Joining us now, david gregory, rachael bade, and jennifer rodgers. David gregory, lets put those four faces back on the screen that the Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer says he wants to see in a Senate Impeachment trial. This is the opening salvo from senator schumer in the negotiations with Mitch Mcconnell which will begin soon. And to me what this looks like is schumer trying to put pressure on republicans now. Saying if you dont want to hear from these fact witnesses, from these four people who have first hand knowledge of what transpired, its on you to explain why. Its clear they seem to want more witnesses. They want more of a spectacle for this trial. Its a sign that democrats are trying to keep the investigation going. Lets get closer to the truth with the people who actually know if youre saying were relying on people farther away from the action, give us these witnesses. I think its unlikely to happen. I think mcconnell is unlikely to agree on that. I think the prevailing view is liking to be no, lets get through this as quickly as possible. I think thats the point hell be making. What we saw in that letter was very specific. Not just the names but also we would of course be open to hearing the additional witnesses having direct knowledge of the administrations decisions regarding the delay of Security Assistance funds to the government of ukraine. And the requests for investigations if the counsel or house managers identify such witnesses. Theyre also throwing that out there. Which is to say as a reminder, okay. If you have these other people with first hand knowledge, that would be great to hear from them. By the way, this is what were actually talking about is the withholding of this aid. Right. Theyre trying to keep a focus on whats at issue here. Theyve also asked for all of the documents that we already know have been collected and are highly relevant to this issue of what the president knew when this aid was being withheld. Also the white house meeting, dont forget about that. Thats another issue on which there was a bribery allegation here. So they want those documents, they want those witnesses. But theyre keeping it focused on issue which i think is smart. Rachael, i think this is also designed to put some pressure on four republicans in particular at least. Mitt romney, Susan Collins, and gardner. To say you know what . We dont want thees witnesses. They can make a deal with schumer or cobble together 51 votes on every single proposal in a senate trial. How do you see that . I would say there are 53 Senate Republicans. Mcconnell needs 51 to do anything including sort of dismiss this push by the democrats to bring in these first account witnesses who can speak to what happened at the white house regarding ukraine. And you have republicans like Susan Collins who sort of have this moderate reputation running for reelection in a purple swing state in maine. And shes got to show that she is taking this seriously. This is one of the reasons why, for instance, collins has not said anything about the ukraine allegations saying ive got to maintain impartiality. I cant weigh in on this because im going to be a juror. Shes got to look like shes taking this seriously. How does that translate, though, if she transfers votes as many i think schumer is onto something and that he knows there are potentially three or four Senate Republicans who if they vote dpens hearing from these particular individuals, this could blow back on them at home. And hes going to use that to his advantage. And think about this. Go back to the kavanaugh confirmation hearing when the committee agreed to add additional hearing time to hear from dr. Ford. It was a few of those senators including collins and murkowski who said lets add a little bit more time here. Lets have more pros here before we reach a vote. And you take Something Like a senator romney and look at the state of utah which youve got a Democratic Center in Salt Lake City. Then a much more conservative leaning rest of the state. It is certainly Trump Country if you go into outside the city, outside Salt Lake City in utah. Theres that balance. Whether its a balance. Lets hear more evidence here. Lets have a real process. The test will be how much party unity there is in the senate. We think its there in terms of voting on ultimate removal. But will it be there when it comes to the actual rules of the trial. Also what were hearing from republicans, which is we dont need any of this because weve made up our minds. Forget being impartial. This is where we stand. Here are some of those key comments. Everything i do during this, im coordinating with white house counsel. I am trying to give a pretty clear signal ive made up my mind. Im not trying to pretend to be a fair juror here. Senators are not required like jurors in a trial to be sequestered, not talk to anyone. Theres no prohibition. Im not pretending to be a fair juror here. Theres no prohibition. Weve heard from mcconnell hes coordinating everything with white house counsel. But you add all of that up, that certainly has an effect an one they are going for when it comes to how the American People are perceiving this. This is really outrageous. I mean, there are differences between criminal trials and kpeechlt trial. But they take an oath to look at the evidence and judge accordingly. This is really unbelievable. To