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Dangerous to use our platform. Executives in Silicon Valley might have woken up on thursday morning and maybe they realized that they were culpable, that allowing conspiracy theories and hateful speech to fester on their platforms for years had a role to play. The nations top Infectious Disease expert said the government is actively monitoring new variants, including one from the u. K. Right now the data indicate that the u. K. Mutant is still quite sensitive to the antibodies that are induced by the vaccine. This is new day weekend with Victor Blackwell and christi paul. Shot of the white house there before the sun comes up. Right now the president is losing cabinet members and support from gop lawmakers. Hes even losing his own kpiter account this morning as he struggles to hold on to power. He has just 11 days left in office. There is a bipartisan call for his resignation or for the 25th amendment to be invoked. Both pretty unlikely but House Democrats plan to introduce an impeachment resolution on monday. The latest draft obtained by cnn includes one article of impeachment for incitement of insurrection. Twitter says the further incitement of violence is why theyre kicking him off the platform permanently. The final tweet was he will not attend the inauguration on january 20th. There is a growing call for accountability. Weve got it all covered this morning. Lets start with cnns Sarah Westwood at the white house. The momentum is growing in congress to accelerate the president s exit with the reaction from the west wing about this possible second impeachme impeachment. Reporter good morning, victor and christi. The white house is already criticizing this as partisan politics from House Democrats. But top aides to the president , including his chief of staff mark meadows and his daughter ivanka trump saturd the preside down that it was a serious possibility that he could be removed from office before january 20th, whether that be by impeachment or whether that be by his cabinet invoking the 25th amendment and moving to get him out of office. So that pressure is what led to him releasing the more conciliatory video on thursday. It came a day after he released a video that was his initial response saying he loved the protesters, but he followed all of that up with the tweet yesterday that he does not plan to attend president elect bidens inauguration which would make him the first president since 1869 to skip that tradition. It came as no surprise to people who have been speaking with him and who said he was thinking he wouldnt attend the inauguration and that he hasnt conceded yet. So not a big surprise there. Now the president s attention is tourng what he may do in his final days and post presidency. The thinking is that the president might head to maralago on the 19th. That could, of course, all change because right now looming over the president is this push for impeachment. I want to read you the white houses statement responding to that. As President Trump said yesterday, this is a time for healing and unity as one nation. A politically motivated impeachment against a president with 12 days remaining in his term will only serve to further divide our great country. That was a statement that emerged as the impeachment push was picking up steam. This is after two cabinet secretaries and a number of aides resigned in protest over the president s behavior. Victor and christi, theres still a lot of uncertainty surrounding the president s final 11 days in office and how he will handle whats to come for him. Sarah westwood, we appreciate it so much. Thank you. Capitol hill up next. Cnn has obtained articles of impeachment drafted by House Democrats. Suzanne malveaux is there. Good morning to you. Good morning. 11 days. Theyve got to move this through quickly. What do you know about the plan . Reporter victor, theyre not going to wait. They are going to move very fast, lightning speed really. Youve heard from House Democrats and even some republicans for the president to resign, also invoking the 25th amendment. The Vice President , majority of the cabinet realize thats not realistic. One tool they have in the toolbox is for the house to in fact impeach the president. This is the timetable. Monday is when were going to see the House Rules Committee assemble. They will go through the terms of the debate. Theres something called privilege resolution which will escalate this, move this very quickly, perhaps a twoday period in which they will discuss the terms of impeachment. It only takes a majority in the house. The democrats have that majority and so we do expect that that will be lightning speed. The one thing that we are seeing, its a single article of impeachment by representative jamie raskin essentially calling for it saying it was incitement of insurrection because of the president s role in encouraging the violence, the attack on the u. S. Capitol and overturning or stopping delaying the election results. Speaker nancy pelosi says they have many options on the table, different pieces of legislation. They will go forward very likely with that article of impeachment. The one option they dont have is to do nothing. She made that very clear on 60 minutes. Sadly, the person thats running the executive branch is a deranged, unhinged, dangerous president of the United States and with only a number of days until we can be protected from him, but he has done something so serious that there should be prosecution against him. Reporter and covering the last impeachment of the president back in december of 2019, there was not a single republican on the house side who supported it. There was just one senator, republican senator mitt romney who had supported the conviction and removal of the president but this time very, very different situation here. It will require 2 3 of the senate to actually vote to remove