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These Border Patrol facilities are only supposed to house people for less than 72 hours. I dont understand why we dont see more of a sense of urgency. We want to welcome our viewers in the United States and all around the world. This is new day and we begin for you with new evidence of the deplorable conditions for migrants in these Detention Centers at the u. S. Southern border. Look at your screen. These are the images on the front pages of several newspapers this morning. Thats the daily news calling it shameful. The New York Times on the right has the headline squalor pervasive. These pictures were released in a report from the Trump Administrations own watch dog agency. So of course they will be very hard to deny. They show hundreds of migrants including children crammed into extremely overcrowded border facilities. So also new this morning, the president is getting his tanks and his planes not to mention his political friends and donors in prime seating. This is the fourth of July Celebration he wanted. The one bringing military fire power to our nations capital. The price tag completely unknown. But the Washington Post is beginning to uncover some of the details. And reports this morning that the National Park service is diverting nearly 2. 5 million in entrance fees to help pay for it. And thats just a fraction of it. Lets bring in the White House Reporter for the Washington Post who broke this story. Josh, great to have you on this morning. 2. 5 million from National Park entrance fees. Again, this is only a small part of what this could cost, correct . Correct, john. 2. 5 million that usually would go to the parks is being diverted to organizing the national lawn, setting up the fireworks, president ial motorcade, the travel. Everything that goes with him coming to such an event. These are just some of the first contracts weve seen. Then you have additional costs for the flyovers that are going to go over, the military cost of the event, the cost of getting the tanks here. We saw tanks rolling through d. C. Last night. Off lot of different costs coming together. The first numbers weve been able to see are 2. 5 million from the National Parks service. There will be a number of others that pile on top of that. Now youre talking about the military cost of this. One of your colleagues i was reading estimates that a flight hour for a b2 and there is going to be a b2 Bomber Flying overheight. A flight hour is 140,000 per hour. And if that b2 is coming from missouri where they tend to be based, thats 600,000 at least for one plane thats flying overhead. Right. And there are going to be a number of planes flying overhead. You have air force one thats expected to fly overhead when the president takes the stage. Then you have different aircraft for i mean, different aircraft from each branch of the military also expected to go over. There will be a number of planes going over. If you take that calculation as you just did and multiply it, you imagine youd be getting in the millions of dollars quickly. So the dicey subject of republican donors, the rnc is getting an allotment of tickets for party vip s here. Federal law, and correct me if im wrong, prohibits the use of public money for political use. What line does the white house have to walk here . The Trump Campaign is also getting an allotment of tickets. You have the rnc gets some and the Trump Campaign getting tickets. The line theyre using to explain this is theres always vip tickets for white house events. An easter egg roll, christmas party, different events at the white house. What makes this trickier is this is on public property. This is a ceremony that had not in the past had vip entrants. It was the fireworks for everyone to see. Now you have special cordoned off area for the front of a show that folks gave a lot of money or youre allied with the party youre going to have a better view than if youre not. That has turned some people the wrong way. And a lot depends on what the president chooses to say in his speech, correct . If he uses words that get political and we dont know. Oftentimes the president despite what might be on the prompter does veer into the political. Right. Hes expected to go for 20 minutes at 6 30. You can imagine the tones of the speech that will be written in the teleprompter would be of unity, america, Independence Day, kind of a theme that often drives such a ceremony. As youve said, weve seen the president many times go off prompter. The two and a half years ive been covering, most of the time he goes off the teleprompter. What he will actually say when he sees the crowds, supporters, maybe maga hats in the crowd. Who knows what will happen. But this extrav gand jubilee hes been planning and has been getting briefings on is coming together. Tomorrow night it will be showtime. Just back to the 2. 