications for that in this country . I guess the closest thing we think of is Something Like hiv which is obviously very different in terms of how it spreads, but its morally wrong if not legally, i dont know the legalities here, but youre absolutely right and i just showed you what the hospital bed sort of demand is going to be and i know that thats going to frighten a lot of people to think that, you know, a lot of people will be told over the next few months when they call and theyre going to say we dont have any hospital beds. We are 200 over, you know, flowing right now. So its a real concern when we look back historically at events like that indoors bringing a lot of people together, unmasked in the middle of a pandemic. Sanjay, i want your take on the president s interview last night over the phone. He was talking about a number of things, but a couple times as any recovering person would, and i dont necessarily think its alarming, i just think its evidence of a fact of a guy who has been sick and trying to get better, stops, coughs, catches his breath. Listen. I mean, the last time i had a big problem they oscillated my mics when i had the one debate, we had three debates with hillary and on i think the first debate they excuse me, on the first debate they oscillated the mic. I want them to vote but i will say this, absentee is okay because absentee ballots excuse me, absentee ballots are fine. What do you hear there, sanjay . He sounds congested still, you know, and, yeah, i hadnt heard that before. Its interesting because, you know, hes obviously still just, what, seven days out, eight days out from when he first developed symptoms so he would still be in that period for sure. Hes also my understanding is still on the steroid medication which usually acts as a very potent antiinflammatory so that could be masking whatever symptoms he does have, so as you start to take him off steroids, you know its worrisome. He still sounds sick and its not surprising as you say, john, its not each been a week since he was medevaced from the white house to walter reed. They have to take care of him. He has to take care of himself. Anybody, i think you dont need to be a doctor to be able to tell that and i am really worried about these steroids. He is off the other meds it sounds like, the remdesivir, he got a single dose it sounds like the monoclonal antibodies. The steroids dont treat the virus, they treat the inflammation in the body, once you take the ster oeds off they typically are a tenday course, we looked at the recovery trial which this has trialed, tenday course, 6 milligrams a day. When you come off the steroids that inflammation may come back. It may be hes masking symptoms right now. This isnt political intrigue, this is decent humanity at this point. He sounds sick and he is 74 years old and this is a serious disease. Very helpful, sanjay, as always. Thank you for all of that information. Join sanjay and Anderson Cooper for a brandnew cnn global town hall with five former cdc directors. Watch coronavirus facts and fears tomorrow night at 9 00 a. M. Sorry, at 9 00 p. M. On cnn. Watch all day. Whats the difference for us, john, really. Will there be another president ial debate this year . And what would it look like . How would it happen . What exactly will the date be, id like to know. We will ask the experts next. U o 60 off amazing hotels. And when you get a big deal. You feel like a big deal. Priceline. Every trip is a big deal. Each febreze car vent clip gives you up to 30 days of fresh air. So, you can have open window freshness. Even with all the windows up. Enjoy fresh, any time, with febreze. 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What did you hear yesterday when it was sort of canceled . There are certainly some road blocks that got thrown up yesterday to have the two remaining debates, but in these things there is always a way to negotiate, but it depends on both candidates believing that it is in their interest. So the difficulties with the president s getting the coronavirus means that there are all sorts of incentives to be safe rather than sorry. The political dynamic does not give joe biden a real reason to want to have other debates. Donald trump desperately needs one. So you have a difference in the strategies, i think, of the two campaigns that make finding a resolution more difficult. The difference in strategies . Im not sure there is a strategy in the Trump Campaign, ben. This is why i desperately wanted you on. Yesterday when the Debate Commission made its decision which they said was based on science Donald Trumps first reaction and the Trump Campaigns first reaction was we are not going to do the debate. How on earth does it make sense for a campaign ten points behind in some polls to walk away from a debate . That seems like malpractice. I was puzzled by that. I think the virtual debate would not be as good, i think his initial reaction was probably they will cut off my mic after two minutes, that would be a rapid change from from the previous debate, and secondarily i suppose the Trump Campaign could say to the Commission Let your Cleveland Clinic doctors examine him and clear him if they want a future debate. Neither one has happened. David axelrod, are we going to have more debates or not . I suspect there will be one more debate on october 22nd but i totally agree with ben. I mean, biden there is a basic rule of politics, if you