say its a political process, any process where youre supposed to put the constitution and the law into it and reach your judgment based on those, thats wrong. Youre right. Theyre trying to get out ahead of it. Its not like a regular jury. Weve seen this coming in from the house. So its fine we Say Something now. But it is against their oath. You know, listen. I hope some day the American People hold them responsible for that. Impeachment emerges in this modern plal era as merely a t l tool. If theyre unlikely to get removal, they whether any republicans are going to say this is wrong. Maybe not impeachable. But wrong. We havent heard that either. All of this dove tails nicely in new reporting you have which is there are some house chiropractors who want to s d want to see justin amash. Put a guy who used to be a republican up until a few months ago make a case for removing the president. That could hold some weight. Given you have Jeff Van Drew look like hes switching to the Republican Party this week. Thats right. Theres a group of about 30 freshman democrats. If we can be bipartisan here, show any bipartisanship in terms of impeaching trump, we should do so and do so vocally. Making him a manager would put him front and center. Remember justin amash is one of the most conservative members of the house. Longtime republican, former attorney. Has followed these issues closely. Left the Republican Party in part because he believed the party was following trump too much and not standing up for its own principles he held dear. So he became independent. But this is of course risky. Because pelosi cant control him the way she can with other democrats who will be laying out the strategy in the senate. Moderate democrats who are feeling pressure back home especially after you have one of their own colleagues now deciding to switch in the next couple of days, theyre really feeling the heat right now. They feel if they put someone like justin amash out there to make this case, they would have greater appeal in their own districts. And that could help them. Quickly if we could talk about Jeff Van Drew for a moment. The polls suggested if he voted kbens impea against impeaching the president which he will do he will lose a ton of democratic support. Unlakely to win the nomination as a democrat. So he indicated hes going to switch parties. Most of his staff is fleeing. And this is significant. Whenever anyone switches parties is significant. Many of the shauky moderates have said they are going to support impeachment. This is a lesson for the moderates. Theyre getting heat back home. But if they come out and vote against impeachment or, you know, Jeff Van Drew had been on fox news blasting impeachment the entire time and sort of blasting his colleagues and what they were doing. He lost a lot of support from the base. The base deserted him. So thats sort of the conundrum that these moderates face. Yes, theyre hearing from independents and some republicans who dont want them to focus on impeachment. Would rather them focus on legislation. But theyre also they have a base that is demanding the president s removal. And if they vote against that, theyre going to face blowback. And so van drew found himself in that position where he chose to just go against impeachment. So he actually had to seek refuge. He met with President Trump last week. Trump encouraged him to switch parties. Said, listen. We got you if youre going to do this. Well help you win reelection and he ultimately decided to do that and will now become a republican. Just quickly, its the clearest example that in this age there is no middle ground. There is no middle ground on the question of impeachment or the president s behavior. Youre either for impeachment or against it. Politically, theres no place to stand in the middle. 50 for impeaching and removing the president according to the fox news poll. 54 in favor of just impeachment. Again, the High Water Mark for bill clinton was 38 . So the number hasnt moved. But its a pretty high number right now. Thank you, all. Appreciate it. We got a lot more coming up in this broadcast including the Senate Minority leading Chuck Schumer who is in the middle this morning. He has put a proposal out for the senate trial. He will join us to explain what that is less than an hour from now. Also senators taking an oath when sworn in. Some accused of breaking it with a reality check on that. Coming up next. children playing dog barking Music Building experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list sales event. Sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down, zero due at signing, and a complimentary first months payment. And i wanted to ask you. Before i ask her. May i have your permission to marry her . Youre marrying her and her whole world. Shop neal lane diamond engagement rings. At kay. Hour 36 in the stakeout. Shop neal lane diamond limu emu doug ings. 