January is now the second deadliest month for coronavirus. So far 64,000 deaths recorded, more than 8300 in a few days. Our biggest problem is lax of sax seen. Did the last year cost lives . You know, it very likely did. This is new day weekend with Victor Blackwell and christi paul. Good morning to you there. In st. Louis. And good morning, wherever you are watching this morning. Former President Trump will face an impeachment trial for the second time. We know the date now is february 9th, monday, House Democrats will walk over the single charge of incitement of insurrection to the senate. The trial will start two weeks later. Senate leaders reached a deal to delay it. Yeah, meanwhile, President Biden is attempting to push ahead with his agenda, of course, hes taking executive action to address the pandemic, the economic crisis including expanding food aid and raising the federal minimum wage. He says we need to act like were in a national emergency. Theres another urgent matter as well here. Fixing the vaccine rollout. Theres a new study that finds 6 in 10 americans, you dont know where or when to go to get your shot. The governors say they need help sorting out the vaccine distribution, quote, mess. Look, we shouldnt this shouldnt be the the hunger games like it was with ppe. Were going to start this morning on capitol hill. Where the concern of maybe getting bipartisan support for convicting the previous president is starting to fade. So far, republicans are publicly saying that they expect trump to be acquitted. But cnn has learned that some influential members of the party have been quietly lobbying for conviction. Cnn congressional reporter daniela diaz is on capitol hill this morning. Daniela, its good to see you this morning. We so the articles are set to be delivered on monday. Walk us through how this is going to play out. Reporter right, christi. Senator Chuck Schumer actually broke the news that the articles will be walked to the senate side. This is important because Mitch Mcconnell and senator schumer reached a deal that even though the articles are going to be walked on monday. They actually wont hold a trial until two weeks after. He wanted the second week of february. Its going to be the first week of february. There was a compromise there. But, see, both sides win with this situation. Chuck schumer wanted bidens nomination to be cleared through the senate. This has allowed time for that help. Mitch mcconnell wanted time to build a defense for the former president. Thats going to happen as well. And of course, the covid19 package the senate also wants to pass that is a priority or the administration. Both sides of this chamber are winning with this date. Daniella diaz, good to see you, thank you so much. Thank you. So, while the senate is moving closer to the impeachment trial the Biden Administration is trying to focus on the agenda. Jasmine wright is with us now. Jasmine, the Biden Administration is pushing pretty aggressively for the covid relief package. And confirmations as well but an impeachment trial could really slow down those plans. Reporter victor, it could eventually slow down any movement on bidens wall he wants to do. But, listen, biden yesterday was given more time. Like my colleague daniella said, he was given more time for that 1. 8 trillion coronavirus package to have discussion with members. Biden with this presidency with none of this cabinet members confirmed. So far, there are 2 out of 23 nominees that he has in place. That is unusual. Now, biden spoke yesterday at the white house, during an event. He was asked about the potential delay before that move was made, before that decision was made. Take a listen to what will he had to say here. Will you support the time line for a february impeachment trial . I havent heard the detail of it. But i do think that having some time to get the administration up and running, the more time we have to get up and running to meet these crises the better. Reporter now, bidens team is focused on getting those National Security nominees through. Getting the secretary of treasury nominees, too. They find those, important, then they will go down the line. But again, hes giving an extra week to give some of those people, as he has said confirmed and that 1. 9 trillion coronavirus package to be considered for the discussions he and his team will have bipartisanly with the lawmakers on the hill. Now in lieu of any legislative success or bills being put on the floor for his administration, in terms of controlling the coronavirus package a, he has been leading exclusively by executive actions, in the first three days of office, he has passed 30 executive actions, and those are focused on the coronavirus. Including invoking the defense protection act that he will use to croat more supplies to administer those vaccines. It also includes walking back some of those moves that trump made in office including stopping construction on the border wall, as well as reversing that ban on that travel ban on predominantly muslim countries. So biden has been using those executive orders, and he will continue to do so next week including signing an executive bill to start a policing