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Touched down near a local tv station. There it is. Go inside. Go now. Get inside. A witness also captured this video of the funnel cloud right there. Its huge. All schools in nashville will be closed today. Officials say some polli inin is will open late. Theyre all supposed to be going to the polls today. This is nashville. This is tough. Well have more on this breaking news in just a moment. Lets begin with super tuesday. Voting is under way. Cnns brian todd is live at a tolling station in virginia. How is it going there, brian . Alisyn, getting through the rushhour push here in falls church, virginia. This is graham road elementary poll peep coming in and registering here, even bringing their children here, which we love. Weve talked to a lot of voters coming in and out of here about what drives them. Whats motivating them to come to the polls. A sense of civic duty. Passion for a particular candidate. Some of them are saying that they are just tired of the political discourse in this country or maybe the lack of it. We talked to one named Steven Potter about the division among american voters. How do you feel about all this polarization . It disturbs me greatly. I think its going to be the ruination of this country. If we dont realize that we need to be civil to one another, and particularly, even if we dont agree with one another, civil discourse. I hate the rancor. Its tearing this country apart. And i dont think its good for this country, and i think its something that, quite frankly, putin loves. Im sure hes sitting over there just happy as a lark seeing this country tear itself apart. And what i can also tell you is the changing field of Democratic Candidates has changed. The voting dynamic on the ground among the people weve talked to. Weve talked to close to 40some people who have come in and out of the polling station here. A lot of them telling us theyre going for joe biden because Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar dropped out. So thats one of the dynamics well be looking for. Well be talking to voters throughout the day. Brian, thank you very much. Joining us to talk about everything that has happened and that will be happening in the next 24 hours, we have cnn political commentator joe lockhart, former press secretary under president clinton, angela rye, a former executive director at the congressional black ca cauc caucus. Wajahid ali and abby phillip. Lets start with the endorsements. Joe, youre new to the panel this morning. So the endorsements last night of people who, up until hours earlier, were running against joe biden. And then Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg earlier from beto orourke, all came together and weve been talking about what we can liken that to. Some say its a team of rivals. Waj was saying its the avengers movie seeing them on stage. I thought it was something of an insurance policy of joe biden saying, if you are worried about me out there, america, maybe my age has worried you, maybe my mental acuity at times. These guys have my back. Maybe theyll be in my cabinet. He was calling them a team. He was signaling something. What did you see . Listen, i have done five president ial campaigns, and have watched five others. And ive never seen anything like this happen so quickly. The earthquake of South Carolina, which were still trying to figure out what it means, and were doing it trying to figure it out without data which weve become so addicted to data. We dont have any data that feels real. So all of that, the race has been shaken up, and i think the most interesting thing is it hasnt had enough time to really settle out. So that my instinct tells me thats going to help joe biden because sanders hasnt had a chance to counterpunch. It hasnt settled. But were going to see. I think if using your insurance policy, it was more the bulk of the Democratic Party saying, were not comfortable with taking the chance to Bernie Sanders. And were going to take what they believe is the safe choice. Whether thats the right choice or not is open to debate, but i think you saw in something that ive never seen move so quickly, a movement of the party to get behind one person, not because they necessarily believe that person is the candidate but because they believe that person has a better chance and is less risky than sanders. Not necessarily giant fans of joe biden. Hes the same guy he was last week before South Carolina, however, to an extent that isnt true. He won decisively in that state with the types of voters that any democrat will need. How do you explain what weve seen in the last 24 hours and what it means for today . First, its so interesting, joe, to hear you say that people are trying to decide what it means. Its very clear what it means, and its something a lot of folks dont want to say. But it is the critical importance of black voters. You cannot say that folks who have been a very loyal base of the party dont have a say, even when they go fourth, a state that should have gone earlier. Its a reflection of what the Democratic Partys base is and should be. The second thing that is abundantly concerning to me, despite the decisive victory of joe biden, and he deserves all types of congratulations and every endorsement that he receives, but im really concerned about if being billed now as a twoman race when Elizabeth Warren is still in the race. Shes received an endorsement from emilys list and several other