You said back in the 70s busing didnt work, its an asfine concept. You had an overwhelming response from the Africanamerican Community and my state. They did not support it. Look, the question is how do you equalize education in every area, and i put forward the most aggressive plan to do that, and ive been pushing for a long time. For example, i go from 15 billion a year to 45 billion a year. We should bring people in and have preschool 4, 5 years old before kender garten. Look, every child out there is capable, but their living circumstances make it difficult from the time they get to school. Theyre at a disadvantage. I totally accept all of that. Thats number one. But number two, 6,500 jobs in a study i did for the president pointout you need something more than a high school degree. I get it on the policy. I never have viewed the busing back and forth in that debate as about policy or application of how to affect civil rights. Its about consistency in proving to deal better in the white house which is people wont tell the truth. Why say you were for it . Why not just be straight about it and move on . Because theres three different pieces. I was for voluntary busing. Number one, i was for busing where the courts showed in fact a ledge slasive body prevented black folks from going to a school. That is de jure segregation. The difficulty is this is 50 years ago, people dont understand the context. The third is noneelectived officials and department of housing decide every school should be balanced across the board. Thats a different issue. I got out of law school, came back, had a great job, became a public defender. I fought for putting low Income Housing in suburbia. I talked about eliminating red line. I talked about School Districts should be consolidated in ways that made sense. Why didnt you fight it in this debate . In 30 seconds . What happens most in a debate. Youre the only person ive ever seen on the debate stage say im out of time. What i didnt want to do is get in that scrum. Do you think the American Public said, boy, i like the way thats conducted, theyre really showing themselves to do well. Were you prepare frd them to come after you . I wasnt prepared for the person coming at me the way. She knew me. The American People think they know me and they know me. Since that occurred i had the most sought after endorsement for the mayor of atlanta, a black woman whos a great leader endorsement. Youre worried about the polls slipping with africanamericans after the debate. No, no, these folks just came. Im making the point to you, i dont see it. I dont think theres anybody out there who believes i have anything other than a keen and consistent interest in making sure every child these are all our children. Heres the question, did you rewatch the debate . No, i didnt. Why not . I didnt have an opportunity to rewatch and besides my measure is how people react outside, getting on a train, walking through the airport, walking in a parade, just going in a grocery store. I got no sense, i really mean it, no sense. Heres a tough question for democrats. They need a warrior, okay, because not to aggrandize, not to lionize, but this president knows hoato fight in the ring oneonone. Kamala harris is friendly fire. Cory booker is friendly fire. How can democrats have confidence that you can take on the biggest and the baddest when youre having trouble sparring in party. I dont think im having trouble sparring. Its how you want to spar. Look, im the guy when everyone talks about the guy where things changed. I took on dealings with russia with the arms control agreement, i took on putin in terms of iraq i mean, excuse me, in term of what was going on in ukraine. Ive taken on these leaders around the world. Ive taken on all these things. I mean, this is ironic. Ive never been accused of not being able to spar. Ive been accused of being too aggressive. But the game has changed. And you think that whats happened with harris is anything compare today what would happen with this president . No, but everyone knows who this guy is. Hes a divider ipchief. This guy is acting with racist policies. This guy is moving to hate and split. Sure, it worries me in the sense that im looking forward to this, man. You walk behind me in a depate, come here, man. You know me too well. The idea id be intimidated by donald trump. Hes the bully that i knew my whole life. Hes the bully ive always today up to. Hes a bully when i was a kid and id stutter that make fun and i smacked him in the mouth. You have made a big point of saying the threat here with the Current Administration is abroad. What exactly bothers you abroad . What bothered me abroad is, look, the idea that we can go it alone with no alliances for the next 20 or 30 years is a disaster. How are we going to deal with terrorism without doing what ive been doing with the president , proposing 50, 60 nations to take it on. We cant go in every place. We need allies. He is absolutely dissing them. Hes embracing thugs. Hes embracing kim jongun whos a thug. Hes embracing putin whos a dictator. He says hes gotten nato to give more for defense because of his tactics. Come on, man. And the idea that nato let me put it this way, if he wins reelection i promise you therell be mow nor nato. Look, i wept to the conference that we have, used to be the first speech stood up, the clansler, the former chancellor of germany stands up. She says we have to go it alone. We cant count on the United States. Why did we setup nato, chris . So no one nation could abuse the power in the region in europe, that would suck us in the way they did in worldwer 1 and world war ii. While putin is trying to undo our elections, he is undoing elections