commission. Victor, christi. Jasmine wright there in washington. Thank you so much. Lets bring in cnn political commentator errol louis. Good morning, errol. How are you. Good morning, how are you . Im well, thank you. I wanted to get to something we havent talked about yet but a head line in the New York Times. They are reporting the president S Justice Department attorney Jeffrey Clark had allegedly formulated the plan to oust the attorney general jeffrey rosen. To put clark in that position, that way, they could use the doj power to force Georgia State lawmakers to overturn the president ial election in that state. We know that was a priority for President Trump. Clark is denying all of it, but i wanted to ask you, what evidence is there, or what evidence is needed to assert that this actually happened. And what is the potential consequence of it . Well, the evidence is standard reporting. The New York Times doing its usual good job. Stalking to four high. Referee ranking officials privy to the conversations. I have mentioned thatmatched by washington post. Its as close to the truth as were likely to get. When asked about it there were no direct denials that the substance was incorrect. What will appears to have happened a number of proposals were brought to the then president Donald Trumps desk. He was very interested in the idea of putting direct legal pressure through the department of justice on georgia officials to try and get them to reverse the count in that state and basically overturn the results. Apparently, christi, the only reason it didnt happen was there was going to be a mass wave of resignations at the top of the justice department, because some of the top officials there were appalled on the idea that purely on the president s sayso and not on any independent finding of facts other than what could be gleaned from the internet there was this mroch plot being hatched. A desperate window of how trump was to throw out the results of the election. This wouldnt have any impact on the impeachment trial, would it . Not necessarily. Although it would, or potentially could affect what some people think should be the outcome of all of this. Keep in mind, when the senate they told their trial, yes, theyre only voting on the one trial about incitement to insurrection. But they also have to weigh what the consequences, the penalties will be. The movement is not on the table. The voters took care of that. But there is this idea of censuring donald trump from precluding him from running from office again. Thats something that the senators might be interested in. And these kind of facts become relevant to that sort of a judgment. We also have reporting that there are republican senators who are secretly lobbying for potential conviction here of the president. They wouldnt do it publicly, necessarily, because of their own obviously politics. And wanting to survive in d. C. But i mean, with that said, what do you make of the potency of that. I mean, they can lobby all they want but if they dont actually vote for it and they need republican votes to impeach in the trial, what good does it do . Well, heres how this goes. I say this a million times, christi. They need 17 republican votes plus all of the democrats to get the necessary margin to convict donald trump at the end of the impeachment trial. Ive seen this a million times. What you do to make this happen, one scenario, you tell each of the 17 senators individually, you are the deciding vote. Its very hushhush. Youre the deciding vote. Please come to a meeting, lets talk this through. All 17 get to the meeting, they look around the room and they realize, oh, i wasnt the deciding vote. Now, the whole dynamic, the whole conversation has changed. If they do realize they can do this, exclude donald trump from politics, from running from office again, they may very well d decide politically thats what they want to do. Its kind of lonely as they watch unable to move legislation, unable to hire the staff or the audience they want and watch the democratic agenda proceed, this may decide, listen, donald trump has cost us enough. And we dont want to live through this again. You mentioned minority. What the heck is going on with this 50 50 in the senate. I think people are waking up going why are there any negotiations happening. Its 50 50. You would think Vice President harris would be the deciding vote. Explain the necessity of these investigations . Yes. They need an operating agreement thats going to be the rules of the road going forward. Because its so close, christie, you dont want to necessarily drag the Vice President into the chamber to settle every minor piece of legislation. So what Mitch Mcconnell is trying to do is establish some kind of a threshold by which you might need 60 votes on many different pieces of legislation. It is a traditional method by which the senate does a lot of things. The problem is, the democrats dont necessarily want to go along with that. They dont want to have to go to the other extreme. You know if its inconvenient and cumbersome to have the Vice President in the chamber even for routine pieces of legislation, its even more cumbersome to have to get to 60 votes to