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You will do impartial justice according to the constitution and laws so help you god. So thats the special oath of impartial justice. Many senators saying they will viet that oath. Everything i do during this, im coordinating with white house counsel. There will be no difference between the president s position and our position oz to how to handle this. By comparison, heres what republican leader trent lott said in 198. We are going to make sure it is bipartisan and impartial and everybody is consulted including, you know, the white house if this goes forward as well as tom daschle. Hear the difference . And as a junior senator, Mitch Mcconnell also had a different take. Will we pursue the search for truth or dodge, weave, and evade the truth . The president has engaged in a pattern of obstruction of justice. To dodge, weave, and embrace the truth by taking the line the president did nothing wrong at all. Which regards testimony from trump officials. Even if you think its not impeachable. But just as facts should matter, oath should mean something as well. When elects officialed ignore em for partisan purposes, they deviancy down. This will come to the senate and it will die quickly. And i will do everything i can to make it die quickly. I am trying to give a clear signal ive made up my mind. Im not trying to pretend a fair juror here. You get that . It is the opposite of an oath to ensure justice. Its also different from what graham said in 1998. Members of the senate said i understand everything there is about the case and i wont vote to impeach the president. Please allow the facts to do the talking. People have made up their mind that will change this. Dont buy the line that impeachment shouldnt be pursued because the country is divided d baa when republicans pursued clintons impeachment, only 30 supported it. More than polls, principles and precedent do matter. And the question is this. Should president s ask foreign powers to investigate their domestic political rivals. And somehow i doubt if a democratic president did that to a republican that they would be cool with it. Theyd be scheming bloody murder and theyd be right. Let me just say this. It would be a good test for us if a republican president had done these things would a republican delegation have told him to get out of town . I hope so. Only time will tell. Well, now we know the answer. And thats your reality check. Which is a phenomenal reality check, john, but just to follow up here. A month before nixon quit, and you will hear people running around saying that 50 mark right now is somehow low . That doesnt pass the fact test. So james comey admitting to sloppiness in the sur vauns of a former campaign aide. But the president says comey should be in jail and hes telling lies about president obama. Thats next. Like quitting every monday hard. Quitting feels so big. So, try making it smaller. 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All, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. Green mountain Coffee Roasters. Woman friction points, those obstacles that limit a companys growth. I try to find companies that turn these challenges into opportunities. But by going out in the field, and meeting management, suppliers, competitors. In the end, its these unique companies with Creative Business models that will generate value for our investors. Thats why i go beyond the numbers. Significant errors in the phi is a process and you say it was handled in a thoughtful and appropriate way. Hes right. I was wrong. I was over confident in the procedures that the fbi and justice had built over 20 years. I thought they were robust enough. Its incredibly hard to get a fisa. I was overconfident in those. Thats james comey admitting the Inspector Generals report revealed real sloppiness in the surveillance of a former Trump Campaign aide in 2016. We should also note, one of the worlds i think foremost experts on the whole fisa process is here. You worked very, very seriously on just this subject for years before you were the fbi general counsel. So when you hear the fbi director former say he was right, i was wrong, the process is here was flawed. Your reaction is . Well, i understand what hes saying. That he and others including myself thought the procedures were sufficient enough to make sure the kind of errors and emissio emissio emissions have occurred would not occur. And those are unacceptable. Im not trying to defend them. But i think people believed we put into place the right kinds of policies and procedures and we had the right people working on the matter. I think thats what coe mae was saying. What was his responsibility and for that matter your responsibility to catch these flaws, these errors along the way . Obviously he was the direct ore the fbi and responsible for everything that happened at the end of the day. I was responsible for what happened with respect to the legal matters. But i was part of the leadership team. So im not happy about this. Im not happy about this. I think ive said before i take responsibility for what i should have done in terms of making sure this didnt happen. I have worked very closely over literally decades to make sure that the fisa process works correctly, that the fie a court has all the information that it needs. Ive gone to the mat before to make sure that happens. So no, im not happy and i take responsibility for my share in what is clearly, you know, an unacceptable way to deal with the fisa court. There was a single criminal referral. It had to do with a line attorney who falsified a document. That was the only criminal referral. Certainly for you, certainly for director comey. Nevertheless, the president of the United States this weekend wrote this. So now comeys admitting he was wrong, wow. But hes only doing so because