him from office. It will be in the next session of congress, and that is when the democrats will control the senate. They will need some republicans on board. We are already hearing from some republicans who might be willing to actually cast that vote. Representative Adam Kinsinger being one of the republicans, senator ben sass as well as lisa murkowski. Ill read what she said here calling the resignation of the president. He needs to get out. He needs to do the good thing, but i dont think hes capable of doing the good thing. What is likely to happen here is if they dont get those 2 3 of the vote that they need, at least at the very least they feel that this will actually mean that he makes history as the only president whos been impeached twice. And would make history again if the ip be tension follows through that an impeachment would keep him from even being able to run again. Suzanne malveaux thats right. Appreciate you so much. Thank you. Thank you. With me now is barry burke. He served as house judiciary advisor in the first impeachment. In 2019 you denied and fought off claims that that impeachment process was rushed. 76 days from the beginning of the formal impeachment inquiry to the vote in the house. What do you make of this time . Theyre not even committees for this to go to because the committees have not been formed. There will be no witnesses i assume based on the schedule. What do you expect to happen this week and is it happening too quickly . Good morning, victor. I dont think it is happening too quickly. Lets go back. First, a couple of things. There are no rules that define what the house has to do. The house votes to impeach, they can do it. And last time there were facts to develop. There was an investigation to conduct. Here everything the president did that was a constitutional crime is captured on videotape when he made it publicly his statements on twitter or in his audiotape with the secretary of state of georgia. So theres really no investigation to have here. Ill tell you one last time, i was on the phone repeatedly with the white House Counsel, with the president s counsel inviting them to come in and make presentations to the house. They had no interest in doing it because there was no defense. They refused to appear. Here the conduct is clear. There is no question the president falsely denied he lost the election, then incited violence at the capitol to interfere with the certification of his loss. There is no facts to investigate. There is no reason to believe the president would want to come and present evidence. If he did, bring it on. It wouldnt take that long. Cross examine whoever he calls. His conduct was clear. I dont think its rushed. There are many reasons for them to go forward. Let me ask you about that refusal to appear in a moment. You said its clear because it happened on camera. One of the 2019 impeachment lawyers, Alan Dershowitz who you know who represented the president told politico that what the president said was not a high crime or misdemeanor. What he said was protected by the First Amendment. What do you say to that . I know Alan Dershowitz, he was my professor 35 years ago. Thats not true, you cant go into a Movie Theater and yell fire. You cant make statements that cause danger. As the leader. Free world you cant encourage violence at the capitol. Theres no First Amendment right. The last i saw professor dershowitz was when we were both on the floor of the senate and he was claiming the president could never be impeached for influencing the election. Ironically, other than him nobody is denying the president engaged in constitutional crimes because there can be no question that he attacked the very core of our democracy. The debate is should they go forward. As i said, i think there are many reasons going forward. You brought up a refusal to appear in the last exchange of the 201 impeachment. Is there a plausible scenario in which the president during the trial in the senate does not send attorneys to defend against the articles . If hes not in office and he believes that he can pressure or brow beat enough republicans not to side with democrats so that hes not convicted, why spend the hundreds of thousands of dollars . He wouldnt have white House Counsel anymore to come and defend against these. Why not as a strategy delegitimize them out of hand by not showing up at all . Anything is possible with this president. You can bet whatever he does will be to serve his own personal political interests and not the countrys interests, but i think what he does doesnt really matter because ultimately if there is a senate trial, it will be calling upon the republican members of the senate to see if they will stand up. While some of them have recently stood up, it should be remembered that it was their complicity and support of his false claims about the election, his refusing to concede what everyone knew that he lost that encouraged his behavior, that facilitated it. So there is value in requiring the republican members of the senate to actually have to speak out, to stand up and say whether or not they are going to vote to remove him if it happens before the 20th or disqualify him if its after so he can never run again based on what he did on wednesday with regard to our constitutional system and democracy. I want to drill down on that point a bit. You wrote earlier that the 2019 impeachment acquittal taught the president all the wrong lessons. You said one was mr. Trump apparently learned from the Senate Acquittal that he could once again get away with putting his personal and political interests over the safety of the American People when confronted with an even more dire crisis. You wrote that at the time in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. Do you see a direct line between that january 2020 acquittal and what were seeing today . Absolutely, victor. Its all connected. What is