women who i value and support. Alecia brown. So i think there are just a few more things we have to consider as he go into super tuesday, including the fact that Mike Bloomberg has spent more than a billion on ad buys. What is Elizabeth Warrens role going to be both tonight on super tuesday and going forward. She started out trying to stake out a chunk of the progressive part of the party, but what i often find when i talk to her supporters is that a lot of them are actually maybe theyd consider themselves centrist. Maybe they were Hillary Clinton voters or liked Pete Buttigieg, too. They just prefer Elizabeth Warren, a woman who is slightly younger than joe biden. And she has a plan. I hear that all the time. They dont care what plan. They like that she spells out her plan. Its a big question to me where what are her voters going to do tonight, and what piece of the pie is she going to take up . How much of bernies piece is she going to take up and how much of joe biden or Michael Bloombergs piece is she going to take up . That can be really important in california. It can be important in massachusetts. And it can be important if she eventually does, you know, and ill let waj do his delegate part of this, play a role in the convention when shes trying to stake out a claim. I do want to play how Bernie Sanders has responded to this development overnight with all these people lining up behind joe biden. Listen to this. It is no secret. The Washington Post has 16 articles a day on this. That there is a massive effort trying to stop Bernie Sanders. Thats not a secret to anybody in this room. The corporate establishment is coming together. The political establishment is coming together. And they will do everything. They are really getting nervous that working people are standing up. Its interesting. We had peter wells, congressman from vermont who backs Bernie Sanders and wants him to win. Congressman welch was uncomfortable with that kind of statement. He said hold on. Be careful here because were going to need everybody if were going to win here. So my question is, is there something dangerous about the way this is being set up, not as a twoperson race but as this death match. 65 of democratic voters say consistently their number one priority is to get rid of trump, right . Thats it. Most of the voters will coalesce, whoever they think is leading, who will be the success, theyll go behind them. Look at the past three days. Theres a great bernie freakout that weve witnessed in the past two weeks. Everyone thought that Bernie Sanders would become president and usher us into a socialist state and well all be comrades in communism. People lost their minds. And people are worried as you heard from the establishment how everyone described them if bernie is their guy that down ballot, everyone else is screwed. So right now you are seeing this narrative play out if you dont believe me, youve got Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, biden, beto at the drop of a dime do a 180 and coming up and say, hey, we love biden. If your a bernie supporter, ahha, repeat of 2016, even if we walk into the convention with the most delegates, theyre going to screw our guy again. Its the establishment versus the rest of us. And 2016, donald trump ran on this. The day of the election, i was right here. Even the conservatives said theres no way hes going to win. Who won . Donald trump. So dont count out bernie and the momentum and the narrative and a lot of americans, a lot of people in the democratic establishment hasnt paid attention to them. Theyre fed up with the establishment. You dont represent us. At least bernie is going to fight back. Another reason not to count out Bernie Sanders is because of early voting. 3 Million People have already voted. You cant count all the people who have gotten out of the race because 3 million have already voted. Im going to speak for the establishment here. Listen, i think that we cant win unless we resolve this problem within the party in november. As a democrat. But there are things that sanders and i think his supporters have done that have added at least as much to the problem as the establishment. And this idea that somehow that everybody who is not Bernie Sanders is moderate and status quo. The positions these candidates have taken are the most progressive positions of any president ial campaign in history. The moderate position is now public option. You know, with private insurance. Thats not a moderate position. These candidates are not, you know, status quo. Theyre not necessarily moderate. Theyre center left, progressive. Theyre not ultra progressive like sanders is, and the bulk of the party, they can call it the establishment, Democratic Party, but what theyre talking about, as angela mentioned, africanamericans. You know, sort of the central part of the democratic coalition, the most reliable voters. Theyre talking about suburban women, working class voters and theyre talking about them in a disparaging way like somehow theyre all corporate or all evil or theyre all for status quo. Its just not true. Heres my one thing about Bernie Sanders. The question his theory of the case is he can bring out a ton of voters and they can win with the support they have in the Democratic Party. Does that happen tonight . It has not happened up to this point. If it, does hell have a much br better case for himself but hes already doing what he has to do. I suggest you show up tomorrow at 5 00 a. M. When we