are ahead you dont have a great incentive to debate, if you are behind you desperately need one. The Biden Campaign agreed to three debates. I imagine if the president if the president is able to debate on october 22nd they will be there on october 22nd, but frankly if there are no more debates that would be fine with him, too. Hes ten points ahead in this race. Hes got the ball and the clock and everything is working in his favor. You know, i think the president will show up on the 22nd if his health permits and he claims his health permits here. One thing on the virtual debate is hes going out to rallies on saturday and if he agreed to a virtual debate because there were concerns about the community kablt of his coronavirus on the 15th it would be it would be a conflicting message, but he needs these debates and at the end of the day i dont think hes got a great negotiating position here. Well, because of what he did. I mean, he outnegotiated himself right away. He just walked away at the outset and if the Biden Campaign did what i think any campaign would do which was say, okay, if you are going to crack the door open we will drive a truck through t i read your twitter feed, you say the president has turned his own political suicide into a surreal reality show. Yeah. I mean, look, i think he first of all, that last you say ben negotiated the temperature in the room in the debates, im sure the trump folks would have liked to have turned his temperature down because that was a terribly destructive event and hes been cascading downward since even before he got sick. Hes in a very bad position and all his antics since he got the virus has just reminded people why they were disillusioned with his handling of the virus in the first place. You know, he has he hasnt been straight with people about that. So i think he is just driving himself into a deeper and deeper hole and im sure the people around him are aware of it. I just dont think anybody can stop him. Ben, one of the things that i think the trump camp came back with yesterday when they wanted back in to the debate negotiation was, okay, lets do it october 29th in person. Then i think the biden camp said, no thats too close to the election. Why is that too close to the election . Its too close to the election because in the last week of the campaign you want your candidate out as much as possible meeting people, whether thats virtually or doing live rallies. The fact of the matter is that to prepare for any debate requires a candidate to take down time from the campaign trail and so that late would take you away interest that essential function of a campaign, plus so many people this year will have voted already by october 29th that it doesnt make much sense to have something negotiator ben ginsburg would never allow a debate ten days before election day. The Biden Campaign, joe biden and Kamala Harris and anyone associated with the campaign refuses to answer questions now about the Vice President s stance on adding to the number of Supreme Court justices or ending the filibuster they say its a distraction. I want to listen to the still new way that Vice President biden avoided the question yesterday. You will know my opinion on Court Packing when the election is over. Now, look, i know its a great question and i dont blame you for asking, but you know the moment i answer that question the headline in every one of your papers will be about that. Other than other than focusing on whats happening now. Im not sure that his team wanted him to say i will answer the question after the election, david. Whats the right way to handle this . The right way to handle it is, look, weve got really, really grave issues facing this country, the coronavirus, an economy thats in the ditch. Im going to have my hands full and im not contemplating that question right now, i have other things on my plate and we will approach it at the appropriate time. I mean, which is, i think, a very valid answer, but, you know, listen, here is the deal, you know, hes on a ledge on this one because the democratic some of the Democratic Base are going to be really eager to add seats to the court. It doesnt poll well nationally, its, i think, a 32 issue nationally. So he either displeases his base or displeases everybody else. Better not to answer the question is the calculation that hes making. The risk hes running is that by not answering it seems to you know, everybody can paint their worst interpretation on the answer. But i think theyve weighed the pluses and minuses of those and theyve decided that the that straddling is the best way to go here. Gentlemen, we have to let you go. Ben, is there any way you can negotiate the temperature in the studio here for me . Ive lost feeling in my hands. Sure, im happy to try that. Thank you. I have to deal with my house, though. I know. All of those temperature disagreements. I know them well. Ben, david, thank you both very much. Overnight a federal judge striking down restrictions on ballot drop boxes in one crucial swing state. We have all the details for you ahead in a live report. Heres another cleaning tip from mr. Clean. 