The son is dead, the husband again. And we have heard that from doctors around florida, critically injured. The judge was not hurt. Particularly in miamidade. And the other concern, if we can a source tells cnn that the put this up on the screen, the gunman appeared to be wearing a sevenday rolling average of fedex uniform and opened fire at the front door. This judge has presided over daily deaths in florida, which is rising. It is rising and rising in several highprofile cases. Well bring you the very latest pretty steep fashion, dr. Details. Also breaking overnight, tear gas fired at protests in morazo. So i dont want to play the portland, oregon. Sound of the president talking protesters and local officials incorrectly about the surge of want answers about the presence cases in the country being just of hardtoidentify federal about testing, because we can officers. We have a live report from both see the rise in daily deaths, in scenes, ahead. Florida alone. Also, john, overnight, 61,000 what does that tell you . New cases of coronavirus in the yeah, its very disturbing, United States. The death toll is now more than john. And as you note and as dr. 140,000 americans. Cases in florida are still carballo mentioned very eloquently, the surge in death spiking, where dozens of is a predictable trajectory of hospital icus are beyond an increase in cases. Capacity. Arizona is reporting a record and also an increase in cases death toll, as well. That are occurring in the and President Trump is patients most vulnerable to reportedly bored with all of that really devastating outcome, this. Thats the quote in the new right . We know that older folks are york times from a republican much more likely to die from this disease. And i think what were seeing is political strategy. The report goes on to say that chief of staff mark meadows and other top aides are on a mission this cycle of three weeks after, to avoid drawing attention to four weeks after, we have this this pandemic. But lest begin our coverage with Large Community spread opportunity. Cnns brynn gingras. First, it was memorial day. She is live in north brunswick, im sorry to say, almost new jersey, at the deadly shooting at that federal judges certainly, july 4th weekend is home. What have you learned at this probably going to be one of the hour, brynn . Focal points for this. So were really just seeing reporter yeah, alisyn. This is a neighborhood in these things play out, exactly disbelief. As we might have predicted. We just talked to a neighborhood who said that esther salas and which is really bad. Its really affecting our her husband, mark, were wonderful people. Hospital capacity throughout the their son, daniel, just 20 years southeast, as was just noted. Old, also just a wonderful mank. And thats really cause for concern. Dr. Caraballo. Now, what were learning from investigators here, what happened at this home behind me, one of the things i think we you can see the crime scene tape have a miscan conception about, still up from sources. Were learning that a gunman the younger people, under 30, we came to the door of this home, have this vision in our head of the party at the lake of the the door answered by the judges son. Ozarks and nobody is social distancing and theyre all too again, 20yearold daniel. Close to each other and then we hear about a spike after his father, not far behind him. Memorial day, maybe they were that gunman wearing a fedex all partying together in a uniform. Its you be clear if it was a backyard somewhere. But what youre seeing are that disguise or actually a fedex employee, but opened fire, they are the essential workers, that these are the fast food killing the 20yearold and injuring the judges husband workers, these are the responsible young people that are getting sick, because they whos now at the hospital. Had to go back to work, because they needed a paycheck. Were hearing that the judge was home at the time, but unharmed. Yeah, one thing ive noticed, identify started asking people a lot of questions here. What they do for a living when motive the major one. Why did this happen . What are the reasons . Investigators including the fbi they come in. And u. S. Marshals looking into that, as we speak. And in early june, these were we know, as you guys said, the people that work in restaurants judge, esther salas, has and Grocery Stores and auto presided over some really mechanics and stores. Highprofile cases, including the fraud case and sentencing of unfortunately, a lot of these the real housewives, teresa and are essential workers that we need, who cant afford to take joe giudice, a couple of years ago. A couple of years ago, she was weeks off so maybe theyll tough involved in the sentencing of a it out and go to work when they very notorious gang member in should be going home. Newark. And most recently, she was and people who cant go on a handed the case that involved zoom call to do their job. They have to go into their job Deutsche Bank and its handling every day. Of highrisk clients, including unfortunately, too, these are people that may not have the jeffrey epstein. So that was a class action suit best insurance or might be on medicaid or real tight budgets. With Deutsche Bank. So there are a number of things its really disfortunate. That investigators are looking and weve seen very into. And again, as i mentioned, her husband, as well, a criminal defense attorney. So a lot here that vrinvestigats disproportionate. Minorities are doing bad here in are sifting through. Hillsborough. We saw initially with the and its a massive migrant workers, a lot of them investigation. Neighbors telling us that the were getting very sick. Son was really the heart of this family. She recalled a story whendelive might have something to