5 million youre reporting on. Is there a National Park somewhere in america now that isnt getting that money that needs it . Well, theres a finite omit of. Parks service fees. So if you take this money out of the pool, it makes sense it wouldnt be there for other parks to use. Whether a specific park wont get money for this, its hard to know. Theres only so much money in the pool. If you take this out, it would stand to reason that in other places you would have less. Josh dawsey, this celebration taking place tomorrow. Thanks for being with us this morning. Keep on digging. Thanks for having me. Okay. Lets talk more about this. Lets bring in margaret talob, bianna golodryga. Great to have you. Margaret, im still confused. Is this a National Holiday event . Or is this a political rally for the president . Well, alisyn, the white house says that this is not a political event. Underscore not a political event. Hell talk about unity, patriotism, being an american, so on and so forth. As josh was just saying, i think we will see what he says and sort of take our cues from there. But this has now become a politically divisive event and its not typically a divisive event. Its typically the fourth of july. I think this is an inside the beltway, outside the beltway story to some extent. I think he knows his base and he knows this is an event that will resonate well with his base. Is it going to have implications on the election . Is it going to turn voters that would support him off . Probably not. The president has decided the more the criticism piles on, the more hes determined to do this. Hes wanted to do this since he was impressed by the french event when he met with Emmanuel Macron in 2017. When the president doesnt get his way, its 4 doubles his desire to move forward. Its given some in the military and reasonables heartburn in the process. I think the president probably doesnt mind the controversy. He gets to be at the center of the controversy which may be what he wanted all along. But soaring themes of unity, thats what hes known for . It would be an unusual event if that were the case. He did it at normandy. But then he also did the interview off to the side beforehand. Hes never had a day free of it. And margaret said this will play to his base. His base doesnt really live in washington, d. C. You know, typically speaking we saw a little bit thoof at the inauguration. Hes not exactly drawing from a great loving crowd there. Hes getting a preexisting amount. There will be protests, people not happy the president is there. One point i wanted to make is its interesting that the president was finally able to get this parade and this show of military might after two years. Its important to remember that the defense secretary has not been there for two years. Theres an acting secretary just looking to please the president and be fully confirmed. Seems like theres less push back to the idea that millions of dollars may be spent and hundreds of man hours may be put towards putting all of this military might on the mall. Something that the military was previously opposed to doing. Now they seem to be on board. And theres no one head at the Defense Department thats fully confirmed by the senate. Everybody seems to be in an acting position to get confirmed and get the full support of the president. Sort of trying out for the job. Bianna, lets talk about what the democrats will be doing this weekend. So many of them in iowa. Theres this new interesting iowa poll. Not a national poll. Arguably more relevant. This is in Suffolk University and it has biden still leading 24 . Then harris at 16 . This is postdebate. Warren at 13 . Then pete buttigieg, then undecided at 21 . What do you see here . It shows the significance of the debate. Elizabeth warren and Kamala Harris had not so much name recognition. I think people for the furst time really saw them in a position where not only they could look president ial taking own other candidates but obviously the big question, can they take on donald trump . Biden had a not good night. I mean, thats what the takeaway has been. He did not come prepared. And you see how Kamala Harris has soared ever since. This is something the biden folks are concerned about. Is he going to come to the next debate with . Busing did seem to come out of left field. But he had five pages devoted to it in his own autobifee. I gok baa to the point that he stops himself on his own. Saying my time is up. Hes never been one to stop thinking out loud. Yet here he was. That showed a point of weakness for him. The question is can he recover. If there is a time to stumble, obviously its the first time. But this is a time when people see harris and warren shine. Want to focus if i can for a minute on this Inspector General report. This is a report from the Trump Administration itself. Keep that in mind. If people within the white house try to deny this later on or push back on it. It includes photos from some of these Detention Centers housing migrants there. It includes the finding that the purpose is to notify you of urgent issues that require immediate attention and action. Specifically we encourage the dhs to alleviate the overcrowding. Many havent received a shower for a month. You see the pictures of the squalor as the papers are putting it down there. Very much what is a humanitarian crisis at the border. Yeah. I think this is a real