in europe. Look whats happened in hungary, in poland. Look whats happening. I promise you it wouldnt have and it did want. With north korea the idea of reaching out, president obama, Vice President biden wanted to do more than that. The republicans used to whack you on the head. Hasnt this president done what you wanted to do by reaching out to kim . He did the exact opposite. He gave kim everything he wanted, the legitimacy. He ended our relationship as a practical matter with south korea and japan on a united front, he put us in a position where we say, by the way, i love the man. He hasnt done a thing. Kim jongun, and what have we done weve suspended exercises. Look, ive come out of the arms control era. Guess what . Theres two ways you do this. You work or defend. You say, hey, man, dont skru with us. This is whats going to happen. But in the meantime what you do is deal with your allies. You think china wants any part of north korea becoming a Nuclear Power . So what do you do differently with north korea and china . I make it clear that were going to move our defenses up as we did before, and were going to make sure we have the capacity to deal with it in the near term. Im going to let south korea and japan know were there for them and china understand you dont want us in your throat here, in your face, do something. Do you stop the trade battle with china . Do you go back to tpp . By the way, the idea this trade battle makes any sense and benefitting anybody is absolutely ludicrous. Just ask the farmers here and around the world or around the United States and manufacturers. Its killing us. I had a conversation with xi jinping before we left, and he said remember they setup their nofly zone and i said were not going to Pay Attention to it. Just understand were just going to fly through, we fly a b52 through it. We are a pacific power, were not going anywhere. And thats the reason why you have security is because wave allowed stability in the region. They get it. But what were doing now is were not dealing with chinas problem. Chinas problem is theyre stealing intellectual secrets. You say youve got to invest here in the United States and you want to be able to invest here, and you say we happen to invest in china when youve got to have a 57 owner, no deal. Theyre fighting in trades but trump thinks its about trade deficits and trade surpluses. Its not about that. Look, while hes out tweeting china is going to own the 5g market and theyre spending billions in artificial intelligence. Theyre doing things that makes no sense for us to standstill. What would you do differently with north korea . Would you slam the door on them again. Yeah, id make it real clear if you want to talk, deal with us, you want sanctions lifted show me something ahead of time. They havent tested a bad missile. And reason they havent tested and they have it all done. Theyre sitting there with missiles with Nuclear Capacity right now so theyre not giving up anything. Well have much more of chris cuomos exclusive interview just ahead. Is Kamala Harris, if she doesnt win outright, is she still someone you consider as a running mate . That answer next. Do you like Stranger Things . Sure you do. Thats why netflix is on us. Two unlimited data. Use as much as you want, when you want. Three no surprises on your bill. Taxes and fees included. Still think you have a better deal . Bring in your discount, and well match it. Thats right. Tmobile will match your discount. A lot will happen in your life. Wrinkles just wont. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repairs dermproven retinol works so fast, it takes only one week to reveal younger looking skin. Neutrogena® hmm. Exactly. And doug. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Nice. But, uh. Whats up with your. Partner . Oh. Well, we just spend all day telling everyone how we customize car insurance, because no two people are alike, so. Limu gets a little confused when he sees another bird that looks exactly like him. [ loud crash ] yeah. Hell figure it out. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty thats ensure max protein, with high protein and 1 gram sugar. Its a situp, banana bend at the waist im tryin keep it up. Youll get there. Whoahoahoa 30 grams of protein, and one gram of sugar. Ensure max protein. All right, we have more of cnns exclusive interview with former Vice President joe biden. The 2020 democratic frontrunner defends his record and lays out the policy he insists will work. Biden also reveals what hes looking for in a running mate. So heres chris cuomos exclusive part two of the interview. You versus the rest of the field on the economy. Theyre all going big, 70 tax rates, free college, rearchitecture of the economy, forgiving debt for college, which happens to be the biggest asset on the american governments balance sheet. You do not believe in those things. I dont believe in the way theyre doing them. For example, i believe there should be health care for everyone. Thats rational and will cost a hell of a lot less and will work. To incremental. No its not incremental. Would you bring back the individual mandate . Yes, id bring back the individual mandate. Do you think itd be popular . Yes. And if an individual wants to buy into medicare for all, they can buy in. They shouldnt have to give it up. The flip of it is if you dont go my way and go their way you have to give up all that. Whats going to happen when you have 300 Million People landing on a health care plan, whats it going to do . In terms of the economy, chris, ive been proposing for a long time and i know im middle class joe, i get that part. The middle class built this country. You didnt have wall street build