do with viral load if theyre in close quarters with each other. The snow a couple of doors down, but were seeing its been addition proportionately hitting people of color and minorities just to make sure that the more so than people who probably neighbors were well taken care of during a massive snowstorm, work desk jobs who can work from loved playing basketball and baseball with his father. Home. Dr. Marrazzo, what are you just a heartbreaking story and so many questions still need to seeing in country now or not seeing as the case may be, that be answered this morning. Indeed, indeed. Will bend this steep curve down . Brynn gingras, thank you so much for being with us. Joining us now, jonathan bawakr, its very hard to predict, john, as you know. One of the points that might be being missed that has just been a former secret Service Agent in the obama white house. Mentioned is that the more this judge was presiding over epidemic the disease is in a several highprofile cases, the community, that is the more husband also a criminal defense attorney, which raises sustainable transmission there is, the more cases there are, questions. How are federal agents now going the more opportunities there are about investigating this case . For people to get infected. Thanks, john. So you dont have to go to a listen, this is a very pool party at the lake of the complicated case, but this was ozarks. You dont have to go to a not a crime of opportunity, this crowded bar and have a drink and was a premeditated attack. So when we look at, you know, breathe on each other. From Law Enforcements point of view, theyre looking at the attack elements. You can become infected much theyre looking at things like more easily just by going to the the cover, the recognition and store without wearing a mask and perhaps being very close to accessibility. What does that mean . Someone whos serving you or to the cover that was used. This attacker used the cover of a restaurant or Something Like a fedex delivery person to get that. How are we going to bend the close to the house. And think about how brazen this curve down. We need to reduce this rate of attack was. Community transmission. The only thing we really have you could have attacked the judge or her husband or her son right now are those boring tools at any location. This attacker went right to the that some may be tired of hearing about, which are social front door. They limited their recognition distancing and mask wearing. Thats really what we need to by the potential victim by do. Hand hygiene, as well. Utilizing the cover. And when we get a little bit so being able to get right to better handle on this, we can start to think about Contact Tracing again, isolation, and that front door, have the front door open, and launch this quarantine. Dr. Marrazzo, dr. Caraballo, brutal attack. Then the accessibility. The ease of entering into the property and get out to the attack location. Thank you very much for all the fact that this was done in broad Important Information this morning. Daylight was to me an indicator federal agents using tear gas on protesters in portland. That the attacker had no fear of being caught. Who are these officers and why are they there . We ask a top trump right now, this is the channel for Law Enforcement. Administration official, next. What is the motive . We know the intent was to kill, but what is the motive of this attack. Jonathan, if the intent is to kill, it is common in these ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, horrible cases for the shooter balanced nutrition for strength and energy. To leave after killing the wrong person . In other words, the idea whoohoo people are looking at whether or great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, not this federal judge, esther 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to salas was the target, but she support immune health. Wasnt shot, her husband was and her son was killed. What does that tell us . Listen, i think this is the challenge right now. I know everyones keeg in on the federal judge, but we have two very prominent figures that were living in house at the same time. And there are various potential motivating grievances for both of them. I know in the previous reporting, we highlighted some of the cases that the federal judge was addressing, but theres a lot of threat vectors that could come from the husband as well. As a prominent criminal defense attorney, there are a lot of people that could have a grievance towards him as to things he may or may not have done to defend his clients. This is where Law Enforcement has a significant job ahead of him to look at the husband and the wife separately in terms of threats against them. Who had the means, opportunity, and intent to cause harm . Thats the underlying factors theyre looking for, for both of them. And were really at the fantasy of this investigation. And therell definitely be more to come, very quickly. In terms of the federal judge, one of the cases she was assigned to cover was involving Deutsche Bank and possible fraud on the handling of investments, including those of jeffrey epstein, which i know will catch everyones attention and eyebrows here. How do investigators go about looking at past cases of this judge . They have to look at everything. Obviously, thats a very prominent thing right now to put on the docket. But we dont know where this grievance came from. We dont know what the motivation was. This could be a case from five, and nutrients to dont just think about where youre headed this summer. Six years ago. What Law Enforcement has to do right now is gather all the think about how youll get there. Facts that they have. They have to look at both the husband and the wife. They have to look at the entire