so scary is every time the president gets away with his assault on the rule of law on a democratic principles, he accelerates his actions. His conduct becomes worse. When i gave the Opening Statement at the judiciary impeachment hearings, i said that if the president gets away with this, the only limit to what he might do next is our imagination. That was both predictive, because hes engaged in continued assaults on our democratic principles, but also in some ways an understatement because i dont think any of us could have imagined that the president would not only deny a peaceful transfer of power but then would incite violence at the capitol to try to interfere with the democratic processes. If you look at what happened after the president was acquitted, he immediately then, you know, refused to acknowledge the pandemic, the coronavirus putting his personal political interests over the safety of the country in a much worse scenario. He then weaponized even further the department of justice to penalize his enemies, to reward his friends. He then sought to interrupt the Postal Service by denying funding to impact the election and made false claims about mailin ballots during the pandemic to try to interfere with it. When he lost he made fantastical and false claims which he continues to make about the election, denying the fairness of it that everyone recognizes. The president s conduct has only gotten worse. The concern is now that hes in such a desperate situation, what could and would he do next with the power that he has over the remaining days . I think that is the great concern. 11 days left. The article of impeachment has been draft and well see what happens. Barry berke, thank you so much. Washington is stalling but big tech is not. Theyve blocked President Trump after wednesdays riots. Twitter specifically has permanently banned the president from its platform and theyre not alone. 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Authorities in indonesia are looking for a plane that disappeared, boeing 7 737 disappeared about 3 00 local time. Indonesia search and rescue agency is sending a ship to look for the plane. Its not clear how many people were on the flight. Cnn reached out to boeing and they said in a statement that they are aware of the reports from gentlemjakarta and they ar closely watching the situation. So are we. When we get more, we will bring that to you. So President Trump is still trying to reach his supporters on twitter even after the social media banned him from the platform. Now Trumps Campaign account ttrump has been permanently suspended. Twitter said in a statement that using another account to try to evade a suspension is against its rules. For his remaining time in office, 11 days, tweets from the official potus and white house government accounts are going to be limited as well as we understand. Cnns Tony Osullivan is live from washington. Good morning. People have been asking for the president s account to be suspended for years now. Were hearing some people are saying this is too little too late. Yeah, victor. From 89 million followers to none. Twitter overnight leasing an extraordinary statement saying they had permanently suspended the president of the United States saying they did it because his account posed a risk of further incitement of violence. This sort of ban, twitter has not only just shot down the realdonald trump account, they have banned him from the platform. If he tries to sign in to another account and if he signs up for another account, it will be taken down. Thats what we saw last night. This sort of action, this is what twitter normally does to terrorists, to terrorism organizations, leaders of terrorism organizations, this type of aggressive ban. You know, youre right. I think its possible that some executives in Silicon Valley woke up on thursday morning, took a look in the mirror and had thought about the scenes they saw on capitol hill and washington here on wednesday and realized, you know, after allowing misinformation and hate speech and such a violent rhetoric on their platforms for so many years, that they were culpable here. Victor . Twitter, we know, doney, is warning of a potential possible second a tattacattack. Theyve been hearing chatter. What do you know about that . Yeah, thats right. They cited they had seen both discussion on twitter and off twitter on other websites about a proposed secondary attack on the u. S. Capitol and state capitols on the 17th of january. We do know theres a lot of chatter about pro gun Second Amendment protests happening. That is something that twitter and authorities are monitoring very closely. And i just guess finally back to the point of what twitter did last night. You know, twitter pointed to two of President Trumps sort of final tweets over the past 48 hours or so saying that they could pose potential incitement to violence. Really, you know, the company could have taken hundreds or thousands of any of trumps tweets over the past few months or the past few years and taken that same action. So obviously theyre doing this in the dying days of the trump presidency. Trump, of course, also locked out of his facebook account. All right. Doney osullivan, thank you very much for bringing us the latest. We appreciate you. Still ahead, weve got some video of that the mob that attacked the capitol this week crushing an officer there in the doorway during the riot. Weve got about 90 seconds of it. Were going to let you see this. Stay with us. Well be back in a moment. Aren s pain gel. The first full prescription strength nonsteroidal antiinflammatory gel. Available over the counter. Voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel. Voltaren. The joy of movement. Dcoughings not new. This woman coughs. And that guy does, too. People cough in the country, at sea, and downtown. But dont worry, julie. Robitussin shuts coughs down. Weve got some