he was caught red handed. So what are the consequences for his unlawful conduct . I will note, the president s wrong by calling it unlawful based on the Inspector General report. Could it be years in jail, the president writes . Where are the apologies to me and others. Is the president of the United States suggesting the former fbi director should go to jail . And thats nothing we should let slide. Oh, thats just a tweet. Thats a very serious comment, jim. Its very serious. Its consistent with his pattern of behavior from the past. And he should just cease and desist with respect to making these kinds of statements. The Inspector General looked at a i think he said a million documents, conducted Something Like 170 interviews and did a thorough deep dive on the fbi. And he the Inspector General concluded that this was a lawfully authorized and predicated investigation meaning that wasnt a hoax. Theres it was not a coup. There was no treason. And so the Inspector General looked at this and decided there was nothing to prosecute. So i dont know what the president is talking about. And he should stop saying those kind of things. What are the consequences of a president of the United States suggesting not political rivals because jim comey isnt a political rival. Hes not running for anything. But for some whom you have a political gripe should go to jail. Whats the overall implication of that . Its devastating for our system. That have to live under this cloud constantly. The president of the United States saying these kinds of things. Its just inappropriate. The attorney general and mr. Durham are doing an investigation. The president should leave it to them after this. You know, that the Inspector General has done his work. But the a. G. And mr. Durham are doing their job. I was listening to the Inspector General testify last week. He was asked whether he saw any evidence that president obama himself or someone in the white house ordered or influenced in any way this investigation. And his answer was no. I saw no evidence of that in the documentation or the testimony. Nevertheless, President Trump also wrote this weekend as bad as the i. G. Report is for the fbi and others and it is really bad, remember that ig horowitz was appointed by obama. There was tremendous bias and guilt exposed, so obvious, but horowitz couldnt get himself to say it. Big credible loss. Obama knew everything. In fact, horowitz found the opposite of that. Didnt he, jim . Well, Michael Horowitz is a dedicated professional. Hes doing his level best to make sure that he gets to the bottom of all of the matters that he investigates as is his team. I dont agree with the i. G. On every conclusion he makes. I dont agree with the team on everything they do, but they are professionals. They are impartial. And these kinds of assertions are just, you know, its detrimental to the system and its just unacceptable. Contradicted by the Inspector General himself. Jim baker, thanks for being with us. Appreciate it. Thanks. Nearly 40 Million People are under weather advisories as a major storm system is moving akroz the country. Lets get right to chad myers. Boy, a happy monday out there for a lot of folks. And this isnt even the storm that youre seeing today. The slight snow flakes in new york city. This is not the one thats going to make the major impact. Its still back there in oklahoma. So rain for the most part, light flurries in d. C. And that will be the case for most of the day today. Its the storm back out here that will eventually roll its way to the northeast into new england that will make the snow and the ice. There will be a sleet freezing rain mix for awhile in places. Not so much new york city. But certainly in boston, especially west. Delaware water gap into al baany, binghamton. That area will pick up snow. Just to the south to about new city, there will be a layer of ice on the kbround ground in th4 hours. When its freezing rain, your car really on those hills has no chance. Be careful out there. Also some Severe Weather affecting the southeast coast for today. Could even be a few tornadoes. Snow, ice, and tornadoes all in the same day. All right. Quite a day, chad. We know youll be watching. Thanks for being with us. History will be made this week when the full house votes in all likelihood to impeach the president of the United States. Were going to speak to a House Democrat who will cast a vote and may be involved in this impeachment process beyond the house vote. Well explain next. Nothing shines brighter than you. You are oneofakind. You are my diamond. For the diamond in your life, get 30 off everything including these one of a kind deals. Its the you are my diamond event. 