concern now throughout the administration. When the president talks about i. C. E. And Border Patrol and the people who run the kind of Immigration Enforcement part of the government, he tends to talk about tough guys getting, you know, getting bad guys. But the truth is that there are thousands of employee who is are sort of career employees and are not particularly partisan and not particularly activist. And are very concerned about doing a good job, doing an appropriate job. So i think were going to see more of these kind of releases of information by employees who are concerned and some more pushback from the courts. You know, theres been these high profile tragic cases of parents and their children trying to get across the border, across rivers and in some cases ending in fatalities. That is not the responsibility, but it becomes your responsibility. And were going to see now a real test of the administrations approach of were going to hold people rather than release them. That is going to be tested. Thats such a great point. President trump likes to blame congress for the loopholes in the asylum laws that he says are causing this sort of influx at the border. But congress is not authorizing treating people worse than dogs in cages. And for some reason, President Trump doesnt think that you can do both. Which is press congress to fix the asylum laws if need be, and treat people humanely. Why is that so hard now for the u. S. To do . The president and many in his administration see that this type of treatment is a deterrent. Theyre trying to send a message to central america, if you come to the u. S. Youre going to be treated poorly. Dont come because its going tor hard. Youre not going to get a shower, toothpaste, or soap. And the president is trying to send a message. These images should be a humanitarian outrage. If the president has millions of dollars he can pull out of out of nowhere for a military parade on the mall for the fourth of july, you would think they could find enough money to provide sanitary conditions for these migrants. And i think youre going to see more pressure on congress specifically republicans from the state of texas who are affected first hand by the situation there and the deterioration there. And why theyre not going with their democratic congressmanmen to visit them. Because clearly this is a crisis thats going to continue throughout these summer months. We have a lawmaker who just went yesterday to one of these Detention Centers coming on next to tell us about what she saw inside. Wet wipes. Wet wipes is whats being used. The solution now is wet wipes. A quick programming note. This friday we have a cnn exclusive for you. Former Vice President joe biden is going to sit down with chris cuomo. How does the democratic 2020 front runner plan to stay ahead of the pack . This will air friday morning at 6 00 a. M. And 8 00 a. M. Eastern. He hasnt done interviews like this. Its a big deal. Breaking news. Iran is threatening to increase uranium enrichment to any amount it wants and needs. That is what the president Hassan Rouhani said. It would be the second breach of the Nuclear Agreement since the u. S. Withdrew from it. Uranium enriched at low levels is used for nuclear power. Higher enriched uranium is for weapons. It acted on its threat to increase stockpiles. Again, the key here is that this uranium that iran says it will start doing is of a Higher Quality and can be used for weapons. This is seen as a more serious breach of the deal than whats been done up to this point. The question is now what . Exactly. So those disturbing images of the detainees, these have some lawmakers demanding big changes. Well speak to a congresswoman who toured one of this facilities yesterday. 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Overcro overcrowded where they slept like a gymnasium with bunk beds. And i was truly concerned about the adolescent girls. And for some reason they kept shifting my focus and trying not for me to see the adolescent girls. So i demanded that i would not leave until we saw the girls. So i had a star studded group going with me. We had john lewis and Benny Thompson whos chairman of the homeland security. There was ten of us. And it was unbelievable. But congresswoman, we heard you its jail. We heard you making your impassioned plea, where are the girls you were yelling. Wrp are the girls. And so did you see the girls that you demanded to see . I saw the girls that i demanded to see, but not all of them. I saw the 17yearolds. And the sad part about it they were in a classroom. Maybe 14 classrooms of 17yearolds, i saw where they sleep at night. And everyone uses the bathroom outside. So theres a porta toilet. If its raining or whatever inclement weather, they have to go outside to use the bathroom. Theyre 17 waiting on their 18th birthday, i. C. E. Comes to that facility, shackles their hands, shackles their feet, and take them to a private prison just like the private facility that theyre in. So theyre profiting from these children. So its profit and greed. Out of that center. Theyre constantly bringing children and girls in this center. I do not trust them with adolescent girls. I do not trust them. And those were the girls that i didnt see. The 13, 14, and 15yearolds. You couldnt get access to them . Though you were demanding to see them, you could not get they would not let you meet with them . I met with girls. 