this country, and how did they do that . You gave people a chance. How can you have dignity without doing health care and how can you have dignity unless you can live in a neighborhood thats not fouled pie the environment and whats going on . How can you convince the party these advanced ideas of all in for medicare for all that matter to them theyre popular in the party. Well, by the way, watch. Thats what this election is about. Im happy to debate that issue and all those issues with my friends because guess what . Again, look who won the races. Look who won last time out. We had and by the way i think ocasiocortez is a brilliant bright woman, but she won a primary. In the general election fight who won . Mainstream democrats who were very progressive on social issues and very strong on education, health care. Look, my north star is the middle class. When the middle class does well, everybody does well. How do you do better for them economically and not with these 70 tax rates had. Three things, one i do raise the tax rate to 79 , i do eliminate the ability for them to write off and i would raise billions of dollars. Raise the corp rat tax rate from 20 to 28 . Trump will say thats what brought the economy up to where it is, those tax cuts. Ask the people working in a restaurant how the economy came up for them, how the stock market is really helping, ask how driving 2 trillion more in debt has helped us . I think undocumented people need to have a means by which they can be covered when theyre sick. So the idea is thats what i think we should be doing by building more clinics around the country not just for the undumed but other people. When theyre ill, theyre sick. Well over 50 polled say undocumented people here should not have health care on our dime. Let me tell you something, in an emergency they should have health care. Everybody here in the country. How do you say im undocumented and im going to let you die, man. The idea i hear this stuff about how theyre killing Social Security, et cetera. Guess what, theyve increased the lifespan of Social Security by close to a dozen years. This is part of what trump is playing on. It works for him, this issue of the idea of law and order versus a left that seems like its openbirders because it means its lawless. You have people running close to you now saying decriminalize coming into the country illegally. Do you believe that should be decriminalized . No, i dont. If people are coming because theyre actually seeking asylum they should have a chance to make the case. I would be surging folks to the border to make those concrete decisions. Look, the other thing, chris, is why are they coming . A vast majority of these people are coming from guatemala, honduras and el salvador is because theyre in trouble. Crime rates are high, education is terrible. In guatemala you cant turn on a light switch. Ive put together a 74 Million Program with republicans i might add saying well make a deal with you. You do the follow things to make your country better so people dont leave, and we will help you do that just like we did in columbia. We went down and said, okay, and i was one of the architects. I said heres the deal. If you have all these crooked cops, the federal police, you let us put them through a lie detector test, tell you the kind of people you should hire. They did and began to change. We can do so much if were committed. What do you say to the people in party right now when polled who say i like joe biden but i think his ideas are the old ideas. The new ideas i see a warren and sanders and a harris. You poll lower than them on ideas for the future. What do you say to them . I say to them, take a look at my ideas. Ive been seeing those polls. Ive been seeing where people say what ive seen around the country are the vast majority of democrats where i am on the issues, weve got to be aggressive. And the big idea on education, on health care, on dealing with the environment, i love how, you know, all of a sudden i wish i had been labeled as moderate when i was running in delaware back in the days where it was 80 of your party says its center left. Farther left is getting more attention and amplified. Its a disconnect. Look, its center left, thats where i am. Where its not is way left. But, look, thats what we can find out. Thats what this debate is about. Do you think you need if you went the nomination, to have a female vp. I think itd be great to have a female vp. But the question is whose issues are best prepared in their wheel house, theyve demonstrated they can deal with them. Would you consider not having a woman as a vp . Heres the first thing about being a vp ive learned and that is in todays environment theres so much a president has on his or her plate. They need someone that they have the same political approach and you can delegate significant authority. The president when he delegated authority to me from the moon shot to ukraine, he gave me the authority to make this because i knew where he was, he knew i knew something about it, and he knew we were simpatico. Do you think the democrat ticket can win without a woman in one of the two slots . The answer is yes. But i think it helps having a woman on, and i think theres a lot of really qualified women out there. Is Kamala Harris, assuming she doesnt win outright, is she still someone you would consider a running mate . Look, one of the things i wont get into because it got used before because i dont even have the nomination. Thats easily flipped on me in saying bidens being arrogant. Pieden thinks ill have him as my Vice President. So im not going to comment on any individual. A woman came up to me i guess it was a month ago, i guess i was in