and now that you can lease or buy a new lincoln remotely or in person. Digital domain. Who were they talking to, did they receive any types of discovering that feeling has never been more effortless. Threats . Did their staff receive any types of threats . A lot of times, the individuals accept our summer invitation may not know there were a lot of to get 0 apr on all 2020 lincoln vehicles. Troubling telephone calls coming into an Office Location or hate only at your lincoln dealer. Mail or anything like that. So, again, Law Enforcement is going through, theyre going to whether its bribes. Or an overdue makeover. Put out a wide net to collect as get all your pet essentials right when you need them, much evidence as possible, as with Curbside Pickup at petsmart. Much information as possible to just order online, drive up, checkin, and pick up. Then start narrowing down the potential motivating factors for this attack. Jonathan wackrow, thank you very much for all the information and expertise. Now to the coronavirus. 31 states are seeing infections rise over the last week and los angeles and miamidade counties but what if you could startdo better than that . Hitting records for cases as like adapt. Discover. Deliver. Well. Joining us now, dr. Damian ca a in new ways. To new customers. What if you could come back stronger . Faster. Better. At comcast business, we want to help you not just bounce back. Carballio. I want to start with you because but bounce forward. You are in the emergency room. And now, were committed to helping you do just that what are you seeing today . Well, weve seen a real with a powerful and reliable internet explosion in florida in terms of cases. We started noticing in june, it and voice solution at a great price. Was more 20 and 30yearolds, call or go online today. Initially. And whats interesting is as the months gone by, its breaking overnight, federal police fired tear gas at protesters in portland, oregon, as some of them began disassembling a fence around the federal courthouse. This was the scene overnight. This morning, there were growing questions about camouflaged federal officers who have arrested protesters and put them in some cases into unmarked cars. Portlands mayor says these federal agents are escalating the situation. Joining me now is ken cuccinelli, tacting deputy secretary of Homeland Security. Kenneth, its great to have you on. Thank you so much for being with us. Overnight, you told the Washington Post that the agency the department of Homeland Security will maintain a heavy presence in portland and send reinforcements to other cities if violence surges. What does this mean exactly in terms of other cities and what can we expect in terms of a federal Law Enforcement National Deployment . So the violence in portland was going on for four, five, six weeks before we got intelligence about planned attacks on federal facilities. Where we backed up the federal protective service, which is responsible for protecting the courthouse there, and other federal buildings, with other dhs Law Enforcement components. And weve been there ever since, wearing the very same uniforms every day, and the crowd has seen them every day, marked and so forth. But if we get the same kind of intelligence in other places about threats to other federal facilities or officers, we would respond the same way. And we have a responsibility, the department of Homeland Security is charged with protecting these facilities. And when theyre unusually threatened, we advance is extra resources. Its really as simple as that. And as weve seen all around the country, where theres solid cooperation, which is a question in portland, because of how the civil authorities there want to run things, we see more peace advanced as responsible policing advances, as well. Lets break that down into parts. The mayor of portland actually says you said the federal officers went in there after several weeks of violence. The mayor there says the violence was actually improving and on the verge of being almost completely better, but the federal Law Enforcement deployment made it worse. Your response . No. Look, he has to say something. Hes kowtowing to a local police base. And if you look at the day by day, literally, every single day since late may, theyve had violence in portland. The idea that our advancing other agents on the july 4th weekend somehow escalated violence is literally just a talking point. Well, we are hearing that by the way, we are hearing that were hearing that from locals as well. Were hearing that from local press, as well. The intelligence we had was correct that weekend. You said specifically that these federal agents are acting when unusual threatened. Those were the exact words you just said to me. I want to put video of 53yearold chris david, a navy veteran up on the screen. I dont know if you can see this. This happened over the weekend, a 53yearold navy veteran. Hes the large man. Our audience can see them, you cant. But hes standing still and being hit repeatedly with batons there. Is that what you mean when you say that federal officers are being unusually threatened . What you have there is Marshal Service folks. You dont have dhs officers. Im familiar with the video youre talking about and all i have is the video that ive seen. I havent seen either the audio or the reports of officers of whats going on. But the unusual threats that im talking about but based on what you see can i finish . I dont base things on one the reason we came there wasnt because of some future video. The reason we advanced other dhs Law Enforcement officers is because there is intelligence locally generated that there were going to be threats to federal facilities. You know, maending an appropriate response is an ongoing