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Joining us now is eric swalwell, a democrat on the house judiciary and intelligence committees. Well ask him if his work on impeachment will be done after this in a moment. After the action it moves to the senate. Chuck schumer released a list of witnesses he would like to see. Mick mulvaney, john bolton, and a couple officials who work in omb or for Mulvaney Robert Blair and michael duffey. Whats significant about this request and do you think its smart . Certainly smart. I believe we have enough to show abuse of power just from the, you know, 17 depositions we took and the 12 public hearing witnesses we had. But if there are gaps in what we know, its because witnesses like Mick Mulvaney and john bolton were told by the president to not come in. If the senate could get them and we couldnt, i think that would be dpragreat for the american pe to fill in the blanks because of the president s obstruction. Mitch mcconnell has suggested or Senate Republicans have suggested maybe they dont want any witnesses. Do you think democrats should be willing to strike a deal saying you give us these four witnesses, you can have the whistleblower or hunter biden. Would you make that deal . I think the American People want a fair trial. And hunter biden is really not relevant to what the president did. And the whistleblower is no longer relevant in that everything hes alleged has been proved through other witnesses. I dont think anyone wants to see that happen. So no, the answer is you would not be willing to get those witnesses by saying hunter biden could testify. I dont see any relevancy in those individuals. As a legal matter and you have the benefit of going to law school, i havent. What happens if this list of four say Mick Mulvaney, the chief justice of the United States signs a senate trial subpoena saying Mick Mulvaney you have to testify. What happens if mulvaney says i dont want to at that point . You could be compelled to testify and face criminal contempt. Hopefully it wouldnt come to that. Hopefully people show the courage that Lieutenant Colonel vindman and dr. Fiona hill and yovanovitch showed when they defied the subpoenas and showed up. Talk about unprecedented. Who noes if well see it. There will be a series of house impeachment managers who will prosecute the was in the senate trial. What do you think they should consider when choosing those house managers in. I think you want to send over your best. The team that can tell the American People why the president s abuse of power jeopardized not only National Security but the integrity of our elections. So theres still a lot of people who are just starting to tune in on this. We want to make sure we can convey it to them. I was thinking of this over the weekend. Most people in the United States have never met the president of the United States. Most people dont really i think in aur lives would deal with 391 million. When i was on a city council, a budget of 50,000 was just 80 million. We dont have reason to interact or do business with ukraine, so we have to take these big numbers, big office, you know, faraway country and bring it down to Everyday Americans and make it clear that no one would get away with this. In your small town if your mayor tried to conduct a shakedown like this. Whats your elevator pitch then to explain to the American People what the president did and why he should be impeached for it in. If your local police chief said i need more cops and the mayor said i will do that but i need you to investigate my political opponent. In your gut youd know thats wrong. We expect our children to know right from wrong by example. We need to hold local officials and all the way up to the top accountable. Would you be willing to be an impeachment manager in. Well, im willing to show up this week and make the best case. I dont think its responsible to, you know, get ahead of what we have to do this week. Because we still have a big task of convincing our colleagues in the house this week to impeach. If nancy pelosi who i understand can be persuasive says swalwell i want you to be an impeachment manager, your answer would be in. Again, john, im not going to speculate on that because i think that shows im not thinking about what i have to do this week which is make sure my constituents, my colleagues know what to do. Have there been any conversations if. I dont want to go into any private deliberations. Ill just say this. We are focused. I think what youve seen in the last few weeks is how serious and somber this process has been compared to what we saw from our Republican Party, the circus on their side. We stuck to the facts and convictions. Thats why 50 of the American People in a fox poll believes this president should be impeached and removed. 50 say impeached and removed. Another 4 say impeached but not removed. That is an historically high number. Richard nixon didnt cross that threshold until a month before he resigned. There are a number of your colleagues who have suggested that justin amash, the now independent congressman from michigan formerly republican who supports removing the president would make far good impeachment manager because he used to be republican. Because it would show some bipartisanship. What do you say . I admire justin amash for having the courage to step up and say this is what he believes. He essentially lost his party because of that. Again, i think its too early to go into who the Management Team is before we even vote in the house. We just got a bit of news in my ear which is congresswoman slotkin of michigan who had yet to vote on impeachment. How do you believe she decided . I believe she is behind the impeachment. I put you on the spot. Yes, in fact, she did come out and say she does support impeachment a impeachment. A number of the socalled moderates this weekend have come out and said they support impeachment. One democrat today is Jeff Van Drew of new jersey. Hes announced he is going to switch to become a republican. What does that switch tell you that theres