700 girls. But not the 13 or 14 or 15yearolds . No. And thats who i will be going fwook see. Is and these are not all competent minors. Some have been separated from their Family Members as they cross the border. And i said to one just me let me understand. What are you suggesting . Are you suggesting that theyre being separated and kept away from any sort of prying eyes because this is a money making scheme . I mean, what do you fear is happening there . Yes. Thats what i think it is. I think its a money making scheme. Instead of them processing the children out, theyre processing children in. So that they can use a government money to expand this facility which is already t t about the size of three football fields with thousands of children. And every day theyre bringing in new children from the border. So theres no real plan to exit these children out of this facility but theres a real plan to bring them there because they said to us were going to add permanent structures. Now theyre in tents. And it is so sad. I said to one of the workers who were all white men, no hispanic men, no hispanic women. Everyone running this institution are white men. I said to one of them, i feel so sorry for these kids. He said we treat them well. I said im not i mean, i feel sorry for them because you have taken them from their parents. He said, oh, because we treat them well. I said you think crowding them in a jail in beds that are one foot apart in a gymnasium full of just girls and right across the hall, right across the hall are the same age boys. That is very dangerous. And this place needs to be shut down. Shut down. Theyre making profit, greed. Okay. Fredricka wilson, thank you for sharing with us what you saw yesterday and your calls to shut it down. I know youre also calling for some of the agents to be fired who were involved in that facebook group. So thank you very much. Obviously we will monitor what happens in the coming days now that this has been fully exposed. And we have to keep up with those girls. Please do, congresswoman. Please let us know what you find. Thank you very much for coming on new day. I do want you to know were waiting for a white house response on all of this this morning. Well bring it to you as soon as we get it. Also this morning, the answer to one question could determine the fate of the world. The world cup, that is. Will superstar Megan Rapinoe play . Well give you the answer next. This is anne marie peebles. Her saturdays are a never ending montage of comfort. [tv sfx] where have you been all my life . But then anne laid on a serta perfect sleeper. And realized her life was only just sorta comfortable. Not just sorta comfortable. Serta comfortable. Thats ensure max protein,ble. With high protein and 1 gram sugar. Its a situp, banana bend at the waist im tryin keep it up. Youll get there. Whoahoahoa 30 grams of protein, and one gram of sugar. Ensure max protein. danny s voice of course you donte because you didnt . Your job isnt doing hard work. Its making them do hard work. And getting paid for it. vo snap and sort your expenses to save over 4,600 at tax time. Quickbooks. Backing you. Dont let an amazing adventure pass you by. 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Just a minor hamstring strain. Now i have the extra rest day. Looking forward to the final. So i expect to be fit by then. Joining us now cnn sports analyst christine brennan. I dont know where to begin. Theres so much drama involved with this game. Theres so much to talk about going forward. Lets discuss what happened first. 21, a really tough game. It required feats of heroics from the u. S. Goally Alyssa Naeher to even get us to the finals. It was everything you hope it would be. England finally cares about womens soccer. For generations they didnt. And now they care. And they started the game of soccer, of course. So the fact it was england, big bold broad shouldered england against the United States. The best team in the world in the last 25 years. It was everything youd hope. And it was a classic battle back and forth it went. It was the thing people will be talking about 20 years from now which happens all the time in mens sports. Now its happening in womens sports as well. I know this is blasphemy but does the fact that rapinoe had to sit it out suggest that shes not as important to their game. You know the depth of the United States is extraordinary. You see it on that field and the girls in your neighborhood playing soccer. Those girls will grow up to be the stars on the team in the next 20, 30 years. In that sense, Megan Rapinoe is replaceable. Shes irreplaceable in many ways. She turns 34 in a few days. And the fact they can put Christen Press right in and she scores, the depth is so deep and strong that you almost dont miss the stars when theyre out. The u. S. Could field the two best teams