new video from the riot wednesday on capitol hill. Ive got to warn you first though that what youre about to watch is disturbing. This shows the moment with the protesters at the entrance, when they tried to force their way in on the west side of the capitol. Watch. Go home, okay . You see me. You go home. Talk to your buddies and go home. Im not hurting you. That is just remarkable to watch, them trying to push through that line of police with all of the rhetoric of ban the blue and thats what they did wednesday on the capitol. The d. C. Police made 61 unrest related arrests on wednesday. Thats hard to watch. If anybody had any questions about what was really going on there, that displays it. Those scenes at the capitol, they do, as you noticed, victor, they appear to show a double standard here in the way d. C. Police treat protesters as well. Look at the Police Response to black lives matter. Protesters back in june here. This was during the height of protests following the killing of george floyd. Military helicopters, the national guard, tear gas, all of that engaged. Cnn analysis found that dc Police Arrested five times the number of people during that protest than during wednesdays riots. Now wednesdays riots injured more Dc Police Officers and left five people dead. The dc Police Spokesman said that the numbers are different because the capitol is outside their jurisdiction where they were in a supporting role. The curfew was not announced ahead of time giving them less time to stage resources for mass arrests. Live pictures now of the white house. You can kind of make it out there in the over exposed shot. Capitol building as well. Flags are at half staff in honor of the Capitol Hill Police officer who died after wednesdays riots. Yeah. The scenes that we remember in some of these pictures here this week left a lot of people wondering how does this happen inside our nations capitol . Joshua school is with us. Hes a Risk Assessment and security director. We appreciate your service and taking time to talk to us. A lot of people look at us and say this was predictable. What is your assessment of what happened and how it happened . Good morning beings and thank you for having me on your show. I think that this was predictable. I think what were seeing now in the wake of this, reports and information sharing between state and local and federal Law Enforcement, it showed there was going to be an increased presence on the mall as well as speech towards violence on social media and that information was shared. Also that several organizations provided support, including the Washington Metropolitan Police to help surge resources at the capitol. So we know the police are still searching for the people who breached the capitol, went inside the building. Whats your degree of optimism that theyll be able to find them . I know theyve already arrested some. So i think that in conjunction with the fbi, the Washington Metropolitan Police and 56 field offices across the United States for the fbi, i have high optimism, actually. The fbi and others will need help and thats the reason theyre publishing the pictures for the public. Theres rewards out there. The Robust Resources are working not only with the joint Terrorism Task forces but with the Violent Crimes task forces across the United States. Im very confident they will bring those people to justice. I want to listen here to what president elect biden had to say about the upcoming inauguration in 11 days. I have great confidence in the secret service. I have great confidence in their ability to make sure that the inauguration goes off safely and goes off without a hitch so its a different so i have confidence in what is going in the planning thats underway before this and continues with secret service. Its a great agency. Joshua, do you share that same confidence . What might have changed in terms of security prep for inauguration after wednesday . I do have confidence. Secret service has done these events for decades. Theyve done other events similar to the inauguration for a long period of time. Youll have the full resources of the federal government, the metropolitan police and other state and local Law Enforcement in the area. I think that what has changed may be the resources the resources employed and the construction of different barriers to ensure that the inauguration is protected. So lets talk about social media. We reported this morning that President Trumps twitter account, his campaign account, conspiracy theorist and lawyer sidney powell, general Michael Flynn his account down, mike bannon, one of his accounts down as well. A layer or two below those names as we get to the conspiracy theorists, qanon leaders, as those are suspended, do you see those as a hindrance on the investigation or are you all in on thats a good thing to pull those accounts in . So i think any time that it is determined that somebody is weaponizing social media, social media is a great mode of communication when used for good. When used for adding in to incite violence, the social Media Companies are obligated to remove that content. This is going back several years when isis was weaponizing social media to incite social violence. It will not hinder the investigation at all, but it will help hopefully keep tensions at a lower level. So let me ask you this, because twitter has told cnn that they did see chatter about potential Second Attack on the capitol, on other sites potentially january 17th is a date that stood out in some of what they had seen. What is being done now . Theres obviously the expectation that twitter is working with Law Enforcement, but beyond that whats happening to try to make sure that those sites are secure . So i aside from just the sites, it will be trying to uncover whos responsible for posting that information, what associations do they have, are they affiliated with domestic terrorist groups, with