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To deny drivers the rights they deserve. No sick leave. No workers comp. No unemployment benefits. Vote no on the deceptive uber, lyft, doordash prop 22. One ride california doesnt want to take. In ohio a federal judge has blocked and order from the secretary of state that would limit ballot drop boxes to just one location per county in a scathing opinion the judge slammed the secretary of state for jeopardizing the right to vote. Cnns Kristen Holmes live in washington with more. The battle continues. Reporter thats right, john. We should note this is a big win for voter advocacy groups and ohio democrats who had been fighting this issue. The secretary of state he has already filed an appeal, but the judge did not issue a stay, means that this will go into effect immediately which is important since early voting has already begun in ohio. John, you mentioned that this was a scathing opinion. I want to read to you in part what this ohio judge said. He wrote, the court holds that the directive significantly burdens the right to vote and ultimately may have the effect of deterring many people from voting or forcing them to risk their health by voting in person. Voting began on october 6th and absent injunctive relief registered voters will be deprived of a fair election. One thing the judge also noted was that this directive would directly Impact Communities of color. I think its important that we continue to report that out. All of these voter limitations, limiting access for voters, that affects communities of color in a huge proportion across the country, john. Alisyn . Thank you very much, kristen, i will take it here. Thanks for all that reporting. So staying active is more important than ever for our physical and Mental Health and for people recovering from addiction it can be a life saver. 2012 cnn hero scott strode and his nonprofit provide free athletic activities and a sober support community for thousands of people. So when coronavirus forced the organization to close its gyms, they had to find ways to stay connected online. Cnn correspondent Phil Mattingly joined a phoenix class to see how theyve kept the interaction going strong. Key moment, everyone. Lets try to get two or three move. You have 20 seconds. Nice job, phil. What was kind of your thought when coronavirus first started to spread and lockdowns really started to kick into gear . I just knew that that social isolation was going to be a big risk for relapse for a lot of people. So pretty quickly we pivoted to offering virtual programs. We knew we had to keep people connected in this sort of uncertain and stressful time. Three, two, one. And down for the sit up. Just always lifts my heart to log into a phoenix Virtual Class and meet somebody in recovery who is doing the workout in their basement somewhere in tennessee where we dont even have inperson programs but they can come to the phoenix anyway. Nice job, everyone. To learn more about scotts program and to see if Phil Mattingly made it through the class, go to cnnheroes. Com. Okay. Our top story an extremist plot to kidnap the democratic governor of michigan. Did the president s language about liberating the state from coronavirus lockdowns play a role in this . Michigans attorney general is going to join us live next. Yeah, thats half the fun of a new house. Seeing what people left behind in the attic. Well, saving on Homeowners Insurance with geicos help was pretty fun too. Ahhhh, its a tiny dancer. They left a ton of stuff up here. Welp, enjoy your house. Nope. No thank you. Geico could help you save on homeowners and renters insurance. Rakuten is free to sign up and its in over 3,000 stores. I use it to buy makeup. Travel. Clothes, electronics to me, rakuten is a great way to get cash back on anything you buy. Sign up today and get cash back with rakuten. Try optum perks. Its a new way to save up to 80 . And everyone can do it. 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Well, it was an extensive plot, there is no question about that, and i think whats important for people to know is that its not just the organizations that were alleged to have committed these offenses in the both federal and state complaints, there are many groups operating out there and if you recall the director of the fbi has stated quite clearly that domestic terrorism is one of the biggest threats that we have ongoing to our security in the United States and i think that this case really testimony straigh demonstrates that, but the fact is there are multiple groups operating across multiple jurisdictions in many different states and its something we need to be very concerned about. What were seeing here in michigan right now, its not just a michigan problem, its an american problem and i think theres going to be more incidences to come. On exactly this point our terrific reporter sara sidner had been working on a story in michigan prior to these arrests where she was speaking to a former neonazi and i want you to listen to the concerns that he raised three days ago. Whats the scenario in this election that would create what youre calling the potential of a race war . Im telling you this is going to happen. States like michigan, states like wisconsin, the northern states have some wilderness area, there have been militias from other states training up there. They are waiting and hoping that something does go wrong because they want to holed up in them hills and they want to say we dont want the federal government up here no more, we dont want to let black people or this is going to be our homeland. This isnt just a michigan problem, this is something happening around the country. It was really stark to hear that warning