get anything done in the chamber. Certainly, Chuck Schumer didnt come all this way to round up 17 votes anytime he wants to do anything in the schachamber. Theyre going to arrive at some agreement. Theyre both old time members of the senate. They know each other very well and know whats at stake. There are other bells and whistles attached many of which we wont know about. Errol louis, i was watching you last night. Youre back up this morning. We certainly appreciate it. Thank you, sir. Thank you. So, weve got new developments about that extra dose that doctors some of them have been able to pull out of the vials of the pfizer covid19 vaccine. Something is exchanging about that. Also, theres a new poll that shows more americans are willing to get vaccinated, but can they get an appointment . Weve got the latest on the pandemic, next. Also, guns in the capitol. Were not talking about those carried around by police. Why lawmakers still feel unsafe even with all of the heightened security in washington. And after a report that the olympics this summer might be called off, what is ahead for the games . Find your rhythm. Your happy place. Find your breaking point. Then break it. Every emergenc gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergenc. I made a business out of my passion. I mean, who doesnt love obsessing over Network Security . All our techs are pros. They know exactly which parking lots have the strongest signal. I just dont have the bandwidth for more business. Seriously, i dont have the bandwidth. Glitchy video calls with regional offices . Yeah, thats my thing. With at t business, you do the things you love. 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The fda has approved a new syringe that can extract an addition dal dose from each pfizer covid19 vial. Johnson johnson also can submit within a couple weeks. In the meantime, a new poll showing 66 of people are willing to get a shot now that malt tim vaccines are available. Thats up from 51 back in october. Cnns Polo Sandoval is following the latest from new york. So, three elements of good news there. Reporter yeah, absolutely. But at the same time, you have a fairly concerning poll that show 6 in 10 americans surveyed have no idea when or where they would be getting their vaccine when its time. Back to that promising Johnson Johnson candidate, dr. Nouch in a new interview saying yesterday, he would not be surprised in a couple weeks but as he said decisions have been made. But if it becomes the third vaccine to be authorized for emergency use that would add millions to the vaccine poll. Ashley bennett never got to hold her tenth child in her arms. The South Carolina mother died of covid19 after her entire family tested positive for the virus, one week after delivering her baby by emergency csection. If we can learn anything from this, the covid is so serious. And we need to truly take precautions because she was only 36. She had no underlying conditions. And she was gone basically in two days. Reporter but a case added to a National Death rate that remains alarmingly high. California reported its deadliest day on friday. There is hope with new date dal showing a downward trend in options nationwide. The sevenday average for new cases has also reached its lowest point since early december. And the average for the National Test Positivity Rate fell below 10 . Second consecutive day in weeks. One of President Bidens coronavirus advisers worries any rest may be temporary. Youre going to see people traveling again for spring break in march and april. And that is exactly where we expect the variants, in particular, the uk variant, to really have taken hold in the u. S. Reporter so new concern that new variants could cause new surges, faster than vaccines being distributed. Lines are long, even for those lucky enough to register for a shot. I was very disheartened when i did get to the door, and they took us in to get our shots, with that many people standing outside, they had five people administering the shots. Reporter Houston Health officials report 1600 appointment slots to get first vaccine doses booked in about five minutes. Extremely limited Vaccine Supplies are also being reported elsewhere across the country. So, wof got 275 disappointment points already in the state up and running. Six mega sites. Our problem right now is dose supply. If the fema sites were set up with supply, that would make a huge difference. Reporter walmart, the nations largest retailer expanding covid19 vaccinations to seven more states, chicago and puerto rico, possibly helping accelerate distribution. The man nominated to serve as the nations next Surgeon General hopes authorization of other vaccine candidates can provide a desperately needed boost to production. Supply will increase over the coming months as they bring more and more production online for the pfizer and for the moderna vaccine. It is possible that another vaccine may come into the mix. If the Johnson Johnson or astrazeneca vaccine come through with strong data and theyre authorized by the fda, then we could see more vaccines and put them on the market. Reporter you know, we update you on a daily basis regarding all of those measures. An important to also watch is the number of confirmed cases of that uk variant according to the centers for Disease Control and prevention this morning. 