the attack on the capitol. They will be somewhat ensuring potentially even folks that are predicated, are under some sort of surveillance through Law Enforcement making sure that anything that they are articulating that they would want to attack is mitigated. Information between the secret service, the fbi and other Law Enforcement agencies that will be surrounding the inauguration as well. 11 days out. Joshua school, thanks so much for the insight. We appreciate the expertise. Thank you, sir. Thank you very much. So there are more people dying from covid, obviously. In fact, the numbers are really horrific. The vaccine rollout in addition to that is much slower than anticipated, so were talking to a doctor who specialized in Infectious Diseases and talking about the reason why its going so slow. He just received his second vaccine. Well talk about that. Stay close. With our highest concentration of prebiotic oat intensely moisturizes over time to improve skins resilience. Aveeno® healthy. Its our nature™. [female narrator] lack access to safe surgery. To improve skins resilience. Thousands of children are suffering and dying from treatable causes. 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Good news there. President elect joe biden says hes aiming to release nearly every available dose of the vaccine when he takes office. Thats a change from the current approach which currently reserves half of vaccine production to save a later dose for later this year. Cnns Paulo Sandoval has more. Reporter by nearly every measure, its as bad as its ever been. The first full week of 2021 brought yet another record average daily covid19 death count. Strain on the nations hospitals and a warning about a possible covid19 variant in the u. S. Reports the White House Coronavirus task force sent a signal last week suggesting the current spike in cases could be partially due to a mutation of the virus in the u. S. The cdc however says there is currently no evidence of that at this time. The nations top Infectious Disease expert said the government is actively monitoring new variants coming in from the u. K. To make sure existing vaccines are effective. If anything changes, then we will be able to make a modification in the vaccine, but right now the data indicate that the u. K. Mu tabt is still quite sensitive to the antibodies that are induced by the vaccine. Reporter in california a sobering sign of the states staggering death toll. More than 90 refrigerated trailers being dispatched across the state to serve as mobile morgues for those who lost their covid19 battle. La county saw another 318 people die to covid19 on friday, the most ever in a single day. In some of the nations hospitals there is little to no bed space left. Every day this week seeing more than 100,000 hospitalizations. Much of the country remains behind on vaccine efforts. According to the cdc, these states have administered less than 1 4 of their Vaccine Supplies with only three administering over half of their lots. Michigan prepares to offer shots to teachers, front line workers and people over 65. The states governor calling on the government to release more doses. We still need a national strategy. I have been saying for months whether it was around getting masks at the beginning or getting testing or an economic recovery, relief, no vaccines, still is not a national strategy. Were building this as states. Reporter after weeks of waiting the elderly and city workers in new york city will roll up their sleeves on monday. President elect joe biden is set to get his second vaccine does then as well. Back to l. A. County, hospital officials at four public care facilities preparing to essentially rags health care into whats called crisis care mode. What that means, victor and christi, they will be faced with the very difficult task of deciding who gets what type of therapy here. Very difficult for them, but its the latest desperate attempt to try to keep up with that constant surge of covid19 patients out west. Paolo sandoval, thank you. Lets get more perspective from an Infectious Disease physician from Johns Hopkins health care security. Good to have you with us. I understand you just got your second Pfizer Vaccine yesterday. How are you feeling . This is definitely a little bit different than the first dose. I do have achiness in my arm so i know i got the vaccine. Its about the same after a tetanus shot. The first vaccine dose i had no symptoms at all. I didnt have a sore arm. This is something manageable. Im going to be at the hospital taking care of patients. It wasnt something that was disruptive to my life. How long did you wait between the doses . I waited the three weeks. I had the pfizer dose so i went with the schedule that was approved for the use of this vaccine. And i know this is important to you because you have described this to axios as a warlike situation, that we have to move as fast as possible to get these vaccines into arms. What exactly do you mean by a warlike situation . Were basically in a race against this virus, and we have these new variants that are likely more transmissible. The way that we can stop them is to get people vaccinated and get them protected so the quicker we can do that and the more people we can put on to this task, the faster this pandemic will be behind us. Weve got some dark days coming in the next several weeks, and we need to really not allow that to happen anymore. We have to give these hospitals some breathing room. To do that, if we can vaccinate vulnerable populations, nursing homes, community elderly, we have to put all efforts into doing this. When you say youre expecting dark days, what do you mean by that . We know theres so Much Community spread of this virus going on basically in all states were seeing too much infections. Thats going to translate to a certain percentage that get hospitalize and die. We have hospitals in Southern