New Hampshire, said all right, im almost done. Why shouldnt i vote for a woman, i said you should. If you think that person is most qualified right now to deal, im not suggesting you vote for a woman. Look, i have spent my career from writing the act before that to say my daughters and grand daughters can do anything and i mean anything, anything that a man can do, anything. So i dont have a doubt in my mind. Women fully qualified to be vooims, so theres a lot of really qualified women out there. In terms of what we havent seen from joe biden yet, i remember your hey, jill, last question. Last question, i promise. Last question i promise. The last thing i remember talking about politically with you was, you know, what is the quality because he was asking me about what do you take from your father. Bo biden said to me nobody fights like my father. What does that mean to you, to fight harder than anybody else . It means two things. One, to fight without being personal. To fight and convince. The role of a president is to persuade, persuade. Not just go out and fight. If they want someone to clench fists, bear knuckled fight, closed hand, they got one of those guys right now. Thats not me. I have been pretty good bringing people together. The whole idea of america is when were together theres not a damn thing we cant do. The most incredible response i always get for the last three years is when i talk about how optimistic i am about the future. People know it, they feel it. They understand it, and we cant stay in this state. What are we going to do . What are we going to do if we cant get along better, and part of it is persuasion. People go i know what he means, hell stay with what he says. Thank you for the time. All right, our political reporters and analysts weigh in on this exclusive interview next. 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This whole thing about race and busing, well, you know, i think if you take a look our positions arent any different as were finding out. Were you prepared for them to come after you . I was prepared for them to come after me, but i wasnt prepared the person coming at me the way she came at me. She knew bo she knows me. We have have frank bruiny, cnn contributor and columnist, arlette seanz. So this morning, frank, we had on senator Kamala Harris campaign, her communications director. And from what best i can understand now their positions because it has been confuse fin for the past week. Is that Kamala Harris agreed with federally mandated busing in the 1970s and joe biden didnt. And today they are much more aligned in terms of using different tools for integration, but that is where their point of demarcation was. And by the way, is any of this relevant to Race Relations today . What can we take from that whole squabble . You were pressing her on it because it is very, very confusing. I think what joe biden is doing in that great interview chris cuomo had with him is saying, guys, were getting deep into the weeds. He kept on saying she knows me, you know me, people know me. What hes saying pertinent to Race Relations and Everything Else put all this policy stuff aside, go with your gut. What do you think my values are . And the other key thing hes doing in terms of relation relations is hes reminding people again and again, hes saying barack, barack. Hes reminding them explicitly and implicitly he was picked by the first black president , he was partner for eight years, theyre still on great terms and hes saying look at that rather than looking at the fine grains of dispute hes having with senator harris. Look, Foreign Policy we all know is one of the most important things a president does. It doesnt often come up with a primary, but that interview with chris cuomo really hit a couple of key points. Vice President Biden pushing back on President Trump for allegedly cozying up to thugs and dictators abroad. But he had one specific warning. He said outright if donald trump is reelected he felt nato would cease to exist. Do you think thats a credible threat . That stood out to me as well. I think he felt a lot more comfortable and i agree with you earlier in your comments saying he felt a lot more comfortable and at ease and sort of the joe biden weve got toon know the past year in this type of setting. Hed made some strong points when it comes to Foreign Policy. And cozying up to foreign dictators like Vladimir Putin was one of them. Stating not only will that continue if the president is reelected but a lot more is at stake, ie nato and the fact he thinks nato will be no more if the president is reelected. He gave some things how he would do things differently and laid out experience in intervention in the northern triangle, what should be done in those countries, what had been done in his role in north korea. All of those things spoke to his chops with working with president obama. I think there was a notable deference between debate joe biden and oneonone interview with chris cuomo joe biden. And, you know, as wave just been talking he seemed very in command of the history, of the policies. He was energized, cleareyed. And so what have you seen on the campaign trail the rest of us might not have . Which joe biden is it . Well, i think you heard joe biden in that interview saying you cant exactly explain some of these positions in 30 seconds. He took i think when i looked down at the Interview Time a little over 4 minutes in and he was still discussing the intricacies of his busing policies. I think its going to be interesting to watch. Is biden going to continue to do these oneonone interviews where he does get to continue to talk more indepth where he is. Weve seen theres a been a bit more