200 cases have been confirmed. The top states seeing those, california, florida and here in new york, victor and krckristi, important to keep in mind the number is higher. Polo sandoval, thank you. The covid19 Pfizer Vaccine for kids is new enrolled. For teens and preteens, 12 to 15. The company has more than 200 participants. Lets bring in cnn contributor dr. Abdul elsayed, hes an epidemiologist and a former Detroit Health commissioner. Doctor, welcome back. Lets start with the preteen trials, they get sensitive calling them kids when they turn 12 and 13. So, how long do we expect the trial to go, as long as the first . And what are the special considerations for this age group . Thats right, victor, theyre kids in everybodys minds but theirs. Gentyes. This is a critical demographic to be trying the vaccines in because, of course, one of the most important things is to get schools up and running. In vaccines in children ages 12 to 15, of course, with pfizer you have an authorization for 16 and up. Then what you can do is start protecting children, reopening schools without nearly as much worry as you would otherwise have had. That being said, its really important to make sure that youre thinking about the longterm consequences in children that you might not think about in adults. Their brains are changing, their bodies are growing, and you have to ask whether or not these vaccines would have additional side effects in people who are growing and changing at that speed. Theres no reason to think they would. Of course, thats the reason we do science. You want to make sure that your hypothesis that there is no additional change or worry is in fact true. So, theyre likely to take a bit more time following these children up a bit longer. But its good news that we have these trials moving in children. And hopefully, well be able to get vaccines in their arms as well, knowing that we can open their schools without having to worry too much. Let me stay with pfizer for a moment. The vials used to be buy five get one free, maybe. Because there was an extra dose that some could pull out of each vial to get that sixth dose. Pfizer announced its going to count that sixth dose as part of the 200 million doses as part of the contract with the government. Its got to be in a special syringe tonsent to get to use t extra dose. Whats the significance as we try to get more people vaccinated and as supply is the concern for every mayor and governor is that were speaking about to get this vaccine into arms . Ill tell you what, victor, on one hand, its great that you get six doses out of the five dose vials. On the other hand, i really wish pfizer wasnt changing the amount to count the dose. Even still, we dont have enough vaccine out to people. So, i think in some respects theyre playing a little bit tight with the accounting to try and make up for the fact that theyve been slow on the manufacturing process and we need more vaccine. And on the other hand, look, when you design these processes, and you have sort of a serendipitous study like they, thats good for all of us but we need that vaccine, towards the 200 billion dose environment seems fast and loose because that suggests to us that they dont think that theyre going to meet it, without adjusting back their their authorizations. So it is a bit concerning. It say reminder that these corporations are corporations. Theyre out there for their earnings over everything else. As much as we rely on them for the public good there are risks to that and were seeing that now. I said at the top you are the former Detroit Health commissioner. Dr. Lita wayne is a former health commissioner. She had a suggestion to write in the washington post. President biden is asking americans to wear masks for the next 100 days. She writes that biden can get around a prerogative by foregoing federal funds. As a former local health official, what do you think about the plan . Ill tell you what, we need more masks and more in the country, whether theyre people ideologically opposed to masks because of the disinformation of the last president , or there are places where people are masking up already. At the same time, there are nifty approaches that the president can use but those have political costs. You know, he has come in on a message of trying to bring resources, and trying to unite the country. And i wonder whether or not that kind of approach might back fire on him, enflaming some of the ideological approaches which, of course, are bunk and driven by disinformation. And still exist in the minds of people who choose to believe them whether or not those might back fire on us and leaving people feeling that their rights are infringed on. Whereas this approach says, were all doing it, and without the megaphone of the president s twitter perhaps a little finesse than force could be more effective in this particular moment we find ourselves in. Its remarkable how many people still dont regularly wear masks in public places. Dr. Abdul elsayed, good to have you, sir. Thanks. Prosecutors