not space in the Democratic Party if youre against impeachment . Theres a lot of space in the Democratic Party. No single vote defines that. I think which party youre in is a very person decision. If you because of your principles dont believe you should be a democrat anymore, we should all are pt threspect tha. But if you have polling concerns you cannot win a democratic primary and you have voted against President Trump 93 of the time and youre only switching parties because you need a new vehicle to come back to congress, i think that goes to what im concerned many of the republicans are doing. Which is theyre not voting their conscience and not doing things out of principle. Theyre just with the president on impeachment because thats how they get back to congress. And i think we need to start seeing more people in washington like Lieutenant Colonel vindman, like yovanovitch who are willing to risk it all to do the right thin. Congressman eric swalwell, thanks for coming in. Thanks for being here. Erica . Oh, its me. Chuck schumer will join us live in just a few minutes to talk about his proposal to Mitch Mcconnell on how a Senate Impeachment trial should take place. For the First Time Ever all of the top beauty pageant winners are black women. 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This is such an important moment that we have women of color, black women specifically, being represented in this way. When you look at not only the women sitting next to you on the couch, but when you think about this moment, what does mint for you and what does it mean for young girls and boys who are watching . Well, i think black women need this. Its a symbol and it shows that no matter where youre from, what country youre from, where you live in america, you can be successful and you can be a part of something great. It was just back in 1940 that black women were even allowed to compete in the Miss America Organization. It took 30 years in 1970 when cheryl brown became the first black woman to step foot on the stage. Im glad people are recognizing this moment. Getting to this moment, you dealt with some of this, there has been pushback, something as simple as your hair and you got a lot of pushback on that a about what you should look like if youre if going to be a part of this package. This sends a clear message you should look like yourself. Exactly. You dont have to fit a certain mold to be successful in pageantry or other arenas. Its exciting for me to just be a part of this and exciting for me to know that i can be an example for other people. Because there are certainly examples i was able to follow that inspired me like when ursla burns was ceo of xerox, barack obama was president of the United States, seeing those figures was essential to me as a woman of color im glad i can share this moment. From an international perspective, what does it do for you . Yeah. I mean like she said, when she saw those people do those things she felt she could do it too. We cant be what we cannot see. So i think thats why this is so important because then young girls can look at us and feel like, you know, they, too, are important. Also its just a matter of, you know, sometimes you walk into a casting where you walk into a Job Interview and if you see one other person of color or one other black woman, its either you or her because it can never be both of you. Its only one seat at the table. This proves there can be four seats at the table, all of us. It doesnt have to just be one of us. How important is it in this moment that this is not just okay, we made it, okay, look, is everybody happy now, that this is, in fact, the first step to this is how it should be . Yeah. Absolutely is. Whats cool for me, i think three out of the last four miss usas were women of color and that was important for me to see even though in the past, not even just like the far past, the recent past, there were women of color even though that happened, i still had a chance to be successful and that people didnt think, oh, thats enough, weve given them this. Yes. Its still possible to be successful on your own merit and it doesnt matter if you look like the last winner or three, if youre the best youre the best and you can win. Youre using your platforms for really important movements and causes and i think that that has been highlighted so much more in recent history when we talk about women who are in pageant. Its not just about yes youre beautiful women, but your accomplishments, your brains, your heart. I would love for you to share with people what each one of you are doing. Youre focused specifically on the arts. Absolutely. So im a composer, i have my masters degree in Music Composition and so many opportunities this year to work on what in the Miss America Organization we call our social impact initiative. Ive done everything from host the new york philharmonic, perform with the dallas symphony and overseas. Its been an incredible year for me. Even though i have only a few days left and i crown my successor on thursday im grateful for this time. It was such an important time in history and part of gods plan for this to happen like drake said. Lot of thing drake says. Were going to leave him out of this segment. Youre focused on gender based violence, something we all need to be talking more about. Its such a global issue. At first it started small in south