at this with thinker first and second squads. Do you think rapinoe will play on sunday . I do. But the good news is its not necessary she plays. Again, we saw the depth. Carli lloyd, the star of the 2015 world cup, she came in in the last few minutes and was instrumental in throwing her body around and doing what she does. You could have carli lloyd start. I wouldnt be surprised at all to see the same starting lineup we saw with Christen Press coming back in the game. Although we dont know who the u. S. Will play yet. Theyre playing today. I guess it will depend a little on strategy based on what jill ellis sees. I think either way the u. S. Is in good shape. You dont want to look past either of those two teams. After watching that game, remind me again, why arent the women paid as much as the men . I know. When you got the number one selling womens jersey of all time for nike. When youve got these tv ratings. I saw tweets of people on planes watching the womens soccer. Those are sentences i wouldnt have uttered 10 or 15 years ago. I think if you had to plan a strategy to get to the bargaining table, the u. S. Women are going exactly things are happening as they hoped they would. You saw tweets. I saw tweets from ellen degeneres, billie jean king, former president barack obama. One person and i keep checking who i have not seen tweet congratulations to the u. S. Women yet is the president of the United States. And i hear he tweets a little bit. So yeah. That is unbelievable. It was nine days ago in that hill interview where he said it was inappropriate for Megan Rapinoe inappropriate to do what she does with the national anthem. Which is stand up, shes not kneeling. I didnt know what she was talking about there. So he picked a fight with the team that is the most popular womens team maybe the most popular team ever, a team popular in red states and blue states. That is not where you want to be as this team shows how it keeps winning these games. Its fascinating to me that trump would be the one person whos not tweeting and would be the one person on the opposite side of this team picking a fight with this team as at the height of its popularity. As we head into the fourth of july, the game is on july 7th. And the president of the United States isnt there, that is something. Christine, have a wonderful fourth of july. Thanks for joining us. You too. Thanks, guys. All right. Tough hear this story. This is an incredible story. There were two Good Samaritans and they managed to talk a man out of taking his own life. Because they saw a story right here on new day that inspired them to act. Youll hear their whole story next. My experience with usaa has been excellent. They really appreciate the military family and it really shows. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. It was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. It was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say oh we cant beat usaa were the webber family. Were the tenneys were the hayles, and were usaa members for life. Get your usaa Auto Insurance quote today. Ok ill admit. 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Sanjay gupta profiled a man kevin hines who tried to end his life by jumping off the golden gate bridge. He survived. And since then he dedicated h d life to Suicide Prevention and raising awareness on Mental Illness. What surprised me then, still surprises me now, is the story that kevin tells about the day that he jumped off the golden gate bridge. He made this pact with himself which was that if anybody basically is kind to me, if anybody looks at me and says whats wrong, can i help you, wants to be compassionate would have done that for him, he wouldnt have jumped. That stuck with me. I think it influenced and directed a lot of the other stories that i do. Its never about a single individual. Its always about the circle of individuals, the ecosystem of society as a whole. Okay. Heres the incredible update. Two women living in los angeles saw sanjays story and they say they were inspired to intervene and save a mans life because of that story. Their husbands captured this harrowing ordeal on video of them trying to talk someone off from jumping. And joining us now are those women and dr. Sanjay gupta is also with us. Oh, my gosh, ladies. What an incredible story. I know that your husbands captured that home video cell phone video i guess of you trying to talk to that desperate man. Tell us what happened. We were just chitchatting and she looked up and we were at the kanan bridge overpass and said my god is that guy going to jump off the bridge. We saw him on the outside of the bridge just starting to make his way out towards the center of the bridge. The first thing we did was call 911. We went under the bridge very quickly. We called 911 and then within, like, seconds, that interview with dr. Sanjay gupta and kevin hines just came back to me. I said we have to turn back. We have to go back. They said, why . I said because i heard this interview and this is what kevin said. If anyone tried to stop him. And so we immediately she was like, pull off the road. And we pulled