just a few days ago. What are you doing to protect against this over the next three weeks . I will say that both the federal authorities and authorities across multiple states are very active, very engaged and to that gentlemans point, you know, i think the message to be sent is dont think that we dont know about it, that were not watching and that we are not in a position where we will intervene in the event we see immediate threats, but can i bring up a point that no one seems to be talking about . Over the summer United States attorney general bill barr testified under oath before the House Judiciary Committee that he had no idea that there were any threats being made at all to the governor of the state of michigan, and yet his own authorities were actively working to foil these types of plans and these threats, which seems very curious to me that either, a, he didnt know what was happening in his own Justice Department or, b, he committed perjury. In fact, the attorney general, william barr, weve seen him in public associated with many federal Law Enforcement operations. You can see up on the screen, hes gone to be there in person to places like kansas city and milwaukee and chicago to associate himself with operations fighting urban violence or fighting what he considers to be leftist violence. What have you heard from the attorney general yourself since these arrests were made . Well, i think whether its from the president of the United States or whether its from bill barr, every time we see arrests or intervention when it comes to these right wing extremist groups there almost seems to be some sort of pattern of condoning these activities and then immediately pointing to left wing groups like antifa. I will tell you we have a lot of investigations going on in our office right now, nothing about antifa, nothing about any left wing groups that had been brought to our attention. Unfortunately a lot of activity involving right wing groups. When we talk about domestic terrorism, you know, i you know, the president doesnt skip a beat when it comes to calling out extremism when it comes from, say, you know, someone who is muslim or a person of color, but when it is right wing white men that seem to be involved in these activities, you rarely hear anything come out of the president s mouth that would presume that he opposes their conduct. And its very disturbing and i think its really everybody keeps talking about it being a dog whistle to these groups, but i see it more as a call to action. Again, have you heard it all from the attorney general of the situates . This was an fbi action, federal Law Enforcement and state Law Enforcement working together. Any outreach at all from william barr . No, but i will say im very appreciative of the hard work that federal authorities put into these cases here. We worked in conjunction with the fbi as well as the u. S. Attorneys from both the eastern and western districts of michigan. So these are individuals who care deeply about their jobs and i think the message is whether or not you think that washington, d. C. Is very interested in whatever the president has to say about this or whatever the United States attorney general has to say about it, you know, those who are lifetime members of Law Enforcement care deeply about this and of course again its not just a plot to, you know, kidnap and execute our governor, but it goes much further than that including acts of violence against Law Enforcement themselves. We have about 30 seconds left. What specifically are you doing at this point or how are you preparing to protect the polls on election day . Well, we are working in conjunction with state police, county prosecutors, Municipal Police departments and i would like to send this message to your viewers, if you plan to vote in the state of michigan and i will say this for states all across the country where attorneys general are very engaged, we will ensure that it is safe and secure and that you can vote without threat and that is more important to us right now than virtually anything. Attorney general dana nessel, thank you for the update and the status of the situation in michigan. We appreciate your time. Please stay safe. Coronavirus cases and hospitalizations surging across the country. Nine states with a record hospitalizations. Cnns coverage continues right after this. Try my favorite, turkey. Order on the app. Anything for my fans. Try the new subway buffalo chicken or bbq chicken. Try the new subway buffalo chicken okay, give it a try. Between wisdom and curiosity, theres a bridge. 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And measure rr helps essential workers like me get to work and keep our communities healthy. Relieve traffic. Reduce pollution. Rescue caltrain. [all] yes on measure rr. Good morning, everyone. It is friday and there is a whole lot of news. Were glad that you are here, im poppy harlow. And im jim sciutto. We will keep you on top of all the news. Here is what were following this morning. There is a hurricane approaching the coast, there is the latest on the National Health crisis, real questions about how transparent the white house is being about the president s health, and a domestic terrorism plot targeting a sitting governor. Yeah. Were covering all these headlines this morning. First up, hurricane delta is gaining strength, it is a category 3 s

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