go back on air and well have more answers. We have breaking news were following. At least eight people now are dead after this huge tornado struck the nashville area early this morning. We are getting our first look at the damage, and it is extensive. Tens of thousands of customers are without power. Schools in nashville will be closed today. Our chad myers has been following this all morning. Help us out understanding the scope of this breaking story. What are you seeing . John, it happened when most people were sleeping. So somewhere around 12 45, after midnight last night. Theres the storm near ashland city with the hook there. It was on the ground a very long time. Through nashville here. Same hook. As we move farther all the way to lebanon, this continued to lebanon here to the east. Right along i40. Im going to give you a picture of nashville. Coming in from the west, over the river, and right through five point. Right over here through donaldson and following i40 again right through mt. Juliette and this is a long track. Big tornadoes. Little tornadoes jump up and down and bounce around. This did not bounce around. This was a major event, likely f3, maybe stronger. Weather service will be out there. But were looking at it now. This may have been on the ground, the same tornado, on the ground, john, for 60 miles. Well keep you up to date. That makes sense now based on the scope of the devastation were seeing from these aerials and other pictures. Thank you for that report. We are going to have a live report from the scene in just minutes. Meanwhile, dozens of schools in the u. S. Are closed this morning as coronavirus cases continue to grow. Dr. Sanjay gupta is going to help us understand the many new developments as of this morning. Thats next. That chad really was raised by wolves . Which one is your mother . Thats her right there. Oh, gosh. No, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. Its really great. Well, im just so glad to have met your beautiful family. And we better be sitting down now. Believe it geico could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. With moderate to severe treplaque psoriasists uncover clearer skin that can last. In fact, tremfya® was proven superior to humira® in providing significantly clearer skin. Tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Tremfya®. Uncover clearer skin that can last. Janssen can help you explore cost support options. Here are the latest coronavirus numbers as of this morning. The cdc says there are now 105 cases in the United States. Six people have died in Washington State. Four dozen schools are closed in Washington State for cleaning this morning. Twitter taking a big step telling all of their 5,000 employees around the world to work from home to minimize their risk. Joining us now with more information is cnn chief medical correspondent dr. Sanjay gupta. How do you assess where we are this morning . The big news this week is going to be these tests are finally going out. These numbers that weve been talking about for several weeks, i think, have been a little bit of a guess because we really havent had good surveillance in this country. So, obviously, sadly, six people have died in Washington State, but, you know, i think were in the middle of flu season. Close to 15,000 people have died of flu this year or presumptively died of flu. What we may start to learn is coronavirus has been circulating in many places around the United States for some time and may have already caused impact. Some of those flu deaths my in retrospect be to coronavirus. Thats what the Public Health community is trying to grapple. Theyre in this phase, lets figure out what the connection was between these six people in Washington State. We may move beyond that phase quickly. Yeah, the interesting thing is that none of this is surprising to people like you, sanjay, and people within the Public Health community. Just because its not surprising doesnt mean its not concerning. And we are seeing actions starting to take place or at least be discussed by some communities in Washington State. Theyve closed a number of schools to clean them. Well see if they open. Weve heard the governor of washington jay inslee say one of the things being considered is things like games and other things, putting them off, keeping people apart. Social distancing is something were starting to see discussed in a serious way. That seems to be a change in the last 24 hours. Whats really interesting, john, is that the trigger at which some of these policies will be recommended, the trigger where communities would say, lets keep kids home from school and people should work from home, all that, is still a little nebulous. You know, hearing governor inslees comments you could tell he was sort of struggling with, when is the right point to do this . We dont want to incite panic but want to keep people safe. Is there going to be a specific trigger . Is that going to come from the federal government or dependent on Companies Like twitter to take care of their own employees . We are trying to get those answers. Thats part of what we should have been preparing for over the last several weeks. The other thing is we have known. We have known that this was coming, and weve known roughly the impact that it might have based on what we were seeing out of china. And the question the hospitals need to be prepared for this. One thing that weve talked about before, but ill tell you again is that a simple metric