off. And we looped back around. We pulled over, there he was. Just all the way in the center now at this point of that freeway overpass. We looked at him and the first thing we said is, you know, we love you, please dont jump. Sanjay, this is exactly what you say youre hoping for in your stories. To tell one story that everyone sees and learns from. What is it like to hear this . Its very emotional. You got to save a life. I mean, just let that sink in. You got to save somebodys life. Somebodys here today that likely would not have been without you. Thats what we try to do, all of us as journalists. You dont see the impact of stories we do. Sometimes being a journalist its a tangible thing. Its a good reminder its within all of us to save a life. We turn away when we see somebody who may be mentally ill. Someone having cardiac arrest, you pump on their chest. If theyre in mental crisis, we often turn away. They didnt. Somebodys probably alive because of it. What did he say to you . What did you say to him in those moments of crisis . He kept saying he just didnt have anything to live for. He didnt want to live anymore. So i brought there was one point i thought he was actually going to fall back and let go. And i just put my hands up on the fence with him and i said just hold my hands with me. And just look at me. And listen to me. And i just talked to him gently. And then i said when i really thought he was going to jump, i said, you know, imagine what could happen to the people below. Youre not only going to hurt yourself, but potentially theres a family in a car. And the two of us have to witness this horrible, horrific act. If you can just get through today, tomorrow might be a little different. You might feel different. You may not have wanted to do this. You just got to give yourself one more day. Give me one more day and ill stay with you. He agreed. I started walking him off the overpass. Then when the police came, he got very startled. At that point he said theyre going to arrest me. And i said i wont let them do that. Just stay with me. And we were about halfway through where i knew that he was actually ready to not hurt himself or anybody else. And he got scared and he started to look back and i said just dont look back. Keep looking at me and keep walking with me. Im here with you and im not going to let you go. And i continued to walk off the bridge with him. The police came up and we said, you need to leave us alone. And there were two sets of Police Officers that came up and you can see them in the video kind of turn away and walk away. They said, you guys got this. You got this. You guys tell it so matteroffactly. But this is extraordinary. You put yourselves on the line. You hung it all out there. And really took a chance. And i you know, hats off to you. Its just remarkable what you did. Jen, i know this is personal for you also. Your sisterinlaw took her own life, correct . She did. Yes, she did. You know, having it within my own family, i have gone through what it you know, what suicide and Mental Illness looks like. And its so painful and its preventable. I dont want to say its always preventable, but it can be preventable. I feel grateful were here to be able to share this story. It is a ripple effect. Sanjay, just last, you know, hope is also contagious. I know the suicide rate is a real problem in this country right now. But this is talking about it like this is the answer, sanjay. I think theres no question. I mean, suicide rate, just the numbers are startling. Its gone up 33 over the last 20 years. You know, you look at whats happening in this country. Life expectancy is dropping. Much of it is selfinflicted. Suicide is part of that. But youre absolutely right. Its all within us to be able to try and make a difference. Its the lack of hope that i think oftentimes drives people. And if you can provide it in some way, it can make a huge difference. Jen and toni may not be there, but someone is. Sanjay, thank you for your reporting. Jen and toni, thank you for being heroes. Such heroes. Youre welcome. Thank you. And i want to put this up so everyone can see it right now. This is the Suicide Prevention lifeline. 18002738255. There is someone always there to listen. What a story. All right. Meanwhile, provocative question just in time for the fourth of july. How proud are you to be an american . A new poll asked that and the results may shock you. A mustsee reality check next. Its funny what happens when people get together. Holiday inn. Holiday inn express. Were there. So you can be too. Repair the enamel on a daily basis. With the new pronamel repair toothpaste more minerals enter deep into the enamel surface. You have an opportunity to repair whats already been damaged. It s amazing. 