obligation and i grant you that, and thats for all of us, but at the same time, the threat to those federal facilities and officers did materialize in the july 4th weekend and has maintained since that time and as long as it does, we will maintain our presence. When that violence recedes and those threats recede, that is when we would ratchet back down to what i would call normal presence, defending and protecting federal facilities that is regularly present in for portland. The question is about the appropriateness and the proportionality of the response and the people carrying it out. You say they are cpb, custom and Border Protection agents are in camouflage, have patches on. Based on my study of the video, its hard to see. Its hard to make out the patches to find out where theyre from. But im going to read from you a Homeland Security internal memo obtained by the New York Times on the training of these officer. It says, quote, the highly skilled tactical teams designed to support the civil unrest and riots do not specifically have training in riot control or mass demonstrations. That is incorrect. Well, if this type of response is going to be the norm, specialized training and standardized equipment should be deployed to responding agencies. Your response to that . Yeah, that is not correct. You see cbp, if you remember in the last year or two, rushes at the border where you saw crowd control cbp officers, really ofo officers, deployed. Its the same training and the people there in portland have that training from cbp. We have other officers there doing why was this dhs memo written . I didnt write this memo. This is your own department that wrote this memo. Theater did i. Neither did it. Neither did it. Its a big department, 240,000 people. And that is not correct. And fds, in addition, because all of these agents from outside the federal protective service are there to support fds and its mission, they have not only been crossdesignated, they got additional training from fps related to their authorities with respect to protecting the facilities. So not only do they have the base training, they also have the training necessary, which is a largely legal training, which all officers get, to understand the jurisdictional boundaries under which theyre operating, as people in support of fps. One of the videos that have caused concern and senator jeff merkley of oregon disseminated this, as well, was a man being put in an unmarked van on the streets. I wonder if we can show this video so people can see. These are the cbp agents that you were talking about, approaching the man, taking him and put him in an unmarked van. Locals there are asking the Office Officers to identify himself. There are people who have described this as being put in an unmarked video, taken away what are you doing . Use your words what are you doing first of all, Unmarked Police vehicles are so common its barely worth discussion. I mean, literally, every Police Department in america has them and uses them. We are no exception. Thats one. Two, the video you see was after a threeblock foot chase in which the individual had been identified as matching the description as someone assaulting a federal officer about one hour prior to the video that you see. And the person was put in the van, you obviously saw the surrounding crowd a little bit there, which was a bit of a dangerous situation, which is why the individual is moved away. And from the time they detained him until the time they released him was under ten minutes. And they also vifd themselves to the subject they picked up. They did not identify themselves to the crowd, nor do they have any obligation to do that. Nor will wow see that commence. We interact with the subjects were dealing with and thats it. And they determine i got to let you go. They determine that was not the person who did the assault and released them. Theres a federal u. S. Attorney launching an investigation into the practices out there and now members of congress are calling for the same. And inspectors general youre nodding your head. Do you intend to cooperate with these investigations . Yeah, with the Inspector General investigation, which is perfectly normal. We run our own investigation of every single use of force. Every single one, by the office of professional responsibility. So this is matter of course for us and you bet we will. Of course we will. Ken cuccinelli, great to have you on. Good to be with you. This morning, icus in floridas miamidade county, past capacity, as hospitalizations have hit a new record there. A mayor from one of those coronavirus hot spots j. And new adventures. You hope the more you give the less theyll miss. But even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past. They may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. Lets help protect them together. Because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. Ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. Ask your doctor if your teen did you know Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance tada so you only pay for what you need . Given my unique lifestyle, thatd be perfect let me grab a pen and some paper. Know what . Im gonna switch now. Just need my desk. My chair. And my phone. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Developing this morning, coronavirus cases in florida continue to surge. In miamidade county, hospitalizations hit a new high. And the icus are 27 over capacity. Joining me now is mayor hernandez of hialeah, florida. Thank you very much for taking the time to talk to us. So we just said positive cases in your county are at 26 and of course, the icus are over capacity. So, how are you going to turn this around . Yeah, this is scary. I mean, now, every day, its over 10,000. Its almost like the norm. You stayed at hospitals at full capacity. I spoke to two or three large hospitals in our city late last night. They have canceled nonemergency surgeries. And its a breaking point now, were at a critical stage. And more than ever, we have to unite. And i keep saying that. Our governor has certain ideas, our government here at the county has certain different ideas and cities have different ideas and nobody has come together yet to have one plan in motion. And i think thats causing a lot of confusion here in our state and thats the really of it right now. What do you want the governor to do today . First of all, i think that its about time that masks were mandated statewide. Like i said, you have counties here that if you go to them today, its like nothing happening. No mask, no distancing, nothing. And then you have other counties that are not working, one with another. For example, here in miamidade county, our county next to us at broward county, we have a curfew here where restaurants are closed and in broward, the restaurants are open. So whats happening, instead of people not going to restaurants, theyre just going across the border to those restaurants. As long as we dont work together, im talking counties and the state, were going to find ourselves with this problem right now. You cant fix this by pieces. Its got to be, work together, and thats not happening right now and thats the biggest problem i see. Why woken your governor issue a mask mandate when things are so bad in florida . I have no idea. I really cant talk on his behalf. I dont understand it i think that would be theres a lot of people that listen to him and the president. And theyre not listening to anybody else. And it would show a lot of leadership if people say its time that the state of florida, the masks were mandates and social distancing. And thats something he has chosen not to do and something he has to answer to. But the numbers speak for themselves. One of the things that your counties is going to do on thursday, you all issued an executive order about masks and social distancing. And for anybody who is out not wearing a mask or social distancing, as i understand it, the Fire Department and police can start issuing tickets. And these are steep ticket prices, fines, 100 to 500. Is this really happening . Is this just a threat or are police really doing this now . Listen, thats where the confusion and, you know, the cities, the large cities started doing this almost four weeks ago. The county decided to start doing this a week ago. Thats why i keep talking about working together. At one moment, the mayor of the county said it wasnt necessary, while the large cities said, hey, we need to start enforcing. We need to start doing this. Now, its happening countywide. But again, as long as we dont all unite, im going to keep saying this, at every level, local, county, state, and maybe federal, were going to find ourselves in the problem that we have right now. Its not the same message. Some people are confused and some people are taking sides. And this is no time for sides. This is no time for, you know, republicans, democrats. None of this game. Were in together and theres no way out if we dont all get on the same page. Do you know how many tickets in hialeah . Are people being ticketed for 100 for no masks there . We have given the orders. And thats been going on for a couple of weeks. We have closed a couple of businesses for not following the guidelines. And again, well see how that works, but i think more important, as i keep saying is the counties and the state working together. And thats not happening right now. Thats not happening. Or friday, Governor Desantis said that schools should reopen five days a week. He said that Elementary Schools are at almost zero risk. Do you agree . Listen, i dont agree with the governor on that. I think that nobody would want to put their kids at risk to catch coronavirus. And if that was a fact, which we have no evidence for that, those kids do have parents and they do have grandparents. And we all know how hard it is to control little kids and tell them to wear masks or respect social distance. I dont agree with that. Again, we have this serious issue right now and i dont think talking about opening schools is the right thing at this moment. It looks like from your facial expression, you dont think hes taking it seriously. I dont know if hes taking it seriously, i know hes late. Hes very, very late. And for a long time again, he was taking the position it was going to go away and he was late on testing sites. He was late on a lot of things and now we find ourselves in this situation. Mayor carlos hernandez, we really appreciate your time. Thank you very much. A financial lifeline of 600 a week for millions of unemployed americans will run out in just days. So whats the plan. Christine romans tells us. vo the time is coming for us to get out and go again. To visit all the places we didnt know meant so much. But were all going at our own speed. At enterprise, peaceofmind starts with our complete clean pledge, curbside rentals and lowtouch transactions. With so many vehicles of so many kinds, you can count on us to help you get everywhere you want to go. Again. Whenever youre ready, were ready for you. Enterprise. 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Com learn lawmakers back on capitol hill to kus the next round of stimulus as a key lifeline for millions of unemployed americans expires this week. Chief Business Correspondent Christine Romans joins us now. A lot of people have been le leaning on this extra 600. 