accessibility when it comes to talking to reporters along the rope lines. But also just in those interactions that hes having with voters, yesterday joe biden was in his element at that fourth of july parade in independence iowa, running up and down the streets. At one point cradling a baby as he walked in this parade. And i think his team is probably looking for ways to get the former Vice President in those organic unique moments where he can personally relate to people on the campaign trail while hes also trying to make this argument. I think its also important to point out while bidens focus has really been on trump throughout this campaign, hes really starting to set some policies, some stark policy differences with his democratic opponents. We heard biden brand himself as center left in that interview. Hes also described himself as an obamabiden democrat. I think Going Forward those are two things youre going to see him continue to stress as he continues to differentiate himself from the left part of the party merchandise. Lets go a little further. Biden really casting his lot in with the center left but saying look who won ip2018. The mainstream democrats. Chris cuomo pointing out 80 of the party doesnt define itself as very liberal. Is this a case of a senator whose liberal credentials now seem dated because the party has move further left or is biden trying it plant a stake in the ground saying the louder voices in the debate dont what hes saying is, no, theyre not dated in terms of the actual numbers where democrats are. Also usually significant he brought up alexandria ocasiocortez. Yes, he brought her up and praised her but he was bringing her up to say that is not who i am. In this interview which was really revealing, this is the starkest clearest case hes made of himself as a moderate and as a general election candidate. It sounds like hes going to proudly wear that mantle. And the advantage he has if he wants to take hold of that is health care in particular. He referenced the Midterm Election and what got so many moderate democrats elected and that was health care and focus on health care. He had something all the other candidates and that is something tangible to grasp, obamacare. For him to go forward now and say this is what were going to do with obamacare which incidentally has become more popular over the past couple of years and were going to improve it as opposed to blowing everything up and medicare for all and a lot of these other ideas a lot of these candidates havent worked out yet. Thank you all for joining us. Speaking of the economy and middle class june job numbers are out. Breaking details up next. E wors. 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Maybe somewhere else. Maybe a petting zoo. Cant go wrong. Cant get eaten. Earn miles. Well match em at the end of your first year. Plus no annual fee or blackouts. The discover it® miles card. We do have some breaking news right now. The Labor Department has just released the june jobs report. A huge surprise to the up side for june. Let me show you 224,000 jobs added in june. That is substantial increase from 72,000. It was revised lower for may. So if there was any question whether or not may was a fluke or not i think we can suffice to say it definitely was a fluke. The Unemployment Rate, lets move onto that, did jump up a bit. Just a tad, about 1 . It jumped up to 3. 7 for good reasons because 335,000 people entered the work force. That is good reason why we saw the Unemployment Rate go up. 51,000 jobs added in business services. Those are high paying jobs. Construction, 21,000. Thats a good sign because we have seen the Housing Market kind of lackluster. And 17,000 jobs added there. It has been under pressure for about four months so we are seeing a rebound in manufacturing as well. Good news. All right, thanks, allison. Now, this sunday night our new cnn original series the movies explains the stories behind the films you love. First episode going to explain crowd pleasing 80s films. There was so much reality in the script of fast times. The way that he wrote it is he went back to high school. He never graduated traditionally, so the idea was i could go back and have the senior year i didnt have and write about what it is to be a high school student. I learned so much. The pop culture establishment, they dont know whats happening with kids right now. Stacey, what are you waiting for . Youre 15 years old. I did when i was 13. Its no huge thing. Its just sex. These kids are having a super short adolescence. Theyre having sex years before you know theyre having sex, and theyre all working. Its fast food, its fast adolescence, its all disposable. And what are we doing to a generation that has to be adult at a younger and younger age . Be sure to tune in. It premieres this sunday night at 9 00 p. M. Eastern and pacific here on cnn. Well be right back. Here are even more reasons to join tmobile. One do you like Stranger Things . Sure you do. Thats why netflix is on us. Two unlimited data. Use as much as you want, when you want. Three no surprises on your bill. Taxes and fees included. Still think you have a better deal . Bring in your discount, and well match it. Thats right. Tmobile will match your discount. So you have ten years experience. I do. But no phd . I do have a masters in Early Childhood development. You dont mind if i record this, do you . Uhh, no first kid heres all the numbers, foods in the fridge, oh and lucas likes to pull on jewelry so you might want to lose the nose ring. 