have charged more than 1200 people for their role in the capitol riots. Investigators say now cummings the hard part. Well tell you what they mean. Pain hits fast. So get relief fast. Only tylenol rapid release gels have laserdrilled holes. They release medicine fast for fast pain relief. Tylenol rapid release gels. I dont know if youve heard this number yet but there are have been more than 125 arrests in connection with the capitol insurrection. Now, prosecutors say the investigation is moving into a more complicated phase. Yeah, extremist groups arefo participated. That could take weeks to put together. Some live streamed from inside the capitol. There were a lot of attackers who went through Great Lengths to hide their identities. Still, Officials Say they expect to make hundreds of arrests that would bring possible seditious conspiracy charges as well. Fallout from the insurrection, i dont know if you know this, it is tearing family as part. Case in point, hes charged with unlawful entry at the capitol. According to fbi documents he told his own son and daughter that he would shoot them if they turned him in. His 18yearold son jackson spoke with chris cuomo last night. He said choose a side or die. If i chose a certain line i would cross a line and he would do something he didnt want do do. That could be open for interpretation now. I did feel threatened at those comments. Now, he says his fathers views have grown scary enough that he tipped the fbi off about his dad the month before the insurrection. But he said he didnt know his father was going to d. C. Until the day he left. Listen to this, theres been a series of incidents this week involving republican representatives trying to bring weapons on to the floor of the house of representatives. Heres cnns Sunlen Serfaty with the story. Reporter in a brazen move, some republican members of congress are defiantly dismissing capitol Hill Security meant to keep the u. S. Capitol safe. Capitol hill police are now investigating Republican Congressman andy harris, after the congressman tried to carry a concealed gun with him on to the house floor thursday. Setting off the metal detectors and afterwards, trying to pass his gun to another congressman to hold it for him. Why does a member of Congress Need to speak a gun on to the house floor . Reporter and also on thursday, according to a tweet from the Huffington Post reporter congressman don young had a switch blade on him, passing it to his wife before he went on to the house floor. We still dont yet feel safe around other members of congress. Reporter multiple House Democrats tell cnn they feel unsafe around some republican members. One House Democrat telling cnn the increasing tensions with certain incoming freshmen has been building for months. This is just the latest example of republicans not only breaching security protocols, but oftentimes bragging about it. Freshman Republican Congress moan Lauren Boebert releasing this provocative video. Its our right, including your second amendment. Thats what im going to do. Reporter Madison Cawthorn saying fortunately, he was armed when members stormed this month. Members are permitted to carry guns on the Capitol Grounds but not in either legislative chamber. Following the insurrection on capitol hill metal detectors were quickly installed off the house floor. Requiring members for the first time to walk through them to get to the floor. The move was met with immediate uproar from republicans. A handful who outright refused to go through them. Ignored Capitol Police and walked straight on the floor. Congressman mullen yelling at Capitol Police saying its my congressional right. Randy biggs calling it crap, the stupidest thing. And other blatantly mocking security. I can tell you none of us were looking to each other saying, gosh, i hope there are more metal detectors outside. All right, from unique challenges facing the Biden Administration right now to the legacy of donald trump, youre wondering how is history going to view this unprecedented time that were all living together here. Well, tune in for the new cnn special report living history with andyson cooper, Doris Kearns Goodwin and ken burns. Tonight. After the break, life after the lockdown, live report from china with cnns david culver. Prudential helps 1 in 7 americans with their financial needs. Thats over 25 million people. With over 90 years of investment experience, our thousands of Financial Professionals can help with secure video chat or on the phone. 