California that are at capacity. More and more hospitals are going to be thinking every day about what their capacity is, what care they can provide, can they do nonemergency surge sflis we dont want to be in that situation. The vaccine is one way out of it. We have to get it out of peoples arms and out of freezers. Health and Human Services secretary alex azar said this week he believed it would be better to move quickly and vaccinate lower priority people than to let the vaccine sit around in states as they try to micromanage the process. Do you agree with that . I do agree with that. A vaccine in the fridge is of no benefit to anybody. We cant let the priority groups, we have to have a good faith effort to stick to, we cant let them be an obstacle to getting the vaccine into their arms. I dont endorse everybody who would rather throw vaccine in a trash can and give it to somebody in phase 1 b versus phase 1 a. Emts and paramedics are getting vaccinated. Thats the right thing to do. Thats what hospitals should do and thats what we should do. Have that flexibility. These are mandates not guidelines. We cant let them be an obstacle. Speaking of flexibility, there are states taking a nontraditional approach to vaccinations. They are recruiting dentists, veterinarians, paramedics, emts, students. They say they typically pull nursing students to help annual flu vaccinations. Theyre doing so now with medical and dental students as well. Good idea in your opinion . Yes, thats the right approach. This is a warlike atmosphere. We have to get people to give vaccines. There was nobody that had a job as a covid19 vaccinator a year ago. Theyre being pulled from other areas. Many of the nurses and doctors, theyre tasked with responding to the cases that are in their hospital. We need to increase the pace of vaccination and a lot of that has to do with the last mile, getting vaccines into the arms of people. I do think its good for dentists and veterinarians to do this. We know there are states including new jersey, texas. Theyre opening up these mega vaccination sites. Good idea, do you think . I do think that mass vaccination sites are going to be important. We need to have a high through put and have a central area where you can watch people for 15 minutes to make sure they dont have an allergic reaction. It will be hard to do it in an emergency room or a waiting room for a drugstore. I do think countries like israel which have had the highest per capita vaccination numbers so far are using mass vaccination centers. We have to think about that. Stadiums, convention centers, auditoriums and gyms. I got my h 1 n 1 vaccine in an abandoned high school gym. It works. I think we can do that. Doctor, thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us this morning. Hope you well, some of President Trumps supporters are turning on republican lawmakers who are not backing the president. Mr. Trump, you are a traitor to the country you know it was rigged. You know it was rigged. Senator Lindsey Graham getting an earful as he walks through Reagan National airport. There are others. Well show you, next. Nc. Season, after season. Ace your immune support, with centrum. Every time you touch a surface, bacteria is left behind. Now, consider how many times your family touches the surfaces in your home in 24 hours. Try microban 24. Spray on hard surfaces to kill 99. 9 of viruses and bacteria initially, including the virus that causes covid19. Once dry, microban forms a bacteria shield that keeps killing bacteria for 24 hours, even after multiple touches. Try microban 24. This has been medifacts for microban 24. Its a very tough period of time, such a thing happened they could take it away from all of us. Research shows people remember commercials with nostalgia. So to help you remember that Liberty Mutual customizes your Home Insurance, heres one thatll really take you back. Wow whatd you get, ryan . Its customized Home Insurance from Liberty Mutual what does it do bud . It customizes our Home Insurance so we only pay for what we need and what did you get, mike . I got a bike. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Some backlash for senator Lindsey Graham after he criticized President Trumps handling of the riots on capitol hill. Watch. Mr. Graham, you are a traitor to the country you know it was rigged. You know it was rigged. You know it was rigged. Its going to be like this forever, wherever you go. The rest of your life. You see the president s supporters surrounding the South Carolina republican as he walked through Reagan National airport. That was yesterday. The senator has been one of President Trumps most vocal allies on capitol hill, surrounded there by security as you can see as well. But that backlash came after graham said the president s accomplishments have been tarnished by the protrump riots at the capitol. Utahs mitt romney had a similar encounter at the airport. Unlike graham, romney has been one of the president s sharpest critics. Be sure to join wolf blitzer tomorrow night for the trump insurrection, 24 hours that shook america. Well have a look at what happened at the capitol and what happens next. A new cnn special report tomorrow night at 10 00. And we have much news ahead on the next hour of new day starts after the break. Stay close. 15 or more headache days a month,. Each lasting 4 hours or more. Botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine. So, if you havent tried botox® for your chronic migraine,. Check with your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if samples are available. Effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection. Causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing,. Speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness. Can be signs of a lifethreatening condition. Side effects may include allergic reactions. 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