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All right, this morning, all 14 operating rooms at the seattle chops are shutdown after a patient died from a mold infection. The hospital is blaming an air quality problem. Elizabeth cohen joins us now with the latest on this now. Whats going on with this . Actually six patients in total were infected. As you said one died. Three patients infected last year, three patients infected this year. These are mold spores that infected them. You and i breathe in these mold spores. Theyre very common. However, when they get into an open incision thats when you get problems. The hospital has apologized and said theyre taking this situation very seriously. Arent there supposed to be protocols to prevent this . There certainly are. Operation rooms have filtration systems. And the hospital said there were gaps in that filtration system. The one thing unclear is why did it take six cases for them to figure this out or for them to make this announcement . Why didnt they figure this out after the first one and then shut the operating rooms down . That is unclear. Thank you very much for reporting on that. Meanwhile, President Trump says hes proud to be an american and he plays the song to prove it. But according to a new poll other americans do not feel the same way. Just in time for Independence Day john avalon has this patriotic reality check. If youve ever caught the beginning of a then youve probably heard this. And whether he hugs a flag in the process President Trump loves to stride into the sounds of that classic. Just in time for the fourth of july and the president s military parade seems fewer people are actually proud to be an american according to gallup. A new record low since the poll began in 2001. Thats not good. Folks who say that are proud is at a healthier sounding 70 . But still down from a high of 92 . And its sad but not surprising to see a partisan split here. But get this. Fewer republicans say theyre extremely proud than did in 2009 at the start of the obama administration. So why is patriotism down under this nationalist president . Because politics. Just 32 of americans say theyre proud of our political system with our democracy divided and dysfunctional. And just 35 say theyre proud of the way our country handles welfare. Youve probably heard President Trump say this. The world is respecting the United States last year. Only one third of our north american neighbors have a positive view of the u. S. And confidence for the u. S. To do the right thing plumed when trump took office. Our current american president is less trusted to do right in Foreign Affairs than Vladimir Putin or chinas xi jinping. Thats just absurd. Nike decided to can a special Edition Sneaker featuring the original 13 star betsey ross flag. And they did it because Colin Kaepernick told them to according to the wall street journal. Yes, slavery is americas original sin, but no, not all Founding Fathers were slave owners. To cast the betsey ross flag as the moral equivalent of the confederate ring could be the shipry slope many warn about. Thats a potent weapon for a public heading into an election already promising to head into partisan lines. Celebrating our independence and our constant and perfect effort to live up to our founding ideals that all people are created equal is something that should unite us, especially on the fourth of july. And thats your reality check. Youre right. That was a good one, john. Thank you very much for that special edition. Thank you to our International Viewers for watching. For you cnn newsroom with max foster is next. For our usa viewers these new pictures from the government, from the Trump Administration itself that exposed just how bad it really is inside the migrant shelters on the border. New day continues right now. We saw women placed in prisonlike cells. They were sleeping on the floor. Those are just disturbing images. Im very confident we are meeting and in fact most of the time exceeding these standards. A Border Patrol agent whose had enough. Thigh need to know the truth. Were going to have some planes going overhead and tanks stationed outside. Whos going to pay for all of this . What budget is this coming out of . We have this special vip area they auctioned off to trump cronies and donors of the rnc. Weve never had to display that power. All right, good morning and welcome to your new day. It is waenz, july 3rd, Independence Day eve. 8 00 here in new york. This morning we are getting a new look at these new photos which raise questions about conditions for migrants at the u. S. Border. Deplorable conditions. Overcrowding. These were released by the Trump Administration itself. So its not like they can be denied. It was uncovered by a government wuch dog during unannounced visits in may and june. You can see the pictures here. Hundreds of migrants including children crammed into these border facilities. Shameful, thats the cover of the daily news. A ticking time bomb is what the Dallas Morning News warns, and squalor pervasive screams the headline in the New York Times. Meanwhile, the president is getting ready to throw a Birthday Party for america trump style. His extravaganza will include tanks. Maggie, happy fourth to you. Okay, so the president is finally getting what he wants. Hes been innamered with this idea since he saw the big military parade in france. Do we have any reporting on how much this will cost the taxpayers . No

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