a lot of people may need to be in intensive care units, may need to be in the hospital or on breathing machines. We got a rough idea of what those numbers may be. Roughly a million hospitalizations, 200,000 people would need to be in the intensive care unit and 64,000 people might need to be on breathing machines. Thats the number of breathing machines we have in the country. And many of them are in use. So how whats the preparation thats been going on for that . A very tangible metric over the next several weeks. Im not clear the Surge Capacity has been addressed. We need to address it because its going to be a real concern over the next several weeks. I dont know if we can look to china as a window into our future of how this is going to play out, but i heard on the radio this morning that the that today the numbers in china of new cases for the first time, maybe the second time, declined. And does that mean that were seeing it waning in china . I think the trajectory has been downward overall. Yesterday there were nine times as many new cases outside of china as there were in china. So perhaps many of these policies, the big quarantine and all of that, you know, were starting to see the impact of that in a positive way. But im cautious, though, still, alisyn. These numbers may go up and down a bit. People are starting to go back to work. That may cause increase spread. We have to keep an eye on that. Many of the polices where its spreading are not likely to take the same level of countermeasures. In terms of the huge quarantine there of millions of people. San jay, thank you for giving us the facts. To politics. An extraordinary boost for joe biden heading into super tuesday. Well talk to one of the former Vice President s supporters who endorsed him yesterday. Thats next. Give me b11 isnt bingo just an ok use of your hosting abilities . Its like getting a Samsung Galaxy s20 5g, and not getting it with at t. Americas best network. Bingo no, you cant have bingo. I just called out two numbers. You do this every week get the most from your revolutionary Samsung Galaxy s20 5g. Switch now and get one free from at t. Building 5g on americas best network. With moderate to severe treplaque psoriasists uncover clearer skin that can last. In fact, tremfya® was proven superior to humira® in providing significantly clearer skin. Tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Tremfya®. Uncover clearer skin that can last. Janssen can help you explore cost support options. Wean air force veteran made of doing whats right,. Not whats easy. So when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. Thats how you do it right. Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa sales tax, real estate credits, solar incentives. And we have no way to integrate all that . No. But bdo does. announcer people who know, know bdo. Officially hitting the us. Virus man the markets are plunging for a second straight day. Vo Health Experts warn the us is underprepared. Managing a crisis is what Mike Bloomberg does. In the aftermath of 911, he steadied and rebuilt americas largest city. Oversaw Emergency Response to natural disasters. Upgraded hospital preparedness to manage health crises. And hes funding Cutting Edge Research to contain epidemics. Tested. Ready. Mike im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. Every year, our analysts visit thousands of companies, in a multitude of countries, where we get to know the people that drive a companys growth and gain new perspectives. Thats why we go beyond the numbers. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Im looking for a president who will draw out what is best in each of us. We have found that leader in Vice President , soon to be president , joe biden. I am ending my campaign and endorsing joe biden for president. Ladies and gentlemen [ speaking spanish ] joe biden lets do it for joe three former democrats in the president ial race endorsed their rival joe biden last night. This follows a slew of democratic lawmakers announcing their support. Among them, tammy duckworth, also an iraq war veteran and purple heart recipient. Great to have you this morning. So you and beto, Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, why the urgency yesterday . Well, i was starting to talk to folks as early as saturday and, really, i have had a longterm relationship with joe going back to my years in the obama administration. And i just want someone who is going to unite our country and get back to work for working families all across illinois and across our nation and joe is a guy who is going to do that. Are you afraid of Bernie Sanders winning the nolination . Look, im just focused on joe biden and making sure that he wins the nomination. He has the humility to be a commander in chief, understanding the sacrifice our military families make. He has certainly shown in South Carolina that he can put together a Diverse Coalition which is what we need to win. He connects with working families. We in the middle of the country, in the midwest need someone that understands the plight of farmers and working poor and middle class families trying to make ends meet. Doesnt Bernie Sanders connect with working families . Again, im focused on joe. Bernie has his own platform. But i can tell you from my experience, joe biden is the guy who can talk about what its like to work day after day and not be sure that you can make the mortgage. He is concerned about the industrial midwest. He understands