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So, there is more uncertainty this morning surrounding that new coronavirus variant that was first identified in london. Uk Prime Minister Boris Johnson says, in addition to its spreading more quickly, it may be associated with a higher degree of death. Now, researchers are still looking at the data, we want to point out, but there is early evidence suggesting the increase in risk could affect all age groups. Cnns correspondent scott mclean is in london. Scott, a number of cases already across the uk. What do we know about the real threat of this variant . Reporter yeah. Theres still a lot of questions about that mortality issue, that you mention, christi. What we know for sure, this new variant is certainly more transmissible from person to person. About 30 to 70 more transmissible than the original virus. And because of that alone there are more deaths in the uk, simply because there are more cases. It also mean more people are showing up at british hospitals which have almost twice the number of Covid Patients today than they did at the peak of the first wave of the virus back last spring. So the Prime Ministers scientific adviser says if you look at the overall zat da several studies suggest that the new uk variant which makes up a massive chunk of the cases that are showing up in the uk right now appears to be a little bit more deadly than the original virus. So, for instance, he said that 60yearold men youd expect of all of the 60yearold men who get infected with the virus, about 1 of them will die. With the new variant, they expect 1. 3 or 1. 4 to die. But heres where things get a little murky, guys. And thats if you look at people only who show up in the hospital with either strain of the virus, you are no more likely to die from the mutant strain, the new uk variant of the virus than you are of the original virus. For that reason, well, the government cant say for certain that this variant is more deadly. Listen. I want to stress theres lots of uncertainty around these numbers, and we need more work to get a precise handle on it. But this obviously say concern this has an increase in mortality as well as an increase in transmissibility, as it appears as of today. Reporter its a concern what you see on the graph. The uk death toll has reached the peak of last spring and the government expects that number to climb for several weeks still. The good news is that researchers believe the vaccines will be effective on the new strain of the coronavirus. And the uk is vaccinating its population faster than any other country in europe. But even the governments own prompgss say that massive Vaccination Campaign thats taking place wont have an impact on deaths or hospitalizations until the end of this month at the earliest or more likely this month. Victor, christi. Scott mclean, thanks, scott. It was one year ago that wuhan entered a 76day lockdown. And today. With the city streets, you look at that, it looks like theyre virtually back to normal. David culver is with us now. David, youre just back from wuhan. How have things changed there . Reporter victor and christi, back again. I cant believe its been 12 months, to think about where we were this time last year. This entire country was really wrapped up in uncertainty, unease. And as you saw in those images things are relatively normal. You see people feeling a lot more comfortable with being out in public. Even scenes like this. Ive got to show you this. This is from a club in wuhan. You can see folks not really worried about spreading anything, close with one another. Many of them willing to take off their mask. That was something we saw play out over the summer. We saw pool parties. On new years eve you saw people shoulder to shoulder in celebration. Thats not to say theres not continued concern of cautiousness carried out in wuhan, particularly in the north. Rime going to show you what we saw on the ground there just in the past few days. Take a look. Here we are back in wuhan china, here is a city when you mention its name folks know it as the original epicenter of the outbreak. Its a lockdown that lasted 76 days. It essentially sealed off the city of 11 million residents from the rest of the world. As we come back, youll notice business is back open. Face masks no longer required in the public. And if youre a good distance away from other folks. However, while business may be getting back to normal, the other thing we notice is theres a deep agony felt amongst folks who lost loved ones. Wounds that have yet to heal. Many of them still angry with the local officials who they blame for not doing enough early on. And our visit here coincides with a force tracing mission of the w. H. O. A field team that is likewise in wuhan to find the truth to the origins of this virus. That field team is currently in quarantine. Theyre expected to get out at some point this coming week. Theyll likely then hit the ground and start going actually into the field to start their investigation. Its a highly politicized issue, christi and victor. When you look at the origin theories, many of them have been floated. Perhaps it was a lab, the trump has suggested this was unleashed on the world. Well see what the Biden Administration and the w. H. O. Does as they try to get to the bottom of what the source of the virus is. David culver, thank you so much. All right. Lightening it up a little bit, if you are a super bowl fan, guess what, people will be allowed to go watch the game. Yes, the nfl is making sure that Health Care Workers get a seat. dad vo life doesnt give you many second chances. But a subaru can. dad you guys ok . avo 1 eyesight with precollision braking. 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Find your nunormal with nucala. Introducing voltaren arthritis pain gel. The first full prescription strength nucala at home. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory gel. Available over the counter. Voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel. Voltaren. The joy of movement. So, legend, hero, those are just two words being used as tributes continue to pour in for Baseball Hall of famer hank aaron. Of course, hes known for breaking babe ruths home run record in 1974. Hes done more than that. Coy wire is with us now. He changed lives, coy. Good morning, christi, victor, hank aaron died peaceful in his sleep. At 86 years old. He was a pioneer for racial justice. Five of six living president s released statements, george w. Bush presented aaron with the metal of honor. He grew up handed his throne. He grew up poor and faced racism. And dusty baker saying hank aaron was the most important person in my life next to my dad. He was the best person i ever new and the truest most honest person that i ever knew. All right. The head of the olympics says the tokyo games have the full support of the japanese government. That reassurance coming after the times of london reported that an unnamed Senior Member said that the authorities have privately concluded that the olympics could not proceed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Thomas bock said he spoke to all 206 members nations to ease. Here he is. Everybody is really determined to make this Olympic Games in six months from now, all of the prospects are good. We are working hard. And these games, the first priority, will be about to make them safe and secure for all participants. Summer olympics are set to open july 23rd. Now, super bowl lv is just 15 days away. And i want you to see a super surprise some florida Health Care Workers got yesterday. Thank you, roger. I want to invite each member of your time, the entire unit to be our guests at the super bowl. Oh, my gosh. I dont know if that means you accept or not. Yes, yes, we accept the nfl announced yesterday that 22,000 fans will be allowed in the stabbeds, 7500 of which will be vaccinated medical personnel. Many from the tampa surrounding area, victor and christi. All 32 teams will have a chance to select their owning vaccinated workers. And they will honor Health Care Workers throughout the game. Well deserved. Coy, thank you so much. Thanks, coy. So, lets talk about that one person waking up this morning, who won the billion dollars one Winning Tickets to last nights billion dollar Mega Millions jackpot sold in michigan. The jackpot was the second largest in Mega Millions history. Third largest in u. S. History. Lump sum kags option for the jackpot almost 740 million. Congratulations to them. Ooh. You just need to take a second and think, my gosh, 740 million. I know it. I know. Of course, all i think is that could feed a lot of people. Yeah, it could. Well be back. Ah, a package you know what this human ordered . A backache. Consider pain, delivered. Pain says you cant. Advil says you can. It was 1961 when nellie young lost her devoted husband. Without him, things were tough. Her last option was to sell her home, but. Her home meant everything to her. Her husband had been a High School Football coach and it turned out, one of his former players came up with an answer. A loan, created just for older homeowners. And pretty soon, nellie young had one of the first reverse mortgages. Discover if a reverse Mortgage Loan is right for you. Use it to eliminate monthly mortgage payments and increase cashflow, create an emergency fund, preserve Retirement Savings and more. Call now for your free information kit. That first reverse Mortgage Loan meant nellie could stay in the home she loved so much, with memories that meant even more. A reverse Mortgage Loan isnt some kind of trick to take your home. Its a loan. And its taxfree cash just when you need it. Its about making your retirement better. Call today and find out more in aags free, noobligation reverse Mortgage Loan guide. Access taxfree cash and stay in the home you love. Of course, you can use it to pay some bills, cover medical costs, update or repair your home. But best of all, it eliminates those monthly mortgage payments so you get more cash in your pocket, every month. Learn how you can use a reverse Mortgage Loan to cover your expenses, pay for healthcare, preserve Retirement Savings, and so much more. A lots changed since 1961. Since then over a million Older Americans have used a reverse Mortgage Loan to finance their retirements. It meant so much to nellie, maybe it could mean as much to you. Call now and get your free infokit Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer announcing the trial will begin the week of february 8th. Nobody wants an impeachment at the start of a new administration where youre hoping to turn over a new leaf. There are millions of americans out there who believe that the election was stolen and they believe it because donald trump and Congressional Republicans told them that. Now theyve got this frankenstein monster that is raging in the village and they dont know what to do. January is now the second deadliest month for coronavirus. So far, more than 64,000 deaths

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