25 Million People. And what the recovery looks like, john, depends on what Congress Hammers out in the next ten days or so. Mark meadows says kboerkss on the next stimulus package will start in earnest today. This is the last week for that lifeline for millions of americans. The extra 600 bucks a week in enhanced unemployment becnefits. Economists at both jpmorgan and Deutsche Bank says that money was effective, it worked as stimulus, it went into the economy, but some republicans have called the money a disincentive to go back to work. Without quick action, 25 Million People will have thousands of dollars less a month. The house has already passed a 3 trillion plan with more stimulus payments directly to americans and an extension of that 600 a week. Republicans have proposed a smaller 1 trillion package. They want Liability Protection for employers, hospitals, and schools. President trump wants more stimulus checks, too. He also wants a payroll tax cut. The president says he might advisory the next stimpackaulus package. The president has suggested that schools wont get funding if they dont open john, the recent surge in cases across the country is likely going to mean nor layoffs, more furloughs, more hardships for people and businesses. And data from the Census Bureau shows that half of the adults in the u. S. Live in households that lost income during the pandemic. We are at a critical moment here where what congress does next will determine how well we recover. A lot of people counting on their actions, to be sure. Christine romans, thanks very much. Alisyn . All right. How much do you know about the shadowy operation called qanon . John avlon has looked into their conspiracy theories and believes the q should stand for quacks. John avlon has your reality check. Normally, the last thing i would ever do is talk to you about qanon. Its a nonsense spear theory and trying to track its web of lies will only make you dumber, but these are not normal times. According to axios, there are eleven gop nominees that support or defend this bogus claptrap. Joe ray perkins, skbroirnand ge Marjory Taylor green. So what exactly is qanon . Im so sorry you asked. Get ready for some deep weirdness. Cnn captured its broad contours by saying its a deepless theory. Followers of qanon believe theres a cabal of satanworshiping pedophiles and trump is trying to take them down. It is seeped into the ground water of trump hyperpartisanship, with q paraphernalia appearing with disturbing regularity on his supporters. And the president has fanned the flames, reportedly retweeting q anon supporting memes, and hashtags. This month, Business Insider published data showing the Trump Campaign relice on a huge network of qanon accounts to spread conspiracy theories and disinformation. And a lot of these accounts are inauthentic. According to the tracking site bot sentinel, three of the top five bot amplified hashtags of 2020 are qanon related. If youre a follower, youre probably getting duped by a bot. Meanwhile, trumps former National Security adviser and convicted felon Michael Flynn recently decided to post is a video reciting some of its logans, which is not creepy at all. This is much more than a logically extreme extension of play to the base politics. The fbi classified qanon as a domestic terror threat. They have apparently been involved in a foiled president ial assassination plot, devastating california wildfire, and armed standoff with local Law Enforcement in arizona. When i wrote a book called wingnuts, conspiracy groups were already defining the conservative resis ttance obama administration, building on old foundations. Donald trumps embrace of the racist birther Conspiracy Theory fit this pattern perfectly and hes continued pumping up disinformation from the white house. Now, republicans may look at these likely nominees expressing support for qanon and try to convince themselves theyre outliers. After all, in 2018, the gop found themselves with strange bedfellows on therapy ballot as well with fox news describing arthur jones as one of several nazis, holocaust deniers or White Supremacists who have elbowed their way on to the gop ballot. But republicans need to ask themselves just why so many unhinged extremist candidates feel comfortable clustering under the gop banner. In the case of qanon, the answer lies at the top of the ticket, president donald trump. And thats your reality check. Our thanks to john avlon for some reality. A former middle School Principal beating a 16term democratic incumbent in the new york primary. The progressive newcomer joins us live, next. A stunning political upset a 16term incumbent and chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Eliot Engel defeated in a primary race here in new york by former educator Jamaal Bowman. Jamaal bowman joins me now. First off, congratulations, quite an achievement but the timing of this, it took nearly a month to declare you the winner here. So what concerns does that raise for you in terms of the coming november election, how long it will take to figure out maybe who wins the president ial race . Correct. You know, not just for me but for the entire country. You know, even on Election Night we had people waiting in two and threehour lines just to vote so we need massive investments in our board of elections to prepare for the mailin ballots that are going to be happening during the november elections. Its a logistical nightmare at the moment, so we need people power and money as well to make sure were able to count those votes much more efficiently. And its maybe not just a matter of efficiency either. Its a matter of the president drawing unfounded questions as to the entire legitimacy of it. Listen to an interview he did over the weekend with chris wallace. Are you a good loser . Im not a good loser. I dont like to lose. I dont lose too often. I dont like to lose. But are you gracious . You dont know until you see. It