the plight of farmers. And again, for military families, theres no one better than joe biden. He himself is a military family member. I guess the reason im pressing you on this is because it felt like there was Something Else going on yesterday beyond just liking joe biden. It felt like there was an urgency. Obviously, super tuesday is today, but your state primary for illinois isnt for two more weeks. B Bernie Sanders alluded to this. He thinks, Bernie Sanders thinks, that this is a battle between the establishment that wants to close him out, wants to shut him out and his progressive revolution or movement or whatever you want to call it. Im wondering if you see that rift and if no one gets to the magic number, whats going to happen to the Democratic Party at or before the convention. I dont think its any secret that bernies policies are not good for my state. He does not have a plan for health care for americans that is achievable, that is affordable. And he certainly has not been there for military families the way joe biden has. Not just joe biden by dr. Biden as well. Ive worked with them both to make sure we stand by our family members. And the focus right now is on getting rid of donald trump who has done nothing but taken money away from the department of defense, from military families to go fund his border wall who has insulted gold star families and sent more and more troops into the middle east. There are 15,000 more troops in the middle east now under President Trump than the day he took office. Really, my focus is on joe biden and on beating donald trump. Speaking of the military, i want to ask you about coronavirus. And i was interested to read that when you were in the military, one of your tasks was to brief people, colleagues on global pandemics. It was. So you have some experience in this arena. What are you calling on the administration to do . Well, first and foremost, they need more testing kits out all across the country. The fact it takes a week to send all of these testing kits all the way back to the centers for Disease Control in atlanta and all the way back out, thats not enough of a time frame. They certainly need someone at the head of their efforts who believes in science, not Vice President pence, a guy who says hell just pray over these things. We need to put scientists in charge and have coordinated effort between the federal government and state department of Public Health to make sure that we ensure that we handle all cases appropriately. In illinois, in my hometown, we had two cases very well handled. In fact, the doctor personally drove the one patient to the hospital and she never sat in an emergency room. Was quarantined immediately. Her husband was quarantined immediately and theyve both recovered and been released back home without contact anybody else being compromised. And thats the way to do it. But unfortunately, this administration has miserably failed at this effort. Theres no leadership. This is why im endorsing joe biden because he will show the kind of leadership that President Trump has not. And President Trump has been has put people in charge of all of these offices who have no experience. And, in fact, in 2017, when he took office, he actually zeroed out the funding for the National Pandemic office. So we only have ten seconds left but you do not feel were in good hands . Were not in good hands this morning as far as the pandemic goes as long as its in President Trump or mike pences hands. You want to talk about some scientists in charges im happy to work with the administration then. Senator tammy duckworth, we appreciate you being on. Thanks so much. Breaking news this morning, this powerful and deadlily tornado near nashville, tennessee. The damage is extensive. Well have more on this breaking story just ahead. One of the products i helped develop at 3m was a more secure diaper closure. There were babies involved. And they werent saying much. Thats what we do at 3m, we listen to people, even those who dont have a voice. We are people helping people. Even those who dont have a voice. Danafarber Cancer Institute discovered the pdl1 pathway. Pdl1. They changed how the world fights cancer. Blocking the pdl1 protein, lets the immune system attack, attack, attack cancer. Pdl1 transformed, revolutionized, immunotherapy. Pdl1 saved my life. Saved my life. Saved my life. What we do here at danafaber, changes lives everywhere. Everywhere. Everywhere. Everywhere. Everywhere. Breaking news. At least eight people are dead after a powerful tornado struck the nashville area early this morning. Were getting our first look at aerials now. They show just how extensive the damage is. There are tens of thousands of customers without power this morning. Schools in the nashville area, they are closed today. Tennessee is a super tuesday state. We are told some polling sites just opened after stormrelated delays. I have to believe theres going to be problems, though, all day long. Nashville officials will hold a press conference in minutes to update us on the breaking news. Cnn is going to have it all covered for you. These pictures the Supreme Court decided to take up the republican challenge to the Affordable Care act thrusting Health Care Coverage of millions of americans in the spotlight in the closing weeks of the 2020 president ial election. Joining us to discuss, chief legal analyst jeffrey toobin, a former federal prosecutor and staff writer for the new yorker. Hi, berman. Great to see