africa because there was a lot of genderbased violence but then its not just the south african issue, its a global issue. Not just gentsdser based violence but gender inequality, fighting that, because i mean we see it every day where its still such a patriarchal world and we need to break those systems and try to push women forward and to say look, women can do it as much as men can do it and in the same breath say we need to protect women so they can feel safe once again in the world. So thats why its so important for me to work on this cause. And that actually brings us perfectly to cheslie, you are turning your work, youre dedicated to criminal justice reform. But i was fascinated as part of your path to getting there, you being told, to your point, cheslie, you should be in a skirt instead of pants and that would really help you make your argument. Yeah. I think the most interesting part of that story the person who told me that was a woman of color. Shes a double minority like me, she knows the racism and sexism each of us experience in the work place, especially in the Legal Industry and still took it upon herself to share what she thought was a good piece of advice. Its important for us to continue pushing against unfair stereotypes and expectations and just continue to be individual. It shouldnt matter what i wear when i go to the courtroom as long as im wearing a suit and not a bright pink polka dotted suit, which would still be fun to wear in some courtrooms, i can wear a skirt, i can wear pants and it should be okay for me to do either and be able to argue my case. A lot of what happens during your reign happens to do with the people you meet and specifically young people. Im wondering, what stood out to you and what moment has really touched you or surprised you . There was a moment, so my gown from last year is on display in Atlantic City where i was crowned and theres a little girl named says bela davis, she is a fantastic she does basically beams and that sort of thing, probably going to be in the olympics one day, but a photo of her looking at my dress standing there and gazing at it and it reminds me of the moment of the young girl looking at Michelle Obamas picture the artwork and that is one of those moments where my heart drops. She sees herself in me. An africanamerican little girl and thats what thats why we do this. Even having cheslies mentorship over the years, who would have thought we would be sitting here four years later. I think it speaks to the sisterhood and seeing women uplift women and thats what were here to do. That is another great thing for us to focus on as well. Congratulations all of you. Appreciate you coming in this morning. We look forward to seeing more. Thank you so much for having us. That was a great discussion. Joining me for another sk discussion about the days and weeks ahead, senator schumer. Thank you for being with us. Overnight you released a letter you wrote to the majority leader Mitch Mcconnell suggesting where you stand on the coming Senate Impeachment trial and asking for four witnesses. Right. To be part of that trial. Those four witnesses are Mick Mulvaney, acting chief of staff, john bolton, former security adviser, robert blair, adviser to mulvaney and Michael Duffy an omb official. Why is the testimony from those four individuals important to you . Look, this is so serious, the constitution labels impeachment as one of the great powers that congress has and should be used carefully and judiciously. When you have the evidence which the house has, which is very, very severe, all the facts should come out. These four witnesses have direct knowledge of the facts, particularly in regard to the delay in the aid to ukraine. I dont know what theyll say. Maybe theyll Say Something exculpatory about President Trump. But for so many people who think that there are many republicans saying yeah, this looks pretty bad, but we need more evidence, this is the right evidence. We want a trial to be fair for the American People to think it should be fair, but not to be a coverup, not to be something where there are witnesses who have direct knowledge as to what happened and do not testify. I am sending this letter to all of my colleagues, democrat and republican, in the hopes that we can come together on a fair trial. I guess the way you would sum it up the old joe friday on drag net just the facts. We dont need fishing expa digses. Were trying to have the kind of Justice America is known for which is swift, but fair justice. These four individuals are individuals who did not testify in the house impeachment inquiry. Their testimony would be new. You mentioned youre going to send this letter to all republicans. You can do almost anything you want in a Senate Impeachment trial if you can get 51 votes. You would need four republican vote snooze correct. What kind of discussions have you had . Theres been lots of discussions. A lot of our republican members are troubled by what the president did. Like who . Im not going to get into names. Some of them have said we need to see more facts. No one has given a single make two points here. Of the facts the house has preptsd not one has been rebutted. There have been a lot of wild goose chases and conspiracy theorys that some of our republican friends, not many, have talked about, but not one

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