depends. I think mailin voting is going to rig the election. I really do. Are you suggesting that you might not accept the results of the election . I have to see. Can you give a direct answer you will accept the election . I have to see. Look, i have to see. No im not going to say yes or no and i didnt last time either. Yikes, what happens if the president doesnt accept the outcome of the election . Hes been exhibiting chaos leadership from the very beginning. He loves to stoke panic and fear and racial divide an misdirection. The country needs a calming presence right now. We need true leadership. We need people to have faith in the process and right now hes stoking the lack of faith and lack of hope and its unfortunate but this is the kind of president hes been from the very beginning. You ran very much as a new progressive here in new york. How would you say your politics align with that of the democratic nominee joe biden . You know, i think we align a lot more than people give us credit for. Joe biden wants to move this country forward in the right direction. The most excited thing im listening about is hes listening to people whom he may have disagreed with in the past. The Bernie Sanders joe Biden Alliance came together to draft policy platforms together. Im happy to see joe biden is more focused on environmental and justice change than he was before. Were dealing with the second biggest crisis since the great depression. We have to get people back to work, got to get a handle on the pandemic and im in alignment with joe biden fighting those fights as well as fighting for racial and Economic Justice in all its forms so i look forward to working with him and my democratic colleagues who some may call more moderate or centrist. Have you heard from the more moderate or centrist including the ones who endorsed your opponent, chuck schumer, nancy pelosi, hillary clinton, any called to congratulate you . Yes, many of them have. Theyve been very gracious. Theyre excited to get started and get to work, as am i. So yes, i mean thats water under the bridge. They have relationships with congressman engel for over 30 years so im not taking any of that personally. Right now its about coming together, getting to work and meeting the needs of the american people. I am curious, you brought up the pandemic. Youre a form educator for a long time. What are your views on opening schools . How safe is it . Do you think it will be for kids to go back to school in really just a few weeks . Well, its safer now in places like new york than it is in places like texas and florida, unfortunately, because we followed the protocols early on, and other states did not. We need massive federal investments to be truly ready to open our schools back up. We need finances and resources for increased ventilation, for increased cleaning services, to hire more teachers, lower class size, to use alternative learning spaces like environmental learning spaces and outside learning spaces, so there are a lot more conversations that need to be had. Its possible but we need more resources and we need everyone at the table to work collaboratively to get this thing figured out. Who is the future of the democratic party, joe biden or Jamaal Bowman . Which j. B. . Which j. B. . Thats a great question. You know, lets focus on the right now. Right now were dealing with a pandemic. Were dealing with uprisings across the country. You know, lets come together and fight for racial and Economic Justice and our Health Care System and Education System and housing and dealing with Food Insecurity and criminal justice reform. Were working together to fight against that. Im a bit younger, no offense to joe biden, so some may say that someone like me is the future. Im not going to say i myself is the future, but you know, right now people are yearning for change and i think this election shows that. We tripled voter turnout, the highest turnout of voting across new york state. People are excited about this campaign and yearning for change. Jamaal bowman, congratulations. You havent had too much time to celebrate. We appreciate you coming on the show. Good luck. Thanks for having me. Which j. B. , i know you were fishing for a john berman there . Im not the future of anything. I was talking about the democratic party. Were you . Yes, yes indeed. Because youre my pick for president. Thats fantastic. Well, unfortunately, i wasnt born in america. Oh, all right, well, never mind. Massachusetts. New day continues right now. The fbi is investigating after a gunman opened fire at the home of a federal judge in new jersey. The judges son and husband were shot when they opened the door. The son was killed. Really, every Single Person who had a matter before the justice is going to be thought of. The virus is out of control. We need to close down in florida. Arizona suffering its highest daily death toll since the pandemic began. Georgia and North Carolina hitting new highs in their single day case counts. This virus preys on our division. It preys when we get exhausted. We have to be as vigilant right now as we were the first day. Announcer this is new day with Alisyn Camerota and john berman. Good morning, everyone. Welcome to our viewers in the United States and all around the world. This is new day. We have breaking news, a gunman opened fire at the front door of a federal judges home in new jersey, killing her 20yearold son and critical any injuring her husband. A source tells cnn the gunman appeared to be wearing a fedex uniform. Judge esther some lass has presided over highprofile cases and well bring you the latest details. Police firing tear gas at protesters in portland, oregon and those protesters want answers about

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