you this morning. Before we get to the timing and politics of it, lay out what is at stake specifically in this case. All of obamacare, potentially. This is an enormous case. This is the third time, as people will remember, that the Supreme Court is dealing with obamacare. As in the previous cases, the court has a lot of options. The lower court here, the District Court in texas, said all of obamacare was unconstitutional. As a result of the fact that the way the law had evolved, it had become unconstitutional. It wasnt unconstitutional in its original state because the court upheld it. But as the case has now moved first to the Appeals Court and the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court has a menu of options, but it includes getting rid of everything. You know, protection for preexisting conditions, keeping your kids on your Health Insurance through age 25. Lifetime caps on how much you know, how much insurance will pay for you. The elimination of that. All of that could be eliminated if the administrations argument succeeds. And thats what makes this politically so incendiary given the timing. Specifically the Appeals Court said that because the individual mandate is no longer enforced, that the whole law is now constitutionally invalid. What the Supreme Court can decide is whether or not the rest of the law can stand without the individual mandate. You went to law school. Dont lie to me. Listen to you. Yes, that is write. Severability. The politics of this are fascinating. The timing fascinating, too. It wont be decided until after the 2020 election, but it will be argued before. What we are thinking . Probably. Probably. Thats not entirely clear. Very interesting situation here. As i think most people know, the Supreme Courts year always begins in the first monday in october. They hear arguments in october. The way it usually works, but it doesnt always work that way is that the order of argument is the order of which the case grants certiorari, the cases the the justices agree to hear the cases. If thats the rule thats followed, it seems almost certain this will be argued in the middle of october. And the but thats not necessarily the case. It is possible that the justices, especially chief justice roberts, who, you know, has a lot of control over the calendar might try to arrange for the case to be held after election day. But think about what this argument will be like. Justice sotomayor, one of the liberal justices, says to the solicitor general, so what youre arguing is that the whole law should be unconstitutional. That there should be no protection from preexisting conditions and fran sis koerks an honorable good lawyer will have to say yes. How soon do you think that will make it into a Democratic Television commercial . That audio of the Supreme Court argument . Thats what could be going on in october. Thats why theres this launch, its been democrats wanting to have this case in some ways before the Supreme Court in this way because they want to be able to say, listen to the Trump Administration say that they want to get rid of obamacare, correct . In fact, what the democratic states argued is not just that the case should be heard before election day. They tried to get it argued this term so it would be decided before election day so they could say, look, you know, we keep saying that the Trump Administration is trying to kill obamacare. Look, theyve done it. Now that has not happened. This case theres no way it will be decided before election day, but the political significance of an oral argument about the fate of obamacare in midoctober no less is, i think, enormously significant, if thats when the case is going to be argued. Jeffrey toobin, this class of toobin university was fascinating. Youre my top student, berman. Wow. Youre an apple polisher. Wow. I see some grade inflation happening here. Meanwhile there is a Seismic Shift in the 2020 race yesterday. And for this super tuesday because rivals have now united behind joe biden. How will the voters respond today . We get the bottom line with David Gregory, next. 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Pnc bank has technology to help a pnc business line of credit, because sometimes inner peace requires a little external soundproofing. Or pnc total auto. A place online to easily find and finance the right car for you. And your passengers. Or pnc home insight, to search for a new house within your budget. Hopefully with a grass yard. Pnc make today the day. Millions of voters heading to the polls as we speak. It is now super tuesday. 14 states and American Samoa will vote today in the democratic primary process. Onethird of the total democr democratic delegates up for grabs today. It comes after we saw this Dramatic Development yesterday where tlehree of his former rivs endorsed joe biden. Lets get the bottom line. Cnn political analyst David Gregory is here. Look, every which way, this is the biggest day on the calendar. The most delegates. We saw something weve never seen before with these democrats endorsing joe biden yesterday. Bernie sanders who comes into super tuesday in the lead. Whats the bottom line . You know, that were in search of some answers, some clarity in this race, and im still not convinced that were going to get it tonight. I think that we have seen this race go up and down, defy our predictions. Were humble enough to say we dont know whats going to happen, but the race has been recast. Weve seen bernie as a