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Let me put up where most of your competitors were. The lions share were in iowa. New hampshire, two of them in nevada. You chose to go to arkansas and mississippi. So tell us your thinking. Well, i guess i thought Nobody Needed another politician at another fourth of july parade. I spent a lot of time in the mississippi delta because my wife is from the delta, from the rural arkansas. So she and i and one of our daughters decided to spend the last four days having conversations in arkansas, mississippi, and today in louisiana who are struggling with unemployment, health care, with education. And we met some really inspiring people along the way including some Young Students in sun flower, county, mississippi who who are trying to better their education this summer. The Second Quarter fundraising numbers are out. Some of your fellow democrats had impressive hauls. Pete buttigieg, 24. 8 million raised. Joe biden, 21. 5 million. Raised. One Bernie Sanders 18 million. How do those numbers affect your path forward . Well, i congratulate everybody on their fundraising numbers. I was only in the race for two months when the quarter ended, and we raised 2. 8. I had another 750,000 from my senate campaign, so we were about 3. 5, so i think thats a pretty good start. I wasnt been running for president for a long time. I just got in the race. So im concerned we continue to raise the resources we need to be able to be competitive in the early states of iowa and New Hampshire and you mentioned South Carolina and nevada. And i think we will be. President trump were actually very pleased with those numbers. Go ahead. So youre pleased with those numbers. What i was going to ask you about is President Trump and the rnc that are very pleased with their numbers. They raised this blockbuster 105 million in the Second Quarter and im wondering what that tells you about the enthusiasm on the other side. I think he has trumeemendous enthusiasm among his base, and i think it is unforgivable we lost the last election to donald trump, somebody who was a reality tv star before he was president of the United States and spent his whole time in office trying to divide the American People from each other. But we could lose to him again if we dont Pay Attention to whats working americans desire and what americans in my part of the country want as well. I think thats going to be very important for us during the course of this democratic primary to remember that we need to appeal not just to our base but also to independents and others if were actually going to beat donald trump this time, which is what is required, the most important thing that needs to happen. And on that note, you had i think a notable moment during the debate where you were only one of two people, i think governor hickenlooper was the other, who did not raise your hand on whether or not undocumented immigrants crossing the border should be decriminalized. Let me remind people of that moment. Raise your hand if you think it should be a civil offense rather than a crime to cross the border without documentation. Okay, your hand there is not up. Do you worry that regardless of who is the nominee on the democratic side that republicans will be able to cry open borders . Well, thats what theyll try. I wrote a bill in 2013 with seven colleagues in the senate called the gang of eight immigration bill that passed with 68 votes that had 46 billion of Border Security in it. That is far more than donald trump has proposed. Its sophisticated 21st century Border Security, not the medieval ineffective wall hes proposed. So that is what i think we need to get back to, and he certainly wont be able to accuse me of being weak on Border Security because i helped write that bill and democrats more jenally cant be accused of it because every Single Member of the senate at that time voted for Border Security in that gang of eight bill. It also contained the pathway to citizenship, and finally resolving that situation and bringing people out of the shadows, and they had the most progressive that had ever been conceived much less written. Unfortunately because of the radical right wing in the house, we never even got a vote in the house of representatives. The bill would have passed had it been the house, and we would be right now in the process of securing our border and putting people on an orderly pathway to citizenship in this country instead of continuing to have a politics that divides americans over this issue. This is personal for me because my mom was an immigrant to this country, and my grandparents were immigrants to this country as so many other peoples moms and grandparents were. And i think weve got to overcome the president s political rhetoric here and begin to work on a solution. And unfortunately that gang of eight bill actually points the way to a bipartisan solution. Senator michael bennet, thank you very much for spending part of your fourth of july Holiday Weekend with us. Newsroom with jim sciutto is up next. Have a great weekend. Best, fastest, best. Enough. Sprints doing things differently. Theyre offering a new 100 total satisfaction guarantee. I mean i think Sprints Network and savings are great, but dont just take my word for it. Try it out and decide for yourself. Switch to sprint and get both an unlimited plan and one of the newest phones included for just 35 a month. Prestige creams not living up to the hype . One jar shatters the competition. Olay regenerist hydrates skin better than creams costing over 100, 200, and even 400. Fact check this ad in good housekeeping. Olay. A very good friday morning to you. Im jim sciutto. Poppy harlow is off today and welcome to a special edition of newsroom on this holiday week. And we start with breaking news. The u. S. Economy adding 224,000 jobs in june, a strong comeback after what was