strong frontrunner. Hes expected to do well in the biggest contest tonight but this test hough strong a frontrunner he is, is his ability to unite the party. What biden did was amazing to resurrect his campaign, to unite moderates, and to at least go into today with some momentum. And then theres bloomberg. How well does bloomberg do, and what does that mean ultimately to biden in the days and weeks ahead . This is the first test of bloomberg. Weve just gotten this communique in. This just in from Cristina Alesci who is covering bloomberg. Heres where his camp believes hell do well. Virginia, north carolina, arkansas and texas. Then this. Bloombergs campaign is closely monitoring the mailin ballots. They believe it could be weeks before the final results are known. Thats just true. I will say in california, it takes a long time for them to count because they return the ballots over time. Isnt the issue, if sanders has a big night in california, it wont be a question about who has won but the viability, how many delegates. So, to me, the big question is, what is the over under as weve been saying of how well he does and how that impacts his view of staying in the race, either being a spoiler. Bloombe bloomberg, does he see himself as a spoiler or someone stronger than biden. Hes still weak in many ways and bloomberg can say i have the money and our reporting indicates, too, his card hes playing is, i may not be exciting or a great debater, but i can manage a crisis like the coronavirus which unfortunately looks like its going to get worse. And voters will respond to that. And that will be another test tonight to see how theyre responding. Ada mills was the one delegate connolly won after spending 13 million. Well have the most expensive delegates. The one thing broken is the most expensive delegates will be broken after today. One thing harry brought up is the length of a bounce. How long does a bounce last . This is really interesting. Everyone went into South Carolina thinking, even if joe biden wins, super tuesday is three days later and he wont possibly get the bounce he needs with that little time. But it may be that its the perfect amount of time because you have three days of this glowing coverage. Able to keep the halo without raising more questions. The interesting piece is that there is certainly a narrative and were covering it strongly that you had a show of force with buttigieg, with klobuchar, with beto orourke, who i think is still talking offering his endor endorsement. You show all that. The moderates are there, they matter and theyre coalescing a little bit because i think voters want a challenge to bernie, both because they dont want him to be the nominee or at least see that debay play out to make a judgment about, okay, who actually has the best chance . And i think you made the point earlier that people are waiting to make up their minds. They dont know. Theres no perfect candidate, but democrats certainly want to beat trump. And the question is, what does that . And this is such an unsettling time. Not only are our politics unsettled but you have the coronavirus, were in a Public Health crisis. This is a genuinely unsettling time. They were wise to wait. For people sitting on the fence or havent decided yet. Because who knew all of these really promising candidates, including one who won iowa, Pete Buttigieg, would be out before super tuesday. But we havent spoken enough about Elizabeth Warren. She is not getting out. She is staying in. She wants to be the alternative to Bernie Sanders. And she believes she has viability today. Viability and a strong base of support that she can deliver somewhere. And i think it goes to the larger piece which is, do you have enough candidates who say, we dont know and were going to take this to the convention and use our strength there to be a kingmaker somewhere and maybe she can be that role. A lot to figure out. Come back tomorrow. Lets have this discussion tomorrow morning. Id love if only you guys were on at 5 00 in the morning, i would be here. Oh, really . Were doing it. I want to let the results marinade a little bit, so ill be here by 6 00. Of course you will. David gregory, thank you. Time for the good stuff. Lots of kids dream about becoming a superhero. Makeawish helped a 10yearold florida boy become one. A robot superhero, to be exact. As you can see there. Powerful force right there. Gauge pipe, also known as robo gage stopped a fake bank robber. 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Officially hitting the us. Virus man the markets are plunging for a second straight day. Vo Health Experts warn the us is underprepared. Managing a crisis is what Mike Bloomberg does. In the aftermath of 911, he steadied and rebuilt americas largest city. Oversaw Emergency Response to natural disasters. Upgraded hospital preparedness to manage health crises. And hes funding Cutting Edge Research to contain epidemics. Tested. Ready. Mike im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. Good morning. Its a busy one. Im jim sciutto. Im poppy harlow. Three major stories this morning. Millions of voters hitty y iths in 14 super tuesday states. Another story. A scramble in the u. S. And around the world to contain the spreading coronavirus. The second case in new york just confirmed. Well have the facts and stick to the facts coming up. In nashville overnight, miles and miles of destruction after a deadly tornado

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